Yorktown II (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 574 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Ultra Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Essex-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
The Fighting Lady 3s after the battle starts: launches a recon squadron consisting of AD-1 Skyraiders, inflicting the Marked debuff to a random enemy (prioritizing humanoid enemies) for 12s and decreasing that enemy's AA by 1.5% (6.0%). 12s after this effect activates, or after the Marked enemy is sunk: restores 3.0% of this ship's max HP and launches another AD-1 Skyraider squadron (this HP recovery effect can only activate up to 5 times per battle). When this ship launches an airstrike, if she has Eagle Union aircraft equipped: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Waltzing Beyond Tragedy When the battle starts, if there are 3 or more Eagle Union ships afloat in your fleet: increases this ship's AVI and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 18s after the battle starts: 50.0% (100.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and decreases this ship's Detection Gauge value by 2 once a second for 5s. While this ship is afloat, for the first 4 battles another fleet fights during a sortie: increases the FP of that fleet's Main Fleet Eagle Union ships by 1.5% (6.0%); 20s after that fleet's battle starts: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
The Eagle Soars Free When this ship launches an airstrike: decreases your Yorktown-class CVs' airstrike loading time by 1.0% (10.0%) and decreases it by 3.5% (8.0%) for your other Essex-class CVs (only affects the currently loading airstrike once; effect does not stack). Your Yorktown-class and Essex-class CVs gain the following effects during battle: 1) increases their DMG dealt by 1.0% (10.0%); 2) when they launch an airstrike: also launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) interceptive airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 埃塞克斯级航空母舰—约克城II,舷号CV-10 エセックス級空母――ヨークタウンⅡ(CV-10) Essex-class aircraft carrier – Yorktown II, Hull Number CV-10.
Biography 归来的fighting-lady,约克城,向您报到。……呵呵,其实我就是您所熟悉的约克城。能让我像这样以全新的姿态归来,真不愧是指挥官呢。呵呵呵~ 蘇りしファイティングレディ、エセックス級空母のヨークタウン。……ふふふ、あなたの知っているヨークタウンと同じ存在よ。この新しい姿で仲間たちと一緒に戦えるようになるなんて、さすがは指揮官様ね。ふふふ I am the resurrected Fighting Lady, Essex-class aircraft carrier, Yorktown. ...Heehee, I'm actually still the same Yorktown you've always known. To allow me to fight alongside my friends in this new form, you're just as amazing as ever, Commander. Hehehe.
Acquisition 埃塞克斯级2号舰,fighting-lady约克城,以此姿态再次回到您的身边。在黑暗之后迎来的是绚烂的幸福之光——指挥官,让我们一起携手迈向未来吧? エセックス級2番艦、ファイティングレディ・ヨークタウン、あなたのもとに再び戻ったわ。闇の後に迎えるのは輝かしき幸せの光――指揮官様、共に私たちの未来を歩んでいきましょ? The second ship of the Essex class, "The Fighting Lady" Yorktown, has returned to your side. Even the darkest night must always give way to the resplendent dawn of happiness. Commander, let us step into the future together!
Login 指挥官,贵安,今天要从什么开始工作呢?没关系,我和伙伴们都在您的身边。 ごきげんよう指揮官様、今日は何から着手する?大丈夫よ、私も仲間たちもついているから Good day, Commander. What's first on the agenda today? Don't worry, all of us have your back.
Details 虽说外交辞令只是开战前的礼仪,但结束战争依旧要靠外交方面的交涉才行。虽然这就要劳烦指挥官费心了… 外交辞令は戦う前のマナーだけど、ヒトの戦いを終わらせるのも外交での話し合いしかないわ。指揮官様には心労をかけちゃうけど… Though diplomacy may be a show of etiquette before the war, it also is the only way to put an end to war. I'm sure that means you'll have your work cut out for you though...
Main 小哈曼,你这幅打扮是怎么了…啊,说起来我的打扮也有些不一样呢…嗯… …!どうしたのハムマンちゃん、その格好は…あっ。そういえば私もちょっと変わったのかな…うーん… Hammann? You look totally different... Oh, now that I think about it, I wonder if I've changed as well... Hmm...
Main 2 我很开心你会这样担心我,不过一直关注也让我有点介怀呢……指挥官的时间不是无限的,也请多多留意其他同伴吧。 心配してくれるのは嬉しいわ。でもあまり私だけを見てくれるのもなんだか…指揮官様の時間も無限じゃないから、他の仲間のことも気にかけてあげて I appreciate your concern, I truly do. But, I also don't understand why you're paying so much attention to me alone. Your time is valuable, Commander, so please make sure to look after our friends as well.
Main 3 原来如此,这舰装是这样用的吗…谢谢你埃塞克斯。大家都是这样的一身装备了,不用那么恭敬的。 なるほど、この艤装はこう使うのね…ありがとうエセックス。この姿でも、そうかしこまらなくていいわ I see, so this is how you use this rigging... Thank you, Essex. We're all a part of the same class now, so there's no need for so much deference.
Main 4 列克星敦,下次的演唱会是什么时候?我会带上企业和大黄蜂她们一起去给你应援哦。 レキシントン、今度のライブはいつ?エンタープライズとホーネットたちも連れて応援しに行くわ Lexington, when's your next performance? I'll bring Enterprise and Hornet along to cheer for you~
Main 5 就和我们不是仅为战斗而存在一样,指挥官也不是仅为工作而存在。如果进展不顺的话,就转换下心情,让大脑休息下吧。 私たちは戦うためだけの存在じゃないように、指揮官様もお仕事だけの存在じゃないわ。はかどらなかったら気分転換でもして、頭を休ませて Just as how we are not here only to fight, Commander, you are not here only to work. If you're not making progress, take a break and come back refreshed later.
Touch 企业,应该没事吧…… エンタープライズ、大丈夫かな…… Enterprise, I hope you're doing alright...
Touch (Special) 你为我刻下的印记,一直都在这里哦。 あなたが刻んだヨークタウンの印はずっとここにあるわ The mark you've carved into me will always be here.
Touch (Headpat) 我也像小孩子一样撒娇试试…? 私も子供みたいに甘えてみよう…かな? Maybe I should try getting you to pamper me like a little child~?
Mission 怎么了,小鹰?原来是任务完成了……我这就去通知指挥官。 あら、いーぐるちゃん?なるほど、任務が完了したのね…すぐ指揮官様に知らせてくるわ My, what's wrong, little eagle? I see, the mission has been completed... I will let the Commander know.
Mission Complete 谢谢你小鹰,任务报酬送来了呢。啊,我其实不懂它在说什么,只不过凭感觉猜个大概而已? ありがとういーぐるちゃん、任務報酬が届いたわね。…あ、別に言葉が分かるわけじゃなくて、なんとなーくいーぐるちゃんの伝えようとしてることが分かるだけよ? Thank you, little eagle, I see that the mission rewards have arrived. Oh, I can't actually understand what it's saying, but I do get the gist of it~
Mail 这是…大黄蜂的快递?啊,也就是邮件是吧 これは…ホーネットの配達便?あ、つまりメールのことよ This is... a delivery from Hornet? I see. That means it's your mail.
Return to Port 为了庆祝指挥官的凯旋,干杯——嗯,我只喝一杯就好。虽然被指挥官担心很开心…呵呵,指挥官是不是变得有点像企业她们了? 指揮官様の凱旋を祝って乾杯を。はい、一杯だけよ。心配してくれるのは嬉しいけど…ふふ、指揮官様もエンタープライズたちみたいになってない? Let us raise a glass to our Commander's triumphant return. Don't worry, it's just one glass. I'm glad you're worrying for my sake, but... Hehe, don't you think you're taking after Enterprise?
Commission Complete 委托组的大家平安归来了。可别让她们等太久哦? 委託組の皆が無事に帰還したわ。あまり待たせちゃだめよ? The commission team has returned safe and sound. It's not good to keep them waiting, okay?
Enhancement 强化结束了。身体也渐渐熟悉这份力量了。 強化完了よ。この力もだんだん体に馴染んできたわ Strengthening complete. I'm becoming more and more used to this power.
Flagship 为了自由和胜利! 自由と、勝利のために…! For freedom and victory!
Victory 啊…不好意思,一下子没站稳…谢谢指挥官。刚才您接住我这事,就当做MVP的奖励吧~ あっ。…ごめんなさい、ちょっと足が滑って…ありがとう指揮官様。今受け止めてくれたこと、MVPのご褒美として頂いたわ Oh– Sorry, I wasn't watching my step... Thank you, Commander. I'll consider your embrace just now as reward for my MVP.
Defeat 指挥官给我的光明…不能在这里熄灭…! 指揮官様がくれた光…ここで失うわけには…っ! The dawn that the Commander brought us... must not be lost here!
Skill 用这份力量,开拓未来…! この力で、未来を切り開く…! With this power, I'll open a path to the future!
Low HP 我可不能在这里受挫…! ここで挫けるわけには…っ! I can't let something like this keep me down!
Affinity (Upset) 这肯定是来自指挥官的试炼,为了看看约克城能不能自立。……不是吗? きっとヨークタウンが自立できるかどうかの、指揮官様からの試練に違いないわ。…違う、の? This must be a trial... to see if I am able to stand on my own legs... That must be it, right?
Affinity (Stranger) 赐予我光明,拯救了我的指挥官,与我早已不只是上司和下属的关系了。对我来说指挥官是……嗯,那个,总觉得好害羞…… 光をくれて、救ってくれた指揮官様とは、もう上司と部下の関係じゃないわ。私にとって指揮官様は……ええと、その、な、なんだか恥ずかしいわ…… Commander, you showed me the light of dawn and offered me salvation. I've long stopped seeing our relationship as one between superior and subordinate... Instead, you're more like... Um, oh my, this is rather embarrassing...
Affinity (Friendly) 咳咳。啊,我的身体没关系的。就是有些不知道以现在的这一身份该怎么和指挥官相处…真的没有不舒服哦? こ、コホン。あ、別に体調を崩したりはしていないわ。やっぱりこの格好だと指揮官様とどう接すればいいかちょっと分からなくて…本当に大丈夫よ? Um, ahem... Oh, no, I'm in perfectly fine physical shape. I'm just not sure how I should act around you now that I'm in this form... I'm really alright.
Affinity (Like) 不止指挥官,企业和大黄蜂,还有小哈曼她们都如此关心我…是啊,对我来说,指挥官不仅是让我在港区幸福地度过每一天的人,也是我拼上一切也要保护的存在呢。 指揮官様だけじゃなく、エンタープライズとホーネット、それにハムマンちゃんたち…そうね。私にとって指揮官様は、この母港での幸せな毎日をくれた大切な人、そして私がすべてを懸けても守りたい存在よ It's not just you, but also Enterprise, Hornet, and Hammann. They're all looking after me as well. Commander, you're the one who has made my blissful life at this port possible, and the person I dedicate my entire life to.
Affinity (Love) 身处幸福光明中的我,为了将我拉回来的指挥官应该做的事就是——呵呵,一直像这样幸福地生活下去,对吧?我知道的,这样才能把我的幸福分享给大家呢。 幸せの光の中にいる私は、手を差し伸べてくれた指揮官様のために――ふふふ、ずっとこのまま幸せに生きていく、ということね。分かっているわ。こうしたほうが皆に私の幸せを分けてあげられるものね As the light of the dawn of happiness, what should I do for the Commander who reached out to take my hand? Heehee, we'll live happily ever after, right? I understand now – that is how we can share this joy with everyone.
Pledge 我发誓,约克城之名所背负的自由与和平,约克城所希望的幸福的每一天,约克城真挚的爱意……全部以这双唇的温暖,赠予您—— 誓うわ。ヨークタウンの名が背負った自由と平和を、ヨークタウンが望む幸せな毎日を、ヨークタウンの真心の愛を……この唇のぬくもりで、あなたに―― I swear upon the freedom and peace borne within the name of Yorktown, upon the life of happiness that I so desire, and upon my pure love... That the warmth of my lips now belongs to you–
In battle with Enterprise 战斗吧!企业! 戦って!エンタープライズ! Fight on, Enterprise!
In battle with Hornet, Hornet II, Hammann, Hammann II 我没事的,呵呵。 私は大丈夫よ。ふふふ I'm doing perfectly fine. Heehee~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这样可以吗?……不,没什么。比起这个带子移一下比较好吗…?嗯…呀?!抱歉指挥官…不,不要紧吧… こんな感じでいいの?……ううん、何でもないわ。もう少し紐をずらしたほうがいいの…?うーん…ひゃぅ!?ごめんなさい指揮官様…だ、大丈夫かな… How does this look? ...Ah, it's nothing to worry about. Do you think I should adjust the string a bit...? Hmm... Eek!!! I'm so sorry, Commander... A-are you alright...?
Acquisition 这样可以吗?……不,没什么。比起这个带子移一下比较好吗…?嗯…呀?!抱歉指挥官…不,不要紧吧… こんな感じでいいの?……ううん、何でもないわ。もう少し紐をずらしたほうがいいの…?うーん…ひゃぅ!?ごめんなさい指揮官様…だ、大丈夫かな… How does this look? ...Ah, it's nothing to worry about. Do you think I should adjust the string a bit...? Hmm... Eek!!! I'm so sorry, Commander... A-are you alright...?
Details 伙伴们聚在海边呢。这边结束后我们也过去吧?和大家一起更能享受大海的乐趣呢。 海辺に仲間たちが集まっているわ。終わったら私たちも行きましょ?皆と一緒のほうがもっと海を楽しめるわ Everyone's gathered on the beach. When we finish the shoot, let's go and join them. The beach is more fun with everyone around.
Main 小哈曼她们看到肯定会误会吧……莫,莫非企业也……要,要怎么办好呢…? ハムマンちゃんが見たらきっと誤解するかな……も、もしかしたらエンタープライズも……ど、どうしよう…? If Hammann saw me like this, she'd probably get the wrong idea... Wh-what if Enterprise does too... Oh no, what should I do...?
Main 2 平时没什么机会看到,大家的泳装有好多都设计得挺大胆的呢。原来如此,所以大黄蜂才…呵呵,肯定是这样吧。 普段は中々見られないけど、皆の水着姿って大胆なものが多いわ。なるほど、だからホーネットが…ふふふ、きっとそういうことなのね I usually don't see them in their swimsuits, but it seems that most of them are wearing some daring ones. I see, that's why Hornet... Hehehe, that has to be it.
Main 3 哈啊…啊,没什么。只是因为跟平时的衣服太不一样了,有点不知所措而已。而且选泳衣的是大黄蜂…嗯,那就,继续吧…? はぁ…あ、なんでもないわ。いつもの格好と違いすぎててちょっと戸惑っているだけ。それに水着を選んだのはホーネットだから…ええと、続き、始めましょ…? Sigh... Oh, don't worry about me. I was just at a loss, since this outfit is so different from what I usually wear. Not only that, but the one who chose it was Hornet... Umm, how about we continue...?
Touch 接下来…是这样吗? 次は……こう? The next pose... goes like this?
Touch (Special) 是,是呢…我也要更坦率些才是…… そ、そうね…私ももっと素直にならないと…… R-right... I should be more frank with my feelings as well...
Return to Port 呀,看着风景不知不觉已经到这个点了……挑选了这套布景的指挥官,真是很有品味呢。 あら、風景を眺めていたらもうこんな時間……このセットを選んだ指揮官様はいいセンスだと思うわよ Oh my, I lost track of the time while gazing at the scenery... You picked out a fantastic location for the set, Commander.
Flagship 无论穿着什么,我都能战斗…! 戦いに格好は関係ないわ…! My outfit has no impact on my fighting ability!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 贵安,指挥官。工作不要紧吗?有什么约克城能帮上的直说就好哦? ごきげんよう指揮官様。お仕事のほうは大丈夫?ヨークタウンに手伝えることがあったら何でも言って? Good day, Commander. How is your work going? If ever you need my aid, don't hesitate to ask.
Details 有什么烦恼的话跟我说说吧?看到你烦恼的话我也会不开心。然后担心的伙伴就会越来越多……呵呵。 悩みがあったら相談して?あなたが困ってる顔を見たら私まで落ち込んじゃうわ。そうなったら今度は心配してくれる子がどんどん増えちゃうわ……ふふふ Come to me with any worries you have, okay? When I see that you're troubled, I start to feel so down... And then that's two people for everyone to worry about. Heehee!
Main 并不是担心约克城,只是想陪约克城一起?嗯,我也……一样哦。 心配とかではなく、ヨークタウンと一緒に過ごしたいだけ?うん、私も……同じよ You're not worried? You just want to spend time with me? Okay. I... feel the same way.
Main 2 过去是很重要的。虽然也有想忘记的事情,但只有经历过那一切才算是完整的我们…能有现在的幸福,也都是多亏了大家一起努力呢。 過去が大事よ。忘れたいこともあるけど、それも含めての私たちだから…今の幸せだって皆が頑張ってくれたおかげだと思うわ The past matters. There may be things that we want to forget, but they're part of what makes up who we are. My happiness today is only thanks to everyone's tireless efforts.
Main 3 指挥官,下个假日去哪里?就算不出远门,港区内也有很多景点没去过呢,呵呵。 指揮官様、今度の非番日はどこに行くの?遠出しなくても、ほら、母港のスポットでまだ回っていないところだって…ふふふ Commander, what plans do you have for your next day off? We don't have to go far; I'm sure there are places around the port you haven't been to... Heehee.
Touch 指挥官,怎么了? 指揮官様、どうしたの? Something troubling you, Commander?
Touch (Special) 指挥官,好孩子好孩子……呵呵~ 指揮官様、いい子いい子……ふふふ There, there. Good Commander... Heehee!
Return to Port 要开一瓶庆祝的红酒吗?没事的,我只喝一杯。其实如果多喝几杯,变得积极点就好了…不,没,没什么。 祝勝のワインでも開けようか?大丈夫よ、私は一杯だけよ。本当は何杯も飲んで積極的になれたらって思ったけど…ううん、な、なんでもないわっ Why don't we crack open some celebratory wine? Don't worry, I'm limiting myself to one glass. Honestly, I was hoping I could be a little bolder if I drank enough... Oh, n-never mind! Ignore that.
Commission Complete 委托组的大家平安归来了。一起去迎接吧? 委託組の皆が無事に帰還したわ。一緒に出迎えに行きましょ? The commission team is back safe and sound. Shall we go and meet them together?
Victory 嗯,那个…“得到MVP的约克城,也想要指挥官的奖励呢~”……啊哈哈,这,这种果然不适合我呢… え、ええと…「MVPをいただいたヨークタウンに、指揮官様からのご褒美がほしいな~」……あははは、や、やっぱりこういうのは私には似合わないかな… U-umm... "Wow, I sure hope the Commander rewards me for being named MVP!" Ahahaha... Th-this doesn't really suit me, does it?