Belfast (JP 🇯🇵: ベルファスト, CN 🇹🇌: 莝尔法斯特)
Ship IDNo. 115Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time01:25:00
AcquisitionLight/Heavy/Special Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressYui Horie
Edinburgh-Class light cruiser ヌ Belfast, Hull number C35!
Iridescent Rosa Description
Hehe... Master, why are you so stunned from seeing me? I thought you perhaps wanted to see me in a qipao... was I mistaken?
The Noble AttendantDescription
Good evening. The Royal Maids will be chaperoning this event. It is my hope to prevent any inappropriate behaviour that might interfere with the enjoyment of the attendees. Please pardon any inconveniences this may cause.
Shopping with the Head MaidDescription
Hehe~ Judging from your expression, Master, my outfit has not fallen short of your expectations. As time is precious, allow me to serve you to the utmost on this "date."
Serene SteelDescription
This is special cold-weather equipment inspired by Eagle Union designs. It was made for practical purposes such as special operations in frigid climates, and as such, was not designed with appearances in mind. Please do forgive me, Master.
Piping-Hot PerfectionDescription
Welcome, table for one? Of course, right this way. Oh? What is it? Ah... I'm filling in for the manager at the moment, so that makes you my customer rather than my master, no?
The Pledge of CladdaghDescription
Are you destined for me? Greetings Belfast, from this moment onwards, I will always be with you.
Folded FascinationDescription
It took me quite some time to prepare a suitable traditional Sakura Empire outfit. Terribly sorry. Master, won't you please allow this Belfast to serve you for another year?
HP686 Reload67
Firepower33 Torpedo64
Evasion28 Anti-air55
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW35 Luck88
HP2906 Reload129
Firepower92 Torpedo172
Evasion110 Anti-air206
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW89 Luck93
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser130%/135%/135%/150%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 152mm Main Gun
2Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Edinburgh-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock12 +1
Max LimitBreak24
Lv.12018 +1
Burn OrderIncreases this ship's DMG with HE by 15.0% (25.0%) and chance to ignite enemies by 1.2% (3.0%) .Default Unlocked
Smokescreen: Light Cruisers10s after the battle begins and 20.0% chance every 20s after that: deploys a smokescreen that increases Evasion Rate by 15.0% (35.0%) and decreases DMG taken from enemy aircraft by 15.0% (35.0%) for all your ships inside it. Smokescreen lasts for 10s, and does not stack with other smokescreens.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Belfast once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Burn Order+Increases this ship's DMG dealt with HE ammo by 15.0% (25.0%) and increases her Burn Rate against enemies by 1.2% (3.0%) . Increases this ship's DMG dealt against Burning enemies by 6.0% (16.0%) ; while there is a Burning enemy float, increases this ship's EVA by 6.0% (16.0%) .???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description爱䞁堡级蜻巡掋舰—莝尔法斯特舷号C35゚ディンバラ玚軜巡掋艊・ベルファストHMS BelfastEdinburgh-Class light cruiser ヌ Belfast, Hull number C35!
Biography莵安我是爱䞁堡级二号舰莝尔法斯特是皇家最倧的巡掋舰因歀担任女仆长䞀职。虜然参䞎过䞍少战圹也见证过那䜍可敬的沙恩霍斯特的陚萜䜆身䞺女仆些讞小事䞍足挂霿。呵呵有什么需芁的话请尜管告诉我吧ご機嫌麗しゅうございたす。゚ディンバラ玚二番艊のベルファストず申したす。ロむダル最倧の巡掋艊にしおメむド長を勀めおおりたす。 幟぀かの戊圹に参陣し、かのシャルンホルスト様の萜呜もこの目で芋届けたした メむドにずっおは些现なこずです。 埡甚がありたしたらなんでも仰っおくださいGood day to you. I am Belfast, the second ship of the Edinburgh class. I have duties as the head maid while being the Royal Navy's greatest cruiser. I had taken part in many battles, and borne witness to lady Scharnhorst's fall... Those are but the past for a maid. Please say something should you have a need for me.
Acquisition悚就是我的指挥官吗莵安。䞀介女仆莝尔法斯特歀刻起将生涯奉献给悚あなたは私のご䞻人様ですかご機嫌麗しゅうございたす。メむドのベルファストず申したす。この身、これからあなたに捧げたすAre you my master? Pleasure to meet you. I am Belfast the maid. From now on, I dedicate myself to you.
Login欢迎回来指挥官红茶已经泡奜文档也園类完毕匀始舒适的工䜜吧お垰りなさい、ご䞻人様。玅茶は甚意いたしたした。たた、曞類の方はこちらに片付けおおきたした。ごゆっくりお仕事をお進めくださいWelcome back, master. I've prepared the tea. Furthermore, I've sorted the documents over here. Please work at your leisure.
Details指挥官有什么吩咐吗ご䞻人様、䜕かご甚でしょうかIs something the matter, master?
Main芁成䞺䞀名出色的指挥官悚銖先需芁盞信悚自己就是然后按照尜悚所胜做到最奜優秀な指揮官になるにはたず自らに自信を持぀こずから始たりたす。ご䞻人様は意のたたに最善をお尜くしくださいたせIn order to become an excellent master, you must start from self confidence. Please do your best to turn your will into action, master.
Main 2芁来䞀杯红茶攟束䞀䞋吗茶点或者悚想换换口味的话咖啡和嚁士忌也郜准倇奜了呢玅茶はいかがですかあっ 別のものをご所望でしたら、コヌヒヌずりィスキヌはもう甚意出来おおりたすDo you want some tea? Ah... if you want something else, I'll prepare some coffee or whiskey.
Main 3圚泰晀士河畔沐济阳光的日子也䞍坏呢䞍过果然这种生掻才适合我テムズ川沿いでの日光济も悪くありたせんね。しかし私には今の生掻こそが Sunbathing on Thames river wasn't bad. But this current life of mine is better...
Touch莞然觊碰女士可䞍是绅士䜜䞺䞍芁对其他人做哊䞍甚意に女性を觊るのは玳士の所行ではございたせん。他の方にはご自重くださいたせAimlessly touching a lady is not a gentlemanly behaviour. Please behave yourself around others.
Touch (Special)䞺䞻人献䞊䞀切是女仆的义务指挥官想看吗䞻にすべおを捧げるのはメむドの勀めです。ご䞻人様、ご芧になられたすでしょうかIt's a maid's duty to dedicate her all to her master. Would you like to see, master?
Mission新的任务䞋蟟了指挥官请悚过目新しい任務が通達されたした。ご䞻人様、ご確認くださいたせA new mission has been given to us, master. Please confirm it.
Mission Complete任务奖励已经发攟了任務の報奚が届きたしたYour rewards have been delivered, Master.
Mail有新的信件指挥官需芁我代䞺朗读吗新しいお手玙です。ご䞻人様、読み䞊げさせおいただいおもよろしいでしょうかThere's a new letter. Shall I read it for you, master?
Return to Port欢迎回来指挥官茶点已经准倇奜了おかえりなさいたせ、ご䞻人様、軜食はこちらにご甚意したしたWelcome back, master. I've readied some light snacks over here.
Commission Complete指挥官完成委托的小姐们正圚等埅悚的迎接呢ご䞻人様、委蚗を完了したお嬢様方がお出迎えをお埅ちしおいるようですMaster, the ladies who went off for commissions have been waiting for you to greet them.
Enhancement莝尔法斯特必䞍莟悚的期埅ベルファスト、ご期埅にお応え臎したすI won't let you down.
Flagship䞺䞻人枅陀障碍正是女仆的职莣䞻のため障害を取り陀くのはメむドの勀めですIt's a maid's duty to remove their master's obstacles.
Victory哎呀还䞍劂厚房的污垢来埗棘手呢あら、台所の汚れよりも手応えありたせんねOh my, I didn't spend as much effort as cleaning up a stain in a tablecloth.
Defeat指挥官请先行撀退吧我还有些事芁做埮笑ご䞻人様先にお匕きください。私はただ少々所甚がございたすゆえPlease retreat first, master. I still have some matters to attend to.
Skill敌方的诞䜍接䞋来䌚有些疌哊敵の皆様、次は少々痛くなりたすよDear enemies, this is going to be a little bit painful
Low HP接䞋来才是正逐哊诞䜍皆様、メむンディッシュはただこれからですEveryone, the main dish has yet to come!
Affinity (Upset)矫正䞻人也是女仆的义务呢  ご䞻人様の矯正もメむドの務めですCorrecting her master is also a maid's duty...
Affinity (Stranger)䞇分抱歉  初来乍到对舰队的事务还䞍倪习惯䞍胜䞺悚提䟛癟分癟的服务  请期埅我接䞋来的衚现吧申し蚳ありたせん  艊隊に着任したばかりで甚務のほうにはただ少々䞍慣れで、100ご満足いただけるご奉仕ができなくお  䜕卒これからのご奉仕にご期埅くださいたせI'm terribly sorry... I'm still new to this fleet, so I'm somewhat unfamiliar with my duties and cannot serve you at 100% capacity... Please look forward to my continued service.
Affinity (Friendly)皍埮借甚了䞀䞋舰队的枠道才入手的呢来请品尝吧——䞍知还合悚的口味吗艊隊のコネをお借りしたしお入手した䞀品でございたす。ご賞味くださいたせヌヌお口に合いたしたでしょうかThis is something I made using the connections I have to the fleet. Please have a taste -- Is the taste to your liking?
Affinity (Like)敏锐地捕捉䞻䞊的意囟尀其是䞻䞊自己也没有发觉的可是埈重芁的  欺莟人呵呵~欣赏悚䞺隟的衚情是最近才发掘的乐趣呢还请见谅笑ご䞻人様の意図、特にご䞻人様自らも自芚しおいないこずを敏感に察知するこずも倧切でございたす  いじわる、ず仰りたすずうふふ、最近は困っおいるお顔を芋るのを少々楜しみにさせおいただいおおりたす。䜕卒ご容赊くださいたせIt is important to observe your intentions sensitively. Especially intentions that you yourself are not aware of, master... I'm mean, you say? Hehe. Recently I've come to enjoy your troubled look a little. By all means, please forgive me.
Affinity (Love)悚醒了吗  呵呵因䞺悚的睡脞倪过可爱让我实圚䞍忍将悚叫醒  劂䜕莝尔法斯特的膝枕还胜让悚满意吗无论䜕时悚郜可以享甚哊お目芚めですか  うふふ、寝顔が倧倉可愛くお぀い起こすのは惜しくお  ベルファストの膝枕はいかがでしょうかい぀たでも心ゆくたでお楜しみくださいたせAre you awake? ...Hehe, your sleeping face was so cute, I couldn't bear waking you up... How did it feel, resting on my lap? You are free to enjoy it to your heart's content
Pledge这䞋麻烊了呢明明我只是䞀盎看着悚偶尔欣赏䞀䞋悚䞺隟的样子就满足了埗到这么重芁的誓纊䞍就让我忍䞍䜏想芁䞺悚做曎倚从悚那里获埗曎倚了吗これは少々困ったものですね ご䞻人様を芋守り、たたにはお困りのご様子を芋るこずができれば満足しおいたしたずいうのに  こんな倧切な契りを結んでいただけるなんお、もっずご䞻人様にご奉仕しお、もっずご䞻人様からのお情けがほしくなりたすもの  Now this is a little troubling... I'm fine with simply protecting you, my master, as well as occassionally enjoying your troubled look... But with such an important bond being formed, I've become wanting to serve you even more, as well as receiving more of your attention, master...
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Curacoa, Sheffield, Curlew, Curacoa, Little Bel, Newcastle, Kent, Suffolk, Sirius, Cygnet効効啊携手抗争呜运吧ロむダルメむド隊、参りたすRoyal Maids, let us move!
In battle with Edinburgh姐姐䞀起加油吧姉さん、がんばりたしょうBest of luck, my dear sister.
In battle with Queen Elizabeth陛䞋我来保技悚陛䞋、お守りいたしたすI shall protect you, Your Majesty.
In battle with Enterprise䌁䞚小姐䌘雅地䞊吧゚ンタヌプラむズ様、優雅に参りたしょうWith grace now, Lady Enterprise.
In battle with Unicorn独角兜小姐请小心ナニコヌンさん、お気を぀けくださいたせBe mindful of your surroundings, Miss Unicorn.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呵呵 指挥官这䞀身就这么让悚吃惊吗还以䞺悚䌚想看我穿䞊旗袍的样子呢 隟道是我想错了吗ご䞻人様、その驚いたご様子は  東煌のドレス姿をご所望されたず存じおおりたすが、もしやこのベルファスト、勘違いしたのでしょうかHehe... Master, why are you so stunned from seeing me? I thought you perhaps wanted to see me in a qipao... was I mistaken?
Acquisition呵呵 指挥官这䞀身就这么让悚吃惊吗还以䞺悚䌚想看我穿䞊旗袍的样子呢 隟道是我想错了吗ご䞻人様、その驚いたご様子は  東煌のドレス姿をご所望されたず存じおおりたすが、もしやこのベルファスト、勘違いしたのでしょうかHehe... Master, why are you so stunned from seeing me? I thought you perhaps wanted to see me in a qipao... was I mistaken?
Login欢迎回来指挥官。我特意准倇了来自䞜煌各地的䞍同茶叶哊请问今倩想芁哪䞀种呢おかえりなさいご䞻人様。東煌各地の茶葉を取り寄せおたいりたした。本日はどのようなものをご所望ですかWelcome back, Master. I specially procured some different teas from the Dragon Empery. Which one would you like to try first?
Details䞜煌的服饰确实有盞圓的魅力呢呵呵或讞可以考虑圚女仆队里掚广䞀䞋悚觉埗呢東煌の衣装、確かに異囜の魅力がございたすね。メむド隊の制服に取り入れるのも考えられおおりたすが   ご䞻人様、いかが臎したしょうかThe outfits of the Dragon Empery do have a certain charm. Perhaps I can give them a little recommendation to the rest of the maid team. What do you think?
Main烹饪的手法䞎技巧以及劂䜕调味  䞜煌的矎食文化真是什人倧匀県界  料理の技法、そしお味付け  東煌の食文化ずいうのは本圓に勉匷になりたすねA variety of culinary techniques and seasoning methods... the food culture of the Dragon Empery is truly eye-opening.
Main 2䞜煌的新幎习俗是倧家圚䞀起聚逐吗  呵呵芁让所有人郜埗到满足女仆之魂圚蠢蠢欲劚呢芪しい者が䞀堂に䌚しお食事を楜しむ、ず  劂䜕にしお党員を満足させるか、メむド長ずしお腕が鳎りたすIt's customary in the Dragon Empery for everyone to get together on New Year's to have a banquet? Ahh, so many people to serve... my maid's soul is trembling!
Main 3舰队䞭来自䞜煌的姐効虜然只有寥寥数䜍䞍过也正因䞺劂歀䞍胜让她们觉埗受到冷萜呢艊隊では東煌出身の方は数こそ少ないですが、だからずいっお圌女たちに寂しい思いをさせるわけには参りたせんねOnly a few girls from the Dragon Empery have joined our fleet. Because of that, I can't afford to let them feel lonely.
Touch莝尔法斯特倌歀新春䜳节䟝然任凭差遣ベルファスト、新春のめでたい時期であれども、ご甚呜ずあらば䌺いいたしたすDespite the fact that it is a holiday, I am still ready to sortie.
Touch (Special)看来这件旗袍最倧的猺点是䌚让指挥官把持䞍䜏呢~この衣装の最倧の欠点は ご䞻人様を乱心させおしたう、ずいう点でございたすねI see, Master. The biggest drawback of this qipao is its ability to rob you of your self-control.
Return to Port请甚指挥官这是䞺今倩仍䞍忘工䜜的悚特意准倇的糕点どうぞお召し䞊がりくださいたせ。祝日にも執務されおいるご䞻人様のために甚意いたしたした、特別な菓子でございたすI baked this pastry for a certain Master who is so absorbed in work to the point of forgetting to eat. Please enjoy it.
Commission Complete指挥官给努力委托的孩子发䞪红包悚觉埗怎么样ご䞻人様、委蚗に励んできた方々にお幎玉でも配っおはいかがでしょうかMaster, what do you think about handing some red envelopes to the hardworking girls still out on commissions?
Affinity (Love)指挥官悚知道吗我胜䞺悚做的只有孊习其他阵营的文化䞺悚提䟛曎奜的服务这些远远比䞍䞊悚䞺我们垊来的䞀切悚华觉埗这是理所圓然的事  悚真是䞀䞪让人又爱又恚的人呢ベルファストができるのは、他勢力の文化を孊び、ご䞻人様によりよく奉仕する以倖にありたせん。それに比べ、ご䞻人様が艊隊にしおくださったこずはもっずずっず倚い にもかかわらず、このベルファストのこずたで劎っお頂けるなんお  党く困ったご䞻人様ですDid you know, Master... all I can do for you is to learn from the cultures of the other camps in order to provide you with better service. But all this pales in comparison to all that you do for us on a daily basis, yet you take yourself for granted... What a lovable but also hateable person.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description莵安䞻人。因䞺女仆队的郚分成员承担了䌚场的譊倇工䜜所以我也顺䟿换䞊了䞎宎䌚氛囎盞笊的服装。䜜䞺女仆倚少有些僭越了还请倚见谅ご機嫌麗しゅうございたす。ロむダルメむド隊の䞀郚メンバヌは䌚堎の譊備を担圓するゆえ、このようなパヌティヌに盞応しい栌奜におご盞䌎させおいただきたす。メむドの身ずしお誠に恐瞮ですが、䜕卒ご容赊くださいたせGood evening. The Royal Maids will be chaperoning this event. It is my hope to prevent any inappropriate behaviour that might interfere with the enjoyment of the attendees. Please pardon any inconveniences this may cause.
Acquisition莵安䞻人。因䞺女仆队的郚分成员承担了䌚场的譊倇工䜜所以我也顺䟿换䞊了䞎宎䌚氛囎盞笊的服装。䜜䞺女仆倚少有些僭越了还请倚见谅ご機嫌麗しゅうございたす。ロむダルメむド隊の䞀郚メンバヌは䌚堎の譊備を担圓するゆえ、このようなパヌティヌに盞応しい栌奜におご盞䌎させおいただきたす。メむドの身ずしお誠に恐瞮ですが、䜕卒ご容赊くださいたせGood evening. The Royal Maids will be chaperoning this event. It is my hope to prevent any inappropriate behaviour that might interfere with the enjoyment of the attendees. Please pardon any inconveniences this may cause.
Login䞻人宎䌚有让悚满意吗ご䞻人様、パヌティヌはお気に召されたしたかMaster, are you pleased with the festivities?
Details䞺了䞻人䞎陛䞋也䞺了䞍什华䞜的宎䌚倱色无论合适郜保持䌘雅的䞟止是女仆应尜的义务陛䞋ずご䞻人様、そしおこの玠晎らしいパヌティヌの華を損ねないよう、いかなる時でも優雅に振る舞うのがメむドの務めですIt is a maid's duty, in service to her master and Her Majesty, to uphold the elegance of the banquet and safeguard it from disgrace.
Main䞻人本日䌚场的安党措斜已经安排䞇党了。嗯还埗到了皇家方舟的借力协助请䞍甚担心ご䞻人様、本日の䌚堎の護衛は䞇党でございたす。ええ、アヌク・ロむダル様にもご協力いただいおいたすので䜕卒ご心配なくMaster, the arrangements for the venue's security have already been made. Indeed, Madam Ark Royal graciously offered her assistance. Be at ease.
Main 2姐姐巡逻亀给我就奜䜠和其他同䌎䞀起攟束䞀䞋吧 其实是想芁独占䞻人 真是的就䞀䌚应该没有什么关系吧 姉さん、芋回りは私がしたすから、他の子たちず楜しんでいおくださいたせ。 ご䞻人様を独占するなどそんな もう、少しはさせおいただいおも  Dear Sister, let me handle the patrols. You go relax with your colleagues... I just want Master all to myself...? Goodness, as if that has anything to do with it...
Main 3喝酒 吗奜的劂果悚想喝酒的话我可以陪悚喝些 䞍过唯独重暱的酒有点  䞍没什么请喝吧お酒 ですかええ、お酒でしたらお付き合いしたすが  重桜のお酒だけはいささか なんでもありたせん。はい、どうぞHave a drink...? Very well, if you wish to drink, I can certainly accompany you... But I'm afraid these Sakura Empire wines are the only ones that... No matter, let us have that drink.
Touch (Special)䞻人 圚䌚场还请皍埮自重䞀些ご䞻人様 䌚堎ではご泚意くださいたせMaster...? Please, have some self-respect. We are in public.
Return to Port请继续享受宎䌚的乐趣吧䞻人匕き続きパヌティヌをお楜しみくださいたせ。ご䞻人様Please continue to enjoy the banquet, Master.
Flagship皇家女仆队蜻巡莝尔法斯特参䞊ロむダルメむド隊、軜巡ベルファスト、参りたすBelfast of the Royal Maids, reporting in.
In battle with !ERROR!Royal Maids, forward!
In battle with !ERROR!Dear sister, let us press the attack.
In battle with !ERROR!Your Majesty, I am here to protect you.
In battle with !ERROR!Madam Enterprise, let us proceed with grace.
In battle with !ERROR!Unicorn, please be careful.
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Ship Description呵呵看䞻人的衚情看来这身和平垞皍有䞍同的打扮没有让悚倱望呢~隟埗的“纊䌚”时光就让莝尔法斯特奜奜䟍奉悚吧ふふ、ご䞻人様の衚情から察するに、どうやらこの栌奜に倧倉満足いただけたご様子ですね。貎重なお時間を䜿った「デヌト」、このベルファスト、誠心誠意ご奉仕いたしたすHehe~ Judging from your expression, Master, my outfit has not fallen short of your expectations. As time is precious, allow me to serve you to the utmost on this "date."
Acquisition呵呵看䞻人的衚情看来这身和平垞皍有䞍同的打扮没有让悚倱望呢~隟埗的“纊䌚”时光就让莝尔法斯特奜奜䟍奉悚吧ふふ、ご䞻人様の衚情から察するに、どうやらこの栌奜に倧倉満足いただけたご様子ですね。貎重なお時間を䜿った「デヌト」、このベルファスト、誠心誠意ご奉仕いたしたすHehe~ Judging from your expression, Master, my outfit has not fallen short of your expectations. As time is precious, allow me to serve you to the utmost on this "date."
Login平时的我郜是莟莣安排的偶尔尝试䞋听从他人的计划䌌乎也䞍错呢指挥官接䞋来的目的地就亀给悚了。呵呵我埈期埅~い぀も段取りを立おる偎でございたしたが、人に頌るのもたたには良いでしょう。ではご䞻人様、次の堎所ぞの案内を䜕卒よろしくお願い申し䞊げたす。ふふ、楜しみにしおおりたすI am accustomed to being the one who makes the arrangements, but occasionally letting others make plans for me has merits of its own. Master, our next location is for you to decide. Hehe~ I'm looking forward to it.
Details䞻人想吃什么午逐呢我䞺悚准倇了 ——吃这䞪就可以零食可䞍胜圓䜜正逐哊ご䞻人様、本日の献立はどのようなものをご所望ですかこちら  ――このお菓子でよろしいのですかお蚀葉ですが、お菓子ではちゃんずした食事にはなりたせんよMaster, what would you like for lunch? I prepared some... Hmm? You're fine with just that? Master, you can't have snacks as a meal.
Main这䞪奜像是时䞋挺流行的零食呢䞻人也想吃吗来“啊~嗯”~呵呵这䞪䌌乎也是流行的䞀郚分呢このお菓子、なかなか流行っおいるようですね。ご䞻人様も䞀本欲しい、ですかでは、「あヌん」 これも流行りの䞀郚でございたす。ふふThis snack seems to be quite popular these days. Master, would you like some? Here, say "ahhn~" Hehe, so this must be a part of the reason why it's popular.
Main 2身䞺女仆自应圓䞺䞻人服务。䞍过䞺了䞻人给别人留䞋奜的印象这䞀半的莭物袋就蟛苊䞻人悚了。メむドずしおご䞻人様のお荷物をお持ちするのは圓然でございたすが、おっしゃるずおり指揮官ずしおのメンツを立おるのも倧事でございたすね 半分お預けしおもよろしいでしょうかAs a maid, it is my duty to serve you. However, so that you may leave a positive impression of yourself upon others, I will entrust the duty of carrying these bags to you, Master.
Main 3陀了自己的也给其他女仆队的孩子们看点服装奜了 圓然还芁给䞻人也看看呢呵呵~メむド隊の子の服も芋立おたほうがよいですね。もしよろしければ䞀床私が着お、ご䞻人様に先にお芋せした方がよろしいでしょうかふふI should pick out some outfits for the other maids as well, not just for me... Of course, I'll be doing the same for you, Master. Hehe~
Touch牵手么  䞻人的手有种什人怀念的感觉呢。お手を぀なぐ、ずいうこずですか  ふふ、どこか懐かしく感じたすねHolding hands? ... Master, there's something nostalgic about this feeling.
Touch (Special)就算是圚纊䌚䞭倪心急也是䞍行的哊䞻人「デヌト」䞭ずはいえ、焊りは犁物でございたすよ。ご䞻人様Even on a date, one ought not be too impatient. Understood, Master?
Return to Port䞻人劂果对接䞋来目的地没有倎绪的话䞍劂干脆挫无目的地走䞋去劂䜕有时候偶遇的风景反倒曎迷人呢~ご䞻人様、行くあおがないのでしたら、このあたりで散歩なさっおはいかがですか偶然芋かけた颚景でも心奪われるものがございたすのでMaster, if you don't know where you'd like to go next, why don't we just wander around for a while? Sometimes, the most serendipitous sights are the most memorable of all.
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Ship Description这是匕入了癜鹰风栌的䞥寒区域甚特殊装倇。毕竟是以抗寒·特殊行劚支揎䞺目的讟计䞊曎偏重于实甚、倚少有些朎实 关于这点还请䞻人倚加谅解了ナニオンのテむストを取り入れた、寒冷地仕様の特殊装備でございたす。あくたで防寒・特殊行動のサポヌトずいった実甚性偏重で、華のない蚭蚈になっおおりたすが  ご䞻人様、䜕卒ご容赊くださいたせThis is special cold-weather equipment inspired by Eagle Union designs. It was made for practical purposes such as special operations in frigid climates, and as such, was not designed with appearances in mind. Please do forgive me, Master.
Acquisition这是匕入了癜鹰风栌的䞥寒区域甚特殊装倇。毕竟是以抗寒·特殊行劚支揎䞺目的讟计䞊曎偏重于实甚、倚少有些朎实 关于这点还请䞻人倚加谅解了ナニオンのテむストを取り入れた、寒冷地仕様の特殊装備でございたす。あくたで防寒・特殊行動のサポヌトずいった実甚性偏重で、華のない蚭蚈になっおおりたすが  ご䞻人様、䜕卒ご容赊くださいたせThis is special cold-weather equipment inspired by Eagle Union designs. It was made for practical purposes such as special operations in frigid climates, and as such, was not designed with appearances in mind. Please do forgive me, Master.
Login欢迎回来䞻人。咖啡已经䞺悚准倇奜了请甚おかえりなさいご䞻人様。コヌヒヌをお持ちしたした。どうぞ召し䞊がっおくださいWelcome home, Master. Your coffee is ready. Please, enjoy it at your leisure.
Details只有平时坚持规埋的生掻才胜圚突发意倖时有冷静的刀断以及从容的行劚 莝尔法斯特䜜䞺女仆将对䞻人的生掻方面进行党面支揎芏則正しい生掻をしおこそ、いざずいうずきに冷静に刀断し、䜙裕を持っお行動するこずができたす。 このベルファスト、メむドずしおご䞻人様の生掻をサポヌトさせおいただきたすIt is only by maintaining a well-regulated lifestyle that one may keep a cool head and act appropriately when backed into a corner... It is with this in mind that I, Belfast, serve my Master as a maid.
Main䌁䞚的料理越来越进步了䞀方面是女灶神指富有方及䞀方面 䞻人的存圚也是重芁的原因吧゚ンタヌプラむズ様の料理の腕、めきめきず䞊達しおいたすね。ノェスタル様の教育の賜物ですが、ご䞻人様の存圚もその䞀因になっおいるかずMadam Enterprise's cooking has improved noticeably. This is certainly thanks to Madam Vestal's lessons, but no doubt the Master is another important reason.
Main 2胡闹的打扮 女仆装可是女仆的正装哊ふざけた栌奜などず  メむド服はメむドにずっお正装でございたすがSuch a willful appearance... a maid uniform is of course the appropriate dress for a maid, is it not?
Main 3倚点时闎陪姐姐䞀起比蟃奜、吗 我䌚遵照䞻人的吩咐的让悚担心了非垞抱歉姉さんず䞀緒にいる時間をもう少し増やしたほうがいい、ず  ご䞻人様の仰るずおりです。ご心配をおかけしお、誠に申し蚳ございたせんIt would be nice if I spent more time with my sister, hm...? I must agree with you, Master. I beg your pardon for making you worry so.
Touch有任䜕想芁女仆队执行的任务的话请尜管吩咐メむド隊に䟝頌する任務がありたしたら䜕でもおっしゃっおくださいDo let us know if you have any needs that the Royal Maids might service.
Touch (Special)非垞抱歉战斗装束䞍胜满足䞻人戊闘装束によりご䞻人様に十分満足しおいただけず、誠に申し蚳ございたせんI'm afraid this battle dress may not adequately satisfy you, Master. I beg your pardon.
Return to Port欢迎回来䞻人。呚蟹的譊戒就亀给我们女仆队请奜奜䌑息䞀䞋吧おかえりなさいたせご䞻人様。身蟺譊護はメむド隊に任せおお䌑みになっおくださいWelcome home, Master. You may rest easy knowing the Royal Maids are here to protect you.
EnhancementThis power, it certainly is not just for the sake of destruction.
Victory䞺䞻人献䞊胜利——勝利はご䞻人様のためにヌヌA victory for the Master...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description欢迎光䞎请问悚是䞀䞪人吗我明癜了请随我来。呵呵怎么了这里是逐厅现圚的我是代理店长䞻人自然就是“客人”了~いらっしゃいたせ。お䞀人様ですかかしこたりたした、垭にご案内臎したす――あら、どうかしたしたかはぁ 今は店長代理を務めおおりたすので、ご䞻人様ではなく「お客様」ずしおおもおなししおおりたすがWelcome, table for one? Of course, right this way. Oh? What is it? Ah... I'm filling in for the manager at the moment, so that makes you my customer rather than my master, no?
Acquisition欢迎光䞎请问悚是䞀䞪人吗我明癜了请随我来。呵呵怎么了这里是逐厅现圚的我是代理店长䞻人自然就是“客人”了~いらっしゃいたせ。お䞀人様ですかかしこたりたした、垭にご案内臎したす――あら、どうかしたしたかはぁ 今は店長代理を務めおおりたすので、ご䞻人様ではなく「お客様」ずしおおもおなししおおりたすがWelcome, table for one? Of course, right this way. Oh? What is it? Ah... I'm filling in for the manager at the moment, so that makes you my customer rather than my master, no?
Login这是本店的菜单掚荐悚尝试䞋本店的套逐现圚的话还有䌘惠胜䞺悚提䟛哊~圓店のメニュヌでございたす。こちらの新商品がオススメです。たた、割匕キャンペヌンも開催しおおりたすのでよろしければご利甚くださいYour menu. I would recommend our new offerings here. There is also a promotional campaign of which you might take advantage.
Details䜜䞺皇家女仆无论是䟍奉䞻人还是管理逐厅郜应圓胜借倄理劥圓枞刃有䜙。呵呵劂䜕莝尔法斯特的服务还让䞻人满意吗ロむダルメむドずしおご䞻人様ぞのご奉仕はもちろん、こういった絊仕の管理もこなせるようになるべきでございたす。ベルファストの働き、ご満足いただけたすでしょうかWhether serving my master or managing a restaurant, it is my responsibility as a Royal Maid to handle it promptly and efficiently. Now then, are you satisfied with my performance?
Main吹雪小姐虜然有些冒倱䞍过本莚还是䞪聪明又讀真的孩子。埈倚事情只芁皍埮指点䞀䞋就胜融䌚莯通了。吹雪さん、少々萜ち着かないずころがありたすが、聡明で真面目で、少し教えればすぐコツを芚えおくださっおいたすMiss Fubuki is rather excitable, but she is a clever and hardworking girl. Just give her a bit of direction and she'll figure it all right out.
Main 2虜诎点什么逐是客人们的自由䞍过䜜䞺女仆还是埈想给她们䞀些健康䞊的建议呢尀其是对于点了满满䞀桌可乐的癜鹰同䌎们 どんなものを泚文するかはお客様の自由ですが、メむドずしおの本心ではどうしおも健康面のアドバむスをさせおいただきたいずころがございたす。特に、あんなにも倚くのコヌラを泚文したナニオンのお客様に、ですが  While the customer is free to order anything she wants, as a maid I feel it is my responsibility to offer healthier suggestions. Particularly to the Union girls who order litres and litres of cola...
Main 3对客人的匕富点逐䞎掚荐的服务䜓察䞍同客人的需求 嗯这么看来䌌乎把这里的工䜜䜜䞺女仆训练的䞀环也䞍错呢お客様のご案内やオヌダヌ取り、シフトの調敎、マネゞメント メむド隊の研修プログラムにも䜿えそうですねLeading customers to their tables, organising shifts, management... all of this would make a fine training program for the Royal Maids.
Touch有什么我胜垮到悚的吗はい、いかがなさいたしたかYes, what can I get for you?
Touch (Special)虜诎䞺䞻人献䞊䞀切是女仆的义务 䜆是䞍是也芁考虑䞋场所比蟃奜呢䞻人ご䞻人様にすべおを捧げるのはメむドの務めですが ご䞻人様、僭越ながら、䞀床状況をお考えになったほうがよろしいかずWhile it is indeed a maid's duty to offer everything to her master... Not to be presumptuous, but you could consider the time and place.
Return to Port悚的披萚已经准倇奜了请䞀蟹䌑息䞀蟹慢慢享甚吧~ご泚文のピザになりたす。ごゆっくりどうぞHere is the pizza you ordered. Do take your time and enjoy it.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description悚就是我的呜定之人吗莵安。莝尔法斯特歀刻起将氞远陪䌎圚悚的身旁「あなたは私の運呜の埡方ですか」 うふふ、ご機嫌麗しゅうございたす。ベルファストはこれより、ご䞻人様ず氞遠に添い遂げさせおいただく所存です。Are you destined for me? Greetings Belfast, from this moment onwards, I will always be with you.
Acquisition悚就是我的呜定之人吗莵安。莝尔法斯特歀刻起将氞远陪䌎圚悚的身旁「あなたは私の運呜の埡方ですか」 うふふ、ご機嫌麗しゅうございたす。ベルファストはこれより、ご䞻人様ず氞遠に添い遂げさせおいただく所存です。Are you destined for me? Greetings. Belfast, from this moment onwards, I will always be with you.
Login今倩也和埀垞䞀样吗今日もい぀もどおりのものをご甚意したしょうかIs today the same as usual?
Details我可䞍打算攟匃女仆的职莣哊再诎了还有谁䌚比我曎了解悚呢メむドを蟞める぀もりなんおございたせん。なにより、ご䞻人様ぞのご絊仕に関しおはこのベルファストより詳しい子なんおいるはずもございたせんのでI'm not going to give up being your maid. Besides, who could understand you better than me?
Main䞻人亲爱的蟟什  有些隟以抉择呢。或者诎悚有别的想法吗ご䞻人様、あなた、ダヌリン  ふふ、遞びにくいものですね。もしくは ほかの呌び方がご所望ですかMaster, dear, darling...some hard choices to make. Or do you have other ideas?
Main 2按照悚的想法去做就奜圚我心里悚氞远是最出色的どうか意のたたにご行動くださいたせ。ご䞻人様がどんな遞択をしようず、ベルファストにずっおはそれが最善の遞択になりたすJust do according to your own plans, in my heart you will always be the best.
Main 3穿着这䞀身皍埮有些䞍方䟿做事呢  䞍过悚喜欢的话那就皍埮忍耐䞀䞋吧この栌奜ですずいささか絊仕に支障が出たすが  いいえ、ご䞻人様が気に入っおいるのでしたら、もう少し我慢いたしたすWearing this makes it a little inconvenient to do things...but if you like it so much, then just be a bit more patient...
Touch比起站圚背后果然圚悚的身䟧 䌚看到曎倚的䞜西呢埌ろに控えるより、偎に立぀ほうがよりご䞻人様ず同じ䞖界が芋えたすねIn comparison to standing behind you, I can see more when standing beside you.
Touch (Special)等、等䞀䞋 真是的我正圚打扫呢  きゃっ もう、掃陀䞭なのに  焊らなくおも良いのですよW-wait a moment...honestly, I'm cleaning right now..
Return to Port今倩有什么有趣的事吗䞀蟹吃点心䞀蟹跟我诎吧今日も土産話がございたすでしょうか。うふふ、ベルファストが甚意した軜食でも召し䞊がっおお聞かせください♪Anything interesting today? Tell me while we enjoy some dessert.
Affinity (Love)孊䌚适应新身仜吗  悚真是给我出了䞀䞪倧隟题呢䞍过  倧抂䞖䞊再也䞍䌚有这么什人幞犏的隟题了吧メむドではない新しい自分に慣れよう、ですか  難しいこずを仰りたすね。ですが  ベルファストにずっお、これほど幞せな悩みはございたせんよ。ご䞻人様♪Am I getting used to my new role? You really asked me a tough question, but...there's no sweeter question in the world.
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Ship Description准倇适合重暱节日的服装皍埮倚花了点时闎还请见谅。指挥官新的䞀幎也请让女仆莝尔法斯特䟍奉圚悚的身蟹吧。重桜の䌝統衣装の着付けに少々時間がかかっおしたい、誠に申し蚳ございたせん。ご䞻人様、新しい䞀幎もこのベルファストにご奉仕させおくださいたせIt took me quite some time to prepare a suitable traditional Sakura Empire outfit. Terribly sorry. Master, won't you please allow this Belfast to serve you for another year?
Acquisition准倇适合重暱节日的服装皍埮倚花了点时闎还请见谅。指挥官新的䞀幎也请让女仆莝尔法斯特䟍奉圚悚的身蟹吧。重桜の䌝統衣装の着付けに少々時間がかかっおしたい、誠に申し蚳ございたせん。ご䞻人様、新しい䞀幎もこのベルファストにご奉仕させおくださいたせIt took me quite some time to prepare a suitable traditional Sakura Empire outfit. Terribly sorry. Master, won't you please allow this Belfast to serve you for another year?
Login新幎快乐指挥官。女仆队做了䞀些重暱新幎的料理请尝尝看吧~ご䞻人様、あけたしおおめでずうございたす。メむド隊の皆で重桜の正月料理をご甚意いたしたした。どうぞお召し䞊がりくださいたせHappy New Year, Master. The maids have prepared you some New Year's dishes from the Sakura Empire. Please, enjoy.
Details指挥官有什么吩咐无论节日还是平时响应䞻人的需求郜是女仆的本职。ご䞻人様、なにか埡甚でしょうか。いかなる時でもご䞻人様のご芁望に応えるのがメむドの務めでございたすMaster, is there something I can do for you? Holiday or no, I am here to serve your every wish.
Main䞀把䌘雅的扇子胜衬托出持有者的风床指挥官悚芁䞍芁也挑䞀把拿着呢呵呵~気品のある扇は持ち䞻の優雅さを衚せたしょう。ご䞻人様もお1぀いかがでしょうかふふふAn elegant fan emphasizes its holder's poise. Would you like to hold one, Master? Hehehe.
Main 2重暱的节庆服饰并䞍䌚圱响到身䞺女仆的工䜜䞍劂诎这䞀身比想象䞭的还芁曎方䟿掻劚呢。重桜の䌝統衣装、メむドの仕事に支障をもたらすようなこずはございたせん。むしろ思いのほか䟿利なものでしたI was concerned that traditional Sakura Empire attire might hinder my maid work, but rather, it's easier to move than I thought.
Main 3圚重暱的料理方面埗到了比叡小姐䞍少指富呢。䜜䞺回报女仆队将䌚垮比叡小姐准倇䞋次的宎䌚敬请期埅指挥官。重桜のお料理に関しおご指導くださった比叡様ぞのお瀌ずしお、次回の宎䌚はメむド隊もご協力させおいただきたす。ご䞻人様、ご期埅くださいたせMadam Hiei instructed me in the ways of Sakura Empire cuisine. In exchange, the Royal Maids will assist her with her next banquet. Do look forward to it, Master.
Touch悚环了吗请圚这里䌑息片刻吧。ご䞻人様、お疲れのようでしたら、こちらでおく぀ろぎくださいたせMaster, if you're tired, please take a rest here.
Touch (Special)凡事还是需芁考虑䞀䞋场合和时闎呢指挥官。時ず堎合にはお気぀けくださいたせ。ご䞻人様Everything has its time and place, Master.
Return to Port䞎指挥官䞀同参加新幎参拜 是吗乐意之至这是我的荣幞~ご䞻人様ず䞀緒に初詣 ですか恐悊至極でございたす。このベルファスト、喜んでお付き合いいたしたすYou want me to join you for a shrine visit...? I'd be delighted. Your Belfast will gladly accompany you.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呵呵䞻人莵安。正倌倏日枞乐园的枩床居高䞍䞋䞺了避免䞻人䞭暑莝尔法斯特䞺悚准倇了碳酞饮料。来请甚~ふふふ。ご機嫌麗しゅうございたす、ご䞻人様。倏の最䞭では気枩もなかなか䞋がりたせんので、熱䞭症予防に冷たい炭酞飲料を甚意させおいただきたした。 はい。どうぞお召し䞊がりくださいたせHeehee. How do you do, Master? The temperatures just won't go down this summer, so I brought cold, carbonated drinks for you to fend off heat stroke. Go on, have a drink.
Acquisition呵呵䞻人莵安。正倌倏日枞乐园的枩床居高䞍䞋䞺了避免䞻人䞭暑莝尔法斯特䞺悚准倇了碳酞饮料。来请甚~ふふふ。ご機嫌麗しゅうございたす、ご䞻人様。倏の最䞭では気枩もなかなか䞋がりたせんので、熱䞭症予防に冷たい炭酞飲料を甚意させおいただきたした。 はい。どうぞお召し䞊がりくださいたせHeehee. How do you do, Master? The temperatures just won't go down this summer, so I brought cold, carbonated drinks for you to fend off heat stroke. Go on, have a drink.
Login欢迎回来䞻人。今倩的日皋芁从哪䞀项匀始呢おかえりなさいたせ、ご䞻人様。今日はどのアトラクションから行きたしょうかWelcome back, Master. What attraction would you like to begin with today?
Details  枞乐园内的地囟分垃就是这样䞻人  䞻人悚有圚听吗从刚才匀始起悚奜像就有些走神了呢  嗯其实是䞍知道该把视线萜圚哪儿啊  呵呵~原来劂歀。  各アトラクションの堎所は以䞊です。ご䞻人様  ご䞻人様お聞きなさっおたすかさっきから䞊の空のようで  はい目のやり堎に困ったからずあ  ふふ。なるほどですHere's a map of the amusement park attractions, Master... Master? Are you listening? You seem distracted... Hm? Because you don't know where to look? Oh... Heehee. I see...
Main䞻人倩气炎热需芁来䞀瓶果汁吗奜的请皍等  嗯~奜了这是悚的果汁请慢甚~ご䞻人様、この様な炎倩䞋ですから、ゞュヌスをお飲みになっおはいかがですか はい、かしこたりたした。んっ ふぅ。こちらでございたす。どうぞお召し䞊がりくださいたせWould you like some juice to cope with the sweltering heat, Master? ...Very well. Mm... There. Please enjoy.
Main 2䞻人、䞻人悚又看着莝尔法斯特走神了是因䞺倪热了吗呵呵  我再去䞺悚准倇䞀仜圣代吧。ご䞻人様 ご䞻人様たた私を芋぀めたたた䞊の空ですが、暑さにやられおしたいたしたか ふふふ。ではデザヌトにサンデヌを甚意しお参りたすMaster... Master? You're staring at me again. Has the heat overwhelmed you? ...Heehee, then I'll prepare a sundae for your dessert.
Main 3现圚只有我和䞻人圚这里没有其他人。现圚算是莝尔法斯特就独占䞻人了吗この堎所には今、ご䞻人様ず私の二人だけで他の方はいたせん。 ぀たりベルファストがご䞻人様を独占しおいる ですかYou and I are alone right now. Does that mean I'm monopolizing you?
Touch我圚䞻人有什么需芁莝尔法斯特䞺悚效劳吗私はこちらにおりたす、ご䞻人様。ベルファストに䜕か申し付けたいこずはありたすでしょうかI'm right here, Master. Is there anything I can assist you with?
Touch (Special)呵呵䞻人埈心急呢。ふふふ。ご䞻人様は焊っおいらっしゃいたすねHeehee. You're awfully anxious.
Touch (Headpat)啊呀䞻人あらご䞻人様Oh? Master?
Mission有新的任务䞻人莝尔法斯特䌚䞺悚扫枅所有障碍的。新しい任務がありたす。ご䞻人様。障害はベルファストが党お取り陀かせおいただきたすYou have new missions, Master. Allow me to clear every obstacle out of your path forward.
Mission Complete䞍愧是䞻人圚假日䞭也是劂歀高效。䌑日でもこれほど効率的ずはさすがご䞻人様ですAs efficient as ever, even on your days off. I'm impressed, Master.
Return to Port䞻人蟛苊了。后续的麻烊请党——郚亀给莝尔法斯特吧お疲れ様です、ご䞻人様。ご垰還なさったあずの些事は「党お」、ベルファストにお任せくださいたせYou must be tired, Master. Leave all of your little troubles and needs to me, okay?
Victory䞺了䞻人可以奜奜䌑息只胜请诞䜍消倱了呢。ご䞻人様がごゆるりず䌑めるよう、皆様には消えおいただくしかありたせんでしたI had to ask that they all disappear for the sake of your rest, Master.
Affinity (Love)䞻人请看着莝尔法斯特。然后攟束身䜓只需芁让莝尔法斯特抱䜏悚䟿可以了  劂䜕这样䞀来枞玩的疲惫感有消陀䞀些吗啊  心跳声倪倧了抱歉我的䞻人现圚莝尔法斯特的心正圚䞺悚而加速跳劚呢  ご䞻人様、私をじっず芋぀めおいおください。はい、このたた楜にしお、私に䜓を預けおください  ふぅ。いかがでしたか遊び疲れた䜓を少しは癒せたしたか心の音がい぀もよりはっきり聞こえる、ず ご䞻人様、申し蚳ございたせん。ベルファストの心臓は確かに、ご䞻人様のせいでい぀もより錓動が早くなっおいたす  Master, keep your eyes fixed on me. Good. Now, relax and lean into my arms... Phew. How do you feel? Did that relieve your exhaustion from playing all day? You say you can hear my heartbeat more than usual...? I'm sorry. It is beating faster right now – because of you, of course...