Admiral Hipper META (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. M042 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy META Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Admiral Hipper-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Coiling Flames Increases this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 4 times this ship's Main Guns hit the same enemy: inflicts the Coiling Flames status on that enemy. Every 20s: removes all Coiling Flames statuses; when this effect removes the Coiling Flames status on an enemy, decreases that enemy's SPD by 15.0% (30.0%) and EVA by 5.0% for 4s.
Hot-and-Cold Armaments When the battle starts, and every 20s: deploys 2 shields (lasting 5 (15)s) that can negate up to 6 enemy shells. While a shield created by this effect exists on the field: increases this ship's Evasion Rate by 1.5% (6.0%) and DMG dealt by 5.0% (15.0%). If all shields created by this skill expire or are destroyed: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage that inflicts the Coiling Flames status to enemies hit (barrage DMG is based on the skill's level).
The Grumbling Ally Increases this ship's TRP by 5.0% (15.0%). When the battle starts, if this ship is your frontmost Vanguard ship: when this ship takes DMG, there is a 10.0% (25.0%) chance to halve the DMG received; if this ship is NOT your frontmost Vanguard ship: deploys 2 shields (lasting until the battle ends) that can negate up to 10 enemy shells around your frontmost Vanguard ship.
Cinders of Hope - Admiral Hipper I Every 9 times this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a special barrage.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 希佩尔海军上将级重巡洋舰 (若已获得相应的META角色,奖励将会转化为对应的角色结晶,可在「META研究室」-「能量激活」中使用) アドミラル・ヒッパー級重巡洋艦・アドミラルヒッパー(1隻しか所持できません。2隻目を入手した場合、限界突破素材に変換されます) I'm Admiral Hipper, lead ship of my class and sister to Eugen and Blücher. Got it memorized?
Biography 我是希佩尔海军上将级首舰希佩尔。相比希佩尔这个名字,我更希望你能记住希佩尔海军上将级。她们曾经活跃在这片大海上。我们……曾经活跃在这片大海上。 アドミラル・ヒッパー級のネームシップよ。私の名前なんかより、私たちアドミラル・ヒッパー級のことを覚えてほしいわ。「彼女」たちはみんなこの海で戦ってたし、私たちも……この海で戦っていたんだから I'm the lead ship of the Admiral Hipper class. My name isn't that important – what you SHOULD remember is my class as a whole. Honor my sisters who once fought in these seas... just as we do now.
Acquisition 我是希佩尔。希佩尔海军上将级重巡洋舰的首舰,欧根亲王与布吕歇尔的姐姐——希佩尔。记住了么,指挥官? 私はヒッパー、アドミラル・ヒッパー級重巡のネームシップ、オイゲンとブリュッヒャーの姉のヒッパーよ。覚えた? I'm Admiral Hipper, lead ship of my class and sister to Eugen and Blücher. Got it memorized?
Login 你来了,要开始工作了么? 来たわね。そろそろ仕事を始める? You're here. Time to get to work?
Details 你在鬼鬼祟祟什么?想看我的话,可以正大光明过来看。 何コソコソしてるわけ?見るなら正々堂々見なさいっての Why are you being all sneaky? If you're gonna look, don't be a coward about it.
Main 烤猪肘么……我已经很久没吃到了。谢谢,一起来吃吧。 シュバイネハクセ?…確かに食べるのは久しぶりね…どうも。一緒に食べない? Schweinshaxe? I suppose it's been a while since I had it. Thanks... Want to eat it with me?
Main 2 ……你在做什么?摆鬼脸逗我笑……?你是笨蛋么。 ……何してるの?は?変な顔をして私を笑わせようとしたって?バカじゃないの… What are you doing? ...What? Trying to make me smile by making faces? You're a real idiot...
Main 3 想说的话,就要及时说出来……我明白这件事的时候,已经太迟了。 言いたいことがあるなら早いうちに言いなさいっての。……私が気付いた時は、もう何もかも手遅れだったんだから When something's on your mind, just come out and say it. When I realized I had things I wanted to say, it was all too late.
Touch 不、不要,请不要碰这条围巾……就算是你也不行。 ま、マフラーだけは触らないで……あんたでもダメだっての…… M-my scarf is the one thing that's off-limits. Not even you get to touch it.
Touch (Special) ……你对这副身体都能有兴趣?不可理喻…… ……こんな体にも興味あるわけ?い、意味わかんないっての…… You're attracted to MY body? I really don't understand how...
Touch (Headpat) 罢了,随你喜欢。 まあいいわ。好きにしなさいっての Whatever. Do what you want.
Mission 上一次收到司令部的任务,是在多久以前了呢…… 本部から任務を通達されたのって、いつぶりだっけ… I don't know how long it's been since headquarters sent me a mission...
Mission Complete 任务已经完成上报了,你还在拿着单子做什么?……炫耀?你是笨蛋么…… 任務はちゃんとこなして報告もしてやったわよ。何でリストを持って突っ立ってるわけ?…見せびらかし?あんた馬鹿……? The mission has been completed and reported. Why are you just standing there, holding the list? ...To show off? Are you dumb or what?
Mail 有新邮件到了,记得及时回复。 新しいメールよ。早いうちに返信しなさいっての You've got a new letter. Write a response ASAP.
Return to Port 在你离开期间,港区诸事一切正常。你呢,战斗顺利么? あんたがいない間、母港では何も起きなかったっての。あんたこそちゃんと戦ってたの? No, nothing happened at the port while you were gone. Did you do your duty out there?
Commission Complete 有这么多军事委托的时代……真好。我们去验收报酬吧。 委託がこんなにたくさんあるなんて、いい時代になったものね…報酬を確認しに行くわよ There being so many commissions means that we live in good times... Time to go review the rewards.
Enhancement 谢谢,我会利用好这些宝贵的资源的。 どうも。大事な資源はちゃんと使ってやるから Thanks. I'll put your valuable resources to good use.
Flagship 看到了么,希佩尔海军上将级依然在战斗着! 見たか!アドミラル・ヒッパー級はまだ戦ってるわ! Behold! The Admiral Hipper class still fights!
Victory 以希佩尔海军上将级之名,为汝等奏响镇魂之歌。 我らがアドミラル・ヒッパー級の名を以て、あんたらの魂を鎮める楽章を奏でてやるわ In the name of the Admiral Hipper class, I will play a song to soothe your souls.
Defeat 一场失败而已,下次我们一起赢回来。 たかが一回負けただけだっての。今度は一緒にやり返すわよ! One defeat isn't the end of the world. We'll get them next time!
Skill 这就是希佩尔级存在的证明! アドミラル・ヒッパー級の存在証明だっての! This is proof the Admiral Hipper class still lives!
Low HP ……形势不妙,该考虑撤退了。 ……状況は不利。撤退を考えなきゃ…! We're at a disadvantage... I need to think of an escape plan!
Affinity (Upset) 她们能在这里快乐的生活,本就是奇迹了……我怎么能奢求更多呢。 みんながここで楽しく生きてること自体が奇跡よ。……これ以上何を望むっていうの… It's a miracle in and of itself that the girls are living happily here. What more could you ask for...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,我能借用一下修理厂么?……明石和夕张?不必了,我自己的装备自己来修。 指揮官、修理工場を借りてもいい?…明石と夕張に助けてもらおうって?そんなの要らないわ。自分の装備の面倒は自分で見るっての Mind if I borrow the repair shop, Commander? ...Get help from Akashi and Yuubari? Don't want it. It's my gear, so I should be the one to maintain it.
Affinity (Friendly) 我能看出来,你这里的生活很好,她们在你这里过得也很好……我么?我还不知道…… ここの生活はいいし、あの二人もちゃんと幸せに暮らしてることがわかるわ。……私?そんなのまだわかんないっての… Life here is good. It's obvious that those two are happy, too. Me? It's too early to tell, so...
Affinity (Like) 我承认,食物这件事上确实不一定要亲力亲为……可是在食堂吃完之后,你又带我去了电影院和游乐场是为什么?想看我笑起来的样子……?笨蛋…… 別に無理して料理を作らなくていいってのは理解できるけど……食堂だけならともかく、映画館と遊園地にまで連れて行ったのはどういう了見なの!?は?ヒッパーが笑ってる姿が見たいって?……ば、馬鹿…… Sure, I don't need to cook for myself, so I get why you brought me to the canteen... but why on earth did you then take me to the movie theater, then an amusement park? ...What? Because you wanted to see me smile? Sh-shut up...
Affinity (Love) 你、你刚才说什么?你喜欢我?!是……我是说过想说的话就要及时说出来,但是、但是……说之前能不能给人点心理准备啊,笨蛋! い、今何を?ヒッパーのことが好きって?!ちょ…確かに言いたいことがあるなら早く言いなさいって言ったけど……あ、あんたねえ!?心の準備をする時間を用意させなさいっての!この馬鹿ぁ! What did you say? You LOVE me?! Alright, I DID say you should just say what's on your mind... but THIS?! You've got to give me time to mentally prepare myself! Idiot!
Pledge 指挥官,我爱你——我说过,想说的话就要直接说出来。这就是我想说的话,而我已经说完了,你呢?……照顾我一生一世?哼,那不是理所当然的吗! あんたのことが好きよ――言いたいことは早いうちに言いなさいって言った以上、私だってこうして言ってやったわ!これが私の言いたいことだっての!あんたは?……ヒッパーの面倒をずっと見るって?はあ?そんなの当たり前じゃないの?! I love you. I told you about just coming out and saying what's on your mind, and so that's what I just did! I've got things I wanna say, too! So what do you have to say? ...That you'll always look after me? Seriously? Yeah, that goes without saying!
In battle with Kirov META 在刻意和她们保持距离么?我理解你。 わざと距離を取ってるわけ?まあ、わからなくもないけど Are you keeping them at arm's length? Well, I understand.
In battle with Weser 原来你在诞生之后……是这个样子。 あんた……そうなったわけね… Oh... So that's what became of you...
In battle with Tallinn 北方联合么……也不错。 北方連合?……まあいいけど The Northern Parliament? Eh, whatever.