Inazuma (JP 🇯🇵: 電, CN 🇹🇌: 电)
Ship IDNo. 162Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavySakura EmpireBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionExplore Stage8-1
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressEmiri Kato
Type III Akatsuki-class destroyer number four - Akatsuki.
Vanilla PuddingDescription
It doesn’t matter if Inazuma becomes Mr. Commander's dessert
 but if Inazuma cannot be found, Mr. Commander will feel so devastated, perhaps he won’t be able to command the fleet
 please! Please convey Inazuma's heartfelt wish to Mr. Commander——
Flash of FireworksDescription
I usually go to festivals with Ikazuchi, but this would be my first time going with you. Hmm? Where should we visit first?
Dusk's LightningDescription
I'm the fairy of lightning that illuminates the stars in the night sky... So that's what we're going with, huh. Commander, will you accompany me to the party?
HP282 Reload77
Firepower11 Torpedo95
Evasion72 Anti-air28
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW41 Luck57
HP1310 Reload149
Firepower30 Torpedo243
Evasion243 Anti-air105
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW103 Luck60
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1127mm Mounted Gun
2Triple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T5 Destroyer: Fubuki-Class Type III (Akatsuki)Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock4 +1
Max LimitBreak9
Lv.1207 +1
Destroyer Division 6: {namecode:14}When sortied with Akatsuki, Hibiki, or Ikazuchi: increases this ship's FP, TRP, and RLD by 5.0% (15.0%) . Effect does not stack.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Akatsuki Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description特III型晓级驱逐舰四番舰—电特Ⅲ型駆逐艊四番艊・電Type III Akatsuki-class destroyer number four - Akatsuki.
Biography重暱特Ⅲ型晓级驱逐舰电酱  的诎。䜜䞺特型驱逐舰䞭最小的効効参加了倪平掋战争䞭的诞倚战事䞍过比起䜜战果然电还是曎喜欢技航、运蟓、搜救之类的工䜜呢  指挥官先生  也想被摞摞倎吗重桜の特Ⅲ型、暁型駆逐艊の電  です。特型駆逐艊の末っ子ずしお、かの倧戊の倚くの戊闘に参加したした。でも戊闘より、電はやはり護衛、茞送、救揎任務のほうが奜きです  指揮官さん  指揮官さんも頭ナデナデされたいですかI am... the Sakura Empire's Akatsuki-class type III destroyer, Inazuma. As the youngest of my class, I participated in a lot of battles in the World War. But I prefer escorts, transports, and rescues over combat. ... Commander? Would you like to have your head patted too?
Acquisition这就是指挥官先生吗  看起来奜像䞍怎么可靠啊  啊忘记自我介绍了我是电  酱的诎あなたが指揮官さんですか  あたり頌れそうに芋えたせんけど  あ、自己玹介はただですね。私は電  ず蚀いたすAre you the commander...? You don't seem very reliable... Ah, sorry, my self-introduction. My name is... Inazuma.
Login咊  是指挥官先生这䞪时候登陆  是又圚摞鱌了吗あれ  指揮官さんですかこの時間に「ログむン」するなんお  サボっおいたすよねIs that... you, Commander? I can't believe you're logging in at this time of day... shouldn't you be doing something else?
Details指挥官先生  䞀盎埅圚房闎里呢  指揮官さん  ずっず郚屋に匕きこもっおいたすね  Commander... it seems you're always holed up in your room...
Main指挥官先生最倧的䌘点就是枩柔呢指揮官さんの最倧の「ケッテン」は優しいこず、ですね。Commander, your biggest flaw is how kind you are.
Main 2那珂姐姐  垮过我埈倚忙呢那珂姉さん  結構助けおくれたしたNaka... she's helped me quite a lot...
Main 3打捞我可是埈圚行的「サルベヌゞ」は電、埗意です"Salvaging" is my specialty!
Touch指挥官先生  䞍摞摞我的倎吗指揮官さん  頭をナデナデしたせんかCommander... could you pat my head?
Touch (Special)指挥官先生  果然已经无药可救了呢指揮官さん  もう付ける薬はないですね。Commander... there's no medicine that can fix you.
Mission䞀盎䞍完成任务  䌌乎䌚坠入名䞺“加班”的地狱呢任務をずっず完了しないず  「残業」ずいう名の悪いこずになりたすねIf you leave your missions unfinished forever... then you'll end up having to do this bad thing called "overtime".
Mission Complete这里的绩效奖金可䞍䌚拖延到䞋䞪月才发攟今月の「歩合絊」は来月には延びたせんよThis month's bonus pay won't be postponed into the next month.
Mail邮件恐惧症吗  没事的电圚陪着䜠呢「メヌル恐怖症」ですか  倧䞈倫ですよ。電は指揮官さんの偎にいたすよYou have mailophobia? ... You don't have to be scared, I'm here with you.
Return to Port欢迎回来  指挥官先生即䜿没有新船电也还圚这里哊おかえりなさい、指揮官さん。「新艊远加」がなくずも、電はここにいたすよWelcome back, Commander. Even if you didn't "acquire new characters",I will always be here.
Commission Complete指挥官先生  油和物资郜回来了指揮官さん  「ガ゜リン」も「リ゜ヌス」も戻っおきたしたCommander... your "gasoline" and "resources" have arrived.
Enhancement唔  没有想象䞭的痛真是倪奜了ふぅ  思っおたより痛くなくおよかったですPhew... I'm glad that didn't hurt as much as I thought.
Flagship诶  诶被䌏击了吗え  ええ埅ち䌏せされたのですかHm... Huh?! We've been ambushed!
Victory  我是MVP  这样的舰队  真的行吗  電がMVPですか  この艊隊  倧䞈倫ですか... I'M the MVP? ... Is this fleet... doing okay?
Defeat呌  指挥官先生  跑的奜快ふぅ  指揮官さん  「逃げ足」が早いです  Phew... Commander... you're very good at running away...
Skill劂果胜党队出击就奜了  皆揃っおいればいいのに  If only everyone were here with us...
Affinity (Upset)䞍管指挥官先生变成什么样电郜䌚陪着䜠哊電は指揮官さんがどうなっおも偎にいたすよCommander, no matter what you may become, I will always be with you.
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官先生电䌚䞺䜠加油的指揮官さん、電は応揎しおあげたすよCommander, I will assist you.
Affinity (Friendly)痛苊的事情诎出来就少䞀半快乐的事情诎出来就倚䞀仜。所以什么事郜可以和电诎哊苊しいこずは話し半分に、楜しいこずは人に教えるず二倍になりたす。ですから、なんでも電に話しおくださいねA shared sorrow is one made half, and shared joy is one made double. So please feel free to talk to me about anything.
Affinity (Like)指挥官先生无论想去哪里电郜䌚陪䌎䜠  䞍过从屏幕里跳出来什么的  奜像做䞍到呢指揮官さんがどこに行っおも電は偎にいたすよ。  でも「画面の倖」は  ちょっず無理かも  Commander, no matter where you go, I will always be with you. ... However... I don't think I can... leave the boundaries of this screen...
Affinity (Love)指挥官先生总吃垃土食品身䜓䌚变脆匱的试着尝试䞀䞋自己做饭怎么样诶没事的电䌚垮着试吃的指揮官さん、「ゞャンクフヌド」ばかりじゃ䜓を壊したすよたたには自分で䜜っおみおはどうですかえ倧䞈倫です。電も䞀緒に味芋したすからCommander, it's terrible for your body eat junk food all the time. How about cooking your own food once in a while? Hm? Don't worry, I'll taste test it together with you!
Pledge指挥官先生  攟心吧我氞远郜䞍䌚抛匃指挥官先生的就算指挥官先生厌倊了犻家出走了我也䌚䞀盎䞀盎圚这里等埅指挥官先生的指揮官さん  安心しおください。電は指揮官さんを絶察芋捚おたりしたせんよ。指揮官さんが飜きお家出しおもずっず、ずっずここで埅っおあげたすからねCommander... please feel at ease. I would never abandon you. Even if you've had enough and run away, I will always, always be waiting here for you.
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Phoenix响姐姐  䞍奜意思我讀错人了  響姉さん  すみたせん、人間違いでした  Hibiki...? Sorry, I thought you were someone else...
In battle with Ikazuchi第六驱逐队  出击第六駆逐隊  発進したすDestroyer Division Six... departing!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description虜然被指挥官吃掉也没关系 䜆是电䞍见了指挥官䞀定䌚䌀心吧或讞䌚䌀心到连舰队郜指挥䞍了 所以 拜托了电的这仜心声请䞀定芁䌠蟟到——指揮官さんに食べられちゃっおもいいけど、電がいなくなったら、指揮官さんがきっず悲しくお悲しくお、艊隊も指揮できなくなっちゃいたすね。 だから さん受け取っお ください 最埌の 電のお願い――It doesn’t matter if Inazuma becomes Mr. Commander's dessert
 but if Inazuma cannot be found, Mr. Commander will feel so devastated, perhaps he won’t be able to command the fleet
 please! Please convey Inazuma's heartfelt wish to Mr. Commander——
Acquisition虜然被指挥官吃掉也没关系 䜆是电䞍见了指挥官䞀定䌚䌀心吧或讞䌚䌀心到连舰队郜指挥䞍了 所以 拜托了电的这仜心声请䞀定芁䌠蟟到——指揮官さんに食べられちゃっおもいいけど、電がいなくなったら、指揮官さんがきっず悲しくお悲しくお、艊隊も指揮できなくなっちゃいたすね。 だから さん受け取っお ください 最埌の 電のお願い――It doesn’t matter if Inazuma becomes Mr. Commander's dessert
 but if Inazuma cannot be found, Mr. Commander will feel so devastated, perhaps he won’t be able to command the fleet
 please! Please convey Inazuma's heartfelt wish to Mr. Commander——
Login  电的心声䌠蟟到了吗  指挥官先生    電のお願い、䌝わりたしたか  指揮官さん  ...Inazuma’s heartfelt wish, has it been communicated? 
Mr. Commander...
Details指挥官先生吃掉电以后  芁打起粟神噢指揮官さん、電を食べたら  元気を出しおくださいねMr. Commander, after you swallowed Inazuma up... you must be ready to sortie.
Main指挥官先生  饿了吗指揮官さん  お腹すきたしたAre you hungry
 Mr. Commander?
Main 2指挥官先生圚寻扟电吗电就圚指挥官面前噢 指揮官さんは電を探しおいたすか電は指揮官さんの目の前ですよAre you trying to find Inazuma, Mr. Commander? Inazuma is right in front of you.
Main 3指挥官先生䞀盎郜这么枩柔呢  指揮官さん、い぀も優しいですね  Mr. Commander, you’re always so gentle...
Touch指挥官先生芁匀劚了吗  指挥官先生请接受电的䞀切吧—指揮官さんはもう食べたすか  はい、電の党おを受け入れおくださいヌヌ違うのMr. Commander, are we starting this
 please accept all of Inazuma, both the good and the bad—
Touch (Special)指挥官先生听到了电的心声指挥官先生真了䞍起指揮官さん、電の心の音がわかりたすか凄いです  Mr. Commander, have you heard Inazuma’s heartfelt words? You’re really amazing Mr. Commander!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description平垞郜是和雷䞀起参加的祭兞和指挥官还是倎䞀次呢。嗯 芁从哪里匀始逛起呢普段はい぀も雷ず䞀緒にお祭りに出おいたすけど、指揮官さんずは初めおですね。ええず、䜕から遊びたすかI usually go to festivals with Ikazuchi, but this would be my first time going with you. Hmm? Where should we visit first?
Acquisition平垞郜是和雷䞀起参加的祭兞和指挥官还是倎䞀次呢。嗯 芁从哪里匀始逛起呢普段はい぀も雷ず䞀緒にお祭りに出おいたすけど、指揮官さんずは初めおですね。ええず、䜕から遊びたすかI usually go to festivals with Ikazuchi, but this would be my first time going with you. Hmm? Where should we visit first?
Login还以䞺指挥官先生忘了和电的纊定了呢指揮官さん、電ずの玄束を忘れちゃったず思っおたしたI was beginning to think that you forgot about our plans, Commander.
Details指挥官先生䞍䌚是听了雷的话才给电买的新衣服吧电其实䞍怎么圚意的哊嗯 䞍怎么圚意 指揮官さんは雷に蚀われおこの衣装を買ったのですか電、別に気にしおいたせんようん 別に Commander, you didn't just buy these clothes for me because Ikazuchi asked you to, right? It doesn't bother me. Not one bit...
Main指挥官先生电想吃烀鱿鱌可以吗指揮官さん、ええず、電のためむカ焌きを買っおいただけたせんかCommander, I'd like some taiyaki. Is that okay?
Main 2像这样脱掉鞋子走圚小石子路䞊意倖地还挺舒服呢指挥官先生也可以试试こうしお靎を履かないで歩くず意倖ず気持ちいいですね。指揮官さんも詊しおみたらどうですかIt feels unexpectedly nice to walk around without my shoes... Commander, why don't you try it too?
Main 3指挥官先生去看䞀看其他人的济衣也可以哊电可以自己先逛逛指揮官さん、他の子の济衣に目移りしおも倧䞈倫ですよ。電は䞀人でも平気ですからCommander, you can go check out everyone's yukatas if you'd like. I'll look around by myself first.
Touch指挥官先生就算䞀盎戳电也䞍䌚出现“劚䜜差分”的哊指揮官さん、電を突っ぀いおも「ぜヌずさぶん」は出たせんよCommander, no matter how much you poke me, I won't have any Live2D.
Return to Port比起电曎重视工䜜 指挥官是䞪“工䜜狂”呢指揮官さん、電よりお仕事が倧事 ちょっず「わヌかほりっく」なヒトですねPrioritizing work over Inazuma... Commander, you sure are a workaholic.
Affinity (Love)指挥官先生因䞺电埈可爱埈照顟电所以䞀盎和电黏圚䞀起而応略其他人是䞍行的䌚变成瀟亀恐惧症的也芁和其他人䞀起享受祭兞的乐趣哊指揮官さん、電がいくら可愛くおも、電にずっずベッタリくっ぀いお、ほかの子をほったらかしたたたでは「こみゅしょう」になっちゃうかもしれたせんよほかの子ずも䞀緒にお祭りを楜しんでくださいねCommander, I know I'm super cute and all, but you'll develop social anxiety if you constantly cling to me and ignore everyone else. Since I'm also super responsible, you should go to the festival and enjoy the company of others.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description电是起舞圚月色之䞋的劖粟 雷奜像是这么”讟定“的呢嗯 指挥官先生芁和电䞀起参加宎䌚吗倕闇ゆうやみに舞う、劖粟の電 そういう「蚭定」らしいですね。指揮官さん、電ず䞀緒にパヌティヌに行きたせんかI'm the fairy of lightning that illuminates the stars in the night sky... So that's what we're going with, huh. Commander, will you accompany me to the party?
Acquisition电是起舞圚月色之䞋的劖粟 雷奜像是这么“讟定”的呢嗯 指挥官先生芁和电䞀起参加宎䌚吗倕闇ゆうやみに舞う、劖粟の電 そういう「蚭定」らしいですね。指揮官さん、電ず䞀緒にパヌティヌに行きたせんかI'm the fairy of lightning that illuminates the stars in the night sky... So that's what we're going with, huh. Commander, will you accompany me to the party?
Login指挥官先生没有忘了和电的纊定真是倪奜了呢。指揮官さん、電ずの玄束を忘れおいたせんでしたね。嬉しいですCommander, I'm glad you haven't forgotten the promise you made with me and Ikazuchi.
Details雷和电的翅膀合圚䞀起的话画面䌚有点窄呢 指挥官先生也可以试试“改囟”哊雷ず電、矜を合わせるずちょっず「がめん」が狭くなりたす 「こらヌじゅ」しおみおもいいですよ。指揮官さんIf you combine both of our wings, there might not be much room left on the screen... Why don't you edit it in and see for yourself, Commander?
Main晓姐姐想召集六驱的倧家圚宎䌚䞊聚䞀聚䞍过现圚还没出现 嗯垌望响姐姐胜顺利扟到她就奜了。暁ちゃん、第六駆逐隊のみんなでパヌティヌに参加したいっお蚀っおいたしたけど、ただ来おいないようですね どうか響が芋぀けおくれたすようにAkatsuki said she wanted to join us so we can have a 6th DesDiv get-together at the party, but she seems to have gotten lost on the way... I hope Hibiki is able to find her.
Main 2“月色真矎” 奜像是句“名台词”呢嗯电䞺什么䌚知道呢 「今日の月が綺麗」 「めいせりふ」ですね。電、なぜ知っおいるのでしょう"The moon is beautiful tonight" is supposed to be a pretty famous line, right? Eh... How'd you already know about it, Ikazuchi?
Main 3雷奜像准倇了䞀些草莓给指挥官呢嗯 看颜色的话电应该准倇䞀些 蓝莓雷、ストロベリヌを甚意したしたね。電も甚意するずしたら んヌブルヌベリヌがいいですかIkazuchi seems to have brought you some strawberries. Judging from your expression, I'm... supposed to bring you blueberries?
Touch指挥官先生芁电垮䜠拿些吃的还是喝的吗指揮官さん、食べ物ずか飲み物ずか、お持ちしたしょうかCommander, shall I bring you something to eat or drink?
Return to Port无论指挥官先生是忙着出击、还是委托、还是日垞任务电郜䌚圚这䞪䜍眮陪着䜠的哊。指揮官さんが出撃しおも、軍事委蚗に出かけおも、日垞の任務を確認しに行っおも、電はここでずっず埅っおいたすよWhether you are fighting, taking care of commissions, or just checking daily missions, I will always be waiting for you here.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䞀、二  唔插奜了指挥官。嗯  今倩的电是指挥官的莎身女仆尜管插花之倖的工䜜还䞍熟练䜆电可以做到䞀盎留圚这里陪䜠哊。䞀、二  ん。指揮官さん、できたした。うん。  今日の電は指揮官さんのメむドさんです。生け花以倖はあたり慣れおいたせんけど、ずっずずっずそばにいおあげられたすよOne, two... Mm. All done, Commander. Yep... I'll be your maid today. I don't know how to do much other than make flower arrangements, but I can stay by your side all day.
Acquisition䞀、二  唔插奜了指挥官。嗯  今倩的电是指挥官的莎身女仆尜管插花之倖的工䜜还䞍熟练䜆电可以做到䞀盎留圚这里陪䜠哊。䞀、二  ん。指揮官さん、できたした。うん。  今日の電は指揮官さんのメむドさんです。生け花以倖はあたり慣れおいたせんけど、ずっずずっずそばにいおあげられたすよOne, two... Mm. All done, Commander. Yep... I'll be your maid today. I don't know how to do much other than make flower arrangements, but I can stay by your side all day.
Login咊  指挥官来埗比倄于女仆讟定的电还早呢  现圚䟍奉还来埗及吧指揮官さん、メむドさん蚭定の電より早く来ちゃったんですね 「ごほうし」はただ間に合いたすかHuh? I'm supposed to be your maid for now, but you got here earlier than me... Uh, is it too late to serve you?
Details虜然这次是女仆讟定䜆是电其实䞍胜做奜插花以倖的事呢  䞍过指挥官应该圚意的只是电的新衣服吧  メむドさん蚭定ですけど、実は電、生け花以倖はなかなか䞊手くできたせん。  でも指揮官さんが気になるのは倚分電の新しい衣装だけですから、平気 I know I'm supposed to be a maid, but I actually can't do anything but make flower arrangements. But I guess it's fine since all you care about is the outfit, huh...
Main芁是有那䞪名䞺“PS”的蟅助工具的话插花的练习或讞䌚进行的曎加顺利呢  「写真店」ずいうツヌルがあれば、生け花の芋栄えもよくなっお緎習ももっず頑匵れたすねI've been practicing with this incredible tool called PictureShop. It makes my flower arrangements look even better and motivates me to practice more.
Main 2玫色的蔷薇是䞎电的颜色盞称的花朵呢  劂果指挥官愿意的话电可以倚插几束花摆圚䜠的房闎里哊。玫色のバラ、電にお䌌合いです。 執務宀に食りたいなら䜕本か持っお行っおもいいですよA purple rose suits me well. ...If you want to decorate your office with a few, go ahead and take some more.
Main 3“挡圚䟍奉工䜜前面的就算是神明身䞺女仆的电也芁赢给䜠看”  诎笑的毕竟是名台词呢  嗯。「『ごほうし』を邪魔するのでしたらメむドさん電、カミにも勝っおみせたす」  冗談ですよ。でも名セリフですよね  うん"If loving you is a sin, then I'll kill God if I have to!" ...That was a joke. That's kind of a quote, right? Yeah... Totally.
Touch指挥官是想试试采耳么  嗯枕到我的膝盖䞊来吧。指揮官さん、耳かきはどうですか はい、電の膝の䞊に頭を乗せおくださいDo you want to let me try cleaning your ears for you? Okay, lay your head in my lap...
Touch (Special)  真是的䞍芁搞突然袭击啊 这次就原谅䜠了    指揮官さん、い぀も急ですね 今回は倧䞈倫ですよCommander, you're always in such a hurry... But it's okay this time.
Touch (Headpat)嗯指挥官的手  埈枩暖。うん。指揮官さんの手  枩かいですYep. Your hands... are very warm.
Mission有新的任务  加班的譊钟咚咚咚地响起来了呢。新しい任務がありたす。残業アラヌム、ゞリゞリゞリヌっず響いおいたすYou have new missions. My overtime alarms are practically blaring right now.
Mission Complete任务完成了加班莹也及时发攟了  还应该算是䞍错吧任務が完了したした。残業代も出たした。  たあたあいいでしょうMission completed, overtime fee received. Not too bad, right?
Return to Port倪奜了指挥官这次也有安党園来呢  电䞀盎圚这䞪䜍眮等着䜠哊。指揮官さんがたた無事に垰っおきおよかったです。 電、ずっずここで埅っおいたしたI'm so happy you made it back safe and sound. I've been waiting here for you for so long.
Affinity (Love)䜜䞺女仆和芁䟍奉的对象䞀盎黏圚䞀起是倩经地义的事情呢  嗯嗯就算䞀䞪人圚䞀起什么郜䞍做也可以只芁指挥官䟝赖着电就足借了  メむドさんですから、「ごほうし」する方にべったりくっ぀いおも自然ですね。 うん、䜕もしなくおもいいですよ。指揮官さんが電を頌りにしおくれれば十分ですからI'm a maid, so it's normal for me to stick close to the person I serve. ...Yep, you don't have to lift a finger. As long as you rely on me, that's enough.