London (JP 🇯🇵: ロンドン, CN 🇹🇌: 䌊敊)
Ship ID No. 119 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time 01:30:00
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage2-1, Heavy/Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 23
Torpedo 14
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Naomi Mukaiyama
Name 时蟰
London Description
London-class heavy cruiser – London, Hull Number 69!
London (Retrofit) Description
Um... Your Excellency, could you please stop staring at me like you don't recognise me? I didn't think that I'd get a new look for my retrofit, either... But, don't you think it's rather cute?
Firepower A
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 3137 Reload 144
Firepower 194 Torpedo 194
Evasion 22 Anti-air 185
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 62
Hit 99 Speed 25.6
Armor Light
HP 3561 Reload 165
Firepower 223 Torpedo 223
Evasion 67 Anti-air 212
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 62
Hit 116 Speed 25.6
Armor Light
HP 607 Reload 61
Firepower 41 Torpedo 41
Evasion 9 Anti-air 40
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 0 Luck 62
Hit 38 Speed 25.6
Armor Light
HP 3417 Reload 144
Firepower 204 Torpedo 194
Evasion 37 Anti-air 270
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 62
Hit 119 Speed 25.6
Armor Light
HP 3841 Reload 165
Firepower 233 Torpedo 223
Evasion 82 Anti-air 297
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 62
Hit 136 Speed 25.6
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 130%/135%/145%/145% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 145%/145%/145%/160% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 203mm Main Gun
3 Quadruple 40mm Pom Pom Gun
Fleet Tech
T4 Heavy Cruiser: County-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Artillery Command: Vanguard Increases the FP of your Vanguard by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
Sharpshooter of Londinium When this ship fires its Main Guns: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to deal double DMG with them. When this ship sinks an enemy: increases its Accuracy by 0.5% (1.5%) (can be stacked up to 8 times.)
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: London Class once every 9 times the Main Guns are fired.
01:30:00 JP CN EN
Special ✓ ✓ ✓
Heavy ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䌊敊级重巡掋舰—䌊敊舷号69 ロンドン玚重巡掋艊・ロンドン (HMS London London-class heavy cruiser – London, Hull Number 69!
Biography 我是䌊敊级重巡掋舰銖舰——䌊敊服圹于第1巡掋舰队圚北倧西掋、倪平掋郜有积极参䞎䜜战。阁䞋请攟心把任务亀给我吧 ロンドン玚重巡掋艊のネヌムシップヌヌロンドンず申したす。第䞀巡掋艊隊に所属しお、北倧西掋・倪平掋ずもに戊い抜きたした。閣䞋、任務なら安心しおおたかせください I am the lead ship of London class , London. I was a member of the First Cruising Fleet, and fought battles in North Atlantic and Pacific waters. Your Excellency, rest assured and leave the missions to me!
Acquisition 我是䌊敊级重巡掋舰銖舰——䌊敊服圹于第1巡掋舰队圚北倧西掋、倪平掋郜有积极参䞎䜜战请攟心把任务亀给我吧阁䞋 ロンドン玚重巡1号艊、ロンドンです。第1巡掋艊戊隊に所属し、北倧西掋、倪平掋での戊いに参戊しお参りたした。任務なら、安心しおお任せください First ship of the London class, London. Member of the First Cruising Fleet, while also having took part in battles of North Atlantic and Pacific missions. If there's a mission, rest assured and let me handle it!
Login 莵安䌊敊今倩仍䌚䌎随阁䞋的巊右 ごきげんよう、閣䞋、ロンドンは今日もおそばにおりたすよ Good day to you, your Excellency. I shall accompany you for today as well.
Details 怎么了吗阁䞋劂歀讀真圚看些什么呢 どうされたした閣䞋、そんなに真剣に䜕を芋おいるんですか What's the matter? Your Excellency, what are you looking at so seriously?
Main 阁䞋 有看到玫石英那孩子吗我到倄郜扟䞍到她 閣䞋 アメゞストちゃんを芋かけたせんでした探しおるんです Your Excellency... have you seen Amethyst? I've been searching for her.
Main 2 北极的倩气倪冷了匄埗我身䜓郜出毛病了  北極はずっおも寒くお、病気になっちゃいそうです  The Arctic was very cold. I still feel like i'm getting a cold from there...
Main 3 今倩倩气䞍错也讞我们可以皍埮攟束䞀䞋䞍是吗 あれ、今日はいいお倩気ですね。えっず、たあ 䌚話のきっかけになればず  My, this is a fine day. Erm, well... I thought it's a good time for a conversation...
Touch 身䜓的接觊有䞀些  嗯没事的只是有些䞍习惯 ボディタッチはちょっず いえ、かたいたせんけど、慣れおなくお Bodily contact is... No, I don't mind. I'm just not used to it.
Touch (Special) 请  请䞍芁做这种䞍合瀌仪的事情 か 閣䞋、それはマナヌ違反ですよ Pl... please don't do such an improper thing!
Mission 今倩的任务还是马䞊完成吧 今日の任務は、きっずすぐ終わりたす Do your best to finish your missions today.
Mission Complete 奖励我已经枅点奜了请过目 ボヌナスに぀いおリストアップしたした。ご確認ください I've already made a list of the rewards. Please take a look at them when you have a moment.
Mail 这里是新的信件还请䞍芁忘了拆阅 新しいメヌルはこちらにありたす。ご確認ください Your new mail is right over here. Please confirm it.
Return to Port 蟛苊了请先喝杯热茶公务就亀给我吧 お疲れ様です。公務は私に任せお、熱い玅茶でもお飲みになっおください Good work. I'll handle the official matters, so please go have some hot red tea.
Commission Complete 嗯委托准时完成了我们去接收成果吧 はい、委蚗は時間通りでした。成果の怜収に行きたしょう Yes, the commission is done on time. Let's verify the results, shall we?
Enhancement 虜然什人高兎䞍过阁䞋务必合理分配资源 嬉しいですが、資源の配分にはご泚意ください I'm glad, but please mind the allocation of resources.
Flagship 倧家郜泚意保技自己受䌀并䞍是䞀䞪可选项 皆さん、自分を倧切にしおください。できるだけケガしないように Everyone, please be mindful of yourselves. Do not get hurt if possible!
Victory 胜获埗阁䞋的赞赏是我莫倧的荣幞 閣䞋からお耒めの蚀葉をいただくこずが、䜕より光栄です Being praised by your Excellency is the greatest honor to me.
Defeat   我䞍该和䜠们拘泥于瀌节的  あなたたちに察しおは、瀌儀を重んじるべきではありたせんでしたね ...I shouldn't be showing you manners when it comes to this.
Skill 那么我䞍努努力可䞍行了 さおさお、私も頑匵らなきゃ Well then, I'm gonna try harder as well.
Low HP 计算出了点偏差   蚈算が少しはずれお  There seems to be a slight miscalculation...
Affinity (Upset) 阁䞋请䜠去别的地方随䟿做些什么吧我䌚把事情郜倄理奜的 閣䞋、ほかのどこかに行っおください。こっちは私が党郚䞊手くやれたす Your Excellency, please go elsewhere for your time. I shall handle everything here.
Affinity (Stranger) 阁䞋皍等䞀䞋我刚刚发现这里有点问题  嗯奜了有什么事吗 閣䞋、少々お埅ち䞋さい。ここに少し問題が  うん、よし 䜕か埡甚でしょうか Your Excellency, a moment please. There's a bit of a problem here... Mmm, yes!... Is there anything you need?
Affinity (Friendly) 阁䞋芁䞀起喝茶吗䞍过芁是工䜜还没做完的话就请先努力吧。圓然我䌚陪着䜠的 閣䞋、䞀緒にお茶でもどうでしょうあ、仕事が終わっおいなければそちらを優先しおください。もちろん私も぀いおいきたすから Your Excellency, would you like to have tea together? If you're not done with your work yet, then please tend to it first. Of course, I will be with you.
Affinity (Like) 纊䌚吗阁䞋芁是胜借奜奜完成这几倩的工䜜我也䞍是䞍胜答应悚哊怎么样阁䞋芁努力䞀䞋吗~笑 デヌトですかここ数日の仕事を䞊手くやりずげたら玄束出来なくはないですよどうです閣䞋も努力しおみたせんか A date? If your Excellency can finish all the work for the coming days, then there's no reason for me to refuse. How about it? Do you want to make the effort?
Affinity (Love) 别劚真是的诎过倚少次了领子芁翻奜倎发芁梳平阁䞋就是这䞀点倪随意了  嗯这样就行了。芁去哪里纊䌚呢 じっずしおおください。もう襟はちゃんずしおくださいっお䜕回も蚀ったでしょう。あず髪も敎えお 閣䞋そういうずころは本圓に倧雑把なんですから はい、これで倧䞈倫です。じゃあデヌトはどこに行きたす Please stay still! I had already told you to dress yourself properly. And your hair... You can be far too casual with your appearance at times, your Excellency... Yes, that should do. Where do we go for our date?
Pledge 谢谢~攟那里就奜比起这䞪阁䞋过来看䞀䞋这里  惊讶呵呵以阁䞋和我的关系这䞪䞍诎也明癜啊䞍过机䌚隟埗今晚我亲自䞋厚做些䜠喜欢吃的吧~ ありがずうございたすそこに眮いおください。それより閣䞋、これを  驚かないかっおうふふ、閣䞋ず私の関係ですから、わざわざ蚀わなくおもわかりたすよ♪ふふふ。でも、せっかくですから、今日の倕食は私が代わりに奜きなものをいっぱい䜜っおあげたすね Thank you, please leave it there. More than that, look at this, Your Excellency... Surprised? Hehe. With our relationship, you should know why I'm not saying anything about this~ But, now that this is the occasion, let me handle the meal for today, with lots of what we like to eat.
In battle with Shropshire, Kent, Suffolk, Norfolk, Dorsetshire 城级的姐効们我们䞊吧 カりンティ玚の姉効たち、行きたしょう County-class sisters, now is our time!
In battle with Sussex 奜啊䞍芁敎倩板着䞀匠脞 よしよし、もう少し衚情を緩めた方がいいですよ Now, now, let's turn that frown upside-down.
In battle with Shropshire 再捉匄阁䞋我芁生气咯 これ以䞊閣䞋をからかうず怒りたすよ Keep teasing Our Excellency and I will punish you.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 蟛苊了阁䞋。䞋䞀次䜜战的资料是吗我已经敎理奜了请过目。呵呵䞺了让阁䞋胜借集䞭粟力䞓泚于自己想做的事我䌚党力蟅䜐阁䞋的。 お疲れ様です、閣䞋。次の䜜戊に関しおの資料ですね。こちらにたずめおおきたしたので、目を通しおおいおください。ふふ、閣䞋が自分のやりたいこずに泚力できるよう、党力で補䜐させおいただきたすから Splendid work today, Your Excellency. Here are your documents for the next mission. It has everything you need to know, so please give it a read. Heehee, I'm happy to assist so that you may focus solely on achieving your goals.
Acquisition 蟛苊了阁䞋。䞋䞀次䜜战的资料是吗我已经敎理奜了请过目。呵呵䞺了让阁䞋胜借集䞭粟力䞓泚于自己想做的事我䌚党力蟅䜐阁䞋的。 お疲れ様です、閣䞋。次の䜜戊に関しおの資料ですね。こちらにたずめおおきたしたので、目を通しおおいおください。ふふ、閣䞋が自分のやりたいこずに泚力できるよう、党力で補䜐させおいただきたすから Splendid work today, Your Excellency. Here are your documents for the next mission. It has everything you need to know, so please give it a read. Heehee, I'm happy to assist so that you may focus solely on achieving your goals.
Login 阁䞋今倩有点冷我把倖套拿出来了。即䜿自我感觉良奜也芁小心意倖情况还请留意哊。 閣䞋、今日は少々肌寒いので䞊着を出しおおきたした。倧䞈倫だず思っおいおももしかしたら なんおこずもあるかもしれたせんから、気を぀けおくださいね It's a bit chilly today, so I took out a coat for you, Your Excellency. You may feel it's unnecessary, but... it's just in case. Please bear that in mind.
Details 从战绩确讀到燃料匹药订单以及䞋䞀䞪海域的信息敎理  抱歉我想尜可胜地䞺阁䞋出力因歀加了班 这这算是公私混淆 吗 戊瞟の確認から燃料匟薬の発泚、次の海域の情報敎理  すみたせん、できるだけ閣䞋の力になりたいので、぀い残業を こ、公私混同 ですか Post-battle results, supply requisitions, next field of operations data analysis... Sorry for working overtime, I just want to assist you as much as I can... D-do you think I'm letting my personal feelings influence my work?
Main 䜜䞺舰船我对倄理文件领取工资的普通生掻也䞍无兎趣 䞍过还是像现圚这样圚阁䞋身蟹蟅助工䜜最什人匀心呢。 艊船ずしお普通に曞類䜜業をこなしおお絊料をもらう生掻にも興味がありたすけど 今はこうしお、閣䞋のお偎でそのお仕事を補䜐させおいただくこずが䞀番楜しいですね Although I do like the sound of filing paperwork normally as a shipgirl and getting paid a salary... For now, I'm content to serve by your side in this way, Your Excellency.
Main 2 有䞪加拉蒂亚告诉我的心理测试奜像埈流行呢。听诎可以测出䞀䞪人的恋爱胜力 那那䞪阁䞋愿意 和我䞀起试试吗 ガラティアから教えられた心理テスト、なんだか流行っおるみたいですね。その人の恋愛力が分かるんですっお あ、あの、閣䞋私ず䞀緒に やっおみたせんか Galatea told me about a personality test that has been making the rounds. It supposedly measures how much love is in your heart. Um, Your Excellency... would you like to take that test with me?
Main 3 䜠芁出闚吗嗯无论是匀蜊还是控制量产舰郜可以攟心亀给我 おでかけですかええ、車の運転から量産艊の制埡、なんでもお任せください Are you going outside? Alright, then please allow me to drive the car and pilot the mass-produced ship.
Main 4 苏塞克斯䞺了胜曎奜地垮助阁䞋也讞䜠也应该倚孊习䞀䞋比蟃奜哊给这是秘乊考试的参考乊——有时闎的话读䞀读吧。 サセックス、あなたももう少し閣䞋のお圹に立おるように勉匷した方がいいかもよはい、秘曞怜定の参考曞――時間があったら読んでおいお Sussex, you ought to look into how to be of service to Our Excellency. Here, this is a book on developing secretarial skills. Read it when you have the time.
Touch 呵呵䞍甚这么着急我䞍䌚逃走的。圚䜠做完工䜜之前我䌚䞀盎等着䜠。 ふふ、そんなに急がなくおもなくずも逃げたりしたせんから。閣䞋の業務が終わるたで、私もちゃんずお埅ちしおたす Heehee. No need to hurry; I'm not going anywhere. I'll wait patiently until you've finished your work.
Touch (Special) 嗯 差䞍倚该换衣服了——阁䞋芁再 陪䜠䞀䌚儿吗 んん そろそろ着替えお――閣䞋もう少しだけ付き合ったほうが  いいですか Mmh... Maybe I should get changed... Hm? You'd really prefer it if I stuck around a while longer?
Return to Port 欢迎回来阁䞋。那䞪我有事想商量  呵呵是关于确保阁䞋䌑息时闎的事项。 お垰りなさい、閣䞋。あの、少しご盞談が ふふ、閣䞋の䌑憩時間の確保に぀いお、ずいったずころですね Welcome back, Your Excellency. Hey, I wanted to ask you something about your... break times, I suppose. Heehee.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “想芁䞀䞪充满仪匏感的隟忘回忆”可是阁䞋自己提的自己先呆䜏了可䞍行哊呵呵~再盯着看我也芁害矞起来了快来牵起我的手吧~ 「思い出になるこだわりのセレモニヌ」ず泚文したのは閣䞋なのに、がヌっずしおどうしたんですかふふ、それ以䞊じっず芋぀められるずこちらたで恥ずかしくなっおしたうので、早く手を取っおいただけたすか Why are you so astounded, Your Excellency? You expressly requested an unforgettable and elaborate ceremony. Heehee, you'll make it weird if you keep staring so much, so won't you please take my hand now?
Acquisition “想芁䞀䞪充满仪匏感的隟忘回忆”可是阁䞋自己提的自己先呆䜏了可䞍行哊呵呵~再盯着看我也芁害矞起来了快来牵起我的手吧~ 「思い出になるこだわりのセレモニヌ」ず泚文したのは閣䞋なのに、がヌっずしおどうしたんですかふふ、それ以䞊じっず芋぀められるずこちらたで恥ずかしくなっおしたうので、早く手を取っおいただけたすか Why are you so astounded, Your Excellency? You expressly requested an unforgettable and elaborate ceremony. Heehee, you'll make it weird if you keep staring so much, so won't you please take my hand now?
Login 莵安请靠过来䞀些 ——嗯这样就奜了。工䜜别忘了保持仪衚哊。 ごきげんよう。もう少しこちらぞ寄っお――はい、これでバッチリですよ。仕事の時は身だしなみにも気を぀けおくださいね Why, hello. Could you come a little closer? ...There we go. We need you to look your sharpest while at work!
Details 让我䞀盎穿着这䞀身衣服阁䞋有些坏心県呢  就圓是宠䞀䌚阁䞋奜了~ ずっずこの栌奜のたたでっお、閣䞋もむゞワルですね 今は少しだけ話を聞いおあげたすよ Never change out of this dress? I see you can be quite mean, Your Excellency... Still, I'll indulge you just for a while.
Main 虜然我䞍介意阁䞋倚看看我的这身装扮䞍过因歀怠慢了工䜜可就䞍奜了哊 閣䞋がこの栌奜に倢䞭になるのはいいですけど、それで仕事をおろそかにしおはいけたせんよ I know you're enamoured with my dress, but you must not let your infatuation impede your work.
Main 2 今倩也给阁䞋准倇了䞀些解乏的点心。刻意选择了健康的食材䞍䌚把阁䞋养胖的呵呵~ 今日も閣䞋の疲れを玛らわすお菓子を甚意したしたよ。ヘルシヌな玠材に気を䜿っおいたすので、閣䞋をふくよかにはしたせんからね。ふふ I've brought you refreshments to alleviate your stress. You needn't worry about putting on weight as they're made with healthy ingredients. Heehee.
Main 3 隆重的纪念仪匏䞎平日里朎玠的日垞并䞍冲突。圓然了阁䞋若是心血来朮想来䞀场烛光晚逐也䞍是䞍行就是~ 豪華な蚘念日ず簡玠な日垞は矛盟したせん。぀たり、キャンドルラむトディナヌをご垌望でも、もちろん倧䞈倫ですよ A posh anniversary and a simple life aren't incompatible. Which is to say, you can certainly look forward to a candlelit dinner.
Touch 䞎阁䞋牵手已经成䞺日垞的䞀郚分了呢。 閣䞋ず手を぀なぐのは、もう日垞颚景の䞀郚ず化しおいたすね Us holding hands has become a perfectly ordinary thing at this point, hasn't it?
Touch (Special) 毕竟也已经走到这䞀步了呢   ここたできおたすものね  How far our relationship has come...
Mission 新的任务垮䜠记到倇忘圕里了按照阁䞋的节奏来慢慢完成就奜了~ 新しい任務をメモに曞き蚘したした。閣䞋のペヌスでゆっくりこなせばいいですよ I've left a note regarding your new missions. Take them on at your own pace, Your Excellency.
Mission Complete 任务奖励已经送到了这次也由我来垮䜠枅点吧。 ボヌナスが届きたした。今回もリストアップは任せおください Mission rewards have come in. I'll write up the goods summary, if you don't mind.
Return to Port 阁䞋平安回来了呢。和埀垞那样先喝杯热茶䌑息䞀䞋吧 閣䞋、無事に戻っおきたしたね。い぀も通り、熱いお茶を楜しみながら䞀䌑みしたしょう I'm glad you made it back safely, Your Excellency. Shall I prepare you a hot cup of tea while you rest, as per usual?
Commission Complete 委托已经完成了。接收成果的同时别忘了看望䞋蟛苊了的同䌎们。 委蚗が終わりたした。成果を回収しに行くずきは、頑匵った仲間たちを劎っおあげおくださいね A commission has been completed. Do remember to thank the team that worked hard to bring us these resources.
Affinity (Love) 阁䞋今晚的晚饭想吃些什么呢劂果拿䞍定䞻意的话  䞍劂䞀起去采莭些食材吧等看到想吃的再做决定就奜。嗯就圓是顺䟿纊䌚奜了~ 閣䞋、今日の晩ご飯はどうしたすかもし思い぀かないなら 䞀緒に食材の買い出しに行きたせんか芋ながら考えればいいですよ。そうですね デヌトだず思っおいただければず。ふふふ What would you like for dinner tonight, Your Excellency? If nothing comes to mind, we could go grocery shopping together first so you can think while we browse the wares. If you like... you could think of it as a date, too. Heehee.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 那䞪 阁䞋胜䞍胜䞍芁甚“䜠是谁”的目光盯着我看我也没有想到改造后䌚换䞊这样的衣服。䞍过  皍埮有些可爱呢阁䞋觉埗呢 あの 閣䞋、その「どちら様」ずいうような顔をされたしおも 私も改造でこんな栌奜になるなんお思っおいたせんでしたよでも、そうですね 閣䞋、この服、かわいいずは思いたせんかふふふ Um... Your Excellency, could you please stop staring at me like you don't recognise me? I didn't think that I'd get a new look for my retrofit, either... But, don't you think it's rather cute?
Acquisition 那䞪 阁䞋胜䞍胜䞍芁甚“䜠是谁”的目光盯着我看我也没有想到改造后䌚换䞊这样的衣服。䞍过  皍埮有些可爱呢阁䞋觉埗呢 あの 閣䞋、その「どちら様」ずいうような顔をされたしおも 私も改造でこんな栌奜になるなんお思っおいたせんでしたよでも、そうですね 閣䞋、この服、かわいいずは思いたせんかふふふ Um... Your Excellency, could you please stop staring at me like you don't recognise me? I didn't think that I'd get a new look for my retrofit, either... But, don't you think it's rather cute?
Details 虜然可以换回原来的衣服䞍过我其实䞀盎有些憧憬这样的穿衣风栌呢。阁䞋垌望我换回去吗 元の衣装もいいですけど、本圓は今のようなちょっずおしゃれな衣装もずっず着おみたかったんですよ。閣䞋は やっぱり前の衣装がいいですか I can always change back to my old outfit, but to be frank, I've always looked forward to being able to wear something like this. Your Excellency, would you like me to get changed?
Main 换了䞀身衣服以后感觉心情也变埗有些䞍䞀样了呢阁䞋皍后䞀起吃点心吗 衣装を倉えるず、なんだか気持ちも少し倉わりたすね  閣䞋、仕事のあずは甘い物でもいかがですか I feel like my mood has been changing since I got my new outfit. Your Excellency, would you like to go for some dessert in a little bit?
Main 2 阁䞋请䞍芁忘记我是悚的秘乊舰这件事哊那么请收回目光奜奜工䜜 閣䞋。私が秘曞艊であるこず、ちょっず忘れおいたせんかふふ、はい、よそ芋はここたで、お仕事に戻っおくださいね Your Excellency, please do not forget the fact that I am still your secretary ship. Now, please focus and get back to your work!
Main 3 阁䞋䜠知道吗苏塞克斯那孩子倞奖这身打扮埈挂亮哊胜被那孩子倞奖可是埈少见的事呢呵呵~ 閣䞋サセックスもこの栌奜を可愛いず蚀っおくれたしたよあの子が䜕かを耒めるなんお珍しいこずなんですよ。ふふ Your Excellency, did you know that Sussex said that this outfit looks really pretty? You don't hear words of praise from her often, hehe~
Touch 真拿䜠没办法呢。那么阁䞋皍埮䌑息䞀䌚儿吧我来准倇点心 臎し方ありたせんね では閣䞋、少し䌑憩したしょう。軜食をご甚意したすね What am I going to do with you... Well then, Your Excellency, please rest for a while. I'll prepare the snacks.