Dorsetshire (JP 🇯🇵: ドーセットシャー, CN 🇹🇼: 多塞特郡)
Ship ID No. 124 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Acquisition Unlocked in collection
Enhance Income
Firepower 18
Torpedo 15
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Manami Numakura
Dorsetshire Description
Norfolk-class heavy cruiser, Dorsetshire, Hull Number 40Unlock build after receiving
Firepower B
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 4246 Reload 144
Firepower 159 Torpedo 213
Evasion 24 Anti-air 217
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 0 Luck 33
Hit 99 Speed 25.2
Armor Medium
HP 4755 Reload 165
Firepower 182 Torpedo 245
Evasion 68 Anti-air 249
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 0 Luck 33
Hit 116 Speed 25.2
Armor Medium
HP 821 Reload 61
Firepower 34 Torpedo 45
Evasion 9 Anti-air 47
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 0 Luck 33
Hit 38 Speed 25.2
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 33
Hit Speed 25.2
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 33
Hit Speed 25.2
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 110%/115%/125%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 135%/135%/135%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/120%/120%/120% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 203mm Main Gun
3 Octuple 40mm Pom Pom Gun
Fleet Tech
T5 Heavy Cruiser: County-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Journey's End Increases this ship's Torpedo Crit Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) and increases this ship's Crit DMG by 50.0%.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Norfolk Class once every 9 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 诺福克级重巡洋舰—多塞特郡,舷号40 获得后将解锁建造 ノーフォーク級重巡洋艦・ドーセットシャー( HMS Dorsetshire) 図鑑報酬入手で通常建造開放 Norfolk-class heavy cruiser, Dorsetshire, Hull Number 40 Unlock build after receiving
Biography 郡级巡洋舰中的诺福克级指的就是我和姐姐了~说到最值得骄傲的事情,当然就是在对俾斯麦小姐的追击中没有辜负姐姐的情报了~我离姐姐还差得远呢,要成为能让姐姐自豪的妹妹才行! カウンティ級重巡洋艦、その中でもノーフォーク級と呼称されるのが姉さんと私です。一番の自慢は姉さんの助けを借りてビスマルクさんを倒すことができた事です。姉さんと比べてまだまだですから、姉さんが自慢できる妹になるように頑張らないと! The offshoot of the County-class, the Norfolk-class, includes me and my sisters. My proudest achievement was giving chase to Bismarck and not letting my sister's intel go to waste. I am still far from matching her, so I must become a sister she can be proud of!
Acquisition 你好,我是诺福克姐姐的妹妹多塞特郡~比姐姐看起来成熟?哎呀真会开玩笑呢,姐姐才是我的目标哦 こんにちは。ノーフォーク姉さんの妹、ドーセットシャーです。姉さんより大人っぽいって?あら、ご冗談を。姉さんこそ私が目指す目標ですよ? Hello, I'm Norfolk's little sister, Dorsetshire~! I look more mature than my sister? Surely you jest! She's my role model!
Login 欢迎回来~今天要做什么呢? おかえりなさいませ~今日は何にします? Welcome back~ What are we going to do today?
Details 比起我这样的,果然还是姐姐比较可爱呢 私より、やっぱり姉さんのほうがカワイイですよね My big sister is definitely cuter, at least compared to me.
Main 姐姐是世上最可爱的人这难道不是常识吗? 姉さんが世界で一番カワイイって、常識じゃありませんか~ Is it not common knowledge that my big sister is the cutest in the world?
Main 2 让我能够回报姐姐提供的情报,俾斯麦小姐真是一位温柔的人呢~ ビスマルクさんって親切ですよ?姉さんの情報通りにいてくれて…違うんですか?? For allowing me to use the intel my sister gave me, Bismarck is such a generous person.
Main 3 有关姐姐的话题的话,三天三夜都说不完呢 姉さんの話は三日三晩話しても足りませんよ~ If it's about my sister, I could speak for three days and three nights and still not be done.
Touch 果然指挥官也觉得我的体型太大了吗? やっぱり指揮官も私が大きいと思っていますか? So, Commander, you think I'm actually a bit too big?
Touch (Special) 指挥官真是个怪人呢 指揮官ってちょっと変ですね… You sure are weird, Commander.
Mission 任务啊,总是想起和姐姐在一起的时光呢~ ミッションですね~姉さんとの日々を思い出しちゃいます~ Missions, huh? Makes me think of all the time I spent with my sister.
Mission Complete 这里是奖励,请收好~ ボーナスです、お納めください~ Here are your rewards! Please take good care of them.
Mail 指挥官,有你的信~ 指揮官、メールがあります Commander, there's mail for you~
Return to Port 指挥官你辛苦了~来,坐下喝杯茶,我来给你说一些姐姐的事吧~ 指揮官お疲れ様です~はい、お掛けになってお茶でもお飲みになってください。ところで、姉さんがですね~ Good work, Commander! Come, sit and have some tea. I will tell you some things about my sister~
Commission Complete 啊,委托组回来了~指挥官,下次让我和姐姐也一起出委托吧~ あ、委託チームが帰ってきました。次は私と姉さんを一緒に出撃させてください~ Ah, the commission team is back~! Commander, could you let me go on a commission with my sister next time?
Enhancement 我会继续以姐姐为目标加油的~ 姉さんを目標に、これからも頑張ります! I'll continue to do my best, with my big sister as my goal~
Flagship 为了不给姐姐丢脸,我会加油的! 姉さんに恥をかかせないよう、頑張ります! I'll do my best to not embarrass my sister!
Victory 这样就离姐姐更近一步了~ これで姉さんにまた一歩近づけました! This gets me one step closer to my big sister~
Defeat 咕……!还不能在这里倒下 くっ……!まだここで倒れるわけにはいきません! Guh...! I can't fall here!
Skill 姐姐,请借给我力量! 姉さん、私に力を! Sister, please lend me your strength!
Low HP 稍微陷入苦战了呢…… 少し苦しい戦いになりそうですね… This is a bit of a struggle...
Affinity (Upset) 果然我离姐姐还差远了………… やっぱり私、姉さんには程遠いですね…… I really can't compare to my sister...
Affinity (Stranger) 姐姐要说是世间的瑰宝,上天的恩赐也不为过,有这样的姐姐是我的荣幸(合掌) 姉さんは世界の宝、神から授かった恵みです。こんな素晴らしい姉さんを持っているなんて、私、光栄です It's not an exaggeration to say my sister is a world treasure, a gift from the heavens. It's an honor for me to have a sister like her.
Affinity (Friendly) 我这样也很好?哎呀指挥官真是会说好话呢,比起姐姐,我只不过是丑小鸭而已 私もいい、ですか?指揮官は相変わらず冗談がお上手ですね。ふふ、姉さんと比べて私はただの醜いアヒルにすぎませんよ? I'm fine the way I am? Aha, you really know how to give compliments, Commander. Compared to my sister though, I'm still but an ugly duckling.
Affinity (Like) 哎呀,难道指挥官真的对这样的我产生了友情以上的感情吗?这样我也要好好回应你才行呢…… あら、こんな私にも、指揮官が友情以上の感情を抱いているというのですか?なら私もちゃんと向き合わないと…… Ah, could it be that you've developed feelings beyond friendship for me? In that case I must properly respond to them.
Affinity (Love) 话是这么说,不过没想到我也有这样的一天…这种时候我该要怎么反应才好呢…指挥官,能教教我吗? まさか私にもこんな日があるとはね……こういう時どうお答えすればいいでしょうか?指揮官、教えてもらえますか? I've never actually thought that I would see such a day coming... How should I react?... Commander, can you teach me?
Pledge 指挥官真是怪人呢,居然来追求和姐姐相比只不过是衬托月亮的繁星的我,不过我也被指挥官所吸引呢,如果我真的可以的话,乐意之至~ 指揮官も物好きですね。姉さんという太陽に縋るしか能のない私にプロポーズするなんて。まあ、こう申しましても、私も指揮官に惹かれていますよ。こんな私でよければ、喜んでお受けいたします~ You sure are a weird person, Commander. To chase after me who is but a tiny star to the bright moon that is my sister. But I too am attracted to you, if you are okay with someone like me then I would be happy to accept.