Birmingham (JP 🇯🇵: バーミンガム, CN 🇹🇼: 伯明翰)
Ship IDNo. 405Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityElite
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time01:25:00
AcquisitionEvent: Ashen Simulacrum
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENJuly 31, 2019
KRJuly 31, 2019
CNJuly 31, 2019
JPJuly 31, 2019
Voice actressSayumi Watabe
Birmingham Description
Cleveland-class light cruiser – Birmingham, Hull Number CL-62.
Rider of Red Description
Good morning, Commander. Unfortunately, this bicycle only seats one person, but I could dismount and lead it along as we walk together.
Fruitful Snow of an Auspicious YearDescription
HP730 Reload68
Firepower31 Torpedo0
Evasion29 Anti-air62
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW24 Luck48
HP3057 Reload131
Firepower86 Torpedo0
Evasion107 Anti-air231
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW61 Luck50
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser100%/105%/115%/130%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Destroyer Gun65%/65%/65%/65%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun130%/130%/130%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 152mm Main Gun
3Quadruple 40mm Bofors Gun
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Cleveland-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock10 +1
Max LimitBreak20
Lv.12015 +1
Tenacious Knight of the SeaWhile this ship is afloat: decreases Burn Duration by 3s for this ship and your Flagship. When an enemy aircraft is shot down within your fleet's Anti-Air Gun range: increases this ship's FP and AA by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s. Effect does not stack.Default Unlocked
Resolute Knight of the SeaWhen this ship takes DMG: 4.0% (10.0%) chance to increase this ship's EVA by 20.0% (40.0%) for 5s. Has an 8s cooldown between activations. Once per battle, when this ship's HP has fallen below 30.0%: this ship evades all enemy attacks for 5s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Cleveland Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description克利夫兰级轻巡洋舰—伯明翰,舷号CL-62クリーブランド級軽巡洋艦・バーミンガム(CL-62)Cleveland-class light cruiser – Birmingham, Hull Number CL-62.
Biography我是隶属克利夫兰级轻巡洋舰的伯明翰。在大战中诞生的我,曾经和众多姐妹一起并肩作战,获得了9枚战役之星。身为海上骑士的一员,今后也会为了守护这片大海的和平而努力战斗的クリーブランド級軽巡洋艦、バーミンガム。かの大戦で生まれた私は数多くの同型艦たちと共に戦い抜き、バトルスターを9個手に入れた。海上の騎士として、これからもこの海のために戦い続けるI am Birmingham, the eighth Cleveland-class light cruiser. Born during the war, I fought to its end alongside my many sisters and earned 9 battle stars. As a Knight of the Sea, my duty continues, and I will now fight for the sea's future.
Acquisition克利夫兰级轻巡洋舰伯明翰号,今日起正式就任。为了让这片大海迎来新的曙光,我将竭尽自己所能。请多指教了,指挥官。クリーブランド級軽巡バーミンガム、本日より配属になった。この海の明日のために全力で尽くす。指揮官、何卒ご指導とご鞭撻をStarting today, Cleveland-class light cruiser Birmingham is on active duty. I will not rest until the future of the sea is secure. Commander, grant me your guidance and support.
Login我已经做好出击准备,就等您的指令了,指挥官。出撃準備完了。指揮官、ご命令をSortie preparations complete. Your orders, Commander?
Details有朝一日,能见到这片大海重归宁静的样子就好了…いつか、再び穏やかになった海をこの目で見届けられれば――Someday I hope to see the sea return to its peaceful former state...
Main普林斯顿……真希望她能够平安无事,如果那时能再多帮她分担一点就好了…プリンストン……無事でいて。あのときは私がもっと頑張れていたら…Princeton... please be okay. If I had fought harder back then, things wouldn't have...
Main 2运气不好?虽然有时会被人这么说,但是,能够从地狱般的战场上存活下来,我已经足够幸运了時に運の悪さを揶揄されていようと、あの地獄のような戦場で生き残れたから、私には十分だと思うSometimes people ridicule me for being unlucky, but having survived that hellish battle, I feel quite lucky.
Main 3只要有克利夫兰她们在身边,就让人感到很安心…我想这就是姐妹之间的羁绊吧…クリーブランド姉貴たちがそばにいると安心する。これが「絆」かもしれないI feel at ease when I'm with Cleve and my sisters. I believe this is what's known as a "bond."
Touch指挥官,怎么了?是要下达出击命令吗?指揮官、どうした。出撃命令か?What is it, Commander? Was that your sortie order?
Touch (Special)…这样真的有趣么?これが面白いとでも?Is this amusing to you?
Mission司令部下达了新的任务,指挥官,不要犹豫,一鼓作气完成吧本部より新しい任務の連絡だ。指揮官、ためらわずに一気に片付けようNew mission from HQ. Let's complete it right at once, Commander.
Mission Complete任务奖励送达了。如果里面有一罐冰淇淋就好了…啊不,没什么任務報酬が届いた。アイスクリームがあれば…あ、いや、なんでもないMission rewards have arrived. Perhaps there is ice cream in... Oh, um, never mind that.
Mail邮件来了,应该全是好消息吧。我的预感应该没错——就算有坏消息,我也会协助您应对的メールだ。私の勘ではいいニュースばかりだと。――悪いニュースがあっても対応に協力しようMail for you. My intuition tells me it's good news. If it's bad news, I will help you digest it.
Return to Port指挥官平安无事回来就好…先稍微休息一下吧?ご無事で何より。…少しご休憩をIt is good to see you unscathed. I suggest taking a break.
Commission Complete积少成多,总会有大收获的塵も積もれば山となる。いつかは委託の有用さを知ることになるEvery little bit counts in the end. The worth of this commission will become clear one day.
Enhancement为了继续向前迈进,这样的强化是必要的——前に進むには必要な強化だThis enhancement was necessary for me to keep advancing.
Flagship速战速决才是上策。各位,随我冲锋!時は金なり、速戦即決!私が先導する!Time is money, so let's strike quickly! I will lead the way!
Victory不要掉以轻心,新的战斗还在眼前等着我们。次の戦場が待っている。油断はしないThe next battleground awaits. I will stay on my guard.
Defeat我该…怎么办才好?私は一体どうすれば……What could I have done differently...
Skill全速前进!全速前進!Full speed ahead!
Low HP敌人拥有火力优势,再这样下去的话…敵の火力は上、このままでは…!They have superior firepower! This may be bad...!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官,希望你能好好自我反省一下…指揮官、ちゃんと反省したほうがいいCommander, you should reflect on your actions thoroughly.
Affinity (Stranger)身为轻巡洋舰,我可能没有太强大的战斗力…即便如此,我依然坚信,自己也有能够守护这片大海的力量軽巡として、強大な戦力になりえずとも…この海を守れるだけの力はこの身に宿っていると確信しているBeing a light cruiser, I can't markedly affect the war... However, I firmly believe that the power to protect the sea rests within me.
Affinity (Friendly)对自己太过严格了…?大概…是这样的吧…只是,为了早日驱除笼罩在这片大海上的黑暗,总要付出更多的努力才行私がいつも張り詰めているって……?お察しの通りだが、この海を覆う闇を振り払うにはそれだけの努力が必要だYou think I'm overly stoic...? True, but I must be in order to repel the darkness that envelops the sea.
Affinity (Like)不知道为什么,指挥官的身上,有一种让人感到安心的、神奇的力量,如同重新归于平静的大海一样——なぜか、指揮官には人を安心させる、奇妙な力があると感じる。穏やかな海のような……Commander, it feels as though you have the peculiar power of calming people. Just like a peaceful sea would...
Affinity (Love)笑容…?是像这样吗…?真是有些奇怪的请求呢,不过…感觉在指挥官面前露出这样的表情,我并不讨厌,呵呵…笑顔か?こうか?命令にしては妙なものだ。いや、指揮官相手なら別に嫌いじゃない。……ふふっA smile? Like this? That is an unusual order to issue. That is not to say I dislike it... *Giggle*
Pledge这就是…誓约吗?原来不知不觉间已经和指挥官一起度过了这么长的时间——…啊,我并不是不开心,只是有点…不知道该怎么应对这种…咳、咳咳,那就…您愿意和我一起,去迎接属于这片大海的曙光吗,指挥官?これがケッコン…気づけば指揮官とはこんなに一緒に過ごしていたというのか。…いや、嬉しくないわけじゃない。ただ、こう…この場合においては……コホン!では…指揮官、私とこの海で新しい朝を迎えに行こうThis must be an oath... Have we already spent this much time together, Commander...? No, I'm not displeased at all. It's just... in this case, it's... *Ahem*! Now, then... Commander, will you watch the sunrise over the horizon of the sea together with me?
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Cleveland大姐头,我来掩护你的侧翼!姉貴!翼側(つばさがわ)は私が援護する!Sis! I will cover your flanks!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description早安,指挥官。很可惜,骑这个并不能载人…要不我还是下来推车陪你走一会吧?おはよう指揮官。相乗りは残念ながら無理だが、私が降りてこの子を押しながら一緒に歩こうか?Good morning, Commander. Unfortunately, this bicycle only seats one person, but I could dismount and lead it along as we walk together.
Acquisition早安,指挥官。很可惜,骑这个并不能载人…要不我还是下来推车陪你走一会吧?おはよう指揮官。相乗りは残念ながら無理だが、私が降りてこの子を押しながら一緒に歩こうか?Good morning, Commander. Unfortunately, this bicycle only seats one person, but I could dismount and lead it along as we walk together.
Login要出击了吗?请稍等,我先停一下车…出撃命令か?しばしお待ちを。…この子をどこかに止めておかないとIs it time to sortie? Please wait. I must park my ride somewhere first.
Details自行车的维护也是很讲究的呢,不过这方面得到了U-47小姐的许多建议与帮助,真该好好感谢一下她才是……自転車はメンテナンスも大事。U-47に色々アドバイスと協力を仰いだ。いつか彼女にお礼をしないとA bicycle must be maintained regularly, so I asked U-47 for advice and help. One day I need to offer her a favor in return.
Main学校里好像没有骑行社呢…要不要去提交创建社团的申请呢…?学園にはサイクリングサークルがないようだ……設立の申請はすべきだろうか…ふむ……It seems the academy has no bicycling club... Perhaps I should petition to create one... Hmm...
Main 2商店街新开了一家甜品店?有招牌冰淇淋?…指、指挥官,我能失陪一下吗?新しいスイーツ屋の看板商品がアイスだと…?……し、指揮官、ちょっと失礼してもいいか?A new dessert shop opened, and their specialty is ice cream...? ... C-Commander, do you mind if I leave for a moment?
Main 3U-47小姐,周末的时候要不要一起去哪里公路骑行呢?U-47、今度非番の日にサイクリングにでも行こうか?U-47, how about we go on a bicycling trip the next time you're off duty?
Touch骑行也是很好的锻炼呢,指挥官,要不您也准备辆自行车,我们以后一起吧…?サイクリングは体を鍛えるいい手段だ。指揮官、自転車を用意して一緒に走ろうかBicycling is an excellent way to train the body. Prepare your bicycle and we can go for a ride, Commander.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官,新年好。嗯…换上了东煌风格的服饰还是有些不太习惯…那个,雪渐渐下大了,要不要来我的伞下避一避呢?指揮官、あけましておめでとう。東煌風の衣装に着替えてみたんだが、まだ着慣れていないな。……その、雪が多く降ってきたから、よければ傘の中に入らないか?Happy Lunar New Year, Commander. I'm trying out Dragon Empery fashion for a change, though this dress will some getting used to. Hey, uh, do you want to join me under the umbrella? For cover against the snowfall, I mean.
Acquisition指挥官,新年好。嗯…换上了东煌风格的服饰还是有些不太习惯…那个,雪渐渐下大了,要不要来我的伞下避一避呢?指揮官、あけましておめでとう。東煌風の衣装に着替えてみたんだが、まだ着慣れていないな。……その、雪が多く降ってきたから、よければ傘の中に入らないか?Happy Lunar New Year, Commander. I'm trying out Dragon Empery fashion for a change, though this dress will some getting used to. Hey, uh, do you want to join me under the umbrella? For cover against the snowfall, I mean.
Login…啊,指挥官,欢迎回来。…伞上的积雪?光顾着欣赏雪景,一不注意就站了很久。指揮官、おかえり。…傘の雪か?あっ、雪景色に気を取られてて、つい払うのを忘れてしまったなWelcome back, Commander. There's snow on my umbrella? Oh, darn it. I got so absorbed in the wintry landscape that I forgot to shake the snow off.
Details适量的雪能够消除田地里的害虫,能为田地保暖,而又不会伤害农作物…原来如此,这就是新年“瑞雪”的由来吗。田んぼが雪に覆われると、害虫が減るだけでなく、土の温度が一定以上に保たれ、そして融けた雪が土の水分の足しになる。…なるほど、瑞雪(ずいせつ)とはそこから来たのかWhen snow falls over the farmlands, it kills off crop-eating insects and keeps the soil at a stable temperature. Then when the snow melts, it waters the earth... Now I can see why they call it "fruitful snow."
Main那个…普林斯顿,萨拉托加前辈的那个看起来很炫酷的舰载机战术,好像只是用来恶作剧的…?プリンストン、サラトガさんのあの艦載機の飛ばし方はイタズラ用だと思うのだが…Princeton, I'm pretty sure that aerial maneuver you learned from Saratoga is only good for pranking people...
Main 2冬天的话,就不用担心冰淇淋很快融化了呢,嗯?冬天吃冰淇淋有些奇怪?是、是这样吗…気温が下がるとアイスが溶けにくくなる。冬にアイスの話をするのはちょっとヘン?…うっ、そうか…Ice cream doesn't melt so easily when the temperature drops. Is it weird to talk about ice cream in the middle of winter? ...Oh. Now I know...
Main 3东煌的春节有“包饺子”的习俗,大家围在一起一边闲聊一边做着同样的事情…确实是种幸福的感觉呢。「皆が集まり一緒におしゃべりしながらギョウザを包む」……東煌(とうこう)のこの風習、たしかに温かい気持ちになるなThe family all gathering to make dumplings while they chit-chat... I like the sound of this Dragon Empery tradition. It warms the heart.
Touch牵手…吗?我的手有点冰,指挥官不介意的话就好。手を繋ぐ…か?少しひんやりとしているが、指揮官がよければYou want to... hold hands? My hands are a bit chilly, but if you don't mind that, then sure.
Return to Port听说东煌的女孩子平时都会把头发扎成两个球……唔,不是这样的吗?髪の毛はこうまとめて団子にするのが東煌の普段の髪型か……うっ、違うのか?Apparently tying your hair up into buns like this is the norm in the Dragon Empery... Huh? It's not?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description今天风和浪的状态都不错。指挥官要不要也来试试帆板?很舒服的哦。我会从零开始教你——嗯…这阵风不错,我去去就来!今日は風も波もいいコンディションだ。後で指揮官もウインドサーフィンをやってみるか?気持ちがいいよ。私が一から教え――いい風が来ているから、ちょっと行ってくるっ!The wind and the waves are great today. You wanna try windsurfing after this, Commander? It's a lot of fun and I can teach you the... Hang on, there's a good wind coming and I've got to catch it!
Acquisition今天风和浪的状态都不错。指挥官要不要也来试试帆板?很舒服的哦。我会从零开始教你——嗯…这阵风不错,我去去就来!今日は風も波もいいコンディションだ。後で指揮官もウインドサーフィンをやってみるか?気持ちがいいよ。私が一から教え――いい風が来ているから、ちょっと行ってくるっ!The wind and the waves are great today. You wanna try windsurfing after this, Commander? It's a lot of fun and I can teach you the... Hang on, there's a good wind coming and I've got to catch it!
Login为了热心学习的指挥官,我们这就开始上课。先去海滩练习吧,不会一下子就从海里开始的。勉強熱心な指揮官のために早速レクチャーを始めよう。まずは浜辺でだ。いきなり海で練習はしない安心してほしいSince you love learning, let's get right into it. We'll start on the beach. Don't worry, I wouldn't just throw you into the ocean from the start.
Details听说帆板的最高记录时速超过了100公里。仅仅受风力推动就能达到那种速度……呼,就算是克利夫兰姐也未曾体会过吧。ウインドサーフィンでヒトが出した最高記録は時速100km超えだそうだ。風を受けるだけでそこまでの速さ…ふん、クリーブランド姉貴と言えどわかるまいThe windsurfing speed record is apparently over a hundred kilometers an hour. It's wild that you can go that fast from just riding the wind... Hmm, I don't think Cleve has ever experienced that before.
Main想要转向的时候,就像在板子上走路一样改变身体的位置……没,没事吧指挥官?!方向を変えたい時は、ボードの上を歩くように体の位置を変えたり……だ、大丈夫か指揮官!?When you want to change course, move to a different position on the surfboard and... Crap! Are you okay, Commander?
Main 2要是比洛克西她们也一起参加的话……不,她们有她们的娱乐。这个是我自己选择的道路…!ビロクシたちも一緒に参加してくれたら…ううん、彼女たちには彼女たちの遊びがある、これを選んだのは自分を貫いた結果にすぎない…!Wish Biloxi and her gals would give this a shot... Actually, no, they've got their own hobbies. The reason I chose this one is because I'm true to myself!
Main 3也许是我们身为舰船的缘故,学园里水类运动好像没什么存在感。还是说只是我不知道而已呢…艦船だからか、学園のサークルでのウォータースポーツの存在感があまり芳ばしくない。それとも単にわたしが知らなかっただけか…Watersports at the academy don't seem particularly big, but that's probably because we see enough water as shipgirls. Or, I just don't know about it...
Touch对,把帆倾斜就好。做的不错。そう、セイルを傾けるようにして。いい感じにできているThat's it, keep the sail leaned. You're getting the hang of this.
Touch (Special)你不会觉得做了这种事还能维持平衡吧?こんなことをしておきながらバランスが取れるとでも?Do you really expect you'll maintain your balance while doing this?
Mission新任务…?我正在…啊呀?!指,指挥官,谢谢……新しい任務…?今は…わわ!?し、指揮官、ありがとう……A new mission? I think we'll– Oh crap! ...Thanks for the save, Commander.
Mission Complete任务报酬送到了?嗯,果然夏天不能少了冰淇淋呢。任務報酬が届いた?よし、やっぱり夏にはアイスクリームだなMission rewards have arrived? Sweet. Nothing beats ice cream on a hot summer day.
Mail邮件?之后再确认吧——希望有好消息。メール?あとで確認しよう――いいニュースだといいなA letter? We'll check it later. Let's hope it's good news.
Return to Port恰好刚刚看到指挥官回港区了呢。出击辛苦了——不用勉强自己,冲浪练习之后也能做的。指揮官が母港に帰還するところを見てたよ。出撃ご苦労――無理はするな。サーフィンの練習はまたあとでもいいからI saw you coming into the port. Great job out there, now get some rest. Your surfing lesson can wait.
Commission Complete是去做委托的伙伴们!指挥官,去那边吧。委託に出た仲間たちだ!指揮官、目標変更だ!That's the commission team! Commander, change course!
Victory啊——真舒服!…啊,指,指挥官,刚才那个…能、能当做没看到吗?…ふはー!気持ちよかった!…あぅ。し、指揮官、今のは…見なかったことにしてもらえる…か?Pfah! That felt awesome! I... Err, Commander, do me a favor and pretend you didn't see that.
Defeat败因是失去平衡么……果然我还不够熟练呢バランスを崩したせいか……やっぱり私は未熟だMust've been because I lost my balance, huh... Looks like I still have a lot to learn.