Helena META (JP 🇯🇵: ヘレナ(META), CN 🇹🇼: 海伦娜·META)
Ship ID No. M003 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy META Build Time
Acquisition META Lab
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 0
Scrap Income
Release Date
EN 2021/06/10
CN 2021/06/10
JP 2021/06/10
Voice actress
Helena META Description
Helena META
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 /// /// ///
2 /// /// ///
3 /// /// ///
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Brooklyn-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Shadow-Wing Torch Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage with a 30.0% chance to increase the DMG taken by enemies hit by 10% for 5s (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this ship has any piece of Eagle Union gear equipped: fires this barrage every 15s instead.
Scanner Hacking Increases this ship's FP and Accuracy by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 15s: 50.0% (100.0%) chance to spawn a zone on the battlefield that sets the Speed of enemies within it to 0 for 3s.
Information Addiction Increases the DMG this ship deals to Light Armor enemies by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship is sortied with Helena: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 8.0% (18.0%); When sortied without Helena: increases this ship's EVA by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases DMG taken by the frontmost ship in your Vanguard by 5.0%.
Ashen Might - Helena I Activates Ashen Might - Helena I once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 海伦娜号轻巡洋舰 (若已获得相应的META角色,奖励将会转化为对应的角色结晶,可在「META研究室」-「能量激活」中使用) ブルックリン級巡洋艦・ヘレナ(1隻しか所持できません。2隻目を入手した場合、限界突破素材に変換されます) Were you looking for me? I am willing to lend you my power – provided that you promise not to hide anything from me.
Biography 布鲁克林级轻巡洋舰海伦娜号。优点的话,大概就是知道的比别人多一点吧。 ブルックリン級軽巡洋艦、ヘレナ。ほかの子より少し博識なところが長所よ Brooklyn-class light cruiser, Helena. As for what I'm good at, let's just say it's knowing a little more about you than the other girls.
Acquisition 你是在找海伦娜吗?我可以把我的力量借给你——不过,你要答应,对我不能隐瞒任何东西哦。 ヘレナのことをお探し?力を貸してもいいけど――私に何も隠し事をしないって約束して Were you looking for me? I am willing to lend you my power – provided that you promise not to hide anything from me.
Login 海伦娜知道,指挥官你会在这个时候回来的。 指揮官がこのタイミングで戻ってくることは、ヘレナは知っていたよ I knew exactly when you'd come back, Commander.
Details 要是SG不仅能知道指挥官在哪,也能知道指挥官在想什么就好了呢。 SGで指揮官の居場所だけでなく、指揮官の考えていることも分かればいいのにね My SG tells me exactly where you are, but I wish it also told me what you're thinking...
Main 指挥官,我想听你说话,我想知道你内心的想法。我不能忍受身边还有我不清楚的事的这种焦虑感…… 指揮官、私に声をかけて、私に心の声を聞かせて、私の焦燥を――私のそばにまだ分からないことがある事実を全部かき消して―― Commander, call out for me, bare your heart to me, quell my turmoil, erase everything that I cannot comprehend...
Main 2 指挥官,你要找人吗?不仅是办公室附近,全港区的情况我都一清二楚哦。 指揮官、人を探してるの?私には執務室の周りだけでなく母港全部のことがわかっているわ Commander, looking for someone? I know much more than just what happens around the office. I see everything that happens at this port.
Main 3 知道太多不一定是件好事哦,特别是当你发现自己什么也做不了的时候。 知り過ぎはよくないかもよ。知っていても何もできないことに気づいたら… Knowing too much can also be a curse, if you only know but are powerless to act.
Touch 要借用我力量的话,必须先告诉我是要做什么哦。 私の力を借りようというのなら、そのワケを教えて If you wish to use my powers, you must first tell me why.
Touch (Special) 这种时候,你果然是会犹豫的呢。 やっぱり…ためらっているわね I knew... you'd think twice about doing that.
Mission 指挥官,任务放着也是不会消失的哦?还是乖乖地完成它吧。 指揮官、放置しても任務は消えたりしないよ。しっかりこなしましょ Commander, your missions will not disappear just by simply leaving them alone. Do finish them diligently.
Mission Complete 任务完成的奖励只有这点吗?有些少啊。 任務完了の報酬がこの程度?…少ないわ These are the mission rewards? ...Seems rather lackluster.
Mail 新邮件到了哦,我拆了帮你看吧。 新しいメールよ。代わりに開封するわ You have new mail. Let me help you open it.
Return to Port 指挥官,你刚刚去哪里了?我是知道你有没有说谎的哦~ 指揮官はどこに行ったの?ウソをついてるかどうか、分かるわよ? Where did you go, Commander? I'll know whether or not you're lying~
Commission Complete SG已经感知到快要归港的同伴了哦。指挥官,提前准备一下吧。 SGが港に戻ってきている仲間たちをキャッチしたわ。出迎えの準備をしましょう、指揮官 SG has informed me that your friends will be returning soon. Let us prepare to greet them, Commander.
Enhancement 那么,这份力量的代价会是什么呢? もっと強い力……その代償はなに? Greater power... but at what price?
Flagship SG,这次也好好地把敌人的位置告诉我吧? SG、今回も敵の居場所を教えて SG, tell me where my enemies are hiding this time.
Victory 雷达上的红色光点,已经全部消失了。 レーダーの赤い点、全部なくなったわよ。ふふふ The red dots on the radar... have all been eliminated.
Defeat 是有什么连我都没注意到的情报么…算了,就这样吧。 見逃すはずがないのに……どうして…済んだことだしもういいわ… How could I have overlooked something? I don't understand... Very well, so be it.
Skill 找到你们了哦。 見つけたわよ I've found you~
Low HP 别再抵抗了。你们的位置,我可是一清二楚的! 抵抗しないで…居場所は分かってるからっ! Don't resist. I know exactly where you are!
Affinity (Upset) 如果你决定封闭自己内心的话,我就去做我自己的事情了哦。 あなたは心を閉ざすのね…いいわ、自分の面倒は自分で見れるから If you intend to close your heart to me, then what happens to you is no longer of any concern to me.
Affinity (Stranger) 我喜欢微笑哦。只要一直微笑着,别人就无法攻破你的心防。 微笑んでいるのが好きよ。微笑み続ける限り、心は見透かされないもの Of course I like to smile. As long as you can maintain a smile on your face, your heart will always remain opaque to others.
Affinity (Friendly) 拥有一双看透一切的眼睛,却并没有一双解决一切的双手……我不想再经历这种痛苦的事了。指挥官,你一定能做得比我更好吧。 すべてを見通す目を持っていても、すべてを掴み取れる手を持っていない虚しさ……あんなに悲しい出来事を二度と経験したくないわ。指揮官、あなたならきっと私よりうまくやれるはずよ Even if I can see everything, too often I cannot grasp any of it... I never wish to experience that sorrow again. Commander, I'm sure you'll be able to succeed where I failed.
Affinity (Like) 明明我掌握着如此之多的情报,为什么我的内心还会感到不安……啊,我知道了,我身边的,我心中的最大的不安定因素,正是你啊…… なにもかも知り尽くしているのに、どうして心はまだ不安なの…分かったわ。私の身の周りにある、私を不安にさせるもの――きっとあなたよ Even though I have all the information I could ever want at my disposal, why does my heart waver so... I see now... What I know the most, is also what I least understand... and that is you.
Affinity (Love) 只有你那温柔的声音,才能消除我心中的不安与猜忌……没有你,我不知道我会做出什么呢……哪里也不要去,就陪在海伦娜的身边,好吗? 指揮官の優しい声だけが、私の不安と迷いをかき消してくれる…あなたがいなければ、私は何をしてしまうか…どこにも行かないで、ヘレナのそばにいて Only your gentle voice can wash away my anxiety and distrust... How would I be able to live without you... Never go anywhere, Commander, stay by my side.
Pledge 这个就是永远不会背叛,永远不会分开的象征吧…嗯,我知道的哦。海伦娜,现在感到无比的安心…让我们永远、永远、永远在一起吧—— これはずっと裏切られない、離されない印…分かっているわ、ヘレナのこの「安心」という気持ち――ずっと、ずっと、ずっと一緒にいて―― This symbol represents that we will never be separated, or betray each other... Mm, this I know. I have finally found peace of mind... So always, forever, eternally... remain by my side.
In battle with Oklahoma, Arizona, California 有些东西,是我无论如何都不会放手的呢。 どんなときでも、見捨てたりはしない…! There are some things... I will never let go of...!