Haruna (JP 🇯🇵: 榛名, CN 🇹🇼: 榛名)
Ship ID No. 206 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Available in Point Shop in event "Ink-Stained Steel Sakura"
Enhance Income
Firepower 46
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 10
Release Date
CN June 7, 2018
JP May 31, 2018
Voice actress Sayaka Harada
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4460847
Twitter https://twitter.com/hanasa_criin
Weibo https://weibo.com/cirini
Name Criin
Haruna Description
Kongou-class fast battleship number four – Haruna.
Free Time Before Class Description
I think it's fine to enjoy school life once in a while... Hm? You wanna know what I'm listening to? Sure, if you're okay with just one earbud.
Scarlet Innocence Description
I guess that looks right... Since Kongou chose this for me, I must trust her judgment... Um, C-Commander, would you mind helping me out? ...It's a bit hard to walk in this outfit...
The Elegant Lotus Description
"My dear Commander, is this dress that my sisters tailored for me to your liking?" ...Okay, no, I can't do polite Hiei-speak like she can... So, anyway, h-how do I look?
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 5620 Reload 138
Firepower 320 Torpedo 0
Evasion 20 Anti-air 238
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 47
Hit 55 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 6604 Reload 159
Firepower 360 Torpedo 0
Evasion 37 Anti-air 273
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 47
Hit 68 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 1087 Reload 58
Firepower 68 Torpedo 0
Evasion 8 Anti-air 51
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 47
Hit 21 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 47
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 47
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main Gun Mount +1 / Main Gun Efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Secondary Gun Mount +2 / Main Gun Efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main Gun Mount +1 / Main Gun Efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 105%/110%/120%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 150%/150%/150%/150% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 90%/90%/90%/90% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 76mm AA Gun
Fleet Tech
T3 Battlecruiser: Kongou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 10 +1
Max LimitBreak 21
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Dazzling Dawn Every time this ship fires its Main Guns: increases this ship's FP and AA by 1.5% (6.0%). Can be stacked up to 4 times.
Limited - - -
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Light - - -
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 金刚级高速战舰三番舰—榛名 金剛型高速戦艦三番艦・榛名 Kongou-class fast battleship number four – Haruna.
Biography 重樱航速最快的,同时也是唯一一艘直到最后都在奋战的高速战舰——武勋舰榛名。这一次,我也会——努力尽情尽力地战斗! 重桜高速戦艦最速にして、最後まで奮戦した金剛型三番艦・榛名。今回も――全身全霊、全力で戦ってみせる! I'm Haruna, the Sakura Empire's speediest fast battleship. I fought hard till the very end. Once more, I will fight with all my heart, holding nothing back!
Acquisition 初次见面,我是重樱首艘高速战舰——榛名。指挥官,比起刀剑,我更喜欢拳头唷 初めまして、重桜初の高速戦艦・榛名と言います。刀より拳を好む性分ですが、何卒よろしく Hello. I'm the Sakura Empire's latest fast battleship, Haruna. I prefer to use my fists over my blade, but I hope that won't be an issue.
Login 这么爽朗的天气,不出海实在太可惜了,对吧,指挥官 いい天気だよね。「せっかくの晴天なんだから出航すればよかった」なんてことにならない方がいいよ。指揮官もそう思うよね? Nice weather today. We should head out so we don't miss our chance to enjoy it. Don't you agree, Commander?
Details 我也…想像雾岛那样受人欢迎呢… 私も霧島みたいな人気者になりたい……かな…… I wish I was as popular as Kirishima... Well, kind of...
Main 终于有能和威尔士以拳交心的机会了! ようやく…ようやくウェールズと戦える…! At last... At long last, I will have my battle with Wales...!
Main 2 指挥官,没有勇气和毅力战胜不了的敌人,你也是这么认为的吧? 勇気と根性で勝てない相手なんていないよ。指揮官もそう思わない? When you've got bravery and willpower, no enemy is insurmountable. Isn't that right, Commander?
Main 3 牛肉果然还是上州的最好——指挥官,你也尝尝吧? 牛肉と言えば上州牛よね。指揮官も食べてみる? Joushuu beef is some of the best around. Care to try some?
Touch 指挥官,你也喜欢吃比叡姐做的大福吗? 比叡さんの作った和三盆……指揮官も好き? Do you like Hiei's handmade sweets, too?
Touch (Special) 咦?带上手套,就不容易弄脏手了呀 は!……手袋をしていれば、今度殴る時に手を汚さずに済ませられそうね Hah!!!... I'll keep my gloves on next time so I can strike you without getting my hands dirty.
Mission 比叡姐,一起去活动活动筋骨怎么样? 比叡さん、一緒に体を動かしてみない? Hiei, what do you say we get some exercise?
Mission Complete 金刚姐,我也算能独当一面了吧? 金剛姉さん、私はもう一人前ですよ? Kongou, I'm basically already an adult now.
Mail 我很喜欢你的嗓音,所以——能念给我听吗? 指揮官の声が好き。だから――読んでもらえないかな? I like your voice, Commander. So... could you read this letter out loud for me?
Return to Port 辛苦了,有遇上敌人吗? お疲れ様。敵に会ったりした? Well done out there. Did you run into any enemies?
Commission Complete 哎——还没轮到我出场!? よし、次は私が――え…まだ…? All right, I should head out and... Huh...? Not yet...?
Enhancement 速度又变快了! 速力、上昇! I've become faster!
Flagship 终于到我出场了! さあ、始めるよ! Let us begin!
Victory 金刚姐,我要奖励! 金剛姉さん!ご褒美が欲しいです! Kongou! Please reward me!
Defeat 咕……很抱歉,但输了就是输了—— くっ……ごめんなさい…でも、負けは負けだよね… Gah... I'm sorry, but... a loss is a loss...
Skill 火力——全开! 火力――全開!! Unleash more firepower!
Low HP 一切还没有结束! まだ終わりじゃないよ! It's not over yet!
Affinity (Upset) 死心吧—— 望みを絶たれよ―― I've lost all hope in you.
Affinity (Stranger) 金刚姐,我来帮你揉揉肩吧 金剛姉さん、肩を揉ませてください Kongou, allow me to give you a shoulder massage.
Affinity (Friendly) 激战之后,就应该吃一桶热腾腾的大米饭呢 激戦のあとはバケツ盛り白ご飯が食べたくなるね After a tough battle, I feel like eating a whole bucket full of rice.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,你也会跳舞吗?嗯…那个——能教教我吗? 指揮官はダンスも出来るの?ええと、その――私に踊り方を教えてくれないかな…? Can you dance, Commander? You see, um... I was wondering if you could teach me how to do it...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,在比叡姐的宴会上,我能做你的舞伴吗? 指揮官、今度の比叡さんの宴会で、私にダンス相手を務めさせてもらえない……? Commander, could I please be your dance partner for the next banquet Hiei is hosting...?
Pledge 有、有点害羞呢……现在,指挥官就是我最重要的人了……哎,和姐姐们比?那、那个,不一样的啦—— す、少し恥ずかしいね……これからは指揮官が私の一番大切な人……あ、姉と比べるとどうかって?そ、そんなの全然違う話でしょ?! T-this feels a little odd... From now on, you'll be my most beloved... H-how you "compare to my big sisters"? T-that's not at all what I was talking about!
In battle with Kongou 金刚姐,我怎么样!? 金剛姉さん、私は活躍できていますか!? Kongou, am I doing well?!
In battle with Hiei 我会将眼前的一切,都干净利落地——击溃! 目の前の全てを……撃ち倒す!! All those before us... will fall!
In battle with Kirishima 好好欣赏姐姐的英勇身姿吧! 私の勇姿を見せてあげる! Bear witness to my bravery!
In battle with Ise, Hyuuga 吴港分队——出击! 呉配属戦艦隊、進めっ! Kure Battleship Fleet, charge!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 偶尔转换心情,享受一下校园生活似乎也不错…嗯?指挥官也想一起听歌吗?耳机分你一半—— たまには学園生活ってものを楽しんでもいい気がする…うん?自分も聞きたいって?いいよ。こっちの半分でよければ I think it's fine to enjoy school life once in a while... Hm? You wanna know what I'm listening to? Sure, if you're okay with just one earbud.
Acquisition 偶尔转换心情,享受一下校园生活似乎也不错…嗯?指挥官也想一起听歌吗?耳机分你一半—— たまには学園生活ってものを楽しんでもいい気がする…うん?自分も聞きたいって?いいよ。こっちの半分でよければ I think it's fine to enjoy school life once in a while... Hm? You wanna know what I'm listening to? Sure, if you're okay with just one earbud.
Details 和雾岛走在一起时,总会引起过多的关注…哈啊…受欢迎也不净是好事啊…… 霧島と一緒にこういう恰好で出歩くと余計見られるようになる気がする……はあ…人気者も大変ね…… I think people will gawk at us if Kirishima and I walk around looking like this... *Sigh*... It's tough being popular...
Main 比起坐在教室里听课,我还是更喜欢在操场活动身体呢… 教室で授業を受けるより、運動場で汗をかく方が好きかな I think I prefer working up a sweat in the sports field over reading in the classroom.
Main 2 社团活动啊…空手道部之类的…怎么样? 部活は…空手部ってのは…どう? Gotta join a club... There's the karate club... Maybe that'll work?
Main 3 我这周有空哟,要不要一起去哪里逛逛呢,指挥官? 今週なら放課後は空いてるよ。指揮官、どっか行かない? I'm free all week after school. Why don't we hang out a bit, Commander?
Touch 比叡姐做的便当,每天都很让人期待呢 比叡さんが作ってくれた弁当が毎日の楽しみなんだ I always look forward to the lunch box Hiei makes for me every day.
Touch (Special) …想尝尝被书包砸的滋味吗? …この鞄でぶん殴られたいの? ... Do you want me to beat you over the head with my bag?
Flagship 唔…好像快迟到了…抓紧时间解决掉敌人吧! くっ…時間が…早く敵をやっつけるよ! Shoot... No time... Let's finish them, quick!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呼…差不多就是这样吧,金刚姐的眼光,还是挺值得相信的?…那个,指挥官,能过来扶我一下吗?…穿、穿着这一身走路还不太习惯嘛! こんなものね…金剛姉さんが選んでくださったし、信じるしか……し、指揮官、ごめんちょっと助けて…これを着て歩くのは大変で…… I guess that looks right... Since Kongou chose this for me, I must trust her judgment... Um, C-Commander, would you mind helping me out? ...It's a bit hard to walk in this outfit...
Acquisition 呼…差不多就是这样吧,金刚姐的眼光,还是挺值得相信的?…那个,指挥官,能过来扶我一下吗?…穿、穿着这一身走路还不太习惯嘛! こんなものね…金剛姉さんが選んでくださったし、信じるしか……し、指揮官、ごめんちょっと助けて…これを着て歩くのは大変で…… I guess that looks right... Since Kongou chose this for me, I must trust her judgment... Um, C-Commander, would you mind helping me out? ...It's a bit hard to walk in this outfit...
Login 太慢了!宴会马上要开始了哦?嗯…要先喝口葡萄酒润润嗓子吗? 遅かったじゃない。パーティーはもう始まってるよ。とりあえずこれでも飲んで、喉を潤しておく? Hey, you're late. The party's already started. Oh well, let's get you a drink to whet your appetite.
Details 呜哇,雾岛的人气果然不一般啊…为什么那么多姐妹找她跳舞啊?!唔……我还是先不去找她了… 霧島、流石人気者ね…みんなダンスに誘ってる……わ、私は別にいいから… To no surprise, Kirishima is the life of the party. Everyone wants to dance with her... I-I'll pass, though...
Main 按照威尔士教的品尝葡萄酒的方法的话…要先闻一下,然后晃一下酒杯,再闻一下…唔…?是什么时候才能喝来着? ウェールズが言ってたワインの楽しみ方…まずは一回嗅いで、それからグラスを回してからもう一回嗅いで……ん?いつ飲むの? If I remember Wales's wine tasting advice right... First breathe in its aroma, swirl the wine in the glass, then take another breath... Wait... So when do you drink it?
Main 2 一旦涉及到宴会,比叡姐就忙得停不下来呢,指挥官,一会一起去跟她打个招呼吧。 宴会やパーティーのことになると比叡姉さんが忙しくなるよね。指揮官、あとで挨拶に行く時にはちゃんと労ってあげよ? Hiei always gets real busy when a banquet or party is coming up. Commander, don't forget to praise her work next time you talk to her.
Main 3 指挥官,尝尝这个煎牛排吧,很好吃哦。嗯,一定是上州产的牛肉。 指揮官、このステーキ美味しい!ふふん、さすが上州牛ね Wow, this steak is really good! Heheh, see what I told you about Joushuu beef?
Touch 一起跳舞?好…!就让你见识一下经过地狱训练后我的舞技吧!……唔…等、等我站稳一下…… ダンス?よし…!特訓をした私の成長をよく見てなさい!……あっ、ちゃんと立てるようになるまで待って…! A dance? You're on! I've been practicing tons just for this! Oops, give me a minute to get my bearings straight...
Touch (Special) …这炮塔可不只是摆设哦? …砲塔は伊達じゃないよ ...I'm warning you: the turrets aren't purely decorative.
Return to Port 辛苦了,继续一起参加宴会吧? お疲れ様。パーティーに戻りましょ? Nicely done. Let's get back to the party, shall we?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “指挥官大人,在姐妹们的帮助下准备的这身装扮,可有合您的喜好?”……不不,要模仿比叡姐那样的优雅对我来说还是太勉强了…那个,在、在指挥官看来,我这一身…怎么样…? 「指揮官様、姉妹艦たちに仕立てていただきましたこの格好、お気に召されましたか?」……いやいや、比叡姉さんのマネなんて私には無理だし…ほら、指揮官的にど、どうかな…? "My dear Commander, is this dress that my sisters tailored for me to your liking?" ...Okay, no, I can't do polite Hiei-speak like she can... So, anyway, h-how do I look?
Acquisition “指挥官大人,在姐妹们的帮助下准备的这身装扮,可有合您的喜好?”……不不,要模仿比叡姐那样的优雅对我来说还是太勉强了…那个,在、在指挥官看来,我这一身…怎么样…? 「指揮官様、姉妹艦たちに仕立てていただきましたこの格好、お気に召されましたか?」……いやいや、比叡姉さんのマネなんて私には無理だし…ほら、指揮官的にど、どうかな…? My dear Commander, is this dress that my sisters tailored for me to your liking? ...Okay, no, I can't do polite Hiei-speak like she can... So, anyway, h-how do I look?
Login 指挥官,在被金刚姐提醒前,赶紧开始工作吧? 指揮官、金剛姉さんに注意される前にお仕事始めよ? Commander, you should get to work before Kongou gets mad at you.
Details 虽然对这身打扮没什么自信,不过,能得到指挥官的好评真是太好了。虽然比不上其他同伴,但在指挥官这还是拿到了及格分吧! この格好、ちょっと自信なかったけど、指揮官が評価してくれて本当によかった。他の子には及ばないかもしれないけど、指揮官にとっては及第点以上ってやつね! I knew this kimono looked good, but your approval is what really sealed the deal, Commander. It might not be the best kimono ever, but I'll gladly take a better-than-passing grade from you!
Main 别看这样,我也是在这身衣服的穿法上下了很多功夫的!指挥官你看,比如这里和这里,还有…哇啊!? こう見えて着付けは頑張って勉強したからね!ほら指揮官、こことかこことか…あぅ!? Getting dressed was easier than you might think, because I practiced it! See, you start from the bottom and... Oh geez!
Main 2 既然要做就要全力以赴做到最好!作为金刚姐的妹妹,一定要让大家见识到我的优雅! やるからには全力!金剛姉さんの妹として、私だって優雅に振る舞えるってことを思い知らせてやるわ! When I say I'll do something, I'll do it right! I'll prove that even I can conduct myself elegantly, as one of Kongou's sisters!
Main 3 指挥官,我要去你那了,稍微借把手…嘿咻,谢啦,把这身衣服弄湿了就不好了~ 指揮官、今そっちに行くからちょっと手を貸して…よっと。ありがと、この服をできれば濡らしたくないからね I need to go over there, so come give me a hand, Commander... Nice, thanks. I'd rather not get my kimono soaked if I can avoid it.
Touch 看我给你表演一回“优雅”的举动! こうして優雅に決めちゃおう♪ Watch this, I've got a stylish move for you!
Touch (Special) 欸,欸…!? えっ、え…!? What? Huh?!
Mission 指挥官,还是把精力集中在任务上吧。 指揮官、任務に集中したほうがいいわよ? You'd best stay focused on completing missions, Commander.
Mission Complete 虽然多少有些不方便活动,不过搬任务奖励什么的还是没问题的。 ちょっと動きづらいけど、任務報酬を運ぶくらい平気よ This isn't so easy to move in, but bringing the rewards here was easy as pie.
Return to Port 把伞像这样拿…再把衣服往这里…呜呜…由我这么做就是没那个感觉…到底该怎么做才对啊,比叡姐…指挥官!?什么时候回来的?! 傘をこうして…振り向いて着物を少しはだけさせて…んん…私がやってもそれっぽくならないわね…比叡姉さん、一体どうやって…指揮官!?今戻ったの!? Hold the umbrella like this... then turn around and slightly loosen the kimono... Hmm, no, this isn't really my style... How does Hiei pull it off so– Commander?! You're back?!
Victory 怎么样,雾岛!就算穿成这样我也是能好好战斗的! どうだ霧島!こんな格好でも戦えるのよ! How's THAT, Kirishima?! I can battle even in a kimono!