Nagara (JP 🇯🇵: 長良, CN 🇹🇼: 长良)
Ship ID No. 182 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Common
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 01:05:00
Acquisition Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 11
Torpedo 17
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Akari Kito
Name 大月紅葉
Nagara Description
First ship of the Nagara-class light cruisers, Nagara.
Spring Breeze Leisure Description
Good evening, Commander. This room...? Ah, it's a special Dragon Empery-themed set I bought from Akashi's. It looked pretty snazzy and was on sale, so I picked it up. Ehehe~
Firepower C
Torpedo B
Aviation B
Evasion E
Anti-air B
HP 2547 Reload 150
Firepower 122 Torpedo 244
Evasion 80 Anti-air 243
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 73 Luck 36
Hit 129 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 2891 Reload 173
Firepower 140 Torpedo 279
Evasion 105 Anti-air 278
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 84 Luck 36
Hit 145 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 493 Reload 64
Firepower 26 Torpedo 52
Evasion 31 Anti-air 52
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 20 Luck 36
Hit 50 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 36
Hit Speed 36
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 36
Hit Speed 36
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/AA gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 135%/135%/145%/160% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/125%/125%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 140mm Main Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Nagara-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 3 +1
Max LimitBreak 7
Lv.120 5 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Full Firepower Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Nagara Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
01:05:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 长良级轻巡洋舰一番舰—长良 長良型軽巡洋艦一番艦・長良 First ship of the Nagara-class light cruisers, Nagara.
Biography 重樱长良级轻巡洋舰一号舰。参加过所罗门、中太平洋等各处海战,中途岛时代替沉没的赤城担起旗舰职责,指挥了大家的撤退,不过到底还是逃不过被潜艇击沉的宿命呢……嘿嘿~ 重桜長良型軽巡の一番艦、長良よ。ソロモンと、南太平洋などの海戦に参加して、ミッドウェイ海戦では沈んだ赤城さんの代わりに旗艦を勤め、みんなの撤退を指示したよ。最後は潜水艦に沈められちゃったけど……えへへ… I'm the first ship of the Nagara-class light cruisers from the Sakura Empire. I took part in various battles in the Solomon Seas and in the center Pacific. During Midway, I took over Akagi's role as flagship after she sank and then coordinated our retreat. In the end, though, I too met the fate of being sunk by a submarine...
Acquisition 诶嘿嘿,我是长良。指挥官,有期待我的加入吗? えへへーあては長良っていうの。指揮官、あてのこと、期待してた? Eheh, I'm Nagara. Commader, have you been anticipating my arrival?
Login 戳戳~指挥官,在发呆吗? つんつん、つんつん~指揮官、ぼーっとしてるの? Hey, hey~ Commander, were you daydreaming again?
Details 指挥官喜欢什么样的女孩子呢?——诶嘿嘿,是吗~ 指揮官はどんな子がタイプなの?ーーえへへーそぉ? What kind of girl do you like, Commander? Hehe. Oh yeah?
Main 被雨淋湿了就得赶紧换衣服……唔,要不要把我的衣服借给你? 雨に濡れたら服を着替えたほうがいいよ?……えっと、あての服を貸そうか? You need to change clothes after getting soaked... Hey, do you want to borrow mine?
Main 2 阿武隈能交到朋友真是太好了,就是…… 阿武隈ちゃん、お友達ができて本当によかった~はい、その子はね… It's great that Abukuma is finally making friends, but...
Main 3 戳戳~指挥官的脸好可爱~ つんつん~指揮官の顔、すごく可愛い~ Commander~ Your face is so~ cute~!
Touch 指挥官碰到什么麻烦了吗? 指揮官、面倒事に巻き込まれたの? Have you run into any trouble, Commander?
Touch (Special) 有时候搞不懂指挥官想做些什么呢~ うーん、時々指揮官が何をしようとしているのか、ちょっとわからないよね…えへへー Sometimes I really don't understand what you're trying to do, Commander...
Mission 偶尔休息一下、偷偷懒应该是会被原谅的吧,诶嘿嘿~ たまには少しズル休みして、サボっちゃってもいいよね?えへへー If it's just taking a break once in a while, I think I can let that go.
Mission Complete 哇,完成了吗!?指挥官,好厉害! わぁ、完了したの?指揮官、すごーい! Wow, finished already? Well done, Commander!
Mail 诶嘿嘿~指挥官,有新邮件 えへへー指揮官、新しい手紙だよ? Hehe, Commander~! You've got new mail~!
Return to Port 太好了,指挥官平安无事地回来了 指揮官が無事に帰った…よかったあ… It's great to see that you returned safe and sound, Commander~!
Commission Complete 军事委托?那也是我的工作范围呢 軍事委託?そういえばこれもあてのお仕事ね Commissions? That's part of my job too.
Enhancement 氧气鱼雷……好想要…… 酸素魚雷……すごくほしいなぁ…… Oxygen Torpedoes.....I want.......
Flagship 这次的敌人是什么? 今度の敵はなぁに? Who is the enemy this time?
Victory 希望每场战斗都能像今天一样漂亮~ 次の戦闘も、今日のようにうまく行けばいいなぁー I hope every battle goes as well as this one did~!
Defeat 呜哇,指挥官,我们先撤退吧 あわわ、指揮官、早く撤退しよう! *Cries* Commander, let's retreat...
Skill 嘿嘿,做好准备了吗? えへへー準備はいい? Hehe, are you ready?
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官,请打起精神…… 指揮官、元気出して…… Come on, Commander, cheer up~!
Affinity (Stranger) 唔,今天晚餐给妹妹们做什么好呢~ うーん、今日の夕食は妹たちに何を作ろうかな… Hmm... What should I cook for my little sisters tonight?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官~哎?没事啦,就是突然想打个招呼,嘿嘿~ 指揮官~うん?別に何もないよ?ちょっと挨拶したくなちゃって、えへへー Commander? Oh, nothing. I just wanted to say hi!
Affinity (Like) 伴随护卫?这种事情我已经驾轻就熟啦,这次是?诶——和指挥官一起私访港区!? 随伴護衛?こういうのはあての十八番よ。今度はどの子なの?えーー指揮官と一緒に寮舎に潜入するの!? An escort? That's my specialty. And this time? Ah, going to port with you, undercover?!
Affinity (Love) 昨天看到了好多姐妹不为人知的一面呢……指挥官想看我不为人知的一面?唔……怎么办好呢? 昨日はみんなの知らない一面を一杯見れちゃったね……指揮官はあての知らない一面を知りたいの?うーん……どうしよう… かな? Yesterday, I saw a side of my sisters that I hadn't seen before... Commander, do you want to see a side of me you haven't before? Hm... what should I do?
Pledge ……嘿嘿~指挥官,准备好了吗?嗯,那我闭上眼睛了…… ……えへへ~指揮官、準備はいい?うん、じゃあ、目を閉じるね…… ... Hey~ Commander, are you ready? Okay, I'm closing my eyes...
In battle with Abukuma 阿武隈,不要总缠着大井啦…… 初春ちゃん、今度は気をつけるね~えへへー Hatsuharu, be more careful this time~ Hehehe~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊,指挥官,你好呀。嗯?你说房间吗?啊,这些是我在明石那里购买的东煌风装饰哦?春节期间特卖,我感觉很漂亮,就买下来了~欸嘿嘿 こんばんは、指揮官。この部屋…?あー、これは明石のお店で売ってた、簡易東煌(とうこう)風インテリアセットだよ。綺麗だし、「旧正月セール価格」だから、つい買っちゃった。えへへ Good evening, Commander. This room...? Ah, it's a special Dragon Empery-themed set I bought from Akashi's. It looks pretty snazzy and was on sale, so I picked it up. Ehehe~
Acquisition 啊,指挥官,你好呀。嗯?你说房间吗?啊,这些是我在明石那里购买的东煌风装饰哦?春节期间特卖,我感觉很漂亮,就买下来了~欸嘿嘿 こんばんは、指揮官。この部屋…?あー、これは明石のお店で売ってた、簡易東煌(とうこう)風インテリアセットだよ。綺麗だし、「旧正月セール価格」だから、つい買っちゃった。えへへ Good evening, Commander. This room...? Ah, it's a special Dragon Empery-themed set I bought from Akashi's. It looks pretty snazzy and was on sale, so I picked it up. Ehehe~
Login 指挥官,要来喝杯茶吗? 指揮官、このお茶でもいかが? Commander, want some tea?
Details 指挥官春节期间有什么想做的事吗?我的话,想要躺在房间里喝着茶看着书,悠悠哉哉地度过呢 指揮官、旧正月休みはどう過ごしたいの?あては…うん、部屋でのんびりとお茶したり読書したり、ゴロゴロしたいかな~えへへ Commander, how do you plan on spending your Spring Festival? Me? ...Well, chilling in my room with a cup of tea sounds pretty good, or reading a book, or rolling around. Ehehe~
Main 指挥官,你有看到鬼怒吗?她呀,我一说要给她掏耳朵就不知道跑哪里去了,真是的,姐姐给妹妹掏耳朵不是天经地义的事情嘛… 指揮官、鬼怒ちゃん見なかった?耳かきしてあげようと思ったのに逃げちゃって…もう、妹に耳かきするの、別に普通なのにぃ… Commander, have you seen Kinu? I told her I'd clean her ears, but she sure bailed quick... Seriously, what's wrong with cleaning your sister's ears...?
Main 2 指挥官,我跟你说哦,刚才啊,阿武隈,居然主动来找我喝茶了呢,而且还让我掏耳朵了!好高兴呀! 指揮官、あのね、阿武隈ちゃんがね、一緒にお茶を飲んで耳かきさせてくれるようになったの!えへへ、嬉しい! Commander, you know, Abukuma started having tea with me, and will even let me clean her ears! Ehehe, th
Main 3 总觉得比平时成熟了一些?唔…我可是长良级的大姐头,一直都很成熟的才是呀… 雰囲気がいつもと違って大人っぽい?んー、あては長良型の一番艦だから普段でも全然大人っぽいと思うけど…
Touch 指挥官也想掏耳朵吗?可以哦,来,请躺下来~ 指揮官も耳かき、してほしいの?いいよ、はい、どうぞ~(ポンポン Commander, want me to clean your ears too? Sure, come here then~ *pat* *pat*
Touch (Special) 呀~指挥官,挖出血我可不管哦? もう、指揮官、耳かき中に動いたら怪我しちゃうよ? Jeez, Commander, don't blame me if I poke a hole in your eardrum~
Return to Port 指挥官,快看,茶柱立起来了呢,今天一定会有好事发生哦~ 指揮官、ほら、茶柱が立ったよ。今日はきっと、いいことが起きるな~ Look, Commander, the tea stalk is floating upright. I'm sure something good is going to happen today~
Affinity (Love) 像这样一边和指挥官聊天,一边为指挥官掏耳朵,总觉得和恋人一样呢……嘻嘻,我什么都没说~嗯~~虽然采耳已经结束了,不过您想要多躺一会的话也没关系哦~ (小声)指揮官に耳かきしながらおしゃべりするの、なんだかカップルっぽいね~ううん、なんもないの。はい、これで耳かきおしまい。このまま横になっても大丈夫よ?ツンツン♪ Whispering to you while cleaning your ear like this... kind of makes it seem like we're a couple, doesn't it? Hehe, forget I said anything. All right, all done. You can stay here and chat a bit more if you'd like~?