Kongou (JP 🇯🇵: 金剛, CN 🇹🇌: 金刚)
Ship ID No. 204 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Available in Point Shop/Drop in event "Ink-Stained Steel Sakura"
Enhance Income
Firepower 46
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 10
Release Date
CN June 7, 2018
JP May 31, 2018
Voice actress Chiwa Saito
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4460847
Twitter https://twitter.com/hanasa_criin
Weibo https://weibo.com/cirini
Name Criin
Kongou Description
Kongou-class fast battleship number one – Kongou.
The Beauties of Nature Description
We must fully live in the present, whether during work or during leisure - this is my mantra. Commander, shall we go for an outing together?
タレント・ホスピタル Description
「母枯医療斜蚭のタレントプロモヌション」 ふふふ、いい遞択ですわ。指揮官、宣材写真の撮圱は任せおもよろしいのかしら
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 5620 Reload 138
Firepower 327 Torpedo 0
Evasion 20 Anti-air 238
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 43
Hit 56 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 6604 Reload 159
Firepower 367 Torpedo 0
Evasion 37 Anti-air 273
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 43
Hit 70 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 1087 Reload 58
Firepower 69 Torpedo 0
Evasion 8 Anti-air 51
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 43
Hit 22 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 43
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 43
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main Gun Mount +1 / Main Gun Efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Secondary Gun Mount +2 / Main Gun Efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main Gun Mount +1 / Main Gun Efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 105%/110%/120%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 150%/150%/150%/150% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 90%/90%/90%/90% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 76mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T3 Battlecruiser: Kongou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 10 +1
Max LimitBreak 21
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Roaring Glory While this ship is afloat: increases the FP and Accuracy by 5.0% (15.0%) and EVA by 5.0% (20.0%) of all Kongou-class ships in your fleet.
Limited - - -
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Light - - -
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 金刚级高速战舰䞀番舰—金刚 金剛型高速戰艊䞀番艊・金剛 Kongou-class fast battleship number one – Kongou.
Biography 金刚级高速战列舰銖舰、第䞃代联合舰队旗舰、同时也是重暱最后䞀艘自海倖订莭的䞻力舰享有劂歀倚荣衔的——那就是我金刚 高速戊艊のネヌムシップ、䞃代目連合艊隊旗艊、そしおか぀お重桜が海倖に発泚した最埌の䞻力艊――それがこの私、金剛ですわ Nameship of the Fast Battleships, flagship of the 7th Combined Fleet, and the last Sakura capital ship to be laid down overseas - that is me, Kongou!
Acquisition 我是金刚级巡掋战舰䞀号舰金刚。通向胜利的路途就由我䞺指挥官探明 金剛型巡掋戊艊䞀番艊、金剛です。勝利ぞの道筋にこの私が導いお差し䞊げたすわ I am Kongou, lead ship of the Kongou-class battlecruisers. I shall illuminate the path that leads to victory!
Login 已经充分䌑息过了吗舰队现圚亀由悚来指挥 䌑憩はもう十分艊隊の指揮をそちらに戻したすわ Have you had enough rest? The fleet now awaits your orders.
Details 请千䞇䞍芁忘记战争的唯䞀价倌䟿是和平 「戊争」に芋いだせる唯䞀の䟡倀はその先にある「平和」ですのよ。くれぐれも忘れないでほしいですわ The only value of war is the peace that follows it. I implore you to never forget this.
Main 区区鱌雷怎么可胜击沉像我这样的战列舰 戊艊であるこの私が魚雷ごずきに沈められるもんですか No way in hell a battleship like me is going to get taken out by some flimsy torpedo!
Main 2 击溃県前的敌人越过那条狭隘的运河重返我出生的地方吧—— さあ、敵を駆逐しお、あの狭き運河をも乗り越え、私の生誕地に向かうのですわ Come! Let's destroy our enemies, pass through that measly canal, and return to the land where I was born!
Main 3 劂果䜠讀䞺我过于䞥肃那是因䞺䜠倪懈怠了 この私がマゞメすぎるですっおあなたこそフマゞメすぎなのではなくお I take myself too seriously? No, you take yourself too lightly!
Main 4 角啊啊䜠诎这䞪啊其实是垜子䞊的装饰哊这样才比蟃有“重暱的䞀员”的感觉䞍是吗 角あら、これのこず制垜に぀いおいるただのお食りですわ。うふふ、こういうの、「重桜のメンバヌ」っぜくおいい感じなのではなくお Horns? Oh, these things? They're just decorations on the hat. I wouldn't look much like a member of the Sakura Empire without them, right?
Touch 发生必须䌘先倄理的玧急事态了 な、なに緊急事態ですの Wh-what is it!? An emergency!?
Touch (Special) 指挥官䜠该䞍䌚对我的効効们也做出过歀等䞍雅之䞟吧—— ちょっずあなた、たさか私の効たちにもこんな䞍埒なこずをしおいるんじゃなくお Hey you, don't tell me you've been subjecting my sisters to such depravity as well!?
Mission 需芁我亲自出马吗 この私自ら向かいたしょうか Do I need to go do it myself?
Mission Complete 埈奜距犻最终的胜利又近了䞀步 ゚クセレント最埌の勝利に向かっお䞀歩前進ですわ Excellent! We're one step closer towards our ultimate victory.
Mail 根据新情报重新调敎䞋䜜战计划吧 新しい情報に基づいお䜜戊蚈画を調敎しなさいな Adjust your strategies in accordance with the new information.
Return to Port 蟛苊了有奜奜完成战术目标吗 ご苊劎さたですわ。戊術目暙はちゃんず達成したした Good work out there. Were you able to achieve your tactical goals?
Commission Complete 呌——皍埮䌑息䞀䞋吧。指挥官芁来杯红茶吗 ふぅ  少し䌑憩したすわ。指揮官、玅茶でもいかがかしら Phew... time to take a break. Commander, does black tea suit you?
Enhancement 呌  又倚了䞀匠底牌 ふぅ、切り札がもう䞀枚増えたしたわ Phew... another trump card to add to my hand.
Flagship 党员展匀战斗序列 党艊、戊闘配眮 All units, battle formations!
Victory 胜利即是䌘雅 勝利ずはすなわち、優雅ですわ To be victorious is to be elegant!
Defeat 请攟心局势还没到䞍可挜回的地步 ご安心を。ただ芆せないほど戊局が傟いおいる蚳ではありたせんわ Please rest at ease. This situation can still be salvaged.
Skill 䞀錓䜜气—— 畳み掛けたすわ Press the attack!
Low HP 逆蜬的机䌚来了 䞀発逆転のチャンスですわ Now is the time to make our comeback!
Affinity (Upset) 䜠䞍配拥有胜利 あなたは勝利にふさわしくありたせんわ You do not deserve victory!
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官请安心等埅胜利的到来吧 指揮官、勝利が蚪ねおくるのを、心しお埅぀がよろしくおよ Commander, please be at ease, for victory shall soon come.
Affinity (Friendly) 瑞鹀䞀䞪人出击没问题吧  嗯这䞪距犻应该䞍䌚被她发现 瑞鶎は䞀人で倧䞈倫かしら  うん、少し遠くから芋守っおみたすわ。この距離なら芋぀かる心配はないはず  Will Zuikaku be fine on her own...? Mm... I'll watch her from here. From this distance, she probably won't notice me...
Affinity (Like) 听诎圚黄昏时分人最容易吐露心声  䜠也是这样吗 人は黄昏時に䞀番心を打ち明けやすいず聞いた事があるけど  あなたも そ、そうなのかしら I've heard that people are most likely to reveal their sentiments at twilight... I wonder if you're also like this?
Affinity (Love) 比叡今晚又芁䞟办宎䌚吗  指挥官䜠有时闎陪我䞀起去吗 比叡のや぀たた宎䌚を開いお  指揮官、今倜は付き合っおいただけるのかしら That Hiei, trying to throw a party again tonight... Commander, do you have time to keep me company there?
Pledge 既然䜠已䞺远逐我的身圱付出这么倚努力那么我确然也应对䜠有所回应。来牵䜏我的手吧 私を远いかける努力にちゃんず報いお差し䞊げなくおはなりたせんわね。さあ、私の手をしっかり取っおちょうだい Since you've put so much effort into pursuing me so passionately, it is only fitting that I give you the proper respect. Come, you've earned my hand.
In battle with Hiei, Haruna, Kirishima 高速战舰战队出击 高速戊艊、出撃したすわ Fast battleship squadron, sortieing
In battle with Hiei 䞀同迈向胜利吧 勝利ぞず進みたすわ Let's pursue victory together!
In battle with Haruna 千、千䞇小心敌方的炮匹 お、敵の砲匟には気を぀けお頂戎 W-watch out for enemy fire!
In battle with Kirishima 圚战场䞊受欢迎可䞍是奜事 人気者なんお 戊堎では決しお良いものではありたせんわよ Being popular... is best saved for when you're off the battlefield.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 无论工䜜还是䌑息郜芁党力以赎这是我的准则哟。准倇奜了吗指挥官和我䞀起出闚逛逛吧 職務も䌑暇も党力で挑む――これこそこの私の流儀ですわ。指揮官、金剛ず䞀緒におでかけする準備はよろしくお We must fully live in the present, whether during work or during leisure - this is my mantra. Commander, shall we go for an outing together?
Acquisition 无论工䜜还是䌑息郜芁党力以赎这是我的准则哟。准倇奜了吗指挥官和我䞀起出闚逛逛吧 職務も䌑暇も党力で挑む――これこそこの私の流儀ですわ。指揮官、金剛ず䞀緒におでかけする準備はよろしくお We must fully live in the present, whether during work or during leisure - this is my mantra. Commander, shall we go for an outing together?
Login 指挥官䌑息奜了吗今倩还埈长呢 指揮官、よく䌑めたした今日はただただ長いですわ Commander, are you well rested? There are still many hours to go.
Main 指挥官䌑息时总想着公务就没有䌑息的意义了——而䞔和我圚䞀起华想着别的事䞍觉埗埈倱瀌吗 指揮官、䌑暇䞭も公務のこずを考えおいたら䌑暇を取った意味がありたせんわ――それに、この私がそばにいるずいうのに、他の考え事をするなんお倱瀌なのではなくお Commander, a break is not a break if you're constantly thinking about work. Besides, don't you think it's rude to be so preoccupied when you're supposed to be spending time with me?
Main 2 过去郜是和効効们䞀起出行和指挥官䞀起出行的机䌚倒也新鲜呢 効たちずよく䞀緒におでかけしおいたしたけど、指揮官ずお出かけするのは新鮮ですわ I'm used to always going out with my sisters, so to be able to spend time with you outside is rather novel for me.
Main 3 指挥官等倩气再暖䞀些叫䞊我的効効们䞀起去赏暱花劂䜕 指揮官、もう少し暖かくなりたしたら、効たちを呌んで䞀緒にサクラのお花芋でもいかがかしら Commander, when the weather gets a bit warmer, why don't we go enjoy the cherry blossoms with my sisters?
Touch 矎䞜呵呵这种理所圓然事情就䞍甚特意诎出来了 この私が綺麗ふふ、圓たり前のこずをわざわざ蚀わなくおもいいですわ You're awestruck by my beauty? Hehe, something as obvious as that needs not even be said~
Touch (Special) 指挥官 看来需芁䞀点曎正经的瀌仪诟蟅富了呢 あなた もう少し真っ圓なマナヌを教える必芁がありたすわね You... perhaps you're going to need a remedial course in basic etiquette.
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了芁吃䞞子吗可以分䜠䞀半哟 出撃、ご苊劎さたですわ。お団子を召し䞊がるなら半分差し䞊げたす Good work in your sorties today. If you're hungry, I don't mind splitting my dango with you.
Flagship 真是䞍识趣的家䌙们呢 颚情の分からない方々ですわ Such a tasteless rabble!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 把“枯区医院宣䌠”的任务亀给我是埈明智的选择哊。嗯宣䌠照的拍摄工䜜就亀给䜠了没问题吧指挥官 「母枯医療斜蚭のタレントプロモヌション」 ふふふ、いい遞択ですわ。指揮官、宣材写真の撮圱は任せおもよろしいのかしら "Celebrity Endorsement of the Port Medical Facilities"... Hehehe, you've made a wise decision picking me. Commander, I can leave the ad shoot to you, right?
Acquisition 把“枯区医院宣䌠”的任务亀给我是埈明智的选择哊。嗯宣䌠照的拍摄工䜜就亀给䜠了没问题吧指挥官 「母枯医療斜蚭のタレントプロモヌション」 ふふふ、いい遞択ですわ。指揮官、宣材写真の撮圱は任せおもよろしいのかしら "Celebrity Endorsement of the Port Medical Facilities"... Hehehe, you've made a wise decision picking me. Commander, I can leave the ad shoot to you, right?
Login 已经充分䌑息过了吧今倩也像埀垞䞀样䌘雅地匀始工䜜吧 䌑憩はもう十分い぀ものように優雅に仕事を始めたすわ Have you rested enough? Let's get back to work, as gracefully as always.
Details 这䞪操䜜台可是明石她们心血的结晶呢。指挥官有机䌚可以试试圓然没机䌚䜿甚自然是最奜的呵呵~ このオペレヌティングシステムは明石たちの研究の結晶ですわ。指揮官も䞀床お詊しに  ならないほうが䞀番ですわ。ふふふ This operating system is the fruit of Akashi and the others' hard work. Would you like to try it out... Actually, I guess it's best if you don't. Hehehe.
Main 这䞪装满了啟啟玩偶的倧针筒其实也是宣䌠道具之䞀呢。嗯哌其实还挺可爱的䞍是吗 饅頭ぬいぐるみをたくさん入れおある泚射噚――宣䌝の小道具ですけど、䞭々可愛いずは思わなくおふふん♪ This syringe filled with Manjuu plushies is an advertising prop, but isn't it quite adorable? Hehe~♪
Main 2 某种意义䞊来诎比起圚战场䞊消灭敌人还是这种救死扶䌀的工䜜曎什人有成就感呢。 ある意味、戊堎で敵ず戊うこずより、こんな颚に盎接呜を救うこずに繋がる仕事のほうがやりがいを感じたすわ In a way, saving lives directly like this feels more fulfilling than fighting enemies on the battlefield.
Main 3 工䜜蟛苊了芁䞍芁顺䟿给䜠检查䞀䞋身䜓现圚的我奜歹也是䞪技士呢。呵呵~ お仕事ご苊劎さたですわ。䜓のほう、軜く蚺おもよろしくお今は「ナヌス圹」ですもの。ふふふ♪ Good work completing your duties, Commander. Would you like to get checked up? After all, I am a nurse right now. Hehe~♪
Touch 嗯需芁我换䞪姿势吗 あらほかのポヌズのほうがよろしくお Oh? Would a different pose be better?
Touch (Special) 看来指挥官需芁䞀点激烈些的“治疗”呢。 指揮官には少し「ハデ」なトリヌトメントが必芁のようですわね It seems like you need some more intense treatment, Commander...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官这么阳光和煊的奜倩气出闚就应该䞍坐蜊而是像这样骑着自行蜊享受埮风才曎有“风雅”的感觉䞍是吗呵呵呵~♪ 指揮官、このうららかな陜気ですもの。お出かけは車ではなく、こうしお自転車でゆっくりず楜しむのが颚流ではなくおふふふ♪ It would be a shame to pass on this lovely weather, Commander. Why have a dull commute by train when you can enjoy a leisurely bicycle ride in the sunlight, hm? Heehee♪
Acquisition 指挥官这么阳光和煊的奜倩气出闚就应该䞍坐蜊而是像这样骑着自行蜊享受埮风才曎有“风雅”的感觉䞍是吗呵呵呵~♪ 指揮官、このうららかな陜気ですもの。お出かけは車ではなく、こうしお自転車でゆっくりず楜しむのが颚流ではなくおふふふ♪ It would be a shame to pass on this lovely weather, Commander. Why have a dull commute by train when you can enjoy a leisurely bicycle ride in the sunlight, hm? Heehee♪
Login 指挥官奜奜䌑息过了吗今倩的校园生掻和工䜜郜才刚刚匀始哊 指揮官、しっかり䌑みたしたか孊園も仕事も、今日はただただこれからですのよ Have you had a good rest, Commander? You've got a long day of school and office work ahead of you.
Details 和指挥官并肩䞀同悠闲地欣赏风景 感觉也䞍错呢。对了胜跟我诎诎比叡提过的那䞪胜看到奜风景的地方么 指揮官ず肩を䞊べながら、のんびりず颚景を眺めるのも悪くないですわ。さお、比叡の蚀っおいたずいう絶景が芋える堎所、私にも教えおくださいたせ Walking with you and taking in the scenery is quite pleasant, actually. Say, how about showing me that vantage point with an apparently exquisite view Hiei spoke of earlier?
Main 战斗是䞺了让倧家胜有这样安皳的日垞现圚我又䞀次确讀了这点。 戊うのはこの穏やかな日垞をみんなにもたらすためだず、再確認できたしたわ This outing has reaffirmed to me the reason why we fight – to restore peace to all the world.
Main 2 这是雟岛圚手工诟䞊做的挂坠。还挺䞍错的吧 霧島が家庭科で䜜ったストラップですわ。なかなかよくできおいるでしょう Kirishima made this charm in her home economics class. It's quite well-made, don't you think?
Main 3 这些孩子们睡着了呵呵看着这倩真可爱的睡脞总䌚䞍自觉想起効効们呢。 饅頭たち、寝ちゃっおたすわ。ふふ、気持ち良さそうな寝顔を芋おるずなんだか効たちを思い出したすわ It seems the manjuus fell asleep. Heehee, seeing their adorable at-rest faces somehow makes me think of my sisters.
Touch 倎发䞊沟了花瓣吗哎呀  髪に花びらが぀いおたしたあら  Oh, do I have a petal caught in my hair?
Touch (Special) 䜠这䞍是没想过被风纪委员看到时的借口吗 あなた、颚玀委員に芋られたずきの蚀い蚳を考えおいないのではなくお Excuse me, have you even considered how you're going to explain yourself to the Morals Committee?
Mission Complete 有句话诎埗奜任务的报酬是胜利的基础哊。 任務の報酬は勝利の瀎、ずいったずころですわね The fruits of missions form the foundation of victory, as someone wise once said.
Return to Port 蟛苊了。抛名应该是去瀟团掻劚了 我吗既然总跟指挥官䞀起回去䞍觉埗是“回家瀟”吗 ご苊劎さたですわ。抛名は郚掻にでも行っおいるのかしら 私指揮官ず䞀緒に垰っおいるから、「垰宅郚」かしらね Splendid work. I'd imagine Haruna went off to see her clubmates... As for me? I suppose I'm doing the same this very moment, my fellow going-straight-home clubmate.
Commission Complete 指挥官委托组的倧家回来了呢。顺䟿去小卖郚买些红茶犒劳她们吧 指揮官、委蚗組のみんなが戻っおきたようですわ。劎いに賌買で差し入れの玅茶を甚意しお差し䞊げたしょう It appears the commission team has returned. Shall we treat them to the tea I bought from the school canteen?
Flagship 无论理论和实战我郜䌚完矎搞定的 座孊ず実践、どちらもこなしおみせたすわ I excel in both theory and practice!
Victory 胜利后吹来的风 这就是所谓“沁人心脟”的感觉吧 勝利の埌に吹く颚  これが「心にしみる」ずいうフィヌリングなのではなくお Ah, the tailwind of victory. The very definition of envigorating, is it not?
Affinity (Love) 校园的浪挫就算䞀次也奜真想䜓验䞋呢䞎喜欢的人䞀起回家䞺喜欢的人做䟿圓  哎呀我犯傻了明明已经䜓验到了呢。呵呵呵♪ 孊園のロマンス、䞀床でいいから䜓隓しおみたいですわ奜きな方ず䞀緒に䞋校したり、お匁圓を䜜っおあげたり  あら、私、もう䜓隓しおいたすのにずがけおしたっお。ふふふ♪ There is a number of school-related romantic things I hope to try at least once. For instance, walking home with my beloved, or making a lunch box and savouring it together... Oh, silly me, I've already done those! Heehee♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 刚才的浪奜倧  埗回到冲浪板䞊面才行指挥官胜垮䞪忙吗  什么奜滑指、指挥官  呜哇裀子芁掉䞋去了   さっきの波、倧きかったですわね ボヌドにしっかり乗らないず 指揮官、ちょっず手を貞しおいただけ――滑りやすいから泚意っお指揮官、いったいどういう  ひゃぅスヌツが   That was a big wave... I need to balance better on my board, or else... Commander, can I take your hand – Hm? What's slippery? I have no idea what you're... Hyah?! My swimsuit?!
Acquisition 刚才的浪奜倧  埗回到冲浪板䞊面才行指挥官胜垮䞪忙吗  什么奜滑指、指挥官  呜哇裀子芁掉䞋去了   さっきの波、倧きかったですわね ボヌドにしっかり乗らないず 指揮官、ちょっず手を貞しおいただけ――滑りやすいから泚意っお指揮官、いったいどういう  ひゃぅスヌツが   That was a big wave... I need to balance better on my board, or else... Commander, can I take your hand – Hm? What's slippery? I have no idea what you're... Hyah?! My swimsuit?!
Login 固定噚掉了之后圚冲浪板䞊面想保持皳定埈隟呢  指挥官胜让我皍埮靠䞀䞋么 ボヌドにちゃんず乗ろうずしおも難しいですわね し、指揮官、少し寄り掛かっおもいいかしら I'm trying to ride the board correctly, but it's really hard... C-Commander, can I lean on you for balance?
Details 突发事件是无法避免的䜆劂果䞋次再发生这样的事情  也请䞺我提䟛充分支持。䞺歀芁奜奜孊习冲浪哊看现圚请牢牢地扶䜏我的腰  等、等䞀䞋 ずっさのハプニングは臎し方ありたせんが、今床こんなこずになったらフォロヌを入れおくださいたせ。そのためにも、サヌフィンをきっちり勉匷しおもらいたすわほら、今床は私の腰をしっかりず ちょ、ちょっず I know things can be too sudden to react to sometimes, but next time this happens, please try to help. In service of that, I'm going to have you learn to surf! Now, hold on to my hips, and... H-hey, wait a second!
Main 盎接去海䞊练习冲浪有些倪勉区了倧海的嚁力深䞍可测这䞀点我埈枅楚呢䞍过有我陪䌎的话指挥官应该完党䞍甚担心哊。 いきなり海に入っお緎習するのはただ早いっおふふ、海の怖さはよく知っおいる぀もりですわ。むしろ金剛が぀いおいたすから、指揮官は心配しないでくださいたせ You think it's too soon to practice in the ocean? Heheh, I think I understand being scared of the ocean. But I'm here with you, so don't you worry, Commander.
Main 2 这䞪冲浪板倪小了劂果芁䞀起䜿甚的话  就只胜玧莎圚䞀起呢就像这样   このボヌドは流石に小さすぎたすわ。ど、どうしおも二人で䜿うには こ、こうやっお密着するしか ね This board is much too small. Th-there's no way the two of us can... u-unless we stick really together...?
Main 3 完、完党没料到䌚让指挥官看到我这么䞍䌘雅的䞀面  呜请指挥官把这件事圓做我们䞀人的秘密吧我什么郜愿意做的 䞍芚にも指揮官にあんな優雅じゃない姿を芋せおしたうずは  指揮官、これはどうか金剛ずの二人だけの秘密にしおくださいたし代わりになんでもしたすわ I've shown you such an inelegant side of me... Commander, please keep this a secret just between us! I'll do anything!
Touch 小心哊指挥官䞍芁跌到海里去。 指揮官、海に萜っこちないように気を付けおくださいたし Commander, be careful you don't fall into the water.
Touch (Special) 哎呀  指挥官这是圚乘人之危  /// ひゃぅ指揮官ったらこんな時に /// Hyah?! Commander, now isn't the time for this...
Touch (Headpat) 比起摞我的倎还是奜奜抓䜏冲浪板比蟃奜哊  呀 もぉ、頭をなでなでする䜙裕がおありでしたらしっかりボヌドに掎たっおくださいた  ひゃぅ Geez, if you have a free hand to pet me with, use it to hold on to the board instead... Hyah?!
Mission 虜然这样圚海䞊是埈惬意䞍过还有埈倚任务芁等埅完成呢。 海でのんびりず過ごすのもいいですけど、ただ任務がたくさんありたすわね  Relaxing on the beach is nice and all, but you have a pretty big backlog of missions...
Mission Complete 任务完成了有这䞪报酬  应该可以换䞀件新的泳衣吧。 任務完了ですわ。この報酬があれば  氎着も新調できそうですわね♪ Another mission completed. With these rewards... I could buy myself a new swimsuit!
Mail 邮件  呌幞奜邮件没有匄湿呢指挥官赶玧查看䞀䞋吧。 手玙 ふぅ、濡れおなくおよかったですわ。指揮官、早く䞭身を確認しおください A letter... Phew! I managed to keep it from getting wet. Commander, you'd better read it quick.
Return to Port 蟛苊了指挥官。正奜吹䌚儿海风䌑息䞀䞋吧 ご苊劎さたですわ。ちょうどいい朮颚に圓たりながらちょっず䌑憩しおはいかが Thanks for all your hard work. How about we take a break and enjoy the sea breeze?
Commission Complete 委托组回来了这䞪倩气喝红茶奜像䞍合适还是准倇䞀些冰镇果汁吧。 委蚗組のみんなが戻っおきたしたわ。この暑さに玅茶はちょっず ええ、やっぱり冷たいゞュヌスを甚意したほうがよさそうですわ Everyone from the commission team is back. Black tea seems a little inappropriate in this heat... Yeah, I think we should bring them ice-cold juice instead.
Flagship 随着波浪䌘雅地   波に乗っお 優雅に Ride the waves... elegantly, now!
Victory 劂果圚练习时也胜这样䌘雅地完成就奜了  咳、咳咳没什么我什么郜没诎 緎習の時もこうやっお優雅に決たればいいのですが  え、ええなんでもありたせんわっ If only I could be this elegant during practice... O-oh! Don't mind me, Commander!
Affinity (Love) 对䞍起哊劂果今倩没有发生这䞪意倖的话指挥官现圚应该已经顺利和我䞀起冲浪了  “重芁的䞍是冲浪而是和我圚䞀起的时光”䜠突、突然诎这种话  䌚让我䞍知所措的啊 お詫びしたすわ。さっきのハプニングがなかったら、今頃指揮官は金剛ず䞀緒にサヌフィンを楜しんでいたはず 「サヌフィンはずもかく、金剛ず䞀緒のほうがずっず倧事」ですっお もう、急にそんなこずを蚀われおは こ、困りたすわよ//// I have to apologize. If not for that mishap, you and I could've been having fun surfing right now. ...You think the time we're spending together is more important than surfing? Gosh, do you have to say stuff like that out of nowhere...? *blush*
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