Isuzu (JP 🇯🇵: 五十鈎, CN 🇹🇌: 五十铃)
Ship ID No. 183 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Explore Stage7-3
Enhance Income
Firepower 9
Torpedo 13
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Akari Kito
Name 倧月玅葉
Isuzu Description
Second ship of the Nagara-class light cruisers, Isuzu.
Night of Fairy Tale Description
There will be lots and lots of ghosts and spirits during Halloween... I, I’m not afraid!... say, can, can you hold my hand?
Cozy Christmas Eve Description
Commander? I only came here to help wrap up all the presents for tomorrow, n-not because the fireplace is too cozy and I don't want to get up...
Isuzu (Retrofit) Description
Retrofit complete! ...Umm, Commander? ...Wh-what's the matter? Do I really look that different...?!
Firepower C
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air A
HP 2844 Reload 153
Firepower 104 Torpedo 191
Evasion 76 Anti-air 304
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 87 Luck 33
Hit 129 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 3214 Reload 176
Firepower 120 Torpedo 220
Evasion 100 Anti-air 343
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 99 Luck 33
Hit 145 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 550 Reload 65
Firepower 22 Torpedo 41
Evasion 29 Anti-air 65
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 24 Luck 33
Hit 50 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 3084 Reload 153
Firepower 104 Torpedo 201
Evasion 76 Anti-air 354
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 122 Luck 33
Hit 144 Speed 36
Armor Light
HP 3454 Reload 176
Firepower 120 Torpedo 230
Evasion 100 Anti-air 393
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 134 Luck 33
Hit 160 Speed 36
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/AA gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 May use Destroyer main gun/AA gun base +1/AA gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 100%/100%/100%/105% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 135%/135%/135%/140% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 140%/145%/155%/160% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 140mm Main Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Nagara-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 4 +1
Max LimitBreak 9
Lv.120 7 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Anti-Air Mode When this ship fires its Anti-Air Guns: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's AA by 20.0% (40.0%) but decrease its FP by 40.0% (20.0%) for 3s.
I'm Not Afraid Anymore! While this ship has a Sakura Empire Main Gun equipped: decreases its DMG taken by 4.5% (12.0%); while equipping a Main Gun from any other faction: decreases this ship's AA Gun efficiency by 50.0%, but increases its Main Gun efficiency by 5.0% (20.0%) and Torpedo efficiency by 20.0% (50.0%), and also fires a special Lv.1 (Lv.10) torpedo barrage at the same time as this ship's All Out Assault activates. Torpedo barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Nagara Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 长良级蜻巡掋舰二番舰—五十铃 長良型軜巡掋艊二番艊・五十鈎 Second ship of the Nagara-class light cruisers, Isuzu.
Biography 重暱长良级蜻巡掋舰五十铃号。参加过小巜他矀岛、所眗闚矀岛瓜蟟尔卡纳尔等海战。和我搭档过的可郜是些倧人物呢指挥官也芁努力成䞺䞀名倧人物哟 重桜長良型軜巡の五十鈎だよ。スンダ列島、゜ロモン諞島、ガダルカナル島の戊いに参加した。えっず、あおずコンビを組んだ人は出䞖した人が倚いんよ、指揮官も頑匵っお偉くなっおねヌ Sakura Empire, Nagara-class light cruiser, Isuzu, reporting in! I participated in battles at the Lesser Sunda Islands, Solomon Islands, and Guadalcanal. I've fought alongside many famous ships, so you've got to work hard to try and have as good of a reputation as I do!
Acquisition 唔哇吓、吓了䞀跳 原来是指挥官啊我是五十铃䜠䞍是来欺莟我的吧  うにゃび、びっくりした 指揮官か あおは五十鈎  あ、あおをい、いじめないでよね  Woah! You... you scared me~! Oh, it's you, my Commander! I'm Isuzu... You're not here to pick on me, are you?
Login 呀呀呀呀原来是指挥官啊  䞍芁吓我嘛   うにゃあああ指揮官か  もうびっくりさせないでよ  Aaaaaah!!! Commander! Don't scare me like that...
Details 呜呜 倪奜了指挥官还是这么枩柔 あぅうう よかったぁ 指揮官だけがあおに優しいよ  *Cries*... I'm so glad that you're still this gentle with me, Commander...
Main 鱌雷真是可怕   魚雷、怖い   Torpedoes are truly frightening...
Main 2 晚䞊没有灯的话感觉奜阎森   倜は明かりを付けないず怖いよね   It feels creepy at night without any lights on, don't you think...?
Main 3 我见的䞖面可倚了才没那么容易被吓到呢 あ、あおは色々芋おきたからねそんな簡単に驚かされないからね I've seen plenty of things in this world! You won't scare me so easily.
Touch 指挥官  奜枩暖 指揮官  あったかいよぉ  もふもふ Commander... you're so warm...
Touch (Special) 哇哇哇碰到了啊碰到了啊 うわああああひゃあさささ觊った觊った Uwa! It's touching me! It's touching me!
Mission 指挥官䜠奜像还有没做完的事喔 指揮官、ただやり終わっおないこずがあるよ Commander, I think you've still got a lot of unfinished work to do.
Mission Complete 任务奖励送蟟了䞍知道有没有什么奜䞜西呢   任務の報酬が届いたよ。良いものはあるかな   Mission rewards delivered! I wonder if there's anything good...
Mail 指挥官有信件呢䞍䌚是诅咒信吧  指揮官、メヌルだよ 呪いの手玙じゃないよね   Commander, you've got new mail! I hope there aren't any curses written on them...
Return to Port 呜呜呜 只有指挥官䞍䌚欺莟我  うぞぇええ 指揮官だけがあおをいじめないよね   *Cries*... Only you wouldn't pick on me, Commander...
Commission Complete 完成委托的姐効们回来了没垊回什么奇怪的䞜西就奜了   委蚗を完了した嚘たちが垰っおきたよ。倉な物持っお垰っお無ければいいんだけど   The girls have completed their commissions! I hope they didn't bring anything strange back...
Enhancement 变区了 吗 匷くな った Did I... get stronger?
Flagship 䞍䌚有什么奇怪的䞜西的突然跑出来吧  ぞ、ぞんなもの急に出おきたりしないよね Nothing weird is going to pop out, right?
Victory 胜、胜利了指挥官我衚现埗怎么样 か、勝ったの指揮官、今のあおはどぉ Vi- victory? Commander, how did I do?
Defeat 呜呜呜 它们郜是恶鬌吗 うぞええ 盞手はオバケだったの? *Cries* ... Are they all demons?
Skill 我、我没害怕 こ、ここ怖くないからねっ I... I'm not scared!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官是恶鬌吗 指揮官はオバケなの Is Commander a demon?
Affinity (Stranger) 呜 正因䞺这䞪䞖界䞊䞍存圚鬌鬌才什人觉埗可怕吧 うぇええ  お、お化けがいないっお皆思っおるから、お化けが怖い、だよね  *Cries*... Are ghosts scary because they don't exist in this world?
Affinity (Friendly) 诶半倜去探险那䞪  果然还是䞍奜吧䞍我可䞍是圚害怕 えききき肝詊しや やっぱり止めたしょべ、べ぀に怖いからじゃなくお Ah? A midnight adventure? That... it's not a good idea, is it? No, I'm not afraid!
Affinity (Like) 呜 刚才那里绝对有什么奇怪的䞜西啊郜诎了半倜探险什么的䞍奜了  ひゃう い、今倉なものが芋えたっお蚀ったじゃないだから肝詊しはやめようっお蚀ったのに   *Cries*... There definitely was something strange there just now! I already said a midnight adventure was a bad idea!
Affinity (Love) ——无论出现什么郜䌚保技我讚、讚厌啊 指挥官又逗我 才、才没有脞红呢只、只是觉埗有点热而已啊 䜕があっおも守っおくれるっおば、ばかぁ 指揮官たたあおを匄っおぇ 赀くなんおなっおないよす、少し熱いだけだよ You... you're going to protect me from anything that appears? You're... you're just making fun of me again, Commander... I'm not blushing! It's just a little hot...
Pledge 呜呜 这次䞍是圚逗我了吧 只芁有指挥官圚我就䞍再感到害怕了 我可以盞信䜠吧指挥官 うぞぇええ こ、今回は嘘じゃないよね 指揮官ずいればあおは䜕も怖くないから だから信じおも いいよね *Cries*... I hope you aren't messing with me, Commander! I'll never feel scared again, as long as you're with me... Can I trust you, Commander?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䞇圣倜䌚有埈倚的幜灵鬌怪  我我才䞍害怕啊  那䞪胜胜牵着我的手么 ハロりィンはお化けがいっぱい  こ、怖くないからねっ  ああ、あ、あの 手を繋いでもいいの There's many monsters roaming around during Halloween... B-but I'm not scared, okay?! ... Umm, err, uh... Can I hold your hand?
Acquisition 䞇圣倜䌚有埈倚的幜灵鬌怪  我我才䞍害怕啊  那䞪胜胜牵着我的手么 ハロりィンはお化けがいっぱい  こ、怖くないからねっ  ああ、あ、あの 手を繋いでもいいの There's many monsters roaming around during Halloween... B-but I'm not scared, okay?! ... Umm, err, uh... Can I hold your hand?
Login 那那䞪指挥官糖果  䞍给就就  我做䞍到的啊 ししし指揮官トリックオア  お、おあ  あおにゃ無理だよぉ  C-C-C-Commander! Trick or... o-or... I can't do it...!
Details 䞇圣倜的鬌怪真的郜是扮的吗  真的没有什么奇怪的䞜西混进去吗 は、ハロりィンのお化けっおみなニセモノなんだよね  ホンモノが入っおたりしないよね A-all those Halloween monsters are just people in costumes, right?! ... There aren't any real ones roaming around, right?!
Main 鬌是䞍存圚的  鬌是䞍存圚的  鬌是䞍存圚的   おばけはいない  おばけはいない  おおおばけはいないよぉ   Monsters aren't real... Monsters aren't real... M-m-monsters aren't real....!
Main 2 䞺什么芁把南瓜匄成那么可怕的圢状啊 なな、なんでかがちゃたでそんな怖い感じにしたの W-w-why do they make even the pumpkins look scary?!
Main 3 倧家郜圚庆祝䞇圣倜  我我没有圚发抖啊 みみ、みんながハロりィンを楜しんでいる  ふ、ふふふ震えおいないからねっ L-l-looks like everyone's enjoying Halloween... I-I-I-I'm not shuddering, okay?!
Touch 果然还是指挥官最让人安心   やっぱり指揮官は䞀番安心するよぉ  もふもふ You make me feel safer than anyone else, Commander...
Touch (Special) 呀把把䜠变成青蛙啊 きゃか、カ゚ルにしおやる *Eeek*?! I-I'll turn you into a frog!
Affinity (Love) 芁是我也胜坐䞊南瓜马蜊扟到属于自己的王子  欞指挥官什什么时候出现的䞍䞍芁看我的脞啊呜呜   あおもかがちゃの銬車に乗っお王子様に  うにゃ指揮官、い、い぀の間にか、顔を芋ないでよぉううう    If only I could board the pumpkin carriage and meet the prince of my... What?! Commander, h-how long have you been here?! D-don't stare at my face! *Sob*...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官我是䞺了准倇打包圣诞瀌物才䞀盎埅圚这里的可、可䞍是因䞺壁炉倪暖和䞍想犻匀哊 し、指揮官あおは あおはここでプレれントを準備しおるだけだよべ、別に暖炉が暖かいから抜け出せないわけじゃないからね Commander? I only came here to help wrap up all the presents for tomorrow, n-not because the fireplace is too cozy and I don't want to get up...
Acquisition 指挥官我是䞺了准倇打包圣诞瀌物才䞀盎埅圚这里的可、可䞍是因䞺壁炉倪暖和䞍想犻匀哊 し、指揮官あおは あおはここでプレれントを準備しおるだけだよべ、別に暖炉が暖かいから抜け出せないわけじゃないからね Commander? I only came here to help wrap up all the presents for tomorrow, n-not because the fireplace is too cozy and I don't want to get up...
Login 像这样䞀䞪人坐圚壁炉旁蟹感觉像是家人䞀样   暖炉のそばで集たっおるず、なんだか家族みたいだね   Two people sitting in front of the fireplace like this... feels a bit like family.
Details 长良姐和阿歊隈芁圚半倜扮成圣诞老人给孩子们掟发瀌物。因因䞺倜里黑乎乎的埈可怕所以我没和她们䞀起   長良姉ちゃんず阿歊隈ちゃん、サンタさんの栌奜をしお皆にプレれントを配るけど  そ、倖は暗くお怖いし、あおはやだよ   My sisters wanted to dress up as Santa Claus and go around handing presents to kids... I didn't go with them because I'm not good with the dark.
Main 壁炉旁蟹真是暖和啊~还有束束蜯蜯的啟啟可以抱着~ 暖炉のそば、暖かいな い぀でも抱き぀ける饅頭もいる It's so cozy right next to the fireplace... There are even fuzzy Manjuus to cuddle~
Main 2 唔 指挥官䜠觉埗给倧家准倇怎么样的圣诞瀌物比蟃奜呢 指揮官的に、みんなにどんなプレれントを甚意したらいいず思う Um... Commander, what kind of presents should I give to everyone?
Main 3 我确讀过了圣诞节没有任䜕和鬌怪或者幜灵有关系的䌠诎 指挥官是是这样的吧 クリスマスはお化けなんお関係ない か、かか関係ないよね I've already done my research. There are no ghost stories or anything of the sort related to Christmas... R-right, Commander?
Touch 芁芁靠着取暖吗 く、くっ぀いお暖を取るの Are... you trying to share my body heat?
Touch (Special) 䜠绝对是故意趁机欺莟我 い、今あおのこずいじめたよね I knew it! You were trying to take advantage of me!
Return to Port 长良姐和我诎这是家居服可这也倪束束垮垮了  别别盯着看啊。 長良姉ちゃんから寝間着もらったけど、あおのサむズに党然合わないよぉ  じ、じっず芋ないでくださぃ  I was told that this outfit would be good for wearing around the house, but it's a bit too loose... S-stop staring at me already.
Affinity (Love) 我也䞍倪枅楚圣诞节应该怎么过。像现圚这样和指挥官䞀䞪人靠着坐圚壁炉旁就就挺奜的  有有点冷我想再靠玧䞀点   クリスマスはどう過ごすべきか、よくわからないけど、こう 指揮官ず二人っきりで暖炉のそばで寄り添っおもいいよね ちょ、ちょっずだけ寒いから、もう少し指揮官のそばにベッタリくっ぀いおもいい よね I'm not really sure how Christmas should be celebrated. But just sitting next to you in front of the fireplace like this... is probably fine. Commander, i-it's a bit cold... I'd like to get a little closer...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呜啊又摔倒了呜呜 䞍过总算凉快些了  欞圚拍摄䞭吗䞍、䞍芁拍这蟹啊  うにゃっ たたころんじゃった  でもこれでようやくちょっず涌しくなっお ふえさ、撮圱䞭だったのず、撮らないでぇ Wooah! ...I fell down again... But at least it's cooler now... Huh? A photoshoot? Noo, don't take a picture of me~
Acquisition 呜啊又摔倒了呜呜 䞍过总算凉快些了  欞圚拍摄䞭吗䞍、䞍芁拍这蟹啊  うにゃっ たたころんじゃった  でもこれでようやくちょっず涌しくなっお ふえさ、撮圱䞭だったのず、撮らないでぇ Wooah! ...I fell down again... But at least it's cooler now... Huh? A photoshoot? Noo, don't take a picture of me~
Login 我、我䞍是故意把果汁碰倒的 对䞍起  ゞュヌスをこがしちゃったのはわざずじゃないよ ごめんなさい  I wasn't trying to spill the juice! ...Sorry...
Details 没想到穿人偶装是这么蟛苊的䞀件事情 吹雪竟然胜穿那么久真是倪厉害了  着ぐるみがこんなに倧倉だずは知らなかった 吹雪ちゃん、よくあんな長時間着おいられたね すごすぎるよぉ  I had no idea donning a mascot suit was so demanding... Fubuki used to wear these all the time... That's way too insane...
Main 唉 干脆就这么趎着乘凉䞀䌚奜了  はぁ もういっそこのたた少し䌑もうかな 涌しいし  Haah... I wonder if I should take a little breather... It's so nice and cool...
Main 2 卡牌枞戏倪、倪倍杂的我可䞍䌚  カヌドゲヌムあ、あんたり難しいのは無理だよぉ  Card games? N-no way, that'd be way too hard...
Main 3 指挥官舞台圚那蟹哊晓她们圚衚挔奜像是叫什么“忍兔”来着  指揮官、ステヌゞはあっちだよ暁ちゃんたちがショヌやっおお、確か「ニンゞャショヌ」ずか蚀っおたような 
Touch 还、还奜有指挥官䞀盎陪着我   し、指揮官がずっずそばにいおくれおよかったぁ  C-Commander, thank goodness you were here this whole time...
Touch (Special) 呜 就知道趁机欺莟我  うぅ 隙があればあおをからかうんだから  Ugh... I knew you'd take advantage of this opportunity to tease me...
Return to Port 穿着人偶装的时候行劚起来奜困隟啊 而䞔里面还又黑又热  着ぐるみは動きづらいね 暗いし暑いし うぅ  Mascot outfits are so hard to move around in... It's all dark and stuffy inside... Ugh...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哇啊啊等等等倪快了芁掉䞋去芁掉䞋去了奜奜支撑我别让我掉䞋去呀~~指挥官奜像就我骑的“马”样子䞍䞀般呢~~ わわわわちょ、ちょっず速すぎるっおヌ萜ちちゃう萜ちちゃうあおが萜ちないようにちゃんず支えお指揮官、あおの階銬だけなんだかすごいこずになっおるよ W-w-woah! W-wait up! You guys are going too fast! I'm gonna fall! I'm gonna faaaaall! You're supposed to carry me in a way that doesn't give me a heart attack!! Commander, something crazy seems to have happened with my cavalry~!!
Acquisition 哇啊啊等等等倪快了芁掉䞋去芁掉䞋去了奜奜支撑我别让我掉䞋去呀~~指挥官奜像就我骑的“马”样子䞍䞀般呢~~
Login 指挥官也芁参加骑马战吗我是䞍䌚蟓的哊这些孩子们也埈有拌劲我芁努力回应它们才行 
Details 比起其他孩子的“马”我的“马”奜像健壮䞍少  这样的话就算是我诎䞍定也胜赢
Main 晓她们䞍愧是姐効默契十足的劚䜜呢  呜呜 䞍芁玧吧 我胜赢吗 nil nil
Main 2 指挥喵们奜厉害呢  䞍仅蜻束地支撑着我还胜运劚地劂歀灵巧   nil nil
Main 3 奇、奇怪这䞪倎巟是刚才我明明埈害怕闭着県居然抢到了我我的倎巟也䞍见了 nil nil
Touch 指指挥官也是来抢我倎巟的吗䞍䞍行
Touch (Special) 呀指指挥官刚才碰到我身䜓了对吧这种比赛也隟免䌚这样就是了  
Return to Port 欢迎回来。倚亏了指挥喵们我才胜赢䞋骑马战。想让指挥官也看看呢 
Flagship 䞍芁䌀害我 
Victory 我赢了吗刚刚才奜玧匠完党记䞍枅自己是怎么赢的了~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这䞋子就改造完成了  嗯指挥官那䞪  䜠奜像埈吃惊呢我的变化真的埈倧吗 改造、完了  あ、あれ、指揮官  ど、どうしたのあおはそんなに倉わったの  Retrofit complete! ...Umm, Commander? ...Wh-what's the matter? Do I really look that different...?!
Acquisition 这䞋子就改造完成了  嗯指挥官那䞪  䜠奜像埈吃惊呢我的变化真的埈倧吗 改造、完了  あ、あれ、指揮官  ど、どうしたのあおはそんなに倉わったの  Retrofit complete! ...Umm, Commander? ...Wh-what's the matter? Do I really look that different...?!
Login 哇  指挥官䜠该䞍䌚是故意吓我的吧 うにゃあ  指揮官、今のはわざずじゃないよね Gyah?! ...Commander, are you trying to scare me on purpose?!
Details 指挥官对我䞀盎郜埈枩柔呢。谢谢䜠。 指揮官、い぀もあおに優しいなぁありがずう Commander, you've always been so kind to me~ Thank you~
Main 奇怪的䞜西圚哪圚哪  真是的䞍芁再拿这䞪吓我啊 ぞ、倉なものが芋えたのどどどこぉ  もう急にびっくりさせないでよ Y-you saw something weird?! Wh-wh-where?! ...Jeez! Don't scare me like that!
Main 2 长良姐诎还是之前的打扮比蟃可爱我觉埗是因䞺她比蟃喜欢照顟别人吧   長良姉ちゃん、前の栌奜がいいっお蚀うけど  きっずあおの䞖話を焌きたいだけだよね Nagara said that I looked cuter before, but I think that's just because she likes to dote on me...!
Main 3 鬌怒看起来埈可靠呢䜆是她有时候散发出来的气场又让人觉埗有点可怕 真让人搞䞍明癜呢 鬌怒っお頌もしく芋えるか、ちょっず怖く芋えるか んヌよくわからないよね Kinu seems like the dependable type, but she sometimes gives off really scary vibes... Ugh, I just don't understand her.
Touch 指挥官我也皍埮变埗可靠䞀点了吧 指揮官、あお、ちょっず頌もしくなった Commander, did I become a bit more dependable?
Touch (Special) 我、我才䞍怕呢 あ、あおは怖くないよ I... I'm not scared!
Return to Port 指挥官欢迎回来。 以前我圚这䞪时候䌚向指挥官撒嚇是、是这样的吗我记䞍倪枅了呢哈哈   指揮官、おかえり指揮官が出撃から垰っおくるたびにあおがすごくべったりくっ぀いおたそ、そうでしたっけよく芚えおいないなあ、あははは  Welcome back, Commander! I used to cuddle up to you after you got back from a sortie? D-did something like that happen? I think my memory's a bit fuzzy~ Aha...haha...
Commission Complete 完成委托的姐効们回来了。那䞪没垊回来什么奇怪的䞜西吧 委蚗を完了した子たちが垰っおきたよ。倉な物持っお垰っおきおないよね The girls in the commission fleet have come back. Hopefully they didn't bring anything weird back with them?
Flagship 防空支揎就亀给我吧。 察空支揎はあおにお任せ Leave the anti-air support to me!
Skill 我我䞍再害怕了 も、もう怖くないからね I... I'm not afraid anymore!