Indomitable (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 553 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Super Rare
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Illustrious-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
One Iota of Effort When this ship launches an Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike that inflicts a special Burn to enemies hit by it (special airstrike DMG is based on the skill's level; Burn DMG is based on this ship's AVI stat).
Two Can Play at That Game 10s after the battle starts, and every 20s after that: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike that inflicts a special Burn to enemies hit by it (special airstrike DMG is based on the skill's level; Burn DMG is based on this ship's AVI stat). When this ship's aircraft shoot down an enemy aircraft: decreases your ships' DMG taken from aircraft by 5.0% (15.0%) for 10s (20s cooldown between activations).
Together We Shine Brighter Increases your Illustrious-class CVs' DMG dealt by 3.5% (8.0%). When the battle starts: 1) Increases AVI and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%) for all your Illustrious-class CVs except this ship; 2) If sortied with Prince of Wales or Repulse: increases this ship's AVI by 5.0% (15.0%) and ACC by 4.5% (12.0%); 3) If sortied with neither of the above ships, and if this ship is the only Illustrious-class CV in your fleet: increases this ship's AVI by 5.0% (15.0%).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 光辉级航空母舰—不挠 イラストリアス級航空母艦-インドミタブル Illustrious-class aircraft carrier – Indomitable.
Biography 我是光辉级的四号舰,和三位姐姐多少有些不同。…我说的是机库哦,才不是战绩或者修理时间什么的…… イラストリアス級四番艦ですが、三人のお姉様とは多少違うところがありますわ…ちょっと、戦績や修理期間ではなく、搭載機数のことですわよ? As the fourth member of the Illustrious class, of course I'd be somewhat different from my sisters... Hey, I'm talking about hangar capacity here, not service history or repair length.
Acquisition 光辉级四号舰,装甲航母不挠,嗯…突然感觉有点累了,要不就先这样吧? イラストリアス級四番艦、装甲空母のインドミタブルですわ。ふぁ…何だか少し怠くなってきました…続きはまた後ほど、でもいいかしら? I am the fourth ship of the Illustrious class, armored carrier Indomitable. *Yawn*... I seem to be getting a bit drowsy... Would you mind if we continued this later?
Login 欢迎回来,指挥官—嗯?这就要开始工作了?不先调整一下状态吗,比如说打开窗户吹吹风什么的…… 指揮官、ごきげんよう。えぇー、もうお仕事を始めますの?先に調子を整えてからでも…ほら、窓を開けて風に当たってからでも… Good morning, Commander. Ehh? You're going to start working already? Why not get into the zone first by, say, opening up the window and basking in the breeze?
Details 同级的姐姐们都很优秀……要是遇到什么难题的话,都可以找她们哦?…找我?嗯…也不是不行吧…… 同型艦のお姉様方は皆優秀ですわ。困ったことがあったらまずはそちらに…私?まあ相談に乗って差し上げなくもないですけれども… My Illustrious-class sisters are all outstanding. Should you run into any problems, they would be more than glad to help... Me? Um, well, I suppose I wouldn't mind offering you some advice...
Main 嗯?茶会的邀请?…还是算了吧,要保持优雅可是很累的…… あら、お茶会のお誘い?…遠慮しますわ。優雅さを保たないといけないのは疲れますもの… Oh my, an invitation to a tea party? ...Though, I think I'll pass. Keeping up airs is soooo tiring.
Main 2 睡觉是为了恢复体力,发呆是为了调养精神,散步是为了转换心情。总之,任何休息都是有意义的,绝不是单纯的偷懒,嗯,绝不是。 うたた寝するのは体力回復のため、ぼーっとするのは精神調和のため、散歩するのは気分転換のため…とにかく、休むのはそれなりの目的があってのこと、サボりとは違いますわ。全っ然! Sleep revitalizes the body, daydreaming revitalizes the mind, and strolling refreshes one's mood. I'll have you know, all forms of relaxation serve a purpose, and are DEFINITELY not slacking off.
Main 3 哈啊…提不起劲……工作?都处理完了哦。 ふぁ…やる気が出ませんわ…お仕事?もう片付けておきましたよ *Yaaawn*... Can't get motivated right now... Huh, work? I've already finished all of it.
Touch 找我有事吗?最好是没事… 何か用?特になければいいけれど… Did you need something? Though, it'd be great if you didn't...
Touch (Special) 额外的点心和双倍的休息,换一次保守秘密~成不成交? 休みを倍に、おまけにお菓子も追加してくださるなら、今回の件は内緒にして差し上げますわ。ふふ、悪くない取引でしょう? Double my vacation time, buy me some sweets, and I'll keep this a secret. Hehe, not such a bad deal, right?
Touch (Headpat) 呀!你,你打断我发呆了! っ!?もう、ぼうっとしてたのに邪魔しましたわね!? Hyah?! Gosh, how rude of you to interrupt my daydreaming!
Mission 新的任务啊…指挥官经验这么丰富,解决它们应该是小意思吧~ 新しい任務ですわ…指揮官ほどの歴戦の方なら楽勝でしょうね New missions, huh... Should be no problem at all for someone as experienced as you, right?
Mission Complete 任务顺利完成了!干得不错,指挥官。 任務、無事完了しましたわ!ふふ、上出来ですわ、指揮官 That's another mission taken care of! Hehe, you're pretty good at this, Commander.
Mail 新的邮件?难道是放假通知…嗯?不可能吗? 新しいメール?休暇のお知らせだったりして…ん?そんなわけないって? New mail? Are we being told to go on vacation? Huh, what do you mean that's not possible?
Return to Port 指挥官,出击辛苦了。我可没有偷懒哦?一直在这祈祷着作战顺利呢… 指揮官、出撃お疲れ様ですわ。…別にサボってはいませんでしたわ。作戦がうまくいくよう祈り続けてただけですわよ Commander, congratulations on a most excellent sortie. Of course I wasn't doing nothing. I was praying for your success with all my might.
Commission Complete 委托组回来了哦,嗯,快去看看吧,我会在这里等着你回来的。 委託組が戻ってきましたわ。ここで待っていて差し上げますから、早く確認してきてくださいまし The commission team has returned. I shall await your return, so you should go greet them soon.
Enhancement 是不是别让人知道我变强了比较好呢… 強くなったの、隠しておいたほうがいいかしら… I've gotten stronger, but... maybe I shouldn't let anyone know that.
Flagship 旗、旗舰位?好麻……总之大家一起上吧! き、旗艦ですの?めんど…じゃなくて行きますわよ! M-me, flagship? Sounds like a pain in the... Err, it's nothing! I'll do it!
Victory 我居然是MVP?是不是有点努力过头了…… 私がMVP?頑張りすぎちゃったかしら… I'm the MVP? I wonder if I shouldn't have tried so hard...
Defeat 又要回去整修了…算了,多休息一会…也不错吧。 また修理する羽目に…まあいいわ、その分楽できますもの Seems like I'll be in the docks for a good while... Well, don't threaten me with a good time, I suppose.
Skill 稍微认真一下吧…! ほんのちょっぴりだけ本気出そうかしら… Maybe I should start to get serious...
Low HP 再这么下去可不妙…… このままではまずいですわ… If this drags on, I'll seriously be in trouble...
Affinity (Upset) 白白对你抱有期待了呢…… はぁ…期待して損しましたわ… *sigh*... I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,在忙吗?唔,完全就是在忙的样子呢…嗯,那就…——请继续加油吧! 指揮官、今忙しいかしら?はぁ…お取り込み中ですわね…コホン、じゃあ…引き続き頑張ってくださいませ Commander, are you busy right now? Oh, wow... You look totally lost in your work... Ahem, well then, I suppose I should leave you to it.
Affinity (Friendly) 兴趣?嗯…一时还真没想到什么…比起找事情做,我还是更喜欢想办法让自己什么都不用做呢… 趣味、ですか?…急に聞かれてもパっと思いつきませんわ。そうですね…何かするより、何もしないで済むように取り計らうのが好きですわ My hobbies? Hmm... Honestly, I haven't given it much thought up until this point. Let's see... what I like isn't so much finding things to do, but rather finding ways of not doing anything.
Affinity (Like) 就是因为事务繁重,所以才更要学会适时地让身体和大脑好好放个假哦?怎么更好地放空自己,这可是门学问呢!指挥官不太懂没关系,下回我来好好教教你…… 多忙を極めているからこそ、適度に休みを取るべきですわよ?頭を空っぽにして、リラックスするのは言うほど簡単なことではありませんわ。指揮官、わからなくても大丈夫よ。ふふふ、今度じっくり教えて差し上げますわよ You should learn how to relax every once in a while precisely because you're always working so hard. Learning how to clear your mind and let go isn't as easy as it sounds. But don't worry if you can't do it right away, Commander. Hehe, I'll show you exactly how to do it next time~
Affinity (Love) 呼呼,指挥官是不是也体验到摸yu…不对,劳逸结合的好处了呢?嗯嗯,老师我非常欣慰。决定了,之后就定期来进行“放空“练习吧,地点就在…我的房间吧! ふふ、指揮官もサボ…コホン、休みを取ることの大事さが身に染みてきたかしら?大変よろしいですわ。では、これからは定期的に「何も考えない」練習をしますわよ!場所は…私のお部屋でどうかしら? Hehe, I see you're also slack– Err, I mean, nourishing your body and soul. That pleases me greatly. Alright, let's continue practicing the art of clearing our minds on a regular basis! As for where to conduct the lessons... how about in my room?
Pledge 誓约的仪式啊…感觉好麻烦的样子…唔,我可不是对指挥官有什么不满哦?就算没有仪式什么的,我对你也……看你都让我说了些什么羞耻的话啊!回去了回去了… 誓いの儀式?…なんだか面倒そうな…指揮官に不満があるわけではありませんわ。別に式をやらなくても、ほら、あなたのことが…な、何て恥ずかしいセリフを言わせようとしているんですの!もう終わりましたし、帰らせていただきますわ…! An oath ceremony? That sounds like something that could turn into a real pain in the ass... I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you, Commander. I mean, a ceremony is just for show, so it shouldn't matter if... Wh-why are you making me say something so embarrassing anyway?! Anyway, we're done here, so I'll be heading back!
In battle with Illustrious, Victorious, Formidable 姐姐们,加油~ お姉様方、頑張ってくださいましー Sisters, let's do our best~
In battle with Prince of Wales, Repulse 这次不会再缺席了! 今回は欠席しませんわ! I swear to stand with you this time!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哈啊…虽然出于新鲜感体验了下女仆装,不过,换完衣服就感觉干劲已经耗完了呢……嗯?指挥官来得正好,来陪我一起放空休息一会吧? はぁ…面白そうだからとメイド服を試着したのはいいですけど、着替えただけでやる気がもう底を尽きましたわ…あら、指揮官?ちょうどよかったですわ。一緒にぼーっとしませんこと? *Sigh*... I thought changing into maid attire would break up the monotony, but just getting into these clothes has tired me out... Oh, Commander? You came at a good time. Shall we slack off together?
Acquisition 哈啊…虽然出于新鲜感体验了下女仆装,不过,换完衣服就感觉干劲已经耗完了呢……嗯?指挥官来得正好,来陪我一起放空休息一会吧? はぁ…面白そうだからとメイド服を試着したのはいいですけど、着替えただけでやる気がもう底を尽きましたわ…あら、指揮官?ちょうどよかったですわ。一緒にぼーっとしませんこと? *Sigh*... I thought changing into maid attire would break up the monotony, but just getting into these clothes has tired me out... Oh, Commander? You came at a good time. Shall we slack off together?
Login 主人,欢迎回来♪~……啊,不行了,刚刚那句已经用尽我全部干劲了… ご主人様、おかえりなさいませ♪…はい、もう今のでやる気を使い切りましたわ… Welcome back, Master~♪ All righty, that's all my maid-motivation used up...
Details 皇家女仆的必修课就是泡红茶了吧。在这点上,我还是有自信的。当然了,一天最多泡一次,不能再多了。 紅茶の淹れ方はロイヤルメイドのたしなみの一つでしょ?まあそこに関しては私も自信ありますわ。もちろん、一日一回ならって前提のお話ですけど? Knowing how to brew tea is one of the essentials for the Royal Maids, no? Well, that's something even I can do. Though only once a day, no more than that.
Main 我能为你做的事情?…唔,提前把被窝暖和起来算不算? 私にできること、ですか?そうですわね…指揮官が就寝する前に、お布団を温めておくこと……で大丈夫かしら? What jobs am I capable of doing? Let's see... Oh, I can warm up the bed for you before you go to sleep?
Main 2 说起来,指挥官这么厉害,女仆的工作应该也不在话下吧。要不女仆体验剩下的内容就拜托你了?唔,果然不行么…… こんなに素晴らしい指揮官ですもの、メイドのお仕事も当然楽勝でしょう?メイド体験の残りのコースは指揮官に代わってもらって……はダメなのね……はぁ Now that I think about it, considering how capable you are as a commander, doing a maid's job should hardly be considered work, right? Maybe I'll have you take over the rest of my maid duties... Ahaha, well, it was worth a shot...
Main 3 要是谁有幸能够被这么多女仆伺候着,那一定过得非常滋润吧。不行,越想越羡慕了…… こんなに沢山のメイドを侍らせたらきっと凄く幸せでしょうね。…いけない、考えるほど羨ましく思っちゃいますわ… I'm sure someone with THIS many maids would live an absolutely blessed lifestyle... Ugh, it's making me jealous the more I think about it...
Touch 这是要给我按摩吗?正好肩膀酸了… モミモミしてくださるの?ちょうど、凝っているところだから助かりましてよ~ Are you trying to give me a massage? My shoulders were just starting to feel a bit stiff, so massage away~
Touch (Special) 我要把你做的事告诉姐姐们了哦? お姉様方に言いつけますわよ? I'm going to tell my sisters, you know?
Return to Port 唔,我有点好奇,女仆们是怎么做到把这么多美味的点心送来送去,自己却能忍住一口都不吃的? おいしいお菓子を沢山運んでいるメイド隊の子たちは一体どうしてつまみ食いを我慢できるのか、気になりますわ The Royal Maids are always carrying all sorts of yummy snacks back and forth... I wonder how they can control themselves.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 欢迎回来,指挥官……唔,要不,还是看看先做点什么吧? 指揮官、ごきげんよう。…ええと、その…やっぱり何かに手を付けたほうがいい…ですわね? Good day, Commander. Umm, uhh... M-maybe there's something I can help you out with?
Details 遇到什么难题的话…可、可以先找我也没关系…嗯,可以吧… 困ったことがあったら…まずお姉様方ではなく私に相談しても…よ、よろしくてよ? Should you run into any problems... You should come to me first, not my sisters... Y-yeah, I think I'm fine with that...
Main 指挥官要去茶会吗?那、那我……啊啊啊,好难下决定啊…! 指揮官はお茶会に参加しますの?じゃ、じゃあ…うぅ、悩みますわね… Commander, did you want to go to the tea party? Um, in that case... Ugh, why is this so hard...
Main 2 昨天睡好了吗?累了的话发会儿呆或者出去散步比较好哦,我也和你一起。 昨日は良く寝られました?疲れたら散歩に出かけたりボーっとしてみるといいですわよ?私も付き合いますわ Did you sleep well yesterday? If you're tired, you might want to take a little nap or go on a stroll outside first. I'll accompany you~
Main 3 可畏不敢在其他姐姐们面前放肆,对我倒是挺放得开的…虽然理解她想要分享喜好的心情…不过那种音乐风格怎么说呢…感觉还是太吵闹了呢… フォーミダブル、お姉様方の前では猫を被ってるのに私の前では別に…まあ、趣味の話をしたいのはわかりますけど、あのジャンルの音楽はちょっと、頭にゴゴゴーっときて勘弁してほしいですわ… Formidable won't let any of our other sisters see her cheeky side, but she's a lot more open around me for whatever reason... Well, there's not a whole lot we have in common anyway. Her taste in music is a bit... too noisy for my tastes.
Touch 没事…也可以找我的其实… 本当は…べ、別に用がなくても私に声をかけてもいいですのよ…? I'm serious. Y-you can come see me even if you don't have any problems...
Touch (Special) 坏心眼…… 意地悪、ですわ… You're such a bully...
Return to Port 希望指挥官能平安回来…啊啊全身酸痛…光是保持祈祷这个姿势就感觉好累…嗯?指挥官? 指揮官が無事に戻ってきますように……あいたたた…祈っているだけでも疲れましたわ…あ、あら?指揮官? I pray for the Commander's safe return... Ow, ow, ow... Who thought prayer could be such a painful thing... Oh my, is that you, Commander?
Commission Complete 委托组回来了哦,嗯,快去看看吧,我也…陪你一起去好了。 委託組が戻ってきましたわ。早く確認してくださいまし。あっ、その…私もお供しますわっ The commission fleet seems to have come back. Hurry up and go– Err, I mean, let's go greet them together.
Flagship 为了指挥官,稍微认真一点也不是不行… 指揮官のために、少し本気を出そうかしら… If it's for your sake, I suppose I can put in a bit more effort...
Victory MVP啊…不行不行,回头得多休息下补回努力的份才行! MVPですか…ダメダメ、頑張った分はあとでしっかり休みませんと! MVP, huh... Darn it, now I'm going to have to rest up to get my motivation back!
Defeat 放心吧,我是那种一休息就能恢复精神的类型。 ご安心くださいまし。私、ぐっすり寝ればすぐ元気になるタイプですわよ Don't worry, I'm the type of girl who can bounce right back after a little nap.
Affinity (Love) 接下来的约会计划是…在房间里一起放空,在房间里悠闲喝茶,在房间里静静赏花…嗯?出门?今、今天就算了!你看,约会只要出门每次都会不小心走的很久,隔天老是腿酸… デートでこれからすることは…お部屋の中で一緒にぼーっとして、お茶をゆっくり楽しんで、飾られているお花を眺めてぼんやりと…ん?お出かけ?きょ、今日はいいですのっ。ほら、デートのお出かけだと、歩きすぎて翌日足がパンパンになりますし… Let's see, the next things to do on our date are... chilling together indoors, leisurely enjoying some tea, then quietly arrange some flowers. Hm? You want to go outside? I, I think our schedule's already pretty packed. Look, every time we go outside on a date, my legs get all puffy the next day...