Kirishima (JP 🇯🇵: 霧島, CN 🇹🇼: 雾岛)
Ship ID No. 207 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Login Reward from event "Kirishima's Ninjutsu Class"
Enhance Income
Firepower 46
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 10
Release Date
EN March 14, 2019
CN May 31, 2018
Voice actress Chie Matsuura
Name Criin
Kirishima Description
Kongou-class fast battleship number four – Kirishima.
After-School Cannon Time Description
Commander, enjoying school life is all fine and well, but we must not forget our duty... That said, what missions are waiting for us today?
Summery Audacity Description
Being in front of my sisters in this outfit is one thing, but it really is embarrassing to be wearing it in front of you, Commander. Um... ahem! What do you think? Since you're here, want to walk down to the beach together?
Casual Dazzle Description
"Commander, bad luck for you, but you're just going to become another notch on my blade." Haha, just kidding, it's a joke! So, what do you think? My New Year's attire is pretty snazzy, isn't it?
Graceful Ink Incense Description
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 5620 Reload 139
Firepower 327 Torpedo 0
Evasion 20 Anti-air 238
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 37
Hit 55 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 6604 Reload 160
Firepower 367 Torpedo 0
Evasion 37 Anti-air 273
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 37
Hit 68 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 1087 Reload 59
Firepower 69 Torpedo 0
Evasion 8 Anti-air 51
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 37
Hit 21 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 37
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 37
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main Gun Mount +1 / Main Gun Efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Secondary Gun Mount +2 / Main Gun Efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main Gun Mount +1 / Main Gun Efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 105%/110%/120%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 150%/150%/150%/150% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 90%/90%/90%/90% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 76mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T3 Battlecruiser: Kongou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 10 +1
Max LimitBreak 21
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Blaze of Glory Increases this ship's DMG to enemy BBs by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship fires a Salvo: 30.0% (60%) chance to fire a special barrage (uses Type 3 Ammo.) Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.
Limited - - -
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Light - - -
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 金刚级高速战舰四番舰—雾岛 金剛型高速戦艦四番艦・霧島 Kongou-class fast battleship number four – Kirishima.
Biography 我是金刚级最小的妹妹——雾岛号高速战舰。曾炮击过亨德森与南达科他,探照灯、三式弹?哈……哈哈…… 金剛型の末っ子、高速戦艦・霧島だ。ヘンダーソン飛行場と、あの戦艦サウスダコタに向けて主砲をぶっ放したぞ。探照灯に…三式弾?……あ、あははは…… I am Kirishima, the youngest of the Kongou-class fast battleships. I once bombarded Henderson Field and that battleship South Dakota. Searchlights... and Type 3 Shells? ... Aha, hahaha...
Acquisition 我是高速战舰、雾岛!未来的路途还很漫长,指挥官,我们一同前行吧! 私は高速戦艦・霧島だ!さあ指揮官、この先の長い道のり、共に往こうじゃないか! I'm Kirishima, the fast battleship! Now, Commander, there's a long road ahead of us, and we should walk down it together!
Login 指挥官,我有什么能为您效劳的吗 指揮官、この私が役立てることはあるか? Commander, is there anything I can help with?
Details 指挥官要一起来喝点红茶吗?金刚姐送我的 金剛から紅茶をもらったぞ。一緒に飲んでみないか? Kongou brought me some tea. How about we drink it together?
Main 探照灯?啊哈哈…战场和舞台还是不一样呢… 探照灯?あははは…戦場はステージとは違うぞ Searchlights? Ahahahah... The battlefield is no stage.
Main 2 为什么蒙面?哈哈,要不要猜猜看? 覆面?ふふん、なんで覆面しているか当ててみないか? Why I wear this mask? Hahah, think you can guess why?
Main 3 金刚姐,我来帮你——欸,不、不需要吗…… 金剛、今手伝って……あれ?い、いらないか…… Kongou, allow me to help... What? Y-you don't want any help, huh...
Touch 指挥官,寂寞了吗? 指揮官、寂しくなったのか? Were you starting to feel lonely, Commander?
Touch (Special) 指挥官,要做就堂堂正正的来,我就在这里——啊哈哈,害羞了吗? 指揮官、私はここにいるぞ。やるなら正面から堂々といくべきだな。あはは、なんだ~指揮官のほうが恥ずかしがってるじゃないか I'm right here, Commander. Face your partner square on if you're going to do that. Ahahah, look at you~ Now it's you who's embarrassed.
Mission 唔,回来的时候要带什么礼物呢…… ふむ、今度戻る時の土産はどうすべきか…… Hum, hum. What should I take home with me as a souvenir...
Mission Complete 指挥官,一起来把累趴下的孩子们抱回寝室吧 疲労で倒れた子がいるようだ。一緒に寮まで運ぶぞ Those girls seem exhausted from their commission. Let's go and carry them back to the dormitory.
Mail 给你的信件,指挥官还真是有人气啊 メールだぞ。指揮官って人気者だな You have mail. You must be really popular, Commander.
Return to Port 辛苦啦,指挥官,下次也带上我吧~ 指揮官、ご苦労だったな。次はこの私も連れて行ってみてはどうだ? You're doing good work out there, Commander. For the next battle, what do you say about bringing me along?
Commission Complete 真是辛苦,我也去帮帮忙吧—— 大変だな…私も手伝おうか? You're knee-deep in paperwork... Want some help?
Enhancement 继续改造下去,我最终会变成什么模样呢…… このまま改修が続いたらどうなるのかね… I wonder what'll become of me if these improvements continue...
Flagship 万方将由此炮而定! この主砲で決める! My cannons will decide this battle!
Victory 嘛,因为我全力以赴了嘛~ 私の全力をもってすれば、こうなるのは当然だ When I use all my power, this is only natural.
Defeat 能在炮击战中谢幕,说不一定也是一种幸运…… 砲撃戦で散ることができるのは、あるいは幸運なことかもしれないな…… Being able to meet one's demise in a battle of firepower might not be so unfortunate...
Skill 露出破绽了哦—— 見切った! I see your weakness!
Low HP 最终幕……拉开了! さあ…最後の幕開けだ! This is it... The beginning of the end!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官肯定有什么苦衷的吧! まあ、指揮官も言えない悩みがあるようだし…… Well, guess even you have problems you won't tell others about...
Affinity (Stranger) 比叡姐真是无论何时都不慌乱… 比叡はどんな時でも慌てないもんな… Hiei manages to always stay calm, no matter the situation...
Affinity (Friendly) 其实我和榛名算是双胞胎姐妹,而且对我来说,她更像个让人不省心的妹妹呢 榛名とは双子だけど、私にとってあいつは世話の焼ける妹みたいなもんだ Haruna and I are twins, but to me she feels more like an annoying little sister.
Affinity (Like) 大体来说,我的姐姐们都很优秀,为了成为不令她们蒙羞的妹妹,我一直都在努力——我也很棒?啊哈哈…得到指挥官你的承认太好了 まあ、姉貴たちはみな優秀だからな。彼女たちの足を引っ張らないようこっちも必死に頑張るしかないさ――私も優秀だって?ははは、指揮官に認められて嬉しいぞ You know, my big sisters are both really brilliant. That's why I have to work so hard not to hold them back... You think I'm brilliant, too? Hahahah, I'm happy to receive your approval.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,比叡姐宴会上的舞伴…能拜托你吗?我能想到的只有你了——诶?这种一般要由男士邀约?啊哈哈…… 比叡が主催するパーティでダンスがあるんだが…一緒に踊ってくれないか?相手を考えたが指揮官しか思いつかなくてさ――うん?普通は男性から誘うのか?あはは、そうだったか…… There'll be a dance at a party Hiei is organizing, so... could you be my dance partner? I mulled over it a bit, but you're really my only choice... Huh? Normally, it's the man who asks his partner for a dance? Ahahah, right, how stupid of me...
Pledge 没想到会由指挥官发起攻势…总觉得有点不好意思呢…咳咳,那就作为回礼…指挥官,愿意与我共舞一曲吗 ま、まさか指揮官からアタックされるとは…なんだか恥ずかしいな…こ、コホン!じゃあお返しに…指揮官、これからもずっとダンスの相手、付き合ってあげるよ I-I never would've expected an attack from you... Well, this is embarrassing... *A-ahem*! Then, to return the favor... Commander, whenever you need a dance partner, I'll be yours.
In battle with South Dakota 让我看看最强之盾是否名副其实! 最強の盾、その名に相応しいか見せてくれ! Prove to me that you're worthy of being known as the Strongest Shield!
In battle with Kongou 金刚姐,今天也很漂亮啊 金剛、今日も綺麗だな Kongou, you're looking elegant as ever.
In battle with Hiei 比叡姐,这次不要再离开我了! 比叡、今度は私から離れないでくれよ! Hiei, try stay close to me this time!
In battle with Haruna 榛名,要来比一比吗? 榛名、勝負でもしてみるか? Haruna, why don't we settle things with a match?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,享受校园生活虽然是好事,不过忘了我们的本职可不行…所以,今天又有什么样的任务在等着我们呢? 指揮官、学園生活を楽しむのもいいが、本職を忘れてはならないぞ……で、今日はどんな任務が私たちを待っているんだ? Commander, enjoying school life is all fine and well, but we must not forget our duty... That said, what missions are waiting for us today?
Acquisition 指挥官,享受校园生活虽然是好事,不过忘了我们的本职可不行…所以,今天又有什么样的任务在等着我们呢? 指揮官、学園生活を楽しむのもいいが、本職を忘れてはならないぞ……で、今日はどんな任務が私たちを待っているんだ? Commander, enjoying school life is all fine and well, but we must not forget our duty... That said, what missions are waiting for us today?
Login 指挥官,你的领结歪了哦,我来帮你整理一下吧 指揮官、ネクタイ曲がっているぞ。正してあげようか? Commander, your necktie is crooked. Want me to straighten it out for you?
Details 指挥官,放学后一起去赏花如何? 指揮官、放課後は一緒に花見でもどうだ? Commander, how about we go flower-viewing later after school?
Main 2 指挥官,如果有什么烦恼,尽管来找我谈谈吧 指揮官、悩みがあったら私に相談してもいいぞ Commander, if there's anything troubling you, you can always tell me.
Main 3 我还没决定要加入哪个社团…弓道部听起来好像不错?欸,不适合我? どのブカツに入るかまだ決めていないが…弓道部?なんか良さそうだな…えっ、私らしくない?? I haven't picked a club to join yet... The Archery Club? That actually sounds pretty good... Huh? I'm "not suited for that"?
Mail 学校中的大家很流行互相写信,拜此所赐,我现在已经很擅长写回信了! 最近文通とやらは学園で流行っていてね。おかげさまでこういうのを返すのは得意だぞ "Mailing" seems to have gotten pretty popular at school lately. Thanks to that, I've gotten pretty good at writing.
Return to Port 我给后辈们做了些点心,一起去送给她们吧 後輩たちのために少しお菓子を作ってみたぞ。あとで一緒に届けに行こう I made some sweets for my classmates. Let's hand them out together later.
Flagship 放学后的退敌时间! 放課後の砲撃タイムってね! It's after-school cannon time!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 平时姑且不说,在指挥官面前穿上这身打扮果然还是有些不好意思呢……欸,啊…咳咳!指挥官,来得正好,要一起去海边还是哪里逛逛吗? 普段はともかく、指揮官の前でこの格好をするとやっぱり恥ずかしいな。……えっと、まあ…コホン!指揮官、どうだ?二人でふらっと海辺かどこかで散歩してみない? Being in front of my sisters in this outfit is one thing, but it really is embarrassing to be wearing it in front of you, Commander. Um... ahem! What do you think? Since you're here, want to walk down to the beach together?
Acquisition 平时姑且不说,在指挥官面前穿上这身打扮果然还是有些不好意思呢……欸,啊…咳咳!指挥官,来得正好,要一起去海边还是哪里逛逛吗? 普段はともかく、指揮官の前でこの格好をするとやっぱり恥ずかしいな。……えっと、まあ…コホン!指揮官、どうだ?二人でふらっと海辺かどこかで散歩してみないか? Being in front of my sisters in this outfit is one thing, but it really is embarrassing to be wearing it in front of you, Commander. Um... ahem! What do you think? Since you're here, want to walk down to the beach together?
Login 额,指挥官。来的真巧啊… し、指揮官、まあ、いいタイミングで来てくれた…か? C-Commander... awfully convenient timing there...
Details 嗯…这个其实是一本杂志上推荐的搭配呢,金刚姐说是白鹰风的那种… いや、このコーデ本当は雑誌に載っているものだよ?金剛曰く、ユニオン風のやつだが… Seriously, you'll only ever find looks like this in fashion mags. It's an Eagle Union thing, according to Kongou...
Main 啊,指挥官,不好意思…能不能扶我一下?这种高跟的鞋子穿起来还是有些不太习惯 指揮官、すまない、ちょっとだけ肩を借りていい?…ふぅ、こんなヒールの高い靴はやっぱりちょっと慣れないな Hey, Commander, could you support me for a sec? ... Phew, it'll take some time to get used to these high heels.
Main 2 合影?没问题。来来,既然是你自己提出来的就不要害羞啦~笑一个! 記念写真?別にいいよ。ほら、自分で提案したんだから恥ずかしがるなよ。はいチーズ! A group photo? Sure thing. Hey, you suggested it, don't shy away from the camera. Okay, say "cheese!"
Main 3 指挥官逛累了吗?我们一起去比叡姐那边,让她给我们做点好吃的吧 指揮官、疲れた?よし、比叡のところに行ってなんか作ってもらおう Need a break, Commander? All right, then let's head to Hiei's place and ask her to make us some tasty grub.
Touch 很合适…?指挥官只是觉得这样逗我很有趣而已吧! よく似合ってる?…なあ、私をからかって面白がってるわけじゃないよな? You think it looks good on me? ... Sounds more like you're just poking fun at me for your own amusement.
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官…这种时候果然…还是很不好意思,可以不要这样吗? し、指揮官…この格好だとやっぱり…恥ずかしいから、や、やめてくれないか… C-Commander, this outfit really bothers me... so could you p-p-please stop...
Return to Port 呜哇…光是在这儿等着的时候都引起了好多姐妹们的瞩目…果然我还是回去换身衣服吧…… わ、流石にこの格好だと立っているだけでも目立つな…やっぱり着替えたほうがいいか……? Geesh, just standing around in this outfit draws a ton of attention... Maybe I should just change back into my regular clothes...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “指挥官,在这里遇到我算你倒霉,变成我雾岛的刀下亡魂吧!”——哈哈,开玩笑的!如何?为新年特意准备的这套新衣服感觉不错吧? 「指揮官、ここで会ったが百年目、この霧島の刀のサビにしてくれる」――なんて冗談だ!冗談!で?正月のために用意したこの格好、どうだ? "Commander, bad luck for you, but you're just going to become another notch on my blade." Haha, just kidding, it's a joke! So, what do you think? My New Year's attire is pretty snazzy, isn't it?
Acquisition “指挥官,在这里遇到我算你倒霉,变成我雾岛的刀下亡魂吧!”——哈哈,开玩笑的!如何?为新年特意准备的这套新衣服感觉不错吧? 「指揮官、ここで会ったが百年目、この霧島の刀のサビにしてくれる」――なんて冗談だ!冗談!で?正月のために用意したこの格好、どうだ? "Commander, bad luck for you, but you're just going to become another notch on my blade." Haha, just kidding, it's a joke! So, what do you think? My New Year's attire is pretty snazzy, isn't it?
Login 难得的节日,来尽情收割一波战果吧! この時期だからこそ、ド派手に戦果稼ぎと洒落込もうか? It's not like every day can be a holiday, so let's reap the rewards of our achievements!
Details 枪比刀剑更强大!…不过,在主炮面前都不算什么了吧~ 銃は刀より強し!…まあ、戦艦の主砲の前では、どっちもどっちだがな~ Don't bring a knife to a gunfight! ...Well, don't bring a gun to a showdown between main batteries either~
Main 南达科他…打起架来跟恶鬼一样强大啊…不过,我也不会输给她就是了~ サウスダコタ、あんなに喧嘩が鬼強いとはな…まあ、こっちも負けてられないがな South Dakota... is like a rampaging oni when she gets into a brawl... But, I won't lose out to her either~
Main 2 忍者?啊,那个只是觉得有趣才扮扮的啦。毕竟舰队里有正牌的忍者了,我就不班门弄斧了 ニンジャ?いや、それはただ面白がってやってみただけだよ。艦隊には本職の子がいるのに、私がやったら流石に興ざめになっちゃうな Ninja? Nah, I was just doing that because I thought it looked cool. We have actual ninjas in the fleet, and I wouldn't want to get on their bad side, y'know.
Main 3 你看,就算露出脸也没什么问题吧?毕竟有个比我更受欢迎的指挥官在这里嘛,啊哈哈哈 ほら、顔を出しても問題ないだろ?だってここには私よりモテる指揮官がいるんだからな。あははは See, there's no issue with me showing my face here. After all, I'm with this commander here who is even more popular than me. Ahaha!
Touch 不不,我又不是日向她们,不会要跟指挥官对练的啦,啊哈哈 いやいや、別に日向たちじゃあるまいし、指揮官とやりあってもしょうがないよ。ははは Naww, I'm not like Hyuuga and Ise. I won't ask you to spar with me. Hahaha!
Touch (Special) 哦~?然后呢?接下来要从哪里进攻?指挥官不动的话,我就要反击了哦? ほほぉ~、で?次はどうする?指揮官が動かないなら私から仕返しするぞ? Oho~? So, what are you going to do next? If you're all out of moves, then it's my turn to counterattack.
Touch (Headpat) 我发型也换了哦?注意到了吗? 髪型も変わってるぞ。気づいてくれた? You like my new hairstyle? When'd you notice?
Return to Port 终于回来啦,指挥官。如何?要和我一起去店里看看吗?没准会有节假日优惠哦 指揮官、よくぞ戻ったな。どうだい?これから売店まで少し寄ってみるのは。年末セールがあるかもしれないぞ Glad you're back, Commander. How are you feeling? Want to come with me to the store? I heard there might be a year-end sale going on.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 说到东煌的春节,总给人一种喧嚣热闹的印象,不过,像这样挥毫笔墨,沉浸在墨香之中,感觉也不错呢。指挥官想要我给你画些什么吗? 東煌の「春節」は騒がしいイメージがあるけど、こうやって筆をとって墨の香りに浸るのも悪くないな。指揮官、なんか描いてほしいものとかあるか? The Lunar New Year is known for its hustle and bustle, but it's nice to just sit down with a brush and take in the smell of ink. Hey Commander, got any words you'd want to see rendered in calligraphy?
Acquisition 说到东煌的春节,总给人一种喧嚣热闹的印象,不过,像这样挥毫笔墨,沉浸在墨香之中,感觉也不错呢。指挥官想要我给你画些什么吗? 東煌の「春節」は騒がしいイメージがあるけど、こうやって筆をとって墨の香りに浸るのも悪くないな。指揮官、なんか描いてほしいものとかあるか? The Lunar New Year is known for its hustle and bustle, but it's nice to just sit down with a brush and take in the smell of ink. Hey Commander, got any words you want to see rendered in calligraphy?
Login 啊,来得正好啊,指挥官!我刚完成了一幅新作,来看看吧? あ、指揮官いいところに!新作ができたんだけど、見てくれないか? Oh, Commander! Great timing! I just finished my latest piece. Care to give it a look?
Details 光是看着没什么意思吧?这里有多的纸笔,指挥官也来画点什么吧? ずっと見てるだけで退屈じゃないか?筆も紙も余ってるし、指揮官も一緒に描いてみる? Aren't you bored, sitting by the side and only watching? You can join me if you want. I've got spare brushes and paper.
Main 比叡姐好像也有在画水墨画…要不要去问问画画的窍门什么的呢… 比叡も墨絵とか描いてたような…うまく描けるコツとかないか聞いてみるか I think Hiei used to paint... I should ask her for some good drawing tips.
Main 2 现在画的是准备给姐姐们的作品。等一下能陪我一起去送给姐姐们吗? いま描いてるのは姉貴たちにあげる分だ。あとで一緒に届けに行ってくれないか? These ones I'm painting now are for my sisters. Do you wanna tag along with me when I hand them over later?
Main 3 唔,墨快要用完了啊…不知道明石那里有没有卖…? あ、墨がなくなりそうだな…明石のとこで売ってるかな…? Dang, I'm almost out of ink... Do you reckon Akashi sells ink at her store?
Touch 嗯~下一幅画画点什么好呢… うーん…次は何を描こうかな… Hmm... What should I paint next...
Touch (Special) 喂喂,这样我还怎么画呀…待会再陪你,先喝口茶等一等吧。 こらこら、ちゃんと描けないじゃないか…あとで相手するから、お茶でも飲んで待っててくれ Would you knock it off? I can't paint like this! We'll have time later, so just have a cup of tea and be patient.