Shiranui (JP 🇯🇵: 不知火, CN 🇹🇼: 不知火)
Ship ID No. 168 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Common
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Explore Stage4-1
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 32
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Kanae Ikadai
Name 哈路卡
Shiranui Description
Kagerou-class destroyer number two - Shiranui.
Mooncake Merchant Description
I see a chance... to capitalize on the Dragon Empery's famous mooncakes... Commander, would you like to have a taste of the Moon Palace's delicacies? If you buy them in bulk, I'll give you a special discount.
Shiranui (Retrofit) Description
If you have this much money remaining... then you may visit me and spend it with confidence... A discount, you say...? Of course... Someday, I shall give you one...
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1540 Reload 171
Firepower 55 Torpedo 456
Evasion 186 Anti-air 126
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 155 Luck 25
Hit 175 Speed 42.6
Armor Light
HP 1848 Reload 196
Firepower 63 Torpedo 502
Evasion 192 Anti-air 145
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 173 Luck 25
Hit 184 Speed 42.6
Armor Light
HP 298 Reload 72
Firepower 12 Torpedo 97
Evasion 71 Anti-air 27
Aviation 0 Cost 1
ASW 42 Luck 25
Hit 67 Speed 42.6
Armor Light
HP 1600 Reload 171
Firepower 65 Torpedo 516
Evasion 206 Anti-air 126
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 155 Luck 25
Hit 175 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 1908 Reload 196
Firepower 73 Torpedo 562
Evasion 212 Anti-air 145
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 173 Luck 25
Hit 184 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 127mm Mounted Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Destroyer: Kagerou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 3 +1
Max LimitBreak 7
Lv.120 5 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Double Torpedo When this ship fires its Torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a second wave of Torpedoes.
Carrier Escort While this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG all Carriers in your fleet take by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Kagerou Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 阳炎级驱逐舰二番舰—不知火 陽炎型駆逐艦二番艦・不知火 Kagerou-class destroyer number two - Shiranui.
Biography 阳炎型……或者说不知火型二号舰不知火。虽然名字和鬼有关,也确实有点那个意思,不过把这个当成cosplay比较好。 总而言之,请多指教,笨……指挥官 陽炎型……不知火型二番艦の不知火と申します。名前の通り妖怪と間違われますが自然現象が由来です。まあ、この格好は「こすぷれ」と思っていただいたほうが……では、よろしゅうお願い申します。この大うつけ……指揮官さま I am the Kagerou-class... or rather, the second ship of the Shiranui-class, Shiranui. People mistakenly think my name refers to ghosts, but it is merely the name of a natural phenomena. I personally prefer to think of my appearance as a "cosplay"... That aside, I humbly ask for your kind treatment, you idio... my dear Commander.
Acquisition 阳炎级二号舰,不知火……请多指教,指挥官 陽炎型2番艦、不知火……よろしゅうお願い申し上げます。指揮官さま I am Shiranui, the second ship of the Kagerou-class... I humbly ask for your kind treatment, Commander.
Login 我应该说好久不见吗? お久しゅうございます、と言えばいいの…? Could one say "long time no see," perhaps...?
Details 乱碰的话,会死的喔? ……変なところに触ったら、死にますよ? ... Touch me in the wrong way and you will die.
Main 飘啊飘…… ふわふわ…… Floating…
Main 2 我不太喜欢热血沸腾的东西 暑苦しい人は苦手でございます I am bad at dealing with hotheads.
Main 3 因为想要冷气就靠近我,你是笨蛋吗? 涼しいからって妾に近寄って……うつけものでございますか? You're standing beside me because I have a "cooling aura"…? Are you an idiot?
Touch 很好玩吗? 楽しゅうございますか? Enjoying yourself, are you?
Touch (Special) 居然对鬼都有兴趣,果然是…… 「おばけ」にもご執心なさるとは、やはり…… You have a thing for ghosts? You really are something...
Mission 新任务吗……对我来说倒是无所谓的事 新しい任務でございますか……妾にはどうでも良いことでございます It seems we have a new mission… However, I do not care either way.
Mission Complete 任务奖励到了,可别想拜托我…… 「ぼーなす」が届いたと…あっ、受取は妾には頼まず、ご自分でどうぞ "Rewards" have arrived… Ah, do not task me with collecting them, you may do it yourself.
Mail 信吗……倒不是不能帮你拿一下 「めーる」でございますか……これぐらいならしてやらなくもございませんね…… You seem to have "mail"… I should not have to help you with this too...
Return to Port 就算你盯着我也不会飘起来的…… そんなに見つめても浮いたりはしませんよ…? You may stare all you wish, but it will not make me start floating...
Commission Complete 我等了1分钟也没看到指挥官发现委托已经完成了,指挥官果然是个离开我就没用的废柴 1分間待っていましたけど、委託が完了したのに全然気づかれなかったようで…やはり妾がいないと何もできない大うつけものでございますね I waited 1 whole minute for you, yet you did not realize that a commission had been completed… It really is true, you are a big fool who cannot do anything if I am not around.
Enhancement 果然是笨蛋呢,把贵重的资源用在我身上…… やはり大うつけでございますね。貴重な資源を妾に使うなんて… You certainly are a big fool, spending such precious resources on me…
Flagship 我的战法,就让你们看看吧…… 妾の戦、ごらんあそばせ…? Allow me to show you all my combat techniques...
Victory 没想到,居然如此弱小…… ここまで弱いとは、思ひもせなんだ…… I never imaged they would be this weak…
Defeat 诅咒你们…… うらめしや…… Curses upon you all…
Skill 万千鬼火,聚于这一击…… 千の鬼火、この一撃に…… O, will-o'-wisps, join me for this strike...
Affinity (Upset) 无可救药…… 付ける薬がございません……。 There exists no cure for your stupidity...
Affinity (Stranger) 我和阳炎相反,如果她是光,那我就是影,而指挥官则是笨蛋……不过我并不讨厌她,指挥官就不好说了 妾は陽炎とは真逆…あの子が光なら、妾は影。指揮官さま?もちろん大うつけでございます。あの子のことは嫌いではありませんが、指揮官さまはどうでしょう…? I am the polar opposite of Kagerou… If she is light then I am shadow. Commander? Yes, of course, you are a big fool. I do not hate her, but who knows if I hate you…?
Affinity (Friendly) 我会在夜深人静的时候来吃掉指挥官你的灵魂……真信了?笨蛋,倒不如说我帮你赶走了好几只这样的东西…… 草木も眠る丑三つ時に、指揮官さまの魂を食べて進ぜよう……信じてしまいました?この手のものを何匹か追い返したのが妾だというのに、全くこの大うつけは…… I will come in the dead of night and devour you soul… I said, and you actually believed it? It was in fact my embers that chased away so many pests, and yet you thought I would harm you? You tremendous fool…
Affinity (Like) 指挥官明明又懒又笨,还想让姐妹们都获得幸福,这样的傻瓜真是让人放心不下…… ものぐさで大うつけの指揮官さまが、みんなを幸せにしたい、と……このような大うつけはどうも放っておけないでございますね What an idiotic, troublesome commander you are, wishing to make everyone happy… I simply cannot let your stupidity go unsupervised.
Affinity (Love) 啊,这么说来,干脆转职成指挥官的守护灵好了……这样的话就能时刻吐槽你和……保护你了 はあ、いっそ指揮官さまの守護霊にでもなった方が良さそうでございますね……そしたらいつでも「つっこみ」……「守って」差し上げられますもの *Sigh*... Would it not have been better if I could have been your guardian angel instead… Then I could always intervene… I mean, "protect" you when need be.
Pledge 哈……真是的,没想到真的会有对幽灵做到这一步的人呢,你是笨蛋吗,还是刚看了什么电影?……不过,东西是无罪的,我就收下了 はあ……まさか「おばけ」にここまでするなんて、指揮官さまは本当に大うつけにございますか?それとも変な「えいが」とやらを見すぎなのでは?……まあ、ものに罪はございませんので、これはお預りしますね *Sigh*… I never imagined a ghost could be brought here. Are you really just as foolish as you appear, Commander? Or have you seen too many of these strange so called "movies"? … Oh well, there is nothing wrong with this, so I shall keep your gift secure.
In battle with Akashi 结束后一起回收一下零件吗 パーツの回収でもご一緒しましょうか Let's salvage parts, shall we?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 东煌的「月饼」,也许是个商机……啊,指挥官,要来点「月宫美食」吗?现在批量购买有特别优惠哦? 東煌の「月餅」…「びじねすちゃんす」と思うのでございます……指揮官さま、この「月宮の甘饗(かんきょう)」でもいかがでしょうか。今ならまとめ買いすると、割引価格で提供いたしますよ Mooncake Merchant
Acquisition 东煌的「月饼」,也许是个商机……啊,指挥官,要来点「月宫美食」吗?现在批量购买有特别优惠哦? 東煌の「月餅」…「びじねすちゃんす」と思うのでございます……指揮官さま、この「月宮の甘饗(かんきょう)」でもいかがでしょうか。今ならまとめ買いすると、割引価格で提供いたしますよ I see a chance... to capitalize on the Dragon Empery's famous mooncakes... Commander, would you like to have a taste of the Moon Palace's delicacies? If you buy them in bulk, I'll give you a special discount.
Login 「中秋快乐」…应该是这么说的吧? 「中秋節、おめでとうございます」…これでよろしいでしょう…? Happy Mid-Autumn Festival... I hope I said that right...?
Details 哦?指挥官是来帮忙的吗?太好了,作为回报,月饼就给你打个八折吧 指揮官さま、お手伝いに来てくれたのですか。誠にありがたく幸せでございます。お礼として、この月餅は八割引きでご提供いたします… Commander, did you come to help out? To thank you, I shall offer you a 20-percent discount on these mooncakes...
Main 莲蓉月饼,桂花月饼,五仁月饼……只要能卖出去的月饼就是好月饼,不是吗? 蓮蓉(れんよう)に桂花(けいか)からナッツまで……売れる月餅は良い月餅――そう思いませんか? Lotus seed mooncakes, osmanthus mooncakes, five-nut mooncakes... If it sells well, it's a good mooncake, wouldn't you agree?
Main 2 满月的夜晚,和孔明灯特别相配呢…指挥官也要来放一个吗? 満月と天燈はお似合いでございますね。…指揮官さま、一つ、いかがでしょうか These sky lanterns look just like the full moon tonight. Commander, would you like one?
Main 3 小店里的月饼可都是货真价实的,和科技箱什么的可不一…没什么,你什么都没听到 月餅は本物でございます。あのそう……いいえ、なんでもございません These mooncakes are one hundred percent authentic, unlike the tech p... Err, I didn't say anything.
Touch 摸过的月饼就要全部买下哦,指挥官? 指揮官さま、触れた商品はお買い上げでよろしくお願いいたします Commander, you'll have to pay for anything that you touch.
Touch (Special) 指挥官要来点茶冷静一下吗…?从头上倒下去的那种 指揮官さま、一つお茶で冷静になってはいかがでしょうか…?頭の上からぱしゃっと Commander, why don't you calm down with a nice cup of tea...? Poured on top of your head, that is.
Return to Port 明石那笨蛋一口气订了这么多…哈啊…还剩这么多…到底什么时候才能把库存清空呢…… 明石の小娘、こんなに発注しやがって…この在庫、いつになったら消費できましょう…… That dumb Akashi, why'd she have to go and order so many of these... when am I going to be able to clear out this stock...?
Affinity (Love) 听说在东煌,中秋节是「团圆」的象征。指挥官不如去和中意的人团聚赏月什么的吗?…和不知火一起就好?就算你这么说,也不会给你好处的哦?…谢谢你,指挥官。月饼…五折给你一盒吧 東煌では、中秋節は「団らん」する日でございますね。指揮官さま、お気に入りの相手とお月見をしたほうがよろしいでしょう。…妾と一緒にいたい、と?そう言っても何も出ませんが……はぁ、指揮官さまへの感謝としてこの月餅、五割引きでご提供しましょう I heard that in the Dragon Empery, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a time to be reunited with your loved ones. Commander, are you going to go watch the moon with your favorite girl? ... You want to go with me? Saying that won't get you anywhere... Fine, Commander, as a token of my appreciation, I'll give you a 50% discount.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 原来我们还有这么多资源吗…看来可以安心地继续给店里进货了——特别优惠?会有吧…也许 資金がこんなに残っているのでしたら…安心して仕入れできますね――割引、と仰りますと…?ございますよ…いつか、きっと… If you have this much money remaining... then you may visit me and spend it with confidence... A discount, you say...? Of course... Someday, I shall give you one...
Acquisition 原来我们还有这么多资源吗…看来可以安心地继续给店里进货了——特别优惠?会有吧…也许 資金がこんなに残っているのでしたら…安心して仕入れできますね――割引、と仰りますと…?ございますよ…いつか、きっと… If you have this much money remaining... then you may visit me and spend it with confidence... A discount, you say...? Of course... Someday, I shall give you one...
Details 指挥官你看,我现在的鬼火是不是比之前更华丽了?这就是金钱的力量...开玩笑的 この鬼火、前より派手になりました……ふふふ、これぞお金の力と申す……もちろん冗談でございますよ? My will-o'-wisps burn stronger than before... *Giggle*, this is the power of money... I'm merely jesting, of course.
Main 指挥官,运气不好就要用数量来弥补,相信自己,你可以的 指揮官さま、数打てば当たるでございます。どうぞ、自分を信じて存分に夢を追ってくださいませ…… Commander, you can make up for quality with quantity. Believe in yourself and pursue your dreams...
Main 2 就算是笨蛋,认真起来也是挺像样的呢 大うつけでも真面目に仕事をやりますとウワベは伊達になりますね Work diligently and you will only be a fool by your appearance.
Main 3 无论是店里的工作,还是秘书舰的工作都很重要呢…所以…九五折还是可以给你打的哟? お店も秘書艦も仕事は大切でございますね。…気が向きましたら…九割五分程度にはまけてあげられなくもございませんよ? I take my work both as a secretary and shopkeeper seriously... If I feel like it... I could offer you a 5% discount.
Touch 好了好了,我知道了,分你个鬼火,去那边玩吧 はいはい、ご用は聞きましたよ。あちらで鬼火と遊んでおいてくださいませ Yes, yes, your wish has been heard. Please make your way yonder to amuse yourself with my will-o'-wisps.
Touch (Special) 指挥官,你其实是对那种有兴趣吧,就是和老板娘做羞羞的事之类的 「カンバンムスメ」とあーんなことをするご趣味……お持ちではございませんよね……? Groping a shopkeeper like this... is surely not a turn-on of yours...?
Return to Port 就算你盯着我……好吧,饮料……唔,半价? そんなに見つめても……うっ…お飲み物ぐらいは……は、半額で? Gawking won't earn you a... *Groan*... Then just for beverages, I could give you... F-fifty percent off.