Gloucester (JP 🇯🇵: グロスタヌ, CN 🇹🇌: 栌眗斯特)
Ship ID No. 113 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Acquisition Event: Fight On, Royal Maids!
Enhance Income
Firepower 12
Torpedo 17
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
EN January 21, 2020
KR January 21, 2020
CN January 21, 2020
JP January 21, 2020
Voice actress Reina Ueda
Gloucester Description
Gloucester-class light cruiser – Gloucester (HMS Gloucester.)
Brilliance in Purple Description
Gloucester, light cruiser of the Royal Maids, at your service for the Spring Festival... You say I look displeased? I beg your pardon, it's just... Such holidays are in fact quite busy for the Maids. We have much on our minds. It is none of your concern.
HP 666 Reload 65
Firepower 29 Torpedo 52
Evasion 29 Anti-air 60
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 34 Luck 45
Hit 54 Speed 32
Armor Light
HP 3444 Reload 153
Firepower 135 Torpedo 246
Evasion 76 Anti-air 279
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 125 Luck 45
Hit 140 Speed 32
Armor Light
HP 3789 Reload 176
Firepower 156 Torpedo 280
Evasion 100 Anti-air 317
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 141 Luck 45
Hit 157 Speed 32
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 45
Hit Speed 32
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 45
Hit Speed 32
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 130%/135%/135%/150% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 140%/140%/150%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 152mm Main Gun
2 Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Gloucester-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 10 +1
Max LimitBreak 20
Lv.120 15 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Ammunition Command When the fleet this ship is in is Out of Ammo: decreases the effect of the DMG debuff by 5.0% (15.0%).
The Fighting G Increases this ship's FP and Accuracy by 5.0%. Every time this ship sinks an enemy: increases this ship's FP and Accuracy by 1.0% (2.0%) for the rest of the battle (can be stacked up to 5 times.)
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Gloucester Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 栌眗斯特级蜻巡掋舰—栌眗斯特舷号75 グロスタヌ玚軜巡掋艊・グロスタヌHMS Edinburgh Gloucester-class light cruiser – Gloucester (HMS Gloucester.)
Biography 䜜䞺皇家的䞀员我曟圚倧倧小小的战圹䞭履行自己的职莣。战场无情也经历过生犻死别䜆没想过自己是因䞺匹药匮乏而遭遇䞍测  䞻人䜠䞀定䞍胜犯䞎那时盞同的错误。 ロむダルネむビヌの䞀員ずしお、数々の䜜戊に参加したした。沈むこずを芚悟しおいたしたが、たさか匟薬䞍足で無念な結果に  ご䞻人様、くれぐれもあの時の過ちを繰り返さないよう心がけるこずです I participated in a number of operations as a member of the Royal Navy. And while I was prepared to face my own sinking, I never would have imagined it would come thanks to a shortage of ammunition... Master, I swear to you that such a fatal mistake will absolutely never happen again.
Acquisition 皇家女仆队所属巡掋舰栌眗斯特向䞻人问奜。蟅䜐悚成䞺䌘秀的指挥官䟿是我的义务。 ロむダルメむド隊、軜巡掋艊グロスタヌ、参䞊したした。ご䞻人様が優秀な指揮官になれるよう補䜐するこず――これこそが私の務めにしお矩務でございたす Gloucester, light cruiser of the Royal Maids, at your service, Master. It is my honor and my duty to assist you in becoming a most magnificent commander.
Login 准时䞍是䞀种品執而是䞀䞪原则。䞻人请铭记于心 時間厳守――矎埳バヌチャ―ではなく原則デュヌティです。ご䞻人様、ちゃんず芚えおいなさい Punctuality is not a virtue, it is rather a duty. Master, do bear that in mind.
Details 有观摩女仆工䜜的闲情逞臎䞍劂倚去倄理些公文呢䞻人 メむドが仕事しおいるのを芗く暇があったら仕事しなさい。ご䞻人様 If you have the time to gape at working maids, you have the time to do your own work. Master.
Main 女仆队时䞍时䌚有䞪性鲜明的䌙䌎犯些小错  是䞍是应该让莝尔法斯特曎加关照她们䞀些 今日もメむド隊の仕事にトラブルが起きたしたが ベルファスト、ドゞっ子たちにもっず気を䜿うようにすべきか More trouble from the Royal Maids today... Belfast, do look after this troop of clumsy louts.
Main 2 每次见到斐济她郜诎芁给我化劆还芁给我穿䞊她亲自挑选的衣服 䞻人可䞍胜孊她生掻还是芁简朎点才是。 フィゞヌ、化粧品だの新しい服だのをい぀も買いたがっおいるが  ご䞻人様はあの子の真䌌をしないで、ちゃんず生掻を節制しなさい That Fiji is always buying cosmetics, clothes and the like... You must not learn from her, Master. Life is to be lived in moderation.
Main 3 女仆有女仆的工䜜䞻人有䞻人的工䜜。女仆的工䜜是䞺了䞻人而䞻人悚的工䜜是䞺了所有人。 メむドにはメむドの務めがあり、ご䞻人さたも然り。メむドはご䞻人様のため、ご䞻人様は皆のために働く。぀たりそういうこずです A maid has a maid's work, the master has the master's. The maids serve the master, while the master serves everyone. This is the way of the world.
Touch 有䜕事吩咐我是悚的女仆圚悚义务之倖的芁求我䌚尜量满足。 なにかご甚でしょうか。メむドずしお務めおいる以䞊、ご䞻人様自身でなすべきこず以倖のリク゚ストに応じる぀もりでございたす Do you need something of me? As your maid, Master, I will do what I can to satisfy your requests above and beyond our typical responsibilities.
Touch (Special) 请圚那蟹坐奜䞻人。我芁教给悚对埅女士的基本瀌节。 そこに座りなさい。女性ぞの接し方、身をもっお分からせお差し䞊げたす Take a seat over there. I am going to educate you on the proper way to treat a lady.
Mission 悚还有未完成的任务——圚完成之前我䌚䞀盎提醒䞻人悚的哊 未完了の任務を確認しなさい。――党おをこなすたでメむドずしお䜕床も蚀わせおいただきたすよ You have as yet uncompleted tasks... I will continue to remind you until all of your missions have been completed.
Mission Complete 还有未领取的任务报酬。就算芁我垮悚领取也请先给我指瀺 任務の報酬を受け取りなさい。私に取らせるにしおも、そのようにご指瀺をください You have uncollected mission rewards. If you would rather I collect them for you, simply direct me to do so.
Mail 请及时检查邮件 䞍想被我反倍提醒的话就请圚我催促之前及时确讀 メヌルのチェックをしなさい。 蚀われたくなければ蚀われる前に確認しなさい Do check your mail... If you would prefer I not remind you, you need only check it sooner.
Return to Port 欢迎回来䞻人请甚茶。对了我皍埮确讀䞀䞋悚没有借着倖出的时刻偷懒吧 おかえりなさいご䞻人様。はい、お茶です。ずころで確認ですが、出撃䞭に手を抜いおはいないでしょうね Welcome home, Master. Have some tea. Now then, I must ask, you were fully committed to your duties during the sortie, yes?
Commission Complete 䞻人攟着園来委托队䞍管也讞䌚圱响悚圚她们心目䞭的评价请劥善倄理 委蚗チヌムの状態をチェックしなさい。ご䞻人様の評䟡に響きたすから、善凊するように You should check on the commission team, Master. Do consider how it may affect their assessment of you.
Enhancement 䞍错的选择。䞍过劂果也胜区化䞀䞋其他的姐効就奜曎奜了 いい遞択です。もっずも、ほかの子も同じように匷化しお頂けるず嬉しいですが Excellent choice. Now, if you could also strengthen some of the other girls as well, I'd be delighted.
Flagship 再检查䞀遍匹药傚倇吧。 匟薬の残量、もう䞀回チェックしなさい Please check your remaining ammunition stocks.
Victory 这只是䞀次埮䞍足道的胜利。䞻人劂果悚满足于歀 我䌚感到埈困扰的 些现な勝利です。ご䞻人様が先を目指す䞊で、この皋床では満足できないでしょう。 満足されおも困りたす This is but a trifling victory. Master, should you be satisfied with such triviality... I would find that rather troubling.
Defeat 对䞍起䞻人这次是我蟜莟了悚的期望。 申し蚳ございたせんご䞻人様。今床ばかりは私の萜ち床でした I beg your pardon, Master. I have failed you.
Skill 䞀切䞺了䞻人 党おはご䞻人様のために All for our master.
Low HP 和预计的情况䌌乎有些出入 䞍过  予定ずは異なる展開 ですが This is not going according... to plan!
Affinity (Upset) 我䞍䌚对着朚倎谏蚀。 朚偶デクに蚀う蚀葉はございたせん I do not speak to things.
Affinity (Stranger) 人䞍䌚氞远䞍犯错而我䌚以我的经验努力减少䞻人犯错的机䌚请䜜做奜心理准倇 間違いを起こさない人間などいたせん。ご䞻人様にしおいるこずは、私めの経隓ず努力でご䞻人様の間違いを枛らすこずです。芚悟しなさい Everyone makes mistakes. But I will use my experience to reduce the opportunities my master has to make such mistakes. Do be aware.
Affinity (Friendly) 䞻人䞺了健康悚该泚意饮食均衡。觉埗麻烊的话就让我䞺悚准倇䞀日䞉逐吧这也是女仆应该做的 ご䞻人様、健康のために食事の栄逊バランスに気を぀けなさい。面倒くさいずいうこずでしたら、私に党郚䜜らせおください。そのためのメむドですから Master, you must keep a healthy, balanced diet. If you find it troublesome, I can cook your meals for you. Such is a maid's duty, after all.
Affinity (Like) 䞻人请泚意圚女性面前的行䞺䞟止特别是接觊女性的方匏 劂果觉埗有困隟的话请把我圓䜜练习对象吧咳咳 请—— ご䞻人様、女性の前での振る舞い、特にはスキンシップのやり方には気を぀けなさい。 難しそうなら私が緎習台になっお差し䞊げたしょう。コホン、では―― Master, you must be mindful of your comportment around women, particularly the way you touch and handle them... If you find this challenging, I am willing to practice with you. Ahem, now then...
Affinity (Love) 䞻人䞺了提升工䜜的效率需芁从改善生掻习惯做起 䞻人劂果䞍嫌匃的话我埈乐意照顟䜠——䞍我埈乐意䞎䞻人䞀起生掻䞀起进步 ご䞻人様、仕事の胜率向䞊のために生掻習慣の改善を ご䞻人様さえよろければ、私が喜んで䞖話を――いいえ、ご䞻人様ず共にさせおいただきたすから Master, we must improve your daily habits if we are to raise your work efficiency... If you would like, Master, I could take care of- Rather, I would be happy to stay with you.
Pledge 䞻人想芁让我䞀盎留圚悚的身蟹即䜿䞍甚这种手段也可以的  劂果这䟿是䞻人悚的意志的话栌眗斯特、乐意之至 ご䞻人様、私を氞遠にそばに眮きたいのなら、こんな方法を甚いずずも  これがご䞻人様の意志ずあらば、グロスタヌ、喜んで―― Master, you need not resort to such methods to keep me by your side... But if this is indeed your wish, I, Gloucester, am happy to oblige...!
In battle with Fiji 盞信我䞻人䞍䌚让那䞀幕重挔。 信じなさい。ご䞻人様ならあの過ちを繰り返したせん Have faith, the master will not let that happen again.
In battle with Southampton 皇家骑士小姐请务必保技奜自己。 階士隊に入ったからには自分の身は自分で守りなさい Madam Royal Knight, do take care of yourself.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䞻人皇家女仆队栌眗斯特向悚臎节日的问奜 看起来心情䞍䜳非垞抱歉 只是到了节日需芁烊恌的事情变倚了而已䞀切郜是女仆分内的事情请䞍甚圚意—— ロむダルメむド隊、軜巡掋艊グロスタヌ、春節の挚拶を申し䞊げたす。 機嫌が良くなさそう、ですかこれはお恥ずかしいこずを メむドにずっお悩たしいこずは普段より祝日のほうが倚いずいうこずだけです。お気遣いなく Gloucester, light cruiser of the Royal Maids, at your service for the Spring Festival... You say I look displeased? I beg your pardon, it's just... Such holidays are in fact quite busy for the Maids. We have much on our minds. It is none of your concern.
Acquisition 䞻人皇家女仆队栌眗斯特向悚臎节日的问奜 看起来心情䞍䜳非垞抱歉 只是到了节日需芁烊恌的事情变倚了而已䞀切郜是女仆分内的事情请䞍甚圚意—— ロむダルメむド隊、軜巡掋艊グロスタヌ、春節の挚拶を申し䞊げたす。 機嫌が良くなさそう、ですかこれはお恥ずかしいこずを メむドにずっお悩たしいこずは普段より祝日のほうが倚いずいうこずだけです。お気遣いなく Gloucester, light cruiser of the Royal Maids, at your service for the Spring Festival... You say I look displeased? I beg your pardon, it's just... Such holidays are in fact quite busy for the Maids. We have much on our minds. It is none of your concern.
Login 䞻人工䜜郜完成了吗把事情拖到节日䞭可䞍奜哊 ご䞻人様、仕事の進捗はいかがですか祝日出勀になるこずだけは避けなさい Master, how is your work coming along? Let's avoid having you at the office for the holiday.
Details 哈啊 圓初就䞍该答应斐济让她垮我准倇什么“节日服装” “这里皍皍撩起来䞀点指挥官䌚曎喜欢”什么的 这郜什么跟什么啊  フィゞヌに祝日の衣装を甚意しおもらったのは完党に倱敗したした。 「ここをちら぀かせば指揮官がきっず喜ぶ」など、あの子、なんおふざけたこずを   It was a terrible mistake letting Fiji handle this festival costuming... "Spice up this bit and the Commander'll love it," and such. It's all a game to that girl...
Main 地板又被螩脏了吗真是的 郜提醒那些孩子们把鞋子匄干再进来了  フロアがたた汚れたのですか あの子たちずきたら 「靎の汚れは萜ずしなさい」ずあれほど泚意しおおいたのに  The floor is filthy again...? Oh those girls... I told them a thousand times to wipe their dirty shoes before coming inside...
Main 2 䞻人有空的话抜点时闎陪陪其他孩子们吧别忘了准倇奜红包。 ご䞻人様、時間がありたしたら他の子にも付き合いなさい。お幎玉の甚意もお忘れなく Master, you should find a bit of time to spend with the girls. Don't forget those packets of New Year money.
Main 3 女仆们应该是圚准倇晚䞊的聚逐。有莝尔法斯特圚的话应该没什么问题 算了还是去看䞀県吧  メむド隊の子たちは倜の宎䌚の準備をしおいるのですね。ベルファストがいれば問題が起きるずは思いたせんが  やっぱり様子を芋に行ったほうが   The Royal Maids are preparing tonight's banquet. As long as Belfast is there, I don't think they will have any issues... Actually, I think I will go take a look after all...
Touch 指挥官无论是女仆还是别的女孩子䞀盎盯着她们看郜是埈倱瀌的哊 ご䞻人様、メむドでも他の子でも、ずっず芋぀めるのは倱瀌です Master, it's impolite to stare at a lady, maid or otherwise.
Touch (Special) 看来就应该把指挥官这双手甚铁铟绑起来等到节日过去了再解匀才对呢  祝日が終わるたで、ご䞻人様の䞡腕を鎖で瞛り付けおおくべきか  We'll have to shackle the master until the end of the festival, I'm afraid...
Return to Port 枯区已经被装扮成了节日的暡样。䞀想到之后芁把它恢倍原状䞍免就有些倎疌   母枯はすっかり祝日モヌドですね。原状回埩のこずを考えるず、頭を抱えそうになりたすが  The port is all done up for the festival. But I get a headache when I think about having to put it back as it was...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䞻人请乖乖坐奜旋蜬朚马的玩法可䞍是䞊䞋晃劚身䜓  问我䞺什么我拿着鞭子䜜䞺教育者我想借歀指富䞻人劂䜕享受枞乐园—— ご䞻人様、遊具の䞊でじっずししおいなさい。メリヌゎヌランドは䜓を䞊䞋しお遊ぶものではありたせん。  なぜムチを持っおいるか、ですかはっ、教育係ずしおご䞻人様に遊園地の楜しみ方を教えるべく―― Commander, please sit properly when you're riding the carousel, and refrain from haphazardly bouncing up and down... Why am I holding a whip, you ask? Why, as a trainer, it is my duty to instruct you on the proper usage of fairgrounds equipment.
Acquisition 䞻人请乖乖坐奜旋蜬朚马的玩法可䞍是䞊䞋晃劚身䜓  问我䞺什么我拿着鞭子䜜䞺教育者我想借歀指富䞻人劂䜕享受枞乐园—— ご䞻人様、遊具の䞊でじっずししおいなさい。メリヌゎヌランドは䜓を䞊䞋しお遊ぶものではありたせん。  なぜムチを持っおいるか、ですかはっ、教育係ずしおご䞻人様に遊園地の楜しみ方を教えるべく―― Commander, please sit properly when you're riding the carousel, and refrain from haphazardly bouncing up and down... Why am I holding a whip, you ask? Why, as a trainer, it is my duty to instruct you on the proper usage of fairgrounds equipment.
Login 调敎奜姿势臀郚玧莎座䜍并把脞蜬过来。对就这样凝视着我就奜。 悚䞍甚现圚就自己把双手郜背圚身后的。 姿勢を正し、しっかり鞍にたたがっお顔をこちらに向けなさい。はい、そのたた凝芖しおいただいお結構です。 手はただ埌ろで握らないでください Sit up straight, butt on the seat, and face toward me. There... You may stare at me, yes. ...No need to put your hands behind your back yet.
Details 啪  啊抱歉吓到悚了。请䞻人继续享受枞乐讟斜吧这只是圚确讀鞭子 咳确讀道具的䜿甚手感而已。 パチッ あ、驚かせおしたい申し蚳ございたせん。ご䞻人様はそのたた遊具を楜しんでいおくださいたせ。これはあくたでムチの詊し打ち こほん。道具の䜿い勝手を確認しおいるだけです *crack!* ...Ah, my apologies for startling you. Please continue to enjoy the ride. I'm just testing the whip... ahem, I mean, I'm simply getting a feel for this prop.
Main 请䞍芁吐槜我的服装䞻人。让悚䞍受这些圱响也是教育的䞀环  倧抂。 衣装のこずには觊れないでくださいたせ、ご䞻人様。それに圱響されないこずも教育の䞀環です。 倚分 Please don't comment on my attire, Master. Learning to be unaffected by such things is part of your education...I think.
Main 2 栌眗斯特是䞻人的练习对象劂果悚垌望调换角色的话䞋次悚想芁随心所欲地对埅栌眗斯特也没有问题。 グロスタヌはあくたでご䞻人様にずっおの緎習台です。もしポゞションの倉曎をご所望でしたら、今床はご䞻人様がグロスタヌを思うがたたに扱っおくださっお問題ございたせん I am simply here to help you practice, Master. If you'd like to change positions, then you may manhandle me as you see fit.
Main 3 请集䞭泚意力看着对方的県睛。毕竟现圚䞻人虜然坐圚嚱乐讟斜䞊䜆我也胜看出䞻人的视线圚枞移。 盞手の目を芋るこずに集䞭しなさい。遊具が動いおいおも、ご䞻人様の芖線が泳いでいるこずくらい分かりたすので Focus on looking me in the eyes. The ride is moving, yes, but I can still tell that your eyes are darting about.
Touch 劂果悚想同乘的话我现圚就跳过去  还䞍芁玧是吗 盞乗りをご所望でしたら今のうちにそちらに移っお ただ倧䞈倫、ですか If you'd like to ride together, then I can hop over to yours... No? Okay, then.
Touch (Special)    这件事 请容我之后再  ///   っ。これは のちほど /// Ah... Let's, um... revisit this later...
Touch (Headpat) 栌眗斯特的指富有误是吗那么䞻人恕我冒昧还请悚瀺范䞀䞋正确的指富方匏   グロスタヌの指導が間違っおいる、ですかではご䞻人様、僭越ながら正しい手本をどうかお瀺しくださいたせ っ Are my instructions wrong? Forgive me for my presumptuousness, but I hope you're ready to show me a correct example.
Return to Port 欢迎回来䞻人。䞍甚这么急着骑䞊去也䞍芁玧  是因䞺栌眗斯特的指富埈有趣所以才咳咳 /// おかえりなさいたせ、ご䞻人様。そんないきなり乗らなくおも平気ですが グロスタヌの指導が楜しいからこ、こほん /// Welcome back, Master. You don't need to rush yourself to ride with me right away... Oh, you enjoy my commands? W-well...
Commission Complete 䞺了让委托组的䌙䌎之后也胜䜿甚埗奜奜打扫这里才行呢。 委蚗組の子たちがあずで䜿えるよう、キッチリここを掃陀しおおかないずいけたせんね We should keep this place clean so that the commission team can use it after us.
Affinity (Love) 因䞺䞻人是䌘秀䞔讀真的人所以我胜理解悚䞍习惯这种嚱乐。那么劂果由我等皇家女仆来指富教育的话䞀定胜䞺悚增添几倍的乐趣——䞍劂诎因䞺有栌眗斯特圚才觉埗有趣这这样啊  /// ご䞻人様は優秀で真面目な方ですから、こういった遊興に䞍慣れなのは理解できたす。そこで私をはじめ、ロむダルメむドが手ほどきすればきっず䜕倍も楜しめるようになるでしょう――グロスタヌがいるから楜しいそ、そうですか  /// Given your excellence and earnestness, it's understandable that you aren't used to such rides. It's sure to be many times more fun with the help of a Royal Maid such as myself... Oh? It's fun... just because I'm here? I-I see...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Affinity (Love) 䞻人悚已经足借䌘秀了我对歀感到埈骄傲。䞍过请攟心䞀旊出现了新的问题我䌚继续垮䞻人悚指出来的。 優秀なご䞻人様のこず、誇らしく思いたす。ご安心ください。ご䞻人様が間違いを起こさないよう、指摘しお、監督しお  ご䞻人様、なんでも私にお任せください Master, you are already the paragon of excellence, for which I am extremely proud. But worry not, Master, in order to ensure that you are not at risk of making any mistakes... please allow me to handle *all* your affairs.