Kinu (JP 🇯🇵: 鬼怒, CN 🇹🇼: 鬼怒)
Ship IDNo. 186Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityElite
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time1:05:00
AcquisitionEvent: Swirling Cherry Blossoms
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENDecember 26, 2019
KRDecember 26, 2019
CNDecember 26, 2019
JPDecember 26, 2019
Voice actressSayuri Yahagi
I'm Kinu. If you want this demon to do your bidding, then you'd better show me what you're capable of!
New Year's Blade DemonDescription
Grr! What are you here for? Speak up. ...Oh, you just wanted to take a tour of the club activities? Sorry 'bout that, I don't like getting disturbed in the middle of this kind of training.
Kinu (Retrofit)Description
Retrofit complete... Look forward to commanding the might of the demon ascended. I shall not disappoint you!
HP494 Reload66
Firepower27 Torpedo54
Evasion31 Anti-air57
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW30 Luck52
HP2120 Reload127
Firepower75 Torpedo148
Evasion119 Anti-air214
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW76 Luck55
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | AA gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser120%/120%/120%/120%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun120%/125%/125%/125%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Single 140mm Main Gun
2Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Nagara-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock6 +1
Max LimitBreak12
Lv.1209 +1
DemonbladeAt the start of the battle: increases this ship's FP, AA, and ASW by 5.0% (15.0%) . While this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG your SSs and SSVs take by 5.0% (15.0%) .Default Unlocked
Demon's WishIncreases the torpedo DMG this ship deals by 5.0% (15.0%) . When this ship fires its torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a second wave of torpedoes.Retrofit
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Nagara Class once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description长良级轻巡洋舰五番舰—鬼怒長良型軽巡洋艦五番艦・鬼怒Nagara-class light cruiser number five – Kinu.
Biography我是长良型轻巡洋舰鬼怒号,名字取自“凶猛狂暴如鬼之怒”的鬼怒川。跟我的名字一样,恶鬼发怒起来,可是很凶悍的。相信我,你绝对不想看到那一幕。長良型軽巡の鬼怒だ。潜水戦隊の旗艦を務め、かの大戦の序盤では新兵器たちの活躍に一役買っていた。名前の由来通り、鬼が怒るように猛るあてを見たいとは思わないことだI am the Nagara-class light cruiser, Kinu. My name derives from Kinugawa, meaning "furious and violent like a demon's wrath." I live up to my name, but trust me - that is not something that you would want to see.
Acquisition我是鬼怒。如果想让恶鬼服从于你的话,就展现你的强大来看看吧軽巡鬼怒だ。…鬼を従えるつもりなら、鬼にお前の力を示すが良いI'm Kinu. If you want this demon to do your bidding, then you'd better show me what you're capable of!
Login快点安排今天的任务吧。今日の任務の指示だ。早くしろHurry up and make today's plans.
Details其他的你随意检查,不过我的鬼面还是最好不要乱碰。ほかの装備の点検はいいが、この鬼面をあまり触らないほうがいいYou're welcome to inspect the other stuff, but you'd be best off not casually touching my demonic raiments.
Main不擅长应付的人?硬要说的话…长良吧。因为…欸?长良姐!?等、等下,不要抱过来!唔嗯嗯~~~苦手な相手?強いて言えば長良だな。だって…え、長良姉さん!?ちょ、ちょっと、それ駄目だ!う、うンンン――!Somebody I can't stand? I guess that'd be Nagara. She's the– Whuah, Nagara?! W-Wait, don't get any closer! MMPH, URMMMPHHH!
Main 2新式的氧气鱼雷…我说,把那东西也给我装一个吧?我保证能发挥它的全部威力。最新式の酸素魚雷…こっちにも換装してもらえないか?あてならその性能を十二分発揮できるA new model of oxygen torpedo...? I say, do get me one of those. I promise I'll draw out every bit of its power.
Main 3披风很帅气?嘿~你也是这样想的嘛!…不对,别想趁机偷懒!マント?ふん、お前もカッコいいと思ってくれるか。…おい、それを被って隠れてサボろうなんてするんじゃないぞMy cloak's pretty cool? Heh~ you think so too, huh? ...Hey, stop trying to slack off!
Touch要和我比试一场吗?放心,我会让你一只手的。あてと手合わせか。安心しろ、片手を使わないハンデをくれてやるYou want to duel me? Don't worry, I'll give you a handicap.
Touch (Special)你真的,要惹怒我吗?このあてを怒らす気か……!!Really? Are you trying to get me mad?
Touch (Headpat)别随便碰我的脑袋。あての頭を勝手にさわるなDon't go around touching my head.
Mission别忘了你的任务,执行上级的命令可是军人的天职。任務を忘れるな。命令を守るのは軍人の義務だDon't forget about your missions. A soldier must fulfill the orders of their superiors.
Mission Complete收下这些奖励吧,这是达成任务者的应得的回报。報酬を受け取れ。任務をこなしたお前がもらうべき見返りだAccept these rewards. You've earned this privilege.
Mail邮件里的重要信息,已经给你圈上了,指挥官。重要な内容はマーク付けておいたぞI've already highlighted the important parts for you, Commander.
Return to Port回来了啊,出击越久就越是怀念港区。好好休息,养精蓄锐吧戻ってきたな。出撃が長くなると陸も恋しくなる。休めるときには英気を養えYou look like you're in a good mood. Are you the type that gets motivated the more you work?
Commission Complete委托组的大家可要等得不耐烦了。委託組の子たちがいい加減しびれを切らしているぞThe commission team must be getting impatient from waiting.
Enhancement唯有实战,才能检验强化的成果。強化の成果がわかるのは実戦のみだI won't be able to test whether or not this strengthening worked outside of live combat.
Flagship尽管放马过来!さあ、来るがいい!Just bring it on already!
Victory与我为敌,就已经注定了你们的失败。あてを敵に回した時点でお前たちの敗北は決定したのだMake an enemy of me, and your defeat is already ensured.
Defeat恶鬼,终究输给了时代么…鬼も、時の流れには勝てないか…Even I have become obsolete...?
Skill休想逃走!逃さん!Don't even think about running!
Low HP哈哈哈!让你们看看真正的恶鬼吧!はははは!真なる鬼をお前たちに見せてやるッ!Ahaha! Now you shall witness the form of a true demon!
Affinity (Upset)懦夫,永远也没法驾驭恶鬼。卑怯者が。お前には鬼を従えられんCowards shall never control a demon.
Affinity (Stranger)像你这样看上去人畜无害的家伙,居然是掌控整个港区的大人物。我对你稍微有点兴趣了呢。人畜無害に見えるお前がこの母港を指揮する存在とはな。ふん、少し興味が湧いたぞYou may look like someone who is too gentle to hurt a fly, yet you have control over this entire port. I'm a little interested in you.
Affinity (Friendly)哼,虽然长良她们有各种一言难尽的地方,不过你还是能好好让她们派上用场呢,我替她们谢谢你了。——什么,我也有些一言难尽的地方……哪里?快给我详细说说!ふん、長良たちは色々残念なところがあるが、よく使いこなせているな。彼女たちに代わって感謝する。――なに、あてにも残念なところが…どこだ!詳しく聞かせろ!I've heard that Yuubari is responsible for developing new equipment. If possible, could you ask her to upgrade my equipment? For example, starting with my torpedoes...
Affinity (Like)今晚出来陪我喝两杯吧?哈,放心吧,只是普通的聊聊天而已。借着美酒说点真心话,还有什么事能比这更让人心情舒畅呢?少し飲みに付き合ってもらえるか?安心しろ、ただの雑談だ。酒の力を借りて本心を語り合うなんて、いいことだと思わないか?How about letting me treat you to a couple cups of sake tonight? Hah, don't worry, I just want to have a normal chat. Having a heart-to-heart over some fine spirits... what greater comfort in life is there?
Affinity (Love)嗯……总有一种能把自己全部托付给你的感觉呢。恶鬼的归宿,就是此处吗…指挥官,若是能自由地驱使我的话,你会怎么做?んっ……なんだかあて、お前になんでも託したい気分だな。鬼ってのも…ねえ、あてをもし好きなようにできるなら、お前は…どうしたい?I feel like I can entrust myself to you. Is this where the demon finally finds her home...? Commander, if I was to become the blade you wield, how would you use it?
Pledge你就是征服了恶鬼的强者,指挥官。今日的誓言,我必将铭记于心。一起向着更强进发吧!鬼をも従えるツワモノ、指揮官よ、この誓いは永遠に心に銘じる。さあ、共にさらなる高みへと目指そう!Commander, you are the worthy one who has conquered a demon. Let us commemorate today's vow, and aim for greater strength together.
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Main Title
In battle with Yuubari小心点,别放松警惕。気をつけろ、警戒を怠るなBe careful; don't let your guard down.
In battle with Aoba喂,青叶,可别再叫我把你背回去了。青葉、今回はおんぶしてやらんぞHey Aoba, don't make me carry you back again.
In battle with Abukuma下次把你的鱼雷借我用一下吧?阿武隈、今度はあてに魚雷を貸してくれないか?Want to lend me your torpedo next time?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哈!你是来做什么的,快说!…啊,只是来参观社团活动吗。抱歉,像这样在锻炼的时候不是很想被人打扰ぬぅ!何しに来た、言ってみろ。……ああ、学園の部活動の見学か。すまなかったな、こういう練習のときは邪魔されたくないんでなGrr! What are you here for? Speak up. ...Oh, you just wanted to take a tour of the club activities? Sorry 'bout that, I don't like getting disturbed in the middle of this kind of training.
Acquisition哈!你是来做什么的,快说!…啊,只是来参观社团活动吗。抱歉,像这样在锻炼的时候不是很想被人打扰ぬぅ!何しに来た、言ってみろ。……ああ、学園の部活動の見学か。すまなかったな、こういう練習のときは邪魔されたくないんでなGrr! What are you here for? Speak up. ...Oh, you just wanted to take a tour of the club activities? Sorry 'bout that, I don't like getting disturbed in the middle of this kind of training.
Login呼…就算是新年,也不能荒废了锻炼呢ふぅ……祝日もノルマをこなさないといけないなJust finished my daily practice swings. Time to get back to work.
Details高雄殿下的那个可不能算是社团活动啊…不,也没什么理由,我只是因为喜欢才参加社团活动的高雄殿のあれは部活動ではないな。…いや、特に理由などない、あては好きで部活に入ってるだけだWhat Takao is doing can't be considered a club activity... No, I didn't mean anything by it. I just do what I like.
Main除非是极端的天才,否则不可能离开招式。就算是天才,也不能完全无视招式。所谓的剑道,就是这样的东西よほどの天才でもなければ形から入る。天才でも形を全くは無視できない。剣を覚えるとはこういうものだUnless you are a genius, you can never depart from the fundamentals. Even if you are a genius, you cannot afford to neglect the fundamentals either. That is the nature of swordsmanship.
Main 2威尔士亲王,还有反击…哼,无法说是卑鄙呢プリンス・オブ・ウェールズ、そしてレパルス……ふん、卑怯とは言うまいなPrince of Wales and Repulse, huh? ...Hmph. I'd never call them cowards.
Main 3五十铃明明长着鬼角,却害怕妖怪,真是奇怪。我的话…咕,好像也不能说不是那样…!五十鈴、鬼なのにお化けが苦手とは何事だ。あては……くっ、そうならないとは言い切れん…!Isuzu clearly is also an oni, but she's somehow afraid of ghosts. Me...? Guh, I suppose I can't deny that...!
Touch这些小家伙毕竟不适合当练习的对手。指挥官要来陪我练习一下吗?このちっこい奴どもでは流石に相手が務まらんな。こっちの手合わせでもしてみるか?These little manjuu hardly make for good sparring partners. How about taking their place?
Mail有很多给你的年贺状啊,指挥官,记得都看看年賀状だ。あとで確認してくれYou've received a lot of New Year's greetings, Commander. Remember to take a look at them.
Return to Port书法和剑法都能锻炼身心,指挥官,你觉得这几个字写得怎么样?練習がてらに隣の書き初めも手伝った。……だ、駄目か!?Calligraphy and swordsmanship both hone the body and the mind. Commander, how'd these words come out?
Victory不好意思,舰装是真的悪いが、艤装は本物でなSorry, but these riggings are the real deal.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description改造完毕…升华之后的恶鬼之力,尽管期待吧,不会让你失望的。改造終了だ。…昇華した鬼の力を楽しみにしてろ。失望はさせんRetrofit complete... Look forward to commanding the might of the demon ascended. I shall not disappoint you!
Acquisition改造完毕…升华之后的恶鬼之力,尽管期待吧,不会让你失望的。改造終了だ。…昇華した鬼の力を楽しみにしてろ。失望はさせんRetrofit complete... Look forward to commanding the might of the demon ascended. I shall not disappoint you!
Details鬼面?在领口这里。为了更好地战斗,总得抛弃点华而不实的东西。鬼面?ああ、襟周りにあるぞ。今の力を以ってすれば、別にこれで鬼だと示す必要などあるまいMy oni mask? Ah, it's on the other side now. With my self-evident power, there is no need to flaunt such things.
Main这次…一定要走到时代的前面今度こそ、時の流れに追いついてみせるThis time, I won't resign myself to obsolescence!
Main 2青叶那家伙,老是一副飘飘然的样子,真遇到了危险可怎么办青葉のやつ、いつも浮かれてる感じだが、危険に遭ったらどうするつもりだDarn that Aoba... With how she's always absent-mindedly flitting about, what is she going to do when she ends up in actual danger?
Main 3这身披风可是经过特别设计的呢!你看这里这里还有这里…啊,咳咳,没什么,只是让你知道一下而已このマントはオーダーメイドだ。ほら、こことここ…あ。コホン!すまん、少しお前にこいつの魅力を知ってほしかっただけだThis mantle was specifically made for me. See, look here, and here as well... Gah! ...Ahem! Sorry, I got carried away. I just wanted to make sure you knew.
Touch想和我比试可要三思哦?一不小心可就不只是受伤那么简单了手合わせを申し込む前にしっかり考えておくんだな。怪我だけじゃ済まないぞIf you want to spar with me, you'd better think thrice. One slip of the hand, and it won't be just a flesh wound that we're dealing with.
Touch (Special)就这么想试下我的新刀吗,指挥官?くっ…これでもあては女だぞ!デリカシーってものを知らないのか!Ugh... I'm still a woman, you know! Have you no sense of decency?!
Flagship好好体验真正的恶鬼之力吧!鬼の怒りを味わえ!This is a true oni's wrath!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description怎么了,我的手牌还剩一张。想赢的话,就全力以赴吧!即便穿着这么一身衣服,也不会让你小瞧我的!どうした、あての手札はまだ一枚残っているぞ。勝ちたければもっと全力で来い!このふざけた格好だからと侮らせないぞ!Well? I've still got one card in my hand. If you want to win, then show me everything you've got! I will not have you disrespect me just for wearing a silly costume!
Acquisition怎么了,我的手牌还剩一张。想赢的话,就全力以赴吧!即便穿着这么一身衣服,也不会让你小瞧我的!どうした、あての手札はまだ一枚残っているぞ。勝ちたければもっと全力で来い!このふざけた格好だからと侮らせないぞ!Well? I've still got one card in my hand. If you want to win, then show me everything you've got! I will not have you disrespect me just for wearing a silly costume!
Details要看的话,牌给你看好了…像这样一直盯着我…是不会有结果的…还是,你是在对我使用心理战术吗?見るならカードを見ろ。あてのことをじろじろ見ても何も出ないぞ。…こ、これで揺さぶりをかけたつもりか?Eyes on your cards, idiot. This is not a staring competition... Wh-what? Are you hoping to unnerve me or something?
Main喂,别让潜艇的妹妹们碰红酒!指挥官,你也要注意一下 おい、潜水艦たちにワインを触らせるんじゃないぞ。指揮官、お前も注意しろHey! Don't let any submarines near the wine! That goes for you too, Commander.
Main 2 可爱…才没有啊!虽然被夸奖很高兴…但是才不是这样!可愛いって…可愛くないよ!褒めてくれるのは嬉しいが違う!What...? No, I'm not "cute!" I don't consider that a compliment!
Main 3禁止作弊,公平对决!…你也是这样想的吧,指挥官?イカサマは許さない!やるなら正々堂々と勝負!…そうだろ、指揮官Cheaters can go to hell! Play fair, or don't play at all! Right, Commander?
Touch不要小瞧恶鬼之力了鬼の力を侮るなよYou'd be an idiot to underestimate the demon.
Touch (Special)这、这身打扮那么有魅力吗……!?こ、この格好がそんなに魅力的なのか…!?S-so my costume is just that seductive, huh?
Return to Port等等!嗯…补妆……确实,照五十铃说的那样…好了!久等啦ちょっと待て…ええと、化粧は……確か五十鈴の言った通りにすれば…よし!待たせたなGive me a minute, I need to put on makeup... Just need to do like Isuzu showed me... There! I'm all ready now.
Flagship来吧!让我看看你们的手牌够不够吧!さあ、手札が十分か見せてみろ!Come! I will determine whether your hand is good enough or not!
Victory怎么?我还有一张鬼牌没用呢!哈哈どうした?あてはまだ鬼のカードは残っているぞ?はははThat's it? I've still got the demon card in my hand!
Defeat可恶…!紧身裤跟裙子都…!くっ…!タイツとスカートが…!Dammit! You've ruined my tights and skirt!