Marblehead (JP 🇯🇵: マヌブルヘッド, CN 🇹🇌: 马垃尔黑執)
Ship IDNo. 448Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityRare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time01:05:00
AcquisitionEvent: Microlayer Medley
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENMarch 26, 2020
KRMarch 26, 2020
CNMarch 26, 2020
JPMarch 26, 2020
Voice actressTakeda Rarisa Tago
Marblehead Description
Omaha-class light cruiser – Marblehead, Hull Number CL-12.
Boxing Girl!Description
After trying out a whole bunch of activities, I settled on joinin' the boxing club in the end. Everyone wants to exercise now and then, right? Come along, Commander, and we'll have a fun workout together~
HP565 Reload68
Firepower25 Torpedo45
Evasion30 Anti-air54
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW20 Luck55
HP2424 Reload131
Firepower69 Torpedo126
Evasion115 Anti-air202
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW51 Luck58
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser115%/117%/120%/125%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun120%/122%/125%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 152mm Main Gun
376mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Omaha-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock4 +1
Max LimitBreak9
Lv.1207 +1
Quick ReloadEvery 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's RLD by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Omaha Class once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description奥马哈级蜻巡掋舰—马垃尔黑執舷号CL-12オマハ玚軜巡掋艊「マヌブルヘッド」CL-12)Omaha-class light cruiser – Marblehead, Hull Number CL-12.
Biography我是奥马哈级的马垃尔黑執圚倧战䞭也到倄去了䞍少地方哊。嗯  总之友奜盞倄吧~オマハ玚のマヌブルヘッドですよヌ。かの倧戊でたあ、あっちこっち行ったりしたんですよヌ。たあ、お互い気楜にやりたしょうよヌI'm Marblehead, your average Omaha-class girl. I went like, all over the globe during the war, and stuff like that. Anyhoo, let's be buds and just chill, 'kay?
Acquisitionyahoo马垃尔黑執来啊~所以䜠就是我的指挥官咯啊哈感觉埈䞍错嘛那么让我们友奜盞倄吧~ちょりヌす。マヌブルヘッドですよヌ。あなたが指揮官ですかあは☆むケおる感じです。いひひ、仲良くやりたしょヌSup. Name's Marblehead. Are you the Commander? Ahah☆ I dig your style. Hehehe, let's hang out sometime!
Login倩秀座今倩的运势是  倧吉~おんびん座の今日の運勢は  倧吉でヌすLibra's horoscope for today promises... super good luck.
Details虜然是䞊䞋级䞍过倪讀真就没有意思了让我们搞奜关系吧~䞊官ず郚䞋だなんおマゞメすぎお぀たんなくありたせんえぞぞ、仲良くやりたしょうよヌWhy follow the stupidly serial boss-and-subordinate template, am I right? Hehehe, let's just hang out and be friends!
Main指挥官我纊了孟菲斯䞀䞪小时后做矎甲倧抂芁䞀䞪小时巊右有什么芁做的事记埗提前告诉我哊指揮官、時間埌にメンフィスにネむルのカラヌリングをしおもらう玄束があるんですよ倚分時間はかかりそうですから、任せたい仕事があったらその前にどうぞヌYo, Commander, I promised Memphis I'd color her nails in 2 hours! That's gonna take about an hour to do, so if you've got work for me then you might wanna give it now.
Main 2指挥官这仜文件的这条栏目䜠看䞀䞋虜然我也䞍是埈懂䞍过总觉埗奜像有什么陷阱的样子~ここは 指揮官ここさあ、あたしもよくわからないですけどぉ、間違いそうな雰囲気ですよヌLet's see... Hey, Commander~ See this? I don't really get what this part says, but somethin' about it looks off.
Main 3印章确讀完毕检查䞀䞋数字然后做奜报告  嗯我什么郜没做哊是错觉啊错觉捺印を確認したしお、数字のチェックずレポヌト  んあたし䜕もやっおないですよヌ。気のせいですよヌPut the seal there, check the numbers, make a report... Hm? Oh, I'm not up to anything special! You're just imagining things, probably!
Touch指挥官我正圚自拍让䞀䞋指揮官、今自撮りしおるんでちょっずそこどいおヌCommander, I'm trying to take a selfie here, so could you move?
Touch (Special)呜哇指挥官䜠奜差劲うわ指揮官、最䜎ですねヌWhuah?! Commander, that's *really* creepy, okay?
Mission指挥官任务回来垮我垊杯奶茶去冰少甜谢谢~指揮官、任務が終わったら泚文したミルクティヌ持っおきおくれたせん甘さ控えめでヌOnce this mission's done, could you go get the milk tea I ordered? And not too much sugar, thanks.
Mission Complete指挥官真努力啊我也 咳我也䞍讚厌这种类型哊指揮官っおガリ勉タむプ私も  わ、私もこういうタむプ嫌いじゃないですよヌYou, uh, one of those super-achievers, Commander? I'm... I-I'm kinda sorta into people like that.
Mail啊有新的邮件来了假装没有看到奜了新しいメヌルでしょうか あ、芋なかったこずにしたしょうヌGuess this is new mail or something... Right, I'll just pretend I never saw it.
Return to Port指挥官䜠芁吃点心吗我刚烀了饌干哊指揮官、なんか食べたすヌケヌキ焌いたんですよヌCommander, you feelin' hungry? I got some cake, fresh outta the oven.
Commission Complete指挥官委托完成了哊。嗯记时闎对我来诎是小意思~指揮官、委蚗が完了する予定時間ですよヌんあたしたたたた時間を芚えるのが埗意でしおCommander, I figure a commission should be done by now. Hm? Nah, I've just got a good mental clock~
Enhancement嗯嗯指挥官隟道圚意我ぞヌあたしのこず気になりたすHuh. You fancy a girl like me?
Flagship蜻束地䞊吧~おきずヌにやりたすよヌTiiiime to get serial!
Victory指挥官快笑䞀笑来䞀匠纪念自拍~指揮官、笑っお笑っお蚘念に写メ撮るっすよSmile for the camera, Commander~ I need a selfie to preserve this moment~
Defeat芁回去做战局分析了呢  啊没什么戊闘の分析、し、しっかりやりたせんず  な、なんでもないっすよI have to investigate into what went wrong this battle... Oh, uh, never mind I said anything!
Skill吃我䞀击~★食らっおもらいたすよヌ☆Try *this* on for size!
Low HP芁皍埮讀真对埅了呢 ここはちょっず真面目モヌドですね Guess I've gotta crank up the serial factor...!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官奜无聊啊还是去扟斐济玩吧指揮官っお぀たんないですねヌ。やっぱりコンコヌドたちず遊びに行こうかな You're uncool as heck, Commander. I'mma hit up Concord and hang with her instead...
Affinity (Stranger)嗯䜠问这匠照片啊这䞪埈土的効子就是过去的我啊~奜了比起这䞪我们去逛街吧ぶら䞋がっおるこの写真のこずあ、この地味っ子があたしですよヌそんなこずよりぃ、遊びに行きたしょうよThis here picture I've got? Ah, that average-looking girl used to be me. Whatevs, let's put that aside and go have some fun~!
Affinity (Friendly)嗯  也䞍是刻意想芁掩饰过去是过去现圚是现圚而䞔我觉埗奔攟䞀点曎适合我~所以诎请倚指教啊~別に元地味っ子っおこずを隠そうずしおたせんよたあ、昔は昔、今は今、ちょっず掟手なあたしのほうがあたしらしい気がしたすんでずいうわけで、よろしくヌI'm not really shy about my past as an ordinary girl. What's then is then, what's now is now, y'know? I think my new look better expresses who I am~ So anyway, as I was saying...
Affinity (Like)怎么诎呢应该是意识到——只是孊习和工䜜的话就享受䞍到人生的乐趣了这件事吧。我现圚埈匀心哊所以现圚即䜿想让我变回去也已经做䞍到了哟~たあなんずいうか、お仕事ずか勉匷ずかばかりじゃ䞖の䞭の楜しさがわからなくなりたすよヌっおや぀あたしは今楜しいから、もう地味っ子に戻っおず蚀われおも戻りたせんよヌI guess it's like, you lose sight of what's fun when you go super-serial all-work-and-no-play, you get me? I'm having tons of fun now, and wouldn't go back to my dorky self even if you told me to.
Affinity (Love)虜然䞍知道指挥官是䞍是喜欢我这种类型的䜆我其实挺喜欢指挥官这䞀型的哊。怎么样我们芁䞍芁试着亀埀看看先从纊䌚匀始~指揮官はあたしみたいのがタむプかどうかはわかりたせんけどぉ、あたし、実は指揮官がタむプなんですよじゃあ付き合いたしょうかたずはデヌトからI dunno if you're into girls like me, but *I'm* into commanders like *you*, so~ What do you say we get closer each other? Let's get the ball rolling with a date~
Pledge果然我就诎我和指挥官䞀定埈合埗来嘛。嘻嘻其实指挥官的喜奜我早就已经调查完毕了~那么今倩也䞀起去哪里逛逛吧やっぱり指揮官ずあたしは盞性がいいですねそりゃ指揮官の奜みずかずっくに調査枈みなんでんじゃ、今日も䞀緒にどこか出かけたすI totally knew it, we're like, made for each other~ I looked into your personal preferences ages ago, so yeah~ All right, you wanna come with me and have some fun again today?
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Omaha, Raleigh, Richmond, Memphis, Concord奥马哈级前进~オマハ玚、前進でヌすOmaha-class, moooovin' out!
In battle with Fiji, Nachi䞀起锻炌蟣効力ギャル力磚いずくYou girls wanna get together later?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description参䞎了各种瀟团䜓验后最后我选择加入了拳击瀟因䞺想芁运劚䞀䞋身䜓呢~指挥官也䞍芁敎倩坐着和我䞀起加入锻炌的行列吧~サヌクル䜓隓で色々悩みたしたけど、やっぱりボクシング郚に入るこずに決めたしたヌ。だっお運動したい時もあるでしょ指揮官も、あたしず䞀緒にトレヌニングを楜しみたしょうよAfter trying out a whole bunch of activities, I settled on joinin' the boxing club in the end. Everyone wants to exercise now and then, right? Come along, Commander, and we'll have a fun workout together~
Acquisition参䞎了各种瀟团䜓验后最后我选择加入了拳击瀟因䞺想芁运劚䞀䞋身䜓呢~指挥官也䞍芁敎倩坐着和我䞀起加入锻炌的行列吧~サヌクル䜓隓で色々悩みたしたけど、やっぱりボクシング郚に入るこずに決めたしたヌ。だっお運動したい時もあるでしょ指揮官も、あたしず䞀緒にトレヌニングを楜しみたしょうよAfter trying out a whole bunch of activities, I settled on joinin' the boxing club in the end. Everyone wants to exercise now and then, right? Come along, Commander, and we'll have a fun workout together~
Login指挥官先来做热身运劚吧~指揮官、たずはりォヌミングアップからAll right, Commander, let's start with some warmups~
Details诎起来因䞺匀始拳击的关系我顺䟿孊习了䞀䞋人䜓的肌肉分垃意倖地盞圓深奥呢~埌孊のために筋肉に぀いお勉匷し始めたしたけどぉ、これ意倖ず奥深いですねI started reading up on building muscle for future reference, and man there's a lot to learn~
Main来吧指挥官让我们忘记繁琐的工䜜和倍杂的人际关系来挥尜党力锻炌䞀番吧~぀たらないお仕事ずか人間関係ずか忘れお、思いっきりトレヌニング頑匵りたしょうよLet's leave our boring work and social troubles behind and focus only on workin' out~
Main 2䞭场䌑息时闎~指挥官我们来看MME的拳击比赛圕像吧我最近埈喜欢哊~ちょっず䌑憩 うん、ここはMMEの倧䌚の映像でも芋たしょうかI need a break... All right, time to check out the MME tournament on TV~
Main 3指挥官䜠胜垮我去扟䞀䞋奥马哈吗她肯定又䞍想锻炌身䜓躲圚什么地方吃零食了可䞍胜攟过她指揮官、オマハのや぀芋たせんでした絶察どこかで぀たみ食いしおるんですよ芋逃しちゃダメですよヌCommander, you seen Omaha 'round here? I bet she's off gorging herself on snacks in secret. Don't let her get away with it~!
Touch指挥官刚才对练的时候䜠是䞍是䞀盎盯着人家的什么地方看嗯嗯指揮官さぁ、緎習䞭にさぁ どこに目を぀けおたしたSooo, Commander, when we're working out... who're your eyes on~?
Touch (Special)利甚胞郚脂肪的猓冲来进行防埡 奜像也行あえお胞で受けお衝撃を逃がすずいうガヌド  アリかもUsing the fat around your chest for softening impacts... kinda actually works?!
Return to Port指挥官蟛苊啊芁喝点盐氎吗お぀かれさ―ん。塩分補充甚のドリンクでもどうですかヌGood going out there. You want a sip of my electrolyte-rich sports drink?
Affinity (Love)甚这样的方匏来纊䌚也埈有意思呢欞䞍是有䞀句话是这么诎的吗甚拳倎来亀心什么的~哌哌指挥官芁奜奜承受䜏我的爱哊こんな感じでデヌトずかもありですねほら、拳で語るずも蚀うじゃんなんお指揮官、あたしの気持ちをしっかり、受け止めおくださいねWe could have a workout date someday~ Like a "let your fists do the talking" kinda thing, or something like that~ Be a darling, Commander, and take my loving blows~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哇从这蟹看出去风景还真奜 看来指挥官还是有点选地方的県光的嘛~嘻嘻~那就正匏地来䞀句 圣诞快乐♡わあすごい眺め 指揮官っおやっぱり堎所遞びのセンスありたすねふふ、改めお  メリヌクリスマス♡Whoa! Talk about a stunning view! You like, totally all the best spots in the city, Commander~ Hehe, okay, so... Merry Christmas!
Acquisition哇从这蟹看出去风景还真奜 看来指挥官还是有点选地方的県光的嘛~嘻嘻~那就正匏地来䞀句 圣诞快乐♡わあすごい眺め 指揮官っおやっぱり堎所遞びのセンスありたすねふふ、改めお  メリヌクリスマス♡Whoa! Talk about a stunning view! You like, totally know all the best spots in the city, Commander~ Hehe, okay, so... Merry Christmas!
Login指挥官准倇奜了吗什么准倇圓然是干·掻的准倇啊♪呌呌~指揮官、準備はできたしたヌ䜕の準備お・し・ご・ずヌ♪ふふふHey Commander, you ready to get? "To get what"? To get to work, man! Hehehe~
Details嗯~雪萜䞋的速床是3公分每秒劂果保持现圚的无风倩气的话明倩的气枩倧纊是  唔指挥官没什么~んヌ雪の萜䞋速床は秒速3センチで、このたた無颚が続くようなら明日の予想気枩は  指揮官なんでもありたせんよヌHmm... The snow's falling at a rate of 3cm per second, so assuming no wind, tomorrow's forecast should be something like... Oh, Commander? Just talkin' to myself!
Main指挥官盞信圣诞老人存圚吗 我觉埗是存圚的哊~䜠看店里到倄郜是䞀看就像圣诞老人的人们䞍是吗~哈哈哈指揮官はサンタさんが本圓にいるっお信じおたすか あたしは普通にいるず思いたすよほら、お店ずかにそれっぜい服着おる人いっぱいいるじゃないですかヌはははYou think Santa Claus is real, Commander? Me, I think he's like, basically real. Because, y'know, there's all these people wearing legit Santa costumes in stores and stuff. Hahaha.
Main 2眗利老垈芁是碰䞊这种状况倧抂芁脞红埗䞍行了吧~ロヌリヌ先生、こういうシチュ゚ヌションになったら顔真っ赀になりそうですねヌIf Miss Raleigh were in my shoes here, she'd totes be blushing to her ears.
Main 3指挥官也芁来画画吗像这样呌䞀口气再甚手指这样画~指揮官も䞀緒に絵を描いおみたせんか息をハヌッずやっおこう指でWanna draw something with me, Commander? Y'know, like, exhaling on the window and making shapes with your finger~
Touch冷的话就再靠近䞀点点吧~来~寒いならもうちょっず寄っおどうぞFeeling chilly? You can come closer if you wanna~
Touch (Special)倩冷了就䌚埈想芁抱圚䞀起呢~♡寒いから抱き぀きたくなっちゃうもんね♡Winter makes you wanna snuggle up, doesn't it~?
Return to Port指挥官蟛苊啊~啊倖面是䞍是埈冷让我来给䜠暖暖吧~♡指揮官お぀かれさヌん。あ、やっぱり倖は寒かったっすかあたしが枩めおあげちゃおヌ♡Sup, Commander. Oof, real chilly out there, huh? Then c'mere and I'll warm you up~
Commission Complete委托组的䌙䌎们回来了哊~芁怎么去迎接她们呢委蚗に出た子たちが戻っおきたしたよ出迎えは どうしたすThe commission gals are back~ You wanna go out and meet up with 'em, or...?
Victory胜利的风景果然也埈䞍错呢~勝利の眺めも䞭々むケたすねヌThis victory's almost as lit as this view!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description又到了今幎的赏月时节呢哊指挥官䜠原来知道䞭秋节啊那䞭秋节该干什么䜠也是知道的吧 ♡たたやっおきたした今幎の月芋フェスティバルおっ、指揮官は䞭秋節を知っおるんですね偉いですね。じゃあ今日はな・に・をすべきかも分かっおいたすよね ♡The annual moon gazing festival's upon us again~ Ah, so you know a thing or two about the Mid-Autumn Festival, Commander? Then I reckon you know what we're doing tonight, right~? ♡
Acquisition又到了今幎的赏月时节呢哊指挥官䜠原来知道䞭秋节啊那䞭秋节该干什么䜠也是知道的吧 ♡たたやっおきたした今幎の月芋フェスティバルおっ、指揮官は䞭秋節を知っおるんですね偉いですね。じゃあ今日はな・に・をすべきかも分かっおいたすよね ♡The annual moon gazing festival's upon us again~ Ah, so you know a thing or two about the Mid-Autumn Festival, Commander? Then I reckon you know what we're doing tonight, right~? ♡
Login今倩出生的狮子座的人的运势是 嗯——奜像䞍应该这么算  今日が誕生日のしし座の人の運勢は んヌちょっず蚈算間違えたしたね Let's see the prediction for Leos born today... Hmm, clearly something's wrong with my calculations here...
Details䞺什么穿着䞜煌风的衣服因䞺今倩的节日是源自䞜煌的嘛哈哈我先拿块月饌——なぜ東煌颚の衣装を着おるのかっおそりゃ今日のフェスティバルは東煌が起源ですもんねはい、月逅ひず぀もらいたすよヌWhy am I wearing Dragon Empery clothes? Because there's a Dragon Empery celebration today, duh~ Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna have myself a mooncake.
Main哊这䞪埈奜吃啊这满满的糖分康克執肯定喜欢我拿䞀块 咊居然是咞的お、うたいですねこれ糖分倚めでコンコヌドが奜きそう䞀぀持っお んこっちはしょっぱめですかヌYo, this mooncake bussin'! Concord would love this little sugar bomb! I'll grab one and bring– Hm? This one's extra salty?
Main 2诎起月兔 芁是圚月球䞊起跳的话那跳的埗有倚高啊 月のうさぎですね 月でうさぎが跳んだらめっちゃ高く跳ぶんですよね You know the myth about rabbits on the moon? Bet those rabbits can jump, like, a mile up in zero-gravity.
Main 3盯着我看也䞍是䞍行啊䜆是这么奜的月亮错过了就芁再等䞀䞪月了哊~私をガン芋しおおもいいですけど、月を芋ないず次はたた䞀ヶ月埌になりたすよI don't mind you gawkin' at me, but you'll wanna gawk at the sky too. Full moons only come once a month, you know!
Touch这䞪拍䞋来肯定埈奜看これはいい映りですねMan, this view is awesome~
Touch (Special)呜哇指挥官芁泚意安党才是うわっ、安党泚意ですよ、指揮官Whoa! Careful, or I might fall, Commander!
Return to Port谢谢指挥官出击垊回来的点心~这䞪我也拿去给孟菲斯䞀些吧~出撃のお土産感謝でヌす。これ、メンフィスにも持っおいきたすねThanks for this sweet gift you brought back~ I'm gonna go show it to Memphis~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呌 到这应该就没问题了~啊指挥官圚这做什么呢~莫非是圚这故意等着总䞍䌚是偶然  䞍䌚吧ふぅ ここたで来れば倧䞈倫か。おっ、指揮官ここで䜕しおるんですかもしかしお入埅ち出埅ちただの偶然なわけが  そうなのPhew... Should be in the clear now. Oh, hey, Commander. Whatcha doing here? Waiting for a cutie to show up or something? Surely it can't be a coincidence... right?
Acquisition呌 到这应该就没问题了~啊指挥官圚这做什么呢~莫非是圚这故意等着总䞍䌚是偶然  䞍䌚吧ふぅ ここたで来れば倧䞈倫か。おっ、指揮官ここで䜕しおるんですかもしかしお入埅ち出埅ちただの偶然なわけが  そうなのPhew... Should be in the clear now. Oh, hey, Commander. Whatcha doing here? Waiting for a cutie to show up or something? Surely it can't be a coincidence... right?
Login话诎回来这雚真倧呢~制服郜湿透了  哈哈♡指挥官圚意吗~それにしおもすごい雚ですね。制服ももうびっしょびしょ  はは♡指揮官は気になるんですかMaaan, it's raining cats and dogs! My uniform's soaked through... Haha♡ D'ya like it that way, Commander?
Details衬衫和毛线衫先䞍提就连袜子郜湿成䞀团了 脱了之后攟哪奜来着 指挥官知道吗シャツずカヌディガンはずもかく、タむツも匵り付いおるみたい 脱いだらどこに眮いずけばいいんだっけ 指揮官は知っおたすThe shirt and sweater I can deal with, but my tights are like glue... Dunno where to put 'em after I take 'em off. Got any ideas, Commander?
Main想让我蟅富䜠孊习吗可以啊~芁教哪䞀科芁倚久我芁计算䞋让䜠怎么回瀌♪勉匷を教えおほしいんですかいいですよ。䜕科目ですかい぀たで拘束されたすかお返しは䜕がいいか蚈算するんで♪Be your personal teacher? I'm down~ Which subjects, and for how long are we talkin'? Need to know for return-favor purposes♪
Main 2孟菲斯呜哇对䞍䜏对䞍䜏  芁是早告诉䜠10秒就䞍至于淋成这样了 没什么メンフィスうわっ、ごめんごめん あず10秒早く教えおたらそこたでは濡れなかった なんでもないですよっMemphis?! Crap, my bad... Wouldn't've gotten THIS drenched if I'd warned ya ten seconds sooner... Err, forget I said anything!
Main 3胜盯着看也就现圚了之后换了衣服可就看䞍了了  嗯~が、ガン芋できるのは今のうちですよこのあず着替えたらもう芋れなくなるんで  うんIf you wanna check me out, n-now's the time... You can't ogle me once I've gotten changed... So yeah.
Touch毛巟指挥官真是枩柔呢 诶亲亲自垮我擊啊 タオル指揮官っお本圓に優しいですね。 えっふ、拭いおくれるんだ A towel? Aww, you're too nice... Huh? Err, if you wanna dry me off, sure I guess...
Touch (Special)呀䞍需芁我换身衣服吗 わっ着替えはしなくおもいいの Whoa! You don't want me to get changed first?
Mission任务  小声䞋次选指挥官有空的时候吧 任務  小声今床は指揮官が空いおるずきにしようかな Missions? ...Dang, I'll try again when the Commander's free...
Mission Complete任务完成了~我来请客喝些热的吧任務完了ですよ。あたしのおごりでいいから、なんか枩かいのでも飲みたすMission complete~ You wanna get something warm to drink? It's on me.
Mail来信了。奜像是给指挥官的邮件呢なんかメッセヌゞ来たっ。指揮官ぞのメヌルらしいすよWhoa, we got a message. Think it's a letter for you, Commander.
Return to Port有䞀䞪老规矩是诎从这回到办公宀的话芁圚路䞊共甚䞀把䌞对䞍对 哈哈匀玩笑啊。こっから執務宀に戻る間は盞合い傘をするのが決たりでしたっけ ははは、冗談ですよWeren't we gonna do the umbrella-sharing thing on our walk back to your office? ...Hahaha! I'm just messing with you~
Defeat哇又湿透了 这次可䞍圚计划之内 わっ、たたびしょ濡れになっちゃった これは蚈算倖でしたね Crap, I'm all wet again... This wasn't part of the plan.
Affinity (Love)“孊园浪挫”有䞍少郜埈老套了呢~还是试试䞍䞀样的吧那这之后  “我有话想跟指挥官诎 扟䞪空教宀 可以吗”孊園でのロマンスっおありきたりのが倚いですね。やっぱり違うのにしおみたすじゃあこのあずは  「あたし、指揮官に䌝えたいこずがあるから 空いおる教宀に 行きたす」High school romance is like, pretty done to death~ You wanna shake things up a bit? 'Kay, then how about... There's something I wanna tell ya. Can we go... to an empty classroom?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login今倩指挥官星座的运势是  倧吉~今日の指揮官の運勢は 倧吉でヌすYour horoscope for today promises... mega good luck!
Details啊指挥官这本乊掚荐给䜠哊关于哲孊的就是了指揮官、これすごく面癜いですよヌ  マネゞメントず哲孊の本ですけどCommander, you've *gotta* read this great book... It's on administration and philosophy, what about it?
Main指挥官䞋次攟假我们䞀起去探玢枯区䞃倧䞍可思议吧感觉埈有趣的样子~指揮官、母枯の䞃䞍思議っお面癜すぎたせん今床非番のずきに芋に行きたしょうよYo, Commander, the port's 7 mysteries are some seriously interesting stuff. Let's go check one out the next time you're off duty~
Main 2虜然埈奔攟䜆是小看我可䞍行哊让我看看是什么隟题隟䜏了指挥官吧~掟手でも、地頭をバカにしちゃダメですからねヌ。指揮官がどこで詰たっおるか、芋しおよMaybe I'm a bit garish, but don't underestimate my smarts! Lemme see what part you're stuck on~
Touch指挥官凑过来䞀点我们䞀起拍匠照片~指揮官、もうちょい近く 写真撮ったげたすよCome a little closer, Commander. I'mma take a picture of you~
Touch (Special)我的身材还䞍错吧嘻嘻~あたし、スタむルいいでしょヌふふふSmokin' bod I've got, am I right? Heehee!