Nicholas (JP 🇯🇵: ニコラス, CN 🇹🇼: 尼古拉斯)
Ship ID No. 301 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time N/A
Acquisition Explore Stage 9-3
Enhance Income
Firepower 5
Torpedo 18
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN November 15, 2018
CN September 20, 2017
JP November 16, 2017
Voice actress Mao Ichimichi
Name 团子
Nicholas Description
Fletcher-class destroyer – Nicholas, Hull Number DD-449!
Nurse Nicholas Description
I love doing relief missions as a nurse... I don't need to go outside or take part in any training, I just need to look after injured people... What about treating them? No worries, they just need to rest and they'll get better.
Surprise!? Description
Merry Christmas, Commander. I'm your present, probably... Would you mind closing the lid for me so I can sleep a bit more... zzz...
Nicholas (Retrofit) Description
Commander, what month is it...? I think I overslept a bit... am I taller than I was before? *Yawn*... Gotta be because I slept the whole time...
Summer Cleaning "Volunteer" Description
Commander, did you also come to play in the pool? ...Me? Fletcher said I have to help clean up because I was slacking off... Mm, watch your step~
After-School Promise Description
Commander, because you kept your promise and came... here's some chocolate, and a letter for you. Please read it later. No, it's not that big of a deal... Just a little embarrassing...
Firepower C
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air C
HP 1762 Reload 180
Firepower 76 Torpedo 255
Evasion 154 Anti-air 154
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 192 Luck 80
Hit 188 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 2115 Reload 207
Firepower 87 Torpedo 291
Evasion 160 Anti-air 178
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 212 Luck 80
Hit 197 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 341 Reload 76
Firepower 16 Torpedo 54
Evasion 59 Anti-air 33
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 52 Luck 80
Hit 72 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 1927 Reload 180
Firepower 121 Torpedo 320
Evasion 154 Anti-air 209
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 202 Luck 80
Hit 188 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 2280 Reload 207
Firepower 132 Torpedo 356
Evasion 160 Anti-air 233
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 222 Luck 80
Hit 197 Speed 42
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 115%/117%/120%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 127mm Main Gun
3 Quadruple 28mm Chicago Piano
Fleet Tech
T8 Destroyer: Fletcher-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 17
Lv.120 13 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
The Nick When this ship fires its Main Guns: 5.0% chance to increase this ship's EVA by 16.0% (40.0%) and decrease the DMG it takes from enemy aircraft by 16.0% (40.0%) for 8s.
Full Firepower Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
Battle of Kula Gulf Every 20s: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP, TRP, and RLD by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s. Once per battle, when the HP of a ship in your Vanguard falls below 20.0%: decreases the DMG they take by 5.0% (15.0%) for the rest of the battle. If the recipient is Helena: also restores her HP by 8.0%.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Fletcher Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 弗莱彻级驱逐舰—尼古拉斯,舷号DD-449 フレッチャー級駆逐艦・ニコラス(DD-449) Fletcher-class destroyer – Nicholas, Hull Number DD-449!
Biography DD-449尼古拉斯…虽然编号靠后但我可是第一艘下水服役的弗莱彻级哦…战史多以火力支援为主,然后…虽然参与了击沉神通还救援了海伦娜姐姐,但其他海战经历就不太能拿得出手了…如果没有其他事情,我可以回去了吗? DD-449ニコラスでーす…番号は後ろだけどフレッチャー級で一番はじめに進水した船だよー。戦歴は主に火力支援だけどー、それと…神通を撃沈してヘレナ姉ちゃんを助けたー。ほかの戦いはあまり言うことないよー…もう帰っていいのー? I'm Nicholas, DD-449... Although my hull number is at the bottom of the list, I was actually the first Fletcher-class to be commissioned and launched... I mainly provided fire support, and... I contributed to the sinking of Jintsuu and the rescue of Helena, but I don't have much else noteworthy to my name... If there is nothing else you want to know, can I go back?
Acquisition 我是…弗莱彻级第一艘下水的尼古拉斯…比起出去战斗,我更希望能待在港区里,呐,可以吗? 最初に進水したフレッチャー級のニコラスだよー……出撃するより母港に引きこもってたーい……ねーいいでしょー? I'm Nicholas, the first Fletcher-class ship to be launched... I'd rather stay at the base than head out to battle... You don't mind, right?
Login 和指挥官不同,我只想待在这里,哪儿也不想去…… 指揮官と違ってー、わたし何処にも行きたくないのー、何処にもー…… I'm different from you, Commander. I'd prefer to just stay here and not go anywhere else...
Details 呼呼……咦,指、指挥官?难、难道我因为缺勤太多必须要出击了吗!? Zzzz……あ、し、指揮官?もしかしてわたしさぼりすぎて出撃しなきゃならなくなったの!? Zzzz... Oh, C-Commander? Are you gonna say that I've been slacking off too much and now I have to sortie?!
Main 重樱的鱼雷……好可怕…… 重桜の魚雷……こわーい…… Sakura Empire torpedoes... that's scary stuff...
Main 2 指挥官向海伦娜姐姐学习一下如何纵容我怎么样? 指揮官もヘレナ姉ちゃんのように、放任主義にしてはどー?わたしのこと♪ Commander, how about you learn from Helena and just leave me to my own devices?
Main 3 训练……提不起劲……完全提不起劲…… 訓練……やる気でなーい……ぜーんっぜん出なーい…… I really don't feel like training... not at all...
Touch 我才没有打瞌睡……Zzz 寝てないよー……Zzzz I'm not sleeping... Zzzz...
Touch (Special) 讨、讨厌…… い、いやー…… S-stop it...
Mission 任务,也不是一定要去做的……吧? 任務ってー、やらなきゃーってことじゃ…ないよね? It's not like we HAVE to finish our missions... right?
Mission Complete 指挥官,工作告一段落了,我想…… 指揮官、一段落ついたのでー、帰っても…… Commander, since we're done for now, do you think I could...
Mail 明明电子邮件早就出现了…… 「いーめーる」ってのがあるのにー We invented email for a reason...
Return to Port 欢、欢迎回来,指挥官……呐,我可以回去了吗? お、おおおかえりしきかーん!……ねえねえわたしもう帰ってもいい?? W-welcome back, Commander! ... Hey, listen, can I leave already?
Commission Complete 委托回来了,我也要回去了…… いたーくがもどったー、わたしもかえったー…… The commission team is back... I'm heading back now too...
Enhancement 好厉害…… すごーい…… Woooow...
Flagship ……以胜利为目标……吧? ……勝利を目指してー……ってどー? ... We came here to win... right?
Victory MVP是我吗……真难得 MVPはわたしかー……珍しいもんだねー Guess I'm the MVP... That's unusual.
Defeat 果、果然还是不出来比较好 や、やっぱり母港から出ないほうが…… I-I really should've never left the base...
Skill 好想回家…… 帰りたーい…… I wanna go home...
Affinity (Upset) 我不会从房间里出来的,绝不! 部屋からはぜったい出ないぞー I'm never leaving my room... Never!
Affinity (Stranger) 我并没有困……只是有点睁不开眼罢了 眠くないよー……ちょっと目が開けられないだけだよー I'm not sleepy... I just can't open my eyes.
Affinity (Friendly) 指、指挥官,现在很闲的话要不要一起去我的房间玩电子游戏…… し、指揮官、暇してたらわたしの部屋でゲームやらないかなーって…… C-Commander, if you're free, then how about coming to my room and playing some games...?
Affinity (Like) 如果一直待在家里,就见不到指挥官了……唔,怎么办才好…… ずっと部屋に引きこもってたらあんま指揮官とは会えないよね……うぅ、どうしよう…… If I always stay in my room then I won't get to see you much, Commander... Hmm, what should I do...
Affinity (Love) 唔……只要待在指挥官的房间里,就能一边看着指挥官一边打瞌睡了呢…… うぅ……指揮官の部屋に引きこもったら、指揮官を見ながら寝られるよねー♡ *Yawns*... Well, if I stay in your room, I can look at you and sleep at the same time, Commander...
Pledge 呜……这个仪式还要多久,好困……好想回去睡觉,指挥官,你也是这么想的吧? うぅ……式っていつまで続くのよ…ねむーい……帰って寝たい……指揮官もそう思わなーい? *Groans*... How long is this ceremony going to last... I want to go back and sleep... Don't you agree, Commander?
In battle with Helena 海伦娜,水面以下的也要多加注意啊 ヘレナ姉ちゃん、水面下も注意だよー Helena, keep an eye out for what's hidden under the water!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我喜欢护士这个身份……不用出门也不用训练,只需要照顾病人就好~治疗?只要好好地休息,病情一定会康复啦 ナースとしての救援任務は好きだよー……出かけることもないし、訓練にも参加する必要がないし、ケガ人の面倒を見るだけでいいよねー…治療?心配しないで、休めば勝手に治るよ? I love doing relief missions as a nurse... I don't need to go outside or take part in any training, I just need to look after injured people... What about treating them? No worries, they just need to rest and they'll get better.
Acquisition 我喜欢护士这个身份……不用出门也不用训练,只需要照顾病人就好~治疗?只要好好地休息,病情一定会康复啦 ナースとしての救援任務は好きだよー……出かけることもないし、訓練にも参加する必要がないし、ケガ人の面倒を見るだけでいいよねー…治療?心配しないで、休めば勝手に治るよ? I love doing relief missions as a nurse... I don't need to go outside or take part in any training, I just need to look after injured people... What about treating them? No worries, they just need to rest and they'll get better.
Login 珍贵的医护人员就应当待在后方……战地医生?那种角色还是交给女灶神前辈吧 貴重な医療スタッフは後方で……前線勤務?そんなのヴェスタル先輩に任せてよー Medical staff are valuable and should stay in the back... Frontline duty? That stuff is Vestal's job...
Details 在战场上,护士一边忍着睡意一边救护再正常不过了,所以,我现在是在练习啦,哈~欠~ 戦場では眠気を我慢しながら治療しなければならないの。ふはぁ~いまのは練習ー I need to control my sleepiness when treating people on the battlefield. *Yawn*... I'm working on it...
Main 针筒里放进了拉德福特的爱情糖果,所以一点~都不痛哦 注射器にはラドフォードちゃんの愛情キャンディが入ってるよー。痛くなーい、全然痛くなーい This syringe contains Radford's sweetie candy... It won't hurt... You won't feel a thing...
Main 2 生病了最重要的是好好休息,所以别顾虑我,躺在床上尽情地休息吧 調子が良くないんでしょ?わたしのことは放っといていいから、ベッドでそのまま休んでいいよ― You don't feel so good, do you? Don't worry about me, just stay in bed and rest...
Main 3 偶尔也会遇到那几位总是大吵大闹影响别人的病人,这种时候就得麻烦女灶神前辈前来支援 うるさいけが人がたまにいるのよねー、ま、そういう時はヴェスタル先輩にポイポイっとー Some of my patients can be pretty problematic... That's when I just dump them on Vestal...
Touch 指挥官,也想被“注射”一下吗? 指揮官も「お注射」されたいー? Do you want an "injection"...?
Touch (Special) 指挥官,终于生病了吗…… 指揮官、ついに病気になったねー…… You must have suddenly gotten very sick...
Mail 指挥官,病历书,请拿好 指揮官、はい、カルテ Here's your health record, Commander...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,圣诞快乐,我是礼物,大概……麻烦帮我盖一下盖子,让我再睡会儿…呼… 指揮官、メリクリだよー…多分わたしがプレゼントだよー……ちょっと蓋閉めてー、もっと寝させてねー……Zzzz…… Merry Christmas, Commander... I'm your present, probably... Would you mind closing the lid for me so I can sleep a bit more... Zzz...
Acquisition 指挥官,圣诞快乐,我是礼物,大概……麻烦帮我盖一下盖子,让我再睡会儿…呼… 指揮官、メリクリだよー…多分わたしがプレゼントだよー……ちょっと蓋閉めてー、もっと寝させてねー……Zzzz…… Merry Christmas, Commander... I'm your present, probably... Would you mind closing the lid for me so I can sleep a bit more... Zzz...
Login ……唔?指挥官,早上好 ……はあ……指揮官、おはよー ... *Yawn*... Good morning, Commander...
Details 欸,圣诞节不放假吗……好吧,那我再睡五分钟,就五分钟…… えークリスマスは休暇じゃないのー……じゃ、じゃああと五分寝かせてー…五分だけ……Zzzzz…… Huh? I don't get the day off on Christmas? ... Fine, give me five more minutes... Just five more minutes... Zzzzz...
Main 圣诞礼物……?我是无所谓,能让我睡够就好了…… クリスマスプレゼント……?どうだっていいよー、寝させてくれれば…… What I want for Christmas...? Don't really care, as long as I can get enough sleep...
Main 2 逛街?路上小心。……一起去?不要。 おでかけ?いってらっしゃ~い……一緒に行く?やだー Going out on an errand? Have fun... You want me to come with you? I don't wanna...
Main 3 海伦娜,要来一起睡吗?箱子里很暖和哦… ヘレナ姉ちゃん、一緒にねる?この箱の中は温かいよー Helena, wanna take a nap together? It's really snug inside this box...
Touch 指挥官,别摇我……呼…… 指揮官、揺らさないでー……Zzzzz…… Don't shake me, Commander... Zzzzz...
Mission Complete 指挥官,你看看这些箱子哪个是任务奖励,我忘了…… 指揮官、どの箱に任務報酬が入ってるか確認してー…わたし、報酬の箱がどれなのか忘れたー Commander, come check which one of these boxes contains the mission rewards... I forgot which it was...
Return to Port 指挥官,累了的话,枕头分你一半? 指揮官、疲れたー?はーい、枕半分こー You tired, Commander? Here, borrow half my pillow...
Affinity (Love) 虽然原本没打算睡在这里,不过,醒来第一眼看到的就是指挥官的感觉也不坏……圣诞快乐哦,指挥官 実はここで寝るつもりなかったけど、でも目覚めたら最初に見る人が指揮官だってのも悪くないよね―って思ってー……指揮官、メリクリー I didn't intend to doze off in here, but seeing your face first thing in the morning is pretty nice... Merry Christmas, Commander...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,你也来泳池玩吗?……我?弗莱彻说我太懒惰了,让我来帮忙清扫泳池…嗯,指挥官,当心脚下哦 指揮官、泳ぎに来たのー?…わたしはー、フレッチャーにサボりすぎは良くないってボランティアを手伝うよう言われたー…指揮官、足元注意… Commander, did you also come to play in the pool? ...Me? Fletcher said I have to help clean up because I was slacking off... Mm, watch your step~
Acquisition 指挥官,你也来泳池玩吗?……我?弗莱彻说我太懒惰了,让我来帮忙清扫泳池…嗯,指挥官,当心脚下哦 指揮官、泳ぎに来たのー?…わたしはー、フレッチャーにサボりすぎは良くないってボランティアを手伝うよう言われたー…指揮官、足元注意… Commander, did you also come to play in the pool? ...Me? Fletcher said I have to help clean up because I was slacking off... Mm, watch your step~
Login 沙滩好远……还是泳池好 海辺だと遠くなーい?…やっぱりプールだよねー The beach is too far... The pool's good enough.
Details 这件泳衣穿起来有点紧呢…说起来,我明明不打算游泳,为什么要穿泳衣来着…唔,算了,就这样吧 水着、キツキツ…んーわたし、泳ぐつもりなかったのに、どうして水着着てきたのー…?まあいっかー This swimsuit is a bit tight... Speaking of which, why am I even wearing a swimsuit anyway? I don't plan on swimming... Oh well. Too late now.
Main 弗莱彻级的姐妹太多了,弗莱彻姐姐让我们分批来泳池玩……不过对我来说没有什么所谓呢,反正我只是想在躺椅上睡觉…… フレッチャー級の子、人数が多すぎるから、プールで泳ぐときはローテを組んでって、フレッチャーに言われたー…わたしはどっちでもいいよー、横で寝るだけー… There are too many of us in the Fletcher class. Fletcher even made groups to stagger when we come to the pool... Not that it matters to me. I just plop on a sofa and sleep...
Main 2 真想快点打扫完躺下睡觉呢…呼啊…指挥官也来帮帮我嘛… 早く片付けて寝たーい……ふぅ…指揮官、助けてー I really want to finish here so I can go back to sleep... *yawn*...
Main 3 唔,既然不能睡觉…这样吧,指挥官,我们一起在泳池里装浮尸好不好? 寝るのがダメなら、指揮官とプールで遊びたーい…そう、プールで二人でぷかぷか浮かぶだけー Hmm, since I can't go back to sleep... How about this, Commander, why don't we float around like we're dead?
Touch 发型?因为太热了,所以让海伦娜姐姐帮我扎起来了…指挥官,喜欢吗? 髪型?暑いからヘレナ姉ちゃんにまとめ上げてもらったー…指揮官、どぉ…? My hairstyle? It's too hot, so I asked Helena to tie it up into a bun for me... What, do you like it?
Return to Port 指挥官,身上很多汗呢,冲个澡,然后在泳池里泡泡解解暑? 指揮官、汗でびっしょりー。シャワー浴びてプールに入っていかなーい? Commander, you're all sweaty. Want to take a shower then relax in the pool?
Affinity (Love) 夏天好热,哪里都不想去……唔?指挥官有什么想去的地方吗?如果是指挥官想去的,那我也可以考虑一下…… 暑いから、どこにも行きたくなーい…指揮官はどこか行きたい…?指揮官がどうしてもっていうなら…考えてもいいよー… It's too hot to do anything in the summer... Huh? You'd like to go somewhere? ...Well, in that case, maybe I can consider it...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,按照约定来了呢…这个巧克力,给你。还有这个…唔,还是等回去再看吧,多少有些让人害羞…只是一些感谢的话语而已,没什么的…… 約束通り来てくれた指揮官にチョコー…と、こっちのお手紙は、あとで読んでねー。うん、別に大したこと書いてないよー…恥ずかしいけど… Commander, because you kept your promise and came... here's some chocolate, and a letter for you. Please read it later. No, it's not that big of a deal... Just a little embarrassing...
Acquisition 指挥官,按照约定来了呢…这个巧克力,给你。还有这个…唔,还是等回去再看吧,多少有些让人害羞…只是一些感谢的话语而已,没什么的…… 約束通り来てくれた指揮官にチョコー…と、こっちのお手紙は、あとで読んでねー。うん、別に大したこと書いてないよー…恥ずかしいけど… Commander, because you kept your promise and came... here's some chocolate, and a letter for you. Please read it later. No, it's not that big of a deal... Just a little embarrassing...
Login 就剩下我和指挥官了呢,嗯…就这样…随便说说话吧。 わたしと指揮官二人っきり、うん……適当におしゃべりでもするー? Just the two of us, all alone... Mm, we can talk about anything you'd like.
Details 明石的店里不仅提供巧克力,还有定制包装服务,真是非常方便呢。 チョコを売ってくれるだけじゃなく、ラッピングもしてくれるー。明石のお店って便利ー… Not only does she sell chocolate, she even wraps it up... Akashi's shop sure is convenient...
Main 唔…有点困了,把桌子拼成床睡会好了… 眠い…机を合せてベッドにするよー…… Sleepy... Gonna put the desks together to make a bed...
Main 2 嗯,指挥官把巧克力收下了,我可以期待下之后的回礼了吧…? チョコを受け取ってくれたんだから、お礼を期待してもいいよね…? Commander, since you accepted my chocolate, can I expect a reward...?
Main 3 海伦娜姐姐好像也给指挥官准备了巧克力,指挥官要好好收下哦? ヘレナ姉ちゃんからもチョコがあるよー。指揮官、そっちも受け取ってねー…? I also brought the chocolate that Helena prepared for you. Make sure to treasure it, okay?
Touch 唔…指挥官不要动,再让我靠会…呼… 指揮官動かないでー。もう少し…Zzzz……… Commander, stop moving around... Let me get a little closer... Zzzzz...
Return to Port 指挥官…再陪我在这多待一会嘛。 指揮官…もうちょっとここにいてー Commander... stay with me a bit longer~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,今天是几月?我好像稍微有点睡过头了……身体成长了?呼哇~因为我一直都在睡觉嘛…… 指揮官、今日は何月ー?ちょっと寝すぎて……体が大きくなっちゃった?ふはぁ…ずっと寝てたからねー Commander, what month is it...? I think I overslept a bit... am I taller than I was before? *Yawn*... Gotta be because I slept the whole time...
Acquisition 指挥官,今天是几月?我好像稍微有点睡过头了……身体成长了?呼哇~因为我一直都在睡觉嘛…… 指揮官、今日は何月ー?ちょっと寝すぎて……体が大きくなっちゃった?ふはぁ…ずっと寝てたからねー Commander, what month is it...? I think I overslept a bit... am I taller than I was before? *Yawn*... Gotta be because I slept the whole time...
Details 不用出门就能处理的事务,倒是可以拜托给我 出かけなくてもやれる仕事はわたしに任せていいよ― You can let me handle all the work you don't have to go outdoors for...
Main 鱼雷……勉勉强强也能当做枕头呢 魚雷……枕代わりもぎりぎりイケるかも These torpedoes... could work as a half-decent pillow replacement.
Main 2 我一天也不尽是在睡觉啦,只是清醒的时候也完全不想动弹 別にいまでも毎日寝てるわけじゃないよー。まあ、起きている間でも動きたくないけどね… It's not like I sleep all day EVERY day... But that's not to say I like moving around when awake...
Main 3 尼古拉斯……梦想是成为雕像…… ニコラス……夢はスタチューになる…… Nicholas has a dream... A dream of becoming a statue...
Touch 这次我真的没有在打瞌睡哦! ねねね寝てないってば! S-s-s-still awake, okay?!
Touch (Special) 笨、笨蛋…… ば、ばかー…… Y-you jerk...