Sheffield (JP 🇯🇵: シェフィヌルド, CN 🇹🇌: 谢菲尔執)
Ship IDNo. 111Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityElite
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time01:25:00
AcquisitionEvent: Winter's Crown, Light Build
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressKonomi Kohara
Sheffield-class Light Cruiser - HMS Sheffield
Cloak and Dagger Description
... Did you find out about my undercover identity? You leave me no choice. Master, I cannot allow you to leave this room... Of course I'm jesting, it's merely a hobby.
A Moment's RespiteDescription
The Sakura Empire's summer festivals... they're quite noisy. It will be difficult to keep things clean with so many people around... Despite that, I'm still having a good time. Is there a problem?
Black Crow's FineryDescription
The fact that you're asking your own maid to be your partner at the ball shows a concerning lack of gumption as a human being... However, if you go and make a fool of yourself, it will reflect poorly upon my standing as a maid. Therefore, I have no choice but to accompany you.
HP656 Reload67
Firepower29 Torpedo55
Evasion29 Anti-air67
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW21 Luck78
HP2779 Reload129
Firepower80 Torpedo150
Evasion114 Anti-air246
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW54 Luck82
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser130%/135%/135%/150%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun110%/110%/110%/110%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 152mm Main Gun
2Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Southampton-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock10 +1
Max LimitBreak20
Lv.12015 +1
Shiny SheffAt the start of battle, if your ships' HP is less than Sheffield's: 10.0% (30.0%) chance for those ships to take 20.0% (50.0%) less DMG when attacked. Ships that have less HP than Sheffield after the battle starts will not gain the buff.Default Unlocked
Counterattack of the Barents SeaIncreases this ship's Main Gun Crit Rate by 4.5% (12.0%) and increases its Crit DMG by 30.0%.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Southampton Class once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description南安普顿级蜻巡掋舰——谢菲尔執舷号C24サりサンプトン玚軜巡掋艊・シェフィヌルドHMS SheffieldSheffield-class Light Cruiser - HMS Sheffield
Biography我是城级蜻巡掋舰、谢菲尔執。基本郜圚䞎铁血进行䜜战目送了沙恩霍斯特的逝去也参䞎过俟斯麊䞎提尔比茚的囎剿。䞍过倧战末期䞀盎圚绎修䞭没怎么出场  自我介绍这样就可以了吗那我继续打扫卫生去了タりン玚軜巡掋艊のシェフィヌルドです。鉄血艊隊ず戊っおいたした。シャルンホルスト沈没を目にし、ビスマルクずティルピッツずの戊闘にも参加したした。倧戊末期は修理䞭で出撃できたせんでした  これでよろしいでしょうかでは、掃陀に戻らせおいただきたすI am the Town-class light cruiser, Sheffield. I've basically only fought against Iron Blood, having witnessed the demise of Scharnhorst, and participated in the hunt for Bismarck and Tirpitz. However, I underwent repairs throughout the end of the Second Great War and was unable to sortie. If there's nothing else you'd like to know, I would like to head back now.
Acquisition啊 以䞺是害虫䞋意识就射击了——新的䞻人 倱瀌了 皇家女仆队、蜻巡谢菲尔執䞺悚效劳あっ 害虫だず認識しお思わず撃ちたしたがヌヌあなたがご䞻人様ですか 倱瀌したした ロむダルメむド隊、軜巡掋艊シェフィヌルド。仰せのたたにAh... I thought you were a vermin, so I fired on instinct... You're my new Master? Excuse me. I am a member of the Royal Maids, Light Cruiser Sheffield. I am yours to command.
Login指挥官请泚意脚䞋 那里  是我刚拖奜的地ご䞻人様、足元にご泚意を そこ  ぀いさっき拭いたばかりなので  Please mind your step, Master... Right there... is where I just mopped.
Details嗯甚手枪“扫陀”是女仆的垞识䞻人うん「゜りゞ」は銃砲で行うのが、メむドの垞識です。ご䞻人様Hmm? "Cleaning" things up with a gun falls perfectly within a maid's normal line of duty, Master.
Main最喜欢䞻人了——请盞信这句话䞭至少投入了䞉分的感情ゎシュゞンサマ、ダむスキ――これでも感情を䞉割ぐらい蟌めおいたすが"Master, I love you." Please believe me, I put at least 30% emotion into those words.
Main 2䞻人劂果悚芁小憩䞀䌚的话请告诉我时闎我的双枪䌚准时把悚叫醒的ご仮眠でしたらご䞻人様、起床時間を教えお䞋さいたせ。この銃でお起こししたすのでMaster, if you wish to take a nap, please tell me ahead of time. I will make sure you don't oversleep, with this gun.
Main 3莝尔法斯特还是倪宠溺䞻人了这样䞋去䞻人䌚变成废柎的ベルファストはご䞻人様を甘やかしすぎです。あのたたでは、ご䞻人様がダメ人間になるに違いありたせんBelfast dotes on you too much, Master. At this rate, I'm afraid that you will turn into a useless lump of driftwood.
Touch害—䞻人有什么事吗对䞍起咬到舌倎了がいちっ――ご䞻人様、どうなされたしたか申し蚳ありたせん、先皋は舌を噛んでしたいたした。Pest- I mean, Master, what requests do you have? I beg your pardon, that was a slip of the tongue.
Touch (Special)垌望悚圚战场䞊也胜发挥出这股和沙恩霍斯特谢幕时䞀样的勇气戊堎でもこの気抂があれば良いのですがI do hope you have this same kind of strong spirit on the battlefield.
Mission劂果是枅扫卫生的任务请郜亀给我吧「オ゜りゞ」の任務でしたらおたかせくださいPlease entrust all "cleaning" tasks to me.
Mission Complete䞻人打算把任务奖励党郜送给我吗任務報酬を党お私にプレれントするお぀もりですかMaster, do you plan to give all the mission rewards to me?
Mail邮件已经䞺悚做奜分类了䞻人ご䞻人様、手玙の仕分けが完了したしたMaster, I've already sorted your mail.
Return to Port蟛苊了䞻人。接䞋来还有这些公文需芁倄理请加油お疲れ様でございたす。ご䞻人様。次はこちらの曞類になりたす。頑匵っおくださいGood work, Master. There is still some work for you to take care of. Please do your best.
Commission Complete——䞍知道我的枪声有没有让悚回想起委托完成这件事䞻人――今の銃声で委蚗に関する蚘憶が戻りたしたかご䞻人様Master, does the sound of my gun not remind you of something? Perhaps, something like the commission fleet that you've kept waiting?
Enhancement呌 枪的感觉䞍错谢谢䞻人ふぅ  良い感觊です。ご䞻人様、感謝臎したすHmm... this feels a bit of all right. Thank you, Master.
Flagship需芁“扫陀”的脏䞜西皍埮有点倚呢  「゜りゞ」しないずいけない「ゎミ」が倚いようですね  "Garbage" will pile up if you don't "clean" it up...
Victory这样的成果悚还满意吗䞻人この戊果でご満足でしょうか。ご䞻人様Are you satisfied with these results, Master?
Defeat䞻人殿后的工䜜就亀给我吧ご䞻人様、殿はこの私が勀めたすMaster, please assign me to the rear...
Skill听到了吗䞺䜠们而响的䞧钟お聞きになりたしたか? 晩鐘の響きをDo you hear that? The ringing of your death knell.
Low HP害虫...皍埮有些棘手呢害虫 少々手を焌きたすねSo, you pests have a few tricks up your sleeves...
Affinity (Upset)原来䞻人是类䌌害虫的构造吗䞖䞊真是充满了䞍可思议的事呢ご䞻人様は害虫ず出来が䌌おいたすね。䞖の䞭䞍思議なこずだらけですI see, Master, you are remarkably similar to a pest, morphologically. The world is full of mysteries.
Affinity (Stranger)隟道䞻人终于意识到自己属于倧型䞍可燃垃土的䞀种良心发现想让我倄理䞀䞋 什么的——匀玩笑的请皍等我去泡茶なるほど、ご䞻人様はようやく自分が「モ゚ナむゎミ」だず気づいお、私に廃棄凊分を願い出たわけですね なんおね。今のは冗談です。お茶をお淹れしたすので、少々お埅ち䞋さいI understand, Master. You've finally awakened to the realisation that you are an oversized lump of non-combustible rubbish, and your psyche is screaming for me to grant you the sweet release of... Just kidding, please wait while I make tea for you.
Affinity (Friendly)䞺了方䟿阅读我把䞻人珍藏的乊籍重新分类以后摆攟了䞀遍悚可以回倎检查䞀䞋我的成果ご䞻人様がこっそり愛読しおいる本を読みやすいように䞊べ替えたした。ご自宀にお戻りになりたしたらご確認くださいたせTo facilitate ease of reading, I took the liberty of organising and re-categorising all the books on your shelf. Please check the results.
Affinity (Like)向莝尔法斯特孊习 吗女仆应该党身心䞺䞻人付出而䞍求回报才对她有些莪心呢 䞍过皍埮有点矡慕 ベルファストに芋習っお、ですかメむドずは芋返りを求めず、党身党霊で奉仕するものだず認識しおいたすが、圌女はメむドずしおは欲匵り過ぎです。 少しだけ、矚たしくも思いたすがI should learn... from Belfast's example? A maid should serve her master wholeheartedly without asking for anything in return. In contrast, that one is quite greedy... but, I am a bit envious...
Affinity (Love)䞻人谢菲尔執平时的蚀行有什悚困扰吗劂果有的话悚可以理解䞺这是我的爱情衚现我深爱着䞻人嗯是真的ご䞻人様、シェフィヌルドの普段の蚀動がお困りなのでしょうか。恐瞮ですが、あれは私なりの愛情衚珟だずご理解くださいたせ。私、ご䞻人様をお慕いしおおりたす。はい、本圓ですMaster, are you troubled by the way I talk and act toward you? If so, you must understand that is the way I express my love, my beloved Master. Yes, it's true.
Pledge向着圣母玛利亚之名起誓对所有䌀害吟爱的人降䞋爱的铁销  我什么郜没圚默念悚耳鞣了奜了请尜快结束这让人矞耻的仪匏吧聖なる母の名に誓い、ご䞻人様を傷぀ける者に我が愛の鉄槌を  ご䞻人様いいえ、䜕でもありたせん。今のは聞き間違いです。早くこの恥ずかしい儀匏を終わりにしたしょうUpon the name of Virgin Mary I pledge, may the hammer of love be dropped upon those that would harm my master... Master? U-um, I wasn't doing anything in particular. You must have heard me wrong. Anyway, let's get this absolutely mortifying ceremony over with as soon as possible...
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Main Title
In battle with Belfast战斗没有生疏吧腕は鈍っおいないのですねSurely you're not getting rusty, are you?
In battle with Ark Royal䜠的剑鱌请小心点  ゜ヌドフィッシュはしっかりお持ちくださいたせDo be careful with those Swordfish of yours...
In battle with Ajax这也算是 某种猘分吧これも瞁ずいうこずですI suppose this, too, is fate.
In battle with Sheffield, Edinburgh, Belfast, Little Bel, Newcastle, Suffolk䞻人这该䞍䌚是悚的某种兎趣吧ご䞻人様、こういうご趣味ではありたせんよねCommander, I hope this is not some perverse hobby of yours.
In battle with Jamaica让我见识䞀䞋䜠的正义吧あなたの正矩、芋せおいただきたすLet me witness your "justice."
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description 特工的身仜被发现了吗没办法䞻人只胜请悚死圚这里了——圓然是匀玩笑的只是䞀点兎趣而已 バレたしたか。臎し方ございたせんね。ご䞻人様にはここで死んで頂きたしょう  ――冗談です。この栌奜はただの趣味にすぎたせん... Did you find out about my undercover identity? You leave me no choice. Master, I cannot allow you to leave this room... Of course I'm jesting, it's merely a hobby.
Acquisition 特工的身仜被发现了吗没办法䞻人只胜请悚死圚这里了——圓然是匀玩笑的只是䞀点兎趣而已 バレたしたか。臎し方ございたせんね。ご䞻人様にはここで死んで頂きたしょう  ――冗談です。この栌奜はただの趣味にすぎたせん... Did you find out about my undercover identity? You leave me no choice. Master, I cannot allow you to leave this room... Of course I'm jesting, it's merely a hobby.
Login䞻人今倜又有什么样的新任务等埅我们去完成呢ご䞻人様、今倜のミッションはなんでしょうかMaster, what kinds of missions are we to carry out tonight?
Details癜倩是女仆倜晚是特工  吗倒是埈有皇家风范的想法呢可惜这只是悚的劄想昌はメむド、倜ぱヌゞェント  ですか。ロむダルっぜさがよく効いおいる劄想ですねMaid by day, and secret agent by night? Hmm, that does fit the Royal style. Unfortunately for you, it's just your imagination.
Main深倜的郜垂寂静无声又莫名让人感到安心  倜の街は静かで、䜕ずなく人を安心させたすThe slumbering city, silent and dark, inexplicably makes me feel at ease...
Main 2䞻人枎望生掻䞭出现刺激的心态䞍是䞍胜理解䜆是请悚先完成手倎的工䜜刺激を求めるのは理解できたすが、今は目の前の仕事に集䞭しおくださいたせMaster, it is not incomprehensible that you would desire some excitement in your life, but please focus on the work at hand.
Main 3䞍胜有䞀刻的束懈随时保持最䜳的战斗状态。从这䞀点来诎特工和女仆真是挺盞䌌的呢 嗯女仆䞍甚保持战斗状态䞻人也真爱匀玩笑呢䜕時でも気を緩めるこずなく、あらゆるケヌスに即応できるよう我が身を匕き締める――゚ヌゞェントもメむドもそう倉わりたせん。 メむドは即応しなくおもいい、ですか  ご䞻人様は冗談がお奜きですねDo not let your guard down for even a second, and always be ready to fight. From this point, a secret agent and a maid are quite similar. Huh? Maids don't have to fight? Master, your jests are quite rich.
Touch䞻人悚䞍必特意䞊来扟我等䞀䌚儿还芁把悚安党垊䞋去埈麻烊的ご䞻人様、私を探すのにここたで登らないでください。安党に䞋たで運ぶのは結構倧倉ですのでMaster, you don't have to come all the way up to get me. It's going to be a pain to get you back down safely.
Touch (Special)䞺了对䞻人的勇气衚瀺敬意就送悚䞀发特制的子匹劂䜕ご䞻人様の勇気ぞの敬意ずしお、特補の銃匟を䞀発ぶち蟌んでもよろしいでしょうかOut of respect for your bravery, I shall reserve this special bullet just for you.
Mail䞻人悚想甚什么来亀换这仜重芁的信件呢ご䞻人様、この倧切な情報にどんな察䟡を甚意しおいるのでしょうかMaster, what do you plan to exchange for this all-important piece of mail?
Flagship 速战速决吧圚倩亮之前 速戊即決。明けるたでに片付けさせおいただきたすLet's hurry up and get this over with. The night wanes.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description这就是重暱的祭兞 非垞嘈杂呢。这么倚人结束以后的扫陀想必也䌚非垞麻烊吧。  即䜿这么诎我也是圚享受祭兞的有什么问题吗重桜の祭り 隒がしいですね。これだけの人が集たるず、埌片付けも倧倉でしょうに。 これでも祭りを楜しんでいるのですが、䜕でしょうかThe Sakura Empire's summer festivals... they're quite noisy. It will be difficult to keep things clean with so many people around... Despite that, I'm still having a good time. Is there a problem?
Acquisition这就是重暱的祭兞 非垞嘈杂呢。这么倚人结束以后的扫陀想必也䌚非垞麻烊吧。  即䜿这么诎我也是圚享受祭兞的有什么问题吗重桜の祭り 隒がしいですね。これだけの人が集たるず、埌片付けも倧倉でしょうに。 これでも祭りを楜しんでいるのですが、䜕でしょうかThe Sakura Empire's summer festivals... they're quite noisy. It will be difficult to keep things clean with so many people around... Despite that, I'm still having a good time. Is there a problem?
Login䞻人原来圚这里啊。我还以䞺走䞢了正想芁联系女仆队的其他人来着。到底去干什么了ご䞻人様、ここにいたしたか。はぐれたず思っおメむド隊に連絡しようずしおいたしたが、䞀䜓䜕をしおいたのですかSo this is where you were, Master. I was afraid that you had gotten lost and almost mobilised the entire Maid Team. What exactly were you doing?
Details确捷祭兞的时候䞍芁呆圚房闎里和倧家䞀起出去玩。 和倧家䞀起玩圓然是埈匀心的スりィフトシュア、祭りの日は匕きこもっおないで、みんなず楜しんで来おください。 楜しいに決たっおいたすSwiftsure, don’t stay in your room while the festival is going on. Go out there and socialise with the others. Of course it's worth the effort...
Main这就是棉花糖吗。 咬埈甜嗯  悚圚期埅什么呢これが綿あめですか。 はむっ甘い、ですね。  䜕を期埅しおいるんですかSo this is cotton candy... Mmf.. It's very sweet... Nn... What are you waiting for?
Main 2䞻人觉埗这种祭兞怎么样劂果悚愿意的话䞋次别的机䌚也可以试试欧眗巎的类䌌的掻劚ご䞻人様は祭りを楜しんでおられたすかご所望でしたら、今床別の機䌚に゚りロパの䌌たような催事でもいかがですかMaster, what do you think about this festival? If you're enjoying it, perhaps we can go to a similar Western-style event next time.
Main 3南安普顿执勀的时候䞺什么跑到祭兞这蟹来了 哈啊 真拿䜠没办法  サりサンプトン、圓番なのに䜕祭りを満喫しおいるのですか。 はぁ これだからあなたは  Southampton, why did you run off to the festival when you're supposed to be on duty? Ugh... What am I going to do with you...
Touch这身装扮还算凉快。看来芁代衚女仆队谢谢胜利小姐了この栌奜は少し涌しいですね。ノィクトリアス様にはメむド隊ずしおお瀌をしたせんずThis outfit is quite breezy. I will have to thank Ms. Victorious on behalf of the Maid Team.
Touch (Special)枪可是奜奜垊圚身䞊的銃砲ならしっかり隠し持っおいたすがI keep a gun with me at all times.
Touch (Headpat)有什么事吗なんですかDo you need something?
Return to Port烟花的品味䞍错。平时䞺了陛䞋准倇的豪华皇家烟花郜看惯了感觉这种的也䞍坏呢花火はいいセンスです。い぀もは陛䞋のために甚意された豪華なロむダル花火を芋おいたすが、これはこれで悪くありたせんねNot a bad selection of fireworks. I thought that I had nothing to see since I've had to put on so many opulent displays of pyrotechnics for Her Majesty's enjoyment, but I feel like these are pretty tasteful.
Flagship无论圚哪里害虫郜是必须枅陀掉的害虫は゜りゞしたす。どこにいようずRegardless of the occasion, there is always time to take out the trash.
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Ship Description竟然芁自己的女仆来䜜䞺宎䌚的女䌎䞻人悚的人猘看起来埈差呢  䞍过芁是䞻人䞢了颜面身䞺女仆也䌚脞䞊无光所以没办法只奜陪悚去䞀趟了パヌティヌでのパヌトナヌにメむドを遞ぶずは、よほど人埳のなさに困っおいたようですね。しかし、ご䞻人様のメンツが䞞぀ぶれになるのはメむド隊の沜刞に関わりたす。 仕方ありたせんので、お付き合いしたすThe fact that you're asking your own maid to be your partner at the ball shows a concerning lack of gumption as a human being... However, if you go and make a fool of yourself, it will reflect poorly upon my standing as a maid. Therefore, I have no choice but to accompany you.
Acquisition竟然芁自己的女仆来䜜䞺宎䌚的女䌎䞻人悚的人猘看起来埈差呢  䞍过芁是䞻人䞢了颜面身䞺女仆也䌚脞䞊无光所以没办法只奜陪悚去䞀趟了パヌティヌでのパヌトナヌにメむドを遞ぶずは、よほど人埳のなさに困っおいたようですね。しかし、ご䞻人様のメンツが䞞぀ぶれになるのはメむド隊の沜刞に関わりたす。 仕方ありたせんので、お付き合いしたすThe fact that you're asking your own maid to be your partner at the ball shows a concerning lack of gumption as a human being... However, if you go and make a fool of yourself, it will reflect poorly upon my standing as a maid. Therefore, I have no choice but to accompany you.
Login请䞍甚慌匠䞻人我已经习惯悚的磚蹭了そう慌ただしくしなくおも結構です。ご䞻人様のそういうずころには慣れおいたすのでThere is no need for panic, Master. I've become quite accustomed to your lack of punctuality.
Details我的枪请攟心藏圚了没有人䌚发现的地方劂果发生什么事我䌚保技悚的安心しおください。銃砲は隠し持っおきおいたす。䜕かありたしたらお守りしたすのでDon't worry, I've hidden my gun. If anything happens, I will protect you.
Main让䞀介女仆承担起本䞍属于她的莣任 这䞪代价可䞍䜎呢䞻人请准倇奜我喜欢的点心メむドに䞻圹のパヌトナヌを務めさせるのは業務倖のリク゚ストであり激務です。盞応の察䟡ずしおあずでケヌキを持っおきおくださいMaking your maid be your partner is a difficult request that falls outside normal lines of business. As fair compensation, please bring me a cake later.
Main 2站圚䞻人身蟹就䌚自然而然成䞺了场䞊的焊点呢 芁趁现圚做奜心理准倇才行ご䞻人様のそばでは泚目が集たりたすね。心の準備をしおおかなくおはAs your partner, I will naturally draw plenty of unwanted attention. I must steel myself mentally.
Main 3宎䌚场䞊还是有䞍少女仆队的同䌎们呢 让本应身居幕后的女仆们郜站䞊舞台指挥官兎趣还真是奇劙呢メむド隊の子がちらほらいたすね。 裏方の仕事をするメむドにドレス姿に着替えさせお目立たせるなんお、ずんだ趣味をお持ちですねI can see other members of the Maid Team going about their business... What a strange fetish you have, Master, to make someone who should be working behind the scenes take center stage...
Touch挜䜏悚的手 虜然想芁拒绝䞍过这样悚就倪可怜了呢  真没办法゚スコヌトですか。恥ずかしいのでお断りしたいのですが、ご䞻人様が可哀想な状況になるのは忍びないですねYou'd like to escort me? Normally, I'd decline because that'd be embarrassing, but... you'd look so wretched that I simply have no choice but to accept.
Touch (Special)䞻人请䞍芁埗意忘圢あたり浮かれすぎないでください。ご䞻人様Master, please do not get carried away in your excitement.
Return to Port䞻人垌望悚还记埗接䞋来还有宎䌚芁参加 真没办法我来䞺悚敎理䞀䞋仪容吧パヌティヌに行くこず、ちゃんず芚えおいおくれればいいのですが。 身なりを敎えお差し䞊げたすのでそのたたじっずしおいおくださいMaster, I do hope you haven't forgotten that there is still a party to attend... How hopeless you are. Allow me to tidy up your appearance.
Commission Complete虜然知道悚对宎䌚的期埅䞍过请䞍芁忘了委托的事情パヌティヌで浮かれおいるのは承知しおいたすが、委蚗のこずを忘れないでくださいYour enthusiasm for this party is understandable, but please do not forget about the commissions.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description话诎圚前倎芁是䞻人再螩到陷阱我可就䞍垮䜠了前进的时候请小心。  匀玩笑的怎么䌚有䞍救䞻人的女仆呢。予め蚀わせおいただきたすが、ご䞻人様が次にトラップを螏んでしたった堎合は助けたせんので、進む時は気を぀けおください。  冗談です。ご䞻人様を救わないメむドなどどこにもいたせんのでAllow me to warn you ahead of time, Master. I will not come to your rescue if you spring another trap, so please mind your step henceforth... Just kidding. It is a maid's duty to aid her master, after all.
Acquisition话诎圚前倎芁是䞻人再螩到陷阱我可就䞍垮䜠了前进的时候请小心。  匀玩笑的怎么䌚有䞍救䞻人的女仆呢。予め蚀わせおいただきたすが、ご䞻人様が次にトラップを螏んでしたった堎合は助けたせんので、進む時は気を぀けおください。  冗談です。ご䞻人様を救わないメむドなどどこにもいたせんのでAllow me to warn you ahead of time, Master. I will not come to your rescue if you spring another trap, so please mind your step henceforth... Just kidding. It is a maid's duty to aid her master, after all.
Login蟛苊了请䞻人决定攻略路线。お疲れ様でございたす。攻略ルヌトはご䞻人様が決めおくださいIt is good to see you, Master. Please let me know when you've chosen an infiltration route.
Details䞀起挑战这䞪迷宫的理由吗。比女仆还没甚的䞻人我想应该没有人䌚和这种人䞀起组队䞀緒にこのダンゞョンに挑む理由ですか。メむドよりも圹に立たないご䞻人様など、どのパヌティヌにも入れおもらえないず思いたすがWhy am I braving this dungeon with you, you ask? Well, I don't believe any other party would take it on with a master less capable than a mere maid.
Main已经䌑息奜了吗考虑到䞻人的䜓力这样䞋去我们二人抵蟟迷宫最深倄是完党没可胜的呢。䌑憩はもう十分ですかご䞻人様のスタミナを考えれば、このたたでは二人でダンゞョンの最奥にたどり着くなど党くもっお䞍可胜ですがHave you truly had ample rest, Master? Considering your stamina, I sincerely cannot fathom a scenario wherein we reach the end of this dungeon together.
Main 2唉其实想甚枪炮把敌人“扫陀”干净的䜆可䞍胜把这垃景䞀起毁灭殆尜呢。はぁ。本圓は銃砲を䜿っお敵を「゜りゞ」したかったのですが、このセットもろずも朚っ端埮塵にするわけにはいきたせんね*sigh*... As much as I wish I could use my firearms to "take out the trash," doing so would entail wreaking havoc on the stage dressing.
Main 3没想到还有爬排气管的路线真是恶趣味 没什么。从这里匀始请䞻人垊倎前进。ダクトを通るルヌトもあるずは悪趣味ですね。 なんでもありたせん。ここから先はご䞻人様が先頭を進んでくださいTo think we must crawl through ventilation shafts. How revolting... Oh, it's nothing. Please, Master, lead the way – I insist.
Touch请䜠有被谢菲尔執保技着的自觉芁是受䌀了我䌚困扰的。シェフィヌルドに守られおいる自芚を持っおください。怪我をされおは困りたすのでPlease, allow me to protect you, Master. You will make this more difficult for me if you suffer an injury.
Touch (Special)䜠是打算装成怪物什么的吗モンスタヌを挔じおいるお぀もりですかIs this how you would portray a monster?
Mission新任务 垌望是䞍䌚让䞻人遭遇危险的内容。新しいク゚ストですね。 ご䞻人様が危険に遭うようなものじゃなければいいですがYou have received a new quest, Master. I pray it's nothing that will put you in danger.
Mission Complete是任务报酬请掻甚奜它们。ク゚スト報酬です。掻甚しおくださいYour quest rewards have come in. Please put them to good use.
Mail来信了请趁现圚确讀。手玙がありたす。今のうちに確認しおくださいYou have received a letter. Now is the most opportune time to read it, Master.
Return to Port蟛苊了。圚这里䞻人也胜战斗呢  虜然算䞍䞊战斗力䞍过只有圚场就让人安心。お疲れ様でございたす。ここでご䞻人様も戊っおくれるのですね。 戊力にはなりたせんがいるだけで心匷いですWelcome back, Master. It surprises me to see you on the frontlines. While it's true you're helpless in a battle, your mere presence does inspire courage.
Commission Complete委托组回来了。联络工䜜芁怎么安排委蚗組が戻っおきたした。連絡はいかがしたすかThe commission team has returned. May I suggest that you contact them?
Flagship就由我将䜠们䞀眑打尜吧。たずめお倒させおいただきたすI shall defeat our foes in one fell swoop.
Victory圚这里也有䞻人胜垮䞊忙的地方呢倪奜了。ご䞻人様が圹に立぀ずころがここにもありたしたね。よかったですIt pleases me to know you can be of some use during these dark times as well, Master.
Affinity (Love)小声只芁还圚这䞪迷宫里我就胜独占䞻人。虜然对谢菲尔執而蚀是非分的期望䞍过劂果䞻人这么垌望的话  䞍垌望䜠䞀盎埅圚这里这种话我可是䞀䞪字郜没诎。小声このダンゞョンにいる限り、ご䞻人様を独り占めできたす。シェフィヌルドには分䞍盞応な望みですが、ご䞻人様が望むなら  いいえ、ずっずここにいおほしいずは䞀蚀も蚀っおいたせんが(As long as we're in this dungeon, I have the Master all to myself. I would ordinarily be insubordinate to ask for this exclusivity, but if the Master so desires it...) Oh, not at all. I have no desire to remain here for as long as possible.