Southampton (JP 🇯🇵: サりサンプトン, CN 🇹🇌: 南安普顿)
Ship ID No. 110 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Rare
Navy Royal Navy Build Time 01:25:00
Acquisition Monthly Sign-in
Enhance Income
Firepower 12
Torpedo 17
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Ayumi Mano
Southampton Description
Southampton-class light cruiser – Southampton.
New Year's Little Knight Description
Hello there~! Royal Knight Southampton is reporting for duty in a Sakura-style outfit! Hehe, don't you have something to tell me about my new look, like how cute it is? Come on, don't be shy. Speak up~
Firepower B
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air C
HP 3293 Reload 149
Firepower 131 Torpedo 239
Evasion 76 Anti-air 270
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 91 Luck 32
Hit 140 Speed 32
Armor Light
HP 3688 Reload 171
Firepower 151 Torpedo 273
Evasion 100 Anti-air 307
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 103 Luck 32
Hit 157 Speed 32
Armor Light
HP 637 Reload 63
Firepower 28 Torpedo 51
Evasion 29 Anti-air 58
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 25 Luck 32
Hit 54 Speed 32
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 32
Hit Speed 32
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 32
Hit Speed 32
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 115%/120%/120%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/120%/130%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 152mm Main Gun
2 Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Southampton-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Smokescreen After the battle begins and 15.0% (30.0%) chance every 15s after that: deploys a smokescreen that increases Evasion Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) for all your ships in it. Does not stack with other smokescreen skills. Smokescreen lasts 5s.
Reload Order Every 20s: 25.0% chance to increase the RLD of your entire fleet by 5.0% (25.0%) for 8s. Does not stack with the same skill.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Southampton Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
01:25:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 南安普顿级蜻巡掋舰——南安普顿舷号C83 サりサンプトン玚軜巡掋艊・サりサンプトンHMS Southampton Southampton-class light cruiser – Southampton.
Biography 我是南安普顿级的呜名舰。䜆是我也是姐効䞭唯䞀䞀艘没有平安退圹的。芁是那䞪时候我的运气奜䞀点的话  唔唔䌀心的埀事我䞍想再回忆啊 サりサンプトン玚のネヌムシップにしお、あの倧戊䞭、姉効艊の䞭で唯䞀沈んだ船――それがこの僕、サりサンプトンです。あの時はもうちょっずだけ運がよかったらなあ  ううっ、蟛い過去なんお思い出したくないですよね  I am the name ship of the Southampton-class. During the war, I was the only one of my sisters to be sunk. How lucky of me... Ugh. Let's not speak of such unpleasant memories...
Acquisition 䜠奜䜠奜䞻  䞍对䞍对指挥官我是南安普顿有什么需芁的地方尜管吩咐及倖 这里应该有可以圚工䜜之䜙䞀蟹喝茶䞀蟹听音乐䌑息的地方吧 どうもどうもごしゅじん  じゃなくお僕の名はサりサンプトン、さあ、なんなりずご呜什をくださいたせあっ、恐瞮ですけど、ここには音楜ずお茶をたしなみながら䌑憩できるスペヌスはありたすよね Good day, Mast- ahem! My name is Southampton. Let me know if there's anything I might do for you. Oh and, not to be a bother, but is there a space here where I can make tea and enjoy some music?
Login 噢指挥官䞺了早点完成今倩的工䜜䞀起加油吧 おお指揮官様、今日の仕事を䞀刻でも早く終わらせるよう、䞀緒に努力しようじゃありたせんか Oho! Commander, let us combine forces to finish the day's work as soon as possible!
Details 没有什么事情比沉浞圚舒猓的曲调圓䞭䌑息曎棒了。指挥官䜠也试试吧 メむドよりやっぱり階士隊の方が奜きですね色々楜になりたしたし。指揮官様もなっおみるずいいですよ Naturally, I rather enjoy being a knight more than a maid. Losing myself in this music is such a delight. Commander, you simply must try it as well!
Main 指挥官䞍劂圚办公宀里面攟䞪叀兞的留声机吧 指揮官様、執務宀にレトロな蓄音機を眮くのはいかがでしょう Commander, why don't we put a nice old phonograph right there in your office?
Main 2 女仆队她们每倩郜芁忙这忙那的  我可做䞍到啊。 メむドをやっおいたら今頃毎日忙しくおたたらなくなっおたすね  いや僕にはそういうの無理なんですよ The maids would be running ragged right about now... I am terribly unsuited to that sort of work.
Main 3 仪仗兵别瞎诎我可是乔治五䞖倧人手䞋正经的皇家骑士啊 儀仗兵倱敬なこれでもゞョヌゞ様の䞋で務めるロむダルガヌドナむトですよ Honour guard? Bite your tongue! I am a Royal Knight under the command of King George V!
Touch 没粟神了吗那么小睡䞀䌚劂䜕 お疲れですかじゃあ少しの間暪になっおお䌑みになっおはどうですか Are you tired? Well then let's lie down for a nap, shall we?
Touch (Special) 我、我䞍是女仆啊  䞍对䞍对对女仆也䞍胜这样啊 が、僕はメむドじゃありたせんよ いやいやメむドでもこんなこずしちゃダメだっお I-I'm not a maid! ... Err, rather, you can't do that to a maid either!
Mission 任务 距犻期限还有䞀点时闎皍埮晚点再完成也没关系 的吧嘿嘿  任務ですか 締切たでただ時間がありたすし、少し埌回しにしおも いいですよねぞぞぞ A mission, is it...? There's still a bit of time until the deadline. I think we can worry about it later... don't you? Hehehe.
Mission Complete 任务奖励来了呢虜然䞍那么着急还是䞍芁忘了领比蟃奜呢  任務報酬到着別に急ぎじゃありたせんけど、受け取りを忘れないようにしたほうがいいですよ The mission rewards came in! Now there's no rush, but you'd better not forget to collect them.
Mail 这次又䌚是从哪里寄来的信呢 今床はどこからのお手玙でしょうか Who's the letter from this time?
Return to Port 指挥官䜠的办公宀还蛮倧的圚这里偷偷懒什么的䌌乎也挺䞍错的呢   指揮官様の執務宀っお意倖ずお広い ここでサボるのはいいかも   Commander, your office is much bigger than I expected... You know, this would be the perfect place to play hooky for a bit...
Commission Complete 䜠芁去接委托队吗那就 接完她们再回来䌑息吧嘿嘿~ 委蚗チヌムの出迎えに行かれたすかじゃあ䌑むのは垰っおからにしたすね。ぞぞぞ Must we go meet the commission team? Very well. Let's head straight back for a rest afterwards. Hehe~
Enhancement 我变区了垌望任务䞍䌚跟着变倚呢嘿嘿~ 匷くなりたしたけど、お仕事が増えなければいいですね。ぞぞぞ I've grown stronger! But I do hope you won't increase my workload. Hehehe.
Flagship 等等等等倧家别冲埗那么急啊 ちょ、ちょっずタンマみんな先走り過ぎだっおば W-wait a tick! Don't go charging on ahead like that!
Victory 胜利犹劂氎到枠成耶~ 勝利の機運は抌し寄せる波の劂しむェヌむ We have seized the day! Yaay!
Defeat 疌疌疌疌赶赶玧撀退吧 あいたたたは、早く撀退したしょう Aieeee! L-let us beat a hasty retreat!
Skill 该出手时我就䌚出手 やるずきはやらせおいただきたすよヌ I do what I must!
Low HP 啊哇哇哇这这次芁平安无事啊 あわわわぶ、無事でいおくださぁい Aieeee! Pl-please settle down!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官匊绷埗倪玧的话随时郜可胜断掉的哊 指揮官様、ずっず匵り詰めすぎるず倒れちゃいたすよ You know, Commander, if you keep pushing me like this I'm going to break.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官今倩也圚䞺舰队而奔波吗 指揮官様、今日も艊隊のために䞀生懞呜頑匵っおいるっお感じですか Commander, have you devoted yourself to the fleet once again today?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官其实没必芁让自己这么环的吧比劂  让女仆队的姐効们来垮点忙之类的 指揮官様、そんなに自分を远い詰めなくおもいいですよ代わりはそうですね  姉効艊のメむドたちに助けおもらったりする ずか Commander, you need not work yourself so hard, you know? Why not let, say... One of my maid sisters take some of your workload... Hmm?
Affinity (Like) 其实也䞍是所有工䜜郜芁非埗做埗那么完矎啊。简单䞀点随性䞀点让自己匀心䞀点䞍也挺奜的吗 䜕事も党郚100点を取ろうず頑匵らなくおもいいですよ。もうちょっず適圓にしお、気楜にしお、毎日楜しく過ごしたほうがいいですっお It's not like everything needs to be done one hundred percent perfectly all the time. Just take it easy. It's good enough for government work. You need to cut loose more often.
Affinity (Love) 劂果䞍知道该怎么让自己匀心的话就让我来匕富指挥官吧嗯䜠问芁做什么等我先想䞀想吧嘿嘿 指揮官様が楜しく過ごせる方法を知らなければ、この僕が盎々に指導しお差し䞊げたすようん䜕をするっおちょ、ちょっず考えさせおくださいねえぞぞぞ Commander, if you don't know how to relax, just let me be your guide. Hm? What will I do? Erm, well, wait a tick and let me think! Ehehehe~
Pledge 虜然誓纊是䞪埈庄重的仪匏䜆是攟心吧我䞍䌚对指挥官有倪倚纊束的唯䞀的芁求嘛  想见到指挥官的时候指挥官胜第䞀时闎出现就行了 ケッコンっお結構堅苊しい印象がありたすけど、安心しお、指揮官様には矩務ずか゚チケットずか瞛り付けるこずはしたせんっおたあ䞀぀だけ、もし僕が指揮官様に䌚いたくなったずきに、僕の願いを聞いおくれたら倧䞈倫ですよ♪ Now, I know marriage is a solemn and serious ritual, but don't worry, I'm not going to stand on ceremony with you, Commander! Indeed, I have only one request: that whenever I wish to see you, Commander, you be there for me ♪
In battle with Newcastle 纜卡斯尔姐我想喝䜠泡的红茶了呢 ニュヌカッスル、今床たた玅茶淹れおくれない Newcastle! Might I trouble you for a spot of tea?
In battle with Northampton 䜠是北north我是南south我们亀䞪朋友怎样 北ず 南よし、仲良くなりたしょう North and... South! Hah! I think we'll get along famously!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䜠奜䜠奜~这里是挑战党新重暱风栌的南安普顿嘿嘿有没有对我的新装扮感到心劚了呀尜管倚来䞀些“变埗曎可爱了”之类的倞奖吧~我可是埈愿意听的嘿嘿~ どうもどうも重桜颚衣装のロむダルナむト・サりサンプトンですぞぞ、着替えた僕ぞの評䟡は「可愛い」ずか、そんな評䟡なら喜んでお受けしたすから、どんどん蚀っおくださっおいいですよ Hello there~! Royal Knight Southampton is reporting for duty in a Sakura-style outfit! Hehe, don't you have something to tell me about my new look, like how cute it is? Come on, don't be shy. Speak up~
Acquisition 䜠奜䜠奜~这里是挑战党新重暱风栌的南安普顿嘿嘿有没有对我的新装扮感到心劚了呀尜管倚来䞀些“变埗曎可爱了”之类的倞奖吧~我可是埈愿意听的嘿嘿~ どうもどうも重桜颚衣装のロむダルナむト・サりサンプトンですぞぞ、着替えた僕ぞの評䟡は「可愛い」ずか、そんな評䟡なら喜んでお受けしたすから、どんどん蚀っおくださっおいいですよ Hello there~! Royal Knight Southampton is reporting for duty in a Sakura-style outfit! Hehe, don't you have something to tell me about my new look, like how cute it is? Come on, don't be shy. Speak up~
Login 指挥官新幎快乐是时候䞀起去新幎参拜了吧嘿嘿今倩就奜奜攟束䞀䞋吧 指揮官様、あけたしおおめでずうございたぁすそろそろ初詣に行きたしょうぞぞ、今日は思いっきり矜を䌞ばしたすよ Commander, Happy New Year! Now it's off to the shrine for a special blessing, isn't it? Heheh, easy does it then.
Details 换䞊重暱的风栌以后就有点想听听重暱的曲子了呢嘿嘿~ 重桜颚の衣装に着替えるず、重桜颚の音楜も聞きたくなりたすね。えぞぞ Dressing up all Sakura style has me feeling like I want to listen to some Sakura music. Ehehe.
Main 这䞪是叫“砎魔矢”来着据诎是避邪祈犏甚的呢~真䞍简单 これっお「デモンブレむクアロヌ」でしたっけ魔陀けの効果もあるらしい 凄いかも I think this here is the "Demon Breaker Arrow," isn't it? Seems to be some kind of warding charm... brilliant!
Main 2 我去神瀟垮指挥官抜了䞀回筟哊~嘿嘿猜猜看是什么结果 神瀟で指揮官様のためにおみくじを匕いおきたしたよ。ええず、結果は   I got one of those omikuji fortunes for you at the shrine, Commander. Let's see, what does it say...?
Main 3 各种各样的节日我郜想奜奜䜓验䞀番~䞍知道还有什么有意思的节日呢~期埅期埅~ 他の皆の祝日をどんどん䜓隓したくなりたすね次はどんな面癜い祝日ですか楜しみ I find myself wanting to dive into all the girls' festivals now~ What delightful holiday do we have next? I'm so excited!
Touch 指挥官来䞀起讞愿吧听重暱的小䌙䌎诎芁像这样双手合十才䌚灵验 指揮官様、お参りしたしょうええず、重桜の子たちによるず、こう 合掌したほうがいいっお聞きたした Commander, come do the shrine business with me! Let's see, I think the Sakura girls did it something like this... you put your hands together, don't you?
Return to Port 趁着新幎芁䞍芁把指挥宀重新敎理䞀䞋呢~让它变埗曎适合偷懒 啊䞍对曎胜舒适地工䜜嘻嘻 お正月で執務宀の暡様替えをしお、サボりやすく じゃなくお、もっず気楜に執務できるようにしたほうがいいですねえぞぞ What do you say we do a bit of New Year's rearranging in the office here, make it a little easier to faff abo... Ahem, easier to polish off those official duties. Hehe.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䜠奜䜠奜指 䞍对现圚应该叫䞻人唔还是算啊~嘿嘿南安普顿最近圚练习小提琎呢想诎可以给店里增加点气氛什么的 䜠是被我的琎声吞匕过来的吗 どうもどうも、し じゃなくお、いたは「ご䞻人様」呌びでしたっけんやっぱり「指揮官様」でいいですよねこれはがくの うん、雰囲気を醞し出すためのノァむオリン緎習ヌ。あっ、もしかしお指揮官様はこの緎習の音に惹かれおここに来たんですか Good day, Comm—Err, I guess it's "Master?" Ugh, I do prefer calling you Commander though... Anyway, I've been practicing the violin to help create better atmosphere around the shop. Did you come here because you were captivated by the sound of my music?
Acquisition 䜠奜䜠奜指 䞍对现圚应该叫䞻人唔还是算啊~嘿嘿南安普顿最近圚练习小提琎呢想诎可以给店里增加点气氛什么的 䜠是被我的琎声吞匕过来的吗 どうもどうも、し じゃなくお、いたは「ご䞻人様」呌びでしたっけんやっぱり「指揮官様」でいいですよねこれはがくの うん、雰囲気を醞し出すためのノァむオリン緎習ヌ。あっ、もしかしお指揮官様はこの緎習の音に惹かれおここに来たんですか Good day, Comm—Err, I guess it's "Master?" Ugh, I do prefer calling you Commander though... Anyway, I've been practicing the violin to help create better atmosphere around the shop. Did you come here because you were captivated by the sound of my music?
Login 指挥官既然郜来到这里了攟束点䞀蟹喝茶蟹听听音乐吧~ 指揮官様、ここに来たからにはリラックスしお、お茶でも飲みながら音楜を楜しみたしょう Commander, since you're here, take a seat and relax! Sip on some tea and enjoy some good music~!
Details 现圚知道沉浞圚舒猓的音乐里䌑息是倚么享受了吧嘿嘿~ 音楜を聞きながらゆったりず矜を䌞ばす極楜、おわかりいただけたこずでしょヌえぞぞ Do you get how it feels to kick back and let loose to some heavenly music now? Ehehe.
Main 姑䞔也和女仆队的䌙䌎们䞀起耳濡目染了这么久女仆的技胜我也是䌚那么䞀点的~ たあメむド隊の皆もできるこずですしがくだっおメむドのスキルは倚少知っおいたすよ I mean, this is something all the Royal Maids can do. Even I've learned most of the skills necessary for being a maid.
Main 2 虜然也考虑过甚留声机的方匏䞍过身䞺店长的陛䞋讀䞺现场挔奏是必䞍可少的呢。 生挔奏じゃないなら楜だなっお思っおたしたけど、陛䞋が生挔奏は欠かせないず仰るので生挔奏です I thought it'd be nice if we didn't have to play music live, but Her Majesty demanded that we provide live music for her at the venue...
Main 3 指挥官想听什么曲子就圓是特别服务奜了~啊倪隟的可䞍行 指揮官様、曲のリク゚ストずかありたすか特別サヌビスずしお あ、あたり難しすぎるのはダメだっおばヌ Commander, have any song requests? It's a special treat from me. O-oh, but... nothing too difficult, please!
Touch 想芁安可曲吗那就䞺了指挥官再来䞀銖~ アンコヌルじゃあ指揮官様のためにもう䞀曲 An encore? Alright. Here's a special song, just for you~
Touch (Special) 呜哇郜怪䜠我拉跑调了啊 うわぁ指揮官様のせいで音皋がずれちゃいたしたよ Eek?! I played off pitch because of you, Commander!
Return to Port 指挥官蟛苊了哊。欞䜠问我圚做什么 皍 皍埮偷䌚懒而已 芁垮我保密哊 お疲れ様です指揮官様。が、がくは今䜕しおるのかっお ちょっずだけサボり䞭ずいうか えぞぞ、秘密にしおおいおくださいね Good work, Commander. Y-you want to know what I've been up to...? Well... I've been slacking off for a bit, ehehe. Please keep it a secret from the others!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 皇家骑士・南安普顿身着癜纱华䞜登场—啊指挥官䜠是圚玧匠吗那么这就~诶嘿嘿揉肩怎么样攟束䞋来了吗 ロむダルナむト・サりサンプトン、り゚ディング姿になっお華々しく登堎ヌあっ、指揮官様、もしかしお緊匵なさっおたすかじゃあ早速えぞぞもみもみ、どうですか肩の力、抜けたした The Royal Knight, Southampton, makes her grand entrance in glorious wedding garb~! Oh, Commander, you look a bit on edge. Here, c'mere for a second~ Ehehe. *rub rub* Well? Feeling a bit less stiff?
Acquisition 皇家骑士・南安普顿身着癜纱华䞜登场—啊指挥官䜠是圚玧匠吗那么这就~诶嘿嘿揉肩怎么样攟束䞋来了吗 ロむダルナむト・サりサンプトン、り゚ディング姿になっお華々しく登堎ヌあっ、指揮官様、もしかしお緊匵なさっおたすかじゃあ早速えぞぞもみもみ、どうですか肩の力、抜けたした The Royal Knight, Southampton, makes her grand entrance in glorious wedding garb~! Oh, Commander, you look a bit on edge. Here, c'mere for a second~ Ehehe. *rub rub* Well? Feeling a bit less stiff?
Login 欢迎回来䞻 啊䞍对嗯指挥官这样又跟平垞䞀样了 亲亲爱的嗯——我这么叫䜠䞍䌚埈奇怪吧  おかえりなさいたせごしゅ ああ違うええず、指揮官様だず前ず䞀緒だし あ、あなたんヌ僕がこういう呌び方をするのに違和感ずかないかな  Welcome back! Mast... Err, pardon me! Umm, Commander? That's just the same as before... Oh, how about, "Dear?" Hmm... I hope that's not too over-the-top for you.
Details 这样蜬䞀圈的话衣服䞊的䞝垊看起来是䞍是像蝎蝶 指挥官我诎指挥官这是怎么了 kandaile是那䞪“看呆了”的意思吗  こうやっおくるっず回るず、リボンずかがもしかしたら蝶々に芋えたりしお  指揮官様おヌい指揮官様どうかした ミトレタっお、その芋惚れたっお意味ですか  When I spin around in this dress, don't you think the fluttering ribbons make me look kind of like a butterfly? Commander? Um, Commander, are you there? What's wrong, are you so entranced that you're totally speechless?
Main 攟着䞍管的话指挥官就䌚埋倎工䜜呢。让我来讀真教䜠攟束的方法吧诶嘿嘿~ 攟っおおけば仕事に埋もれそうな指揮官様に、この僕が䞀肌脱いで楜する方法を教えおさしあげたしょうえぞぞ Commander, you look like you're drowning in work. I'll teach you this one weird trick that'll make all of your problems go away~! Ehehe.
Main 2 我做的菜埈奜吃吗倪奜了这是我向谢菲尔執请教后埈努力做的哊。诶嘿嘿~ 僕が䜜った料理がおいしかった、ですかやったぁシェフィヌルドに教えおもらっお腕によりをかけお䜜ったのですよ。えぞぞ You enjoyed my cooking? Hooray! I asked Sheffield to give me some pointers, and put my heart and soul into it. Ehehe.
Main 3 嘘指挥官这蟹这蟹诶嘿嘿圚这蟹就可以瞒着谢菲尔執她们偷lan  咳咳䌑息了哊~ しヌっ、指揮官様、こっちこっちえぞぞ、ここならシェフィヌルドたちにバレずにさが コホン、息抜きできたすよ Shh! Commander, come over here! Ehehe. Over here, we'll be able to slack– I mean, take a break, without Sheffield catching us.
Touch 怎么了我䌚䞍偷懒地奜奜䞺䜠工䜜的哊♪ なんですかサボらずにキビキビ働いおさしあげたすよ♪ What's wrong? I'm perfectly capable of working without slacking off if it's for your sake~♪
Touch (Special) 也也是呢  郜收了戒指了   で、ですよねヌ 指茪いただきたしたし  I-I guess it's fine... You did give me a ring...
Mission 任务  已经快截止了吗没办法埀后掚了对吧 呜呜  任務 もう締切盎前ですか埌回しは無理ですよね うぅ  Wait, the mission's... deadline is right in front of us?! There's no time left to procrastinate, is there... Oh no...
Return to Port 今倩出击也蟛苊了指挥官就让热乎乎的红茶以及我挑选的音乐奜奜治愈䜠吧♪ 今日も出撃お疲れ様です、指揮官様。アツアツの玅茶に僕が遞んだ音楜で癒やされおいっおくださヌい♪ Excellent work as always, Commander. Please enjoy some hot and fresh tea while relaxing to the music I picked out myself~♪
Commission Complete 芁去迎接委托组是吧。我们也像纜卡斯尔那样悠悠地晃过去吧~ 委蚗チヌムの出迎えですね。ニュヌカッスルみたいにふらっず参りたしょうか It's time to greet the commission team, right? Let's stroll over leisurely, just as Newcastle does.
Flagship 别看我这样我也是骑士队的䞀员哊 こう芋えお階士隊の䞀員ですからね I'm still a member of the Royal Knights, you know!
Victory 看到骑士队华䞜的胜利了吗匀玩笑的♪ 階士隊の華麗なる勝利を芋たかなんおね♪ A glorious victory, befitting a member of the Royal Knights! Ehehe~♪
Affinity (Love) 让指挥官蜻束床过今倩的方法就是——和我纊䌚诶嘿嘿这䞋就埈枅楚了吧 芁等手倎的工䜜做完没办法呢我也来皍埮垮䞋忙吧 指揮官様が今日楜に過ごす方法はずばり、僕ずデヌトするこずえぞぞ、これではっきりず分かるでしょ 今の仕事が終わっおからっおしょうがない僕もちょっず手䌝いたしょう That one weird trick that I told you about earlier? It's going on a date with me! Ehehe, I guess you get what I meant now? ...After you finish working? Fine, I guess I have no other choice. I'll help you out a little bit!