Urakaze (JP 🇯🇵: 浦風, CN 🇹🇼: 浦风)
Ship ID No. 316 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Monthly Sign-in
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 32
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Minami Tanaka
Urakaze Description
The 11th Destroyer of Kagerou class — Urakaze
Seasonal Shogun Description
Before you raise a fuss about it, let me just tell you this - the concept of "Christmas" already existed during the Sengoku period, so there's nothing weird about putting on a Christmas outfit!
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1736 Reload 175
Firepower 55 Torpedo 456
Evasion 185 Anti-air 129
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 147 Luck 27
Hit 174 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 2083 Reload 201
Firepower 63 Torpedo 502
Evasion 191 Anti-air 149
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 165 Luck 27
Hit 183 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 336 Reload 74
Firepower 12 Torpedo 97
Evasion 71 Anti-air 28
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 40 Luck 27
Hit 67 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 27
Hit Speed 42
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 27
Hit Speed 42
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 127mm Mounted Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Destroyer: Kagerou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 5 +1
Max LimitBreak 10
Lv.120 8 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Rescue Operations When one of your ships sink: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to restore 3.5% (8.0%) of this ship's max HP and restore 1.2% (3.0%) of all your other ships' max HP.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Kagerou Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 阳炎级驱逐舰十一番舰—浦风 陽炎型駆逐艦十一番艦・浦風 The 11th Destroyer of Kagerou class — Urakaze
Biography 我们第十七驱逐队四个大部分时候都在一起,在各种作战和任务中都有活跃,几乎参与了大战全程。最后和金刚姐一起倒下…生死有命,我才不会在意那种小事 私たち第十七駆逐隊、あの大戦ではほぼずっと一緒よ。いろんな作戦任務で活躍して、ほぼ最初から最後まで戦い抜いたの。私だけ、金剛姉と一緒に沈んだけど……ううん、死生命あり、これしきのこと、気にしてなんかないわ The 17th Destroyer fleet have been together for most of the time, and we participated in all sorts of sorties and operations for almost the entirety of the war. In the end I was with Kongou-sama as we both made our last stand… to the end. So I don’t care about those little things.
Acquisition 是你吗,今天起指挥我们十七驱军门的大将?看起来普普通通嘛,我是阳炎一族的浦风,有什么本事就拿出来让我看看吧 お前が我々第十七駆逐隊を指揮する大将?パッとしない風体なのね。私は陽炎一門の浦風よ。その実力、私に見せなさいな So it turns out to be you, are you the Commander of the 17th Destroyer fleet from today onwards? You seem so ordinary. I am Kagerou class Urakaze, show me what you got, Commander.
Login 好慢,你是田里的乌龟吗? 遅い!田んぼの鈍亀か? So slow, are you like a turtle who’s stumbled onto the battlefield?
Details 你说这个家纹?是我设计的,还有衣服,不接受可爱以外的意见 この家紋?私が考えたの。この羽織も。カワイイ以外の感想は受け付けないわ O you mean this family emblem? I designed this myself, plus the clothes. I won’t accept any other comments except for “its cute”.
Main 滨风那丫头,明明自己也是妹妹,对谷风摆的架子比我还大,可恶…… 浜風…あの小娘。自分も妹なのに私より大人ぶっちゃって…たわけ!ふん! That Hamakaze girl, as my little sister she always acts superior to Tanikaze, even more than I do, darn…
Main 2 要是当时发现了海狮号,金刚姐就不会…哼,算了,重要的是现在 あの時シーライオンを見つけ出すことが出来たら、金剛姉は…ふん、まあよい!大事なのは今よ! If only we discovered Tusk, then Kongou-sama would not… sigh, forget it, what’s important is the present
Main 3 公文吗?让我看看……嗯嗯,原来如此,原来如此…… 公文?私に見せなさい――ふんふん、なるほど、なるほど~ Official documents? Let me see… hmm… ahh I see I see...
Touch 不要没事戳个不停,你是猴子吗 そんなにつっつくんじゃないわよ!お前は猿なの? Don’t poke me unstoppingly, are you a monkey?
Touch (Special) 这种事是不需要忍耐的吧?那就受死吧 こんなことされたらもうガマンとかしなくていいわよね……もう死んじゃえ! This type of things should not be tolerated, right? In that case, die...
Mission 任务整理好了……欸,还要我去做吗?! 任務の資料は片付けたわよ。……え、私も参加するの!? I’ve organized all the missions… say what, you want me to clear them as well?!
Mission Complete 任务奖励确认完毕,搬运就交给你了 報酬確認が終わったわ。運ぶのはお前に任せた The mission rewards have been confirmed, I’ll leave the labor work of transporting it here to you.
Mail 有你的信……嗯?你读啊,我没有很在意内容写了什么,不用管我 お前のメールよ……うん?なんで読まないの?私?別にメールに何か書いているか気にしてないから、ほっとけばいいじゃない You’ve got mail… hmm? You read it, I didn’t really focus on what was written, don’t mind me.
Return to Port 嗯,你也辛苦了,好好休息吧 ふ、ふん!大儀だぞ、休むが良い! You’ve worked hard today, please get some rest.
Commission Complete 委托完成了,你没忘吧? 委託が完了したよ。忘れてないよね? The commission fleet has returned, did you forget?
Enhancement 谢谢……耳朵在动?怎么可能,我才没有很高兴 ありが……今耳がぴょこんと?んなことあるか!別に嬉しくなんか…… Thank you… my ears are twitching? Impossible, I’m not that happy at all.
Flagship 咳咳,全体……出阵! こほん!全艦……出陣! Muahaha, all ships… set sail!
Victory 赢啦……了不是理所当然的吗,有什么好高兴的 勝ったね……当然じゃない。別に嬉しいなんて… We won… naturally, what’s there to gloat about?
Defeat 可恶,给我……胜、胜败乃兵家常事 ぐぬぬ、この……しょ、勝敗は兵家の常…よ! Damn, give me… victory. Win or lose, that’s the way of life in the Navy.
Skill 时机已到! 今よ! The time has come!
Low HP 战术失误了吗…… 策を誤ったか…… Such a tactical mistake...
Affinity (Upset) 离我远点,笨蛋会传染的 近づかないで、うつけが移るわ Stay away from me, stupidity is contagious.
Affinity (Stranger) 扇子?这是军扇,可不是普通的扇子,是大将们指挥时用的,可不要小看我做的功课……咳咳,没什么 扇子?違うわ。これは軍配という、武将が合戦の時に使う軍扇なの。あまり私の博識を侮るでな……な、なんでもないわよ! My fan? Its military issue, not some ordinary fan. It’s used by Admirals, so don’t underestimate me… hehehe. Hmm? I said nothing.
Affinity (Friendly) 滨风和谷风两个丫头都轻飘飘的,一点也没有武将的风范和气度,还是要我这个大姐来撑场面,真是让人头疼…… 浜風と谷風、いつもおどおどしてて、ちっとも武人らしくないわ!姉であるこの私が出ないと。まったく、困った子たち… Hamakaze and Tanikaze are both so whimsical and wandering around. Those girls sure don’t have the temperment of being in the Navy. They still need to lean on me, being their big sister. Such a headache...
Affinity (Like) 说起来,虽然我并不是很在意,也对自己有自信,不过姑且还是问一下,你觉得我足够独当一面了吗? べ、別に気にしてないし答えなど最初からわかってるけど、一応聞いてやるわ。私を一人前だと思ってる? Actually, even though I don’t care that much and I have confidence in myself, for the sake of asking… do you think I’m independent enough?
Affinity (Love) 什么嘛,我只是随口问问,你这家伙意见还不少…………算了,你的话我还是会听一听的,哼,等着吧,总有一天我会让你刮目相看的 何よ、適当に試しただけなのに……まあ、お前なら話ぐらいは聞いてやるわ。ふん!いつか絶対刮目させてあげちゃうんだから、今に見てなさいよ! What, I just asked offhandedly, you sure are opinionated… forget it. I’ll still listen to what you got to say. Just you wait, one day I’ll impress you.
Pledge 你这家伙,终于还是认识到我的伟大之处了吗,真是不坦率……所以说我的耳朵没有在动,我也没有很开心,闭嘴,继续仪式! ようやく私の凄さに気づいたのか。この素直じゃないやつめ……だからミミはぴょこんとしていないし嬉しくなんかなってないから!ああもう言うなあ!し、式の途中なんだぞぉ! Commander, you’ve finally realized my greatness. To be frank… my ears are not twitching. I’m not that happy, shut up, let’s continue the ceremony!
In battle with Hamakaze, Tanikaze 十七驱,准备接敌!! 第十七駆逐隊、戦闘準備! 17th Destroyer fleet ready to take out the enemy!!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 为了防止你大惊小怪,先说好,战国时期就有圣诞节的概念了,所以穿上圣诞服装是很正常的! 驚く前に言っとくけど、センゴク時代にはもうクリスマスがあったんだから、このクリスマスの格好は普通よ!ふ・つ・う! Before you raise a fuss about it, let me just tell you this - the concept of "Christmas" already existed during the Sengoku period, so there's nothing weird about putting on a Christmas outfit!
Acquisition 为了防止你大惊小怪,先说好,战国时期就有圣诞节的概念了,所以穿上圣诞服装是很正常的! 驚く前に言っとくけど、センゴク時代にはもうクリスマスがあったんだから、このクリスマスの格好は普通よ!ふ・つ・う! Before you raise a fuss about it, let me just tell you this - the concept of "Christmas" already existed during the Sengoku period, so there's nothing weird about putting on a Christmas outfit!
Login 圣诞快乐,今天就放过你好了 メリークリスマス。今日は大目に見てやるわ Merry Christmas. I suppose I'll let you take it easy today.
Details 看到家纹你就该知道这件衣服也是我设计的了,你觉得好看吗? 家紋を見ればこの衣装も私の設計だってわかるでしょう。で、この衣装、どう? You should know that I designed this outfit just by seeing the family crest here. Do you think it looks good?
Main 矶风,别像个小孩子一样到处撒欢,还有别拉着我……唉,真拿你没办法 磯風、子供みたいに走り回るんじゃない!ああ私を引っ張るのもなしだ!…もうほんとしょうがないわ… Isokaze, stop frolicking around like a little kid, and don't pull on me either! Ugh... what am I going to do with you?
Main 2 还要给三个小笨蛋准备圣诞礼物,真是,也不知道平时多体谅姐姐……算了,她们这样就好 あの三バカのプレゼントまで用意しないといけないなんて、姉のことをもっとねぎらって……ううん、このままの方があいつららしいわね I still have to prepare presents for the three stooges... Jeez, can't they be a bit more considerate towards their big sis normally? Oh well, I suppose that's how it should be.
Main 3 下雪了啊……嗯?我倒不是特别想玩雪,你想玩的话不是不能陪你就是了 雪が降っているようね……?別に雪遊びしたくないわけじゃないの。まあ、そっちがその気なら付き合ってあげるわ It's snowing... Hmm? It's not like I particularly want to play in the snow or anything, but if you want to so badly, I suppose I can tag along.
Touch 圣诞老人?……哼,我早就已经从那种传说毕业了 サンタクロース?……ふん、そんな子供騙しに騙される私じゃないわ! Santa Claus? ... Hmph, I graduated from that fairy tale long ago.
Mail 你的圣诞贺卡……可恶,居然还挺受欢迎的 クリスマスカードよ。……ちっ、人気者ね… Another greeting card for you... Curse you, what a normie.
Affinity (Love) 我说,圣诞节以现在来说,和重要的人一起过的节日,你是知道这个意思才过来的吧?我?我……倒是不介意 クリスマスって大事な人と一緒に過ごす日だよね?そういう意味を理解してここに来たの?私?べ、別に一緒にいても…… Look here, Christmas nowadays is a holiday that you celebrate with those who are important to you. You came here knowing that, didn't you? Me? I... don't particularly object...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 唔…为什么没有人加入我的乐队…啊,指挥官!好了,不用多说什么,你现在就是我们“战国乐队”的一员了。 うっ、せっかく機材が揃ったのに参加者が…指揮官!はい、つべこべいうでない!今日からお前はこの「センゴク☆バンド」のメンバーよ! Ugh... Even though we finally got all our gear, we still need more band members... Commander! Stop complaining and come hither! From now on, you're a member of the Sengoku Shredders!
Acquisition 唔…为什么没有人加入我的乐队…啊,指挥官!好了,不用多说什么,你现在就是我们“战国乐队”的一员了。 うっ、せっかく機材が揃ったのに参加者が…指揮官!はい、つべこべいうでない!今日からお前はこの「センゴク☆バンド」のメンバーよ! Ugh... Even though we finally got all our gear, we still need more band members... Commander! Stop complaining and come hither! From now on, you're a member of the Sengoku Shredders!
Login 别在那磨磨蹭蹭的了,快来开始今天的练习。 もうぐずぐずしないで、早く今日の練習をするわよ! Enough dilly-dallying! It's time to get on with today's rehearsal!
Details 音乐当然也是战国时期就有的东西……你说乐队这个太现代了?哼,这叫与时俱进。 センゴクでももちろん音楽があったわ。…バンドのほう?ふん、これは時代の流れを追うってことよ Of course they had music during the Sengoku period! ...But they didn't have rock bands? Listen, it's called "getting with the times."
Main 滨风居然说参加乐队会影响学习什么的……哼,她才不懂乐队的乐趣。 浜風、勉強に影響が出るからって参加しないって……バンドの楽しみがわからないやつぅ! Hamakaze said she won't join because it would "impact her academic performance"... Hmph! She doesn't know what she's missing out on!
Main 2 乐队的标志?那还用问吗,当然是用我的家纹。 ロゴマーク?もちろん、この私の家紋を使うわよ♪ A band logo? Yes, and we'll use my family crest as the motif, of course!
Main 3 你要是累了的话,就找个结实点的地方坐着吧?…我可没担心你。 疲れたら何か丈夫そうなのを探して座ってなさい。…別に心配なんかしていないわよっ If you're going to rest, find something durable to sit on... I'm not "showing concern," just giving you instructions!
Touch 好,照着乐谱,把我刚刚给你演示的那一段弹一遍吧。 ふん、楽譜通り今教えた通りに弾いてみなさいっ Go on. Read the score and play the song like I taught you.
Mission 大将自己可不能荒废了练习…不对,是任务哦! 大将だからって練習…コホン、任務を放ったらかしてはダメよ Being a general is no excuse to skip out on rehears– Ahem! I mean missions.
Mission Complete 把任务报酬拿来了?干得好矶风!下次你来当城主吧! 任務報酬を持ってきてくれた?よくやったわ磯風!今度は城主にしてやるわ♪ You've brought the missions rewards? Splendid, Isokaze! I'll see to it you receive a castle for your efforts!
Return to Port 新成员招募情况怎么样了?……没有?哎,算了,你也努力过了。 メンバー募集はどうなっているの?……お、応募者がいない?ぐぬぬぬ…し、指揮官を責めてもしょうがないわね… Do we have any potential new band members? ...What? Nobody has even applied? Grrr... I suppose there's no point in getting mad at you for it, though...
Commission Complete 欸,搞错了?……(小声)谷风那家伙,说着要去迎接委托组,结果还没回来…真是让人不省心的家伙… えっ、間違えたの?…(小声)谷風のやつ、委託組を出迎えに行かせたのにまだ戻ってきてないわね…心配させないでよ… What? Was I wrong? Hm... It's been quite some time since Tanikaze said she'd go receive the commission team... Hope nothing has happened to her...