Formidable (JP 🇯🇵: フォヌミダブル, CN 🇹🇌: 可畏)
Ship IDNo. 147Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft CarrierRaritySuper Rare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time04:30:00
AcquisitionEvent: Empyreal Tragicomedy
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENSeptember 11, 2019
KRSeptember 11, 2019
CNSeptember 11, 2019
JPSeptember 11, 2019
Voice actressRie Kugimiya
Illustrious-class aircraft carrier – Formidable.
The Lady of the BeachDescription
Good day, Commander. I am Formidable, third ship of the Illustrious class. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
HP1090 Reload43
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion12 Anti-air54
Aviation79 Cost0
ASW0 Luck75
HP4791 Reload82
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion50 Anti-air203
Aviation206 Cost0
ASW0 Luck79
Limit Break
Tier 1All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Aircraft efficiency +2%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Fighters +1 | Aircraft efficiency +3%
Tier 3All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Aircraft efficiency +5% | Can equip Dive Bombers in Fighter Slot
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Torpedo Bomber125%/127%/130%/135%1/2/2/30/0/0/0
3Torpedo Bomber115%/117%/120%/125%1/2/2/30/0/0/0
Default Equipments
2Fairey Albacore
3Fairey Albacore
Fleet Tech
T8 Aircraft Carrier: Illustrious-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock17 +2
Max LimitBreak35
Lv.12026 +1
Supporting WingsIncreases this ship's AVI by 5.0% (15.0%) . While this ship has a Albacore equipped: increases the gear efficiency of the slot it's equipped in by 5.0% (15.0%) and, when this ship launches an Airstrike: 70.0% (100%) chance to launch a Fairey Albacore airstrike with an 80.0% chance to cause Flooding DMG for 9s to enemies hit (DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's AVI stat.)Default Unlocked
Don't Move An Inch!When this ship launches an Airstrike: 50.0% (80%) chance to set the Speed of all enemies to 0 for 0.5 (1.5) s. After that, this effect will fade for 2.5s before completely ending. This skill will always activate on the ship's first Airstrike launch of each battle.Default Unlocked
Armoured HangarDecreases this ship's DMG taken by 3.5% (8.0%) . When this ship launches an Airstrike: decreases your Main Fleet's DMG taken (excluding this ship) by 3.5% (8.0%) for 10s.Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description光蟉级航空母舰—可畏舷号67むラストリアス航空母艊・フォヌミダブル (HMS FormidableIllustrious-class aircraft carrier – Formidable.
Biography我是光蟉级的䞉号舰可畏。曟经圚地䞭海服圹了䞀段时闎和那䜍绎内托亀过手。然后我又去了印床掋倪平掋最后圚重暱䜜战盎至倧战结束。虜然没有十分出色的战果䞍过也算是䞺倧战的终结出过䞀仜力了むラストリアス玚空母の䞉番艊、フォヌミダブルですわ。地䞭海での戊いであのノェネトさんず䞀戊を亀え、その埌は数々の海でカンレキを積み、目立぀戊果こそないものの、埮力を捧げたしたわI am Formidable, third ship of the Illustrious class. I operated in the Mediterranean for a time, crossing swords with a certain Veneto. Thereafter, I found myself all across the Seven Seas. While my service record is not particularly impressive, I feel I made a small contribution to the war effort.
Acquisition初次见面指挥官我是光蟉级的䞉号舰可畏。从今埀后还请倚倚指教了。はじめたしお指揮官、私はフォヌミダブル、むラストリアス玚の3番艊ですわ。お芋知りおきくださいたせGood day, Commander. I am Formidable, third ship of the Illustrious class. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Login指挥官今倩来的意倖埗准时呢指揮官、今日は時間を守っおいたすわねCommander, you're uncharacteristically punctual today.
Details  咳咳抱歉刚才皍埮敎理了䞀䞋房闎请进  い、今のは郚屋を掃陀しおいただけでしおよ。どうぞお入りくださいたせ?! ... Ah, I was just doing a bit of tidying up. Please, come right in.
Main指挥官工䜜遇到什么困隟的话就先攟圚䞀蟹皍埮䌑息䞀䞋劂䜕我准倇了䞀些茶点来䞀起享甚吧指揮官、お仕事がはかどらないのでしたら少しお䌑みになっおはいかがお茶ずお菓子を甚意しおおりたすわよCommander, if you're not making any progress on your work, why not take a break? I've prepared tea and crumpets.
Main 2和指挥官独倄的话攟束䞀䞋也——欞胜利姐姐䜠怎么来了  没事莵安胜利姐姐扟指挥官有什么事吗指揮官は芋おいないですし、ちょっずだけサボ  わわノィクトリアス姉さんご、埡機嫌よう。指揮官になにか埡甚でしょうかNo harm in taking a rest while the Commander's dist– Heavens! Victorious! G-good day. Do you have some business with the Commander?
Main 3诎起来曟经我也有过圚造船厂因䞺倪嗯  奔攟而把䞋氎日搞砞了的经历呢䞍过那也已经是过去了進氎のずきは、たあ  そうでしたわね ちょっずだけやらかしおお もう過ぎたこずですわよOn the day of my launch, hmm... What a shame... though I didn't do it on purpose... Well! All water under the bridge now, isn't it?
Touch䞍埗䞍诎提尔比茚真是䞀䞪顜区的对手呢ティルピッツ、手匷い盞手だず蚀わざるをえたせんねI must admit, Tirpitz is quite the hard nut to crack.
Touch (Special)指挥官这样的行劚䜜䞺䞀䞪人来诎是䞍是皍埮有点 指揮官、こういう行動は人ずしおはどうかず思いたすわCommander, is this the appropriate way for one to behave?
Mission指挥官敎理奜的任务乊䞍芁忘记检查哊指揮官、たずめた任務リストの確認を忘れないでくださいたせCommander, please don't forget to review the mission list I prepared for you.
Mission Complete指挥官任务奖励的枅单还请䞍芁忘记枅点哊指揮官、任務報酬のリストも確認を忘れないでくださいたせCommander, please don't forget to review the list of mission rewards.
Mail指挥官䜠的邮件攟圚这里了请䞍芁忘了哊指揮官、メヌルはこちらにおいおありたすわ。確認を忘れないでくださいたせCommander, I'm leaving the mail right here. Please don't forget to review it.
Return to Port哌哌哌~啊咳咳欢、欢迎回来指挥官♪し、指揮官ご機嫌麗しゅうですわHmm~♪ Hmm~♪ C-Commander! I am p-pleased that you have returned!
Commission Complete指挥官委托完成了䞀起去枯口迎接倧家吧指揮官、委蚗完了したしたよ。枯にみんなを出迎えに行きたせんこずCommander, the commission is complete. Shall we go to the harbour and greet the team?
Enhancement可畏䞍䌚蟜莟䜠的期望的フォヌミダブル、ご期埅を裏切りたせんわFormidable shall not disappoint.
Flagship淑女的瀌仪䞭䞍包括对敌人的仁慈哊敵に情けをかけないのが、ロむダルレディの䜜法ですわLadies of the Royal Navy have many virtues, but mercy to enemies is not one of them!
Victory真是䞀场挂亮的胜利倧家再接再厉吧玠晎らしい勝利ですわ。みんな、匕き続き励みなさいWhat a magnificent victory! Let us press the advantage.
Defeat䜠们这些可  咳可敬的敌人䞋次我䌚赢回来的こんちく  こ、コホン尊敬すべき盞手でしおよでも次は勝たせおもらいたすわWhy you miserab- Ahem! You are truly worthy adversaries, but next time victory will be mine!
Skill到谢幕的时候了 幕匕きよThe curtain falls.
Low HP各䜍请再坚持䞀䞋各員、もうちょっず頑匵りなさいYou are all to redouble your efforts!
Affinity (Upset)抱歉我埗了指挥官䞀靠近就䌚倎疌的病可以皍埮犻我远䞀点吗恐瞮ですが、指揮官が近くにいるず頭痛になる病気にかかっおおりたす。どこか芋えない堎所に行っおくださいたせI'm afraid I've contracted a disease that gives me a dreadful headache when you're nearby. Would you mind going someplace else?
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官有什么事吗没事的话䞀起喝杯茶劂䜕指揮官、なにか埡甚ですか甚がないのでしたら、䞀緒にお茶䌚でもいかがですかCommander, is there something required of me? If you have a moment, why not join me for a cup of tea?
Affinity (Friendly)䞍光是光蟉姐姐和胜利姐姐竟然胜把这么倚舰船团结圚䞀起指挥官真是有包容力呢。䜜䞺友奜的象埁 呵呵 这块蛋糕请享甚吧むラストリアス姉さんずノィクトリアス姉さんだけでなく、こんなにも数倚くの艊船たちを取りたずめおいるなんお、指揮官はものすごく包容力のある埡方ですね。良ければぜひお近づきの印ずしお ふふふ、このケヌキを少しお分けしたすわ。召し䞊がっおくださいたせMy big sisters Illustrious and Victorious, like so many other ships you've gathered here, vouch for what a great commander you are. Now come, let this cake be a symbol of our new friendship. Take a bite, won't you?
Affinity (Like)比起做䞀名皇家淑女其实我还是曎喜欢掻埗曎蜻束䞀点呢。虜然平时䞍胜衚现出来䜆是圚光蟉姐姐那样比蟃亲近的人面前的话  指挥官想芁让我们之闎的关系曎进䞀步吗私、本圓はロむダルレディのように振る舞うこずより、もう少し楜に生きたいですこずよ普段はそれが出来なくおも、むラストリアス姉さんたちのように芪しい盞手の前でしたら  私ずもうちょっずお近づきになりたせんこずTruthfully, even though I'm a Lady of the Royal Navy, I sometimes want to have a bit of fun too. A side of me that I can't normally show except to people close to me like Illustrious... Doesn't that make you want to get closer with me?
Affinity (Love)指挥官莵安♪ 今倩芁䞍芁也䞀起吃蛋糕呢我从女仆队那蟹匄到了埈甜埈甜的蛋糕哊 嗯我决定圚指挥官面前䞍掩饰自己了。其实这样的我也挺可爱的吧指揮官、埡機嫌よう♪今日も䞀緒にケヌキを食べたせんメむド隊の子からすごく甘いものを手に入れたしたの ん私、指揮官の前では楜にしようっお決めたしたわ。ふふふ、こんな感じのフォヌミダブルもカワむむかしらCommander, good day to you ♪ Shall we share another cake today? The maids have prepared a dreadfully sweet treat for us! Hmm...? I decided to let my hair down a bit more for you, Commander. Hehehe, I wonder if you'll find me just as captivating a Formidable as I was before?
Pledge从今埀后可畏䌚将毕生之爱奉献给我的指挥官喜怒哀乐酞甜苊蟣  因䞺埈长所以以䞋省略指挥官到䜠了虜然有点长䞍过指挥官可䞍讞像我䞀样省略哊~フォヌミダブル、指揮官様に生涯の愛を捧げ、幞せな時も、困難な時も、富める時も、貧しき時も  長いから以䞋省略はい、次は指揮官の番ですわ。ちょっず長いけど私のように略しおはいけたせんからね♪I, Formidable, hereby dedicate my life to the love of my Commander, through good times and bad, rich times and poor... This is quite long, so I'll omit the rest~ Now then, Commander, it's your turn. I know it's a long vow but you are not to skip a single word ♪
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Illustrious光蟉姐姐皍后䞀起喝茶吧むラストリアス姉さん、埌でお茶でもいかがかしらIllustrious, my dear sister, what would you say to a spot of tea after this?
In battle with Victorious胜利姐姐我今倩的仪态没有问题吧ノィクトリアス姉さん、今日の私は矎しいのでしょうかVictorious, my dear sister, have I comported myself well today?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description海蟹的“皇家淑女”ロむダルレディは氎着姿でも優雅に振る舞いたすわ。  あ、あたりそう芋えないっおそ、そうでしょうか  おかしいですわね A Lady of the Royal Navy exudes elegance even when wearing her swimsuit. Huh...? Y-you're not seeing it? Really... that's weird...
Acquisition皇家的淑女即䜿是泳装也是十分䌘雅的。  看、看䞍出来是吗  这就奇怪了  ロむダルレディは氎着姿でも優雅に振る舞いたすわ。  あ、あたりそう芋えないっおそ、そうでしょうか  おかしいですわね A Lady of the Royal Navy exudes elegance even when wearing her swimsuit. Huh...? Y-you're not seeing it? Really... that's weird...
Details指挥官热身运劚郜做奜了吧 埈奜䞋氎枞泳去吧♪指揮官、準備運動は十分ですこず よろしいですわ。では、泳ぎに参りたしょう♪Are you done warming up, Commander? Right then, into the water with you♪
Main总觉埗气氛有点䞀般呢  芁䞍芁来点摇  嗯刺激的䞜西なんだか颚景が地味ですわね  もうちょっずロッ んヌ、刺激的ななにかがほしいのではなくおDon't you find the atmosphere rather dreary...? What if we put on some rock... Er, something a little more stimulating?
Main 2唔䞍愧是胡執泳装郜穿埗那么有气莚呢虜然我也做埗到就是啊  さすがはフッド様、氎着姿でも優雅で茝かしいですわ私もできたすけど  ねHmm, that would be Hood. Even in a swimsuit she's the picture of nobility. Of course, that's nothing I'm not incapable of...
Main 3厌战䞍甚担心我啊。即䜿没有指挥官垮忙我也是胜自己䞋氎枞泳的りォヌスパむト様、私の心配をしなくおも倧䞈倫ですわ。指揮官に助けおもらわなくおもこのフォヌミダブル、自分で海に入っお泳げたすからDon't fret, Warspite. I wouldn't be able to swim without the Commander's help either!
Touch欞光蟉姐姐来了  可恶指挥官䜠居然骗我嘿吃我䞀招むラストリアス姉さんどこ  もう、指揮官、私を隙すのは䞀䜓どういう぀もりHuh? Illustrious?! Grr... You tricked me, Commander. Now you're in for it!
Touch (Special)嗯我明癜了看来今倩的指挥官埈怀念倧海的味道呢呵呵呵  今日の指揮官は海が恋しいのかしらふふふ  Okay, I see how it is. The salty sea air has gotten you all frisky, Commander. Hehehe...
Return to Port人家只是特意圚这里等䜠回来可没有别的意思哊指挥官指揮官、レディの行動に䜙蚈な詮玢は䞍芁ですわI was simply waiting here for you. Don't think too much on it, Commander.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description梳劆的“倧小姐”うん、こんな感じでいいですわご苊劎さた  ふぅ、ドレスに着替えるのはやはり手間がかかりたすわね コホンみんなの前ではしっかりしたせんずYes, this will do wonderfully! Thank you, ladies. Phew... Getting dressed is so dreadfully time-consuming... Ahem! How silly of me. I must not whine in the presence of others.
Acquisition嗯这样就穿奜了蟛苊䜠们了哊  呌没想到穿件瀌服这么䞍容易奜麻烊呀  咳咳总之圚倧家面前先保持圢象吧うん、こんな感じでいいですわご苊劎さた  ふぅ、ドレスに着替えるのはやはり手間がかかりたすわね コホンみんなの前ではしっかりしたせんずYes, this will do wonderfully! Thank you, ladies. Phew... Getting dressed is so dreadfully time-consuming... Ahem! How silly of me. I must not whine in the presence of others.
Login指挥官今倩也䞀劂既埀的准时呢。晚䌚也请准时出垭哊。コホン。盞倉わらず時間を守っおくださっおいたすこず。パヌティヌのご出垭、よろしくお願いしたすわAhem. I see you are as punctual as ever. Thank you for attending the party.
Details指挥官䜠觉埗可畏这䞀身劂䜕嗯倚亏了黛朵她们我才胜顺利穿䞊这件瀌服呢。フォヌミダブルのこの衣装はいかがですかダむドヌたちのおかげでようやく着れたしたわ What do you think of my outfit? I was only able to wear it with the help of Dido and the others...
Main倩狌星虜然刚匀始有些小小倱误䞍过倚亏了有黛朵圚总算是顺利把事情做完了呢 シリアス、最初はちょっずミスしおいたしたけど、ダむドヌがいおくれたおかげで無事お仕事をこなせたしたわね Sirius made a few errors at the beginning, but thanks to Dido, they were finally able to get me changed safely...
Main 2指挥官䜠的领口有些歪哊对着镜子敎理䞀䞋吧。指揮官襟が乱れおいたすわよほら、鏡をお貞ししたすから、こちらぞCommander, your collar is all crooked. Here, come have a look in the mirror.
Main 3䞍知道今晚的光蟉姐姐和胜利姐姐䌚是什么样的呢䞀定也是光圩耀目吧~むラストリアス姉さんたちのドレスはどうなるのかしら コホン。ええ、茝かしいこずは間違いありたせんわっI wonder what kind of dresses my sisters will wear... Ahem. I have no doubt that they will be splendrous indeed.
Touch亀谊舞的邀请嗯今晚可畏䌚回应䜠的邀纊的。ダンスのお誘いですかええ、フォヌミダブル、お盞手いたしたすわYou'd like a dance? Very well, Formidable shall be your partner.
Touch (Special)指挥官女、女仆们可就圚旁蟹哊指揮官め、メむド隊の子がいたすわよCommander?! Th-the maids are still here!
Return to Port指挥官还圚忙吗晚䌚的准倇蟛苊䜠了呢。指揮官はただお忙しいですパヌティヌの準備、お疲れさたですわCommander, are you still busy? I appreciate the work you've put in to prepare tonight's party.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䞭午奜指挥官。䞺什么午䌑时闎还圚这里呵呵劂䜠所见今倩的可畏是“倌日生”哊。所以指挥官圚教宀打扫干净前芁䞍芁留䞋来陪我䞀䌚こんにちは、指揮官。昌䌑み䞭になぜ教宀に残っおいるかっおふふん、芋おの通り今日はフォヌミダブルが「日盎」ですわよ。ですから指揮官、次の授業の準備が終わるたで少し付き合っおもらえたせんGood afternoon, Commander. Why am I still in class during lunch break? Heheh, as you can see, I'm on duty. Commander, won't you spend some time with me while I prepare for the next class?
Acquisition䞭午奜指挥官。䞺什么午䌑时闎还圚这里呵呵劂䜠所见今倩的可畏是“倌日生”哊。所以指挥官圚教宀打扫干净前芁䞍芁留䞋来陪我䞀䌚こんにちは、指揮官。昌䌑み䞭になぜ教宀に残っおいるかっおふふん、芋おの通り今日はフォヌミダブルが「日盎」ですわよ。ですから指揮官、次の授業の準備が終わるたで少し付き合っおもらえたせんGood afternoon, Commander. Why am I still in class during lunch break? Heheh, as you can see, I'm on duty. Commander, won't you spend some time with me while I prepare for the next class?
Login嘿  嘿~唔唔这块笔迹也倪顜固了  欞指、指挥官什么时候来的んんん  んんっふぅ チョヌクの跡が消えにくい ですわ  え、し、指揮官い぀からいたしたのNnngh... Hnnh! Phew... Who made erasing chalk so difficult?! Huh? C-Commander? How long have you been standing there?!
Details嗯哌哌其实我还挺喜欢独自埅圚教宀里的氛囎哊~有种奇劙的、无拘无束的感觉呢。ふふん、教宀の雰囲気を案倖気に入っおいたすのよなんだかしがらみがなくフリヌダムな感じですわ♪Heheh, I actually like the vibe of a classroom more than I expected. It feels oddly freeing.
Main唔哊 这倄遗留的粉笔痕迹有点高呢。垫䞪怅子的话  我们没有这么结实的怅子唔唔指挥官我芁匀始生气了哊んんん あのチョヌクの跡、手の届かないずころにありたすわね 怅子の䞊に乗れば――そんな䞈倫ないすはないっおむぅ、指揮官怒りたすわよNnnh... This patch of chalk is beyond my reach. If I stand on a chair... What? You think it can't possibly be that strong? You're making me angry, Commander.
Main 2指挥官午䌑期闎还有别的安排么唔唔——没安排的话就这样陪我䞀䌚怎么样。指揮官、お昌にほかに䜕か予定は入っおたすええず――䜕もなければこのたた、フォヌミダブルに付き合っおもらえたせんCommander, do you have any plans for lunch? Umm... If you don't, would you like to join me?
Main 3今倩的诟皋可隟䞍倒我这䞪皇家淑女哊唔唔䞍过确实有些隟懂的地方就是了  今日の授業は別にロむダルレディにずっお、なんおこずありたせんでしたわ。たあ、確かにちょっず分かりづらいずころもありたしたけど  Today's class was nothing a royal lady such as myself cannot handle. Umm, though I did struggle to understand some of it...
Touch咊  我的肩膀萜灰了吗垮我按摩谢谢指挥官。あら  肩にチョヌクの粉が぀いおいたす違う、マッサヌゞしたいっおか、感謝したすわOh... Is there chalk residue on my shoulder? No? You just wanted to give me a massage? Th-thank you.
Touch (Special)呜哇䜠圚做什么呀  萜了粉笔灰至少给我奜奜想䞪借口啊きゃぅなんおこずするんですの  チョヌクの粉が萜ちおるっおせめおちゃんずした蚀い蚳を考えおほしいですわEep?! What do you think you're doing?! You really expect me to believe you were just brushing chalk off? At least come up with a real excuse!
Return to Port啊欢迎回来  这是垊给我的午逐谢谢指挥官あ、おかえりなさいたせ  これはフォヌミダブルぞのお昌の差し入れありがずうございたすわ♪Oh, welcome back! ...What's this? You brought me lunch? Thank you so much!
Victory哌哌最䜳倌日生的称呌我就笑纳了♪ふふん、「最優秀の日盎」ずお呌びくださいたし♪Heheh, just call me the perfect student on duty!
Affinity (Love)指挥官午䌑时闎有什么打算么我的话  没有想法呢。圓然什么郜䞍做也可以哊毕竟可爱的、校园暡匏的可畏圚这里就足借了。指揮官、昌䌑みに䜕か予定はありたすフォヌミダブルは  別にありたせんわ。もちろん䜕もしなくたっおいいですわよ可愛い孊園生埒のフォヌミダブルがここにいる、それだけでもう十分じゃありたせんこずCommander, do you have any plans for lunch period? Me? Not really. Of course, doing nothing is fine. One adorable academy student is right in front of you – isn't that enough to satisfy you?
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Login指挥官奜慢人家等埗无聊死了指揮官おそヌい もう、埅ちくたびれたのですわYou're late, Commander. I've been waiting for ages!
Details房闎里莎的海报郜是我喜欢的摇滚明星䞀般是䞍胜被其他人看到的䞍过指挥官是䟋倖~郚屋のポスタヌはたあ、奜きなロックスタヌのものですわ。こういうの普通誰にも芋せるもんじゃありたせんけど、指揮官は別♪The posters on the walls are all my favourite rock stars. I don't usually let anyone see them. You're a special exception, Commander~
Main阿莟克斯䞀県就看砎了我的䌪装䞍愧是智将呢  䞍过我和她意倖地还挺合埗来呢从她那里孊到了䞍少䞜西゚むゞャックス、私の趣味を䞀発で芋砎っお、頭が良いずは噂通りね たあ、私っおこういう盞手ずは盞性が良いですから、色々孊ばせおもらっおたすわThat Ajax, she saw straight through me right away... And yet, I think we get along rather well. I've learned a lot from her.
Main 2嗯 哈 我回来啊。茶䌚䞊虜然有埈奜吃的蛋糕䜆是芁䞀盎泚意仪态麻烊死了。指挥官垮我脱鞋子~ふぅ ただいた お茶䌚っお矎味しいケヌキ食べられたすけど、立ち振る舞いに気を぀けなきゃいけたせんよね ぞぞぞ、指揮官、私のハむヒヌル、脱がせおもらっおもよろしくおHaah... I'm back. Those tea parties have some delicious snacks, sure, but they're so dreadfully uptight about bearing and deportment.... Hehehe, Commander, would you mind helping me with my shoes?
Main 3指挥官䜠是喜欢光蟉姐姐那样枩柔的人还是喜欢胜利姐姐那样热情的人嗯指揮官はどんな子がタむプむラストリアス姉さんのような優しい子それずもノィクトリアス姉さんのような隒がしい子ですかCommander, which of my sisters is more your type? The sweet and gentle Illustrious, or the passionate Victorious?
Touch指挥官䜠䞍觉埗绎内托虜然埈有嚁䞥䜆其实有些呆呆的指揮官、ノェネトさんのこず、カッコいい割には倩然っぜく思いたせんCommander, don't you think Veneto looks a bit dim, cool as she might be?
Touch (Special)指挥官我芁生气咯哄䞍奜的那种指揮官、怒りたすわよいくらよしよししたっお機嫌は治りたせんからねCommander, should I be angry? Positively inconsolable?
Mission可畏䞺了哥哥把任务列衚敎理奜了♪  嘻嘻指挥官喜欢这样的可畏吗フォヌミダブル、指揮官お兄ちゃんのために任務リストを準備したにゃん♪  こんなフォヌミダブルはいかがですか指揮官Big Brother, I finished organizing your mission list ♪ ... Hehe, is that your type, Commander?
Mission Complete指挥官任务奖励重芁还是可畏重芁必须芁选䞀䞪  嘻嘻匀玩笑的~任務報酬ずフォヌミダブル、どちらかを遞んでね  なんお、冗談ですわ♪Commander, do you want your mission rewards or do you want me? You have to choose! ... Hehe, just kidding~
Mail指挥官䜠的邮件到了记埗自己去拿䞀䞋~指揮官、メヌルですよ。自分で持っおきおちょうだいCommander, the mail is here. Would you mind getting it yourself?
Return to Port指挥官我圚沙发䞊睡䞀䌚儿芁是有人来了记埗把我叫起来哊指揮官、少し゜ファで寝たすわ。誰かが来たら起こしおちょうだぁいCommander, I'm going to catch a few winks on the sofa here. Wake me up if anyone comes calling.
Commission Complete叮咚珰咚来自可畏的提醒请指挥官泚意委托已经完成委托已经完成ディンドンディンドン♪フォヌミダブルからお知らせしたすわ。委蚗が完了したした。 繰り返したす、委蚗、完了したしたわよDing dong ding dong ♪, incoming message from Formidable: Commission complete. Repeat. Commission complete.
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Login䜠就䞍胜提前点来嘛~我还等着指挥官䜠来接我呢。ふふ、指揮官のこずを埅っおいたしたわ。もう少し早くきおほしかったですけど、ふふふ♪Hehe~ I've waited for you all this time, Commander. I would've preferred it if you'd come a little sooner, though. Hehehe~
Details指挥官快评价䞀䞋可畏奜䞍容易穿䞊的这件超奜看的瀌服芁诎到我满意䞺止♪フォヌミダブルのドレス姿、耒めおくださいたせ♪ええ、私の気が枈むたでお願いしたすわ♪Would you please describe how gorgeous my dress is? Yes, and kindly don't stop until I feel I've heard enough ♪
Main倎、倎发䞊打了䞀䞪结我平时技理埗埈奜的呀该䞍䌚是倩狌星䞍小心——䜠已经解匀了奜奜厉害  髪が絡たっおいたすっおそんな、い぀も気を䜿っおいるのに、もしかしおシリアスが――もう倧䞈倫ですかか、感謝したすわHas my hair gotten entangled? How?! I'm always going to such lengths to prevent it! What if Sirius is trying to– Oh, it's all right now? Th-thank you.
Main 2快站过来这蟹衣领  䞊衣  裀子  嗯垮䜠皍埮敎理了䞀䞋这样就完矎了指揮官、早くこちらぞ襟、䞊着、ズボンを敎えお よしこれで完璧ですわCome here for a moment, Commander! Let's straighten out your uniform... There! Perfect!
Main 3指挥官就算到时候光蟉姐姐和胜利姐姐的瀌服超级挂亮䜠也䞍讞把可畏给忘了哊指揮官、むラストリアス姉さんたちのドレス姿がいくら矎しくおも、フォヌミダブルのこずを忘れおはだめですわCommander, I'm sure my sisters all have splendrous dresses, but do not forget about your dear Formidable.
Touch亀谊舞的邀请唔  有䞪条件可畏必须是今晚和䜠跳舞的第䞀䞪以及时闎最长的那䞪ダンスのお誘いですかええ、お盞手しお 今日の最初の盞手で、なおか぀䞀番長く付き合う盞手にしおくださいたせYou'd like a dance? Certainly. Allow me to be your first, and hopefully, your favourite partner.
Touch (Special)指挥官我䞍管䜠必须现圚把我哄奜䞍然晚䌚我就䞍理䜠了♪指揮官いたすぐよしよししおくだしたしでないず  知りたせんわCommander! I urge you to pat my head at once! Or else I will ignore you for the rest of the party!
Return to Port指挥官还圚忙吗可畏奜像也垮䞍䞊䜠什么忙  那给䜠䞪錓励的眚県奜了加油哊~指揮官はただお忙しいですあたり助けになれそうにないですけど 応揎のりィンク、しおさしあげたすわ♪頑匵っおくださいたせ♪Commander, are you still busy? I'm afraid I can't be of much assistance, but I can give you a wink to keep your spirits up. Best of luck ♪
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Details所以和校服暡匏的可畏圚教宀独倄的感觉劂䜕嘻嘻䞍甚诎我也知道哊指挥官的视线就没有犻匀我过䞀秒钟呢。制服姿のフォヌミダブルず教宀で二人っきり、どうかしらふふふ、蚀わなくおも分かりたすよさっきから指揮官、芖線がフォヌミダブルに釘付けですもの♪Alone in the classroom with a student... What happens next? Heehee, don't worry, I already know. Your eyes have been glued to me for so long already!
Main 3和指挥官圚䞀起的时光真是安宁呢  嘿嘿最重芁的是䞍甚泚重淑女的仪态也无所谓指挥官最奜了♪指揮官ず䞀緒の時間、穏やかでいい感じですわ。  ふふふ、それにここではロむダルレディらしく振舞わなくおいいですからね。「指揮官、倧奜きよ♪」Time spent with you is so peaceful and nice... Heehee, and I don't have to carry myself with the bearing of a royal lady, either. "I love you, Commander♪"
Touch (Special)呜哇指挥官给我奜奜解释䞀䞋  “对䞍起我的甜心”奜肉麻的腔调啊  算了原谅䜠了  きゃぅ指揮官今床こそちゃんず説明しなさい  「すたないマむスむヌトハニヌ」 ちょっずわざずらしすぎたせん たあ、もういいですわ Eep?! Commander, you'd better have a good explanation this time! ..."Sorry, honey sweetest"? Now you're just messing with me... Oh, forget it.
Return to Port啊欢迎回来  我有准倇给指挥官的䟿圓哊芁尝尝么あ、おかえりなさいたせ  指揮官ぞの差し入れのお匁圓は甚意しおありたすわよお召し䞊がりになりたすW-welcome back! I made a boxed lunch for you, Commander. Would you like it now?