Omaha (JP 🇯🇵: オマハ, CN 🇹🇼: 奥马哈)
Ship ID No. 29 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Common
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage1-4, Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 11
Torpedo 13
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Juri Kimura
Omaha Description
Omaha-class light cruiser – Omaha, Hull Number CL-4!
Firepower C
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air B
HP 2865 Reload 158
Firepower 123 Torpedo 180
Evasion 79 Anti-air 246
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 70 Luck 67
Hit 135 Speed 35
Armor Light
HP 3237 Reload 182
Firepower 142 Torpedo 207
Evasion 101 Anti-air 281
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 80 Luck 67
Hit 151 Speed 35
Armor Light
HP 554 Reload 67
Firepower 26 Torpedo 38
Evasion 30 Anti-air 53
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 19 Luck 67
Hit 52 Speed 35
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 67
Hit Speed 35
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 67
Hit Speed 35
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 110%/112%/115%/120% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 145%/147%/150%/155% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 152mm Main Gun
3 76mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Omaha-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 3 +1
Max LimitBreak 7
Lv.120 5 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Quick Reload Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's RLD by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Omaha Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 奥马哈级轻巡洋舰—奥马哈,舷号CL-4 オマハ級軽巡洋艦・オマハ(CL-4) Omaha-class light cruiser – Omaha, Hull Number CL-4!
Biography 欸嘿~奥马哈在此!虽然我第一次大战后才出生,但是作为先遣舰,人家可是提供了很多可靠的情报呢! えっへん!オマハ参上!前の前の大戦後に生まれたけど、 先遣艦(せんけんかん)として情報をいっぱい持ち帰ったよ! Omaha has arrived! I was born after the first World War, but as a reconnaissance ship, I've got a lifetime's worth of intel in my brain!
Acquisition 奥马哈级巡洋舰——奥马哈,参见指挥官~我可是舰队的元老了哦,哼哼~第一次见面是不是应该给点什么作为奖励呢? オマハ級軽巡洋艦ーーオマハよ!指揮官はじめまして~実はわたし、艦隊の古参さんなんだ~ふっふん~で、出会った祝いに、何かご祝儀くれないの? Omaha-class cruiser - Omaha! Greetings, Commander! You could say that I'm a fleet veteran~! Hehe~! So, since this is the first time we meet, shouldn't you celebrate by giving me some sort of gift?
Login 指挥官~今天有什么好玩的事情要奥马哈做的吗? 指揮官さん~今日はオマハに任せる面白い仕事なーい? Commander~ Any fun things you want Omaha to do today?
Details 指挥官!才、才没有小肚子——啊!不要看! 指揮官!お、お腹は出ていないよーーああ!見るなああ! M-my belly isn't fat at all, Commander! Ah, don't look at it!
Main 啊,肚子好饿…… ああ…お腹減ったぁ… Ahh... I'm so hungry...
Main 2 指挥官平时不吃零食的么?你的人生是有多灰暗啊! 指揮官ってさおやつ食べないの?つまんない人生してるわー You don't eat snacks, Commander? How dull your life must be!
Main 3 指挥官没吃饱饭吗,感觉都没什么精神的样子 指揮官、お腹減ったの?なんか元気なさそうな顔してる… Have you eaten yet, Commander? Cause you don't look too great...
Touch 唔……我有点肉?No!我不会放弃对美食的追求的! むっ……お腹が出る?No!グルメを極める道は絶対諦めないよ! Hm... I'm getting a bit chubby? No! I'll never give up my search for the most delicious food!
Touch (Special) 这根本不是在检查人家有没有变胖啊!工口指挥官~ 太ってるか確認する~ってじゃないわよ!このエロ指揮官~! You're not "checking if I've gained weight" at all! You're just a big old pervert, Commander~!
Mission 欸?任务?等我吃完这包薯片…… ほぇ?任務?このポテチを食べ終わったら…… Huh? A mission? Let me just finish these chips first...
Mission Complete 快给优秀的奥马哈投食啦~减肥什么的明天再说吧! この優秀なオマハさまにご褒美のおやつを~!…ダイエットなんて明日からでもいいの! Feed me, feed me! We'll talk about losing weight tomorrow!
Mail 有邮件啊!是不是昨天买的的零食到货了?! メールだ!昨日ポチったおやつが届いたのかな? You've got mail, Commander! Maybe it's the snacks I ordered yesterday?
Return to Port 指挥官指挥官,是要先吃饭呢,先吃饭呢,还是先~吃~饭~呢? 指揮官!ご飯にします?ご飯にする?それとも~ご飯しちゃう? Commander! What should we have first? Breakfast? Or lunch? Or maybe dinner~?
Commission Complete 指挥官不要看我呀,要是委托会给零食的话我也会好好努力的嘛 指揮官こっち見ないでよ~委託の報酬におやつが付いていたら私だって頑張るよ~ Don't look at me like that, Commander. I'd take on commissions too if they gave snacks as rewards!
Enhancement 虽然变强了,但是也饿了! 強くなっちゃったけど、またお腹空かせちゃったね! I got stronger, but I also got hungrier at the same time!
Flagship 吃得饱饱的我,可是无敌的~不战到趴下不许走喔! お腹いっぱい食べたわたしは無敵なんだから!ボッコボコにするまで帰さないよ! I'm invincible now that I'm full! You can't stop me from fighting until I'm totally exhausted!
Victory Yeah!没有我的武器打不穿的装甲! イェイ!我が武器に貫けぬ装甲なし! Oh yeah! There's no armor my guns can't penetrate!
Defeat 呜哇!等我吃饱了回来要你们好看! あわわ!いっぱい食べたらやり返してやるぞ! Wait until I come back with a full belly!
Skill 糟了,不小心把零食塞进去了! しまった!おやつが混ざってた! Oh no! I loaded my guns with snacks instead!
Affinity (Upset) 吃的?我自己有啦,不麻烦指挥官了 食べ物?オマハは持ってるから、指揮官に迷惑かけないよ― Something to eat? I'm actually full right now. No thanks, Commander.
Affinity (Stranger) 欸?——我喜欢做饭好吃的类型喔! むむ?ーーオマハはご飯作れる人がタイプだよ! Hmm? I only like commanders who can actually cook!
Affinity (Friendly) 欸……有、有点肉的女孩子才可爱!指挥官你一定是这样想的对不对?! むぅ……す、少し肉付きがいいほうがかわいいもん!指揮官もそう思ってるでしょ!? Mmph... C-come on, surely you like your girls with a little more meat on them!
Affinity (Like) 要不要减肥好呢……什么啊,为了喜欢的人减肥不是很正常吗!虽然人家也没有很胖就是了 ダイエットしようかな……なによ!好きな人のためにダイエットするのは普通じゃない!それと、別に太ってなんかないもん! Maybe I should lose some weight... What, isn't it normal to try and look good for the person you like? Besides, it's not like I'm really fat or anything!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,我以后要是瘦不下来就全怪你天天给我吃这吃那的!你要对我负责!怎么负责?当,当然是养奥马哈一辈子!(挺胸) オマハが痩せられなかったら絶対指揮官のせいだ!責任取って!どう取るかって?そ、そりゃもちろん…オマハを一生養ってよ! Commander, from now on, if I don't lose weight, then that's your fault! You have to take responsibility! How? By taking care of me for the rest of your life, of course!
Pledge 嘿嘿嘿,这样就约好了,指挥官要负责做饭,我……我就负责家务,嗯嗯,又有饭吃又能减肥,我真是太聪明了! えへへ、もう決まりだよね?指揮官は料理担当で、オマハは……オマハは家事!うんうん!ご飯も食べれるしダイエットもできる!オマハ賢い! Now we have a promise, Commander. You take care of the cooking, and I'll take care of the ea... housework! That way I can eat and still lose weight! I'm so smart!