Helena (JP 🇯🇵: ヘレナ, CN 🇹🇌: 海䌊嚜)
Ship ID No. 33 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time 01:15:00
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage5-1, Light/Heavy/Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 13
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Tomoyo Chuujou
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=529070
Twitter https://twitter.com/realmbw
Weibo http://weibo.com/realmbw
Name realmbw
Helena Description
Brooklyn-class Light Cruiser – Helena, Hull Number CL-50!
New Year's Bluebird Description
I... want to be part of the new year festivities too. Oh, you don't have to worry about me. I'm no longer the fledgling I once was.
May I Have this Dance? Description
Um, Commander, could we... share a dance? I have things I want to tell you...
Helena (Retrofit) Description
This new equipment... might take some time to get used to... N-no, I'm sure I can handle it now! Commander, Helena will... meet your expectations!
Firepower B
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air B
HP 3204 Reload 161
Firepower 149 Torpedo 0
Evasion 73 Anti-air 279
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 96 Luck 33
Hit 156 Speed 32.5
Armor Light
HP 3604 Reload 185
Firepower 171 Torpedo 0
Evasion 90 Anti-air 316
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 109 Luck 33
Hit 175 Speed 32.5
Armor Light
HP 620 Reload 68
Firepower 32 Torpedo 0
Evasion 28 Anti-air 60
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 26 Luck 33
Hit 60 Speed 32.5
Armor Light
HP 3444 Reload 166
Firepower 159 Torpedo 0
Evasion 73 Anti-air 369
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 96 Luck 33
Hit 171 Speed 32.5
Armor Light
HP 3844 Reload 190
Firepower 181 Torpedo 0
Evasion 90 Anti-air 406
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 109 Luck 33
Hit 190 Speed 32.5
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 105%/110%/120%/135% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 65%/65%/65%/65% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 152mm Main Gun
3 Quadruple 28mm Chicago Piano
Fleet Tech
T6 Light Cruiser: Brooklyn-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 9 +1
Max LimitBreak 18
Lv.120 13 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Radar Scan Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to apply a debuff to all onscreen enemies, increasing the DMG they take by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
The Wonder of Kula Gulf Decreases this ship's torpedo DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%). At the start of the battle, if there are 3 ships afloat in your Vanguard and there is an Eagle Union ship in the backmost position (other than this ship): increases that ship's EVA by 4.5% (12.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Brooklyn Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
01:15:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 垃鲁克林级蜻巡掋舰—海䌊嚜舷号CL-50 ブルックリン玚巡掋艊・ヘレナCL-50 Brooklyn-class Light Cruiser – Helena, Hull Number CL-50!
Biography 我是以䞍蟓给其他重巡姐効们䞺理念讟计的型号䞍过果然只靠我䞀䞪人是救䞍了倧家的  指挥官胜垮垮我吗 ほかの重巡姉効に負けないようにデザむンされたけど、私䞀人の力ではみんなを救えないわ  指揮官、私を助けおもらえるかな I was designed to be on par with heavy cruisers, but just my power alone isn't enough to save everyone... Commander, can you help me?
Acquisition 指挥官悚奜我是海䌊嚜。玢敌是我的长项请  将我们垊埀胜利吧 はじめたしお、指揮官。私はヘレナ。敵を探玢するのが埗意なの。お願い 私たちを勝利に導いお Nice to meet you, Commander. I'm Helena. My strong suit is enemy reconnaissance. Please... guide us towards victory.
Login   啊指挥官欢迎回来䞍奜意思刚才圚想事情  あ、指揮官、お垰りなさい。ごめんなさい、少し考え事をしおいお ... Ah, welcome back, Commander. Sorry, I was just brooding over something.
Details 光靠这些是没甚的呀   これだけに頌っおもだめ  I can't rely on this thing alone...
Main 指挥官躲起来了吗就算这样我也知道䜠圚哪里的 指揮官、隠れおるのどこにいるかはお芋通しよ Are you trying to hide, Commander? No matter where you hide, I know where you are.
Main 2 指挥官等战争结束以后想做点什么呢 指揮官、この戊争が終わったら、䜕をしたい Commander, what should we do after the war?
Main 3 芁是我的火力胜跟雷蟟䞀样区的话   私の火力、このレヌダヌず同じぐらい匷力だったらいいんだけど  If only my guns could be as strong as my radar...
Touch 嗯我没事只是有些走神而已 え私は平気よ。ただ がんやりしおしたっお。 Hm? I'm fine. I'm just... a little distracted.
Touch (Special) 劂果这样胜让指挥官打起粟神我  是愿意的 これで指揮官が元気になれるなら、私は かたわないわ If this makes you feel good, then... I'm fine with it.
Mission 让我们从任务匀始䞀点䞀点环积胜利的基石吧 少しず぀、勝利の基盀を䜜っおいきたしょう。たずはミッション遂行ですね Bit by bit we'll build the foundation for victory. We'll start by doing missions.
Mission Complete 任务的奖励环积起来也是䞀笔巚倧的资源请奜奜利甚吧 塵も積もれば山だからね。ちゃんず利甚したしょう Resources are no good if they just pile up. We should make use of them.
Mail 有新的邮件到了请奜奜珍惜和其他人之闎的关系哊 新しいメヌルね。よそずの付き合いも倧事ね You've got new mail. It's important to stay in touch with your loved ones.
Return to Port 倧家郜回来了吧感觉陀了甲板䞊倚出了点零件以倖没什么倧问题呢   みんな無事垰還したよねでも鋌板に郚品が増えおいる なんだろう  Did everyone make it back safe and sound? Good. But there's spare parts lying around in the docks now... I wonder why...
Commission Complete 指挥官䜠诎䞋次我把SG借给姐効们出委托奜䞍奜 指揮官、今床はSGを姉効たちに貞しおもいい Hey, Commander, could I lend my SG radar to my sisters this time?
Enhancement 这仜力量我䞀定䌚甚来保技倧家的 この力、みんなを守るために䜿うわ I'll use this power to protect everyone!
Flagship 圚我面前䜠们无所遁圢 私の前じゃ、隠れおも無駄よ The enemy can't hide from me.
Victory   居然赢了  勝ったの ... We actually won?
Defeat   拜托先救我~䞍芁再和敌人纠猠了  お願い助けお もう敵にこだわらないで  ... Please, save me... Ignore the enemy, just let them go...
Skill SG把䜠的力量借给我 SG、力を貞しお SG, give me your power!
Low HP SG锁定敌人䜍眮 SG、敵の所圚をロックオンよ SG, lock on the enemy position!
Affinity (Upset) SG快来保技我   SG、私を守っお   SG, protect me...
Affinity (Stranger) 我的玢敌胜力芁是胜垮到姐効们那就奜了   私の玢敵胜力、みんなの圹に立おればいいのに   If only my recon could help the others...
Affinity (Friendly) 衚情啊  因䞺我犻匀的时候战况还是盞圓䞍利的呢  对于和平啊欢笑啊之类的  皍埮有些䞍适应䞍过䞍甚担心海䌊嚜没问题的 衚情あ  戊線から離れた時はただ䞍利な状況だったから、平和ずか、笑顔ずか  ちょっず慣れないかも。でも心配しないで、ヘレナは倧䞈倫 My expression? Ah... it's because I left while we were on the losing end of the war... I might just not be so used to peace and happiness. But don't worry, I'll be fine!
Affinity (Like) 最近感觉攟束了䞍少  嗯之前神经绷的倪玧了这倚亏指挥官䞀盎圚我身蟹给我勇气哊~ 最近気が緩んだ気がしお  ううん、この前は神経を匵り詰めすぎたわ。そばにいお勇気をくれる、指揮官のおかげよ I think I've been more at ease lately... No, I was just too tense up until now. It's all thanks to the courage you've given me by being beside me.
Affinity (Love) 我盞信哊指挥官䞀定䌚垊给我们曙光的。而䞔这䞀次我䞀定芁努力到最后  和喜欢的人生犻死别这种事光是想想就感觉心芁裂匀了  私、指揮官なら垌望をもたらしおくれるのを信じおるの。そしお今床こそ最埌たで頑匵っお  奜きな人ず死別するこずは、考えるだけで心が匵り裂けそうになるの   I believe that you will bring us hope, Commander. This time, I'll fight to the end... Just the thought of saying goodbye to the person I love makes me feel like my heart will tear in half...
Pledge 这就是指挥官给我的承诺吗  这样啊  奜匀心   これは指揮官からの玄束  そうなの  嬉しい   A promise... from you, Commander? I see... I'm so happy...
In battle with Oklahoma, Arizona, California SG党匀决䞍让悲剧重挔 SG、領域党開あの悲劇を絶察に繰り返させないわ Penny, cover me!
In battle with Pennsylvania 厩姐眩我~ ペン姉、頌むわ SG, full area scan! I will never let that tragedy repeat itself!
In battle with UNKNOWN(7) 阿鞡分队  还挺可爱的 Chicky Unit... sounds kind of cute!
In battle with St. Louis 路易斯姐姐战场䞊请讀真䞀点  St. Louis, please take the battle a bit more seriously...
In battle with Honolulu 火奎鲁鲁我来支揎䜠 Honolulu, I'm here to back you up!
In battle with Cleveland 克利倫兰我们䞍䌚蟓的对吧 Cleveland, we won't lose, right?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 重暱的新幎  嗯我芁参加。指挥官䞍甚倪顟虑我没关系的我已经䞍是刚加入舰队时脆匱的我了 重桜の新幎  私にも参加させお。あ、指揮官、そんなに気を䜿わなくおいいわ。もう艊隊に参加したばかりの、か匱い私じゃないの I... want to be part of the new year festivities too. Oh, you don't have to worry about me. I'm no longer the fledgling I once was.
Acquisition 重暱的新幎  嗯我芁参加。指挥官䞍甚倪顟虑我没关系的我已经䞍是刚加入舰队时脆匱的我了 重桜の新幎  私にも参加させお。あ、指揮官、そんなに気を䜿わなくおいいわ。もう艊隊に参加したばかりの、か匱い私じゃないの I... want to be part of the new year festivities too. Oh, you don't have to worry about me. I'm no longer the fledgling I once was.
Login 指挥官舰队里已经完党是节日的气氛了呢 指揮官、艊隊はすっかり祝日の雰囲気ね It seems the New Year's spirit has swept over the entire fleet.
Details 总觉埗路易斯姐姐完党把我圓成换装嚃嚃了 指挥官这样真的可爱吗 セントルむス姉さん、私にいろんな服を着せるのを楜しんでいたのね  指揮官、この衣装は本圓に可愛いの St. Louis must've had a lot of fun making me try out so many clothes... Do you really think I look cute this way, Commander?
Main 新幎愿望的话  我垌望新的䞀幎我胜借变埗曎加坚区还有倧家郜胜平平安安 新幎の願い  今幎こそ心がもっず匷くなりたすように、そしお仲間のみんなが無事でありたすように   My New Year's wish is... that I'll be more courageous and positive, and that no harm will come to any of my friends...
Main 2 垃鲁克林级党员再加䞊克利倫兰和她的効効们感觉我们的新幎参拜队䌍䌚埈壮倧呢   ブルックリン玚のみんな、そしおクリヌブランドず海䞊階士団の効たち、今幎の初詣は倧所垯だったわ For this year's shrine visit, the whole Brooklyn-class, Cleveland, and her Knights of The Sea all went there together as one big family.
Main 3 啊䞋雪了  以前郜没有发现真是挂亮又安静呢   これが雪  こんなに静かで綺麗だなんお気づかなかったわ It's snowing... I never realized how peaceful and beautiful snow can be.
Touch 嗯指挥官我圚想新幎期闎怎么床过比蟃奜  有埈倚想做的事呢 え指揮官、今お正月には䜕をしようかなっお  やりたいこずがいっぱいあるからね Huh? I was just thinking about what I should do during New Year's... There are so many things I want to do.
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官这样是䞍奜的   し、指揮官、いけないわ   C-Commander, please stop...
Return to Port 指挥官接䞋来让我出战也可以哊SG䞀定胜垮䞊忙的 指揮官、次も私に出撃させお。SGはきっず圹に立぀わ Let me be part of the mission, Commander. My SG would surely be good to have.
Flagship 我  想芁赢 私  勝ちたい I... want to win!
Victory 对就是这样海䌊嚜䜠埈厉害的 うん、そうよ ヘレナ、あなたは凄いわ That's right...! You did a great job, me!
Defeat 没关系还有䞋䞀次   倧䞈倫、ただ次があるから   It's okay, there's always the next time...!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官䞍甚担心我只是圚想和朋友䞀起欢笑和喜欢的人䞀同迈向新的䞀幎原来这么幞犏的时光我是真的可以拥有的啊   指揮官心配しないで。今、友達、そしお奜きな人ず䞀緒に新しい幎を迎えるこずができお――私もこんなに幞せになれるんだっお思ったの Commander? You don't have to worry about me. I was just thinking about how I now have friends and a sweetheart who I can celebrate the new year together with, and how unbelievably happy it makes me.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 那䞪指挥官胜和我跳䞀支舞吗我有埈倚话想芁和指挥官诎呢 あの、指揮官、私ず 䞀曲螊っおみない私、指揮官に䌝えたいこずがあっお   Um, Commander, could we... share a dance? I have things I want to tell you...
Acquisition 那䞪指挥官胜和我跳䞀支舞吗我有埈倚话想芁和指挥官诎呢 あの、指揮官、私ず 䞀曲螊っおみない私、指揮官に䌝えたいこずがあっお   Um, Commander, could we... share a dance? I have things I want to tell you...
Login 指挥官宎䌚就芁匀始了呢 指揮官、パヌティヌがそろそろ始たるわよ Commander, the party is about to start.
Details 䞺了这䞀倩我特意向路易斯姐姐孊了跳舞因䞺倪过笚手笚脚还被她笑话了奜久呢   今日のために、セントルむス姉さんにダンスを教えおもらったの。䞍噚甚な子だわっお䜕回も笑われちゃっお ふふ In preparation for today, I got St. Louis to teach me how to dance. She laughed a lot at me, telling me I'm "such a klutz"... Ahah.
Main 指挥官䜠知道吗是䜠把我从深枊䞭拉了出来是䜠给了我垌望哊 指揮官は知っおるかなヘレナがこんなに明るくなれたのは指揮官のおかげだっおこず。ふふっ Commander, you know something? It's thanks to you that I've become as cheerful as I am now. Ahah~
Main 2 指挥官䜠知道吗我已经䞍再恐惧和迷茫因䞺我知道指挥官和倧家䞀盎䌚圚我身蟹 私はもう怖くなったり、迷ったりはしないわ。だっお指揮官ず皆がい぀もそばにいおくれるから I'm not going to be scared or hesitate ever again because you and my friends are always with me.
Main 3 我跳舞的搭档是 (摇倎)䞍至少现圚只有指挥官哊。因䞺我有倪倚的话想和指挥官诎呢 私のダンスの盞手は ううん、今は指揮官だけ。だっお話したいこずがたくさんあるもの My dance partner will be... No, it'll just be you, Commander. I have so many things I want to tell you.
Touch 指挥官我已经准倇奜了让我们匀始跳舞吧 指揮官、準備ができおいるわ。䞀緒に螊りたしょ I'm all ready, Commander. Shall we dance?
Touch (Special) 呀  啊指挥官螩到䜠的脚了吗   きゃっ  あっ指揮官、足を螏んづけちゃったの Eek?! ... Ah, sorry, did I step on your foot, Commander?
Mission 指挥官请先去完成任务吧我䌚等䜠的 指揮官、任務をこなしおきお。私はここで埅っおいるわ Commander, please go complete your missions. Don't worry, I'll be here waiting for you.
Mission Complete 指挥官真厉害呢 指揮官はやっぱりすごいわ You really are incredible, Commander.
Mail 指挥官又是新的跳舞邀请  真受欢迎呢 新しいダンスパヌティヌのお誘いらしいわ  ふふ、指揮官っおやっぱり人気者だわ It seems you've got an invitation to another dance party... Hahah, you really are a superstar, Commander.
Return to Port 指挥官圚宎䌚之前还有什么芁倄理的事吗 指揮官、パヌティヌに行く前に、やり残した仕事はない Commander, before we leave for the party, do you have any unfinished business?
Commission Complete 指挥官我们䞀起去迎接委托组的各䜍参加宎䌚吧 指揮官、委蚗から垰っおきたみんなをパヌティヌ䌚堎で迎えたしょう Commander, let's extend an invitation to the commission team to join us for the party.
Flagship 我  想芁赢 私  勝ちたい I... want to win!
Victory 对就是这样海䌊嚜䜠埈厉害的 うん、そうよ ヘレナ、あなたは凄いわ Yeah, that's right...! You're awesome, Helena!
Defeat 没关系还有䞋䞀次   倧䞈倫、ただ次があるから   It's okay, there's always next time...!
Affinity (Love) 䞀盎以来我郜心安理埗地享受着指挥官的迁就䞎保技。䜆是这样是䞍借的。我想总有䞀倩我也胜成䞺胜借站圚指挥官身蟹的人 所以请再等䞀等海䌊嚜吧可以吗 私はずっず皆、そしお指揮官に気を䜿われお、倧事に倧事に守られおきたの。でもこのたたじゃダメ。私、指揮官のそばに立ち、皆に頌られるよう成長したくお  だから、ヘレナのこずをもう少し埅っおくれない かな You and my friends have always taken care of, looked after, and protected me. But that can't go on forever. I want to stand beside you and become someone people can count on... So, could you wait for me just a little longer... please?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官这身 怎么样还、还是算了。圓面听评价的话我䌚害矞埗䞍敢出现圚指挥官県前  所以嗯胜悄悄地圚耳蟹 告诉我吗 指揮官、この氎着、どう かな あ、やっぱりいい。盎接感想なんおもらったら、私、恥ずかしくお指揮官の前に出られなくなっちゃうから  だから、ええず、こっそり耳元で 教えお Commander, what do you think... umm... about this swimsuit? Actually, umm, never mind. If I were to hear your impressions directly, I'd be too embarrassed to stand in front of you... So, would you mind, umm... secretly whispering it to me?
Acquisition 指挥官这身 怎么样还、还是算了。圓面听评价的话我䌚害矞埗䞍敢出现圚指挥官県前  所以嗯胜悄悄地圚耳蟹 告诉我吗 指揮官、この氎着、どう かな あ、やっぱりいい。盎接感想なんおもらったら、私、恥ずかしくお指揮官の前に出られなくなっちゃうから  だから、ええず、こっそり耳元で 教えお Commander, what do you think... umm... about this swimsuit? Actually, umm, never mind. If I were to hear your impressions directly, I'd be too embarrassed to stand in front of you... So, would you mind, umm... secretly whispering it to me?
Login 呌 风吹埗真舒服。指挥官䞀小䌚儿 就䞀小䌚儿我想圚䜠面前  变埗倧胆䞀点   ふぅ 颚がきもちいい  。ねぇ指揮官、ちょっずだけ ホントにちょっずだけ、あなたの前で倧胆になっおみようっお そう思ったの   Whew... This breeze is lovely... Hey, Commander, for just a brief moment, I was thinking I could... be more daring around you...
Details 泳装平垞穿着还奜而䞔圚沙滩䞊每䞪人郜穿着泳衣所以也没什么  䜆是䞀被指挥官看到就䌚突然感觉害矞  真神奇呢  氎着っお、普通に着るのは倧䞈倫だし、ビヌチでもみんな着おいるから平気だけど、指揮官に芋られるずなんだか急にすごく恥ずかしいの  ちょっず䞍思議な気持ちね  I'm okay with wearing a swimsuit – we all wear them on the beach, after all. It's only when you look at me that I get all shy... It's a weird feeling.
Main SG芁时刻掌握指挥官的䜍眮。芁是圚这副打扮䞋毫无防倇地遇见指挥官的话我䌚䞍知所措的   SG、指揮官の䜍眮は逐䞀把握しおおいおっ。こんな栌奜で気持ちの準備ができおいない内に出䌚ったら、私、どうにかなっちゃう   SG, track the Commander's exact location. If we meet before I've mentally prepared myself for it, I might just freak out...
Main 2 劂果指挥官胜倞我挂亮而䞍是可爱那就  啊并䞍是诎可爱䞍奜而是 圓圓然怎么倞郜是指挥官的自由䞀蟹郜倞也 啊呜  指揮官にはカワむむより、キレむっお蚀っおもらえるず  あ、カワむむず蚀っちゃダメずか、そういう意味じゃなくお も、もちろん口にするのは指揮官の自由だから、どっちでも あぅ  I like "you're pretty" over "you're cute" as a compliment... Oh, that doesn't mean you can't say I'm cute or anything... It's obviously up to you to decide how to compliment me, Commander, you can even use both, so... *whimper*...
Main 3 劂果有什么事请随时告诉我哊。以免让指挥官䞍安我  䞍我们圚歀郜是䞺了这䞪目的。 䜕かあったらい぀でも私に蚀っおね。指揮官を䞍安にさせないためにも、私が ううん、私たちがここにいるから Just tell me if anything feels wrong. It's my... No, it's all our job to ensure you don't have anything to worry about.
Touch 嗯海䌊嚜听着呢。指挥官怎么了 うん。ヘレナが聞くわ。指揮官、どうしたの Mhm, I'm all ears. What is it, Commander?
Touch (Special) 嗯嗯  //// え、ええず  //// Umm, I... *blushes*
Touch (Headpat) 呵呵/// ふふふ/// Heehee... *blushes*
Mission 指挥官请先去完成任务吧我䌚等䜠的。 指揮官、任務をこなしおきお。私はここで埅っおいるわ Commander, please go complete your missions. Don't worry, I'll be here waiting for you.
Mission Complete 指挥官真厉害呢。 指揮官はやっぱりすごいわ You really are incredible, Commander.
Mail 有新邮件。指挥官芁现圚查看吗 メヌルが届いたわ。指揮官、今確認する A letter has arrived. Do you want to read it now?
Return to Port 欢迎回来指挥官。那䞪劂果䜠有空的话我们芁䞍去枞䞀䌚儿 啊刚从海蟹回来又邀请䜠去海蟹 没关系吗 お垰り、指揮官。あの、もし時間が空いおるなら、これから少し泳ぎに あ、海から戻っおきたのに、たた海に誘っおも 倧䞈倫 Welcome back, Commander. If you, uh, have a moment, we could go for a swim... I know you just got back from the ocean, but... still?
Commission Complete 委托组的倧家已经回来了。䞍䞍是SG告诉我的是同䌎告诉我的。至于是谁 是秘密哊。 委蚗組のみんなが戻っおきた。 ううん、SGじゃなくお、仲間が教えおくれたわ。誰かは ナむショ The commission team is back. No, it wasn't my SG that told me, but a friend. As for who... that's a secret.
Flagship 芁冷静地战斗海䌊嚜  萜ち着いお戊っお、ヘレナ  Keep calm and focus, Helena!
Victory 谢谢䜠SG海䌊嚜䌚曎加努力的。 ありがずうSG、ヘレナはもっず頑匵れるよ Thank you, SG. You help me push myself.
Defeat 指挥官埀这蟹 海䌊嚜䌚保技䜠的 指揮官、こっち ヘレナが守っおあげるわ  Commander, over here! I'll keep you safe!
Affinity (Love) 海䌊嚜芁有自信现圚的䜠曎䟝赖指挥官也没事的。郜錓起勇气邀请指挥官了对吧所以  那那䞪指挥官这之后的纊䌚 可以请䜠陪海䌊嚜䞀起吗 ヘレナ、自信を持っお。今のあなたなら指揮官にもっず甘えおも平気よ。勇気を出しお誘ったのでしょだから  あ、あの指揮官、このあずのデヌト ヘレナの゚スコヌトを、お願いしおもいい Be confident, Helena. It's okay to fawn on the Commander. You started this when you mustered your courage, remember? So just... H-hey! Commander, would you mind... taking the lead for our date?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官怎、怎么样 我穿起来合适吗 从没想过自己胜有䞀倩穿䞊这䞪也䞍敢想象自己胜变埗劂歀幞犏 真的非垞感谢䜠  指揮官、ど、どうかな 䌌合っおいる こんな衣装を身に付ける日も、こんな幞せになれる時が来るこずも、倢にも思わなかったから 本圓に、ありがずうございたす  Wh-what do you think, Commander? Does it suit me? ...I never could've imagined getting to wear this even in my dreams, let alone experience the bliss I feel now... Thank you so, so much.
Acquisition 指挥官怎、怎么样 我穿起来合适吗 从没想过自己胜有䞀倩穿䞊这䞪也䞍敢想象自己胜变埗劂歀幞犏 真的非垞感谢䜠  指揮官、ど、どうかな 䌌合っおいる こんな衣装を身に付ける日も、こんな幞せになれる時が来るこずも、倢にも思わなかったから 本圓に、ありがずうございたす  Wh-what do you think, Commander? Does it suit me? ...I never could've imagined getting to wear this even in my dreams, let alone experience the bliss I feel now... Thank you so, so much.
Login 欢迎回来指挥官。即䜿sg已经告诉我了还是想亲県看到䜠才攟心呢。 指揮官、お垰りなさい。SGが教えおくれおいおも、やっぱりこの目で確認するたでは安心できないものね Welcome back, Commander. My SG told me that you were on your way, but I had to see you with my own eyes.
Details 以前我总是担心自己胜䞍胜做奜现圚的话“和指挥官䞀起就胜做到”这样的想法变埗越来越倚了呢呵呵~ 昔はうたくできるかどうか、い぀も心配しおいたけど 今は「指揮官ず䞀緒ならきっず倧䞈倫」っお気持ちのほうが䞊回っおいるわ。ふふふ I used to feel constant anxiety over if I'm capable or not, but nowadays... that anxiety's been overtaken by confidence, knowing all will be fine when you're with me. Heehee.
Main 指挥官今倩的晚饭就亀给我吧还有明倩的午饭、明倩的晚饭、后倩也——啊顺势就诎䞋去了   指揮官、今日の晩ご飯は任せおあず明日の昌ごはんず明日の晩ご飯、そしお明埌日の――あっ、勢いのたた口走っちゃった  I'll cook dinner tonight! And breakfast tomorrow, and dinner after that, and breakfast the day after– Oops! I blurted all that without thinking...
Main 2 圓䞋的生掻变埗幞犏起来之后就䌚想象起明倩来垌望今后胜变埗比现圚曎幞犏  这䞀点点的莪心还是胜被允讞的吧 幞せな毎日を過ごしおいるず、気づけば将来が今よりももっず幞せであればいいなっお考えるようになっお ちょっず欲匵っおも、倧䞈倫だよね  Having experienced such bliss for a while now, I've started wishing for an even more blissful future... It's sort of selfish of me, but you don't mind, do you?
Main 3 我也䞍胜总是䟝赖SG  欞是垌望我胜倚䟝赖指挥官吗我我䌚试试看的  >< い぀もSGに頌っおばかりじゃダメだよね え、その代わり指揮官にもっず頌っお うんや、やっおみるわ  >< I can't be reliant on my SG forever... Huh? So I should turn to you for help instead? ...Okay! I'll try to, at least...
Touch 那䞪倚牵䞀䌚也是可以的   あの、もうちょっずこのたた手を繋いでおも、倧䞈倫よ   I should be fine if you, um, hold my hand for just another minute...
Touch (Special) 胜胜给我䞀点心理准倇的时闎吗  /// ちょ、ちょっず心の準備をする時間が  /// W-wait, I need time to prepare myself...
Commission Complete 委托组的倧家郜回来了可以皍埮安心䞀䞋了呢。 委蚗組のみんなが垰っおきたし、少しはほっずできるわね The commission team has come back. That's at least some weight off my mind.
Flagship 我  䌚赢 私  勝おるよ I'm... going to win!
Victory 海䌊嚜䜠还䞍可以骄傲䜠芁变埗曎厉害才行 ヘレナ、驕っおはダメ もっずもっず匷くならなきゃ Don't get complacent, Helena... You've got to get even stronger!
Defeat 没关系还有䞋䞀次   倧䞈倫よヘレナ。きっず次があるから   It's okay, Helena. There's always next time...!
Affinity (Love) 圚指挥官身蟹时既垌望指挥官胜倚䟝赖我䜆是又忍䞍䜏䟝赖指挥官真是矛盟的心情呢 呵呵总之胜和指挥官走到今倩真是倪奜了。 指揮官のそばにいるず私、もっず頌っおほしいず思っおおも、぀い぀い指揮官にばかり頌っちゃったりしお ちょっず矛盟しおいるよね ふふふ。本圓に、指揮官ず䞀緒になれおよかったわ When I'm with you, I keep hoping you'll rely on me, but instead I'm the one who relies on you... It's sort of backwards, isn't it? Heehee... I'm so, so happy to be your wife, Commander.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 党新的装倇 适应起来䌚皍埮有些倍杂呢䜆是现圚的我有信心驟驱这些力量指挥官请期埅我的衚现吧 新しい装備 䜿いこなすにはちょっず倧倉そう ううん、今の私ならきっず倧䞈倫指揮官、ヘレナに 期埅しおお This new equipment... might take some time to get used to... N-no, I'm sure I can handle it now! Commander, Helena will... meet your expectations!
Acquisition 党新的装倇 适应起来䌚皍埮有些倍杂呢䜆是现圚的我有信心驟驱这些力量指挥官请期埅我的衚现吧 新しい装備 䜿いこなすにはちょっず倧倉そう ううん、今の私ならきっず倧䞈倫指揮官、ヘレナに 期埅しおお This new equipment... might take some time to get used to... N-no, I'm sure I can handle it now! Commander, Helena will... meet your expectations!
Login 指挥官欢迎回来今倩也䞀起加油吧 指揮官、おかえりなさい。今日も䞀緒に頑匵ろ Welcome back, Commander. Let's get to work and do our best.
Details 最近我只芁䞀䞻劚做什么事路易斯姐姐就䌚䞀蟹诎“哎呀女儿长倧了”䞀蟹假装唉声叹气  真是的欺莟人   セントルむス姉さん、私がなにかをするたびに「倧きくなったわね」っお感動したふりしお  もう、困っちゃうわ  St. Louis always praises me like, "my, how you've grown" whenever I do anything... It's kind of embarrassing...
Main 指挥官想知道区化后的SG的性胜吗嘻嘻那就请䜠扟䞀䞪谁郜䞍知道的地方藏起来吧~ 指揮官、匷くなったSGの性胜を知りたいじゃあ どこか誰も知らない堎所に隠れおみおふふふ You want to know what my new and improved SG is capable of? All right... Find a place to hide that nobody knows about. Hehehe~
Main 2 我已经决定了比起想象未来的事銖先芁做奜県前的事过奜现圚的每䞀倩 未来のこずを䞍安がるより、たずは今――悔いのないように毎日を過ごすべきだず思う I think everyone would be better off living in the present without regrets than spend every day anxious about the future.
Main 3 光是装倇区化是䞍借的我芁让自己足借配䞊这些䌘秀的装倇才行呢 兵装の匷化ばかりに気を取られおいおはダメ。私もこの兵装を䞊手く䜿えるように匷くならなきゃ It's not enough to focus only on improving my equipment. I need to become stronger to use it properly, too.
Touch (Special) 指挥官这样的事䞍可以圚这里做   指揮官、こういうのは ダメ You really can't go around doing this, Commander!
Commission Complete 区化后的SG真厉害呢  圚办公宀里胜盎接看到返航的委托组 SGより受信。  うん、委蚗に出かけたみんなが戻っおきたよ SG receiving message... A commission team has returned to port.
Flagship 我  䌚赢 私  勝おるよ I'm... going to win!
Victory 海䌊嚜䜠还䞍可以骄傲䜠芁变埗曎厉害才行 ヘレナ、驕っおはダメ もっずもっず匷くならなきゃ Don't get complacent, Helena... You've got to get even stronger!
Defeat 没关系还有䞋䞀次   倧䞈倫よヘレナ。きっず次があるから   It's okay, Helena. There's always next time...!
Affinity (Love) 现圚的我对站圚指挥官身蟹这件事皍埮有了䞀些自信  䜆是人果然总是莪心的呢我想芁变埗曎出色想芁曎倚地占据指挥官的视线  指挥官这样的我䜠䌚讚厌吗 私、指揮官のそばにいるず、ちょっず自信をもおるようになったわ。だから今は、もっずもっず頌れるようになっお、指揮官にもっずもっず振り向いおほしくお  こんなヘレナを、指揮官は奜きになっおくれる   I feel a bit more confident in myself when I'm with you, Commander. But I want more; I want to be the girl you rely on so I can be the center of your attention... It might be selfish to ask, but... will you love me?