Abukuma (JP 🇯🇵: 阿武隈, CN 🇹🇼: 阿武隈)
Ship ID No. 187 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Common
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Explore Stage8-1
Enhance Income
Firepower 11
Torpedo 17
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Akari Kito
Abukuma Description
Sixth ship of the Nagara-class light cruisers, Abukuma.
Abukuma (Retrofit) Description
Combat retrofit complete! First Torpedo Squadron flagship, Abukuma, ready to sortie any time!
Firepower C
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air B
HP 2547 Reload 150
Firepower 122 Torpedo 244
Evasion 80 Anti-air 243
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 81 Luck 43
Hit 129 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 2891 Reload 173
Firepower 140 Torpedo 279
Evasion 105 Anti-air 278
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 92 Luck 43
Hit 145 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 493 Reload 64
Firepower 26 Torpedo 52
Evasion 31 Anti-air 52
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 22 Luck 43
Hit 50 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 2787 Reload 155
Firepower 142 Torpedo 309
Evasion 80 Anti-air 243
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 81 Luck 43
Hit 129 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 3131 Reload 178
Firepower 160 Torpedo 344
Evasion 105 Anti-air 278
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 92 Luck 43
Hit 145 Speed 36
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/AA gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 135%/135%/145%/160% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/125%/125%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 140mm Main Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Nagara-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 3 +1
Max LimitBreak 7
Lv.120 5 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Torpedo Command: Destroyers Increases the TRP of all DDs in your fleet by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
Double Torpedo When this ship fires its Torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a second wave of Torpedoes.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Nagara Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 长良级轻巡洋舰六番舰—阿武隈 長良型軽巡洋艦六番艦・阿武隈 Sixth ship of the Nagara-class light cruisers, Abukuma.
Biography 长良级轻巡阿武隈,基本没有离开过一水战,虽然常被说外表很有攻击性,不过我还是比较喜欢钓鱼之类的事情……基斯卡的时候也是,大概保护其他人的工作更适合我吧 あては長良型軽巡阿武隈。第一水雷戦隊で長く勤めた。外見は鬼っぽいけど、本当は釣りとかが好きで……キスカの時もそうだったけど、多分あては人を守る仕事のほうに向いてるね Nagara-class light cruiser, Abukuma. I've spent most of my time in the First Torpedo Squadron. Although I look aggressive, I actually prefer other things like fishing and just cruising around... just like when I was at Kiska. Perhaps protecting others is a more suitable job for me.
Acquisition 你好,指挥官,我叫阿武隈。你在看什么呢?角?可别把我和北上大井她们搞混了…… はじめまして、指揮官。あては阿武隈。何を見てる?角?北上と大井たちと間違えないようにね…… Hi, Commander... I'm Abukuma. What are you looking at? My horns? Don't mistake me for Kitakami or Ooi...
Login 欢迎回来,要尝尝鱼雷吗?新鲜的 おかえり。魚雷食べる?しゃきしゃきさくさくだよ Welcome back. Want to try some fresh torpedoes?
Details 指挥官,别太勉强自己 指揮官、あまり無理しないで Don't push yourself too much, Commander!
Main 指挥官,要一起去钓鱼吗,或者来下棋? 指揮官。釣りに行かない?将棋でもいいよ? Commander, shall we go fishing? How about a game of chess?
Main 2 我的名字虽然看起来有点复杂,不过其实挺好念的,指挥官试试看? 名前はちょっと書きづらいけど、読みやすいよ?指揮官も読んで見る? My name seems a bit complicated, but it's actually easy to read. Why don't you try it?
Main 3 穿着?哦……这个袜子的话其实是可以脱的,要试试看吗? 見た目?はぁ……この靴下、実は履き替えられるよ?指揮官も履いてみる? Dress up? Oh... these socks are actually pretty easy to take off. Want to try yourself?
Touch 安静一点,指挥官 指揮官、静かに Be quiet, Commander.
Touch (Special) 指挥官,想尝尝鱼雷吗?给 指揮官、魚雷食べる?ホイ Want to have a taste of my torpedoes, Commander?
Mission 要开始新的任务了吗?明白了 新しい任務?わかった We're starting a new mission. Got it?
Mission Complete 不错的报酬…… いい報酬…… These rewards aren't so bad...
Mail 新的信来了 手紙が届いたよ You've got new mail!
Return to Port 大家都平安回来了吗? 戻った。む、みんなえらいね。今回はあての足を踏んだ娘がいなかったよ Did everyone make it back in one piece?
Commission Complete 指挥官,要去港口钓鱼吗?正好姐妹们也完成委托回来了 指揮官、港に釣りにでも行かない?ちょうど委託のみんなも帰ってくるところだし Commander, shall we return to port and do some fishing? The girls seem to be back from their commission as well.
Enhancement 感觉……挺不错的 いい……感じ This isn't a bad feeling at all...
Flagship 一水战,阿武隈,出动 一水戦、阿武隈、出撃 First Torpedo Squadron, Abukuma, Moving out!
Victory 我是第一?哦……没什么实感 あてが一位?うん……あまり実感がない I'm number one? Hm... I don't feel anything special...
Defeat 全队,准备撤退……我会在最后一个走 全艦、転進……あてがしんがりを務める Everyone, prepare to retreat... I'll cover the rear!
Skill 大家……让开一下 みんな……どいてね Everyone.... Gangway
Low HP 不要慌……等待最好的时机 慌てない…今は時機を見るのだ Don't panic... wait for the right moment to strike!
Affinity (Upset) 别碰我…… 触らないで…… Don't touch me...
Affinity (Stranger) 怎么了?没事的话安静一些,指挥官 指揮官。何事?用がないならちょっと静かにして What's wrong? If it's nothing then stay quiet, Commander.
Affinity (Friendly) 看起来像是好战分子?这样吗……不过比起战斗,我更喜欢护卫之类的任务 喧嘩好きに見える?そう……戦うより護衛任務の方が好きなのに… I look trigger happy? I actually prefer being an escort more than I do engaging in combat...
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,今天一起去钓鱼?啊……还有工作吗……好吧,那我就等你解决工作好了。嗯?没关系的,跟指挥官一起会比较开心 指揮官、釣りに行かない?あ……仕事がまだ残ってるね……じゃあ終わるまで待つよ。うん?大丈夫よ、指揮官といたほうが楽しいから Commander, should we go fishing today? Oh, there's work to do? I'll wait for you to finish then... Oh? No, it's fine! I'm more than happy to stay with you, Commander.
Affinity (Love) 虽然我没有中什么诅咒变成鬼,只是普通的阿武隈……不过要是有谁想伤害指挥官,那我就变成鬼好了 あては別に呪ったり鬼になったりしない、ただの「阿武隈」よ。…でも、もし誰かが指揮官を傷つけようとしたら、あてが鬼になってあげるね I'm just a normal Abukuma... no one has ever cursed me to become a demon. If someone tries to hurt you though, Commander, I might just turn right into a demon!
Pledge 不是一水战的其他姐妹,而是我收下这个真的可以吗?啊啊,这比那场奇迹般的作战成功还要令人感到开心呢……谢谢指挥官,我会当成最重要的宝物珍藏起来的 一水戦のみんなではなく、あてがこれを貰っていいの?……うん…あの奇跡の時より嬉しい。……ありがとう指揮官。これを、一番大切な宝物にするね It's not for the other sisters in First torpedo squadron, but for me? Is that really alright? Ahh, this makes me happier than that one miraculous victory......thank you, Commander, I shall treat it as my most precious treasure.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 作战改造完成,第一水雷舰队旗舰阿武隈,随时准备出击! 作戦改造完了。第一水雷戦隊旗艦・阿武隈、いつでも出撃できるよ! Combat retrofit complete! First Torpedo Squadron flagship, Abukuma, ready to sortie any time!
Acquisition 作战改造完成,第一水雷舰队旗舰阿武隈,随时准备出击! 近代化改修完了。第一水雷戦隊旗艦・阿武隈、いつでも出撃できるよ! Combat retrofit complete! First Torpedo Squadron flagship, Abukuma, ready to sortie any time!
Main 2 指挥官记住了我的名字吗?来念一遍吧,多念几遍也可以哦~ あての名前を覚えた?一回呼んでみて?…うふふ、何回呼んでもいいよ? Have you finally memorized my name? Just read it out. You can give it a few tries~
Main 3 表情变柔和了?那一定是因为我更加喜欢舰队的大家和指挥官了吧 表情が柔らかくなった?もしかして、艦隊のみんなと指揮官のことがもっと好きになったお陰かもよ My expression seems a bit softer now? It's because I like the fleet and the Commander more than I did before~!
Touch 叫我吗,指挥官? 指揮官、あてのことをお呼びか? Commander, did you call for me?
Touch (Special) 呀……!指挥官,再这样我就要请你吃鱼雷了哦! っ…!指揮官、これ以上すると魚雷食らわせちゃうよ Hey! Commander, you're going to be eating torpedoes if you keep this up!
Mission Complete 我把报酬取来了,指挥官~ 指揮官。報酬を持ってきたよ I brought back the rewards, Commander!
Return to Port 我给大家准备了点心,指挥官也有份哦,来尝尝吧~ お菓子を用意したよ。指揮官の分もあるから、食べてね I've prepared snacks for everyone. Commander, there's some for you too! Come dig in!
Victory 大家都平安无事才是最重要的 みんな無事なほうが大事ね The most important thing is that everyone stays safe.