Hamakaze (JP 🇯🇵: 浜風, CN 🇹🇼: 滨风)
Ship IDNo. 318Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time00:27:00
AcquisitionEvent: Return and Reborn
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENOctober 17, 2019
KRAugust 30, 2018
CNDecember 1, 2017
JPNovember 23, 2017
Voice actressNatsumi Hioka
Tenth ship of Kagerou class destroyers, Hamakaze.
The Honors StudentDescription
Learning is exciting. The joy of acquiring new knowledge, the sense of achievement from solving difficult problems... you'll understand once you try it. So, shall we study together, Commander?
Hamakaze (Retrofit) Description
Commander, have you been having more fun since I arrived? ... I see, that's great! Ehehe... Hamakaze, getting hyped!
HP336 Reload74
Firepower12 Torpedo99
Evasion71 Anti-air28
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW46 Luck58
HP1562 Reload143
Firepower32 Torpedo253
Evasion239 Anti-air105
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW115 Luck61
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1127mm Mounted Gun
2Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Destroyer: Kagerou-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock5 +1
Max LimitBreak10
Lv.1208 +1
Rescue OperationsWhen one of your ships sink: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to restore 3.5% (8.0%) of this ship's max HP and restore 1.2% (3.0%) of all your other ships' max HP.Default Unlocked
Emergency ManeuversEvery 20s: 15.0% (30.0%) chance for this ship to evade all enemy attacks for 6s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Kagerou Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description阳炎级驱逐舰十三番舰—滨风陽炎型駆逐艦十三番艦・浜風Kagerou-class destroyer number thirteen – Hamakaze.
Biography阳炎级十三号舰滨风,虽然参与过许多海战,但最知名的并不是击沉了谁,而是救援了许多同伴——这也是我最自豪的地方。这一次,我也会为了守护大家而战!陽炎型十三番艦、浜風よ。結構な数の戦闘に参加したけど、撃沈した敵より、助けた仲間のほうがよく覚えてるのーー今度も皆を守るために戦うわI'm Hamakaze, 13th Kagerou-class destroyer. Although I took part in quite a few battles, it feels like I spent more time rescuing friends than sinking foes... And now, I fight once more to protect my friends.
Acquisition阳炎级驱逐舰十三号舰滨风报到。指挥官,可不要读错我的名字陽炎型駆逐艦十三番艦、浜風、到着した。指揮官、わたしの名前を間違えないでねHamakaze, 13th ship of the Kagerou-class destroyers, reporting for duty. Commander, try not to get my name wrong.
Login指挥官,现在可还没到松懈的时候!指揮官、まだ気を抜く時じゃないよNow's not the time to lose focus, Commander.
Details这一次——一定要守护好同伴!今度もーー仲間を守るわ!This time too... I swear to protect my friends!
Main谷风,不完成训练的话,可别想着能安稳地睡着谷風、訓練をちゃんとしなきゃぐっすりねれないわよTanikaze, until you finish your training, don't expect to get much beauty sleep!
Main 2虽然只是一艘驱逐舰,但我会努力保护大家的!わたしは駆逐艦だけど、皆を頑張って守るわThough I may be but a single destroyer, I'll still do all I can to protect everyone.
Main 3坊之岬……那是一切结束的地方……坊ノ岬……そこは全てが終わった場所……Bou-no-misaki... where it all came to an end...
Touch咦——指挥官,你在看哪里呢?うん?ーー指揮官、どこを見てるの?Hm? What are you looking at, Commander?
Touch (Special)呀——指挥官,你在碰哪里呢?きゃっ!?……指揮官、どこ触ってるの?Eek! ... Commander, just where do you think you're touching?
Mission下一个任务是……次の任務は……Our next mission is...
Mission Complete我对你的评价提高了唷指揮官の点数が上がってるぞYour grades are going up, Commander.
Mail阅读战报可是最优先事项レポートの振り返りは最優先事項だよReading through these reports should be your top priority.
Return to Port辛苦了……出击的姐妹们有好好工作吗?お疲れ様。出撃したみんなはちゃんと働いているか?Great job. Did everyone do their job during the sortie?
Commission Complete辛苦了……不过,比起鼠运输,这些应该算不了什么吧お疲れ様……鼠輸送と比べると大したことじゃないでしょ?Well done... Commissions are hardly a big deal compared to Rat Transports, right?
Enhancement风更大了風はもっと激しくなるわThe wind grows stronger.
Flagship海风正宜战斗!この風…戦にちょうどいいわ!This wind... is perfect for battle!
Victory哼哼,马马虎虎吧!ふふん、わたしにしてはそこそこだな!Heheh! This is nothing spectacular for me!
Defeat又要营救生还者了吗……生存者救助、頑張らないと……I have to rescue the survivors...
Skill我在这里呢!スキあり!I see an opening!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官,有勇无谋……指揮官、筋肉バカ……Stupid meatheaded Commander...
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官,历史是不会重复的……对吧?指揮官、歴史は繰り返さない……だよね?Commander, history surely won't repeat itself... right?
Affinity (Friendly)我期待着第十七驱逐队能在这里团聚……第十七駆逐隊…ここでまた集まると良いな……I hope one day... Destroyer Division 17 can reunite here...
Affinity (Like)今天的风儿也很舒服呢,不过——我还不能休息!大和……等着我……今日の風も気持ちいいよね…でもーーまだ休んじゃダメ!大和……待ってて……The breeze feels really nice today... But we can't afford to rest yet! Yamato... wait for me...
Affinity (Love)只要海风还没有停歇,我就会永远陪伴在你的身旁風が止まない限り、わたしはずっとあなたのそばにいるわFor as long as the wind blows, I will always be by your side.
Pledge虽、虽然我认为应该等一切结束了再……不、不过,拒绝你的好意——伤害了你的心也会很麻烦呢,所以我就勉为其难——不、不许笑!す、全てが終わってからでもいいかって……で、でもね、せっかく贈ってくれたから断ってーーがっかりさせたら悪いからね、だからね、我慢してーーって笑うな!M-maybe we should wait until it's all over... Th-that said, I'd feel bad if I rejected you now, so I'll have to accept it... Hey, stop laughing!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description学习是件很有趣的事情,掌握新知识的惊喜,解决难题后的成就感…尝试过后你就知道了。所以指挥官,一起来学习吧?勉強は面白い。新しい知識を得た時の喜び、難しい問題を解けた時の達成感…一度やったらわかるよ。だから指揮官、一緒に勉強しよ?Learning is exciting. The joy of acquiring new knowledge, the sense of achievement from solving difficult problems... you'll understand once you try it. So, shall we study together, Commander?
Acquisition学习是件很有趣的事情,掌握新知识的惊喜,解决难题后的成就感…尝试过后你就知道了。所以指挥官,一起来学习吧?勉強は面白い。新しい知識を得た時の喜び、難しい問題を解けた時の達成感…一度やったらわかるよ。だから指揮官、一緒に勉強しよ?Learning is exciting. The joy of acquiring new knowledge, the sense of achievement from solving difficult problems... you'll understand once you try it. So, shall we study together, Commander?
Login指挥官,昨天的问题解答出来了吗?指揮官、昨日の問題は解けた?Commander, were you able to solve that question from yesterday?
Main浦风,矶风,谷风都坐好了吗,那么我们来复习一下之前学过的重要公式……浦風、磯風、谷風、ちゃんと席についた?じゃあこの前学んだ重要な公式を復習するわよUrakaze, Isokaze, Tanikaze, have you all taken your seats? Then let's review the essentials of the last formula we studied.
Main 2提升自己才能更好地保护大家,所以要好好学习才行自分を高めてこそみんなをよりよく守れる、だからこその勉強よImprove yourself so that you can better protect those you care about. That's why I study as hard as I do.
Main 3这里用这个公式,然后这里再这样…哼哼,这点小问题可难不倒我ここはこの式を使って、ここはこう…ふふん、この程度の問題じゃわたしを困らせることはできないわHere we'll use this equation, then do this... Hah, a trivial question like this is no issue for me.
Touch指挥官,真理是不会存在于女孩子的裙子底下的指揮官、真理はスカートの下にはないわよCommander, you won't find the answer underneath my skirt.
Touch (Special)指挥官,念书的时候能专心一点吗指揮官、本を読むときはもっと真面目に!Commander, take your reading more seriously!
Flagship嗯嗯……这个距离,这个战斗力,能赢うんうん……この距離と、この戦力…勝てるわ!Hm, hm... at this range, with these forces... we can win!
Victory刚才的抛物线……真是美妙呢今のカーブ……美しい……That parabola... was beautiful...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description既然要开店,那就要好好研究怎么做出美味的东西……好!接下来也要让指挥官试吃很多东西,做好心理准备吧!模擬店をやるからにはちゃんと味の研究をして…よし!指揮官にはこれからも味見をたくさんしてもらうから、覚悟しておいてね!I'm experimenting with different flavors since we're running a pop-up café... Alright! I think I'll go with this one! Strap in, Commander, because you're about to do a lot of taste-testing!
Acquisition既然要开店,那就要好好研究怎么做出美味的东西……好!接下来也要让指挥官试吃很多东西,做好心理准备吧!模擬店をやるからにはちゃんと味の研究をして…よし!指揮官にはこれからも味見をたくさんしてもらうから、覚悟しておいてね!I'm experimenting with different flavors since we're running a pop-up café... Alright! I think I'll go with this one! Strap in, Commander, because you're about to do a lot of taste-testing!
Login指挥官欢迎光临!我又想到新口味了,来尝尝吧!指揮官いらっしゃい!早速新しい味を思いついたから味見してよ!Come on in, Commander! I just worked out a new flavor and you're gonna try it right now!
Details我负责做菜,谷风负责打扫。…只有我们两个人会不会很辛苦?还有这些孩子们帮忙所以不要紧!わたしは調理全般を担当していて、谷風には掃除を担当してもらってるの。2人だけで大変じゃないかって?この子たちが手伝ってくれてるから大丈夫!I do all the cooking while Tanikaze takes care of the cleaning. Are we the only staff, you wonder? No, we've got all these little guys helping us too!
Main欢迎光临!就用我去了很多家店之后研究出的这个味道来一决胜负吧!绝对不会输给其他店的!いらっしゃい!たくさんのお店を巡って研究したこの味で勝負よ!他の模擬店には負けないわ!Welcome! I came up with this flavor after eating at tons of restaurants! No other store can match it!
Main 2谷风,打扫完了之后能来这里帮下忙吗…?谷風、掃除が終わったらこっちを手伝ってもらってもいいー?Tanikaze, could you come help me out in here once you're done cleaning?
Main 3盘子上的这个孩子……有没有名字来着?奇、奇怪…?お皿の上のこの子は…名前あったっけ?あ、あれ?Does the little guy on this plate even have a name? I'm not sure...?
Touch吃完后的餐盘能放这里就算帮大忙了。食べ終わった後の食器はここに置いてもらえると助かるわI'd appreciate it if you'd leave your cutlery here after you're done eating.
Touch (Special)指挥官,不可以进厨房哦!指揮官、厨房に入ってきちゃダメだからね!You're not allowed inside the kitchen, Commander!
Return to Port欢迎光临—!是指挥官啊。老样子吗?还是要试试新菜单?いらっしゃいませー!って指揮官か。いつものにする?それとも新しいメニューの試食にする?Welcome! ...Oh, it's just you. Will you have the usual? Or do you wanna try the new menu items?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官,我的到来有使你感到开心吗?——是吗…太好了!嘿嘿…滨风,干劲满满!指揮官、私が来てから楽しくなった?ーーそう?…よかった!えへへ…浜風、「てんしょんあっぷ」!Commander, have you been having more fun since I arrived? ... I see, that's great! Ehehe... Hamakaze, getting hyped!
Acquisition指挥官,我的到来有使你感到开心吗?——是吗…太好了!嘿嘿…滨风,干劲满满!指揮官、私が来てから楽しくなった?ーーそう…よかった!えへへ…浜風、「てんしょんあっぷ」!Commander, have you been having more fun since I arrived? ... I see, that's great! Ehehe... Hamakaze, getting hyped!
Main谷风,不要再戳我的脸啦……等等!那个地方也不行!谷風、ほっぺをつっつくのやめてよ……ちょっ!そこはもっとダメぇ!Could you stop poking my cheek, Tanikaze... Hey, stop! No poking there, especially!
Main 2同伴们的笑容是我最喜欢的东西,所以……仲間の笑顔は好き。だから……I love seeing my friends smile. That's why...
Main 3一切还没有结束!坊之岬……这一次我们一定会跨越——まだ終わっていない…坊ノ岬……今度こそーーIt's not over yet... This time, I'll triumph... at Bou-no-misaki.
Touch指挥官,听说这样能看得更远更清楚——指揮官、こうするともっと遠くまで見れるってーーCommander, I think you can see further if you do it like this.
Touch (Special)呀——指挥官,这样做是不行的!きゃっ!?……指揮官、こんなのダメだよ!Eek! ... Commander, this is unacceptable!