BlÃŒcher (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 243 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Admiral Hipper-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Daredevil Sweetheart Increases this ship's FP and Crit Rate by 5.0% (15.0%) and SPD by 3 (8). 10s after the battle starts and every 20s after that: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level), and, for 8s, tanks 30.0% of the rest of your Vanguard's DMG taken while decreasing it by 10.0% (20.0%). During battle, this ship gains a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special Secondary Gun (DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's AA stat).
Unstoppable Love Every 30s after the battle starts: deploys 2 rotating shields (last 5 (15)s; can block up to 10 enemy shells). Increases this ship's Evasion Rate by 1.0% (10.0%) and, when this ship's HP falls below 50.0%: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 15.0% (30.0%) (does not affect DMG tanked by this ship's "Daredevil Sweetheart" skill) and increases her DMG dealt by 1.0% (10.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Admiral Hipper Class once every 9 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 垌䜩尔海军䞊将级重巡掋舰—垃吕歇尔 アドミラル・ヒッパヌ玚重巡掋艊--ブリュッヒャヌ Admiral Hipper-class heavy cruiser – BlÃŒcher.
Biography 呀同~我是铁血海军垌䜩尔级重巡掋舰二号舰垃吕歇尔嗯就是圚嚁瑟挔习行劚䞭遗憟地被岞防炮击䞭的那艘嘻嘻只芁胜和指挥官圚䞀起垃吕歇尔我每倩郜是心情倧奜~ にゃは☆鉄血海軍アドミラル・ヒッパヌ玚二番艊のブリュッヒャヌよ。そうノェヌザヌ挔習䜜戊で芁塞砲にボッコボコにされたあのブリュッヒャヌよ指揮官ず䞀緒にいるず、ブリュッヒャヌは毎日ハッピヌなんだから☆ Heheh☆ I'm BlÃŒcher of Iron Blood, second ship of the Admiral Hipper class~ Yup, I'm the one who got totally whooped by fortress guns in Operation WeserÃŒbung! And you, Commander, are the source of my endless happiness~
Acquisition 呀同~䞺了最最最最喜欢的指挥官我—垃吕歇尔来啊 にゃは☆倧倧倧倧奜きな指揮官のために、私・ブリュッヒャヌ、ただいた着任♪ Heheh☆ It's me, BlÃŒcher, reporting in to serve my sweet, sweet Commander♪
Login 呀同~指挥官看到我心情有变愉快吗 にゃは☆指揮官は私を芋るず元気になったりしないかな Heheh☆ Doesn't seeing me make you all happy?
Details 正因䞺喜欢指挥官我才来到了这里。指挥官对我䞀定也怀着盞同的心情吧 私、指揮官が倧奜きだからこの艊隊に着任したのよぉ指揮官も同じ気持ちだったりしおにゃは☆ I only joined this fleet 'cause I'm so in love with you, Commander! You feel the exact same way about me, don't you~? Heheh☆
Main 垌䜩尔也想和指挥官亲近吗 ヒッパヌちゃんも指揮官ずスキンシップしたいの Hipper, don't you wanna cuddle with the Commander too?
Main 2 瞄准指挥官的心党匹发射 指揮官のハヌトを狙っお党匟☆発射 Aim for the Commander's heart aaand... all-love assault!
Main 3 胜遇见指挥官对我来诎就和魔法䞀样矎劙呢 指揮官ず出䌚えたのは、玛れもなく本圓の事なんだねうんうん、幞せ Being able to meet you is like a dream come true! Mmhmm, I've never been happier!
Touch 每倩的我郜比前䞀倩曎加喜欢指挥官 昚日より指揮官のこずが奜きになっちゃう、今日のブリュッヒャヌだよ☆ It's me, the girl who's more in love with you today than she was yesterday~
Touch (Special) 啊䞍胜把我跟其他孩子比蟃哊♪ にゃは☆ほかの子ず比べちゃダメだよ♪ Heheh☆ No comparing me to anyone else~♪
Mission 呀同~指挥官䞀起去完成爱的修䞚吧 にゃは☆指揮官、共に愛の修行にいきたしょヌ Heheh☆ It's time we started practicing the art of love, Commander!
Mission Complete 呀同~和指挥官的回忆又倚了䞀仜 にゃは☆指揮官ずの思い出、たた増えちゃった Heheh☆ Another unforgettable memory made with you!
Mail 呀同~这是新邮件——以及我的情乊。指挥官请务必郜看䞀看~ にゃは☆新しいメヌル――ず、ブリュッヒャヌからのラブレタヌよ。絶察に読んでね Heheh☆ You've got new messages... including a love letter from me! Don't forget to read it!
Return to Port 呀同~欢迎回来。指挥官我芁拥抱嘻嘻~ にゃは☆指揮官、おかえり抱っこしおえぞぞ Heheh☆ Welcome back, Commander! Gimme a hug~! Ehehe~
Commission Complete 委托组回来了呢䞍知道她们有没有捡到什么奜䞜西呀 委蚗チヌムが垰還したよいいもの拟ったりしおないかな  The commission team is back~ Wonder if they found any goodies out there?
Enhancement 呀同~指挥官对我的爱有没有变倚 にゃは☆指揮官もブリュッヒャヌのこず、もっず倧奜きになったり Heheh☆ Have you fallen even deeper in love with me?
Flagship 只芁指挥官的视线没有犻匀我我就——所向无敌 指揮官が芋おる限り、ブリュッヒャヌはね、無敵なんだからっ As long as you keep your eyes on me, I'm toooootally invincible!
Victory 呀同~垃吕歇尔倧胜利 にゃは☆ブリュッヒャヌ・倧勝利 Heheh☆ Crushiiing victory!
Defeat 咕呜  劂果有指挥官的吻我或讞就胜重新振䜜起来   むぐぅ  ブリュッヒャヌを立ち盎らせるには、指揮官のキスが必芁なの   Bweh... Only a kiss from my Commander can get me back on my feet...
Skill 尝尝我和指挥官爱的力量☆ 指揮官ぞの愛の力だよ☆ Look what my love for my Commander can do!
Low HP 爱无所䞍胜 愛にできないこずなんおない Anything's possible when you have love!
Affinity (Upset) 即䜿是这样的指挥官我也喜欢 こんな指揮官でも。ブリュッヒャヌは倧奜きだよ Something's wrong with you... but I still love you!
Affinity (Stranger) 呀同~今倩倩气真奜~指挥官坐䞊我的舰装和我䞀起去哪里蜬蜬吧 にゃは☆いい倩気。指揮官、ブリュッヒャヌの艀装に乗っおどっか遊びにいきたしょヌ Heheh☆ What a beautiful day~ Hop on my rigging and we'll go have a wild time, Commander!
Affinity (Friendly) 呀同~埅圚指挥官的身蟹总感觉自己可以飞到倩䞊啊诎起来舰装本来就浮着嘛♪ にゃは☆ 指揮官がそばにいるず、ブリュッヒャヌもドキドキりキりキ空たで浮いちゃう気分ずいうか艀装で本圓に浮かせおもらっおるし♪ Heheh☆ Every time we touch, my heart beats so fast and I swear I could fly! Oh wait, my rigging actually does take me higher♪
Affinity (Like) 没有指挥官的拥抱做什么事郜提䞍起力气  嘻嘻再倚抱我䞀䌚嘛~ 指揮官が抱きしめおくれないず、なヌんにもやる気が出ないよ  えぞぞ、もっず抱きしめおいお I need hugs from you to get the energy to do anything... Heehee~ Hold me closer~ Clooooooooser!
Affinity (Love) 我最最最最最喜欢指挥官了䞋次纊䌚是什么时候䞋䞪月䞋呚明倩我已经等䞍及了等䞋就去纊䌚也可以吧啊哈哈☆ 指揮官のこずはヌヌ倧倧倧倧倧奜きだよねえねえ、次のデヌトはい぀来月来週明日もう埅ちきれないからこの埌でもいいよねにゃははは☆ Heheh☆ I love you so, so, soooo much, Commander! When can we go on a date again? Next month? Next week? Tomorrow? I can't wait that long, so let's go on one in five minutes! Hehehehe~
Pledge 呀同~终于等到我日倜盌望的这倩了指挥官准倇奜接受我的䞀切了吗垃吕歇尔我——可是早就党郜准倇奜了 にゃは☆埅ちに埅った日が぀いに来た指揮官、ブリュッヒャヌのすべおを受け入れる準備はできおるブリュッヒャヌは――い぀でも準備䞇端だよ♪ Heheh☆ I've waited forever for this day! So, are you ready to embrace every last bit of me, Commander? Me... I'm as ready as can be♪
In battle with Admiral Hipper 姐姐坊率地诎出喜欢䞍是坏事 ヒッパヌちゃん、奜きっおカミングアりトするのは別に悪いこずじゃないよ C'mon, Hipper! There's nothing wrong with admitting you're in love!
In battle with Prinz Eugen 呀同~我芁把䜠的倎发染成金色 にゃは☆その髪を金色にしおやる Heheh☆ I'm gonna make you a blondie!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呀同~指挥官奜慢啊这样䞋去䌚被垃吕歇尔抛䞋的哊~匀玩笑的我䌚攟慢速床快远䞊来吧— にゃははは☆指揮官おそヌいこれじゃあブリュッヒャヌに眮いおいかれちゃうよなんお、スピヌド萜ずしおあげるから早く着いおきおヌ Heheheh☆ You're lagging behind, Commander! Pick up the pace or you'll be left behind! Just kidding~ I'll slow down for you so we can stick together!
Acquisition 呀同~指挥官奜慢啊这样䞋去䌚被垃吕歇尔抛䞋的哊~匀玩笑的我䌚攟慢速床快远䞊来吧— にゃははは☆指揮官おそヌいこれじゃあブリュッヒャヌに眮いおいかれちゃうよなんお、スピヌド萜ずしおあげるから早く着いおきおヌ Heheheh☆ You're lagging behind, Commander! Pick up the pace or you'll be left behind! Just kidding~ I'll slow down for you so we can stick together!
Login 呀同~指挥官山䞊果然最棒了呢 にゃは☆指揮官、やっぱり山はサむコヌだよね Heheh☆ Mountains are peak fun, aren't they, Commander?
Details 指挥官我现圚起跳了芁奜奜接䜏我哊—  啊哈☆nice catch最喜欢指挥官了 しきかヌん、今からそっちに行くから早く私を受け止めおヌ  にゃは☆ナむスキャッチ指揮官倧奜き Commandeeer! I'm heading where you are, so you'd better catch me! ...Heheh☆ Nice one! I love you!
Main 小心碰撞 我已经被诎奜几次啊陀了垌䜩尔连科隆也诎过我 衝突泚意 もう䜕回も蚀われおるもんヒッパヌちゃんだけでなくケルンにも蚀われおるし Everyone keeps telling me to "watch where I'm going!" First, it was Hipper, now even Köln's saying it!
Main 2 今倩䌚替欧根她们保技我对吧还是诎我来保技最喜欢的指挥官呢~啊哈☆ 今日はオむゲンちゃんたちの代わりに守っおくれるんでしょそれずも私が倧奜きな指揮官を守っおあげたりしおにゃは☆ You'll stand in for Eugen and watch over me today, won't you? Or should I watch over you instead, sweetheart? Heheh☆
Main 3 指挥官热吗还是冷啊哈☆垃吕歇尔虜然觉埗凉飕飕的䞍过对指挥官可是䞀腔热意哊♪ 指揮官は暑い寒いにゃは☆ブリュッヒャヌはスヌスヌしおるけどドキドキで指揮官にお熱だもん♪ You feeling hot or cold, Commander? My outfit's all breezy, but you make my heart race and my body all warm♪
Touch 是兔子Kaninchen还是雪兔垃吕歇尔看䞊去像哪种呢 カニンヒェンちゃん雪うさぎブリュッヒャヌはどっちに芋える Which do I look more like – a bunny, or a mountain hare?
Touch (Special) 啊哈哈☆  咊啊呀呀芁摔倒了 にゃははは☆  ふぇあわわわわ転んじゃうよぉ Hehehe–eeehh? Oh shooooot! I'm gonna fall!
Return to Port 指挥官欢迎回来—唔我知道的。芁泚意速床䞍胜玩过倎了对吧 指揮官おかえりヌむぅ、分かっおるよ。スピヌドに気を぀けおはしゃぎすぎない、でしょ Welcome back, Commander! ...Okaaay, I know I need to watch my speed and not get carried away.
Flagship 我䌚慎重行事的— ここは慎重に行くよヌ Gotta take it carefully here!
Defeat 垃吕歇尔偶尔也是䌚蟓的啊。唔   ブリュッヒャヌもたたには負けるもん。むぅ Even I can't have it my way all the time. Hmph...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呀同~隶属于魔王军的韙骑士——垃吕歇尔参䞊  比蟃起来曎像是韙圚拜着我跑䞀点没错  啊呀呀这条韙䞀点也䞍听话快垮垮我 にゃは☆魔王軍所属のドラゎンナむト、ブリュッヒャヌだよ ドラゎンを操っおるずいうより匕っ匵られおるそうだけど っおわあああドラゎンが蚀うこずを聞かないよ指揮官助けおヌ Heheh☆ I'm BlÃŒcher, dragon knight of the Demon King's army! ...Not riding the dragon so much as being dragged along by it? Well, I guess... Whoaaah! The dragon won't obey me! Commander, heeelp!
Acquisition 呀同~隶属于魔王军的韙骑士——垃吕歇尔参䞊  比蟃起来曎像是韙圚拜着我跑䞀点没错  啊呀呀这条韙䞀点也䞍听话快垮垮我 にゃは☆魔王軍所属のドラゎンナむト、ブリュッヒャヌだよ ドラゎンを操っおるずいうより匕っ匵られおるそうだけど っおわあああドラゎンが蚀うこずを聞かないよ指揮官助けおヌ Heheh☆ I'm BlÃŒcher, dragon knight of the Demon King's army! ...Not riding the dragon so much as being dragged along by it? Well, I guess... Whoaaah! The dragon won't obey me! Commander, heeelp!
Login 呀同~指挥官准倇奜䞀起和巚韙兜风了么 にゃ、にゃはぁ ☆し、指揮官、ドラゎンに乗っお䞀緒に颚を感じる準備はできおる Heh, heheh... Commander, you ready to mount the dragon and feel the breeze?
Details 虜诎想过䞀起自由翱翔䜆还没想过是骑着韙来呢  啊哈☆指挥官芁抱玧我哊  䞍然就䌚摔䞋去了啊呀呀呀—— 䞀緒に空を飛んでみたいず思ったこずはあるけど、ドラゎンに乗っお飛ぶなんお思っおもみなかったよ  にゃは☆指揮官、ブリュッヒャヌをしっかり抱きしめおお。でないず萜ちちゃ わわわわヌヌ I've wanted to soar the skies together with you before, but I never imagined we'd be doing it on a dragon. Heheh☆ Hold on to me tightly, Commander! You might fall off if you– Whoooah!
Main 虜然隶属于魔王军䜆是䞝毫没有感受到应该有的气魄  这、这种䞜西我也想有啊䜆是  哇啊啊啊又芁掉䞋去啊—— 魔王軍なのにそれっぜいオヌラを感じないむぅ。ブリュッヒャヌもそれを身に着けたいなでも あわわわたた萜ちちゃうヌヌ You don't think I FEEL like a soldier of the Demon King? Hmph. I do wanna learn to look like one, but– No, no, no! I'm gonna fall again!
Main 2 啊哈哈☆今倩就由我来保技最最最喜欢的指挥官~怎么样圚我旁蟹是䞍是埈有安党感完党没有  呜呜。 にゃはは☆ブリュッヒャヌが倧倧倧奜きな指揮官を守っおあげる♪どうかなブリュッヒャヌのそばにいるずすごく安心するでしょ党然 ぎえんT_T Heheheh☆ You're safe with me, my number one sweetie! How's that? Don't you feel super duper safe around me? ...Not at all? Aww...
Main 3 韙炎喷射感受到灌热的气息了吧指挥官啊哈哈☆我对指挥官的心意可䞀点䞍比炜热的韙炎差哊——哇烫烫烫   ドラゎンファむアアツいブレスを感じたにゃははは☆ブリュッヒャヌの指揮官ぞの倧奜きの気持ちはドラゎンに負けな はわわわわ Dragon's breath! Did you feel the heat? Heheheh☆ My love for you burns just as bright as the dragon's– Whoa, whoooa!
Main 4
Touch 指挥官也想骑着韙飞行吗可以尜管向我请教哊嗯  倧抂。 指揮官もドラゎンを操っお飛びたいのブリュッヒャヌになんでも聞いおいいよ♪うん  倚分 Commander, do you wanna steer the dragon? I'll let you do anything you want! Well... probably!
Touch (Special) 欞欞欞就算圚这种时候也胜行  至、至少先平皳飞行再   ふぇえこんな状況でもしちゃうの せ、せめおこの子が倧人しく飛んでくれおからでも  Huh?! You wanna do it NOW? A-at least wait until my dragon has taken off smoothly...
Mission 呀同~指挥官快倄理奜任务来垮垮我吧—— にゃ、にゃは☆指揮官、はやく任務を片付けおブリュッヒャヌを助けお   Heh, heheh☆ Come on, get those missions done and come rescue me!
Mission Complete 呀同~这次增加的和指挥官的回忆倚了䞀些颠簞呢 にゃは☆指揮官ずの新しい思い出、ちょっず波乱だったね♪ Heheh☆ We made a nice, new, and slightly chaotic memory together!
Mail 有新的信件  哇啊这䞪䞍可以喷火烧掉啊我写给指挥官的情乊还圚里面呢 新しいメヌル  っおわああブレスで焌いちゃダメぇブリュッヒャヌの指揮官ぞのラブレタヌが入っおるのヌ New letter for... No, no, no! Don't use your fire breath on it! My love letter to the Commander is in there!
Return to Port 掻、掻着回来了  啊哈哈还奜是我曎技高䞀筹呢   い、生きお垰っおきた あははは、ブリュッヒャヌはやれるんだから I-I'm back, and I'm still alive...
Commission Complete   圚巚韙背䞊蜻易就胜看见同䌎们的身圱呢快去迎接她们吧。 んんん  ドラゎンに乗っおいるずみんながどこにいるかはっきり分かるね早く出迎えに行こうよ Hmm... Being on this dragon gives me a great view of where everyone is! Let's go say hi to the girls!
Flagship 巚韙骑士出击~ ドラゎンナむト、LosLos Dragon knight! Los, los!
Defeat 咕呜  圓韙骑士还真是高隟床呀  䞍管啊我摔痛啊芁指挥官亲亲才行 むぐぅ  ドラゎンナむトっおすごい倧倉なのぉ もぉ痛い思いをしたブリュッヒャヌが立ち盎るには、指揮官のキスが必芁なの Hrmgh... Being a dragon knight is sooo hard! Commander, the only way to cure my hurt feelings is for you to kiss me!
Affinity (Love) 想芁和我再倚去䞀些地方  圓然没问题我最最最最喜欢的指挥官我们的䞋䞀䞪纊䌚的地点是哪里  就算这䞪䞖界再倧只芁乘坐巚韙䞍管哪里郜胜䞀䞋子到蟟嗯现圚就出发吧   ブリュッヒャヌずもっず色んな堎所に行きたいの にゃは♡もちろん倧䞈倫倧倧倧倧奜きな指揮官、次はどこに行きたいこの䞖界がどんなに広くおもドラゎンに乗っおればきっずすぐ行けるようんそれじゃあ出発しよう♪ You wanna visit all kinds of places with me,? Heheh♡ Of course we can! Where do you wanna go, my super sweet sweetheart? My dragon can take us anywhere in this vast, vast world! Whenever you're ready, let's go!
vote 拉祚描述 拉祚描述 拉祚描述
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 呀同~指挥官今倩也和垃吕歇尔盞亲盞爱吧♪ にゃは☆指揮官、今日もブリュッヒャヌずラブラブむチャむチャしおいこう♪ Heheh☆ Now begins another day of lovey-dovey cuddling and flirting together♪♪
Details 指挥官埈喜欢我因歀才给了我誓纊之戒对吧我也最最最最喜欢指挥官了啊哈☆ 指揮官は私のこずが倧奜きだから誓いの指茪を枡したのよね私も指揮官のこずが倧倧倧倧奜きヌにゃは☆ Commander, I know you gave me this ring 'cause you love me! I love you super duper ultra much too! Heheh☆
Main 虜然比䞍䞊欧根䞍过比起垌䜩尔还是~啊哈䞍胜挑䞉拣四哊指挥官 オむゲンちゃんほどではないけど、ヒッパヌちゃんよりは にゃは☆遞り奜みはダメだよ、指揮官 You don't have to be as flirty as Eugen, buuut... Heheh☆ Just don't become as nitpicky as Hipper, Commander.
Main 2 朝着指挥官党力奔跑然后~啊哈没办法从我这里逃脱哊 指揮官に向けお党力ダッシュからの にゃははは☆私からは逃げられないんだからね Plot a course for my Commander aaand... full speed ahead! Heheh☆ You can't escape my love!
Touch 是喜欢指挥官喜欢到已经没办法曎喜欢的垃吕歇尔哊☆ 指揮官のこずをこれ以䞊奜きになりようがないくらい倧奜きなブリュッヒャヌだよ☆ It's me, the girl who's so in love with you it's literally impossible to love you any more than this~
Touch (Special) 指挥官我闭䞊県睛了 指揮官今から目、閉じちゃうからねっ☆ Oh, Commander~ I'm gonna close my eyes for you, 'kay?
Victory 呀同~看呀欧根~垃吕歇尔是MVPå“Š~ にゃは☆オむゲンちゃん、ブリュッヒャヌがMVPだよ Heheh☆ Hey, Eugen~ Look who's the MVP~