U-96 (JP 🇯🇵: U-96, CN 🇹🇌: U-96)
Ship ID No. 467 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Super Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time 00:12:00
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress Mayu Mineda
U-96 Description
VIIC-class Submarine - U-96
Secret Gaming Session Description
Nice timing. I just finished an intense battle. The result...? Of course I won. What? Did you want to have a match against me?
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Submarine: VIIC Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
The Smiling Sawfish Increases this boat's Torpedo Crit Rate by 10.0% (20.0%). At the start of the battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) torpedo barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level.)
Wolf Pack Formation - U-96 Increases Accuracy by 1.0% (10.0%) and Crit DMG by 5.0% (15.0%) for all your Iron Blood SSs. Additionally, for each Iron Blood SS in your fleet: increases this boat's Accuracy, RLD, and EVA by 1.5% (6.0%).
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: U-96 when surfacing
00:12:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 铁血VIIC型朜艇U-96 鉄血⅊C型朜氎艊U-96 Iron Blood Type VIIC submarine – U-96.
Biography 我是铁血的VIIC型朜艇第䞃朜艇猖队的U-96。圚倧战䞭的十䞀次巡航䞭姑䞔算是取埗了䞍少的战果吧虜然最后还是被讚厌的飞机给摆了䞀道  哌哌安心吧“王牌”的实力䞍䌚让䜠倱望的。 第7朜氎艊矀所属、鉄血のVIIC型朜氎艊のU96だ。かの倧戊での11回に枡った任務で戊果を倧量に手にしおきたぜ。たあ航空機には流石に敵わないが  なに、心配するほどのこずじゃねえ。゚ヌスはい぀だっお指揮官をがっかりさせないぜ The name's U-96, Iron Blood Type VIIC U-boat, part of the 7th U-boat Flotilla. I made some real juicy contributions over my 11 patrols in the war. Never did fare well against aircraft, though... But don't let that worry ya, Commander. I'm still an ace, and I ain't never gonna let ya down.
Acquisition 我是VIIC型朜艇U-96曟经的“前进狌矀”䞭的䞀员。哌哌尜管看着吧指挥官。我䌚给䜠垊来曎倚的战果的。 VIIC型のU96、こう芋えおも「VorwÀrts」のメンバヌなんだぜ。ふふ、いたに芋おろ。戊果をどっさりくれおやる Sup. I'm U-96, Type VIIC U-boat and member of the famous VorwÀrts wolfpack. Hehe, I'll have you drowning in reports of my success soon enough.
Login 来埗挺早埗嘛还想看看迟到的指挥官䌚有倚慌匠呢 随分ず早いじゃないか。遅れた指揮官があたふたする姿を楜しみにしおたんだぜ Look who's early. Here I was hoping to see you panicking over being late.
Details 怎么隟道是被U艇出击前的英姿迷䜏了吗 どうした出撃前のUボヌトに芋惚れおるのか Yeah, what? You fancy how a U-boat in her off time looks?
Main 比起可见的嚁胁还是朜䌏的未知曎什人恐惧对就像我们朜艇䞀样—— 芋える敵より芋えない敵のほうが怖い。そう、アタシら朜氎艊みたいな―― It's not the foes you can see that you should fear, it's the ones you can't see. Like us U-boats, for instance...
Main 2 朜航和等埅是我们朜艇的区项䞍过未来有机䌚的话还是挺垌望胜䞀盎悠闲地航行圚氎面之䞊的呢。 朜っお、埅぀。息を朜めるのは朜氎艊の埗意分野だが、時々ずっず朜らずただゆったりず航海しおみたいもんだ Step one: dive. Step two: wait. While we U-boats can hold our breaths for ages, sometimes I just like goin' for a leisurely swim.
Main 3 “橡树叶的巡逻队”啊 是䞪充满荣誉的名倎呢其实我们䞍过是䜜䞺狌矀䞍断地狩猎目标猎物而已。 「オヌクリヌブズパトロヌル」  ぞぞ、いい響きだ。たあアタシらは狌ずしお矀れお、そしお狩っおいただけなんだがな "The Oak-Leaves Patrol"... Heheh, that's got a nice ring to it. Still, all we really did was make a pack and go huntin' for targets.
Touch 怎么有求于我了吗 アタシに甚でもあった Did ya need something, or?
Touch (Special) 怎么对这里这么感兎趣的吗 なんだここがそんなに気になるんだ What? You seriously like touching me here?
Mission 怎么还没发现有未完成的任务吗 なんだ未完了の任務がただ残っおいるのか What's this? Still got unfinished missions, do we?
Mission Complete 怎么芁我垮䜠把任务报酬郜领了搬到䜠面前吗 どうした目の前たで報酬を運ぶのをお望みかい So, what is it? Need someone to fetch ya those rewards?
Mail 信箱再䞍倄理䞋早晚芁满了哊到时候可别诎我没提醒䜠   メヌルボックス、いよいよ満杯寞前、ず――秘曞艊が蚀わなかったなんお蚀わせねえぜ That mailbox is gonna get full sooner or later. And don't say I didn't warn ya.
Return to Port 指挥官地囟借我䞋——嘿咻 奜啊我标记的这几䞪点埈适合䌏击哊䞋次芁䞍芁考虑安排䞋 指揮官、地図を借りるぜヌヌんっしょ よし、マヌク぀けた海域、埅ち䌏せにもっおこいの堎所だから、次の出撃でやっおみおもいいんだぜ Lemme see that map, Commander... All right, cool... 'Kay, so the spot I marked would be perfect for an ambush next sortie. If ya need it done, just hit me up.
Commission Complete 委托组回来了䌌乎敌人并没有像我们这样的“狌矀”呢真是倪奜了。 委蚗組が戻っおきた。矊が狌に出䌚わなかったようでよかったな The commission team's back. Good thing those sheep didn't get eaten by wolves, eh.
Enhancement 我埈期埅䞋䞀次的出击哊嘿嘿~ 次の出撃、楜しみにしおるぜ Oh man, I can't wait for the next sortie.
Flagship 让我们匀始新的䞀蜮狩猎吧 狩りを始めるぜ  Time to get huntin'!
Victory 皍埮见识到䞀点王牌的风范了吧~ ゚ヌスの栌の違いを芋たか Now do ya see what an ace is capable of?
Defeat 算了䞋次再来扟回场子吧。 たあいい、次はいいずこ芋せおやるぜ Whatever. Next time's gonna be much better.
Skill Jetzt(就是现圚) Jetztむ゚ッツ! Jetzt!
Low HP 差䞍倚该见奜就收了吧  匕き際も肝心っおずころか  Should probably retreat while I still can, I guess!
Affinity (Upset) 像䜠这样的倧抂只适合被扔到海里喂鲚鱌了。匀玩笑的 お前はサメに食われるのがお䌌合いなんだぜ。なんおな You know where you belong? In a shark's stomach. Meh, whatever.
Affinity (Stranger) 朜艇䜜战其实倧郚分时候还是挺无聊的所以倧家郜埈懂埗怎么扟乐子呢。䜠芁是觉埗无聊了可以尜管扟枯区的朜艇同䌎们玩哊。 朜氎艊の任務、実はほずんどの時間がどうしようもなく退屈で、面癜いものを芋぀けないずやっおられないんだぜ。お前も぀たらなく感じたら、母枯の朜氎艊たちず遊んでみるずいいさ During most my missions I'm honestly just bored out of my mind and pray I find somethin' worth my time. If you ever feel bored, go hit up some of the U-boats at port.
Affinity (Friendly) 怎么对朜艇的战斗䜓验感兎趣那䞋次跟着我们䞀起出战看看嘛  啊指挥官没办法像我们这么长时闎朜氎呢芁䞍䜠先练习练习朜氎技巧 朜氎艊の戊いっぷりがそんなに気になるなら、次の出撃時䞀緒に来おくれたっおいいんだぜあっ、そういえば指揮官はそんなに長く朜れないな。なら朜るこずを先に教えおやろうか If ya think U-boat combat is that fascinating, you could always come with me on the next sortie. Oh wait, you can't stay underwater all that long, can ya? Then how's about I teach you how to dive like a pro?
Affinity (Like) 想了想氎面䞊的巡航就胜垊䞊指挥官了吧安心就算圚氎面䞊我的驟驶技巧也是埈奜的䞍䌚把䜠甩䞋去或者突然䞋朜什么的啊~芁䞍现圚就去䜓验䞀䞋 たあ、浮䞊したたたなら指揮官を艀装に茉せられるだろそれにアタシなら、お前を海の䞭に萜ずしたりする心配もないぜ。どうだアタシず䞀緒に乗っおみるか You can get onto my rigging while I'm surfaced, can'tcha? Don't worry, I ain't gonna just dump ya in the middle of the ocean. So, how's that sound? Wanna ride with me?
Affinity (Love) 我现圚圚想有机䌚的话胜垊着䜠䞀起悠闲地枞遍这片海掋就奜了呢。对了到时候就由䜠把我们的故事写成小诎吧最奜还胜拍成电圱什么的  唔想了䞋这样奜像有点矞耻 还是䜜䞺我们俩的回忆就借了 機䌚があったらお前をこい぀に乗せお、二人だけで海にゆったりず旅行に出かけるのも良さそうだな。そしたら小説なり映画なりアタシらの物語を曞き蚘しおもらっお  いや、恥ずかしいからやっぱりなしだ。ふふ、二人の思い出だけで十分だぜ Someday I wanna take you with me on a trip across the sea, just the two of us. We could write a journal as we go and make a book or even movie out of it... Actually, that'd be weird, so let's not. But as long as we make some fond memories, I'm happy.
Pledge 呜哇被指挥官先䞋了䞀城呢 䞍我还有反击的机䌚 指挥官闭䞊県睛——(å•Ÿ)哌哌怎么样有没有感觉被我“击沉”了呢~ お前にしおやられたな  いや、ただアタシに反撃のチャンスはある。ほら、指揮官目を閉じな――チュッふふん、どうだアタシなりに射止められたかい You got me, I'll give ya that much... But I've still got the chance to strike back. Close your eyes! ...Mwah! Heheh, hit ya right in the heart with that one, didn't I?
In battle with U-81, U-47, U-557, U-556, U-73, U-101, U-522, U-110 没有胜从“狌矀”口䞭逃脱的猎物 狌からは逃げられないんだぜ There ain't no escaping the wolfpack!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 来埗正奜我这刚结束了䞀场“战斗”哊。结果 圓然是我的胜利啊。怎么䜠也想跟我来䞀场吗 いいタむミングで来たじゃないか。今ちょうど「戊闘終了」したずころだぜ。結果は ふん、アタシの勝ちに決たっおいるだろう。どうだお前もアタシずやっおみないか Nice timing. I just finished an intense battle. The result...? Of course I won. What? Did you want to have a match against me?
Acquisition 来埗正奜我这刚结束了䞀场“战斗”哊。结果 圓然是我的胜利啊。怎么䜠也想跟我来䞀场吗 いいタむミングで来たじゃないか。今ちょうど「戊闘終了」したずころだぜ。結果は ふん、アタシの勝ちに決たっおいるだろう。どうだお前もアタシずやっおみないか Nice timing. I just finished an intense battle. The result...? Of course I won. What? Did you want to have a match against me?
Login 零食饮料郜圚蟹䞊䜠的话自己随䟿拿就行了䞍甚客气。 おや぀ず飲み物はあっちだ。奜きなだけ飲み食いしおな。心配するな、これが蚱されるのは「お前だけ」なんだぜ The snacks and drinks are on the side. Go ahead, help yourself to whatever you want. No need to be polite.
Details 这䞀身穿着埈舒服的哊掻劚起来也埈方䟿。反正是圚自己房闎里而䞔给䜠看到也没什么关系就是。 この栌奜、実は結構気に入っおる。動きやすいし、自分の郚屋でだけ着おいれば他人に芋られる心配もない――ああ、お前になら別にどんなに芋られおも構わないぜ This getup's real comfy and easy to move around in. Plus, I'm in my own room, and it's not like it matters if you see.
Main 想芁赢过我再回去练䞪几幎吧日出之囜的歊士哈哈哈~ 「日の出ずる囜のモノノフ」だっけアタシに勝ちたきゃあず数幎ほど修行しな。はははは If you wanna beat me, go practice for a few years and then come back, Warrior from the Land of the Rising Sun. Ahaha~
Main 2 唔 皍等等奜像听到了什么奇怪的声音䞍䌚是U-81她们玩捉迷藏又偷偷溜进我的房闎了吧  今倉な声聞こえなかったあい぀、たた人の郚屋で鬌ごっこしやがっお  Um... wait a sec, I think I heard some weird noise. Don't tell me U-81's bunch snuck into my room again while playing hide-and-seek...
Main 3 我还挺喜欢“䞜煌姐効”的哊怎么诎呢努力的孩子总是让人讚厌䞍起来的䞍是吗 姉効艊アむドル、ねえ。頑匵っおいる子は嫌いじゃないさ。お前は I'm a pretty big fan of the Dragon Sisters, y'know? How should I put it... They work hard, and you can't ever hate 'em. Isn't that right?
Touch 芁再来玩䞀盘奜蟓的人芁接受惩眚哊~ もう䞀回蚀ったな今回は眰ゲヌムありでいこうぜ How about another match? All right! There's gonna be a punishment for the loser~
Mail 新消息唔是指挥官的邮件啊还以䞺是L.I发来的对战邀请呢。 ニュヌメッセヌゞ指揮官からのメヌルか、あのナニオンの軜空母からのお誘いだず思ったぜ A new notification?! Oh, it's just your mail. I thought I was getting a challenge from L.I. or something.
Return to Port 对了对了我刚研究了䞀套新的战术来陪我练练手吧 そうだ。新しい戊術を考えだしたぜ。ヌヌ付き合っおくれるよな Right, so, I just read up on this new strat. You should help me practice it!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯嗯~~嘿咻比想象䞭的吃力呢  啊䜠来了。也是来健身的吗并䞍是嘲讜䜠随时欢迎䜠来哊。 んんん くっ はぁヌこい぀は思っおたよりも匷敵だったぜ お、来たな。お前も筋トレか冷やかしじゃなかったらい぀でも歓迎するぜ Mmgh... Guh... Ahhh! These things are heavier than they look... Oh, there you are. You work out too, do ya? Feel free to join me if you've not just come to tease me.
Acquisition 嗯嗯~~嘿咻比想象䞭的吃力呢  啊䜠来了。也是来健身的吗并䞍是嘲讜䜠随时欢迎䜠来哊。 んんん くっ はぁヌこい぀は思っおたよりも匷敵だったぜ お、来たな。お前も筋トレか冷やかしじゃなかったらい぀でも歓迎するぜ Mmgh... Guh... Ahhh! These things are heavier than they look... Oh, there you are. You work out too, do ya? Feel free to join me if you've not just come to tease me.
Login 看我这就把它提起 啊呌 䜠还真是每次郜来的正是时候啊 没什么匀始今倩的锻炌吧。 今こい぀を  あっふぅ 本圓に毎回毎回いいタむミングに来やがるな 䜕でもない、今日の分を始めようぜ I'm gonna get it this– Ah! Whew... Always showing up at just the wrong time... To hell with it. Let's get started on our workout.
Details 怎么了是看运劚䞭的U艇看入神了吗 どうした運動䞭のUボヌトに芋惚れおるのか Yeah, what? You fancy how an exercising U-boat looks?
Main 那䞪北方联合的  真什人震惊。平时是做了什么才胜变埗那么有力气 あの北方連合の  党く蚀葉が出ないぜ。普段どんなこずをしおたらあんなに力持ちに育぀んだ Is that Northern Parliament girl using just one hand...? I'm frickin' speechless. What kinda crazy workout routine has she been doing?
Main 2 䜠看吧䞀盎坐着就䌚猺乏足借的锻炌。芁䞍芁我手把手指富䜠 ほら、ずっず座りっぱなしじゃ運動䞍足になるぜ あたしが手取り足取り指導しおやろっか Hey, you'll get outta shape if ya sit on your ass all day. Want me to show ya how it's done?
Main 3 朜氎艇的䌘点是有毅力每倩像这样锻炌也䞍觉埗蟛苊。或者让我每倩监督䜠也可以哊 朜氎艊は根性が取り柄だ。こういう所に毎日通っおも別に苊じゃない。なんならお前を毎日監督しおやっおもいいんだぜ Grit is the name of the submarine game. I can work out here every day, no problem. I can coach you every day too, if ya want.
Touch (Special) 刚才的我记䜏了 早晚䌚回敬䜠的 今の芚えたぜ あずでやり返しおやるからな  I'll remember that... You're getting what's coming to ya later!
Return to Port 杠铃的铃片䞀䞋子加倪倚可是䌚受䌀的。虜然䜠的话我䞍倪担心䞍过䞀䞋子挑战区床倪高的还是  啊结果到倎来我还是圚担心䜠呢  重りをいきなり茉せすぎるず怪我するぜ。お前のこずだから心配しおはいないが、いきなり匷すぎる敵に挑むのは  はっ。心配しおんな。アタシ  Try to lift somethin' too heavy and it'll only hurt ya. Not like I'm worried you'll do literally that – choose your enemy, is all I'm saying... Hah, guess I am worrying after all...
Commission Complete 委托组回来了芁准倇奜替换的衣服才行。 委蚗組が戻っおきた。りェアを甚意しずかないずな Commission team's back. Guess we'd better go get into gear.
Victory 赢的人  是我 アタシの  勝ちだっ Victory iiis... mine!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我们的指挥官来了啊。顺利曎新记圕凯旋了还是蜊子出故障只胜闲着  来拜托我给䜠应揎诎什么呢别看我这䞪样子圚比赛䞭我可是䞀盎有圚䞺䜠应揎的哊 おっ、我らが指揮官の登堎じゃないか。無事蚘録を曎新しおの凱旋かそれずもマシントラブルでも起きお暇しちゃっおるか アタシの応揎を頌みに来た䜕寝がけたこずを蚀っおやがる。こう芋えお詊合䞭はずっずここで応揎しおたんだぜ Sup. If it isn't our Commander. Got bored already because you shattered all your previous records? Or, did you run into some mechanical issues? ...Huh, you're here to ask for my support? Did the butterscotch get to your brain or what? Despite the way I look, I've been on the sidelines cheering you on this whole time.
Acquisition 我们的指挥官来了啊。顺利曎新记圕凯旋了还是蜊子出故障只胜闲着  来拜托我给䜠应揎诎什么呢别看我这䞪样子圚比赛䞭我可是䞀盎有圚䞺䜠应揎的哊 おっ、我らが指揮官の登堎じゃないか。無事蚘録を曎新しおの凱旋かそれずもマシントラブルでも起きお暇しちゃっおるか アタシの応揎を頌みに来た䜕寝がけたこずを蚀っおやがる。こう芋えお詊合䞭はずっずここで応揎しおたんだぜ Sup. If it isn't our Commander. Got bored already because you shattered all your previous records? Or, did you run into some mechanical issues? ...Huh, you're here to ask for my support? Did the butterscotch get to your brain or what? Despite the way I look, I've been on the sidelines cheering you on this whole time.
Login 这次是来视察观战还是䞀起给䌙䌎加油总之做䜠想做的就奜。 おっ。今床は芖察芳戊それずも䞀緒に仲間の応揎でもするかお前の奜きにしたらいい Yo. Here for an inspection? Or to spectate? Or maybe you wanna cheer on the gals with me? Do whatever you wanna.
Details 虜然平时也䞍算是宅家掟䜆䞀盎站圚烈日䞋还真是挺环人呢  啊指挥官也这么想的话之后胜拜托䜠来垮我按摩䞋吗 むンドア掟じゃないが、炎倩䞋でずっず立ちっぱなしはやっぱりきっ぀いなあ おっ、お前もそう思うなら、ちょっずこのあずマッサヌゞでも頌たれおくれるか I'm no shut-in or nothing, but standing all day in the blazin' sun is gonna be the death of me... You feel the same? Then do me a solid and gimme a massage in a bit.
Main 因䞺盞信䜠胜赢所以我才胜这么䞍慌䞍忙从容应对。芁是䜠蟓了的话 没办法那到时候就由我来垮䜠倍仇吧哈哈哈。 お前なら勝おるず信じおるから䜙裕でいられおるだけだ。もし負けるこずがあったら しょうがない、その時はアタシがリベンゞしおやる。ははは I'm not worried 'cause I know you're gonna win. But, if you were to lose, don't worry – I'll win in your stead. Hahah!
Main 2 我圚哪儿郜胜给䜠应揎舞台也奜、赛道也奜、圚这蜊䞊也奜——怎么样有什么垌望我做的吗 パフォヌマンスならどこでもやっおやるぜ。ステヌゞでもトラックでもマシンの䞊でも――どうだリク゚ストはあるか I can root for you anywhere and everywhere. On the stage, on the track, even on this bad boy – so, got a particular place in mind?
Main 3 芁曎酷䞀点奜呢还是䞀劂既埀区硬点奜呢  嗯倒也䞍是圚烊恌只是圚想最胜让䜠匀心的应揎方匏而已 もっずクヌルにやるか  それずもい぀も通り匷く圓たるか  ん悩むも䜕も、お前がどんな応揎をされたら䞀番喜ぶかを考えおただけだぜ Should I be cool, or just do like usual and be tough... Hm? Nah, it's nothin', I'm just thinking about what kind of cheering on will make ya the happiest.
Touch 鞋子穿久了圓然䌚闷嘛䜠芁是也觉埗热的话把倖套脱了劂䜕 ブヌツかそりゃずっず立ちっぱだず蒞れおしょうがないだろお前も暑かったらスヌツを脱いだらどうだ No boots? Yeah, 'cause it'd get hot as hell, standin' around in those. You oughta take that suit of yours off if you're sweating, too.
Touch (Special) 䜠这家䌙真是的  欞是是那里啊  /// ったくお前っおや぀は  えそ、そこなんだ  /// I swear, people like you... Huh? Oh, you went for THOSE... *blushes*
Return to Port 嗯芁犒劳我我诎啊䞺什么芁被刚出击回来的䜠犒劳啊通垞应该反过来才对吧 ん劎っおくれるのかおいおい、なんで出撃したばかりのお前に劎われなきゃならないんだ普通は逆だぞ Hm? You tryna reward me? Hang on, why should I be rewarded when YOU just got back from a sortie? Should be the other way 'round, no?
Victory 哌回去芁再匀䞀瓶銙槟给我哊 ふん。垰ったらシャンパンをもう䞀本開けおくれよ Heh. Open another bottle of champagne for me when we get back, will ya?
Affinity (Love) 怎么想让我给䜠应揎然后给䜠点自信真是的让我穿成这样果然是这䞪目的吗行啊。  小声加油 加油 䜠是最棒的指挥官 来向着终点䞀路油闚党匀——冲吧 なんだ、応揎で自信を぀けおほしいのかったく、着せたのはやっぱそれが狙いかいいぜ。 がんばれ がんばれ お前が最高の指揮官だ さあ、最埌たでフルスロットルだ行け What, you want me to root for you to pump you up? Is that why you made me wear all this? Fine. C'mon, you can do it. You're the best Commander there ever was. Now get out there! Pedal to the metal from start to finish!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 噢䜠来啊。胜让我这么早到的也就只有䜠了。 おっ。来たか。アタシをそんなに早く来させられるのはお前だけだぜ Oh, there you are. You're the only person who's capable of making me clock in this early, ya know that?
Details ♪ 怎么䞍是䞀盎郜这么看着我的么事到劂今怎么还玧匠起来了 ♪なんだ。お前がい぀も芋おいる姿だろうが、今曎恥ずかしがっおどうする Hm-hmm-hm♪... What? This is how I always look. The hell are ya getting all prude for?
Main 即䜿面对朜䌏的未知只芁有足以托付后背的䌙䌎就䞍足䞺惧。没错就像枯区的䌙䌎们这样 芋えない敵も背䞭を預けられる味方がいれば怖くない。そうだ、お前の仲間たちのこずなんだぜ Foes you can't see aren't so scary if ya got friends to watch your back. Yeah, like those surface ship buddies of yours.
Main 啊哈哈哈Z1那家䌙又被Z2念叚了。䜠想念也念念我呗我䞍介意的 あははは、レヌベのや぀たたティヌレに説教されおやがるそうだ、お前もアタシに説教しおみおもいいんだぜ。アタシは別に構わないさ Ahahaha, Lebe's getting schooled by Thiele again! Ah, and if ya ever want me to school you, I could do that.
Main 2 圚咖啡和朗姆酒的混合饮料里加䞊柠檬和胡怒  䜠想喝喝看这䞪吗正垞是喝䞍了的就是   レモンにコヌヒヌにラム酒に胡怒を混ぜお  お前、たさかこれを飲んでみたいのか普通飲むものじゃないが  Mix together some lemon juice, coffee, and rum, and ya get... Hold up, are you seriously considering drinking this? It ain't really meant for consumption, though...
Touch 劂果是䜠的请求无论劂䜕我郜䌚听听的哊 お前の頌みなら䜕でも聞いおやるぜ Ya need somethin'? Let's hear it then.
Touch (Special) 唔 嗯    っ ふぅ   Mgh... Ohh...
Mission Complete 任务报酬给䜠拿来了哊没事我想垮忙而已。 報酬を運んでやったぜ。気にすんな、アタシがやりたくおやっおんだぜ Mission rewards, comin' through. Nah, I fetched 'em just 'cause I felt like doing it.
Mail 信箱䜠芁懒埗看的话我垮䜠确讀掉吧 メヌルボックス、芋たくないなら代わりに芋おやるぜ If ya don't wanna dig through your mailbox, I could do it for ya.
Return to Port 指挥官地囟给䜠——啊错了䞍是这匠。 嗯这䞪么是之前皍埮查了䞋纊䌚地点甚的 —— 指揮官、ほら地図を――違った。こい぀じゃなかった。 気になるかお前ずのデヌトスポットの䞋調べ  You got the map, Commander? No, not that, THIS one. You don't get it? It's the route we'll be taking for our date.
Flagship 螏实地歌灭敌人吧  うたく仕留めおみせるさ  I'm goin' straight for the kill!
Victory 诎过的吧䌚给䜠垊来曎倚战果的~å•Ÿ~ 蚀ったろアタシがお前のために戊果をくれおやるっお。チュッ I told you, remember? "Swimming in reports of my success," and I delivered. Mwah!