Fubuki (JP 🇯🇵: 吹雪, CN 🇹🇼: 吹雪)
Ship ID No. 151 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 00:23:00
Acquisition Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 32
Aviation 0
Reload 15
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Mao Ichimichi
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1966676
Weibo https://weibo.com/u/6056658230
Name Alisa
Fubuki Description
Special type I Fubuki Destroyer Class— Fubuki
5 Minutes Till I'm Late Description
Oh no! I-I'm gonna be late for school! Y-you need to speed up too, doggy! *Pant*... *pant*... Why'd none of my sisters wake me up before they left?!
Mascot Bucky Description
"C-come on in! We've got special offers for you!" ... W-wait, is this really what a "sexy mascot" would wear? It feels pretty different from what I was expecting... And boy, is it stuffy in this thing...
Music Pixy Description
Check it out, Commander! What do you think? ... No, not my dress! I'm talking about the tuba! Want me to play a tune for you~?
Fubuki Halation! Description
The whole world's going to feel the tremors from my debut! I'm Fubuki, the Special-type idol!
实习服务生Fubuki Description
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1498 Reload 186
Firepower 54 Torpedo 463
Evasion 185 Anti-air 127
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 175 Luck 34
Hit 174 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 1798 Reload 213
Firepower 62 Torpedo 509
Evasion 191 Anti-air 146
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 195 Luck 34
Hit 183 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 290 Reload 78
Firepower 12 Torpedo 98
Evasion 71 Anti-air 27
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 48 Luck 34
Hit 67 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 34
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 34
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 140%/145%/155%/160% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 127mm Mounted Gun
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: Fubuki-Class Type I (Fubuki) Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 5 +1
Max LimitBreak 11
Lv.120 8 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Special Lead Ship Grants the following buffs to Ayanami, Akatsuki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Fubuki and Hibiki: increases FP and EVA by 15.0% (30.0%) and TRP by 4.0% (10.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Fubuki Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:23:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 特I型吹雪级驱逐舰一番舰—吹雪 特Ⅰ型駆逐艦一番艦・吹雪 Special type I Fubuki Destroyer Class— Fubuki
Biography 呀吼~我就是曾经让世界都感到震撼的特型驱逐舰命名舰、吹雪!啊不好意思,并不是在自满哦,事实上虽然参加过不少战役…却也没有什么值得一提的事迹…不过我还是会加油的! やっほー!世界を驚かせた駆逐艦の吹雪とは私のこと!えへへ、ごめんごめん、別に自慢するつもりじゃないよ~、だって色んな戦役に参加したのに、戦績はぱっとしなかったし…でも、やる時はちゃんと頑張るからね! Yoohoo~ I am the destroyer who recently made the world tremble, call me Fubuki! Sorry, I’m not trying to be complacent, in fact, I was in many battles… although none of them are worth writing home about… I will continue to do better!
Acquisition 呀吼~吹雪级的大姐就是我啦,你就是指挥官吗?请多指教请多指教~ やっほー吹雪級の長女とはこの私よ!あなたが指揮官だよね?よろしくね! Yoohoo~ yours truly Fubuki class has arrived, so you’re the Commander? I'm looking forward to your guidance~
Login 指挥官,今天精神好吗~ 指揮官、今日も元気? Commander, how are ya feeling today?~
Details 嘿嘿,指挥官原来这么寂寞的嘛~? えへへ、指揮官って寂しがり屋なのかな~ Hehe, are you that lonely Commander?~
Main 今天天气真好耶,指挥官你不这么觉得吗? 今日はいい天気ね~、指揮官もそう思わない? The weather today sure is beautiful, don’t you think, Commander?
Main 2 电,听好了,指挥官虽然也许可能是个废柴,但是大姐我超可靠的哦!大概 電、指揮官はダメ人間でも、私は頼りになるからね!多分! Listen up Inazuma, even if the Commander is a total loser, but I am totally (probably) reliable!
Main 3 被指挥官夸奖的话,一百句也不嫌多…啊,一百句还是会有点腻呢 指揮官なら、私を100回褒めてくれてもいいよ!…むむ、100回はさすがに飽きちゃうかも… Even if the Commander praises 100 times, that still won’t be too much... hmm, or perhaps 100 praises will be a bit tiresome to listen to.
Touch 帮忙工作?对哦……看到指挥官这么闲我都忘了呢~ 仕事の手伝い?そうだ!暇そうにしてるからつい忘れちゃった!てへ☆ Help with work? O right… Looking at the Commander being so idle, I almost forgot about work~
Touch (Special) 呜哇!吓我一跳! きゃっ!?びっくりした! Wow! You scared me to death!
Mission 指挥官,有很多任务耶——啊~!莫非你又偷懒了? 指揮官、結構任務が溜まってるよ――ああ!さてはサボったな~? Commander, there are so many uncleared missions—— ahhh~!!! Were you being lazy again?
Mission Complete 指挥官,任务奖励来了~有我在说不定奖励会变多哦~?嘻嘻 指揮官、任務報酬だよ~、私がいれば報酬も増えたりするかも?なんてね☆ Commander, the mission rewards are here~ With me being here, perhaps there are more rewards now? Hehe.
Mail 有信件~啊…原来是指挥官的吗… メールだね…あっ、指揮官宛だったか… Here’s some mail~ ah… So it’s for the Commander...
Return to Port 这样然后这样,接下来……!?指、指挥官,欢迎回来~啊哈哈,我什么都没做哟! こうして、こう……あれ?し、指揮官!?おかえり~、あははは…今なにもやっていないよ? First, you do this, then this....?! C-Commander, welcome back~ Hahaha, I wasn’t up to anything!
Commission Complete 喂~委托组回来了哟,别睡了! おーい、委託組が帰ってきたぞー起きろー Hey~ The Commission fleet is back, stop sleeping!
Enhancement 唔噢?!状态绝佳! うおお!?絶好調! Wow?! Excellent condition!
Flagship 天气晴朗,心情绝佳~上了! いい天気~いっくよー! Good weather, even better mood~ Let’s go!
Victory 嗯~哼,我很厉害吧~ えっへん!私凄いでしょ? Uh-huh, I’m good right~
Defeat 好疼好疼……指挥官我们快跑吧! いたた……指揮官、早く逃げよ? That hurts so much… Commander, let’s run away!
Skill 哼哼,见识一下特型驱逐舰的厉害吧! ふっふー、特型駆逐艦の力を見ろ! Hmph, taste the power of the Special type Destroyers!
Low HP 看起来不是开玩笑的时候呢…… 冗談言ってる場合じゃないよね… Looks like this isn’t the time to joke around...
Affinity (Upset) 原本以为指挥官是能理解我的…… 指揮官なら分かってくれると思ったのに…… I thought the Commander would understand me...
Affinity (Stranger) 手里的这个?好像是叫御币什么的,感觉挥起来挺好看的就带着了~ これのこと?「ゴヘイ」って名前だけど、なんかそれっぽいから持ってきちゃった~ What’s in my hands? I think it’s called “Gohei” or something like that. It looks so pretty when swung back and forth, so I thought to grab it with me~
Affinity (Friendly) 妹妹们不知道现在过得怎么样…不过既然是我的妹妹,肯定在哪里坚强地生活着吧~嗯! 妹たちはどうしてるかな…まあ私の妹だから、きっと強く生きてるよね!うん! Not sure how my sisters are faring… Although, since they are my sisters, I’m sure they’re prospering wherever they are!
Affinity (Like) 指挥官喜欢什么类型的女孩子呢?嗯?我只是参考一下,没有别的意思哦?啊~难道你想歪了? 指揮官はどんな子がタイプ?うん?別に参考だけだよ?…ああ!もしかして変なこと考えちゃった? What type of girls do you like, Commander? Hmm? I’m just curious. Ha~ perhaps you’ve misunderstood me?
Affinity (Love) 之前真的只是参考哦?反正无论指挥官原本喜欢什么类型,只要“将来”喜欢上我不就好了嘛~嘿嘿 この前のは参考にしただけだよ?まあ、今はどんな子がタイプでも、私のことを「これから」好きになっていけばいいんだよ~えへへ♪ I was implying something before? Regardless, no matter what type of girls you like, as long as you will like me in the future, then that’ll be just fine~ Hehehe.
Pledge 虽然我说过会让指挥官在“将来”喜欢上我,不过这个“将来”意外地有点近呢~是不是之前问你的时候害羞撒谎了呀~?嘻嘻~ こ、「これから」って言ったのに、意外とすぐだったね……あ!もしかしてこの前好みのタイプを聞いた時ウソついた?もうイケナイ指揮官だな~でもゆるしてあげる♪えへへ♡ Even though I said that the Commander would like me “in the future”, but it seems that “future” has become unexpectedly sooner~ Were you a bit shy when I asked you?~ Hehehe.
In battle with Ayanami 让我们给敌人点颜色瞧瞧! 敵に目にものを見せてやるよ! Let’s give the enemy a taste of our might!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呜哇,快、快迟到了!汪汪也快一点!呼……呼……明明有那么多妹妹,为什么谁都没有提醒我快迟到了啊! うわっ!ち、遅刻しちゃう!!わ、ワンワンもはやくついてきてよー!はぁ…はぁ…なんで妹たちは誰も私を起こしてくれないんだぁぁ! Oh no! I-I'm gonna be late for school! Y-you need to speed up too, doggy! *Pant*... *pant*... Why'd none of my sisters wake me up before they left?!
Acquisition 呜哇,快、快迟到了!汪汪也快一点!呼……呼……明明有那么多妹妹,为什么谁都没有提醒我快迟到了啊! うわっ!ち、遅刻しちゃう!!わ、ワンワンもはやくついてきてよー!はぁ…はぁ…なんで妹たちは誰も私を起こしてくれないんだぁぁ! Oh no! I-I'm gonna be late for school! Y-you need to speed up too, doggy! *Pant*... *pant*... Why'd none of my sisters wake me up before they left?!
Details 我没有赖床啦,只是一沉浸到自己喜欢的事中,做着做着就忘了时间…… 寝坊じゃないよ!好きなことやってたらついつい時間を忘れちゃって…… I didn't oversleep! I was just doing stuff I like and ended up losing track of time...
Main 2 剑道部、读书部、家政部,还有UFO研究部……呜哇,我哪个社团都想参加啊! 剣道部、読書会、家庭科部、UFO研究部……うわぁ、どの部活も入りたいっ! The Fencing Club, the Reading Society, the Economics Association, the UFO Research Organization... Dang it, I wanna join them all!
Main 3 每天放学时贝尔法斯特都会来接爱丁堡……我有时候也想一放学就能见到可爱的妹妹们呢 下校時間にエディンバラさんを向かえに来るベルファストさん……あーあ、私も妹に出迎えられたいなー Belfast's going to hang out with Edinburgh after school... Maaan, I wish my sisters would come see me, too...
Touch 指挥官,还有什么没有做完的事务吗?15分钟后就要去遛狗了 指揮官、ほかに手伝う仕事は?15分後はワンワンのお散歩だよ? Commander, you got any more work you need help with? I've gotta go walk the doggy in 15 minutes!
Flagship 在到校之前解决掉这些吧! 学園に着くまでに片付けるわよー! Let's finish this so I can make it to school!
Defeat 逃掉了就不算输! 逃げるが勝ちよ! Fight or run away to fight another day!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 「欢、欢迎光临!特别促销活动绝赞进行中!」——嗯?哎?所谓“可爱的看板娘”是这种感觉的吗…?好像和想象中的不大一样…而且好热(小声)… 「い、いらっしゃいませ!ただいまキャンペーン開催中!」――あ、あれ?「かわいくセクシーな看板娘」ってこんな感じだっけ…?思ってたのと違くない?…それに暑いし…… "C-come on in! We've got special offers for you!" ... W-wait, is this really what a "sexy mascot" would wear? It feels pretty different from what I was expecting... And boy, is it stuffy in this thing...
Acquisition 「欢、欢迎光临!特别促销活动绝赞进行中!」——嗯?哎?所谓“可爱的看板娘”是这种感觉的吗…?好像和想象中的不大一样…而且好热(小声)… 「い、いらっしゃいませ!ただいまキャンペーン開催中!」――あ、あれ?「かわいくセクシーな看板娘」ってこんな感じだっけ…?思ってたのと違くない?…それに暑いし…… "C-come on in! We've got special offers for you!" ... W-wait, is this really what a "sexy mascot" would wear? It feels pretty different from what I was expecting... And boy, is it stuffy in this thing...
Login 欢、欢迎光临!不对呜呜,欢迎回来,指挥官… い、いらっしゃいませ!……じゃなくて!指揮官、おかえりなさい! C-come on in! ... Oops, I mean, welcome back, Commander!
Details 呜…感觉意识…要飞走了… い、意識が……飛んじゃうよぉ…… I-I feel my consciousness... flapping away...
Main 虽说是自己答应明石要当看板娘的…不过,总有种被骗了的感觉呢… 看板娘をやるって明石と約束したけど…なんか騙された気が…… I did promise Akashi I'd be the mascot... but it kind of feels like she tricked me...
Main 2 指挥官,能帮我捡一下掉下来的玩偶吗,穿着这个有点…够不到… 指揮官、これ拾うの手伝ってもらえない?これを着てる状態だと……んんっ……と、届きそうに、ない…… Could you help me pick these up, Commander? Wearing this makes them... mmrgh... impossible to reach, you see...
Main 3 听说…今天有高温警报呢…不过…吹雪身体的高温警报已经早就拉响了… あれ?今日って高温警報あったっけ……いやいやいや、高温警報なんて吹雪とっくに慣れただけなんじゃ…… What? The forecast warned about high temperatures? ... That's no biggie, I've already gotten used to it being really hot...
Touch 指、指挥官…不要随便碰我,我有点…控制不好平衡 し、指揮官…触らないで…ば、バランスが… C-Commander, don't touch me... I'm going to lose my balance...
Touch (Special) 诶、诶?指挥官你在干嘛!? ほ、ほぇ?指揮官、何やってるの!? Wh-what? What the heck are you doing, Commander?
Return to Port 作、作战辛苦了! お、お疲れ様ぁ! N-nicely done!
Flagship 好、好热…赶紧解决掉敌人回去吧—— あ、暑い…早く敵をやっつけて帰ろう…… It's so hot... Let's mop up the enemies quickly so we can go home...
Victory 嗯~哼!即使穿着一身厚重的外套,也不影响我发挥该有的实力~ えっへん!キグルミ装備でも…吹雪の実力、影響なーーーしっ! Heheh! Wearing this costume... doesn't impact my performance at aaaall!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,你看你看,合适吗?……哎呀,不是说衣服啦,是说这个大号,我吹给你听听看嘛? 指揮官、見て見て!これ、どうかな?……って服じゃないよ!このチューバのことだよ!指揮官に聞かせちゃおうかなー? Check it out, Commander! What do you think? ... No, not my dress! I'm talking about the tuba! Want me to play a tune for you~?
Acquisition 指挥官,你看你看,合适吗?……哎呀,不是说衣服啦,是说这个大号,我吹给你听听看嘛? 指揮官、見て見て!これ、どうかな?……って服じゃないよ!このチューバのことだよ!指揮官に聞かせちゃおうかなー? Check it out, Commander! What do you think? ... No, not my dress! I'm talking about the tuba! Want me to play a tune for you~?
Login 指挥官,让我来给你提提神吧! 指揮官、目覚ましのソロマーチング、いっくよ! My marching solo will wake you up, Commander!
Details 乐器意外地有趣呢指挥官,我要去安利给其他姐妹们~ 楽器って意外と面白いね!ほかの子にも布教しなくっちゃ! Didn't think an instrument could be so fun! I have to teach others about the joy of music!
Main 指挥官,我来为你加油鼓劲吧……欸,太吵了吗?对不起~ 指揮官、これで応援してあげる!プー!!……あ、あれ?うるさかった…?ごめんなさい! Let me play you a motivational song, Commander! Tooooot! ... Wh-what? That's annoying...? Sorry!
Main 2 指挥官,你也去学个乐器我们一起来演奏嘛~ 指揮官もなにか楽器を勉強して、一緒に演奏しようよ~ You should learn an instrument so we can play a song together, Commander!
Main 3 话说,指挥官,你觉得我穿洋装合适吗?轻飘飘的我很喜欢呢 そういえば指揮官、私の洋服姿ってどう?似合ってる?これ、ふわふわしててすごく気に入ってるんだよー Oh yeah, what do you think about my dress, Commander? Does it suit me? I absolutely adore it, it's all fluffy and stuff!
Touch 指挥官,想要听演奏吗?好呀,蛮啾们,准备好了吗? 指揮官は私の演奏を聞きたい?よぉし!饅頭たち、準備はいい? Do you wanna hear a song, Commander? You got it! Manjuus, you all ready to go?
Touch (Special) 呀!……指挥官,大号砸到你我可不管哦 うわっ!……指揮官、これにぶつかっても知らないわよ! Whuah! ... Don't expect me to feel bad if I smack you with this thing, Commander!
Return to Port 指挥官,出发前我吹的出征曲有没有派上用场呀? 指揮官、出撃前の応援曲、役に立ってた? Did my pre-sortie motivational song serve you well, Commander?
Commission Complete 指挥官,委托组回来了哦~嗯嗯,用大号提醒的效果真不错 プー!!指揮官、委託組が帰ってきたぞー!…うんうん、やっぱりチューバの効果は段違いだね♪ Tooooot! The commission team has come back, Commander! ... No surprise: this tuba's reminding potential is totally next-level♪
Flagship 这个大号……用来战斗也许不错? このチューバ……やっぱり戦闘用…? Maybe my tuba... is useful in battle after all...?
Victory 好嘞,让我为大家吹响胜利的号角……欸,大家等等我嘛! よぉし、みんなのためのビクトリーマーチを……ちょ、ちょっと待ってーー!! Okay, let's play a victory march to celebrate... H-hey! Wait for meeee!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,要是有一天我真的登上了舞台,你愿意来看吗?或者干脆指挥官来指挥我的演奏吧~ もし私がいつか本当にステージに上ったら、指揮官、見に来てくれないかな?っていうか、いっそう指揮官に私の演奏を指揮してほしいな~ If I ever perform on stage, will you be there to listen, Commander? Actually, it'd be even better if you could be my maestro~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 让世界都感到震撼的特型偶像,吹雪,正式出道! 世界を揺るがす特型アイドル、吹雪、只今デビュー! The whole world's going to feel the tremors from my debut! I'm Fubuki, the Special-type idol!
Acquisition 让世界都感到震撼的特型偶像,吹雪,正式出道! 世界を揺るがす特型アイドル、吹雪、只今デビュー! The whole world's going to feel the tremors from my debut! I'm Fubuki, the Special-type idol!
Login 开始今天的表演吧,3,2,1,Start! 今日のパフォーマンスを始めちゃうよ!3,2,1、スタート! Let's begin today's performance! 3, 2, 1, Start!
Details 我可是背负着整个特型驱逐的希望呢,不好好表现可不行呀! 特型駆逐艦全員分の希望を背負っているんだからね!ここは頑張ってアピールしないと! I bear the hopes and expectations of all the Special-type destroyers. I can't afford to be anything less than perfect!
Main 哇,特型的妹妹们也来看我的表演了呢!喂,绫波、雷、电!大姐我会加油的~ あ、特型駆逐艦のみんなも応援しに来てくれたね!おーい、綾波~!雷と電~!私頑張るよ~! Woah, look at all the sisters who came out to cheer me on! Hey, Ayanami, Inazuma, Ikazuchi! I'll do my best~!
Main 2 其他舰船在舞台上真的是非常耀眼呢!不过,吹雪我也是不会输的!比活力,我可是不会输给任何人的! みんなステージでとっても輝いている!ま、私はこの程度じゃ凹まないよ!そう!元気いっぱいの吹雪は誰にも負けないんだから! The other girls are putting on an absolutely dazzling show, but I can't let them out-do me!
Main 3 指挥官,我会全力加油的,所以,要一直注视着我哦! 指揮官、私はこれからもずっと頑張っていくから!見ていてね! Commander, I'll give it my all out there, so don't take your eyes off me!
Touch 啊,是水!不愧是指挥官,注意到我渴了呢,谢谢~ あ、お水?さっすが指揮官、ちょうどのどが渇いてたんだ!さんきゅー♪ Ooh, water! As expected, Commander, you knew that I'd be thirsty. Thank you~
Return to Port 啊,指挥官,工作辛苦啦!正好来看我的演出吧,特等席哦~ お、指揮官お疲れさま!ふふん、吹雪のライブまでに間に合ったね~特等席をどうぞ! Ah, Commander, good work out there! Did you come to watch my performance? I saved a special seat for you~
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,其实我是知道的,吹雪我没有其他舰船那么有特色,但是,有指挥官在的话,我就能够在舞台上一直一直,一直一直闪耀下去,所以,要一直看着我哦! 指揮官、私本当はわかってるよ?他の子と比べてそんなに個性的じゃないって。でも指揮官さえいれば、私はこのステージでずっと、ずっとずっと輝いていけるから!だから、ずっと見ていてくださいね! Commander, to be honest, I know I don't stand out as much compared to the other girls. But as long as you're by my side, I can stay on stage and shine brighter than anyone else. So, please keep your eyes on me!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 欢迎光临!欸,啊,原来是指挥官呀。嘿嘿,我最近在这里实习哦!——唔哦哇!??!呼…差,差点又闯祸了… いらっしゃいませ!あ、指揮官!実は今ここでバイトしてるんだけどまだ実習中だから――わわ!?ふぅ…あ、危なかった…… Welcome, welcome! Oh, Commander! I've actually started working here part-time, but I'm still learning— Wooah?! Phew... Th-that was a close one...
Acquisition 欢迎光临!欸,啊,原来是指挥官呀。嘿嘿,我最近在这里实习哦!——唔哦哇!??!呼…差,差点又闯祸了… いらっしゃいませ!あ、指揮官!実は今ここでバイトしてるんだけどまだ実習中だから――わわ!?ふぅ…あ、危なかった…… Welcome, welcome! Oh, Commander! I've actually started working here part-time, but I'm still learning— Wooah?! Phew... Th-that was a close one...
Login 指挥官…啊不对,这位客人,请问你要点些什么吗~? 指揮官…じゃなくて、お客さま!ご注文はなんでしょー! Commander... Err, I mean, welcome! What would you like to order~?
Details 要是也能让其它特型驱逐舰也看到我活跃的样子就好了呢~“认真努力的吹雪姐”——这样的感觉?嘿嘿……哇!对,对不起,我发了会呆! 吹雪の活躍、特型駆逐艦のみんなが見てくれてたら……「真面目な吹雪、GJです」とか?えへ、えへへへへ…あ、ごめんなさい今ちょっと別のことを考えていましたぁ! If my sisters saw me working hard... would they say something like "Fubuki's such a hard-working role model?" Ehe... ehehe... Ah, I'm so so sorry, I just spaced out for a bit!
Main 哈啊…什么时候我才能像贝尔法斯特小姐那样游刃有余呢… はあ…いつになったらベルファストさんのように楽にこなせるかな~ Sigh... When will I be able to handle this job as easily as Miss Belfast does?
Main 2 欸,要和吹雪聊天吗?请等我把这些东西送出去呜呜… 吹雪とおしゃべりしたいって?ええと、ちょっとこれ全部おわったら………あああ…… You want to chat with me? Sure, as soon as I get finished with all this stuff... Ughh...
Main 3 有人在呼换服务生?稍,稍等一下!我,我马上就过来!啊,原来是晓她们呀… 呼ばれた!す、すみません今お伺いしまぁす!って、暁ちゃんたちじゃない! Did someone call for me? Excuse me, I'll be right there! Oh hey, it's Akatsuki and the others!
Touch 指挥官,这个铃铛只是装饰品啦。 指揮官、この鈴、ただの飾りだよ? Commander, this bell is just for decoration...
Touch (Special) 呀!不,不要在这时候搞突然袭击啦!东西都要拿不住了呜呜呜… きゃぅ!?バランスとるのが難しいから急にやめてってばぁ! Eep?! It's hard to keep my balance, so stop with that already!
Return to Port 这个可乐是那桌的,这些披萨是一会外送的,然后这些是…呜呜,要是吹雪能变成两个就好了… この酸素コーラはあっちで、あとこのピザは出前で、それと……あああ、吹雪が二人いればいいのにぃ! This Oxy-cola goes to this table, and uhh, a few more minutes on this pizza, and umm... Ahhh! This would be so much easier with a clone of me here!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指,指挥官?呜……现在的情况一时之间很难跟你解释……能不能拜托你帮我一下? し、指揮官!?あわわわ……ひ、一言じゃとても説明できそうにないから……お願い、助けてー!(涙 C-Commander?! Aw, shoot... I, uh, can't explain this in just one sentence... Please, just help me!
Acquisition 指,指挥官?呜……现在的情况一时之间很难跟你解释……能不能拜托你帮我一下? し、指揮官!?あわわわ……ひ、一言じゃとても説明できそうにないから……お願い、助けてー!(涙 C-Commander?! Aw, shoot... I, uh, can't explain this in just one sentence... Please, just help me!
Login 哈,哈哈哈……指挥官,我这副样子好像很难和你打招呼呢。 あははは……このままだと吹雪、指揮官にちゃんと挨拶できなくなっちゃうよー? Ahahaha... I can't exactly greet you when I'm tangled up like this.
Main 其实是从同伴们那里听说指挥官要来一起过中秋节,所以我就自告奋勇来挂灯笼,啊哈哈……果然没那么容易呢。 指揮官と一緒に中秋節を楽しむって聞いたから、灯籠を飾るのに手を挙げたけど…あははは……やっぱり難しいよぉ! I heard you'd be attending the mid-autumn festival, so I thought I'd get better at hanging up lanterns... Ahahaha... It's sooo hard!
Main 2 其实我也有努力把这只挂到那边,再把另一只挂到这边,啊啊啊……然后不知道什么时候被缠住,接着就摔倒啦! これをあっちに飾って、それからあれをこっちに飾ろうとしたけど、うわああああ!ってな感じでぐるぐる縛られちゃってゴロゴローっと転がっちゃったよ! I was gonna hang this one there, and then that one over there, but then I got caught up in the wires and fell over!
Main 3 指,指挥官,你应该不会趁这个时候对我恶作剧吧,我,我很怕痒欸…… し、指揮官!もしかしなくても吹雪にいたずらするつもりでしょ?く、くすぐったいのは苦手だってば…… Commander! I know what you're thinking – you're gonna bully me now, aren't you? I've told you I'm super ticklish...
Touch 现在这种情况……真的只是意外…… これは……ただの偶然なんだからぁー! This is just, uh... an accident, that's all!
Touch (Special) 不,不是那里啦,指挥官! そ、そこじゃないよ指揮官! Not there, Commander!
Touch (Headpat) 呜呜……这是在安慰我吗? うへええ……ふ、吹雪を慰めてるつもりなのぉ…? Weeehhh... Is this your way of cheering me up?
Mission 有新任务?等,等等!先帮我解开,我也要去帮指挥官啦! 新しい任務?ま、待って!先に解いて!吹雪も手伝うから! New missions? Hey, wait! I'll help you, just untie me first!
Return to Port 欢迎回来,指挥官……可以先帮我一下,然后一起来挂灯笼吗? お帰りしきかーん!…まずは吹雪を助けてもらえない?そのあと一緒に灯籠を飾ろうよ Welcome back! First thing's first – help, please? We can hang up the lanterns after that.
Affinity (Love) 呜呜,本来是想作为大姐来露一手,让指挥官刮目相看的……结果怎么会变成这样嘛……欸?您说现在也是刮目相看了……不,不对吧,怎么感觉这是在笑话我…… むむ、ネームシップとして活躍して指揮官に見直してもらおうとしたのに、結局こんな事になっちゃって……ほぇ?「いいものを見せてもらったから結果オーライ」って?あ、あれ?なんだか私、からかわれたような…… Ugh, I'm supposed to set an example for my class and impress you, yet here I am, hopelessly tangled up... Huh? It's fine in the end because you got to see quite the sight? Uhh... It feels like you're poking fun at me here...