U-556 (JP 🇯🇵: U-556, CN 🇹🇼: U-556)
Ship ID No. 386 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Elite
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Acquisition Event: Scherzo of Iron and Blood
Enhance Income
Firepower 1
Torpedo 38
Aviation 0
Reload 6
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 4
Gold 1
Release Date
Voice actress Ayaka Fukuhara
U-556 Description
Iron Blood Type VIIC submarine – U-556.
Party Knight! Description
It's me, U-556, all prettied up! Eheheheh, we're gonna have lots of fun at this party, Commander! Come on, let's go!
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air E
HP 1051 Reload 73
Firepower 34 Torpedo 454
Evasion 18 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 45
Hit 159 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 1261 Reload 84
Firepower 39 Torpedo 499
Evasion 37 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 0 Luck 45
Hit 178 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP 203 Reload 31
Firepower 7 Torpedo 96
Evasion 7 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 0 Luck 45
Hit 61 Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 45
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 7
ASW Luck 45
Hit Speed 14.4
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Improve Hunting range
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Submarine Torpedo 110%/115%/115%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Submarine Torpedo 105%/110%/110%/120% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Destroyer Gun 85%/85%/85%/85% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 G7a Submarine Torpedo
2 G7a Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Submarine: Type VIIC-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +2
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
The Light of an Oath Once per battle, when this boat is called into battle and until it retreats: if the HP of one of your ships falls below 20%: launches a torpedo barrage. If Bismarck is in your fleet: improves the barrage.
Wolf Pack Tactics For each Iron Blood SS in your fleet: increases this boat's TRP, RLD, and Accuracy by 1.5% (6.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: VIIC-Type Submarine immediately after entering the battle.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 铁血VIIC型潜艇U-556 鉄血ⅦC型潜水艦U-556 Iron Blood Type VIIC submarine – U-556.
Biography 曾经我向海洋之神发誓,无论是在哪里,只要大姐遇到了危险,我一定会保护好大姐的!但是……单凭我的一念之想,有些事情还是做不到的吧,啊哈哈…… どんなところにいようと、ビスマルクのアネキが危険な目に遭ったら絶対守ってやるって、昔海の神様に誓ったことがあるんだ!……でもあたしひとりじゃできないこともあるよね…あははは…… I swore an oath to Neptune himself, that I would protect Lord Bismarck from danger, no matter where she encountered it! ... But there are still some things I can't handle by myself. Ahahaha...
Acquisition 嘿!我是VIIC型潜艇U-556!这里就是我接下来要住下的港口了吧!啊对了,大姐她也在这里吗? ほーい、VIIC型潜水艦のU-556だよ!ここがこれから住み込む母港で間違いないよね!あっ、ビスマルクのアネキもここにいないかな? Ahoy! Type VIIC submarine U-556 here! This is my home port, no question! Oh, right, is Lord Bismarck here?
Login 欢迎回来!今天也是令人兴奋的一天呢! おっかえり!今日もなにやら盛り上がりそうな一日ね! Welcome back! Don't you feel super pumped on a day like this?
Details 哦哦哦哦!看招!……呼——这孩子有点时候太兴奋了,需要冷静一下呢,嘿嘿。 うぉりゃあああ!くらえええ!―――――ぜぇ…ぜぇ…このコ時々暴れ出すから、落ち着かせなきゃならないんだよね……あははは…… Grrryyeeaaaargh! Come at mee!! Haaaah... haaaah... sometimes I get stuck in war mode and need to calm myself down. Ahahahahaa!
Main 指挥官,你不陪我玩的话,我就去找大姐了! 指揮官?遊んでくれないとアネキのところに行っちゃうわよ? Commander, if you don't play with me I'm just going to go find Lord Bismarck
Main 2 指挥官,一起去游泳嘛!有我在旁边,指挥官可以完全放心的! 指揮官、泳ぎに行こ?あたしがそばにいればなにが起きても大丈夫だよ! Commander, let's go swimming! Don't worry, I'll keep you safe!
Main 3 指挥官,坐太久的话,身体会越来越差的哦! 指揮官、座りすぎると、体を壊しちゃうよ! Commander, sitting too long is bad for your health!
Touch 指挥官,走吧,我们一起去找大姐玩怎样? 指揮官、ビスマルクのアネキに会いに行かない? Come on, Commander. Can we go play with Lord Bismarck?
Touch (Special) 啊,指挥官,不准逃跑! あ!指揮官、逃げるなー! Hey! Commander, don't run away!
Mission 欸,还要做任务啊…… えええ、任務をやるのー Ugh, there's still a mission to do.
Mission Complete 任务完成了!这下可以去玩了吧? 任務完了!これで遊びに行ける? Mission complete! So can we go play now?
Mail 哔哔哔!U-556号收到了新的消息! ピピピ!このU-556が新たな情報を受信! Beepbeepbeep! U-556 has received new information!
Return to Port 指挥官,你不在的时候我在书柜拿了一些书,但是我忘了它们原本的位置了……那个,对不起呢,嘿嘿…… 指揮官がいない間に本を何冊か取り出しちゃったけど、実は戻す場所が分からなくって……あの、ごめんね?えへへへ…… Commander, I took out a whole bunch of books while you were gone and I kiiinda forgot where they go... Erm, sorry... Eheheheh...
Commission Complete 我好像看到委托的姐姐们回来了呢!要去接她们吗? 委託に出た子たちが戻ってきたんだね!出迎えにでかける? The girls are back from commission! Should we go greet them?
Enhancement 大海,我来了! 海よ、あたしはやってきた! The open sea. I have arrived!
Flagship 你们已经跑不了啦! もう逃げられないよ! There is no escape!
Victory 哼哼,胜利女神站在了我们这边! ふふん、勝利の女神はこちら側にいるってことさ! Ha-haa! Nike stands with us!
Defeat 不会……再让那个时候的失败重演的! あの時の失敗は……二度と繰り返させない! I won't fail like I did before... never again!
Skill 已经迟了! おっそいわよ! Too late!
Low HP 别,别在关键的时候失控啊! だ、大事なときに暴れるなー! D-don't lose control at a time like this!
Affinity (Upset) 求你了,不要再露出那样的表情了……可以吗? お願い、もう二度とそんな顔しないで……ね? Please don't make that face again... okay?
Affinity (Stranger) 俾斯麦大姐!我来找你玩啦!啊、啊咧……? ビスマルクのアネキ!遊びに来たよ!……あ、あれ? Lord Bismarck! I'm here to play! Oh, huh...?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,要看看我的潜泳表演吗?哼哼,这个可是连大姐都夸赞过的,我的绝对自信之作! 指揮官、あたしの潜水泳法を見たいの?ふふん、こればかりはビスマルクのアネキも褒めてくれた、あたしの自慢なんだからっ! Commander, you wanna see how I dive? Heh heh, Lord Bismarck said it looked pretty good. I'm proud of myself too.
Affinity (Like) 欸~为什么大姐不肯抱一下我嘛,还说小孩子才这么做……作为代替嘛——嘿嘿,果然指挥官很懂我的嘛! えーなんでアネキはあたしをハグしてくれないの?子供っぽいって……じゃあ、代わりに――おお!えへへ、指揮官って分かってくれるよね! Waaahh! Why won't Lord Bismarck hug me? She said I'm too childish! ... Hey, do you wanna sub in for her, Commander? — Eheheh, you really understand me!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官和大姐一样,都是我最重要的人。如果,指挥官哪天消失了的话,我想我就会失去所有战斗的勇气了吧。指挥官能一直陪着我,我真的非常地高兴,非常地幸福…… 指揮官もアネキも、あたしにとって大事な人!指揮官がもしいなくなったら、あたしは戦えないぐらい落ち込む…だから、ずっと一緒にいてくれて嬉しいし、幸せ…… Commander, you and Lord Bismarck are the most important people to me! Without you, I would lose all will to fight... so if you could stay with me forever, that would make me happy...
Pledge 我以我的全部向海之神发誓,不管遇到什么事情,我都会保护好指挥官!……哼哼,我也是有值得指挥官依靠的一面的!指挥官还请好好期待吧! 海の神様に誓うよ!どんなことがあっても指揮官を守る!……ふふん、あたしも頼れるところがあるじゃん?これからも期待してね!指揮官! I hereby declare before Neptune that I will protect the Commander, no matter the place, no matter the challenge! ... Heh heh. I believe you'll find I'm more reliable than you think, Commander!
In battle with Bismarck 大姐!一起华丽地把敌人解决掉吧! アネキ!華麗に敵を蹴散らしましょう! Lord Bismarck! Let's give the enemy a beautiful thrashing!
In battle with Ark Royal 抱歉,我不是很想看到你…… ごめん、あんまり会いたくないかも…… Sorry, I don't really want to be around you...
In battle with Tirpitz 提尔比茨,看我的! ティルピッツさん、あたしがやるよ! Tirpitz! Watch this!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description U-556华丽变身!嘿嘿,今天的晚会一定要玩个痛快!指挥官也一起来吧! U-556、華麗にへんしん!へへへ、今日はパーティーを思いっきり楽しんじゃうぞー!指揮官も一緒に来てね! It's me, U-556, all prettied up! Eheheheh, we're gonna have lots of fun at this party, Commander! Come on, let's go!
Acquisition U-556华丽变身!嘿嘿,今天的晚会一定要玩个痛快!指挥官也一起来吧! U-556、華麗にへんしん!へへへ、今日はパーティーを思いっきり楽しんじゃうぞー!指揮官も一緒に来てね! It's me, U-556, all prettied up! Eheheheh, we're gonna have lots of fun at this party, Commander! Come on, let's go!
Login 听说晚会有很多好玩的,我已经迫不及待了呢! パーティーは面白そうなものがいーーーっぱいあると聞いた!もう待ちきれないよ! I've heard parties are suuuuuuuuuuper fun! I can't wait!!
Details 对了指挥官,要不我们去厨房看看?……欸,那里的大家都在忙吗?确实不应该打扰她们呢…… 指揮官、キッチンの様子を見に行かない?……え、そこにいるみんなバタバタしてるの?むっ、それなら邪魔しちゃダメなんだよね…… Hey, Commander, can we go check out the kitchen? ... Oh, they're really busy in there? I guess we better not get in their way...
Main 喵喵,别板着脸啦。看着我的手指,这边——然后这边! ネコさん、顔をしかめるのをやめて?ほら、あたしの指を見て、こっち―――こっち! Don't give me that face, kitty. Here, look, it's my finger. It's over here! ... Now it's over here!
Main 2 指挥官,你有见到俾斯麦大姐吗?要不我们一起去找找? 指揮官、ビスマルクのアネキを見なかった?見てないなら一緒に探さない? Commander, have you seen Lord Bismarck? Can we go look for her?
Main 3 唔唔,真美味!这个超好吃的!指挥官你也尝一个! むぐううう!美味しい!本当に美味しいよこれ!指揮官も、ほら! Om nom nom. Delicious! This is really good! Here, Commander, try some!
Touch 接下来我们去哪里呀? 次はどこに遊びに行くの? Where should we go next?
Touch (Special) 我,我生气了!这次别想蒙混过关! お、怒ったよ!今回はごまかされないからね! Hmph! Don't think you're gonna get away with that!
Return to Port 指挥官,别老跑去其他地方啦。来陪我玩嘛~ 指揮官、もうどこにも行かないで~あたしと遊んでよ~ Where are you always running off to, Commander? Come play with me!
Affinity (Love) 欸,晚会结束了就要去休息了吗?唔,我还没玩够啦……指挥官,再陪我一会啦。嘿嘿,指挥官最好啦! えー、パーティーが終わったら皆一休みしちゃうの?あたしまだ遊びたりてないもん……指揮官、もうちょっとあたしと遊んで~えへへ、指揮官、大好き! Awww, it's lights out after the party? But I'm not done playing. ... Hey, Commander, won't you play with me a bit more? Eheheh~ I love you, Commander!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “海之骑士帕西瓦尔”,上陆也风姿不改!从大姐那里接下的货物,我一定会保护到底!来,尽管放马过来吧! 「海のパーシヴァル」は陸に上がっても変わらないよ!アネキから預かった荷物、絶対に守りきってみせる!さあ、どこからでもかかってこーい! I'm still Parzival of the Seas, even on land! Lord Bismarck entrusted me with these goods and I'm gonna keep them safe! Now step up and try your luck, hooligans!
Acquisition “海之骑士帕西瓦尔”,上陆也风姿不改!从大姐那里接下的货物,我一定会保护到底!来,尽管放马过来吧! 「海のパーシヴァル」は陸に上がっても変わらないよ!アネキから預かった荷物、絶対に守りきってみせる!さあ、どこからでもかかってこーい! I'm still Parzival of the Seas, even on land! Lord Bismarck entrusted me with these goods and I'm gonna keep them safe! Now step up and try your luck, hooligans!
Login “呵、呵、呵,钱财还是小命,选一个留下吧!”……怎么样?U-556就算是演坏人也演得很好吧?哼哼,这样的话就算到了紧要关头的表演也没问题啦! 「へっへっへー、荷物か命、どちらか置いていきな!」…どう?U-556は悪役でも完璧でしょ?ふふん、これならいざというときの演技も大丈夫ってね! "Heheheh! Either ya keep the goods or ya keep yer lives!" How was that? Don't I play a villain perfectly? Heh, then I can act just fine if the situation calls for it!
Details 啊哈哈哈♪骑马真的好开心呢!指挥官,需要帮忙随时告诉我就好!海之骑士会好好地教你如何骑马的♪ あははは♪馬に乗るのってたーのしい!指揮官、助けが必要ならいつでも言って!海の騎士がしっかり乗り方を教えてあげる♪ Ahahaha! Riding a horse is fuuun! If you ever need any help, Commander, just say the word! I'll teach you how to ride like a pro!
Main 呜呜…白鹰的咖啡好苦……这真的是咖啡吗?嗯?让我吃这个巧克力爽下口?谢谢指挥官! うぅ…ユニオンのコーヒーは苦い……というか本当にコーヒーなの?ん?口直しにこのチョコを食べていいって?ありがとう指揮官! Bleh... Eagle Union coffee is so bitter... Is this even real coffee? Hm? Take this chocolate as a palate cleanser? Thanks, Commander!
Main 2 啾啾可是阻止不了我的!指挥官跟我来!冲到下一个营地就没问题了! 饅頭じゃあたしを止められないよ!指揮官ついてきて!次の野営地まで突っ走れば大丈夫だから! No manjuu's gonna stop me! Follow me, Commander! We just have to ride to the next campsite and we'll be fine!
Main 3 和舰装相比驭马简直小菜一碟!哼哼,U-556可是绝对不会让俾斯麦大姐和指挥官失望的! 艤装と比べれば馬を乗りこなすなんて楽勝楽勝!ふふん、ビスマルクのアネキと指揮官の期待には絶対応えるよ! Riding a horse is easy peasy compared to riding a rigging! Heheh! I'll EASILY live up to your and Bismarck's expectations!
Touch 一边握缰绳一边装填子弹……哇哇!?呜呜,好像有点难…… 手綱を握りながら弾を充填っと…はわわわ!?うぅ、難しいかも…… Now to reload while still holding the reins... Whoaaa! Oh man, this is really hard...
Touch (Special) 啊哇哇!?……指,指挥官,刚才那样好危险哦…/// あわわわ!?…し、指揮官、今の危なかったよ…?/// Whoa, whoa! C-Commander, that was risky! *blushes*
Mail 悬赏通缉令在此!开玩笑的啦♪指挥官,确认一下新邮件吧~ 賞金首の手配書ならここに!なんてね♪指揮官、新しいメールを確認して~ I've got a wanted poster with a bounty right here! Just kidding. Take a look at your new mail!
Return to Port 吁…指挥官!要是累了可以上马车休息哦?如果能忍受有点狭窄和摇晃的话…欸嘿嘿♪ どうどう…指揮官!疲れたらキャラバンに乗って休んでいいよー?ちょっと狭いし揺れるけど、大丈夫なら…えへへ♪ Let's see... Commander! You can rest inside the carriage if you're tired! Just hope you don't mind it being a bit cramped and bumpy. Heehee.
Commission Complete 有没有抢劫委托组的坏蛋~没有对吧!指挥官,大家都平安回来啦! 委託組から強盗する悪いやつはいないか~?いないよね!指揮官、みんな無事帰還したよ! Any scoundrels out there who'd try to steal from the commission team? Probably not! Commander, the girls are back!
Flagship 像鱼雷一样,百发百中! 魚雷のように、百発百中! Like a torpedo, I always hit my mark!
Victory 好!甩开敌人了!指挥官,差不多该返回原来的航线了! よぉし!振り切った!指揮官、そろそろ元の航路に戻ろう! Oh yeah! We shook 'em off! Let's get back to our original course, Commander!
Affinity (Love) 我绝对不会让任何人夺走我的宝贝——那就是指挥官!嘿嘿,无论在哪里U-556都会保护你的!因为我已经发誓要“在海上、海中、陆地和天空”保护你了! 絶対に奪わせたりはしない、あたしの大事なもの――それが指揮官!えへへ、どこにいてもU-556が守ってあげるよ!「陸海空どこからでも」って誓ったから! Nobody's ever gonna steal my precious treasure from me – by that I mean you! Heehee! Wherever you go, I'll always protect you, just like I swore – at sea, on land, or in the sky!