Bache (JP 🇯🇵: バッチ, CN 🇹🇼: 贝奇)
Ship IDNo. 407Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time00:28:00
AcquisitionLight ship Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressSayaka Kaneko
Yoohoo~! You the Commander? You look kinda weaksauce, though~! Name's Bache! I'm joining this fleet, starting today! I'll take good care of you, so just kick back and get ready for my greatness!
Gorgeous Speed-starDescription
Ahaha~! Are you seeing this, Commander? This sturdiness, this gorgeous paint job, and these special accessories hand-picked by yours truly! Muahaha! I am the true speed-star of this port!
Showy Sports StarDescription
Tada! Your favorite tennis superstar, Bache, is right here! ...Hey Commander, you're supposed to cheer for me like you're one of my fans in the stands!
HP338 Reload72
Firepower14 Torpedo53
Evasion60 Anti-air36
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW46 Luck78
HP1570 Reload138
Firepower39 Torpedo145
Evasion203 Anti-air137
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW115 Luck82
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun110%/112%/115%/120%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun120%/122%/125%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Single 127mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T8 Destroyer: Fletcher-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock6 +1
Max LimitBreak13
Lv.1209 +1
Bache In The SkyDecreases this ship's DMG taken from enemy aircraft by 10.0% (30.0%) . When any ship in the fleet fires their Anti-Air Guns: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's AA by 15.0% (30.0%) for 8s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Fletcher Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description弗莱彻级驱逐舰—贝奇,舷号DD-470フレッチャー級駆逐艦・バッチ(DD-470)Fletcher-class destroyer – Bache, Hull Number DD-470.
Biography哼哼,我是弗莱彻级驱逐舰里最帅的贝奇!不管是苏里高的炮火还是冲绳的的飞机都无所畏惧!最后在太阳神雕像废墟旁看着美丽的爱琴海度过的日子,是别的驱逐舰不会有的完美的待遇呢,哈哈哈!ふふん、フレッチャー級のいっちばんカッコいい駆逐艦のバッチよ!スリガオの砲火もこのあたしにかかればなんてことないわ!それとぉ、エーゲ海のアポロン像のそばで過ごせるなんて他の駆逐艦じゃあ出来ない体験だもん!はははは!Ahah! I'm the numero uno coolest Fletcher-class destroyer, Bache! My fire support in the Surigao Strait was no big deal! Also, no other destroyer has experienced the glory of resting beside the Colossus of Rhodes as much as I have! Hahahahah!
Acquisition吼吼~?你就是指挥官吗?一副弱不禁风的样子嘛~我是今天开始加入舰队的贝奇~放心,我会好好地“照顾”你的!尽管期待吧!やっほー!あんたが指揮官?よわっちぃっぽい感じ~あたしは今日からこの艦隊に着任するバッチよ!面倒見てやるから安心しなさいアンド期待しなさいな!Yoohoo~! You the Commander? You look kinda weaksauce, though~! Name's Bache! I'm joining this fleet, starting today! I'll take good care of you, so just kick back and get ready for my greatness!
Login快点喝了这杯提神咖啡吧!贝奇的指挥官可不能这么无精打采的!エナジーコーヒーでも飲んでなさい!バッチの指揮官はへばってちゃだめだかんね!Drink this energizing coffee! We can't have you run outta gas, can we!
Details哈哈哈!贝奇出动的时间到了吗?はっはっは!バッチの出撃タイム?Hah hah hah! Is it my time to sortie?
Main今天的风儿有些喧嚣呢~啊,风力太大可是会出事的呢,记住了吗?指挥官?今日の風はすごいね…風が大きすぎると変なこと起きちゃうよ?指揮官、わかる?It's windy as all hell today... and when it gets too windy, bad things happen. You get me, Commander?
Main 2指挥官还真是不懂呢,我这身衣服可是当下时髦的象征呢!この衣装は流行りのファッションよ!指揮官ってそんなこともわからないわけ?This outfit is what's in vogue! Do you seriously not know fashion when you see it?
Main 3重樱的飞机?那种东西在贝奇面前最没用啦!哈哈哈!フレッチャーの子たちがバッチと同じくシャイニングしていれば、バッチも彼女たちのことを覚えられるもん!If the other Fletchers were as flashy as me then maybe I could actually remember their names!
Touch现在分心的话,等下工作做不完可别哭着鼻子来找贝奇哦!後でお仕事終わんなくなってもバッチに甘えるんじゃないわよ!Don't come begging for my help later if you're this easily distracted and can't finish your work!
Touch (Special)指挥官对这个热裤就这么感兴趣吗?真是个糟糕得不行的家伙啊~指揮官、この格好やっぱり気になる?このドスケベ~You really like my getup, don'tcha, Commander? You absolute degenerate~
Touch (Headpat)指挥官虽然看起来弱不禁风的样子,不过这手掌还挺舒服的嘛!指揮官って弱っちいっぽいなのに、いい感じにナデナデしてくれるんだ!You might be weaksauce, but you're really good at patting heads!
Mission指挥官,任务搞不定的话,就让贝奇来“照顾”你吧!指揮官、任務が終わんなかったらバッチが面倒を見たげる!If you can't finish your missions then magnanimous me's gonna have to step up to the plate!
Mission Complete真是让人不省心的指挥官,这些奖励可不要忘记了啊!もう世話の焼ける指揮官ねー報酬を忘れるんじゃないわ!I really have to babysit you, don't I? Don't forget about collecting the mission rewards!
Mail哼哼,这儿有你的信!不过看你这么忙,贝奇就好心念给你听吧,指挥官~ふっふん!メールだよ!忙しくて手が離せない指揮官のためにバッチが特別に読み上げてあげる!Heh heh! You've got mail! Since you're such a busy bee and I'm so considerate, I'll read it out for ya!
Return to Port指挥官一副筋疲力尽的样子啊,真让人看不过去!这是贝奇特制的蜂蜜运动饮料!喝吧!指揮官、元気ないね~もぉ見てらんない!バッチ特製のエナドリwithはちみつスペシャル!ほら飲んどけ~!You look awfully mopey, Commander. I can't stand it! Take a sip of my special honey-infused energy drink! Don't argue, just do it!
Commission Complete指挥官!有人回来了,迎接委托队这种事可是指挥官的重要工作,可别忘了!指揮官!誰かが戻ってきた!委託チームの出迎えは仕事でしょ?忘れんな!Commander, someone's back! Remember how it's part of the job to greet the commission team? Yeah, don't forget it!
Enhancement呵呵,现在就去试一试新的力量吧!やっほー、新しい力、早速トライしてみよう!Suh-weet! Let's try out my new powers!
Flagship就凭你们也想战胜贝奇?笑死我啦!あんたたちでバッチに勝つつもり?笑えるぅ!You suckers think you can defeat me? That's funny!
Victory太弱了,你们这群家伙实在是太弱了~弱いなーほんっとうに弱いなー!はははは!So weeeak! What a buncha losers! Hahahaha!
Defeat哼,给我等着,下次贝奇一定给你好看!ふん!今度バッチがボコボコにしてやるから、今に見てなさーーーい!I'll be back to smack the crap outta you dolts, just you waaaaaait!
Skill贝奇大显身手的时间来了!バッチ's ショータイム!It's showtime!
Low HP挺有能耐嘛!不过贝奇肯定更强啦哈哈哈!やるじゃない!でもバッチのほうがもっと強いよ!ははは!Not bad! But I'm badder and stronger than you! Hahaha!
Affinity (Upset)像你这样的废柴指挥官,除了贝奇之外应该没人愿意照顾了吧?嚯嚯嚯,真是可怜呢!こーんなダメ指揮官の面倒を見るのはバッチ以外誰もいないんだよね~可哀想~I'm the only one on the planet who'd look after someone as sorry as you~ Poor little thing~
Affinity (Stranger)啊?身上有伤?这点小事贴上OK绷就可以啦~贝奇还不需要指挥官来担心呢!嘻嘻~ん?怪我?ないない!この絆創膏はファッションだよ~指揮官に心配されるバッチじゃないぞ!へへ☆Hm? Hurt my leg? Nope! The bandaid is just for decoration~! Nothin' for you to worry your little mind about! Heheh☆
Affinity (Friendly)哦?贝奇这身大衣很时髦对吧?指挥官穿上这种感觉的服装的话,或许也会变帅呢,哈哈哈!ほほう、指揮官もこのジャケットかっこいいと思う?指揮官もこういうのを羽織ったらスタイリッシュさアップかもよ?はははは!Hoho? You digging my jacket, Commander? Y'know, your style might just improve if you wear something like it! Hahahahah!
Affinity (Like)指挥官,你的穿搭实在是太土了啦!过来这边!哼哼,贝奇有必要让指挥官认识一下真正的品味!指揮官のコーデ全然ダメダメ!ほら!バッチが指揮官にファッションセンスを教えたげる!Your style is so last century, Commander! Take a seat and I'll give you a fashion crash course!
Affinity (Love)指挥官最近的穿搭变得很帅了,也不是一副弱不禁风的样子了,嘿嘿嘿,贝奇都要被指挥官迷住了!指揮官、最近かっこよくなったし、弱っちいにも見えなくなったね!もうバッチ、惚れちゃいそう~なんてね☆Y'know, your fashion sense has really improved; you don't look so lame anymore! Keep it up and I might fall for you~ Pfft, yeah right☆
Pledge就算指挥官独当一面了,还是得要贝奇来照顾呢,不过没关系!贝奇会照顾指挥官一辈子的,嘿嘿,做好觉悟吧いくらカッコよくなっても、指揮官はバッチに世話を焼かせるんだ~でも大丈夫!バッチはずっと面倒を見たげる!へへへ、覚悟しなさい!Guess I'll always need to babysit you, no matter how stylish you get~ But that's okay! I'll look after you till the end of time! Hehehe, hope you're ready for me!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Fletcher, Charles Ausburne, Thatcher, Aulick, Foote, Spence你是……你是……不管啦!贝奇已经记不清楚了,总之大家一起上吧!フレッチャー級の…だれだっけ?わかんない!Fletcher-class destroyer... uh, who are you, again? I can't remember!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哼哼,看到了吗指挥官!这令人安心的厚重感,和华丽时髦的涂装!还有贝奇专门为此搭配的特别装备!呼呼呼…现在的贝奇就是港区最华丽的速度之星!むっふっふー、見たか指揮官!この重量感とビューティフルな塗装、そしてそしてバッチが準備した特殊装備!むふふふ、今母港一のスピードスターはこのバッチよ!Ahaha~! Are you seeing this, Commander? This sturdiness, this gorgeous paint job, and these special accessories hand-picked by yours truly! Muahaha! I am the true speed-star of this port!
Acquisition哼哼,看到了吗指挥官!这令人安心的厚重感,和华丽时髦的涂装!还有贝奇专门为此搭配的特别装备!呼呼呼…现在的贝奇就是港区最华丽的速度之星!むっふっふー、見たか指揮官!この重量感とビューティフルな塗装、そしてそしてバッチが準備した特殊装備!むふふふ、今母港一のスピードスターはこのバッチよ!Ahaha~! Are you seeing this, Commander? This sturdiness, this gorgeous paint job, and these special accessories hand-picked by yours truly! Muahaha! I am the true speed-star of this port!
Login哦?嗯~~?指挥官看起来没什么精神呢?要不要贝奇带你兜两圈呀~?嘻嘻ふーん?ふーーーーーん?指揮官、なんか元気ないじゃん!バッチがいいところまで連れてったげる!ひゃははは☆Hmm? Hmmmmmm? Man, you look miserable, Commander! Sit here and I'll take you on a wild ride! Ahahahaha!
Details其实贝奇对机车…也不是很懂就是了。不过,一位皇家的朋友在这方面帮了我很多呢!要好好感谢她才行バイクのことは…わからん!んまあ、本当はロイヤルの友達が助けてくれた!サンキューって言わないとね!When it comes to bikes... I don't know squat! So I just got my Royal Navy pal to help out! I've gotta thank her later!
Main车子看起来很新?那当然是因为贝奇保养得好啦!真新しく見える?バッチがいつも上手にメンテしてるおかげよ!Still looking brand new? Well yeah, thanks to my daily pro-level maintenance!
Main 2指挥官想试试这辆车?当然不行!万一把贝奇的爱车弄坏了怎么办!乗ってみたい?とーぜん…ダメ!バッチのこの子が壊れたらどうすんの!You wanna ride my bike? Of course you... can't! Think what'd happen if you crash it!
Main 3嘿嘿,如果你要去哪里的话,诚心诚意地拜托贝奇,贝奇也不是不能捎你一程的呢~どこか行きたい場所があったら、バッチに丁寧に丁寧にねだってくれたら、もしかしたらバッチ、乗せてあげなくもないぞ~If there's somewhere you wanna go, if you ask me really nicely with a cherry on top, I just might let you hop on~
Touch嘿嘿,指挥官也觉得贝奇的爱车很帅吧!羡慕了吗~?哼哼,那就特别允许你看个够吧!ひゃは☆指揮官もバッチのこの子、かっこいいと思うでしょう!羨ましいでしょう!気が済むまで見るのを特別に許したげる!Aha! You're digging my bike and style, aren't you, Commander? Aren't you jelly? Since I'm so nice, I'll let you stare until you're satisfied!
Touch (Special)借着搭车的名由对贝奇出手,指挥官真的是太糟糕了呢~なんてタイミングでバッチに手を出すんだ~?このヘンタイ☆Seizing the chance to feel me up, huh~? You dirty perv~
Return to Port速度之星全力暴走!冲啊!…呼呼,贝奇开足马力时的台词已经决定好了!スピードスター全力前進!行けー!……なんて☆決め台詞はとっくに考えておいたよ!Speed-star, engine at full throttle! Let's roll! ... Teehee~ I came up with that sweet catchphrase long ago!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description锵啦啦啦!闪耀赛场的网球选手贝奇,登场啦!……喂,指挥官,别愣着啦,赶紧像现场的观众们那样给贝奇喝彩啦!ジャジャーン!華麗なテニススターバッチの登場よ!指揮官、ぼうっとしてないでみんなと一緒にバッチの応援をするがいいわ!Tada! Your favorite tennis superstar, Bache, is right here! ...Hey Commander, you're supposed to cheer for me like you're one of my fans in the stands!
Acquisition锵啦啦啦!闪耀赛场的网球选手贝奇,登场啦!……喂,指挥官,别愣着啦,赶紧像现场的观众们那样给贝奇喝彩啦!ジャジャーン!華麗なテニススターバッチの登場よ!指揮官、ぼうっとしてないでみんなと一緒にバッチの応援をするがいいわ!Tada! Your favorite tennis superstar, Bache, is right here! ...Hey Commander, you're supposed to cheer for me like you're one of my fans in the stands!
Login指挥官,来陪贝奇练球啦!等到贝奇拿下优胜的时候,功劳算你一份哦!指揮官、バッチの応援に付き合え!今度バッチが優勝したら指揮官にも褒美をあげる♪Commander, come here and help me practice! If I win the championship, you'll get a special reward♪
Details赢下比赛的时候,什么样的庆祝动作会更吸引人眼球呢?唔唔……指挥官!你也来想想吧!勝った時はどんな決めポーズがいいか…弱っちぃ指揮官には関係ないけどぉ、バッチと一緒に考えなさい!I've gotta come up with a sweet victory pose... It doesn't concern weaksauce like you, but you can brainstorm with me if you want!
Main贝奇是外卡选手……这是什么意思?是说贝奇很厉害的意思吗?バッチはワイルドカード……つまり、バッチがスゴイってことなの!?They said I'm a wild card... Does that mean I'm super talented?!
Main 2等下等下!指挥官,你的发球太快了,贝奇根本接不住啦!ちょ、ちょっと待って……指揮官の速すぎてリターン無理ぃ……Hey! Wait a sec! You're throwing too fast for me to return the ball...!
Main 3指挥官,累了?我早就知道会这样呢。喝吧,贝奇准备的特制蜂蜜运动饮料!哼哼~保证能让气喘吁吁的指挥官完全复活呢!指揮官は疲れたぁ?実はバッチ、こうなると思ってたけどぉ~ふふん、このバッチ特製のハチミツドリンクでも飲め飲め~どんなにヘトヘトな指揮官でも一発で復活させてやるわ!You tired, Commander? Guess what, I anticipated that you would be~! Heheh, have a taste of my deluxe honey drink! This stuff will get you back in the game, no matter how drained you are!
Touch怎么了?被贝奇的网球裙给迷住了吗?バッチのテニスウェア姿に見惚れた~?Has my tennis outfit got you crazy for me~?
Touch (Special)指挥官难道要在没有人的网球场对贝奇出手?真是糟透了呢~弱っちぃ指揮官はここでバッチに手を出すなんて無理無理~ほぇ?!No weaksauce commander in the world can touch me now~! Whuah?!
Return to Port指挥官,贝奇我在练发球哦!捡球就拜托你啦!バッチは今サーブを練習中!弱っちぃ指揮官はボールパーソンよろしくぅ!I'm practicing my serves right now! Be a nice weaksauce Commander and fetch my ball!