Concord (JP 🇯🇵: コンコード, CN 🇹🇼: 康克德)
Ship IDNo. 366Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityRare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time01:05:00
AcquisitionLight ship Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressKana Yuuki
Omaha-class light cruiser— Concord, hull number CL-10.
Red Apple CandyDescription
Apple candy, Taiyaki, and fried noodles~ The Sakura Empire’s Temple Fair really is something~ Hehe Commander, do you also want to take a bite of my apple candy? Here you go~
Merry Sweetsmas, Commander! Today, I get to eat as many sweets as I want without anyone saying things about it~♪ Hmm, I already eat this much every day? I guess so~
HP565 Reload68
Firepower27 Torpedo40
Evasion30 Anti-air55
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW20 Luck67
HP2424 Reload131
Firepower75 Torpedo111
Evasion115 Anti-air207
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW51 Luck71
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser115%/117%/120%/125%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun120%/122%/125%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 152mm Main Gun
376mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Omaha-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock4 +1
Max LimitBreak9
Lv.1207 +1
Quick ReloadEvery 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's RLD by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Omaha Class once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description奥马哈级轻巡洋舰—康克德,舷号CL-10オマハ級軽巡洋艦・コンコード(CL-10)Omaha-class light cruiser— Concord, hull number CL-10.
Biography我是来自白鹰的奥马哈级康克德号轻巡洋舰~历经多次武器改装,值得信赖哦~大概吧?嘻嘻ユニオンのオマハ級軽巡洋艦コンコードだよーなんか結構武装改修されてたから、まあまあ頼りになるんじゃないかな?多分ね~ふふ♪I am an Omaha-class light Cruiser, Concord, of the Eagle Union~ After many weapon modifications, you can certainly count on me~ probably? Hehe.
Acquisition轻巡康克德,报到了哟。喜欢棒棒糖和冰淇淋——嗯?指挥官就这么喜欢盯着人的脚么?嘻嘻軽巡コンコード、着任したよ♪キャンディとアイスはマイフェイバリット――ふーん?指揮官って人の足をじーっと見るのが好きなわけ?ふふふ♪Light cruiser Concord, reporting in. Do I like lollipops and ice cream—— huh? Does the Commander always like to gaze at people’s feet? Hehe.
Login总算又见到指挥官了~给我带回好吃的糖果了吗?指揮官にまた会えたね♪おいしいキャンディ、持ってきてくれた?It’s nice to see you again, Commander~ Did you bring me any yummy candy?
Details指挥官要好好加油哦,表现得好的话就奖励你一些棒棒糖吧~頑張ってね指揮官、よく働いてくれたらご褒美にキャンディをあげる♪Do your best, Commander, if you perform well then there’ll be lollipops waiting for you~
Main呼,走路有些累了……看你闲着没事,就快给我捏捏脚吧~?歩いて疲れたぁ……指揮官、暇なら足のマッサージでもしてくれていいよ~?Hmm, I’m getting tired from all this walking… it seems you got time on your hands, come and give me a feet rub~?
Main 2和我同名的那个小镇,一直想去看看呢~有机会要不要一起去呢?私の名前のもととなった町、ずっと見に行きたいと思ってたんだよね~今度機会あったら一緒にどぉ?I always want to go to the town of my namesake~ If we get a chance can we go?
Main 3我可是很乐于助人的哦~看不出来?哼哼,我们还需彼此更多了解呢~私、実は結構世話焼きだよ♪そうは見えないって?ふふふ、もっとお互いのことを知っていかなくちゃってことだよねI am a very helpful individual~ Can’t you tell? Hehe, looks like we’ll need more time to understand one another~
Touch嗯?你也喜欢糖分吗?嘻嘻,求我的话,说不定我会分你一点哦?うん?指揮官も糖分が好き?どうしてもって言うなら少し分けてあげてもいいよ♪Do you also like candy? If you ask me nicely, perhaps I’ll share some of mine? Teehee.
Touch (Special)指挥官,下次再碰这里的话,我可要立即把你踢飞了哦~?指揮官、今度触ったら蹴り飛ばしちゃうよ~?Commander, if you touch me here again, then I’ll have to send you flying with a high kick~
Mission还有任务要做哦?不要再对着我的脚发呆啦,嘻嘻~任務がまだ残ってるよ?もう足をじっと見つめるのはやめてよ~ふふふ♪There’s still missions to do? Don’t just stand there daydreaming while looking at my feet, c’mon~
Mission Complete不快点去收奖励的话,我就代劳咯~这些奖励也就全属于我啦!早く報酬を受け取りに行かないと、代わりに私が行ってあげる~全部私が頂いちゃうってことで!If you don’t hurry up and collect your rewards, then I’ll do it for you~ And then all these rewards will belong to me!
Mail有新邮件~不知道是不是新甜品进货的通知呢~?新しいメールよ~新作のスイーツの入荷通知かな?There’s new mail~ Not sure if it's notification for new desserts?
Return to Port终于回来了~要尝尝我手上的新式甜筒吗?お、ようやく帰って来てくれた♪これ、新作のアイスでも食べる?You’re finally back~ Do you want to taste the new flavored ice cream cone in my hand?
Commission Complete委托组回来了~不知道有没有带新品的冰淇淋什么的回来呢委託組が戻ってきたよ~新作のアイスとか持ってきてくれないかな~The commission fleet has returned~ I hope they brought back new flavored ice cream with them.
Enhancement感觉真棒~スウィーティー~This feels awesome~
Flagship哼哼哼,要怎么“疼爱”你们才好呢~?ふーふふん、どうかわいがってあげようか?Heeheehee, how exactly should I “love” you?~
Victory嘻嘻,MVP也不是那么困难的事情嘛~ふふ♪MVPってそんなに大変じゃないじゃん~Oh, getting MVP isn’t such a difficult feat~
Defeat大失败……提不起劲了……大失敗……もーやってられないよ……A total loss… I can’t lift myself up…
Skill别小看我!あまり私を見くびるなよーDon’t underestimate me!
Low HP嗯~…是不是不要太冒险前进比较好呢…うーん、あんまり前に出過ぎないほうがいいかな…Hmm~... Isn’t it too risky always rushing towards the front lines...
Affinity (Upset)我现在不累,不要碰我的脚哦。再碰就踢你!疲れてないから足を触るのはやめてよね。蹴り飛ばしちゃうよI’m not tired, don’t touch my feet. Touch it again and I’ll kick you!
Affinity (Stranger)快帮我拿好这些甜品…嗯!接下来就这样乖乖跟在身边,帮我提东西就好啦~あ、指揮官!このスイーツを持ってて…そうそう!そのまま荷物係でついてきてね♪Help me grab these desserts! Then follow me around and help carry these things for me~
Affinity (Friendly)就这样多陪我一下不也挺好嘛。好好看着我,别发呆!えーこのままもう少し私に付き合ってもいいじゃないー。もうぼーっとしないでちゃんとこっちを見てよーJust stay beside me like this, ok? Take a good look at me, and don’t doze off!
Affinity (Like)对于缺乏糖分的你来说,要用什么方式来取悦我,换到奖励的巧克力呢?我很期待哦~糖分が足りない指揮官はご褒美のチョコのために、コンコードをどうやって喜ばせてくれるのかな~?楽しみ♪Since I’m on sugar crash, how are you going to sway me over? What, you’re going to reward me with dark chocolate? I certainly can’t wait!~
Affinity (Love)我的身体充满了糖分,要不要稍微给你展示下?嘻嘻~快把脸凑过来……(啾)怎么样?够甜吧~私って実はすごくアマイ子だよ?少し見せてあげよっかな~はい、顔をこっちに寄せて……(チュッ)どぉ?甘々って感じでしょ?My whole body is on a sugar rush, would you like me to show you? Hehe~ Give me your face… (pinch) How does it feel? Sweet, huh~
Pledge嘻嘻,和指挥官终于走到这一步了呢~今后也要帮我捏捏脚哦,当然,我也会让你多多品尝我的糖分的~敬请期待吧~ふふ、指揮官とはようやくここまでたどり着けたんだね~これからもマッサージをよろしくね♪代わりに甘々な私をタップリ味わわせてあげるから、期待してね♡Wow, we’re finally at this step Commander~ From today onwards, you’ll rub my feet. Of course, I’ll also share with you all my candy~ I simply cannot wait!
In battle with Omaha, Raleigh, Richmond, Memphis嘻嘻,难得终于在一起作战了。好好干吧!ふふ、珍しく一緒に戦えるよね。やるぞー!Oh wow, what a treat to finally be in combat together. Let’s do it!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description苹果糖、鲷鱼烧、炒面~重樱的“庙会”还真是不错呢~嘻嘻,指挥官也要舔一口苹果糖吗?喏,给你~りんご飴にたい焼き、焼きそば~重桜の「お祭り」ってやつは本当にいいよね~ふふ、指揮官もこのりんご飴をナメてみたい?ほい、いいよ♪Apple candy, Taiyaki, and fried noodles~ The Sakura Empire’s Temple Fair really is something~ Hehe Commander, do you also want to take a bite of my apple candy? Here you go~
Acquisition苹果糖、鲷鱼烧、炒面~重樱的“庙会”还真是不错呢~嘻嘻,指挥官也要舔一口苹果糖吗?喏,给你~りんご飴にたい焼き、焼きそば~重桜の「お祭り」ってやつは本当にいいよね~ふふ、指揮官もこのりんご飴をナメてみたい?ほい、いいよ♪Apple candy, Taiyaki, and fried noodles~ The Sakura Empire’s Temple Fair really is something~ Hehe Commander, do you also want to take a bite of my apple candy? Here you go~
Login夜晚的庙会马上就要开始了哟,一起去逛逛吧~?夜の「お祭り」がそろそろ始まるらしいよ、一緒に見に行こ?The night-time events at the Temple Fair is starting soon, shall we go take a look?
Main嗯…绑着现在的头发没办法戴着耳机…对了~指挥官要不要戴戴看呢~?也许会很合适也说不定~この髪型だとヘッドホンはちょっとね…そうだ、指揮官がつけてみない?意外と似合うかもしれないよ?Hmm… with my hair up like this, I can’t properly wear my headphones~ Commander, do you want to give it a try~? Perhaps it’ll be very suitable on you.
Main 2呼…逛庙会也挺累人的呢,嘻嘻,指挥官愿意背背我吗~?お祭りを回るのって疲れるよね……ふふ、指揮官、ちょっとだけおんぶしてもらえないかな♪Hmm… walking around this temple is very tiring, hehe, can you give me a piggyback ride Commander?~
Main 3偶尔尝试一下异国风情的装扮也挺不错的吧~指挥官觉得呢?适合我吗~?たまには異国の服を着るのも悪くないでしょー?指揮官はこの格好、どう思う?似合ってる?On occasion, it’s nice to try out more exotic dresses. What do you think Commander, does this suit me?
Touch棒棒糖虽然也不错,不过苹果糖也有苹果糖的风味,唔…难分胜负~キャンディは美味しいし、りんご飴もりんご飴でいい感じだから……まあ引き分けってことで!Even though lollipops are a must-have, but apple candy also have a distinct apple flavor. Sigh… it’s so hard to choose~
Touch (Special)指挥官~?是想要被我踢呢,还是想要被我踩呢~?指揮官~?蹴り飛ばすのと踏んづけるの、どっちをして欲しい~?Commander~? You can either be kicked or stepped on by me, please choose?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship DescriptionSweetie Christmas!指挥官,圣诞快乐!今天是白鹰怎么吃都不会被说的日子哦♪额,每天都吃这么多?好像也是~スウィーティークリスマス!指揮官、おめでとう!今日はユニオン的にいくら食べてもいい日よ♪ ん?毎日食べてるって?そういえばそうだよね~Merry Sweetsmas, Commander! Today, I get to eat as many sweets as I want without anyone saying things about it~♪ Hmm, I already eat this much every day? I guess so~
AcquisitionSweetie Christmas!指挥官,圣诞快乐!今天是白鹰怎么吃都不会被说的日子哦♪额,每天都吃这么多?好像也是~スウィーティークリスマス!指揮官、おめでとう!今日はユニオン的にいくら食べてもいい日よ♪ ん?毎日食べてるって?そういえばそうだよね~Merry Sweetsmas, Commander! Today, I get to eat as many sweets as I want without anyone saying things about it~♪ Hmm, I already eat this much every day? I guess so~
Login指挥官早♪今天也和康克德一起补充糖分吧!指揮官おはよう♪ 今日もコンコードと糖分補給、レッツゴー!Commander~ let's sweeten things up together!
Details港区的冬天很冷呢~这种时候就要靠糖分补充卡路里熬过去!不会变胖的体质可是要好好利用才行的♪母港の冬は寒いよね~そんなときは、糖分を補給してカロリーゴリ押しで乗り切ろう!太らない体質はバッチリ活用しないとね♪It's really cold here during the winter~ In times like these, you gotta give yourself the extra calories to make it through! I've been give the gift of not being able to gain weight, so I have to put it to use~!
Main敦刻尔克的点心我也不讨厌啦。我是糖分优先的,所以不管是大众便宜货还是高级品我都不会挑拣哦♪ダンケルクさんのお菓子は別に嫌いじゃないよ?まあでも私は糖分がメインだから、安物でもプレミアム物でもなんでもイケる感じ♪I'm not tired of Dunkerque's desserts at all, but I'm equal opportunity when it comes to sugar. Premium or bargain, I want it all as long as it's sweet~
Main 2孟菲斯那个辛苦命,真是麻烦呢…总想帮她做点什么,不过怎么办才好呢~メンフィスの苦労人気質、あれは中々大変だね…何とかしてあげたいのは山々なんだけどな~Memphis really has it rough... I want to help her, but what should I do...?
Main 3那是……姜饼…啾?还能做成那样的吗…?あれはジンジャークッキーま…饅頭?あんな感じにもなれるの?That's gingerbread, huh...? You can even make it look like that...?
Touch感觉真棒♪ 指挥官也尝一块吧!スウィーティー♪ 指揮官もどうぞ!Amazing~ ♪ Commander, you should try a bite too!
Touch (Special)呵呵,你以为这个姿势我就不能把你踢飞了吗~?ふっふっふー♪この体勢じゃあ蹴り飛ばされないとでも思ってるのー?Hehe~ Did you think I wouldn't be able to punt you across the room from this position~?
Victory圣诞甜点,记得给我哦♪クリスマススイーツ、いただき♪You'd better give all the Christmas sweets to me~!