U-1206 (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. 528Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull SubmarineRarityElite
NavyIronbloodBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP203 Reload31
Firepower8 Torpedo96
Evasion7 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck20
HP943 Reload59
Firepower22 Torpedo246
Evasion37 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck21
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Improve Hunting Range
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +10%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Submarine: Type VIIC-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Th-That Was an Accident!Decreases this ship's OXY by 20 (10) . When this boat resurfaces, and when she retreats from battle: increases this boat's DMG dealt by 5.0% (15.0%) . While this boat is retreating: increases this boat's SPD by 50.0%.???
Wolf Pack TacticsFor each Iron Blood SS in your fleet: increases this boat's TRP, RLD, and Accuracy by 1.5% (6.0%) .???
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: VIIC-Type Submarine immediately after entering the battle.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description铁血VIIC型潜艇U-1206鉄血ⅦC型潜水艦U-1206Iron Blood Type VIIC submarine – U-1206
Biography你一定听过铁血里“狼群”的威名吧!我就是其中的一员哦!虽然后面发生了一些稍微离奇的事情……啊当我没说!总之,请期待我作为“狼群”一员的表现吧!鉄血の狼たちのことを知ってるよね!あたしもその狼の一人よ!ちょ、ちょっと色々あったけど……あわわ今のは聞かなかったことにして!とにかく!あたしの狼の一員としての活躍に期待して!You've heard about Iron Blood's wolfpacks, right? Guess what: I'm a wolf, too! Or I was, until the day I had a little accident... Wait, no, forget I even said that! I'm still a deadly predator! Keep your expectations high for me!
Acquisition喂!前面那个指挥官!等下!……你差点把我给忘了啦!我是铁血潜艇U-1206,从今天起就是你港区的人了!好好记住我哦!そこの指揮官さん!待て待て待て待てー!あたしのことを危うく忘れられちゃうところだったじゃない!もう、あたし鉄血潜水艦のU-1206、今日からこの母港に着任しまぁす!これで覚えたよね?Commander! Yeah, you! Get back here! You're supposed to greet me! Listen up, I'm the Iron Blood submarine U-1206, and I'll be serving here starting today! And don't forget next time!
Login欢迎回来!指挥官,今天有什么要做的吗?我干劲十足哦!おかえり!指揮官さん、今日は何をするの?あたし、今なら張り切って頑張れるよ!Hi, Commander! What are we doing today? I'm fired up and ready to do some work!
Details“超强力微型空调使用说明书”?嗯…直接按这个红色的按钮就好了吧……哇哇哇吓死我了!指挥官,怎样才能让这个停下来!?「スーパーパワフルエアコン取扱説明書」…んーでもこの赤いボタンを押せば早いのでは……わわわびっくりした!?指揮官さんこれどうやって止めるの!?The manual for this industrial-grade AC says... Hmm. Let's just skip to pushing this big red button... Oh no, what's happening?! How do I turn it off?!
Main指挥官!这个按钮能按吗?……不能?那这个总可以了吧!……也不行?哎,好无聊……指揮官さんこのボタン押していい?…だめ?じゃあこれは?…それもだめ?うぅつまんない…Can I push this button? ...No? What about this one? Also no? Laaame...
Main 2啊,我去开下门!(开门)请问您找指挥官是有什么事——欸,没人?是,是我听错了吗……あ、扉開けてくる!…はいはーいどなたですかー?あれ?誰もいない?聞き間違えたかな…Oh, someone's at the door! Hello? Who is it? ...Huh? There's nobody here? Maybe I was just hearing things...
Main 3资料打印好了!给~嗯?反面打印反了?这个……我,我看下说明书!資料プリントアウト任務、完了!…前と後ろが逆だったの!?こ、これは……説明書探してくる…Your documents are printed and good to go! ...The cover and back are swapped around? Oops, uh... I'll go look for the manual...
Touch看样子指挥官闲下来了?那就来陪我玩吧!指揮官さん暇になった?じゃああたしと遊んで!Out of things to do, Commander? Then it's time to have fun with me!
Touch (Special)欸——指挥官,你是不是在想什么奇怪的事情呀?んー?指揮官さん変な事考えてなかった?Huh? Are you having dirty thoughts right now?
Touch (Headpat)啊哈哈,我的额头不是按钮啦!おでこはボタンじゃないってば!There's no button on my forehead, so stop that!
Mission哇,好多任务……为了能占用更多指挥官的时间,就让我来帮你好了!わわ、任務がいっぱい…指揮官さんともっと遊ぶ時間を作るためにここはあたしも手伝おう!おー!Oh geez, so many missions... I'll help you with them so we have more time to play later! Let's go!
Mission Complete指挥官!我听说你的任务已经完成了,那是不是就有时间陪我玩啦?指揮官さんが任務をこなしたと聞いて!えへへ、あたしと遊ぶ時間ができたよね?I heard you finished a mission! That means more time for us to hang out, right? Hehehe~
Mail是新邮件!我拆——唔,是不是应该先交给你才对?新しいメールだ!今開封して…あ、これはまず指揮官さんに確認するんじゃなかったっけ…You've got new mail! I'll open it for y– Oh... I guess should've asked you for permission first...
Return to Port你回来啦!哎,话说要是有个在办公桌上按一下就能开门的按钮就好了呢……指揮官さんのおかえりだ!んー、押せば執務室の扉を自動で開けてくれるボタンがここに置いてあればいいのにね…Welcome back, Commander! Hmm... Wouldn't it be nice if we could just push a button to open your office door remotely?
Commission Complete委托的同伴们回来了哦!我先去迎接她们啦~委託組の子たちが戻ってきたよ!出迎えてくる!The commission team is back! I'll go say hi!
Enhancement感觉自己的直觉更加敏锐了!直感アップアップ!My intuition just got keener!
FlagshipU-1206要大显身手了哦!あたしの出番だよー!Now's my time to shine!
Victory赢啦!既然我是第一,有没有什么额外奖励呀?勝った!あれ?一位なのに、特別なご褒美とかないの?We did it! Wait, shouldn't I get some sort of prize for being the MVP?
Defeat呜哇哇!总之按这个按钮紧急上浮——没有人盯着我吧?わわわ!?とりあえずこのボタンを押して緊急浮上ぉ!…誰かに見られていないよね??Oh fudge! I'm gonna push the emergency resurface button! They're not watching me, are they?!
Skill鱼雷发射!……啊错了应该是这个按钮!魚雷撃てー!…違ったこっちだった!Fire torpedoes! ...Oops, wrong button! There!
Low HP啊疼疼疼疼!别打我了啦!あいたたた!当てるのやめてー!Ow, ow, ow! Stop hitting me!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官,想让我原谅你的话,就拿出诚意来吧~比方说,从现在开始试着改善大家对你的评价吧!あたしに許されたいなら誠意を尽くしましょう指揮官さん!まずは…そうね、まずはみんなからの評価を良くすることから始めよう!You'll have to become a saint if you want my forgiveness! To start with... Lemme think... Okay, first of all, you've gotta get on everyone's good side.
Affinity (Stranger)哎,说明书什么的好复杂啊……我直觉这么厉害,不需要这些东西的啦!取扱説明書、難しいよぉ……でも、あたしの直感さえあればこういうのは大丈夫だよーI don't understand this instruction manual! But that's okay, I'll just go with my gut until I figure it out!
Affinity (Friendly)要是有个按一下能解决一天分量工作的按钮就好了呢~这样的话,我每天就帮指挥官按……啊按多了可不行哦指挥官,不能太贪心,一天只能按一次!押せば一日分の仕事を終わらせられるボタンがあればいいよね。そしたらあたしが毎日指揮官さんのためにポチッと…あ、ダメよ指揮官さん!欲張りはだめ!毎日1回しか押してあげないよ!If only I had a button that autocompleted one day's work. If I did, I'd press it for you every single day... No, don't be greedy, Commander! One press a day is all you'd get!
Affinity (Like)指挥官!你还记得上次说过的,有空就陪我玩的话吗?…没有印象了?唔呣呣…!你肯定说过!所以来陪我玩吧,我带你去海边冲浪哦~指揮官さん、今度暇ができたら一緒に遊んでくれるって約束、覚えてる?覚えてない?むむむ……いいや絶対に約束した!だからねえねえ遊んでよ!海にサーフィンとか連れて行ってあげるからー!Remember how you said we'd do something together next time you're free? You don't? Hrmph... You definitely did, though! Whatever, we're doing it now! We're going surfing!
Affinity (Love)指挥官!我以后可以一直粘着你吗?比如说……一起工作、一起吃饭、一起游泳、一起睡午觉什么的!欸,可以吗?嘿嘿~指揮官さん!ずっとべったりくっついてあげてもいい?えっと、一緒に仕事してご飯食べて泳いで昼寝して…とか!いいの?やったー!Commander, would you mind if we did... everything together? You know, working, eating, swimming, napping... Everything! Please? ...Wahoo!
Pledge诶嘿嘿~那个,指挥官,我现在可能高兴到脑子一片空白了呢~全身都软绵绵地好像随时要倒下去~我现在超级幸福的,诶嘿嘿嘿~えへへ~あたしは今ね、頭の中が嬉しくて真っ白になっているの!いつでもふにゃーっとなって指揮官さんに倒れ込みそう!つまりはすーごく幸せ、だよ!えへへへ~Hehehe~ I'm so happy right now I can't even think straight! I could just fall right into your arms! You make me feel like the happiest girl in the world! Hehehehe~
In battle with U-81, U-47, U-557, U-556, U-73, U-101, U-522, U-110, U-96, U-37, U-410狼群出动!我们来啦~ウルフパック参上!艤装で来たよー!The wolfpack rides into battle on their riggings!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description欢迎光临!……啊,是指挥官!U-1206现在是女仆哦~怎么样,是不是有模有样的?いらっしゃいませ!…指揮官さんだ!えへへ、メイド姿のあたしはどうかな?いい感じでしょ!Welcome! Oh, Hey, Commander! Heheh, so how do you like my maid getup? Looks pretty nice, if I do say so myself!
Acquisition欢迎光临!……啊,是指挥官!U-1206现在是女仆哦~怎么样,是不是有模有样的?いらっしゃいませ!…指揮官さんだ!えへへ、メイド姿のあたしはどうかな?いい感じでしょ!Welcome! Oh, Hey, Commander! Heheh, so how do you like my maid getup? Looks pretty nice, if I do say so myself!
Login指挥官,欢迎光临!想要咖啡还是奶茶?或者是……“大人的饮料”?いらっしゃいませ指揮官さん!コーヒーとミルクティーどっちがいい?あ、もしかして…「オトナの飲みもの」がいいの?Welcome inside, Commander! Will it be coffee or milk tea? Or maybe... a little pick-me-up?
Details“自助饮料机”……只要按这个按钮饮料就会出来了对吧!我按——啊啊啊忘记要拿杯子接着了!!「ドリンクディスペンサー」…このボタンを押せば飲み物が出るのかな!ポチッと……あわわカップを置くのを忘れてた!Is this a soda fountain? Guess I just press the button to make drinks come out! Clickity! ...Oh shoot! I forgot to put a cup down first!
Main易北!我来帮你拿这些饮料吧!嘿咻——エルベ!飲み物を持ってあげるの手伝おうか?よいっしょ!Elbe! Need a hand with serving all these drinks? I'll help!
Main 2对了对了,现在有限时推出的女仆陪聊服务哦!价格的话……当然是免费啦!指揮官さんに提供する、メイドさんのおしゃべりサービス…もちろん無料だよ!We're offering a special deal: one-on-one chat time with a maid! Completely free of charge!
Main 3需要服务吗?我这就帮你按铃……不对不对,我自己就是提供服务的女仆来着?!サービスコール?ちょっと待ってて、いまボタンを…違う違う!あたしがサービスする側なの!The service button? Sure, I'll press it right– Wait, I'm dumb! That means a customer's calling for me!
Touch指挥官,你没有在看奇怪的地方吧?指揮官さん、変なとこチラチラ見てなかったよね?I hope you're not trying to ogle me like a perv!
Touch (Special)对,对女仆不可以有奇怪的想法!め、メイドさんについて変なこと考えちゃダメ!It's NOT okay to wanna do p-pervy stuff to maids!
Return to Port嘿嘿,指挥官,我服务这么棒,有没有小费什么的呀?えへへ、指揮官さん、あたしこんなに良いサービスしてるから、チップとか、ないかな?Hehehe~ Wouldn't you say I deserve a tip for my top-tier service?
Commission Complete委托的同伴们回来了哦!我来给她们准备饮料吧~委託組のみんなが戻ってきた!飲み物を用意するね!The commission girls are back in port! I'll start prepping some drinks!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login欢迎回来!指挥官,今天也要答应我,工作完成之后抽时间陪我玩哦!指揮官さんおかえり!お仕事が終わったらあたしと遊ぶの、今日も約束してよね!Hey, Commander! We're gonna hang out again after work is over, remember that!
Details空调的操作…不应该按红色的按钮,而是按这个蓝色的按钮……阿嚏!唔,糟了,下意识就按下了红的……エアコンの操作は…赤いボタンじゃなくてこの青いボタンを……ハクション!うぅ、しまった…考える前に赤いボタン押しちゃったよぉ…Okay, so... I'm meant to press this blue button instead of the red one on the AC... Achoo! Aww, dang it... I pressed the red one without even thinking about it!
Main嗯嗯,我知道的,这个时候就要按下这个——风扇打开了哦!感受下凉爽的风吧~分かったよ!えへへ、ここはこのボタンをポチッとーーはい!扇風機!涼しい風を楽しんでね!I've got an idea! Hehehe, lemme just push this button... There we go! Fan's on now! Enjoy that cool air!
Main 3资料打印好了!嘿嘿,这次我看过说明书了哦!……欸,正反面打印了同样的东西?这,这是怎么回事……資料プリントアウト任務、完了!今度はちゃんと説明書を読んだよ!……両面印刷されちゃった!ど、どうして…??Your documents are printed and good to go! I made sure to read the instructions this time! ...Agh, the text is on both sides of the paper! How'd this happen?!
Main 4I've got an idea! Hehehe, lemme just push this button... There we go! Fan's on now! Enjoy that cool air!
Main 6Your documents are printed and good to go! I made sure to read the instructions this time! ...Agh, the text is on both sides of the paper! How'd this happen?!
Touch别总是摸我啦,也让我摸摸你~いつもあたしを触るんじゃなくて、あたしにも触らせてよぉーIt's always you touching me! Let me touch you for once!
Touch (Special)嘿嘿,不用害羞的哦~えへへ、恥ずかしがらなくていーよHehehe~ Don't be shy~
Touch (Headpat)诶嘿嘿,好舒服呀~えへへ、いい感じーHehehe, I like this!
Mail是新邮件!我拆——啊,差点就拆了……喏,指挥官,这个给你!新しいメールだ!今開封して――ふぅ、危うく開封しちゃうところだった…はい、指揮官さん、これ!You've got new mail! I'll open it for y– Phew. I nearly did it again... Here you are! Your unopened mail!
Return to Port芝麻开门!说笑的♪我会像平常一样给指挥官开门的!開けゴマ!なんてね♪あたしが普通に、指揮官さんのために扉を開けてあげる!Open sesame! Kidding~ I'll just open the door like normal for you!
Victory赢啦!嘿嘿,指挥官,太好了!勝った!えへへ、指揮官さん、やったぁ♪Victory! Hehehe! We did it, Commander!
Affinity (Love)指挥官!现在有空吗?有空的话就来陪我玩吧!你可是答应过我的!要陪我一直玩好长好长时间的哦!指揮官さん!いま暇?暇ならあたしと遊んで!約束したのを覚えてるよ!あとでいっぱいいっっぱい付き合ってもらうからね♪Commander! Do you have time right now? Then come play with me! I remember you saying you would! Oh, we're gonna have so, sooo much fun later!