U-557 (JP 🇯🇵: U557, CN 🇹🇼: U-557)
Ship ID No. 344 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Elite
Navy Ironblood Build Time 00:13:00
Acquisition Event: Divergent Chessboard, Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 1
Torpedo 38
Aviation 0
Reload 6
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 4
Gold 1
Release Date
Voice actress Azumi Asakura
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1023957
Twitter https://twitter.com/yumesaki_kaede/
Weibo http://weibo.com/u/3558369570
Name 梦咲枫
U-557 Description
Iron Blood Type VIIC submarine – U-557.
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air E
HP 203 Reload 31
Firepower 8 Torpedo 96
Evasion 7 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 0 Luck 18
Hit 57 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 1051 Reload 73
Firepower 38 Torpedo 453
Evasion 18 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 18
Hit 148 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 1261 Reload 84
Firepower 44 Torpedo 499
Evasion 37 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 18
Hit 166 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 18
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 18
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Improve Hunting range
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Submarine Torpedo 110%/115%/115%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Submarine Torpedo 105%/110%/110%/120% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Destroyer Gun 85%/85%/85%/85% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 G7a Submarine Torpedo
2 G7a Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Submarine: Type VIIC Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +2
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Light Cruiser Hunter Increases this ship's DMG to CLs by 5.0% (15.0%).
Wolf Pack Tactics For each Iron Blood SS in your fleet: increases this boat's TRP, RLD, and Accuracy by 1.5% (6.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: VIIC-Type Submarine immediately after entering the battle.
00:13:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 铁血VIIC型潜艇U-557 鉄血ⅦC型潜水艦U-557 Iron Blood Type VIIC submarine – U-557.
Biography 我是铁血海军VIIC型潜艇,U-557,在四次巡航中击沉了6艘商船,还有加拉蒂亚号…不过…击沉加拉蒂亚的第二天…就被友军误认成皇家潜艇撞沉了…过去还发生过潜水事故,我大概是被什么诅咒了…… 鉄血所属VIIC型潜水艦、U-557…かの大戦では四回の出撃で商船六隻とガラティアを沈めたけど、ガラティアを沈めた翌日、友軍にロイヤル艦だと誤認されて衝突されちゃった…昔潜航事故も起こしちゃった事があるし、多分悪運に憑かれてるんじゃないかな…… I'm U-557, Iron Blood Type VIIC submarine... I went on four sorties during the war, sinking six merchant ships plus Galatea. The day after I sank her, an allied ship mistook me for a Royal Navy ship and collided with me... I had a few accidents before that too, so maybe I'm just cursed with bad luck...
Acquisition VIIC型潜艇,U-557,报道。我的运气不是很好,请不用太在意,放我一个人就好…任务…会好好完成的 VIIC型潜水艦、U557、着任。運があまりないから、わたしのことは気にせず一人に放っておいていいよ……任務は……頑張ってみる、ね Type VIIC submarine, U-557, reporting in. I'm a bad luck magnet, so feel free to forget about and ignore me... As far as missions go... I'll give them my best shot.
Login 指挥官,来的路上没有发生不好的事吧? 指揮官、ここに着くまでにヘンな事に巻き込まれたりしてないよね? Commander, nothing bad happened to you before you got here, right?
Details 据说一分钱硬币有招来幸运的效果…但是我收集了一整个小猪储蓄罐的硬币,感觉…毫无变化… 1セントコインに開運の効果があるって聞いて、貯金箱いっぱいに貯めてたけど…あんまり効果はなかったよね…… Pennies are said to bring good luck, so I saved a bunch in my piggybank... but that didn't seem to do much for me...
Main “第一次美好时光”,我只听前辈们说过,并没有赶上 「最初の楽しい時間」、先輩たちから聞いたことこそあるけど……間に合わなかったんだよね、私 I've only heard about "The First Fun Time" from my predecessors... I wasn't around for it.
Main 2 既然运气不好,那么不和人接触就好了,这样就不会给人添麻烦 どうせ運がないなら、あまり人には触れないほうがいいよね。そうすれば迷惑にならないし… When you're a bad luck magnet, you probably shouldn't get close to people. That way, you won't cause them trouble...
Main 3 秘书的工作,我会努力去做的,只有这个…不希望搞砸 秘書艦の仕事は頑張ってこなすよ。これだけは……やらかしたくないからね… I'll try to be the best secretary I can. It's the one thing... I don't want to fail at...
Touch 指挥官,怎么了…?难道…我又在无意间闯了什么祸…? 指揮官、どうしたの…?もしかして…私、またやらかしちゃった…? What is it, Commander...? Wait, don't tell me... I've messed up again...?
Touch (Special) 这是…什么感觉?怪怪的…… なに…これ…ヘンな感じ…っ What... was that... It felt weird...
Mission 新的任务,指挥官,我应该…没有弄错 指揮官、新しい任務、間違っていない……うん、多分… Commander, I'm pretty sure we've got new missions... Probably, I think...
Mission Complete 指挥官,任务奖励 指揮官、任務報酬はここよ Here are the mission rewards, Commander.
Mail 指挥官,你的信 指揮官、メールよ Commander, mail for you.
Return to Port 指挥官平安回来了,太好了 指揮官は無事に戻ってきたね。よかった Commander, you made it back safely! Thank goodness...
Commission Complete 指挥官,委托…好像完成了 指揮官、委託…完了したらしいよ Commander... a commission's done, by the looks of it.
Enhancement 希望我能变得不那么倒霉…… 運も良くなるといいな…… Maybe this'll improve my luck too...
Flagship 希望不会出岔子…… やらかさないといいな…… I hope I don't mess this up...
Victory 赢了…这算是时来运转吗? 勝った…流れがきた―ってやつ? Victory... Is this what they mean by "the tides turning"?
Defeat 已经…习惯了 もう…慣れてるよ…… Sigh... I'm used to it...
Skill 希望能命中… 当たればいいな…… Let's hope these hit their target...
Affinity (Upset) 遇到这样的指挥官,果然我是个不幸的人…… こんな指揮官と出会っちゃって、やっぱり私、運が無いよね…… It's just my luck to run into a commander like you...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,找我有事吗? 指揮官、私に用? You need something, Commander?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官愿意和我做朋友吗?但是我运气很不好,说不定会连累指挥官…唔,为什么揉我的头? 私とお友達になりたいって?でも私、運が無いから、もしかして指揮官にも迷惑を…うぅ、なんでいきなり頭グリグリするの… You wanna be friends with me? But I'm a bad luck magnet, and that might be annoying for... Nnh, why are you patting me on the head all of a sudden...
Affinity (Like) 自己的想法是最重要的…吗?我…想要帮上指挥官的忙,因为指挥官对我很好… 私の本当の思いが大事…?私…指揮官のお役に立ちたい…だって指揮官が良くしてくれてるから…… My true feelings are the most important...? I... want to be of service to you... because you're always so nice to me...
Affinity (Love) 我一直觉得,既然运气不好,那就远离大家,不给人添麻烦就好了。但是指挥官却说添麻烦也没有关系…好高兴,我…最喜欢指挥官了 私、運が悪いなら皆のそばから離れて、迷惑をかけないようにすればいいってずっと思ってた。なのに指揮官は迷惑でもいいからそばにいてほしいって言ってくれた。…私、とても嬉しい……指揮官…大好き I always thought it'd be best if I stayed away from people so my bad luck doesn't bother them. But you want to stay with me regardless... That makes me so happy... I love you... Commander.
Pledge 遇到指挥官是我有生以来遇到的最幸运的事…和指挥官在一起的的话,以后肯定会有更多幸运的事吧,稍微,有些期待 指揮官と出会ったことは私にとって一番の、幸運……指揮官と一緒なら、幸運をもっともっと手に入れられるよね。少し…楽しみ The most fortunate time in my whole life was when first I met you, Commander... If we're together, I'm sure I'll be able to gain some more luck. I'm kind of... excited about that.