Hiei (JP 🇯🇵: 比叡, CN 🇹🇼: 比叡)
Ship IDNo. 205Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull BattlecruiserRarityElite
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time04:10:00
AcquisitionEvent: Return and Reborn
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENOctober 17, 2019
KRAugust 30, 2018
CNDecember 1, 2017
JPNovember 27, 2017
Voice actressEri Kitamura
Hiei Description
Kongou-class fast battleship number two – Hiei.
Moonlit CruiseDescription
Look how late it is... Commander, shall we embark on a dreamy voyage together?
Fragrant Red PlumDescription
I have to admit, these qipaos from the Dragon Empery are quite elegant... I might sound arrogant saying this, but I feel like this outfit really brings out my charm. Hehe, wouldn't you agree, Commander?
Beauty of the White SandsDescription
We're headed for the white sands of the beach today. We all could use a breather every now and then, so let's just enjoy the sea breeze today. Hehe~
HP1087 Reload59
Firepower69 Torpedo0
Evasion8 Anti-air51
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck37
HP4917 Reload113
Firepower184 Torpedo0
Evasion37 Anti-air192
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck39
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Light Cruiser150%/150%/150%/150%1/1/3/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun90%/90%/90%/90%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
176mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T3 Battlecruiser: Kongou-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock10 +1
Max LimitBreak21
Lv.12016 +1
Prestige10s after the battle begins and 20.0% chance every 20s after that: for 8s, absorbs 20.0% (50.0%) of the DMG your Main Fleet takes and increases the DMG one random enemy takes by 8.0% (20.0%) .Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description金刚级高速战舰二番舰—比叡金剛型高速戦艦二番艦・比叡Kongou-class fast battleship number two – Hiei.
Biography我是首艘于重樱建造的金刚级战舰——比叡。曾悠然巡弋在重樱港湾上,也曾率领舰队奋战于所罗门海——指挥官,准备好了吗?宴会马上开始了哟日の出ずる国で建造された初の金剛型戦艦・比叡と申します。御召艦として帝都の海で艦隊の雄姿を観閲し、一軍を率いてソロモンの戦いに参加しました。――指揮官様、ご用意はできていますか?宴はじきに始まりますわI am Hiei, the first Kongou-class battleship born in the Land of the Rising Sun. As an Imperial Ship, I witnessed the growth of our mighty fleet, and led our forces into the Battle of the Solomon Sea. Commander, have you finished your preparations? The banquet is about to begin.
Acquisition金刚级二号舰——比叡来了~指挥官,接下来您想巡游哪里?金剛型二番艦ーー御召艦比叡が参上しました。指揮官様、次は何処へと参られますか?I am the Imperial Ship Hiei, second of the Kongou-class, reporting for duty. Commander, where shall we go next?
Login在紧张战斗的间歇,宴游是最好的放松……指挥官,今天我有空哟戦の後の宴こそ一番気が休まります……ところで指揮官様、私、このあとの予定は空いていますよ…?There is nothing more relaxing than a banquet following a battle... By the way, Commander, I'm free after this...
Details呵呵,抹茶和红茶——您更喜欢哪种?ふふ、抹茶と紅茶――どっちがお好みで?Hehe~ Which do you prefer: matcha, or black tea?
Main哈……雾岛每次参加宴会,跟着她来的那些女孩子们都会把宴会的气氛弄得乱七八糟……はぁ……霧島が宴会に参加すると聞いたら、着いてきた子たちのせいでメチャクチャ……*Sigh*... Whenever Kirishima comes to a banquet, all those kids that tag along with her usually end up making a mess of things...
Main 2在战斗中理智与勇气同样重要。赌上一切,然后大获全胜的奇迹决不会发生第二次——戦にとって知恵も勇気も同じく大事です。策を捨てて勇気だけに頼る勝利は二度とありえませんわWhen it comes to warfare, wisdom and courage are equally important. We can't count on another miracle if we discard proper planning and rely on blind courage.
Main 3请放心,无论遭遇何种状况,我都有保护您的余裕どんな状況でも指揮官を守りきれますわ。ふふ、出来るからこそ「御召艦」ですもの♪Commander, I'll be able to protect you, no matter the situation. Hehe, I am called an "Imperial Ship" because I have that capacity after all~♪
Touch只要是风与海能够抵达的地方,无论哪里我都可以带您去——海の続く先ならどこにだってお連れいたしますわI can take you anywhere the ocean reaches.
Touch (Special)呵呵,指挥官是没有睡醒吗?うふふ、指揮官様はまだお目覚めになっていないご様子で?Hehe. Commander, have you not gotten enough sleep yet?
Mission一鼓作气,全都做完吧!勢いのあるうちに一気に片付けましょうLet's finish while we still have the momentum!
Mission Complete庆祝一下,晚上举行宴会吧!ふふ、お祝いに今晩は宴としましょうかHehe, shall we celebrate by holding a banquet tonight?
Mail这些是最新的信件吗?辛苦了全部新しいお手紙ですか?お疲れ様でございますAre all of these new letters? Thank you for your hard work.
Return to Port欢迎回来,茶的温度现在刚刚好おかえりなさいませ。ちょうどお茶が温ったところですWelcome back. The tea has just been brewed to the right temperature.
Commission Complete欢迎回来~没有遇到什么奇怪的人吧みんな、おかえりなさいませ。変な人に出会っていませんよね?Welcome back, everyone. Hopefully, none of you encountered any suspicious people?
Enhancement今天的风儿格外舒爽呢今日の風、いつもと違って格別に気持ちいいですToday's breeze feels more pleasant than usual.
Flagship呵呵,巡游的余兴节目登场了ふふ、式典の余興と参りましょうかHehe, shall we go enjoy the festivities?
Victory举手之劳~お安い御用です~It was no big deal~
Defeat被摆了一道吗……やられたのかしら…Was I bested...?
Skill与波涛一同消逝吧!荒波と共に消えなさい!Be swept away by the raging waves!
Low HP指挥官……还没到放弃的时候!指揮官様……まだ諦める時ではありませんわ!Commander... It's too early to give up just yet!
Affinity (Upset)真遗憾……残念でなりませんわ……What a pity...
Affinity (Stranger)呵呵,指挥官,您有什么烦恼吗?うふふ、指揮官様、何かお悩みごとでもありませんか?Ehehe~ Commander, is there something on your mind?
Affinity (Friendly)雾岛她……还真是受欢迎啊……霧島……本当に人気者ですね……That Kirishima... She's actually quite the popular one...
Affinity (Like)每次看到筵席上大家露出的笑容,举办宴会的辛劳都会一扫而空——宴会でのみんなの笑顔を見ると、支度の苦労もなくなりますわBeing able to see everyone's smiles at the banquet makes all the hard work and preparation worth it.
Affinity (Love)指挥官,今晚的宴会结束后,您可以稍微等我一会吗?呵呵,请好好期待吧——指揮官様、今夜は宴会のあと……お暇いただけませんか?うふふ、はい、何卒ご期待くださいませ――Commander, after tonight's banquet... will you be free? Hehe, please look forward to it~
Pledge这是……永远相伴的誓约吗?谢谢,我很高兴…但是,假如不幸的时刻真的降临了,希望您能优先考虑自身……これは……「これからはずっと一緒」、との意味でしょうか?ありがとうございます。喜んでお受けいたします――ただ……もし本当に不幸の刻になりましたら、私より、ご自分を大切になさってくださいませSo this means... "We'll always be forever?" Thank you very much. I'll gladly accept it - however... If anything was to happen to us, I hope that you would consider yourself first...
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Yuugure还在等你的姐姐吗?Are you still waiting for your sister?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description已经…这么晚了呢,指挥官,要和我来一场…梦中的巡游吗?もうこんな時間ですね……指揮官、一緒に夢心地の巡礼でもいかがかしら?Look how late it is... Commander, shall we embark on a dreamy voyage together?
Acquisition已经…这么晚了呢,指挥官,要和我来一场…梦中的巡游吗?もうこんな時間ですね……指揮官様、一緒に夢心地の巡礼でもいかがかしら?Look how late it is... Commander, shall we embark on a dreamy voyage together?
Login适时的休息是为了更好地投入战斗。指挥官,枕头已经准备好了,今晚…就好好休息一下吧~よりよいコンディションのために適度な休息も必要です。指揮官様、枕の支度ができました。今夜は…十分に休憩を取りましょう?Adequate rest is important for improving your performance. Commander, I've prepared your pillow. Tonight... enjoy the best sleep of your life~
Details指挥官想要睡哪个枕头?软的这个?还是硬的这个?还是说…想要睡在我的膝枕上呢~呵呵指揮官様はどのような枕がいいですか?軟らかいほう?硬いほう?それとも…膝枕をご所望ですか?ふふふWhich pillow would you prefer? The soft one, the hard one, or... perhaps you'd like to use my thighs? Hehe~
Main嘻嘻,好像可以办一场睡衣派对了呢。指挥官觉得如何,要一起参加吗~?パジャマパーティーでも開演できそうですね。指揮官様、いかがでしょうか?ご参加されます?Hehe, it seems like we'll be able to have a pajama party banquet. How about it, Commander? Would you like to join?
Main 2安心地睡吧,指挥官。到了必要的时刻,我会把你叫醒的指揮官様、おやすみなさい。必要なときになったら起こさせていただきますのでGood night, Commander. Don't worry, I'll wake you up when the time is right.
Main 3华灯初上,夜梅盛开…指挥官,不妨一起来赏花吧?鮮やかに照らされし梅の華……指揮官様、夜のお花見でもいかがかしら?Ah, the plum blossoms shimmering under the moonlight... Commander, shall we go watch the petals together?
Touch指挥官,月色如此美好…比起盯着我,还是多抬头看看美丽的夜空如何~?指揮官様、月のいい夜ですもの。私より夜空でも眺めたほうがいいなのではなくて?Commander, the moon is beautiful tonight. Wouldn't you rather take in the beauty of the night sky instead of staring at me?
Touch (Special)呵呵,看来指挥官精神十足呢うふふ、指揮官様は元気が有り余っているようですねHehe~ Someone seems quite energetic tonight, Commander.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description东煌的旗袍,确实别有一番风味呢~虽然有些自夸的嫌疑,不过,我对于自己换上这身服装后的魅力,还是颇有些自信的,呵呵,您觉得呢?東煌ドレス、確かに風流というのを感じられますね。……驕りかもしれませんが、この格好をしていると、自分の魅力を誇れるような気がします。ふふ、指揮官様、いかがですか?I have to admit, these qipaos from the Dragon Empery are quite elegant... I might sound arrogant saying this, but I feel like this outfit really brings out my charm. Hehe, wouldn't you agree, Commander?
Acquisition东煌的旗袍,确实别有一番风味呢~虽然有些自夸的嫌疑,不过,我对于自己换上这身服装后的魅力,还是颇有些自信的,呵呵,您觉得呢?東煌ドレス、確かに風流というのを感じられますね。……驕りかもしれませんが、この格好をしていると、自分の魅力を誇れるような気がします。ふふ、指揮官様、いかがですか?I have to admit, these qipaos from the Dragon Empery are quite elegant... I might sound arrogant saying this, but I feel like this outfit really brings out my charm. Hehe, wouldn't you agree, Commander?
Login指挥官,晚会已经要开始了,您来得正是时候呢指揮官様、良い頃合いです。宴がそろそろ始まりますわCommander, you came at just the right time. The banquet is about to begin.
Details没想到,春节的晚会会有这么多的节目呢…果然大家还是喜欢热闹的啊,呵呵「春節」の宴、出し物がこれほど…皆、賑やかにできるのがお好きなようですね。ふふI never expected this Spring Banquet to take on a life of its own... By the looks of things, everyone prefers it when the atmosphere is a bit livelier. Hehe~
Main指挥官,在晚会的最后,您可是要发表年度总结演讲的,可不要说您忘了准备哦?指揮官様、締めの言葉の準備、忘れないでくださいませ?Commander, make sure you remember to have your closing speech ready. All right?
Main 2东煌的春节也有发压岁钱的习俗…指挥官也想要压岁钱吗?嗯~是不是应该指挥官给我才对呢?呵呵~東煌の――旧正月のお年玉がほしい、ですか?これは普通、指揮官様のほうから皆に渡すものではなくて?ふふふ?You'd like... a red envelope as well? Normally, aren't you supposed to be giving out red envelopes to us? Heehee~
Main 3呼呼~不如暂且将工作抛在脑后,尽情享受一下节日如何?職務のことはしばし忘れて、祝日を楽しんだほうがいいですわDuring these times, it's best to just put aside your work and enjoy the festivities.
Touch酒…?呵呵…机会难得,就陪您喝几杯吧お酒ですか?…ふふ、せっかくですもの、お付き合いしますよSake...? Hehe, since it's a special occasion, I wouldn't mind sharing a cup with you~
Return to Port虽然努力是好事,不过也要懂得适当的放松哦,指挥官一生懸命なのはよいですが、息抜きも大事です。指揮官様Putting your nose to the grindstone is commendable, but you should also know when to take it easy, Commander.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description今天巡游的目的地是海滩啊…毕竟适当的休息也是有益的,现在就让我们好好享受一下这里的海风吧~本日の巡遊の目的地はこの白浜ですね。適度な休息も必要ですから、これより一日潮風で息抜きいたしましょう。ふふふWe're headed for the white sands of the beach today. We all could use a breather every now and then, so let's just enjoy the sea breeze today. Hehe~
Acquisition今天巡游的目的地是海滩啊…毕竟适当的休息也是有益的,现在就让我们好好享受一下这里的海风吧~本日の巡遊の目的地はこの白浜ですね。適度な休息も必要ですから、これより一日潮風で息抜きいたしましょう。ふふふWe're headed for the white sands of the beach today. We all could use a breather every now and then, so let's just enjoy the sea breeze today. Hehe~
Login指挥官,您喜欢这片海滩吗?组成海滩美景的,除了蓝天与海,还有海滩上热闹的同伴们呢~指揮官様、この景色はお気に入りなのでしょうか?青空と海、そして浜辺ではしゃぐ仲間たちの姿を――Commander, is this scenery to your liking? The blue skies and seas, and the merriment of friends frolicking on the beach...
Details指挥官是在看我堆的炮塔城堡吗?呵呵,多亏了今天的好天气,才能堆出这么棒的作品呢~この砂の城に興味がおありで…?いい天気のおかげで上手に作れましたDid my sand castle capture your interest? This was only possible because of the clement weather, after all~
Main虽然比不上平日的宴席…不过,海边的野餐会的话,我也是很有自信能办得很棒的哦~还有白鹰的孩子帮我一起来,请放心吧宴会ほどではありませんが、海辺のピクニックにも自信があります。ふふ、ともに盛り上げてくれるユニオンの子もいますからご安心をA seaside picnic might not be as lavish as the banquets I usually hold, but I am confident in my abilities to throw the best event possible~ Hehe, don't worry, some girls from the Eagle Union are helping me out.
Main 2海鸥们在向远方飞去。它们是在分别呢,还是在团聚呢?彼方に飛んでいくカモメは別れか、出会いか…ふふふThe seagulls are flying into the distance. I wonder if they're splitting apart or reuniting... Hehe~
Main 3长时间暴露在阳光下,对皮肤的伤害还是挺大的呢~指挥官,涂防晒霜能拜托你帮忙吗?あら、流石にこうも長く炎天下に居続けるのは肌に悪いですね…指揮官様、日焼け止めを塗るのを手伝っていただけませんか?Oh my, staying under this scorching sun indeed seems bad for my skin... Commander, would you be so kind as to help me apply the sunscreen?
Touch (Special)呵呵,看来指挥官需要吹吹海风清醒一下了呢指揮官様、少し潮風を浴びたほうがよろしいでしょうCommander, perhaps the sea breeze will help you come to your senses?
Return to Port和其她人玩得还开心吗?口渴了的话,我这里有瓶装水,请不用客气,尽管喝吧ご遊興のほうはいかがでしたか?ふふふ、のどが渇きましたら、どうぞお飲みになってくださいHave you been enjoying your time here? Hehe~ If you get thirsty, please help yourself to this water.