Victorious (JP 🇯🇵: ノィクトリアス, CN 🇹🇌: 胜利)
Ship ID No. 146 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Super Rare
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Acquisition Event: Winter's Crown
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 64
Reload 7
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Eriko Nakamura
Victorious Description
Illustrious-class aircraft carrier – Victorious.
The Goddess' Day Off Description
Hum~ dee dum♪~ I'm all dressed up, and my hair is perfect! Commander, I'm ready to go! Don't keep me waiting on a holiday!
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation A
Evasion D
Anti-air B
HP 5445 Reload 90
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 33 Anti-air 253
Aviation 368 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 82
Hit 80 Speed 30.5
Armor Heavy
HP 6262 Reload 104
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 53 Anti-air 289
Aviation 410 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 82
Hit 90 Speed 30.5
Armor Heavy
HP 1053 Reload 38
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 13 Anti-air 54
Aviation 78 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 82
Hit 31 Speed 30.5
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 82
Hit Speed 30.5
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 82
Hit Speed 30.5
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 All Torpedo Bombers +1/Aircraft efficiency +2%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All Dive Bombers +1/Aircraft efficiency +3%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Aircraft efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 110%/112%/115%/120% 1/1/1/2 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Torpedo Bomber 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Spitfire
2 Blackburn Skua
3 Swordfish
Fleet Tech
T8 Aircraft Carrier: Illustrious-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 17 +2
Max LimitBreak 35
Lv.120 26 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Victorious Song Increases this ship's DMG to enemy BBs by 10.0% (20.0%) and decreases the DMG it takes from Salvos by 10.0% (20.0%); Increases the DMG dealt to enemy BBs by other CVs and CVLs in this fleet by 5.0% (10.0%).
Assault Carrier When this ship launches an Airstrike: 15.0% (25.0%) chance for the Airstrike to deal double DMG.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 光蟉级航空母舰—胜利舷号38 むラストリアス航空母艊・ノィクトリアス (HMS Victorious Illustrious-class aircraft carrier – Victorious.
Biography 光蟉级航空母舰二号舰胜利号从倧西掋、印床掋到倪平掋我随着海风䞀路航行—— むラストリアス型航空母艊二番艊、ノィクトリアスよ倧西掋からむンド掋、倪平掋 このノィクトリアス、海颚ず共にあるわ I'm Victorious, Illustrious-class aircraft carrier number two! From the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, and even the Pacific... where the ocean breeze goes, I follow!
Acquisition 皇家海军、胜利号䞺我的到来尜情高歌吧只芁有象埁胜利的我加入无论什么肯定郜胜顺风顺氎随心所愿 ロむダルネむビヌ所属、航空母艊ノィクトリアス――さあ、私の着任に賛歌を捧げなさい勝利の象城である私さえいれば、䜕もかもうたくいくはずだわ I am the one called Victorious, Aircraft Carrier of the Royal Navy. Yes, sing my name as you herald the coming of the symbol of victory. As long as I am here, our endeavours shall be smooth!
Login 碧海的波纹、风䞭的枅銙、还有 ——䞖界真的每时每刻郜有新的矎䞜诞生呢 穏やかな波、爜やかな朮颚 今この瞬間にも新しい矎の生誕が祝犏されおいるわ The quiet sea, the cool sea breeze... Even in this moment, the birth of new, beautiful things blesses us.
Details 恋爱也奜战斗也奜曎勇敢倧胆䞀点啊攟心关键的时候我䌚支揎䜠的 恋も戊いも、より倧胆になっおいいわほら、いざずなったら私も応揎しおあげるから In both love and war, one should be brave~ So, be brave, and if you need support, I shall be there!
Main 䞑陋是战争的代名词䞎之盞对我倎顶的橄抄花环正是和平䞎矎䞜的亀织—— 戊争ずは醜いものよ。そしおこのオリヌブの冠こそ平和ず矎の象城。 War is ugly. And this olive wreath is the symbol of peace and beauty.
Main 2 提尔比茚劂果䜠还䞍出来陪我玩我只奜再炞䞀遍䜠的家啰 ティルピッツ、私ず遊んでくれないず、たた郚屋を爆撃しちゃうわよ Tirpitz, if you won't come out and have fun with me then I'll bomb your room again!
Main 3 虜然我䞍喜欢暎力䜆䜿甚暎力埀埀是解决麻烊最简捷的手段  暎力は奜きではないけど、困ったこずを解決するには暎力が䞀番手っ取り早い時が倚いわね   I don't like violence, but using it is often the quickest solution to many problems...
Touch 劂果䜠露出消沉的衚情我也䌚跟着消沉的有劂歀矎䞜的我圚䜠身蟹匀心䞀点啊~ 指揮官が萜ち蟌むず私も萜ち蟌んじゃうわ。こんなに矎しい私がそばにいるんだから、ほら、楜しくやっおいこ When you feel down, I also do. Come on, you have someone as beautiful as me beside you, so why not be happy?
Touch (Special) 䜠、䜠刚刚绝对做了吧做了 那䞪  い、いたアレをやったのねあ、あの アレっお  Y-you just did "that," didn't you?! B-by "that," I mean...
Mission 恣意劄䞺是矎䞜的我的特权可䞍芁想着胜把任务掚给我—— ワガママは矎しい私の特暩よ。任務を任せるなんお考えないこずだわ。 Only I have the privilege of being selfish. Don't even think about pushing missions onto me.
Mission Complete 真是的仅歀䞀次䞋䞍䞺䟋可䞍芁劄想我䌚垮䜠第二次 もう、今回だけよ二床ず任務を手䌝わないからねっ Fine, but just this one time! I won't help you with your missions a second time!
Mail 比起冷冰冰的印刷字䜓我曎喜欢亲笔手乊。指挥官䜠想知道劂䜕从笔迹䞭窥探写者的内心吗 掻字よりやっぱり手曞きのほうが奜きだわ。指揮官、どうやっお筆跡から曞き手の心境を知るか、気にならない Handwritten letters are so much better than typed ones. Don't you think it's interesting how you can deduce the author's emotions based on their handwriting, Commander?
Return to Port 庆莺䜜战胜利戎䞊这顶月桂花环怎么样诎䞍定埈适合䜠哊 勝利のお祝いに、このオリヌブの冠をかぶっおみおはどうきっず䌌合うわ To celebrate your victory, why not wear this olive wreath? I'm certain it'll suit you.
Commission Complete 䞍芁再磚磚蹭蹭的啊我和执行委托的孩子们纊奜了芁甚飞机䞊的盞机拍䞋她们进枯的瞬闎 ぐずぐずしないの艊茉機で入枯した瞬間を写真にするっお、委蚗に行った子たちず玄束したんだから Stop loafing around! I promised the commission team that I'd use my planes to photograph the moment they entered the port!
Enhancement 赞矎我䞍必苊思什么劙语最胜打劚心灵的氞远是真情挚意 私を耒めるには蚀葉はいらないわ心を動かすのはい぀も蚀葉じゃなくお行動だもの Words are not needed to praise me! It's not people's words that touch the heart, it's their actions!
Flagship 真是的倧炮䞎炞匹只䌚䜿䞑陋的䞜西变埗曎加䞑陋  もう、倧砲ず火薬はこの戊争をより醜くしかできないずいうのに   Sigh, all that cannons and gunpowder can do is make is war even uglier...
Victory 真是的看到了这么凄惚的莥盞胜利的我也高兎䞍起来呀  ここたでボッコボコにしおしたったら 流石に勝利の象城である私も思いっきり喜べないわ When my foes have been this thoroughly defeated... not even I, the symbol of victory, can truly be glad.
Defeat 倱莥时保持矎䞜的身姿乃莥者的瀌仪 負けおも気品を倱うこずなくヌヌこれぞ敗者の流儀よ Remaining dignified even in defeat: this is how one should lose a battle!
Skill 䞺我高声歌唱吧矎䞜的䞖界 矎しき䞖界よ、この私のために歌を捧げなさい O beautiful world, sing to me a song!
Low HP 哎呀哎呀有点倧意了呢 あらら、油断したわ Oh dear, I've let my guard down.
Affinity (Upset) 揍䜠啰—— もうボッコボコにするわよ I'm fed up~! I'll knock you out stone cold!
Affinity (Stranger) 从特拉法尔加海战知道了我的名字——䞍、名字䞍䞀样啊。对我来诎那䜍是别人家的孩子般的存圚呢   トラファルガヌの海戊で私を――えっず、人違いではなくおもう私にずっお、あの方はただのよその子なのよ You know about me from the Battle of Trafalgar? Umm, aren't you thinking of somebody else? Please, Commander~ Who you're thinking of is totally unrelated to me.
Affinity (Friendly) 囎剿俟斯麊和钚䜜战我只是䞀时兎起垮了点忙啊可没有什么成䞺歊勋舰的打算  ビスマルク远撃戊ずタングステン䜜戊あの時はノリで手䌝っおあげただけで、別に歊勲艊になる぀もりなんおないわ My part in the pursuit of Bismarck and Operation Tungsten? I was just in the mood to help, I wasn't at all trying to earn any honours.
Affinity (Like) 喂我心情䞍倪奜䜠现圚埈闲吧我来垮䜠打扮埗挂挂亮亮吧看到挂亮的䞜西我的心情也䌚变奜 あたり気分が良くないわ 指揮官は暇よしじゃあこの私がきっちりコヌディネヌトしおあげるわ矎しいものを芋るず気分もよくなるからね I'm not in such a great mood... Are you free, Commander? Great! Then let me dress you in something fabulous! Seeing beautiful things makes me feel better, you see!
Affinity (Love) 䞍自觉地期埅起未来䜠䌚变成什么暡样了明明现圚就已经足借讚我喜欢了  哎呀满脞通红的指挥官真可爱呢~ 指揮官が将来どうなるか気になるわねもちろん今の指揮官も十分奜きになれるけど。  あら、顔が真っ赀。指揮官、本圓に可愛いわ I wonder what the future you will be like, Commander~ Of course, I already quite like the way you are right now. ...Goodness, you're blushing ear to ear. How utterly adorable you are~
Pledge 䞍必那么绞尜脑汁啊按照自己的方匏䞎我亀埀就奜 奜啊隟埗这么具有纪念意义的日子䞍芁这么玧匠嘛~未来就以我每时每刻郜心情愉快䞺目标奜奜努力吧 そんなに考え蟌たないの。あなた自身のペヌスで私ず付き合っおいいわ。 さあ、せっかくの蚘念日だから、緊匵しないこれからは私をい぀も楜したせるよう、努力しなさいな Don't think too hard about it. Just follow my lead at your own pace. ...Come on, this is a day to celebrate, don't be so nervous~ From this day on, you'd better work hard to always please me!
In battle with Saratoga 这次也倚倚指教了比我还平的“航空母舰”~ よろしくおよ。私より平たい『正芏空母』さん Pleasure to meet again, little Ms. Flat-As-A-Pancake.
In battle with Illustrious 姐姐䜠应该䞰满的地方过于䞰满了 姉さん、た、たゆんずしすぎおるっおば Illustrious, y-your bust is just too busty!
In battle with Tirpitz 䞋次茶䌚也纊䞋䜠的姐姐吧 今床そっちの姉さんもお茶䌚に誘うわ Let's bring your sister along for a tea party next time.
In battle with York, Duke of York, Z24, Z36 诎点听埗懂的 人にわかるように話しなさい Can you talk like normal people?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哌哌哌♪着装完毕发型完矎我准倇奜咯马䞊出发吧指挥官假日的时闎可䞍等人呢 ♪お着替えよし髪型よし指揮官、私のほうは準備できおるから、早く出発したしょうよ䌑日は人を埅っおくれないわよ Hum~ dee dum♪~ I'm all dressed up, and my hair is perfect! Commander, I'm ready to go! Don't keep me waiting on a holiday!
Acquisition 哌哌哌♪着装完毕发型完矎我准倇奜咯马䞊出发吧指挥官假日的时闎可䞍等人呢 ♪お着替えよし髪型よし指揮官、私のほうは準備できおるから、早く出発したしょうよ䌑日は人を埅っおくれないわよ Hum~ dee dum♪~ I'm all dressed up, and my hair is perfect! Commander, I'm ready to go! Don't keep me waiting on a holiday!
Login 倪、慢、了指挥官今倩有哪些任务快点完成掉然后陪我去逛街吧 お・そ・い・わ・よもう、指揮官、今日のやるこずは䜕ちゃっちゃず片付けお、ショッピングに付き合いなさいな Way! Too! Slow! Commander, what does your schedule look like today? Hurry up and finish so you can take me shopping!
Details 需芁矎䞜的胜利给䜠建蚀吗无论是时尚打扮还是恋爱烊恌哊郜可以跟我诎我䌚奜奜回答䜠的 矎しい私からのアドバむスがほしいおしゃれも恋も、党郚私に盞談しなさいな。このノィクトリアスがきっちり答えおあげる Do you need advice from the beautiful Victorious? Whether it's fashion tips or relationship trouble, you can ask me anything~!
Main 䌑息是䞺了曎奜的工䜜所以指挥官皍埮攟䞋手䞊的工䜜跟我出去走走嘛 仕事の胜率向䞊には䌑憩が必芁よずいうわけで、指揮官、仕事は䞀旊眮いずいお私ず遊びに行きたしょうよ Rest is for the sake of being able to work better! Therefore, set aside that work and come play with me~!
Main 2 提尔比茚出来䞀起玩嘛我䞍䌚对䜠做什么的啊 ティルピッツ私ず遊びに行きたしょうなにも悪いこずしないから Tirpitz, come and play with me~ I won't do anything to you~!
Main 3 无论䜜战还是䌑息郜芁保持最䜳状态党力以赎这是我的信条哊 䜜戊も䌑憩も、最高のコンディションで党力で挑む。これこそ私の流儀よ Stay in tip-top condition so you can work hard and play hard! That's my motto~!
Touch 这身衣服意倖地非垞保暖呢 就算是圚䞥冬的户倖也䞀点郜䞍䌚冷 この服は意倖ず暖かいわよね  厳しい冬でも党然寒く感じないわ This outfit is surprisingly warm... Even in this kind of weather, I don't feel cold at all!
Return to Port 呌终于䜜战结束了吗按照诎奜的我们出去玩吧 ふぅ 䜜戊が終わったじゃあ玄束通り、遊びに行きたしょう Phew, is the battle finally over? As I said, let's go out and have some fun!
Flagship 隟埗的䌑息日心情郜被搞糟了 芁给䜠们䞀点惩眚才行呢 せっかくの䌑日なのに人の気持ちを台無しにしお  ちょっずお仕眮きしないずね Since you messed up the day off I was so looking forward to, I'm going to have to punish you!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 芁准倇枯区的节日掻劚呵呵让我也来垮忙吧。攟心有矎䞜的我给予垮助䞍管是掻劚还是什么的郜肯定胜顺利的 母枯行事の準備ふふふ、手䌝っおあげようじゃない。安心しお、この矎しい私がいればむベントでもなんでもうたくいくに決たっおるわ Are you preparing to hold an event for the port? Hehe, sounds like you could use my help. Don't worry, with someone as beautiful as me around, anything you do will surely be blessed with success!
Acquisition 芁准倇枯区的节日掻劚呵呵让我也来垮忙吧。攟心有矎䞜的我给予垮助䞍管是掻劚还是什么的郜肯定胜顺利的 母枯行事の準備ふふふ、手䌝っおあげようじゃない。安心しお、この矎しい私がいればむベントでもなんでもうたくいくに決たっおるわ Are you preparing to hold an event for the port? Hehe, sounds like you could use my help. Don't worry, with someone as beautiful as me around, anything you do will surely be blessed with success!
Login ♪今倩芁从什么地方匀始呢 ♪今日はどこから始めるの ♪~ What should we start off with today?
Details 给䜠几条建议吧。邀请芁趁早宎垭芁摆倧䜙兎节目芁和倧家商量奜服装芁借吞匕県球——就像我这身这样♪ 私からのアドバむスよ。招埅は早く、宎䌚は倧きく、出し物は皆ず盞談しお決めるこず、衣装は目立぀ようにヌヌこの私のように、ね♪ A few words of advice from me: Invitations should be sent early, the venue should be grandiose, the programme should be discussed with everyone, and your attire should be flamboyant — just like mine~♪
Main 还没想奜这里怎么倄理吗芁是我的话就先党郚打䞊圈 之后再看情况修改䞍就奜了 ただ悩んでいるの私ならずりあえずここに党郚○を぀けお あずでたた盎せばいいんじゃない Having trouble deciding? If I was in your position, I'd just circle everything, then figure out the specifics later.
Main 2 独角兜䞋次想芁什么样的新衣服我再给䜠做~ ナニコヌンちゃん、今床の新しい衣装は䜕がいいたた芋繕っおあげるわ Unicorn, what kind of outfit would you like for next time? I'll make it for you~
Main 3 我䌚圚这里看着䜠的有什么事尜管喊我~ ここでずっず芋守っおあげるから、䜕かあったら声をかけお I'll have an eye out for you, so if you need me for anything, just call~
Touch 皍埮圚这套衣服䞊加了些和平时䞍同的元玠呌呌感觉劂䜕~ い぀もの栌奜ずは違う特別なテむストを入れおるわ。ふふ、どうかしら I added a slight twist to my outfit this time. Can you spot what it is~?
Touch (Special) 特、特意攟䞋工䜜就是䞺了干这事吗 わ、わざわざ仕事を攟っおたでこんなこずするの Y-you put your work down just to do something like this?!
Mission 任务有什么䞍明癜的尜管问我哊我䌚给䜠建议的~ 任務にわからないこずがあったら䜕でも聞いおアドバむスしおあげるわ If you have any questions about your mission, you can always ask me. I'll be glad to give you my advice.
Mission Complete 我䌚指匕䜠盎到拿到报酬——所以诎赶快去确讀啊。 私の導きは報酬を手にするたで――ずいうわけで、早く確認しに行こ I shall guide you until the rewards are secure in your hands— so, why don't you hurry up and do that?
Return to Port 䜜䞺胜利的庆祝芁䞍芁圚指挥宀挂䞪幎画什么的应该䌚有和平时䞍䞀样的感觉吧~♪ 勝利の祝い、執務宀この赀い幎画ねんがでも食っおみないい぀もずは違う気分になれるわよ♪ As a celebration of victory, why not decorate your office with this red New Year poster? Isn't it about time for a change in atmosphere?
Flagship 把对面奜奜修理䞀顿吧 ボッコボコにするわよ Let's teach them a harsh lesson!
Victory 矎䞜的胜利——这就是䌘雅哊♪ 矎しい勝利――優雅よ♪ふふふ A beautiful victory — now this is elegance~ Hehe~♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哈啊  沐济着晚倏的埮风赏月真是别有䞀番风雅的滋味呢。呵呵歀刻䞍应该䜜䞺皇家淑女而是以重暱名媛的状态䌘雅地品䞊这䞀口茶——呀 奜烫 ふぅ 晩倏の颚を济びながら月芋ずはなかなか颚流なものね。ふふ、ここはロむダルレディならぬ重桜レディらしく、優雅にお茶を嗜んで  ひゃぅ熱っ *Yaaawn*... Basking in the autumnal night's wind while gazing at the moon is the very definition of elegance, is it not? Heehee. Right now, I am not acting as a Lady of the Royal Navy, but rather as an "ojou" of the Sakura Empire elegantly enjoying her tea... Hyeep! Hot?!
Acquisition 哈啊  沐济着晚倏的埮风赏月真是别有䞀番风雅的滋味呢。呵呵歀刻䞍应该䜜䞺皇家淑女而是以重暱名媛的状态䌘雅地品䞊这䞀口茶——呀 奜烫 ふぅ 晩倏の颚を济びながら月芋ずはなかなか颚流なものね。ふふ、ここはロむダルレディならぬ重桜レディらしく、優雅にお茶を嗜んで  ひゃぅ熱っ *Yaaawn*... Basking in the autumnal night's wind while gazing at the moon is the very definition of elegance, is it not? Heehee. Right now, I am not acting as a Lady of the Royal Navy, but rather as an "ojou" of the Sakura Empire elegantly enjoying her tea... Hyeep! Hot?!
Login 呌——呌——倩气逐析蜬凉这让我觉埗茶䌌乎变埗曎烫了  䞍然干脆改喝冰红茶怎么样 ふヌふヌ。倩気がだんだん涌しくなっおきたからか、お茶が䜙蚈に熱く感じるわ。 いっそのこずアむスティヌに倉えちゃわない *huff puff*... The tea feels warmer than it should be because it's getting chilly outside... Should I just switch to iced tea instead?
Details 矎䞜的风景正适合矎䞜的我——匀玩笑的♪无论倚么矎䞜的风景郜少䞍了指挥官呢。 矎しい颚景こそ、矎しいノィクトリアスにふさわしい――なんおね♪どんなに矎しい颚景でも指揮官は欠かせないわ A beautiful lady deserves beautiful surroundings. Oh, I'm joking♪ However beautiful the surroundings, I need you to be complete, Commander.
Main 䞍是由自己而是由别人䞺我制䜜衣服的感觉真是倪新鲜了  回去以后皍埮孊习䞀䞋重暱的服装制䜜吧。 服を仕立おるんじゃなく、服を仕立おおもらうのっお結構新鮮ね 重桜の衣装、垰ったら少し勉匷しようかしら It's nice to for once have someone else tailor my clothes for me... I think I'll read up a little on Sakuran clothing when I return home.
Main 2 问我䞋次芁䞍芁邀请䞍挠那孩子光是穿这身衣服郜䌚觉埗麻烊芁邀请她应该䞍容易呢。䞍过指挥官出面的话她是䌚来的哊   今床はむンドミタブルでも誘っおみないかっおあの子はこの着物を着るだけでも億劫だろうから、なかなか難しいわよたあ指揮官が誘えば来おくれるず思うけど  Invite Indomitable to come along next time? It'd be a hard idea to sell, because she feels just wearing a kimono is a chore. Though, maybe she will agree if YOU invite her?
Main 3 哈啊啊  指挥官请给我团子吧♪因䞺听诎有团子才算是真正的赏月   ふあぁぁ 指揮官、団子をちょうだい♪団子があっおの月芋だず聞いたこずがあるわ *Yaaawn*... Get me some dangos, Commander♪ I've heard they're a must-eat when you're gazing at the moon.
Touch 回去以后芁重新掗䞪柡呢♪这次指挥官芁䞍芁和我䞀起 戻ったらお颚呂に入り盎しね♪今床は指揮官も䞀緒にどう I'll have another bath when I come back♪ Would you like to join me, Commander?
Touch (Special) 奜奜盎接  害矞 こ、これっお盎より  っ/// H-how forthright... *blushes*
Mission 指挥官芁䞍芁也试着任性䞀点呢比劂今倩就䞍做任务了——之类的♪ 指揮官もワガママになっおみない今日は任務をやらないぞヌっおね♪ Give being selfish a try, Commander. For example, you could decide, "I'm not doing any missions day!"
Mission Complete 看来任务完成了呢䜜䞺奖励这䞀块西瓜就给䜠吧。 任務が完了したみたいよご耒矎にこの䞀切れは譲っおあげるわ So, you completed a mission. I'll let you have this piece as your reward.
Return to Port 䞺了庆祝胜利  啊芁趁现圚快把西瓜矎矎地享甚掉呵呵♪ 勝利を祝いに あ、今のうちにスむカを矎味しくいただくわふふヌん♪ To celebrate this victory... Oh, I'd better eat my watermelon now! Heehee♪
Commission Complete 特产的话  啊现圚蜮到我们从委托组那里收特产了呢。 お土産は あ今は委蚗組からお土産をちょうだいする番ね For the souvenirs... Oh! It's our turn to get souvenirs from the commission team.
Flagship 穿着这身衣服感觉有点䞍奜行劚呢  虜然甚䞍䞊倧幅床的劚䜜我也胜赢就是咯 少し動きづらいわね 別に動かなくおも勝おるけど This is a bit hard to move in... Though I hardly need to lift a finger to achieve victory.
Victory 䌘雅地、脱俗地、矎䞜地——被我胖揍䞀顿吧 優雅に、颚流に、矎しく――ボコボコにさせおもらったわ Elegantly, gracefully, and beautifully – that's how I will beat you up!