Honolulu (JP 🇯🇵: ホノルル, CN 🇹🇼: 火奴鲁鲁)
Ship IDNo. 304Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityRare
NavyEagle UnionBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionExplore Stage10-2
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressYoko Hikasa
Brooklyn-class Light Cruiser – Honolulu, Hull Number CL-48!
Umbrella Girl Description
If everyone's focusing on the teacher, they probably won't stare at me from up front... As for the umbrella, it's... I know it makes me stand out, but I don't want people to stare at me from behind either...
Summer Accident?!Description
Aaaahh! My sundae! What's up with this stupid hose?! Commander, don't just stand there, help me!
Manjuu MischiefDescription
Just where did St. Louis find something like this... such shameless undergarments, if someone found out... Awawawaa! Commander, what are you doing in here? Get out right now!
Among the StallsDescription
Come on, Louis, the goldfish stall is this way! ... W-why are you giving me that weird look like th– Wait... Eeeek! C-Commander?! When did you get here?!
HP595 Reload66
Firepower30 Torpedo0
Evasion28 Anti-air58
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW24 Luck50
HP2546 Reload127
Firepower83 Torpedo0
Evasion102 Anti-air216
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW61 Luck52
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser105%/110%/120%/135%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Destroyer Gun65%/65%/65%/65%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 152mm Main Gun
3Quadruple 28mm Chicago Piano
Fleet Tech
T6 Light Cruiser: Brooklyn-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock7 +1
Max LimitBreak14
Lv.12010 +1
Full FirepowerEvery 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Brooklyn Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description布鲁克林级轻巡洋舰—火奴鲁鲁,舷号CL-48ブルックリン級巡洋艦・ホノルル(CL-48)Brooklyn-class Light Cruiser – Honolulu, Hull Number CL-48!
Biography我是布鲁克林级的火奴鲁鲁,过去基本在太平洋服役,虽然受过重伤,但姑且还是撑了过来…比海伦娜是走运一点……ブルックリン級のホノルルよ。ほぼ太平洋に配属されて、重傷を負ったこともあるけどなんとかなったわ……まあヘレナちゃんよりは運が良いけど……I'm Honolulu of the Brooklyn-class. I've basically only ever served in the Pacific. I was damaged pretty bad once, but somehow I managed to make it... At least I was luckier than Helena...
Acquisition布鲁克林级,火奴鲁鲁,报道。我说……能别盯着我看吗?又不是我想这么大的……ブルックリン級、ホノルル、着任したよ。あのさ……そんなにじっと見つめないでくれる?べ、別に好きで大きいわけじゃないんだからね……Brooklyn-class, Honolulu, reporting in. Hey, listen... could you stop staring at me like that? It's not like they're this big because I wanted them to be...
Login为什么我非要在这里等你不可……なんでここで待たなきゃならないのよ……Why do I have to wait for you here...
Details整备?不做奇怪的事的话倒是无所谓整備?変なことをしなければ別にいいけど…Maintenance? Fine, as long as you don't do anything weird...
Main火奴鲁鲁这个名字听起来比较热情?那还真是抱歉……ホノルルなのにあまりハワイアンらしくないって?わ、悪かったわね……I don't seem very Hawaiian even though my name is Honolulu? Well gee, my bad...
Main 2海伦娜那家伙老是哭丧着脸,指挥官你也帮忙想想能不能让她笑一笑ヘレナちゃん、いつも悲しそうにしているけど…指揮官もあの子を笑わせるアイデアでも考えてよHelena's always acting so gloomy... You should think of ways to make her smile too, Commander.
Main 3性格是天生的,也不是讨厌你才这样……私のこういう性格は生まれつきだからね、別にあなたが嫌いなわけじゃ……I was born with this personality. I don't hate you or anything like that...
Touch别一脸理所当然地碰别人……有什么事吗?何事もないように人を触るのをやめてよ……なんかあったの?Do you just go around touching everyone you see? Do you need anything?
Touch (Special)哈……直白到这份上反倒让人生不起气了はぁ……ここまで直球で来たら逆に怒る気にもならないわよ…*Sigh*... If you're gonna be this direct then I don't even feel like getting mad at you...
Mission有看我的功夫,去完成剩下的任务如何?私を見る暇があったら残っている任務でもしたら?If you have the time to stare at me, how about you go finish your remaining missions?
Mission Complete你连奖励都不想要了吗?ボーナス、いらないの?What, you don't even want your rewards?
Mail有你的信。干什么,这点程度的事我还是会做的……あなた宛のメールよ。なによ、これぐらいはやってあげるわよ……Here, mail for you. What? I can at least do something this simple for you...
Return to Port辛苦了。怎么,难道被我嘲讽两句你才开心吗?お疲れ。なによ、キツく言われたほうが嬉しいの?Good work. What, are you not satisfied until I say something mean?
Commission Complete还愣着干什么呢……委托已经完成了なにとぼけてるのよ……委託、完了したわよWhat are you waiting for... A commission's been completed!
Enhancement我又没有拜托你……別に頼んだわけじゃ……I didn't really ask you for this...
Flagship解决掉这些就可以了吧?こいつらを片付ければいいんでしょ?All I need to do is get rid of these guys, right?
Victory这样就可以了吧?これでいいでしょ?Is that enough for you?
Defeat我可不想再去一次马雷岛……マレ島なんて二度と行きたくないわ……I don't want to go to Mare Island again...
Skill这里应该可以……ここならいける……!This time things should go well...!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官也不过是这样的人吗……指揮官もこの程度じゃない……So that's who you are, huh, Commander?
Affinity (Stranger)为什么我非要跟你聊天不可…………不过我也没什么事做,就陪陪你好了なんであなたと雑談しなきゃならないのよ………まあ私もちょうど暇だし、少し付き合ってあげるわDo I really need to chat with you...? But I guess I don't have anything else to do, so I'll keep you company for a while.
Affinity (Friendly)总是被大家羡慕或者嫉妒,好像胸部比我本人还要重要一样,我倒是希望它能小一点,而且本来就不太方便……大きいからって、なんかよくほかの子に羨ましがられるの……私は小さいほうがいいわ。大きいとほら、色々と不便だし……I think people are jealous of me because mine are bigger than theirs… But personally I wish they were smaller. When they're big, you know, it's pretty inconvenient...
Affinity (Like)对我这个除了胸部之外毫无特色的家伙这么好,你就这么喜欢胸部吗?……不过不管是不是,我都……算了不说了,不然你鼻子还不翘到天上去大きいこと以外特に何も特徴のない私にこんなに良くしてくれるなんて…あなた、大きいのはそんなに好き?……好きじゃなくても私は別に…ううん、あなたが調子に乗るから、これ以上は言わないでおくわI don't really have anything going for me outside of my body, but you're still being so nice to me... Do you like my body THAT much? Even if you don't, it's not like I... No, I'll stop myself right there, because otherwise you'll just get carried away.
Affinity (Love)……以前我不是说一点也不想这么大吗?你要是喜欢的话,现在倒也觉得有点用处了…………好きで大きいわけじゃないって言ったじゃない?まあ、あなたがそんなに好きなら、別に大きくても……... Didn't I tell you they're not this big just because I wanted them to be? Well, if you like them that much... then maybe they're not so bad...
Pledge这种让人害羞的仪式能不能快点结束……独、独处的时候随你高兴行了吧……恥ずかしいから早く終わらないかな……ふ、二人きりの時は好きにしたらいいでしょ……This is really embarrassing, so could we just get this over with... Y-you can do whatever you want when it's just the two of us...
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with St.Louis路易斯,再捉弄我要生气了。ルイス…またバカにしたらお、怒るわよ…Louis... Keep poking fun at me and you'll regret it.
In battle with Helena海伦娜,放心吧,我会帮你的ヘレナちゃん、安心して、手伝ってあげるから…!Don't you worry, Helena, I'm here to help!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description大家都看老师的话,就没人会注意到我的胸部了……在教室中打开伞遮住自己会不会有点显眼……但、但是不想被后面的同学看到自己……みんなが先生見てれば、前から見られることはないはず……あとはこの日傘を……目立つけど、後ろからも見られたくないからね……If everyone's focusing on the teacher, they probably won't stare at me from up front... As for the umbrella, it's... I know it makes me stand out, but I don't want people to stare at me from behind either...
Acquisition大家都看老师的话,就没人会注意到我的胸部了……在教室中打开伞遮住自己会不会有点显眼……但、但是不想被后面的同学看到自己……みんなが先生見てれば、前から見られることはないはず……あとはこの日傘を……目立つけど、後ろからも見られたくないからね……If everyone's focusing on the teacher, they probably won't stare at me from up front... As for the umbrella, it's... I know it makes me stand out, but I don't want people to stare at me from behind either...
Details和、和我一起吃午饭?真的吗?不会是在戏弄我吧?还、还是只是在垂涎海伦娜做的餐食?い、一緒にお昼?本当?からかってるだけでしょ?それとも…ヘレナちゃんの作った料理が目当て?Y-you want to eat lunch together? Really? I bet you're just teasing me. Or are you... just hoping to get a taste of Helena's cooking?
Main我在学校里交到朋友了喔,棕色的,毛茸茸的,还不会说话的那种……学園で友達ができたの。色はブラウンで、フサフサで、なにも喋らない子だけど…I made a friend at school. He's brown, cuddly, and doesn't say a word, though...
Main 2学校里可没有像你这样,一会儿使我沮丧,一会儿又使我高兴的存在……真是的,我都说了什么啊……学園にはあなたのような子はいないわ。時に私を笑わせたり、泣かせたりして……もう私、なに言っているのよ……There's nobody who's like you at school. Nobody who sometimes makes me laugh, sometimes makes me cry, and sometimes... Gosh, what am I saying...
Touch因、因为遮阳伞只有这么大,所、所以两人一起用的时候难、难免会互相碰到啊……日傘はこれぐらいしかないの。だ、だから二人で入ったら…ぶつかるのはしょうがないでしょ……?It's small, but it's the only umbrella I could find. S-so, when 2 people are sharing it... i-it's only natural they'd have to stand so close together...
Touch (Special)反、反正,我有吸引力的地方也就只有这里了ど、どうせ私にはこれしかないわね……I-I don't have anything going for me besides my bust anyway...
Return to Port请不要一脸理所当然地说什么放学的时候去学校接我……那、那样我就不出来了放課後に向かえに来るって言わないでよ……も、もう学園から出ないわよ…Don't say you'll "see me after school"... O-or else I'll just stay behind...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description唔哇哇哇,我的圣代!这根水管是怎么回事啦!指挥官,我说你别站那边看了,有空过来帮我一下!うわあああああ!私のサンデーがああ!このホースはなんなのよぉ!指揮官、もー!見てないで助けてぇ!!Aaaahh! My sundae! What's up with this stupid hose?! Commander, don't just stand there, help me!
Acquisition唔哇哇哇,我的圣代!这根水管是怎么回事啦!指挥官,我说你别站那边看了,有空过来帮我一下!うわあああああ!私のサンデーがああ!このホースはなんなのよぉ!指揮官、もー!見てないで助けてぇ!!Aaaahh! My sundae! What's up with this stupid hose?! Commander, don't just stand there, help me!
Details指挥官你老实说,是不是你偷偷对我的主炮做了手脚?现在坦白还来得及……指揮官、私の主砲にいたずらしたのはあなただよね?は、白状してよ!今ならまだ間に合うから……Commander, you're the one who messed with my cannons, didn't you? A-admit it! Admit it while you still have the chance...
Main呜呜呜这水到底从哪里喷出来的啦!!あああ!この水は一体どこから噴き出して来たの!?*Gasp*! Where the heck is all this water coming from?!
Main 2指挥官,一边笑一边说“泳装真好看”这种话一点说服力都没有好吗!指揮官、笑いながら「水着がカワイイ」って言ってもぜーんっぜん説得力ないんだからぁ!Commander, you don't sound convincing at all when you tell me my swimsuit is cute while you're laughing!
Main 3呜……去沙滩的时候要被大家笑死了……うぅ……みんなに笑われちゃうよ……*Sob*... Everyone's going to laugh at me...
Touch再坚持一下你叫了海伦娜过来?我不需要用这种方法逗她笑啦!ヘレナちゃんを呼んだの!?あの子を笑わせたいからってこんな方法じゃ嫌――!!You called over Helena?! This is NOT the way I want to make her laugh!
Touch (Special)指挥官你死定了……给我也变成落汤鸡吧!指揮官、許さないわ……私と一緒にずぶ濡れになっちゃえええ!How could you, Commander... I'll hose you till you're as soaked as I am!
Return to Port指、指挥官,要来冲个凉吗し、指揮官、ええと、冷たいシャワーでもどう……?C-Commander, umm, do you wanna take a cold shower...?
Flagship消灭掉所有目击者…就不会再觉得丢脸了吧…!見た人を全て消せば…恥ずかしがらなくてよくなるよねっ!If I get rid of everyone who saw me... then I won't have anything to be embarrassed about!
Victory我今天心情不好,算你们倒霉……運が悪かったわね…今日の私はすごく機嫌悪いんだからっ!Today was your unlucky day... because I'm in a REALLY bad mood!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description路易斯那家伙,说什么穿着驯鹿服能和海伦娜搞好关系,我也真是信了她的邪…………哇啊啊啊啊啊,指挥官,你进来干什么,快给我出去!ルイスは一体どこからこんなハレンチな下着を見つけたのよ……こんなの誰かに見られ……きゃあああ!!早く出ていってよ!!Stupid Louis... "If you dress up as a reindeer for Christmas, you'll have an easy time talking to Helena"... You think I'm stupid enough to believe that...?! *Eeeeeek*?! C-Commander?! Get out, right now!
Acquisition路易斯那家伙,说什么穿着驯鹿服能和海伦娜搞好关系,我也真是信了她的邪…………哇啊啊啊啊啊,指挥官,你进来干什么,快给我出去!ルイスのやつ、クリスマスにトナカイ衣装を着て会いに行けば、ヘレナちゃんとも上手く話ができるって……そんなの信じられるわけ……!?きゃあああ!!し、指揮官!?早く出ていってよ!!Stupid Louis... "If you dress up as a reindeer for Christmas, you'll have an easier time talking to Helena"... You think I'm stupid enough to believe someth...? *Eeeeeek*?! C-Commander?! Get out, right now!
Login指挥官,你该不会是故意的吧!し、指揮官!わざとだったよね!?C-Commander! You did that on purpose, didn't you?!
Details什么圣诞特别款内衣,我就不该听路易斯的……幸好麋鹿服是全身的不会被人看到……クリスマススペシャルランジェリーって……ルイスの話を聞かなきゃよかった!早くこのトナカイ衣装を着て見られないようにしないと…!"Special Christmas lingerie"... I never should've listened to Louis! I need to put on this whole costume quick, before someone sees me...!
Main哈……一想到居然要给现在一脸理所当然地站在我背后的家伙送礼物就完全提不起劲了はぁ……澄ました顔で後ろに立っているバカのことを考えると、やる気も湧かないわよ……*Sigh*... Just thinking about that idiot standing behind me with a straight face makes all my motivation go away...
Main 2这、这是……对了,其实是我刚才不小心摔倒了,丝带缠到了身上,啊哈哈,我真是不小心呢~欸,蝴蝶结?……啊こ、これはついさっき転んじゃって、そしたら絡まれちゃって……あははは、私ってドジだよね…このリボンって?あぅ……I-I tripped just a moment ago, and these ribbons got all tangled up around me... Ahahaha, I'm such a klutz... What are the ribbons for...? U-uhh...
Main 3圣诞树装饰得挺可爱?谢谢……等等,重点不在这里吧!素晴らしいクリスマスツリーだって……あ、ありがと……ってもっと他に言うことがあるでしょ!That's a wonderful Christmas tree...? T-thanks... Hey, hold on, don't you have anything else to say?!
Touch圣诞夜的安排?嗯……等等,为什么你在别人换衣服的时候一脸淡然地搭话啊!クリスマスの予定?ええと……って、人がこんな格好してる時に、なに澄ました顔で質問してるのよ!My plans for Christmas? Um, let's see... Hey, hold on, why are you asking that with a straight face to someone who's dressed like this?!
Touch (Special)?!指挥官你什么时候出现在我背后的!きゃぅ!?指揮官、いつの間に…!?*Eek*?! Commander, when did you get here...?!
Mail邮件?糟了……忘了塞到哪个箱子里去了メール?しまった……どのボックスに入れたか忘れてた……Your mail? Oh no... I forgot which box I put it in...
Return to Port指挥官,你回来的也太是时候了吧!指揮官!?今のタイミング良すぎたよね!?Commander?! You sure chose an awfully convenient time to come back!
Defeat糟了糟了衣服破了要被看到了……見られちゃう…見られちゃうよ……!They're staring at me... They're staring at me...!
Affinity (Love)哈……路易斯还说什么这么穿空手去那个笨蛋那里,跟那家伙说礼物就是自己,然后……蠢毙了,而且这样那家伙真的会高兴吗……?!你听到了?!はぁ……この格好で指揮官のところに行って「私がプレゼントよ」って……バカバカしいし、こんなの指揮官が喜ぶわけ……い、今の聞いてた!?*Sigh*... "Go visit the Commander and say 'I'm your present~!'"... That's ridiculous, the Commander would never like this stupid costu... D-did you just hear that?!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description路易斯,快看,那边有捞金鱼……你笑得那么诡异地看着我干什么?欸,哇啊啊!指、指挥官,你、你什么时候来的!ルイス、ほら、金魚すくいはあっち……な、なんで変な顔でこっち見て…えっ。きゃああ!し、指揮官!?いつからいたのよ…!?Come on, Louis, the goldfish stall is this way! ... W-why are you giving me that weird look like th– Wait... Eeeek! C-Commander?! When did you get here?!
Acquisition路易斯,快看,那边有捞金鱼……你笑得那么诡异地看着我干什么?欸,哇啊啊!指、指挥官,你、你什么时候来的!ルイス、ほら、金魚すくいはあっち……な、なんで変な顔でこっち見て…えっ。きゃああ!し、指揮官!?いつからいたのよ…!?Come on, Louis, the goldfish stall is this way! ... W-why are you giving me that weird look like th– Wait... Eeeek! C-Commander?! When did you get here?!
Login事先声明,我、我可不是因为喜欢祭典才……啊啊啊,算了!指挥官,和我一起逛啦!言っておくけど、別にお祭りが好きなんかじゃ……も、もうどうだっていいから!指揮官、付き合ってよ…!I'll say this now: I don't like festivals in any... Ah, you know what, never mind! Just come with me, okay?!
Details看什么看,喜欢祭典很奇怪吗?な、何見てるのよ…お祭りが好きなのは変なの……?Wh-what are you staring at me for... Is it weird to have fun at a festival now...?
Main路易斯那个家伙,说什么“那我就不当电灯泡了”就不知道去哪了……哼,不管她了,指挥官,你在看什么呢,吃不吃烤鱿鱼?ルイスのやつ、「馬に蹴られたくない」って言ってどっか行っちゃって……もうルイスのことはいいから、指揮官、イカ焼き…食べる?Stupid Louis... She just went "I'd rather not be kicked by a horse" and walked off... Let's just forget about her... Commander, do you want... some fried squid?
Main 2我说过,我不是讨厌你才对你摆脸色的。现在,你总该相信了吧?不过,突然被看到这一面,果然……还是有些尴尬さ、さっきは私の恥ずかしい姿、見たのね…別にあなたが嫌いなわけじゃないけど……Y-you saw how flustered I was just now, didn't you... I don't hate you or anything like that, you know...
Main 3可恶,这些金鱼怎么这么难捞……指挥官,来帮我一下,我想捞几条金鱼送给海伦娜金魚すくい、難しい……指揮官、手を貸してくれない?ヘレナちゃんにこれ、贈りたいから…!Goldfish scooping is pretty hard... Could you lend me a hand, Commander? I want one to give to Helena...!
Touch港口那边好像很适合看烟花,指挥官,我们散步过去吧?港の方で花火大会をやっているらしいの…指揮官、散歩がてら見に行こう?Seems there'll be a fireworks display by the harbor... Commander, how about we go there on our walk?
Touch (Special)虽然人是很多,但别以为我不知道你是故意的…人が多いからって……今のはわざとだってわかってるからね…!Don't make excuses... I know you did that on purpose...!
Return to Port指挥官也想要这个…?给、给你吧これがほしいの…?ほ、ほらDo you want this...? Here, take it...
Flagship赶快解决掉,回去继续逛祭典…!さっさと片付けてお祭りに戻るわよ…!Let's get this over with quick, I wanna go back to the festival...!
Victory指挥官,可以回去了吗?指揮官、もう戻っていいでしょ?Can we go back now, Commander?
Defeat讨厌,刚刚好不容易才换上的衣服…せっかく着替えたのに…やだよ……After all that trouble putting this on... This sucks...
Affinity (Love)真是的,为什么只有在你面前,我总是会失去方寸呢……嗯?我没在自言自语什么啦,笨蛋…!もう、なんであなたの前ではいつも調子が狂っちゃうのよ……何よ独り言言ってたって……べ、別に何も言ってないわよ…!バカ…!*Sigh*, why can't I ever keep my composure in front of you... "What am I murmuring about"...? N-nothing! I didn't say a word...! Dummy...!
In battle with !ERROR!Louis... if you make me look dumb again then I really will get mad...
In battle with !ERROR!Rest easy, Helena! I'll assist you!