Hiei-chan (JP 🇯🇵: 比叡ちゃん, CN 🇹🇼: 小比叡)
Ship ID No. 383 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 04:05:00
Acquisition Event: Escape from Port
Enhance Income
Firepower 45
Torpedo 3
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 10
Release Date
Voice actress Eri Kitamura
Hiei-chan Description
Fast Battleship, second ship of the Kongou-class Hiei.
Firepower A
Torpedo D
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air D
HP 5493 Reload 139
Firepower 323 Torpedo 146
Evasion 23 Anti-air 215
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 37
Hit 55 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 6454 Reload 160
Firepower 363 Torpedo 168
Evasion 40 Anti-air 247
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 37
Hit 68 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 1062 Reload 59
Firepower 68 Torpedo 31
Evasion 9 Anti-air 46
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 37
Hit 21 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 37
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 37
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 150%/150%/150%/150% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 85%/85%/85%/85% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 76mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T Battlecruiser: Kongou Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Torpedoes: Ready! Every 35s (20s at max level): fires a torpedo barrage. Barrage damage is based on the skill's level.
Priestess of the Sacred Mountain Every 20s: decreases the Burn DMG your Main Fleet takes by 30.0% (60.0%) for 8s.
04:05:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 金刚级高速战舰二番舰—比叡 金剛型高速戦艦二番艦・比叡 Fast Battleship, second ship of the Kongou-class Hiei.
Biography 比叡可是金刚的比叡,等到金刚姐姐回来,我们姐妹一定会震惊世界的!所以在那之前,比叡也要成为一个独当一面的人!……不过……宫廷礼仪,好难…… 金剛型の比叡です。ふふん、金剛姉さんが戻ってきたら、比叡たち金剛型はきっと世界を驚かすでしょうから、それまでに、比叡も一人前にならないと!……でも礼儀とか作法とか、比叡にはちょっと難しいかも…… Once my big sister Kongou comes back, we're going to shock the world! Until then, I need to work hard to become a leader worthy of her! But.... courtly etiquette is really hard.....
Acquisition 指挥官?比叡将来要服侍的可是更厉害的人物!……唔,不过先在你这里磨练一下也不是不可以 指揮官様?比叡はもっと偉い方におもてなしすることを目標にしています!……うん、まあ、指揮官様を修業の相手にしても悪くなさそうですね Commander? When I grow up, I’m going to serve the strongest lord in the world! Oh... but for now, I don’t mind if you help me sharpen my skills.
Login 贵安……呀!呜呜,撞到刀柄了 ごきげん……あぅ!?柄にぶつかっちゃいました… Good da- agh! Wahh... I hit myself with my sword.
Details 为什么盯着我?…刀会不会太重?我,我一个人没问题的,不用你管! どうして比叡をじーっと見つめているんですか…?刀が重すぎないかって?比叡は一人でも大丈夫です!心配はいりません! Why are you staring at me? ...is my sword too heavy? I- I can take care of myself! It's none of your business!
Main 宴游?好啊好啊!去哪——不对,现在不是想这些的时候吧! 宴会?うん、いいですよ!どこで――って、こんなこと考えてる時じゃないでしょー! Make merry? I'd love to! Where are we- oh, no. Now isn't the time for such things!
Main 2 比叡的姐姐在一个叫皇家的地方留、留……留学过!哼,你一定不知道什么是留学吧! 比叡の姉さんはロイヤルでりゅ、留学したことがあります!ふん、留学ってどういうことかわかりませんよね! My sisters went to a place called "Royal" to study aboard... abroad? Study abroad. Hmph! I bet you don't even know what abroad is!
Main 3 你要是发呆的话,我,我就用这个敲你!这可是会很疼的! ぼーっとするとこれで叩きますからね!すごく痛いですよ! If you keep staring at me, I'm going to hit you with this! And it's going to hurt!
Touch 有什么事就尽管交给比叡吧,这也是磨练自己的一环! なにかあったら比叡に任せてください。これも修業の一環です! Do you have anything that needs doing? I must test myself yet!
Touch (Special) 无耻之徒! こ、ここ、この恥知らず! Shameless pig!
Mission 比叡认为完成任务是一件光荣的事 任務をこなせたのは誇れることだと思います! Completing a mission is a glorious thing.
Mission Complete 领取奖赏的时候应当挺起胸膛! 褒賞をもらう時は胸を張っておくべきです! Puff out your chest when receiving such honors!
Mail 新的信件……难道是召见?! 新しいメール……もしかしてご召集 New mail... don't tell me... it's a summons!?
Return to Port 出征辛苦了……那个,比叡刚才的姿势没有问题吧? 出撃お疲れさまです。……それより、比叡の今の立ち振舞いは大丈夫ですか? That was a hard-fought sortie... Now then, I didn't make any mistakes, did I?
Commission Complete 委托完成了,比叡先去迎接她们了 委託が完了しました。比叡がみんなを出迎えてきますね Commission complete. I shall go to receive them.
Enhancement 比叡不会让你失望的! 比叡は失望させたりはしません! Hiei won't let you down!
Flagship 哼,比叡可不会输给你们! ふん、比叡は負けませんよ! Hmph! I shan't lose to the likes of you!
Victory 区区一场战斗的胜利,对比叡来说不值一提! この程度の勝利、比叡にとっては大したことない、です! Such a victory goes without saying, 'tis but a trifle.
Defeat ……呜,区、区区一场战斗的失败,比叡才不在乎… ……うぅ、こ、この程度の失敗、比叡は別に…… ....urk.... 'tis- 'tis but a trifle! A single defeat! Doesn't bother me at all...
Skill 与,与波涛一起消逝吧! あ、荒波と共に消えなさい! D- disappear with the waves!
Low HP 比叡不会半途而废的! 比叡は中途半端なことをしません! Hiei never leaves a job unfinished!
Affinity (Upset) 金刚姐姐!我,我不想再见到这个指挥官了! 金剛姉さん!もうこの指揮官とは会いたくありません! Kongou! I- I never want to see this Commander again in my life!
Affinity (Stranger) 比叡自己一个人做得到,指挥官就去做别的事吧 比叡は一人でも大丈夫です。指揮官様はほかのことをやってください I can do it myself. You go do something else, Commander.
Affinity (Friendly) 喂……不对……那、那个,指挥官,比叡遇到了不懂的地方,可以教教比叡吗? あ、あの……うぅ……その、指揮官様、ここはわかりませんので…比叡に教えてもらえませんか…? Hrm... that's not right... Um.... Umm.... Commander? Can you help me with the parts I don't understand?
Affinity (Like) 下次宴会的准备可以交给比叡?……真的吗?!比叡不会让你失望的! 次の宴会の準備は比叡に任せたって?本当ですか?!比叡、失望させたりはしませんっ! Can I prepare the next party? Really!? I won't let you down!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,比叡举办的宴会怎么样,让你满意吗?嘻嘻,下次还会更好的,所以你一定要再来参加哦? 指揮官様、比叡の宴会はどうでしたか?ご満足いただけましたか?えへへ、次はもっとがんばりますから、絶対に来てくださいね! What did you think of my party, Commander? Did you have fun? Hehe, well, the next one is going to be even better, so you definitely have to come, okay?
Pledge 哼哼,吃惊吧,这场宴会全都是比叡为你准备的!毕竟今天对比叡来说也是很重要的一天呢,而且,嗯,唔……你、你对比叡来说也很重要!说、说出来了…… ふふふ、驚きました?実はこの宴会はすべて指揮官様のために用意したのですよ。比叡にとって今日は大事な日ですからね。それに、ええと……し、指揮官様も比叡にとって大事な人ですから!……はあ、はあ、上手く言えました…! Surprised, aren't you? Hiei prepared this party just for you! After all, today is a very important day for me, because... welll... you're very important to me! There, I said it...
In battle with Hiei 感觉心里有点暖暖的…… なんだか心が暖かくなります…… I feel so warm……
In battle with Kongou 金刚姐!请多关照! 金剛姉さん!よろしくお願いします! Kongou! Please look after me!
In battle with Mikasa 三、三笠大人! 今天的宴席要准备什么…? み、三笠様!今日の献立はなににしますか…? L- Lady Mikasa! What shall I prepare for today's party...?
In battle with Laffey 小兔子!我才不会输给你! ウサギさん!負けませんよ! Little Bunny! I won't lose to you!