U-81 (JP 🇯🇵: U-81, CN 🇹🇼: U-81)
Ship ID No. 341 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Super Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time 00:12:00
Acquisition Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 1
Torpedo 42
Aviation 0
Reload 8
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 4
Gold 1
Release Date
Voice actress Haruka Yamazaki
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2331978
Weibo http://weibo.com/u/2959771544
Name 黑猫
U81 Description
Iron Blood Type VIIC submarine – U-81.
Soft Serenade Description
*Ugh*... I figured this bulky dress would be hard to move in... Huh? I look pretty? Aha, ahaha... You're makin' me blush...
Firepower D
Torpedo S
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air E
HP 1091 Reload 95
Firepower 43 Torpedo 505
Evasion 18 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 0 Luck 23
Hit 156 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 1309 Reload 109
Firepower 50 Torpedo 555
Evasion 37 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 0 Luck 23
Hit 174 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 211 Reload 40
Firepower 9 Torpedo 107
Evasion 7 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 0 Luck 23
Hit 60 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 23
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 23
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Improve Hunting range
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Submarine Torpedo 115%/120%/120%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Submarine Torpedo 110%/115%/115%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Destroyer Gun 85%/85%/85%/85% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 G7a Submarine Torpedo
2 G7a Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Submarine: Type VIIC Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 12 +1
Max LimitBreak 24
Lv.120 18 +2
Icon Name Description Requirements
Silent Hunter Increases this boat's DMG to CVs by 5.0% (20.0%). When this boat hits an enemy with its Torpedoes: 5.0% (15.0%) chance to inflicts Flooding that lasts 24s, inflicting DMG every 3s (DMG is based on this ship's TRP stat.) Effect does not stack, but the Flooding duration can be refreshed.
Wolf Pack Formation – U-81 Increases this boat's EVA by 20.0% (40.0%). For each Iron Blood SS in your fleet: increases this boat's TRP, RLD, and Accuracy by 2.5% (7.0%).
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: U-81 immediately after entering the battle.
00:12:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 铁血VIIC型潜艇U-81 鉄血ⅦC型潜水艦U-81 Iron Blood Type VIIC submarine – U-81.
Biography 我是铁血海军VIIC型潜艇U-81。姐妹很多哟,虽然有时候会觉得挺吵的就是…曾经打败过皇家方舟哟~不过现在有点后悔,那个人总感觉怪怪的,我也说不上来… 鉄血海軍VIIC型潜水艦のU-81だ。同型艦が多いのだけど、時々うるさくってな!……あと、あのアーク・ロイヤルを沈めた事もあるのだぞ!でもあの人、ちょっと変わっているよな…どこが変わってるのか上手く言えないけど…… I'm U-81, Type VIIC submarine of the Iron Blood Navy. I have a ton of sisters who can be pretty unruly sometimes! ... Also, I have the sinking of Ark Royal under my belt! She's a weird woman... I can't properly explain what makes her weird, though...
Acquisition 嘿嘿,这下我也有指挥官啦!我是U-81,最喜欢捉迷藏,找不到我的时候大声喊“U-81,我认输”,我就会出来啦 ふっふん、これでわたしにも指揮官がいることになるな!わたしはU-81、好きなことは鬼ごっこ、まあわたしのことが見つけられなくなった時は、「U-81、こっちの負けだー」って叫んでくれれば、出て来てあげなくもないぞ? Heheh, now I too have a commander! I'm U-81, I love playing hide-and-seek. If you can't find me, just shout "U-81, I admit defeat!" and I'll probably come out of hiding.
Login 指挥官你总算来啦,我都快无聊死了 指揮官、ようやく来たか。こっちはつまんなすぎて死ぬかと思ったぞ So you're finally back, huh. I thought I was gonna die of boredom.
Details 哇!有没有吓一跳呢,指挥官? どーん!どうだ指揮官、驚いたか! Booooom! Did I scare ya there, Commander?
Main 让我找找这间办公室有没有可以潜伏的地方,嘻嘻… 執務室で潜航できる場所があるか探すぞ。へへへ… I'm gonna go check around the office for places to hide. Hehehe...
Main 2 发射参数是这样…指南针和比例尺是这样…咔嚓咔嚓~呵呵~ 発射諸元…コンパスに縮尺…カチャカチャ…フフフ… Adjust firing parameters... check the compass and scales... Clank, clunk... *Giggle*...
Main 3 指挥官要来玩捉迷藏吗~? 指揮官も鬼ごっこ、やってみない? How about a game of hide-and-seek, Commander?
Touch 轰炸机来了!?啊哇哇哇哇——指挥官…有些玩笑是不能轻易开的呢… 爆撃機!?あわわわわわわ!――指揮官、冗談じゃ済まないことだってあるのだぞ! Bombers?! Aaaahhhh! Commander, there are some things you just can't joke about!
Touch (Special) 呜哇!这样很危险的啦指挥官!差点就把鱼雷射出去了… あわわ!だから指揮官危ないって!危うく魚雷を撃っちゃうところだったじゃない… Whoah?! I warned you about doing that, Commander! My torpedoes almost just went off...
Mission 指挥官,新任务来啦 指揮官、新しい任務だぞ Commander, you've got a new mission.
Mission Complete 任务奖励~再不拿的话,我就要藏起来咯 任務報酬だぞーいらないならこっちがもらっとくぞー The mission rewards are here! If you don't want 'em then I'll just help myself!
Mail 每次回港的时候,收到信件都很让人开心呢 寄港するときのお手紙は嬉しいよね~ Isn't it nice having a letter waiting for you when you come back to port~?
Return to Port 指挥官,给你毛巾,把汗擦擦吧 指揮官、タオルだぞ。汗拭いて Here's a towel, Commander. Wipe that sweat off.
Commission Complete 哦?委托组好像回来了呢,指挥官,我也能去迎接她们吗,顺便在港口潜会水 おお?委託組が帰ってきたか。指揮官、出迎えにいっていい?ついでに港で少し潜ってくるからさ Hmm? Commission team's back. Mind if I go greet 'em? I could use a quick dip in the harbor.
Enhancement 感觉身体变得更轻快了 身軽さに研きがかかったな! Feels like I've gotten more dexterous!
Flagship 悄悄地~偷偷地~潜入战场~ ヒッソリ…コッソリ…戦場に潜入ー Quietly... sneakily... infiltrating the battlefield...
Victory 见识到U艇的厉害了吧! Uボートの力、思い知ったか! Now you know the power of U-boats!
Defeat 咕…指挥官会替我报仇的! くっ…指揮官なら必ず仇を取ってくれるはず! Damn... The Commander will avenge me for this!
Skill 好,角度完美!发射~ 射角よーし、撃て~! Angle looks good! Fireeee!
Low HP 可恶,要找个地方躲起来…… ちくしょー、どっかに潜ってやり過ごさないと…… Dammit... I'm gonna have to dive real deep...
Affinity (Upset) Enttäuscht… Enttäuscht(エントイッシュト)…… Enttäuscht...
Affinity (Stranger) 嘻嘻,我喜欢捉迷藏,也很擅长捉迷藏哟~ へへ、鬼ごっこは好き!得意でもあるぞ! Heheh, I love hide-and-seek! It's also my specialty!
Affinity (Friendly) 不是我自夸,我还是有不少战果的呢~嘿嘿,所以再多夸夸我也没关系哟 自慢じゃないけど結構戦果はあるのだぞ。そそ、もっと褒めていいからな! Not to brag, but I have a pretty stunning service record. Go on, let me hear your applause!
Affinity (Like) 哎呀,又被发现了。感觉指挥官越来越容易发现我躲的地方了呢… おお?また見つかったか。最近は指揮官によく見つかるな… Hmm? Found me again, huh. You've been finding me a lot lately...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,我发现了一件不得了的事,你的被子有超好闻的味道,以后我要在你的被子里睡觉…欸,你笑啥? 今凄いことに気づいたぞ。指揮官のお布団はとんでもなく暖かいって!これからはそっちの布団で寝……うん?なにかおかしな事を言ったか? I just realized something big. That your bed is ridiculously warm! I'm gonna sleep with you from now o... What? Did I say something strange?
Pledge 这个…就是所谓的“告白”吗?嘻嘻,总觉得有点开心…又有点害羞呢…我?我当然也最喜欢指挥官啦 これは…いわゆる「コクる」ってやつね!へへへ、なんだか嬉しくて…恥ずかしいな……も、もちろん指揮官のことが大好きだよ! This... must be what "getting hitched" means! Hehehe~ I'm happy, but also kinda embarrassed... O-of course, I love you very much, Commander!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯…这种轻飘飘的裙子还是不太习惯…欸?很漂亮吗?唔唔,有点难为情… ぐう…このふわふわドレス、やっぱり動きづらいかも…え?キレイ?あ、あはは、ちょっと恥ずかしいかな…… *Ugh*... I figured this bulky dress would be hard to move in... Huh? I look pretty? Aha, ahaha... You're makin' me blush...
Acquisition 嗯…这种轻飘飘的裙子还是不太习惯…欸?很漂亮吗?唔唔,有点难为情… ぐう…このふわふわドレス、やっぱり動きづらいかも…え?キレイ?あ、あはは、ちょっと恥ずかしいかな…… *Ugh*... I figured this bulky dress would be hard to move in... Huh? I look pretty? Aha, ahaha... You're makin' me blush...
Login 指挥官来得好慢~我在这里都不知道等了多久了啦! 指揮官おそーい!どれだけ待たせているんだー! You're LATE, Commander! Just how long are you gonna keep me waiting?!
Main 这杯不是酒,只是软饮料啦~不信的话指挥官自己尝尝看,喏! 酒じゃなくてソフトドリンクだぞ~信じられないなら自分で飲んでみなよ!ほい! This isn't wine, it's a soft drink! Don't believe me? Then have a sip for yourself! C'mon!
Main 2 欸,要和我跳舞吗?那,那种事情太勉强了啦…… えっ、わたしと踊りたいって…?そ、そそそんなの無理だよぉ…… Err, you wanna dance with me...? B-b-b-but I have no idea how to dance...
Main 3 喵喵就是我的专属管家哦,怎么样,很帅吧~ 専属の執事さんはこのニャンニャンなんだ!どう?カッコいいだろ? This here kitty is my personal butler! Whaddya think? Is that awesome or what?
Touch 想要听我弹钢琴?呜…等、等我再练习练习… わたしがピアノを弾くとこを見たい?うぐ…も、もうちょっと待ってて!…… You wanna hear me play the piano? Errm... I-in a bit, so just hold on a few...!
Touch (Special) 刚刚那一下,绝对是故意的吧? あ!今のわざとだろ! Hey! You did that on purpose, didn't you?!
Return to Port 我在这里哦,指挥官——不捉迷藏了?没办法啦,穿着这么华丽的衣服,哪里都不好藏呢… 指揮官、ここだぞ――鬼ごっこはやめたのかって?しょうがないじゃない!こんな派手な服を着て鬼ごっこなんてできっこないよ… I'm right here, Commander. ... Not hiding for once? Well, it's not like I can! Nobody could play hide-and-seek in this gaudy frickin' dress...
Affinity (Love) 姐姐们说,小夜曲是向心爱的人表达情意的曲子……我试着学了一点点,要,要听听吗?但、但是,弹不好的话不准笑我哦! せ、セレナーデが愛を伝える曲だとお姉ちゃんたちから聞いて……ちょっとだけベンキョーしたぞ。き、きき、聞きたい?ああ!下手でも笑うんじゃないぞ! S-some people told me a serenade is a perfect love song... so I did some practice. Y-y-you wanna hear it? Whuah! Just don't laugh if it sounds bad!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,U-81在这里哦。你不是说要一起看月亮嘛,所以我就在这里等你啦!月饼和茶都准备好了哦? 指揮官、わたしはここだぞー!一緒にお月さまを見るって言うからここで待ってたんだ!月餅とお茶も用意できてるよ? Over here, Commander! I came because you said we were going to go moon-viewing together! I even brought tea and mooncakes.
Acquisition 指挥官,U-81在这里哦。你不是说要一起看月亮嘛,所以我就在这里等你啦!月饼和茶都准备好了哦? 指揮官、わたしはここだぞー!一緒にお月さまを見るって言うからここで待ってたんだ!月餅とお茶も用意できてるよ? Over here, Commander! I came because you said we were going to go moon-viewing together! I even brought tea and mooncakes.
Login 指挥官,快来这边!看,越来越多的灯飞起来了~ 指揮官、こっちこっち!ほら、ランタンがいっぱい飛んでるよ Over here, Commander! Check out all the lanterns in the sky.
Details 我也会做简单的灯笼哦,你看我手里的这个——就是东煌的姐姐们教我做的呢~ 簡単なランタンなら、わたしも作れるよ。例えばこれ――東煌のお姉ちゃんたちから教わったんだ Even I can make a basic lantern, like this. Some ladies from the Dragon Empery taught me how.
Main 我喜欢吃那种馅甜甜黏黏的月饼,不喜欢吃那种塞了很多奇怪东西的……总之就是吃不来。 甘くてベタベタする月餅が好き!ヘンなモノがいっぱい入っている月餅は苦手…とにかく苦手だ! I love mooncakes with sweet and sticky fillings! Those with fillings that taste all weird, on the other hand... I'll pass on those!
Main 2 月亮上的兔子,会和月亮上的人玩捉迷藏吗?月亮那么大,找起来应该很费劲吧…… 月のうさぎは、月に住んでいる人とも鬼ごっこするかな?あんなに広いところだと大変そう… Do you think moon rabbits play tag with moon people? That must be exhausting, considering how big the moon is.
Main 3 那个以前总是一个人的U-47,今天也和同伴们一起玩了。节日有种不可思议的魔力呢。 いつも一人ぼっちのU-47も、今日は仲間たちと一緒に遊んでいるな!祭日って不思議だ! Even ol' lone wolf U-47 has come to hang out with us today! Festivals really are magic!
Touch 稍等一下……嘿,月饼一人一半,这一半给你~ ちょっと待ってて…月餅を半分こしよう!ほい!こっちは指揮官の分! Give me a sec... I'm gonna split this mooncake in half. There! Here you go, Commander!
Touch (Special) 指挥官!你,你怎么能趁这种时候偷袭! 指揮官!こ、こういうときはダメなんだぞっ! Commander! Now's NOT the time for this!
Return to Port 幸好今天是晴天。如果碰上了乌云,那就只能等一个月才能看到完整的月亮了…… 今日は晴れてよかったな!曇りだったら、次に満月が見れるのは一ヶ月後だからね… We're lucky the skies are clear today! We wouldn't get to see a full moon for another month if it had been cloudy.
Commission Complete 委托组好像回来了呢,这下港区里“团圆”的人就更多了。 委託組が戻ったようだ!これで「だんらん」する人も増えるぞ! The commission team's back! Our circle of friends to celebrate with grows!
Victory 嗯嗯,该回港和同伴们团聚了~ よし。母港に戻って仲間たちと団欒するか Alright! Let's sail back to port and celebrate.
Affinity (Love) 你说不只是中秋节,希望每天都能见到我么……我不是说过嘛,找不到我的时候,大喊“U-81,我认输”,我就会出现的!嘿嘿~ 中秋節だけじゃなくて、毎日会いたい…ふん、わたしのことを見つけられなくなった時は、「U-81、こっちの負けだー」って叫べば出てきてあげるって言ったでしょ!へへへ! You wanna see me every day and not just during the Mid-Autumn Festival? I've told you before, just yell "U-81, I admit defeat!" and I'll come straight to you! Heehee!