Montpelier (JP 🇯🇵: モントピリア, CN 🇹🇼: 蒙彼利埃)
Ship IDNo. 329Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time01:25:00
AcquisitionLight Build
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
CNMarch 21, 2018
JPApril 26, 2018
Voice actressRie Takahashi
Cleveland-class light cruiser – Montpelier, hull number CL-57.
Flower of the Snowy NightDescription
So this is Sakura-style New Year's attire... If Cleve was also interested in this... Hm? Commander, were you watching? Um, well, Happy New Year's.
HP760 Reload71
Firepower31 Torpedo0
Evasion30 Anti-air63
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW25 Luck72
HP3182 Reload137
Firepower86 Torpedo0
Evasion105 Anti-air235
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW64 Luck76
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser100%/105%/115%/130%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Destroyer Gun75%/75%/75%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun120%/120%/120%/120%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Quadruple 40mm Bofors Gun
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Cleveland-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock12 +1
Max LimitBreak24
Lv.12018 +1
Legend of the SolomonsEvery 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase your Cruisers' FP and Accuracy by 10.0% (25.0%) and decrease the DMG they take by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s.Default Unlocked
Anti-Air ModeWhen this ship fires its Anti-Air Guns: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's AA by 20.0% (40.0%) but decrease its FP by 40.0% (20.0%) for 3s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Cleveland Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Anti-Air Mode - MontpelierDecreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%) . When this ship fires her AA guns: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's AA by 20.0% (40.0%) , but decrease her FP by 40.0% (20.0%) , for 3s; if this ship has Eagle Union gear equipped, this AA buff is doubled and the FP debuff does not apply. Every 20s: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's DMG dealt by 5.0% (25.0%) for 8s.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description克利夫兰级轻巡洋舰—蒙彼利埃,舷号CL-57クリーブランド級軽巡洋艦・モントピリア(CL-57)Cleveland-class light cruiser – Montpelier, hull number CL-57.
Biography你知道吗,我们克利夫兰级是大战中白鹰最出色的轻巡,所以你要对大姐头更加尊敬一点才行。至于我,伦内尔,皇后湾,还有些其他作战,也算是参加过一些战斗吧お前、クリーブランド級はあの大戦でのユニオンの最強軽巡だ。姉貴にはもっと敬意を払ってもらうぞ。――ぼくか?レンネル、オーガスタ湾、あと何個か作戦に出た。まあまあかなListen, the Cleveland-class were the most powerful cruisers the Eagle Union had in the war. You should show more respect for my big sis. ... Me? I was in the battles of Midway, Augusta Bay, and a few others. I guess I did okay.
Acquisition指挥官吗?看起来…不是那么可靠啊…不过既然大姐头也在这里…没办法,蒙彼利埃、报道,不用请多指教也没关系指揮官か?頼りに…ならなそう。でも姉貴はここにいる…仕方ない、モントピリア、着任した。指示なんてしなくても構わないよ You're a commander? You don't... look reliable. But my big sis works for you... I've no choice, then. Montpelier, reporting for duty. I don't really care whether you give me orders or not.
Login你回来了?那我出去透透气,好闷戻ったか?じゃあ出掛けてくる。ここは窮屈だSo, you're back. I'll take my leave, then. It's too crowded in here for me.
Details大姐—原来是指挥官啊,有什么事吗?姉貴ぃ!…って指揮官か。何か用?Big sis! ... Oh, it's you. Need something?
Main怎么才能变得像大姐头那样呢……笑容?……似乎,不太行どうすればクリーブ姉貴のようになれるか……笑顔?……ちょっと、無理かも…How can I be more like Cleveland... "Smile"? ... That might not be possible...
Main 2我不太习惯和同级姐妹之外的人相处,至于指挥官你……唔,我会加油的同型の姉妹たち以外の人は苦手だ。指揮官、お前は……努力するI don't get along with anyone but my sisters. As for you, Commander... I'll try.
Main 3指挥官,我有点好奇,大姐头当秘书的时候是什么样的?指揮官、ぼくは気になる。姉貴が秘書艦を勤める時はどんな感じか?Commander, I'm curious: when my sister's doing secretary work, what's she like?
Touch……?没有什么事的话请不要叫我……?用がないなら呼ぶな... Huh? If you've no need of me, don't call for me.
Touch (Special)忍耐,我要忍耐…这一定是在考验我对大姐头的信任…た、耐えるんだ……これは姉貴への信頼を試すことに決まっている…!G-gotta put up with it... This is obviously a test of the trust I have for my big sis...!
Mission指挥官,任务来了,时间就是金钱,赶快完成吧指揮官、任務だ。時は金なり――早くしろCommander, we've got a mission. Time's money... get going already.
Mission Complete奖励吗……好吧,这也是职责的一部分,我去拿吧報酬か……これも職務だな。持ってくるRewards, eh... Guess this is part of my job. I'll go get them.
Mail你的信,我放那了メール、ここに置いたI left your mail over here.
Return to Port辛苦了,不休息会儿吗?お疲れ。休めば?Well done. You should get some rest.
Commission Complete委托完成了,不去接一下她们吗?委託が完了した。出かけた子たちを迎えにいかないのか?A commission's done. Aren't you gonna welcome the team back?
Enhancement这样就离大姐头更近一点了…姉貴にもう一歩近づけた…!I'm one step closer to my big sis...!
Flagship海上骑士,出击!海上騎士団、進軍!Knights of the Sea, onwards!
Victory胜利的感觉……还不坏勝利の感触……悪くないThis is how victory feels... Not bad.
Defeat对不起…大姐头…丢了海上骑士的脸…姉貴…ごめんなさい…海上の騎士の名に泥を塗ってしまいました……Big sis... I'm sorry... I've stained the reputation of the Knights of the Sea...
Skill碍眼,消失吧目障りだ。消えろYou're an eyesore. Disappear!
Low HP大姐头说了,不能放弃!姉貴が言ってました…諦めてはならないって!!Big sis told me... to never give up!
Affinity (Upset)大姐头果然看走眼了吗……姉貴も人を見る目がないか……Guess my big sis can't tell good and bad people apart...
Affinity (Stranger)虽然还不理解大姐头为什么会选择你,不过我还是相信大姐头的眼光的姉貴がお前を選ぶ理由はわからん。だが姉貴の目は信じているI don't get why my big sis chose you. But I trust her intuition.
Affinity (Friendly)大姐头又厉害又酷,而且总是笑的很帅,就好像没有什么能打倒她一样,我的梦想就是有一天变成她那样姉貴は…強くてかっこよくて、笑顔が輝かしくて、まるでどんな相手でも倒せそうな……ぼくもいつか、ああなりたいな My big sis is... strong, cool, has a golden smile, and she could probably beat anyone in a fight... I want to be like her one day.
Affinity (Like)说起来,指挥这种工作,我以前一直以为就是趾高气扬地在那发号施令的家伙……实际看过之后才知道,当指挥官也很辛苦呢指揮することって安全な場所で偉そうに命令しているだけって思ってた……実際身近で見て分かった。指揮官も大変だなI used to think commanding was just about giving orders from a comfy room while sounding like a bigshot... But after seeing it for myself, now I understand. You have a tough job, Commander.
Affinity (Love)倒也不是说大姐头的话我什么都会听,只是大姐头总是对的……比如我现在已经理解了,她选择的指挥官有多么优秀姉貴の言うことを闇雲になんでも聞いているわけじゃない。姉貴がいつも正しいから聞いている……今分かった。姉貴が選んだお前はやっぱり優秀だI don't just blindly listen to everything my big sis says. I listen because she's always right... And I finally get why she chose you. It's because you're outstanding.
Pledge大姐头说了,这种大事必须要遵从自己的内心。所以我现在站在了这里,指挥官你呢?姉貴は自分のこころに従えって言ってた。だからぼくはここにいる――自分のこころに従って。指揮官、お前は?Big sis told me to follow my heart. Which is why I'm here: to follow my heart. Are you following yours, Commander?
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Cleveland…不能给大姐头丢人!……姉貴に恥をかかせません!... I won't embarrass you, big sis!
In battle with Sendai, Myoukou, Shigure夜战的话我也能行!夜目ならこっちも効いてる!Night battles? Two can play at that game!
In battle with Denver成为不会给姐姐丢人的战士吧!姉貴に相応しい戦士になろう!Let us become fine warriors who will not disappoint our sister!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description这就是重樱风格的新年服饰吗,如果大姐头也能喜欢的话…嗯?指挥官你在啊…姑且说一声新年快乐吧これが重桜風の新年衣装…姉貴が気に入ってくだされば……うん?指揮官、いたか?えっと、まあ、あけましておめでとうSo this is Sakura-style New Year's attire... If Cleve was also interested in this... Hm? Commander, were you watching? Um, well, Happy New Year's.
Acquisition这就是重樱风格的新年服饰吗,如果大姐头也能喜欢的话…嗯?指挥官你在啊…姑且说一声新年快乐吧これが重桜風の新年衣装…姉貴が気に入ってくだされば……うん?指揮官、いたか?えっと、まあ、あけましておめでとうSo this is Sakura-style New Year's attire... If Cleve was also interested in this... Hm? Commander, were you watching? Um, well, Happy New Year's.
Details重樱的新年,和想象中的不太一样重桜の新年、想像してたのとちょっと違うなThe Sakura Empire's New Year's celebration is... a bit different from my expectations.
Main这件衣服,袖子又长又重,裙子也不利于行动…重樱的人们都不会觉得不方便吗?この服、袖が長くて重いし、この…えっとドレス?動きにくくてしょうがないな。重桜の人たちは不便だって思わないのか?The sleeves on this outfit are long and heavy... and this, uh... dress? It's really hard to move around in. Don't they find this cumbersome?
Main 2要是大姐头也穿上这样的衣服…唔,果然还是有点难以想象啊……姉貴がこの服を着てる姿…うん、ちょっと想像できないなIf Cleve was to wear this outfit... Hmm, I can't picture it after all.
Main 3新年的愿望…?希望明年能够更加接近大姐头一些吧——新年の願い事…?来年こそ姉貴にもう少し近づくことだなMy New Year's wish...? I'd like to get a bit closer with Cleve, I suppose...
Touch……想看我穿这件衣服跳舞?指挥官还是这么异想天开呢……この格好でダンスを?相変わらずわけのわからないことを考えつくな...You'd like to see me dance in this outfit? Commander, you're as prone to flights of fancy as always.
Touch (Special)大家都在准备新年的时候,指挥官的脑子里就在想这些事吗?みんな新年の準備に忙しいのに、お前の頭の中はこれなのか?Everyone is hard at work preparing for New Year's... but what in the world is going on inside that head of yours?
Affinity (Love)新年和指挥官一起度过…似乎也不赖。…还是想看我跳舞?唔…虽然有些生疏,不过…好吧,就当给大姐头表演之前的练习了。お前と年越しするのも悪くないかもな。…やっぱりこの格好でダンスを?はぁ……まだちょっとぎこちないけど、姉貴に見せる前のリハーサルとして見せてやるとするかSpending the end of the year with you isn't so bad... You really still want to see me dance in this outfit? Hmm... I'm probably a bit rusty, but let's just consider it a rehearsal for when I'm doing this for Cleve.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description…干嘛露出这种表情?你虽然看起来不可靠,但应该不至于会被这点东西震慑住吧。觉得这个“魔幻历险”主题的摄影棚很厉害?……行吧。いくら頼りにならない指揮官でも、映画の撮影セットに驚かなければそんな顔はしないはずだ。…感心しているだけ?……別にいいAs unreliable as you are, I didn't think you'd be too scared to approach a movie prop... You're just "admiring it from a distance?" ...Fair enough.
Acquisition…干嘛露出这种表情?你虽然看起来不可靠,但应该不至于会被这点东西震慑住吧。觉得这个“魔幻历险”主题的摄影棚很厉害?……行吧。いくら頼りにならない指揮官でも、映画の撮影セットに驚かなければそんな顔はしないはずだ。…感心しているだけ?……別にいいAs unreliable as you are, I didn't think you'd be too scared to approach a movie prop... You're just "admiring it from a distance?" ...Fair enough.
Login欢迎回来,嗯…这种场景下说这样的是不是不太合适?「いらっしゃい、あなた」……なんか違う。うん、この場面では違う"Welcome back, darling." ...This feels wrong. Doesn't fit the scene.
Details不过,平心而论,这个场景道具做得确实还挺逼真的,我刚看到的时候也大吃一惊…本当によく出来たセットだ。初めて見た時はびっくりしたなThis set really is expertly made. It shocked me when I first laid eyes on it.
Main虽然是在大姐头的推荐下来试的这个,不过这种轻飘飘的衣服,果然还是穿不习惯啊…嗯…?重点不在这里?姉貴に言われてこうしてここにいるのだが、このドレスは着こなせている気がしない。……重要なのはそこじゃない?I'm only wearing this dress because big sis told me to. It's the total opposite of the clothes I'm used to wearing... Hm? That's not the point of this all?
Main 2再换个姿势?这、这样吗?唔…这样究竟有什么好玩的…算了,大姐头你们开心就好…ポーズを変えるか?こうか?……何が楽しいかさっぱりわからない。…まぁ、姉貴たちが楽しんでくれてるならそれでいいChange my pose? Okay. How's this? ...I have no clue what you think is so funny about this. Guess it doesn't matter as long as big sis is enjoying herself...
Main 3你也想坐上来试试吗?这个布景还挺结实的,应该没问题。お前も登ってみるか?セットは頑丈だから別に問題ないWanna sit next to me? This thing is built to handle several people.
Touch不用扶我,我自己能下来…只是还不太适应这双鞋子而已…手伝いはいらない、自分でなんとか降りられる。……このセットというよりこの衣装のほうに慣れていないだけだNo thanks. I can get down on my own. The set isn't a hard climb or anything, I'm just not used to wearing this dress.
Touch (Special)你也想感受下黑暗之力吗?闇の力とやらを使わせたいのか?Are you that keen to taste the power of darkness?
Return to Port要去宴会会场吗?你等一下,我先从这里下去…会場に戻るのか?ああ、今ここから降りるTime to go back to the party? All right. Give me a moment to come down.
Victory“臣服于黑暗之力吧…”…这种时候是不是该搭配这样的台词?「闇の力にひれ伏せ!」……台本に書いてあるこのセリフのほうがいいか?"Kneel to the power of darkness!" ...Is it cooler to recite this line from the script?