Essex (JP 🇯🇵: ゚セックス, CN 🇹🇌: 埃塞克斯)
Ship IDNo. 357Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft CarrierRaritySuper Rare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time04:25:00
AcquisitionTime-Limited Build
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENAugust 15, 2019
KRSeptember 14, 2018
CNSeptember 14, 2018
JPSeptember 14, 2018
Voice actressKaori Mizuhashi
Essex Description
Essex-class aircraft carrier – Essex, Hull Number CV-9.
A Trip Down Route 66Description
I'm not trying to go anywhere in particular; I just want to enjoy the scenery along the way. Commander, let's go experience the thrills of the road together.
Craft FairytailDescription
Commander?! Ah, um, no, I'm not drunk! ...I, uh, just had a bit too much to drink... just a bit! Please don't tell the others though!
Brush and InkDescription
The Dragon Empery's attire and tools of calligraphy... I see, just wearing this outfit makes me feel more scholarly and artistic! I shall put forth my best effort to prepare for the port's Spring Festival!
HP1108 Reload48
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion13 Anti-air63
Aviation83 Cost0
ASW0 Luck90
HP4926 Reload92
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion54 Anti-air234
Aviation216 Cost0
ASW0 Luck95
Limit Break
Tier 1All fighters +1 | Aircraft efficiency +3%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Dive Bombers +1 | Aircraft efficiency +5%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Aircraft efficiency +7%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Dive Bomber115%/118%/123%/130%1/1/2/30/0/0/0
3Torpedo Bomber105%/108%/113%/120%1/1/1/20/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1TBF Avenger
Fleet Tech
T8 Aircraft Carrier: Essex-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock17 +1
Max LimitBreak35
Lv.12026 +2
Valorous AvengersWhen this ship launches an Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) TBF Avenger airstrike that causes Flooding DoT to enemies hit by their torpedoes (Flooding DMG is based on this ship's AVI stat and the skill's level.) Also increases this ship's DMG to enemy BBs (but not BCs or BBVs) by 4.0% (10.0%) .Default Unlocked
Covering FormationFor each Eagle Union CV or CVL in the same fleet as this ship: increases this ship's AVI and AA by 1.5% (5.0%) . Each time this ship's planes shoot down an enemy plane: increases this ship's AVI by 1.0% (3.0%) . Can be stacked up to 5 times.Default Unlocked
Absolute EvasionWhen there are 4 or more Eagle Union ships in the same fleet as this ship: 4.5% (12.0%) chance to reduce DMG taken to 1 when a ship in your fleet is attacked by enemy Torpedo Bombers or Dive Bombers.Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description埃塞克斯级航空母舰—埃塞克斯舷号CV-9゚セックス玚航空母艊・゚セックスCV-9)Essex-class aircraft carrier – Essex, Hull Number CV-9.
Biography我是埃塞克斯级銖舰埃塞克斯号从诞生起就倇受倧家的期埅。䞍过果然盞比之䞋还是䌁䞚前蟈的掻跃曎加受到关泚呢。芁是我也胜借早点加入战局的话 ゚セックス玚のネヌムシップ゚セックスです。建造されおから倚くの期埅を寄せられおいたしたが、やはり私より゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩の掻躍の方がもっず泚目されおいたしたね。  私だっおもっず早く戊闘に参加しおいたら  I am the nameship of the Essex-class carriers. Although I was built with great expectations, I was always overshadowed by Enterprise's success. If only I could have been deployed sooner...
Acquisition这里就是䌁䞚前蟈也圚的 咳、咳咳来自癜鹰的最新锐航母、埃塞克斯号正匏报到我䞍䌚蟜莟倧家期望的请期埅我的衚现吧指挥官ここが゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩の こ、コホンナニオンの最新鋭空母・゚セックス、正匏に着任したした。指揮官、私の掻躍を期埅しおいおくださいみんなの期埅を絶察に裏切ったりはしたせんSo this is where Enterprise is... A-ahem! I am Essex, one of the Union's state-of-the-art aircraft carriers. Commander, you can expect great things from me! I swear that I won't disappoint you!
Login悚终于来了吗 䞀切郜已经就绪准倇出击吧指挥官やっず来たしたか。 党おは準備䞇端です。指揮官、出撃の指瀺をThere you are. I've already finished preparing everything. Commander, give us your orders!
Details指挥官想芁知道什么我䌚知无䞍蚀的——指揮官は䜕を知りたいですか私が知っおいるこずならなんでもお答えしたすが――What would you like to know, Commander? I'll answer to the best of my abilities.
Main倧家郜知道埃塞克斯级埈区䜆是每䞪人的嘎䞊华又郜挂着䌁䞚前蟈 哈啊 みんな゚セックス玚は匷いず認めおいおも、いざ口にするずやはり゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩ばっかり はあ  Everyone knows that the Essex class is strong, but still, Enterprise is all they ever talk about... *sigh*...
Main 2诎起来我有埈倚䞪効効呢。身䞺幎长者的我曎埗努力给她们䞀䞪奜抜样才行 私には同型艊がたくさんいたすね。ネヌムシップずしお頑匵っお手本を芋せおあげないず  There are a lot of ships in my class. As the nameship, I have to do everything I can to be a good role model...
Main 3歊藏和倧和吗她们 郜是倌埗尊敬的对手 芁是有䞀倩胜再次䞎她们盞遇就奜了呢歊蔵ず倧和ですか圌女たちは うん、尊敬すべき玠晎らしいラむバルです。い぀かたた出䌚えたらいいですねMusashi and Yamato? They were... yes, formidable rivals worthy of respect. I hope I can meet them again one day.
Touch嗯芁出击了吗尜管亀给我吧——啊只是闲聊吗 出撃ですか私に任せおください――はあ、雑談したかっただけですか  Time to sortie?! Just leave it to me! Oh... you just wanted to chat...?
Touch (Special)这这种事情我我  こ、こんなこず私、私  Wh-what is this?! I, I...
Mission还有新的任务  这次让我试试劂䜕ただ新しい任務が  私にも任せおみたせんかThere are still unfinished missions? Mind letting me handle things this time...?
Mission Complete任务奖励发攟了䞍去管没关系吗任務報酬が届きたした。受け取りに行かなくおもいいですかThe mission rewards have arrived. Are you sure you don't need me to go get it?
Mail新邮件给䜠。新しいメヌルです。どうぞThere's new mail for you. Here you go.
Return to Port出击郚队 平安回枯了呢。战斗报告已经准倇奜了时闎宝莵现圚就匀始战术总结吧指挥官。出撃艊隊 無事母枯に垰投したした。指揮官、戊闘報告の䞋準備は完了枈みです。時間が惜しいので、今からその振り返りをしたしょうThe fleet has safely returned. Commander, I've prepared the battle report for you. Time is of the essence, so please review it right away.
Commission Complete正是区倧的后勀郚闚成就了我和効効们的诞生芁奜奜感谢她们才行。私たち゚セックス玚の誕生は、匷い兵站郚眲があっおのこずです。ちゃんずみんなに感謝しないずThe birth of the Essex-class would not have been possible without the hard work of the logistics teams. I have to show my gratitude to everyone.
Enhancement䞍知道什么时候胜搭蜜喷气机呢 ゞェット機はい぀になったら  When will I be able to get jets...
Flagship舰蜜机就䜍防空准倇就绪——党舰队最倧舰速航空隊盎掩配眮に到達、防空態勢移行完了――党艊、最倧戊速All carrier-based aircraft in position, anti-air defense preparations complete. All forces, full speed ahead!
Victory䌁䞚前蟈看到我的衚现了吗゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩、私の掻躍を芋たしたかEnterprise, did you see my feat?
Defeat绝对 䞍䌚就这么结束的このたたでは終わらない  絶察にI won't let it end like this... I swear it!
Skill展翅高飞吧倧空を翔けよSpread your wings and soar!
Low HP战斗 才刚刚匀始
Affinity (Upset)原来䌁䞚前蟈䞀盎忍受着这样的指挥官  ゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩、こんな指揮官に我慢しお埓っおいるのか  I wonder how Enterprise puts up with someone like you...
Affinity (Stranger)我曟见证过倧舰巚炮时代的终结。航空母舰的时代也䌚圚某䞪时候终结吗  倧艊巚砲䞻矩の時代の終焉をこの目で芋届けたした。航空母艊の時代も、い぀か終わりを迎えるのでしょうか  I witnessed the end of the era of battleships with my own eyes. Will carriers share the same fate some day...?
Affinity (Friendly)嫉劒䞍我从未这么想过前蟈是倌埗我们每䞀䞪人尊敬的英雄。只是那种䞀盎倄圚前蟈光环之䞋的感觉让我倚少感到有些  劬みいいえ、そんなこずはありたせん。゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩は私達党員に尊敬される英雄です。ただ、圌女の䞃光だずされおいるこずは、私にはやっぱり  Jealousy? No, that's not the case. Enterprise is a true hero worthy of all the respect she gets. However, compared to her dazzling aura, I'm just...
Affinity (Like)埃塞克斯䞍䌚蟓给任䜕人䌁䞚前蟈也䞀样。䜆是我怎样才胜让倧家讀同这䞀点指挥官是䜠的话应该知道该怎么做吧私゚セックスは誰にも負けたせん。たずえ盞手が゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩だずしおも、です。  しかし、どうやっおみんなにそれを認めおもらえるか――指揮官、あなたならきっず分かっおいたすよねI won't lose to anyone, not even to Enterprise. But how do I get everyone to acknowledge this? Commander, if you were in my shoes, what would you do?
Affinity (Love)或讞我没法成䞺像䌁䞚前蟈那样独圓䞀面的英雄。䜆是我总感觉和䜠䞀起奜像埈倚事情郜胜做到呢。゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩のようなヒヌロヌになれないかもしれたせん。ですが、圌女ず同じく人々の蚘憶に残る存圚になれるような気がしたす。  だっお指揮官ずなら私、どんなこずでもできる気がしたすから I might never be able to become a hero like Enterprise... But when I'm with you, I feel like I can do so much more than just that...
Pledge䞀人互盞支持的那种幞犏感䞀旊尝到了就䌚被俘获其䞭。谢谢䜠指挥官。我䞍需芁再独自去证明什么了。无论前行倚远我郜䌚圚䜠身旁陪䜠䞀起继续走䞋去。お互いが支え合っおいる幞せな気持ちは、䞀床でも感じたら虜にされたすね。指揮官、ありがずうございたす。゚セックスがどうやっおみんなに認めおもらえるか、䞀人で悩む必芁はなくなりたした――゚セックス、これからはずっずあなたのそばで、あなたず共に歩むこずを誓いたすOnce you've experienced the happiness of two people supporting each other, it becomes something you can't live without. Thank you, Commander. I no longer have to walk alone in my quest to prove my worth. I promise to always be at your side, wherever you go.
Present (Like)
Present (Dislike)
Main Title
In battle with Enterprise前蟈请看着吧我是䞍䌚蜻易蟓给䜠的Just you watch, Enterprise! I won't lose to you so easily!
In battle with !UNKNOWN! (7)现圚是航母时闎The era of carriers is upon us!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䞍䞺远求终点只是欣赏沿途风景的骑行之旅䌌乎也挺有意思的。指挥官䞀起来感受䞋公路之旅的乐趣吧。移動するためではなく、道䞭の颚景を楜しむツヌリング――面癜そうですね。指揮官、䞀緒に旅を楜しみたしょうI'm not trying to go anywhere in particular; I just want to enjoy the scenery along the way. Commander, let's go experience the thrills of the road together.
Acquisition䞍䞺远求终点只是欣赏沿途风景的骑行之旅䌌乎也挺有意思的。指挥官䞀起来感受䞋公路之旅的乐趣吧。移動するためではなく、道䞭の颚景を楜しむツヌリング――面癜そうですね。指揮官、䞀緒に旅を楜しみたしょうI'm not trying to go anywhere in particular; I just want to enjoy the scenery along the way. Commander, let's go experience the thrills of the road together.
Login指挥官安党垜戎奜了吗我们芁继续出发了指揮官、ヘルメットは被りたしたかそろそろ出発したすよCommander, have you put on your helmet yet? We're about to get going!
Details2448英里仅仅䞀小段的景色就让人心旷神怡 即䜿没胜跑完党皋胜有这样的䜓验已经让人非垞满足了党長2448マむル の、ほんの少しだけでこんなにスッキリずした気持ちになれるなんおルヌトを党郚走りきれなくおも、忘れがたい䜓隓になりたしたねEven being able to see a small portion of these 2448 miles has been an eye-opening experience. Though I wasn't able to ride from sea to shining sea, what an unforgettable journey it's been!
Main䌁䞚前蟈和我诎过陀了战斗之倖还有埈倚倌埗我去尝试的事情 这应该就是其䞭䞀件吧戊うこず以倖にもやっおみたほうがいいず、゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩から蚀われたこずがありたす。  これもそのうちの䞀぀ですねEnterprise advised me to pursue some hobbies that aren't related to combat... This should count as one of those.
Main 2战斗时芁党力以赎䜆是骑行的时候可䞍胜䞀盎匀足马力呢嗯 戊いにい぀も党力党開で挑みたすが、走るずきにずっずフルスロットルにしおはいけたせんね。ふむ  Combat is something that must be done at full throttle. It'd be dangerous to do that while riding though...
Main 3䜠也䞀路跟着我们过来了呢真是只了䞍起的鹰ずっず着いおきたの偉い子You followed us the entire way? What an incredible eagle!
Touch呌 嗯这是给我的氎吗那我就䞍客气了ふぅ んこのドリンクを私にありがずうございたす遠慮なくいただきたすねPhew... Hm? This bottle of water is for me? Thank you very much! I'll help myself then.
Touch (Special)指挥官该䞍䌚是  骑行倪久倎晕了还还是䌑息䞀䞋吧。指揮官もしかしお  疲れすぎお頭が回っおないんですかやっぱりちょっず䌑憩したほうがいいですよ Commander, could you be... too tired to know what you're doing? I knew we should have stopped to rest...
Return to Port想䌑息䞀䞋吗没问题我等䜠。少し䌑憩したすか倧䞈倫、ごゆっくりDid you want to rest for a bit? That's fine, take your time.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哎我可䞍是因䞺喝醉了才出来透风的哊。奜吧可胜确实喝的皍埮有点点倚 仅仅歀而已啊指挥官垮我保密哊指揮官あ、いいえ、別に酔い぀ぶれたわけじゃありたせん す、少しだけ飲みすぎお  少しだけですほかの子には教えないでくださいCommander?! Ah, um, no, I'm not drunk! ...I, uh, just had a bit too much to drink... just a bit! Please don't tell the others though!
Acquisition哎我可䞍是因䞺喝醉了才出来透风的哊。奜吧可胜确实喝的皍埮有点点倚 仅仅歀而已啊指挥官垮我保密哊指揮官あ、いいえ、別に酔い぀ぶれたわけじゃありたせん す、少しだけ飲みすぎお  少しだけですほかの子には教えないでくださいCommander?! Ah, um, no, I'm not drunk! ...I, uh, just had a bit too much to drink... just a bit! Please don't tell the others though!
Login那䞪指挥官胜扶我䞀䞋吗谢谢。哎䞺什么瀌裙的拖尟芁匄埗那么长啊  すみたせん指揮官、少し手をお借りしおも  うぅ、なんでこのドレスの裟はこんなに長いの  Sorry, Commander, but could you give me a hand? ...Ugh, why is the hem of this dress so long...
Details那䞪指挥官没有人埀这蟹来吧那那就奜。芁是给䌁䞚前蟈看到或者被銙栌里拉拍䞋来现圚的样子  我我埗赶玧 呜脑袋 欞銙、銙栌里拉䞍行䞍行䞍芁拍啊啊啊啊啊啊すみたせん、指揮官、今呚りに誰もいたせんよね。はあ 良かった こんなずころを゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩かシャングリラに芋られたら  えっシャングリラダメダメちょっず、撮るなああああBy the way, Commander, there's nobody else around, right? *sigh*... Thank god... If Enterprise or Shangri-La saw me like this, I'd die of— ...Eh?! Shangri-La?! Wait, no, stop! Please, no photossssss!!
Main我给鹰酱也准倇了䞀套特别的瀌服。䜠看现圚的它是䞍是埈有管家的感觉いヌぐるちゃんにも甚意したしたいい感じで執事っぜく、パヌッっずカッコよく決たっおるっお、そう思いたせんかI even got Mr. Eagle here all decked out~ Looks pretty sharp and spiffy, right?
Main 2请问...指挥官那䞪䜠有见过  䌁䞚前蟈她喝醉过么只是有点奜奇哊毕竟完党想象䞍出来前蟈醉酒的样子  あの 指揮官、その、ええず 酔っおいる゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩、芋たこずありたすかいや、ちょっずだけ気になっお ほら、先茩が酔っおいる姿、党然想像できないでしょうHey... Commander, um... Yeah, so... have you ever seen Enterprise get drunk before? Ah, no, I was just asking out of curiosity... I mean, it's almost impossible to picture that happening to her, right?
Main 3啊指挥官我䌑息䞀䌚就奜䞍甚担心我。劂果指挥官犻垭倪久的话反而䌚成䞺被倧家担心的对象吧指揮官、私のこずは気にせず䌚堎にお戻りください。指揮官があたりにも長く䌚堎から離れたすず、皆に心配されるでしょうCommander, don't worry about me. Don't you think you should head back to the venue before the others start to wonder where you went?
Touch只再来䞀杯的话...指挥官这䞀杯敬䜠——指挥官平时䞺倧家做了这么倚这算是我的䞀点感谢之情吧。あず䞀杯 あず䞀杯だけ指揮官、はい、かんぱヌい指揮官い぀も皆に良くしおくださっおいたすし、゚セックス、指揮官に感謝 ですOne more cup... Just one more! Commander, here! Cheers! Thanks for everything you're always doing for us. This is... a token of gratitude from me... *hic*!
Touch (Special)指挥官䜠这是圚干什么啊——隟隟道䜠也喝醉了这这可怎么办才奜  指揮官ヌもうなにしおるんですかぁもしかしお指揮官も酔っ払っおるんですかぁどうしようCommander! Jeez, what are you doing... Did you also have a bit too much to drink? What am I going to do...
Mission新的任务吗那那我埗赶快调敎奜状态才行——唔脑脑袋还是有点晕  新しい任務ですかは、早くい぀ものコンディションに――くっ、頭がただくらくらする We've got new work? Um, I really hope my head clears up soon... Ugh, everything's still spinning...
Mission Complete任务奖励收到了那那就奜  任務報酬が届いたのですかよ、よかった Did the mission rewards already get here? Th-thank god...
Return to Port宎䌚䞊倧家䞀䞪接䞀䞪的向我问奜我圓时想“原来我也是这么受欢迎吗”䞀时冲劚就把敬过来的酒党接䞋来了 咕 还是倪嫩了啊 パヌティヌで皆が挚拶しおくるから、私も぀い気が緩み 党員ず也杯しおいたしお くっ 私、なんお未熟なこずを Everyone was greeting me one after another at the party, and there I was basking in their attention, so... I started toasting everyone, and... Ugh! Why am I so childish...?!
Commission Complete唔圚这种时候还有委托队回来么芁䞍芁我去——哎抱歉现圚的我奜像垮䞍䞊忙  こ、こんなずきに委蚗組が 指揮官、私が――くっ やっぱりこんな状態では  Wh-why is a commission fleet coming back now of all times? ...Commander, I'll— *hic*...! I don't think I should go like this after all...
Affinity (Love)公䞻䟝偎圚王子身䞊欣赏着城堡䞊空的星海.....哎指挥官听到了么算了就圓成我圻底醉了就这䞀次让我圚䜠身蟹倚靠䞀䌚吧嘿嘿欞嘿嘿 お姫様は王子様ず寄り添っお星々を  今の聞きたしたぁもういいですぅどうせ私酔っおいたすから 指揮官にベッタリくっ぀きたヌすぞぞ、えぞぞぞ  The princess and the prince snuggled up to one another and sailed into the sea of stars above the castle~ ...Did you hear that?! Ah, forget it... Just write it off as me being drunk... and let me cling to you already! Hehe, ehehehe...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䞜煌的服饰和笔墚 原来劂歀穿䞊这身以后确实有种曎加接近䞜方艺术了的感觉枯区的春节准倇就让我也来倧星身手䞀番吧東煌ずうこうの衣装ず筆道具 なるほど、この衣装を着おいるず、たしかにオリ゚ンタルな芞術ずの距離が近くなった気がしたす母枯の春節準備、私も掻躍しおみせたすThe Dragon Empery's attire and tools of calligraphy... I see, just wearing this outfit makes me feel more scholarly and artistic! I shall put forth my best effort to prepare for the port's Spring Festival!
Acquisition䞜煌的服饰和笔墚 原来劂歀穿䞊这身以后确实有种曎加接近䞜方艺术了的感觉枯区的春节准倇就让我也来倧星身手䞀番吧東煌ずうこうの衣装ず筆道具 なるほど、この衣装を着おいるず、たしかにオリ゚ンタルな芞術ずの距離が近くなった気がしたす母枯の春節準備、私も掻躍しおみせたすThe Dragon Empery's attire and tools of calligraphy... I see, just wearing this outfit makes me feel more scholarly and artistic! I shall put forth my best effort to prepare for the port's Spring Festival!
Login节日蟛苊了。埃塞克斯随时等埅呜什!祭日にお疲れ様です゚セックス、呜什を埅っおいたすHappy Lunar New Year! I'll be waiting for your orders!
Details第䞀䞍芁过于远求完矎第二泚意纞䞎笔墚䞎各方面的协调  唔 倧抂是这种感觉嗯 奜像也䞍倪对 真隟啊  その䞀、完璧を求めるべからずその二、墚ず玙、印の調和を  んヌなんずなくこうかな いや、違う気がする 難しいね  One, don't be blinded by the pursuit of perfection; two, seek harmony in the spacing between ink and paper... Hmm... Does this look right? No, there's something off still... Man, this is hard...
Main这就是胜操䜜特殊甲板的技术 没问题䞺了胜赶䞊䌁䞚前蟈我也䞀定胜孊䌚的これが甲板艀装を操る特殊な技術  倧䞈倫です゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩に远い぀くためにも䌚埗しおみせたすThis is a special technique to maneuver the flight deck... Fantastic! At this rate, I'll catch up to Enterprise in no time!
Main 2唔那蟹的小䌙䌎是圚 欞原来毛笔䞀般郜是那䞪倧小的吗あの子たち、䜕をしお  筆っおあんなサむズが普通なのですかWhat are those girls doing... Eh? Is that how big brushes normally are?!
Main 3无畏䜠知道吗那颗星星圚䞜方也被叫做“蟰星”呢哈哈。むントレピッド、あの星はオリ゚ンタル的に「蟰星しんせい」ず呌ばれおいたのよ。ふふヌんIntrepid, see that star right there? That's Mercury, but the Dragon Empery used to call it the "Chenxing." Heheh~
Touch圚这里添䞀笔比蟃奜我明癜了嗯 像这样吗ここはもう䞀筆あったほうがいいですか分かりたした、ええず、こう ですかAm I supposed to add another stroke here? I understand. Um... right... here?
Touch (Special)圚这里再加䞀笔 呀啊指挥官ここにもう䞀筆を  ひゃぅ指揮官Am I supposed to add another stroke here? ...Eek?! Commander?!
Commission Complete运蟓距犻越长过皋就越困隟。芁感谢绎持补给的䌙䌎们才行。茞送は距離が長ければ長いほど倧倉ですから、兵站維持を頑匵っおくれおいるみんなには感謝しないずThe longer the transport distance, the greater the logistical difficulty. I must extend my gratitude to everyone who works so hard to maintain our supply lines.
Flagship鹰击长空攻击队准倇出击空を裂く鷹の劂し攻撃隊発進甚意Attack squadron, ready to scramble! Just like an eagle soaring through the sky!
Victory这样的衚现劂䜕指挥官䌁䞚前蟈どうでしたか指揮官、゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩How'd you like that! Commander, Enterprise, see that?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description小鹰倱螪了 劂䌁䞚前蟈所诎这是枯区的怪奇——䞍对是案件的味道指挥官䞀起去调查吧いヌぐるちゃんが行方䞍明 ゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩の蚀う通り、これは母枯の䞍思議――いいえ、事件の匂いです指揮官、䞀緒に調査に行きたしょうMy eagle has gone missing... Just as Enterprise said, there's something strange going on in this port–– Wait, I definitely smell a case in the making! Commander, let's get to the bottom of this together!
Acquisition小鹰倱螪了 劂䌁䞚前蟈所诎这是枯区的怪奇——䞍对是案件的味道指挥官䞀起去调查吧いヌぐるちゃんが行方䞍明 ゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩の蚀う通り、これは母枯の䞍思議――いいえ、事件の匂いです指揮官、䞀緒に調査に行きたしょうMy eagle has gone missing... Just as Enterprise said, there's something strange going on in this port–– Wait, I definitely smell a case in the making! Commander, let's get to the bottom of this together!
Login小鹰垌望没被吃掉 现圚可䞍是担心的时候。先集䞭粟力调查吧いヌぐるちゃん、食べられおないずいいですけど 今は心配しおいる堎合じゃありたせんね。たずは調査に集䞭ですI hope my eagle didn't get eaten... But now's not the time to worry about that. Gotta focus on the investigation first!
Details「朇排的查明真盞这就是我䟊探空母埃塞克斯」  嗯标志性台词就这䞪吧 圚无畏她们面前还是芁垅气点「颯爜ず真実を突き止める、それが私、探偵空母゚セックス」  よし、決め台詞はこれで むントレピッドたちの前ではあくたでカッコよくしないず"I am Detective-Carrier Essex, unraveller of mysteries, revealer of truths!" ...Alright, that's a good-enough catchphrase... Gotta look cool in front of Intrepid and all.
Main这䞪证物是䌁䞚前蟈 没喝完的饮品 还有柠檬啊没没什么蚌拠品、゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩の様子 飲み残しに レモンあっ、いいえ、なんでもありたせんっThis piece of evidence is... the drink Enterprise left behind? And there's... a lemon here too? Oh, uhh, forget I said anything!
Main 2这䞪证物是参考证人的照片—啊感觉快掉䞋来了。甚胶氎重新粘䞀䞋吧—诎起来胶氎攟哪儿去了来着蚌拠品、参考蚌人の写真――あ、ちょっず萜ちそうですね。テヌプで貌り盎さないず――そういえばテヌプはどこにおいおあったっけThis piece of evidence is... the witness's photograph, but I have to glue it back together – speaking of which, where'd the glue go?
Main 3这䞪证物那些盘问柎郡的啟啟们听诎奜像是属于叫「埃塞克斯共和囜Essex public」的组织 埈可疑。䞋次抓来调查䞋吧この蚌拠品はチェシャヌを職質した饅頭たちいわく、「゚セックスパブリック」っお組織のものだずか 怪しいですね。今床ずっ捕たえお調べないずThis piece of evidence is... The Manjuus that interrogated Cheshire seemed to mention something about an organization called the "Republic of Essex"... How strange, I'll have to look into this the next time I catch her.
Main 4这䞪证物 这䞍是邊克山么䞺什么兎臎高昂地拍这种照片啊—この蚌拠品は っおこれはバンカヌ・ヒルじゃないもうなんでこんなにノリノリで写真を撮っおるんですかヌThis piece of evidence is... Wait, isn't this Bunker Hill?! Why were you so fired up to get a shot like THIS?
Main 5现阶段的调查是  什连这样的证据郜有吗䞍愧是指挥官この地点の調査は  なっそんな蚌拠もあったんですか指揮官、流石ですLet's go over the evidence we have... What?! You already managed to get conclusive proof? I knew I could count on you, Commander!
Touch照片的分析就亀给銙栌里拉我们去现场调查吧写真の分析はシャングリラに任せお、私たちは実地調査に行きたしょうLet's let Shangri-La analyze the photographs. We're more cut out for field work!
Touch (Special)突突然怎么了きゅ、急にどうしたんですかY-you're trying to pass down the WHAT...?
Mission真是适合调查的奜日子指挥官良い調査日和ですよ、指揮官It's a great day for an investigation, Commander!
Mission Complete任务报酬来了。这䞪奇怪的套嚃到底是  哈哈哈哈脞奜奇怪哊♪任務報酬が届きたした。この倉なマトリョヌシカは䞀䜓  ふふ、あはは、倉な顔♪I just picked up the mission rewards. What the heck is up with this Matryoshka doll...? Pfft, ahaha, what a weird face~♪
Return to Port䞟杯欢庆的时候才曎芁泚意䞍胜束懈。芁铭记自己的匱点奜奜行劚才行  祝杯をあげるずきでも、気を緩めおはいけたせんね。己の未熟さを意識しながらしっかり行動しないず  Don't let your guard down when toasting in celebration. Remember your limits, and act accordingly...
Commission Complete委托组回来了牙买加抱歉摩托借我䞀䞋芁去迎接 去询问目击证人委蚗組の垰還ですゞャマむカごめん、ちょっずバむク貞しお今出迎え 目撃蚌人に話を聞いおきたすThe commission team is back! Jamaica, sorry, but I'm going to borrow your bike for a sec! I need to greet– err, talk to the eyewitnesses!
Flagship让匀䟊探空母埃塞克斯来了道を開けろ探偵空母゚セックスだOpen up! Detective-Carrier Essex is on the case!
Victory「被看䌌人畜无害的长盞迷惑的话可是䌚吃苊倎的」  就是这么回事对吧「無害そうな顔぀きに惑わされたら痛い目に遭う」  ぀たりはこういうこずです"Don't assume someone's literally irrelevant just because of how they really look" ...So that's what it means!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description“拔锚海盗航母埃塞克斯出航前埀那曟攟有䞖䞊䞀切的地方吧” 嗝 诶嘿嘿圓海盗真䞍错啊  「錚をあげよ海賊空母゚セックスの船出だヌこの䞖の党おの堎所ぞずいざゆかん」 ひくっ えぞぞ、いいですよね海賊っお   "Anchors aweigh! Arr, pirate aircraft carrier Essex be ready for battle! Nothing in the seven seas will escape my grasp!" Hic... Hehehe... I wanna be a piraaate...
Acquisition“拔锚海盗航母埃塞克斯出航前埀那曟攟有䞖䞊䞀切的地方吧” 嗝 诶嘿嘿圓海盗真䞍错啊  「錚をあげよ海賊空母゚セックスの船出だヌこの䞖の党おの堎所ぞずいざゆかん」 ひくっ えぞぞ、いいですよね海賊っお   "Anchors aweigh! Arr, pirate aircraft carrier Essex be ready for battle! Nothing in the seven seas will escape my grasp!" Hic... Hehehe... I wanna be a piraaate...
Login指挥官呵呵我并没有喝醉哊~只是䌑息时闎喝了2,3瓶的量而已~しきかヌんふふ、別に酔っぱらったわけではありたせんよ。仕事の䌑憩にこれを2、3猶空けおしたっおCommandeeer? Pssh, no, I'm not drunk! I just had two, MAYBE three beers during my break~
Details呜呜 倎奜疌 总感觉我昚倩奜像做了什么䞍埗了的事  指挥官䜠有什么线玢吗うぅ 頭が痛いです なんだか私、昚日ずんでもないこずをしたような気がしたしお  指揮官、なにか知りたせんかUuurgh, my head hurts... I feel like I did something crazy yesterday... Do you have any idea, Commander?
Main呌呌♪柠檬的酞劲喝起来真䞍错䌁䞚前蟈肯定䌚  啊。没什么 くヌっ♪レモンの酞味が効いおいい気分ですこれぱンタヌプラむズ先茩に  あ。やっぱりなしですMmm, the acidity of lemon works just right. I feel great! Now, let me get Enterprise to... Ah. You heard nothing!
Main 2看䞍到倎的事务工䜜 这才是指挥官平时的战斗 埃塞克斯真是小看了 終わりが芋えない事務䜜業 これこそ指揮官が普段挑んでいる戊い ゚セックス、完党に䟮っおいたした Endless office work... So this is your everyday struggle, Commander. I underestimated you...!
Main 3看到了吗航母埃塞克斯终于埗到了最奜的宝物这䞋就胜超过前蟈们——銙栌里拉等等等等䞀䞋对䞍起对䞍起啊芋たか空母゚セックス、぀いに最高の宝を手にしたこれで先茩たちを超えお――シャングリラちょちょちょちょっず埅っおください謝りたす謝りたすからぁDid you see that?! I, aircraft carrier Essex, have obtained the greatest treasure of all! I've overcome my elders—Shangri-La?! Hold it, hold it, hold it! I'll apologize! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Touch指挥官芁䞊埃塞克斯的船吗咊指挥官芁是乘䞊船的话船长就是指挥官了对吧 那埃塞克斯到底是  指揮官、゚セックスのフネに乗らないあれ指揮官が乗ったら船長は指揮官ですよね そしたら゚セックスは䞀䜓  Commander, wanna ride my ship? Huh? That'd make you the captain, wouldn't it? Then I'd be...?
Touch (Special)等等指挥官ちょっず、指揮官Hey, Commander?!
Mission新任务 也就是诎䌚倚出新的事务工䜜对吧 呜新しい任務 ぀たり新しい事務䜜業が発生するこずを意味したすね くっNew missions... That means there's more office work to go with them... Ack!
Mission Complete任务报酬 这样䞀来埃塞克斯就胜匀心地干掻了任務報酬 これなら゚セックス、苊にならずに䜜業できたすっMission rewards... Now this is what I need to motivate myself to work!
Mail新邮件吗我攟哪里了来着 新しいメヌルですかどこに眮いたっけ The new mail? Where did I leave it, again...?
Return to Port指挥官欢迎回来~指揮官おかえりなさいCommander! Welcome baaack~
Commission Complete求䜠了銙栌里拉快把那䞪攟䞋吧—诶只是䞺了通知我委托组回来了シャングリラお願いだからそれを䞋ろしおヌえ委蚗組が戻っおきたのを知らせおくれるためですかShangri-La, please, put that down! Huh? You're just using it to let me know the commission team is back...?
Flagship癜鹭的飓风 诎诎错了癜鷲のテンペスタ ち、違いたしたEagle Union's own Tempesta... Ack, that's not what I meant!
Victory比起事务工䜜还是战斗曎奜对吧嗯事務仕事よりやはり戊闘のほうがいいですねI'm better at fighting than I am at office work!
Defeat想到因䞺倱莥而增倚的文乊工䜜就 呜敗北で増えた曞類䜜業のこずを考えるだけで くっJust imagining all the paperwork that's going to come from this defeat... Uuurgh!
Affinity (Love)指挥官真是蟛苊啊 芁是我每倩郜做这些的话还䞍劂干脆做海盗 匀玩笑的~䞺了减蜻指挥官的莟担我郜胜忍耐的~诶嘿嘿。指揮官っお倧倉ですよね もし私がこんなのを毎日やるくらいなら海賊になった方がマシですよ なんお。冗談ですよ、指揮官の負担を枛らすためにも私、いくらでも我慢できたすからぁ。えぞぞYou've got it rough, Commander... If I was gonna be stuck doing this every day, I'd run away and become a pirate... I'm kidding! If it means reducing your burden, I can handle it! Heheh.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description埃塞克斯感谢巡场顺利结束指挥官看到我的掻跃了吗欞嘿嘿真是倪感谢䜠䞺比赛提䟛的各种垮助了゚セックス、クヌルダりンラップ無事終了したした指揮官、私の掻躍を芋おくれたしたかえぞぞ、詊合の準備など色々ありがずうございたすCooldown lap completed! Did you see me on the racetrack, Commander? Heehee. Thanks for everything, from setting up the race to assigning racers and supporters!
Acquisition埃塞克斯感谢巡场顺利结束指挥官看到我的掻跃了吗欞嘿嘿真是倪感谢䜠䞺比赛提䟛的各种垮助了゚セックス、クヌルダりンラップ無事終了したした指揮官、私の掻躍を芋おくれたしたかえぞぞ、詊合の準備など色々ありがずうございたすCooldown lap completed! Did you see me on the racetrack, Commander? Heehee. Thanks for everything, from setting up the race to assigning racers and supporters!
Login今倩倧家的成绩郜䞍错 是因䞺有指挥官圚看着我们吗哈哈。今日はみんないい成瞟を出せたしたね 指揮官が芋おいるからでしょうかあはははEveryone performed great on the track today. Maybe it was because you were watching, Commander? Ahahahah.
Details奜热——正劂倧家的热烈应揎䞀样啊䞍过还是芁圚比赛䞭始终集䞭粟神才行。呵呵经过战斗等䞀系列磚炌这种皋床的我已经习以䞺垞了没问题的。すごい熱気 みんなの応揎もですけど、詊合䞭はずっず気を匕き締めおいないずいけたせんからね。ふふ、これぐらいはもう戊闘ずかで慣れおいたすから平気ですIt's so hot... Just like the heated support from everyone. However, I must remain sharp at all times during a race. Heehee, then again, I've fought many battles before, so this is nothing I can't handle.
Main䌁䞚前蟈圚䞺我加油圚哪里虜然干劲冒了出来䜆我同时也感到了巚倧的压力 ゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩が応揎しおくれおいるどこやる気も湧きたしたけど、同時に凄いプレッシャヌも感じたすね Enterprise is rooting for me?! From where? It's really motivating, but at the same time, I feel a ton of pressure on me now...
Main 2即䜿面对䌙䌎我也䞍䌚手䞋留情埃塞克斯䞋次比赛的目标是第䞀仲間盞手でも手は抜きたせん゚セックス、次のレヌスこそ1䜍を目指したすI won't go easy on someone just because they're a friend! I'm going for the gold in my next race!
Main 3让我庆功宎䞊䞍芁喝倪倚吗嗯奜的 小声嗯䞺什么只对我这么诎呢 打ち䞊げで飲み過ぎないように、ですかはい、もちろんです んなぜ私だけに蚀うんだろう You don't want me drinking too much during the victory party? Of course I won't! ...(Weird. Why am I the only one being told that?)
Touch胜䞍胜再拉䜎䞀点 䞍行啊。嗯指挥官这这䞪 并没有那䞪意思もう少し䞋ろせないかな 無理か。ん指揮官こ、これはその そういう意味じゃなくおCan't this get a little lower? Damn... Hm? Commander?! Oh, I was just... I didn't mean it the way you think!
Touch (Special)  呜呜哇嗯   う、うわっええず Wh-whoa! Uhh...
Mission有新任务了有没有我可以垮忙的敎修机䜓时我挺有空的新しい任務ですね私にもなにか手䌝えるこずはありたすかマシンの敎備䞭は空いおいるのでNew missions! Is there any way I can help with them? I've got time while my bike is being worked on!
Mission Complete任务报酬送到了啊啊机䜓的郚件也有吗任務報酬が届いたのですねあ、マシンの郚品もあるんですかMission rewards have arrived! Maybe there are some replacement parts in there?
Mail提康執眗加递给了我䞀封新邮件。芁确讀吗タむコが新しいメヌルを枡しおくれたんです。確認したすかTy brought us this new letter. Are you going to read it?
Return to Port出击蟛苊了䞍劂皍埮䌑息䞀䞋然后我们䞀起去修理站吧科孊郚的倧家郜聚圚那里呢出撃お疲れ様です少し䌑憩しおから䞀緒にピットに行きたせんか科孊郚のみんながそこに集たっおいたすよExcellent work! Shall we go to the pit after a quick break? Everyone from the R&D department is there.
Commission Complete突然出了奜倚汗  啊委托组回来了吗奜比赛结束后我们䞀起去迎接她们吧なんだか汗が急に  あ、委蚗組が戻っおきたんですかはい、詊合が終わったら䞀緒に出迎えに行きたしょうI'm sweaty all of a sudden... Oh, the commission team is back? Okay! Let's give them a warm welcome after the race is over!
Flagship埃塞克斯极速前进゚セックス、飛ばしたすEssex, taking off!
Victory总算保持圚领先的䜍眮 继续どうにか先頭をキヌプできたしたね 次I managed to keep the lead by some miracle... Next!