Glasgow (JP 🇯🇵: グラスゴー, CN 🇹🇼: 格拉斯哥)
Ship IDNo. 423Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityRare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time01:25:00
AcquisitionLight ship Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENNovember 14, 2019
KRNovember 14, 2019
CNNovember 14, 2019
JPNovember 14, 2019
Voice actressTomori Kusunoki
Glasgow Description
Southampton-class light cruiser - Glasgow (C-21)
A Maid in ClassDescription
Y-ye said ye wanted ta see me wear something different, so... But this is not "cosplay" or somesuch! I do actually go to school...! D-do ye like it?
HP637 Reload63
Firepower28 Torpedo51
Evasion29 Anti-air65
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW24 Luck81
HP2699 Reload121
Firepower77 Torpedo139
Evasion114 Anti-air241
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW61 Luck85
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser115%/120%/120%/135%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun135%/135%/135%/135%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 152mm Main Gun
2Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Southampton-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock8 +1
Max LimitBreak16
Lv.12012 +1
Full FirepowerEvery 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.Default Unlocked
Swift DefenderWhile this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG your Main Fleet takes by 3.5% (8.0%) and decreases the Torpedo and Main Gun DMG this ship takes from enemy DDs and CLs by 1.0% (10.0%) .Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Southampton Class once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description南安普顿级轻巡洋舰-格拉斯哥,舷号C21サウサンプトン級軽巡洋艦・グラスゴー(HMS Glasgow)Southampton-class light cruiser - Glasgow (C-21)
Biography我是皇家轻巡,南安普敦级的格拉斯哥。曾参加过挪威战役,北极护航战等战役。不过,我…那个,嗯,以前眼神不太好,等伊莫金来了,一定要对她好好道歉——ロイヤル軽巡、タウン級のグラスゴーよ。ノルウェーの戦いや北極海の海上護衛など色々な作戦に参加したわ。…ちょ、ちょっとだけ目が悪いのが欠点よ。イモージェンにはあとでちゃんと謝らないと…I'm Glasgow, Southampton-class light cruiser of the Royal Navy. I fought in the Norwegian Campaign, escorted our ships through the Arctic, and participated in various other operations... B- but my eyes aren't that great. I oughta apologise to Imogen...
Acquisition城级巡洋舰,南安普敦级的格拉斯哥。很荣幸能够来到指挥官的舰队,请多指教。タウン級巡洋艦のグラスゴーよ。指揮官の艦隊に参加できて光栄です。よろしくおねがいしますI'm Glasgow, light cruiser part of the Southampton subclass of the Town class. I am honoured to be part of your fleet, Commander. I am at your service.
Login欢迎回来。茶已经泡好了。おかえりなさい貴方様。お茶淹れたわよWelcome back, Master. I've prepared tea.
Details没想到这回连载的剧情竟然会那样展开,接下来到底会……哇啊!?指、指挥官?!……咳咳!有事吗?まさかこんな神展開になるなんて!早く来週号が見たいわね……わ!?あ、貴方様!コホン!な、何か用…?Never thought the story would turn out like this! Cannot wait for next week's issue... Huh?! M-Master! Ahem! How may I help you?
Main关于纽卡斯尔姐姐?怎么…就算是姐姐我也没有什么告诉你的义务吧…才没有呢!ニューカッスル姉さんのこと?別に…姉さんだからって特に言いたいことはないわ…ないですー!Newcastle, ye ask? She's like a big sister and that's all I have to say to you... nothing else!
Main 2谢菲虽然偶尔有些毒舌,但是个好孩子。シェフィはちょっと口が悪いけど、普通にいい子よSheffy's got a sharp tongue, but really she's a sweet lassie.
Main 3指挥官对漫画之类的…算了,请不要在意。貴方様、マンガとかに興味とか…べ、別になんでもないわ。今のは聞かなかったことにしてYou wouldn't happen to like manga or...? N-never mind. Forget I asked.
Touch指挥官?还有什么吩咐吗?貴方様、何かご指示は?You have something for me?
Touch (Special)!?我……我先失礼了……!!?…お、お先に失礼します……!Ah?! I-I must be going...!
Mission接到了新的任务,请记得看一下。新しい任務よ。確認してくださいA new mission is here. Please check it soon.
Mission Complete任务奖励,我先保管起来了。任務報酬よ。先にしまっておくわThe rewards are here. I'll put 'em away for ye.
Mail有新邮件,我这就帮指挥官取来。新しいメールがあるみたいね。取ってくるLooks like we got new mail. I'll grab it.
Return to Port一路辛苦了,请好好休息。お疲れ様。休んでていいよThat'll do. Take a rest now.
Commission Complete委托队已经返航了,请记得及时迎接她们。委託組が帰還したよ。出迎えを忘れないでくださいThe commission fleet has returned. Please remember to welcome them back.
Enhancement请放心,我不会辜负指挥官期待的。はい。ご期待に添えるよう努力しますってねAye. I shall redouble my efforts.
Flagship旗舰…吗,我、我会认真作战的!旗艦か…ま、真面目にやるから!Flagship... is it? I, I can do this!
Victory呼…这样的战果还满意吗?ふぅ…この戦果なら満足してもらえるんじゃない?Phew... That'd be enough for ye now, eh?
Defeat需要检讨……下次不会失败了。要反省ね……次は負けないからっHave to think on that one... Don't wanna lose again.
Skill优雅而不失庄严……!凛として、優雅に……!Be composed, and be graceful...!
Low HP还、还能坚持…!こ、この程度…!tha...that's it?
Affinity (Upset)为了我能正常完成女仆的工作,希望指挥官不要进入我周边三米以内的区域。メイドとして職務を全うできるよう、3メートル以内に近づかないでいただけます?「貴方様」Would you please be so kind as to maintain a distance of at least three metres from my person so that I may properly carry out my duties as a maid, "Master?"
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官,如果累了就请好好休息,不要再为我增添更多的麻烦了。疲れたら休んだほうがいいよ?…つ、仕えているこっちのことも考えてねYou should rest if you're feeling tired... Th-think about those of us working for you.
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官,床单的颜色是要白色还是……绿色?跟我眼睛的颜色一样?这、这样啊。貴方様、替えのシーツは白…緑のほうがいいの?私の目の色と同じだから?そ、そうなんだ…Master, I've brought you a change of fresh white linens... You'd prefer green, like the color of my eyes? I, I see...
Affinity (Like)问我平时的打扮?指挥官不是说我穿什么都好看吗?那就请自行想象吧。普段着のことが気になる?ど、どうせ何を着ても可愛いって言うんでしょ。想像に任せるわYou'd like to see me in my casual attire? D-didn't you say I'd look cute in anything? I'll leave it to your imagination then~
Affinity (Love)床铺过了,被子也晒过了,结果指挥官昨晚却熬夜工作吗…不不,我可没生气,热心工作也挺好的不是?せっかくこっちがベッドメイキングして、布団まで温めてあげたのに、徹夜で仕事するなんて…いいえ、別に怒ってません。お仕事頑張ってきて嬉しいですーI made your bed, warmed your sheets, and ye ended up working all night anyway... Oh no, I'm not mad in the slightest. Hard work is to be praised, after all~
Pledge感谢我与指挥官的相遇,感谢神明所赐予的奇迹——仪式结束了吧,该回去了,工作还没做完——欸,誓约之、之、之吻?那个,我,那个……!貴方様と出会わせてくださった、神の奇跡に感謝を――こ、これでいい?早く帰って仕事を…え?ち、誓いのキ、キス!?そ、そんな、私……!And so I thank God for bestowing upon me the gift of our meeting... And we're done, eh? Time to go home...? Huh? S-seal the vow with a k-kiss?! B-but... I...!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Sheffield, Edinburgh, Belfast, Newcastle全力进攻,展现皇家的荣耀!ロイヤルの栄光のため、皆様、攻撃開始です!For the glory of the Royal Navy! Commence the attack!
In battle with Southampton真的不考虑回归女仆队吗?メイド隊に戻る気はないの?Ever thought about rejoining the Maids?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description因、因为指挥官说想看看我穿其他衣服的样子我才……不是什么“Cosplay”啦!我也是有去学院上课的啊!…这、这样就行了吧?ほ、他の服を着てる姿も見てもらいたいから、着替えたけど……別に「こすぷれ」じゃありません!これでも学園に通ってるんだからね!…こ、これでいい?Y-ye said ye wanted ta see me wear something different, so... But this is not "cosplay" or somesuch! I do actually go to school...! D-do ye like it?
Acquisition因、因为指挥官说想看看我穿其他衣服的样子我才……不是什么“Cosplay”啦!我也是有去学院上课的啊!…这、这样就行了吧?ほ、他の服を着てる姿も見てもらいたいから、着替えたけど……別に「こすぷれ」じゃありません!これでも学園に通ってるんだからね!…こ、これでいい?Y-ye said ye wanted ta see me wear something different, so... But this is not "cosplay" or somesuch! I do actually go to school...! D-do ye like it?
Login欢迎回来,指挥官。我也刚从学院回来。唔…茶请再稍等片刻おかえりなさい貴方様。こっちも学園から戻ってきたばかりよ。ええと…お茶は…ちょっと待っててGood to see you back. I've only just got home from school meself. Oh... erm... the tea... just a moment.
Details企业吗?我知道哦。是曾经与我在比斯开湾一起奋战过的那孩子吧?啊,是不同的企业吗?…我、我知道的啦!エンタープライズ?知ってるわ。あの大戦で私と一緒にビスケー湾で頑張ってた子でしょ?あ、違うエンタープライズのことだったの?……そ、そっちも知ってるから!Enterprise? I know her. We fought together at the Bay of Biscay, eh? Huh? There's another Enterprise...? I-I knew that!
Main午餐怎么说?要、要不要吃便当?虽然是我自己做的就是…お昼はどうするの?よ、よかったらお弁当食べる?私が作ったものだけど……What's for lunch? How's this lunchbox here sound to ye? Just a little something I made meself...
Main 2铁血的Z23好像很擅长教别人东西呢。明明不是老师。反正我也不需要教就是了…鉄血のニーミって先生じゃないのに勉強を教えるのが得意なのね。私には必要ないけどThat Z23 from the Iron Blood's got a talent for teaching. Teacher or no. Not that I need the help.
Main 3跟突击者借了新的漫画杂志,得快点看完才行。那段剧情的后续,超让人期待的レンジャーさんから借りた新刊、早く読まないと。お話、すごく気になってたからねBorrowed this one from Ranger. Gotta finish it soon. It's the sequel to a story I've been waiting for.
Touch指挥官要来参观社团活动?额,我、我是回家部的……貴方様、部活の参観をしたいの?え?わ、私、帰宅部……Ye want ta watch me doing my club work? Um, well, ye could say I'm in the "Go Home Club..."
Touch (Special)……っ!...!
Commission Complete委托组回来了,我去迎接她们咯委託組が帰還したよ。私が出迎えしてくるねCommission team's back. I'll go get 'em.