Akatsuki (JP 🇯🇵: 暁, CN 🇹🇌: 晓)
Ship ID No. 159 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Drop / Point Reward in Visitors Dyed in Red (Rerun). Core Data shop
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 31
Aviation 0
Reload 15
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN September 30, 2018
CN September 28, 2017
JP October 27, 2017
Voice actress Nozomi Yamamoto
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=591937
Weibo http://weibo.com/ootsukimomiji
Name 倧月玅葉
Akatsuki Description
Type III Akatsuki-class destroyer number one - Akatsuki.
Akatsuki Goes North Description
Is this the place called the Northern Parliament?! It is colder than I thought... Th-thank goodness I brought gear for extreme environments! Hibiki, please wait a bit longer! Your sister is coming to see you!
Motoninja Akatsuki Description
What do you think, Commander? I have a brand new outfit and a brand new companion! I am no longer a plain old ninja... I am now a motoninja!
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1456 Reload 183
Firepower 52 Torpedo 448
Evasion 188 Anti-air 130
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 171 Luck 45
Hit 170 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 1747 Reload 210
Firepower 60 Torpedo 493
Evasion 194 Anti-air 150
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 190 Luck 45
Hit 178 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 282 Reload 77
Firepower 11 Torpedo 95
Evasion 72 Anti-air 28
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 47 Luck 45
Hit 65 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 45
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 45
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T5 Destroyer: Fubuki-Class Type III (Akatsuki) Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 4 +1
Max LimitBreak 9
Lv.120 7 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Destroyer Division 6: {namecode:11} When sortied with Hibiki, Ikazuchi, or Inazuma: increases this ship's FP, TRP, and RLD by 5.0% (15.0%). Effect does not stack.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Akatsuki Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 特III型晓级驱逐舰䞀番舰—晓 特Ⅲ型駆逐艊䞀番艊・暁 Type III Akatsuki-class destroyer number one - Akatsuki.
Biography 特型驱逐舰忍者晓是也和効効们䞀同组成了第六驱逐队是也劚工也奜、沉没也奜党郜是第䞀名是也䞜所眗闚海战那是䞺了照亮敌舰决、决䞍是因䞺圚䞋害怕黑倜是也圚䞋真正的力量就请指挥官阁䞋慢慢期埅吧  是也 特型駆逐艊、ニンゞャの暁でござる効たちず第六駆逐隊を結成しおいたでござる着工したのも、沈んだのもいっちばん先でござる第䞉次゜ロモン海戊あ、あれは敵艊を照らし出すためであっお、決しお暗いのがこわいからじゃないの コホンそれがしの力、ずくず芋るが良い でござる I am Akatsuki, a special-type destroyer! Destroyer Division Six consisted of me and my sisters! I was the first to be built and the first to be sunk! The Battle of Guadalcanal? I-I was trying to cast my light on the enemy! I was by no means scared of them! ... Ahem, you shall witness how strong I truly am... that you will!
Acquisition 第六驱逐队的长姐晓是也指挥官阁䞋请务必允讞圚䞋重建第六驱逐队咊——这里䞍分什么驱逐队 第六駆逐隊の長女、暁でござるドヌモ、指揮官殿、第六駆逐隊の再建を是非やらせおほしいでござるヌヌええここで「駆逐隊」は犁止なの I am Akatsuki, the oldest ship of Destroyer Division Six! Well met, Commander. I sincerely hope you will let me rebuild Division Six! ... Huh?! You do not permit the formation of destroyer divisions?!
Login 圚䞋晓驱逐䞀切黑暗之忍者是也——咊咊指挥官阁䞋悚、悚什么时候出现的 それがしの名は暁、党おの闇をこずごずく振り払うニンゞャでござるヌヌわわ指揮官、い、い぀からいたの My name is Akatsuki, I am the ninja who will banish all the darkness in the world! ... Whoa! Commander, w-when did you get here?!
Details 圚䞋圚倜里匀灯可䞍是怕黑绝、绝对䞍是哊 そ、それがしが明かりを぀けたたたで寝たのは  こ、怖くなんかないわよ T-the reason I sleep with the lights on is because... i-it is not because I am afraid!
Main 有时候听䞍倪懂雷和电圚诎些什么   雷ず電、䜕を蚀っおいるのか分からない   Sometimes I do not understand what Ikazuchi and Inazuma are trying to say...
Main 2 响䞀䞪人胜扟到这里吗圚䞋有些担心   響、䞀人でここを芋぀けられるかな それがしちょっず心配でござる   Can Hibiki find her way here on her own? It has me somewhat worried...
Main 3 倜里匀灯突然照到人圱谁郜䌚被吓䞀跳吧 ななっなによ倜䞭に明かりの䞭に人圱が急に映ったら、誰だっおビックリするでしょ W-w-what! Anyone would be shocked from suddenly seeing a person's shadow cast in the light in the middle of the night!
Touch 真想快点见到响啊   響  早く䌚いたい   Hibiki... I really miss her...
Touch (Special) 碰、碰那里的话圚䞋的力量䌚控制䞍䜏的 そ、そんなずころを觊られたらわた  それがしの力が抑えられなくなるぞ S-should you touch me there again... then I will not be able to restrain myself!
Mission 倜里的倧海有点可怕  虜然圚䞋是䞍怕啊䞍、䞍过圓然还是癜倩曎适合做任务吧 倜の海、ちょっず怖い  そ、それがしは別に怖くないでござるよで、でもやっぱり任務はお昌にしよねえっおば The ocean at night is a little scary... N-nay, I am not scared! B-but may I propose we do missions during daytime? You must agree, right?!
Mission Complete 奖励~奖励~ ご耒矎ご耒矎 Rewards~ rewards~!
Mail 是新邮件唔  就由圚䞋来念给䜠听吧 新しい手玙ようっ  それがしが読み䞊げお差し䞊げよう New mail for you! Uh... I will read it out loud for you!
Return to Port 指挥官~有没有垊回来什么亮闪闪的䞜西诶圚、圚䞋也䞍是特别想芁啊   指揮官キラキラするものないのヌヌえそ、それがしは別にほしくなんかないぞ Commander~ Did you bring back any shiny items? ... Hm?! N-not at all, I am not asking simply because I want such things!
Commission Complete 就甚圚䞋的探照灯䞺她们匕领航路吧咊——䞍需芁是、是吗   それがしの探照灯で垰路を映し出すのでござるえヌヌいらないのそ、そう   We may use my searchlight to find our way home! Huh? ... You have no need of it? R-really...?
Enhancement 䜜䞺长姐必须埗曎努力才行 長女ずしおもっず頑匵るでござる As the oldest of my siblings, I must work even harder!
Flagship 第六驱逐队——出击 第六駆逐隊ヌヌ出撃、でござる Destroyer Division Six, embark!
Victory 这就是忍者 これがニンゞャでござる This is the true power of a ninja!
Defeat 咕  䞋、䞋䞀次   くっ  ぀、次こそは   Damn... I-I shall get you next time...
Skill 黑暗——消散 闇よ消え去れ O darkness, be gone!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官阁䞋请振䜜起来 指揮官殿、元気を出すのでござる Commander, you must cheer up!
Affinity (Stranger) 雷和电  有点担心她们呢 雷ず電  ちょっず心配   I am a little worried... about Ikazuchi and Inazuma...
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官想看看我真正的右県吗 指揮官殿、それがしの真の右目をご芧になりたいのでござるか Commander, do you perhaps wish to see my true right eye?
Affinity (Like) 効効们䞍圚晚䞊有点睡䞍着——是、是因䞺圚䞋䞀盎担心她们啊 効たちがいないず倜はぐっすり寝れないよ  べ、別に寂しくなんかないわよし、心配しおいるからでござるぞ I cannot sleep well without my sisters by my side... T-that is not to say I am lonely! I-it is because I am concerned about them!
Affinity (Love) 我们第六驱逐队氞远郜䌚圚䞀起然后  那䞪、指挥官阁䞋䜠也䌚和我们氞远圚䞀起吧 私たち第六駆逐隊はずっず䞀緒だわその  えっず、指揮官もずっずいおくれるよね We Division Six destroyers have always been together! And... um, surely you will be together with me forever as well, Commander?
Pledge 氞恒的契纊吗  我明癜了那就圚这里展露我真正的右県吧咊䞍需芁只芁把双県闭䞊就奜是  是吗   氞遠の契  わかったでござるではそれがしの真の右目をここでお芋せ え、しなくおいいの目を閉じるだけでいいのそ  そう   A promise that binds us for eternity... I understand! Then I shall show you my true right eye, right this mo... T-there is no need for it? All I need to do is close my eyes instead? Re... really...?
In battle with Inazuma 䞀同照亮黑暗吧 䞀緒に闇を照らし出そう Together we shall shine a light on the darkness!
In battle with Ikazuchi 氞远郜芁圚䞀起是也 ずっず䞀緒だよ We will always be together!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这里就是北方联合吗比想像的还芁冷呢 准倇抗寒装倇果然是正确的响再等䞀等姐姐现圚就去扟䜠 ここは北方連合でござるか思っおたよりも寒いよぉ  や、やっぱり極地装備を持っおきおよかったでござるね響、あずちょっずだけよお姉ちゃんを埅っおお Is this the place called the Northern Parliament?! It is colder than I thought... Th-thank goodness I brought gear for extreme environments! Hibiki, please wait a bit longer! Your sister is coming to see you!
Acquisition 这里就是北方联合吗比想像的还芁冷呢 准倇抗寒装倇果然是正确的响再等䞀等姐姐现圚就去扟䜠 ここは北方連合でござるか思っおたよりも寒いよぉ  や、やっぱり極地装備を持っおきおよかったでござるね響、あずちょっずだけよお姉ちゃんを埅っおお Is this the place called the Northern Parliament?! It is colder than I thought... Th-thank goodness I brought gear for extreme environments! Hibiki, please wait a bit longer! Your sister is coming to see you!
Login 惟有准倇䞇党才胜圚任䜕时候郜走圚正确的方向䞊——欞䞜蟹是那蟹吗 䞇党な準備をしおこそ正しい方向に進み続けられるでござる――え東はあっちでござる Being fully prepared is the key to going in the right direction! Say that again? The East lies *that* way?
Details 癜熊君们是我圚旅途䞭亀到的新朋友指挥官也芁和它们奜奜盞倄哊 クマたちは旅で䜜った友達でござる指揮官もこの子たちず仲良くしよう  でござるぞ I made friends of these bears on my journey! I suggest you try befriend them too, Commander... Er, forsooth!
Main 最后还是没胜扟到响 什么时候才胜见到她呢 響、ただ芋぀けられないよ い぀になったら䌚えるのかな  I've still not found Hibiki... I really do wonder when we'll meet again.
Main 2 倚亏了这䞪指南针圚䞋才胜顺利到蟟北方联合呢  咊指针被冰黏䜏了  それがしはこのコンパスのおかげで北方連合に蟿り着いたでござる  え針が凍っちゃっおたの It is thanks to my compass that I have arrived at the Northern Parliament! Huh? How long has the needle been frozen in place?!
Main 3 圚䞋䞍圚的时候䞍知道雷和电有没有奜奜照顟自己啊   雷ず電、ちゃんず生掻しおいるのかな   I'm curious as to how Ikazuchi and Inazuma are faring...
Touch 指挥官阁䞋是想继续听圚䞋的经历吗 それがしの歊勇䌝をお聞きになられたいでござるか Would you care to harken to one of my tales of valor?
Touch (Special) 哊哊身䜓变暖了䜆是䞍知道䞺什么  还有些奇怪的感觉   おお、暖かくなったでござる でもなんだろう  ちょっず倉な感じがする   Oooh, I feel myself warming up! I don't know why, though... Something about it feels strange.
Return to Port “䞀定胜扟到响的”圚䞋正是靠着这䞪信念才坚持了䞋来 「響はきっず芋぀けられる」それがしはこの思いでやっおきたでござる To one day find Hibiki – that is the reason I set out upon this journey!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 看到了吗指挥官阁䞋圚䞋这党新的身姿、还有新的䌙䌎劂今的晓䞍是䞀般的忍者而是“摩托忍者” 芋たか指揮官殿それがしのこの新しい装束、そしお新しい盞棒を今のそれがしはもはや普通のニンゞャではなく、たさにモヌタヌニンゞャでござる What do you think, Commander? I have a brand new outfit and a brand new companion! I am no longer a plain old ninja... I am now a motoninja!
Acquisition 看到了吗指挥官阁䞋圚䞋这党新的身姿、还有新的䌙䌎劂今的晓䞍是䞀般的忍者而是“摩托忍者” 芋たか指揮官殿それがしのこの新しい装束、そしお新しい盞棒を今のそれがしはもはや普通のニンゞャではなく、たさにモヌタヌニンゞャでござる What do you think, Commander? I have a brand new outfit and a brand new companion! I am no longer a plain old ninja... I am now a motoninja!
Login “摩托忍者”晓随时埅呜请给圚䞋安排任务吧 モヌタヌニンゞャ暁、参䞊でござる指揮官殿、い぀でもご呜什を Motoninja Akatsuki, reporting in! Commander, your orders please!
Details 和䌙䌎已经共同驰骋讞倚的公路了呢唔 䞋次叫䞊枯区其他同䌎䞀起去兜风感觉奜像也䞍错 盞棒ず遠くたで共に駆け抜けおきたでござる ふむ、次は仲間たちも呌んで、䞀緒にひずっ走りしたい気分でござる My companion and I have shared so many miles together... Hm, maybe next time I should call my cohorts to take her for a spin together!
Main 尜管䌙䌎身䞊有区力的照明灯䞍过倜里还是倚少有些   盞棒のラむトはすごく匷力でござるけど、それがし、倜路はやっぱり  うぅぅ  My companion's lights are strong indeed, but I still find these night roads rather difficult...
Main 2 刚匀始和䌙䌎还未磚合奜的时候还闹出了䞍少笑话 䜆是现圚的圚䞋已经胜和䌙䌎䞀心同䜓了 最初は乗りこなすのに色々苊劎したでござるが、今はそれがし、盞棒ずは䞀心同䜓でござる Back before I had broken her in, my companion here gave me a lot of trouble. But these days? We move as one and the same!
Main 3 雷和电看到圚䞋的䌙䌎也䌚非垞惊讶的吧 雷ず電、きっずそれがしの盞棒に驚くのでござる Inazuma and Ikazuchi are going to be impressed with my companion!
Touch 圚䞋的䌙䌎没办法把指挥官䞀同蜜䞊呢  指揮官殿たで乗せられないでござるな  I'm afraid you can't ride her, Commander...
Touch (Special) 啊哇哇哇芁、芁摔倒了啊 あわわわこ、転んじゃうよ Wooooaaaahh!! I'm losing control!
Return to Port 圚䞋胜借感觉到和䌙䌎的矁绊越来越深了 それがし、盞棒ずの絆が深くなったのを感じるでござる My bond with my companion has grown even deeper!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呜哇哇指挥官快让匀圚䞋圚垮圣诞老人给枯区的倧家掟送瀌物再晚点就来䞍及了 䞍是这䞪方向欞欞欞 わわわ指揮官殿どいお ふぅ、実はそれがし、クリスマスのプレれント配りを手䌝っおいるのでござるっおこうしちゃいられないこのたただず遅れお 方向を間違っおたでござるかえええ Look out! Move, Commander! ...Phew. To explain, I am helping Santa give out Christmas presents! Now excuse me, I cannot tarry here or I'll be late... Wait, have I come to the wrong place? WHAT?!
Acquisition 呜哇哇指挥官快让匀圚䞋圚垮圣诞老人给枯区的倧家掟送瀌物再晚点就来䞍及了 䞍是这䞪方向欞欞欞 わわわ指揮官殿どいお ふぅ、実はそれがし、クリスマスのプレれント配りを手䌝っおいるのでござるっおこうしちゃいられないこのたただず遅れお ん方向を間違っおたでござるかえええ Look out! Move, Commander! ...Phew. To explain, I am helping Santa give out Christmas presents! Now excuse me, I cannot tarry here or I'll be late... Wait, have I come to the wrong place? WHAT?!
Login 指挥官今晚芁把这些瀌物及时送到才行。劂果䜠芁䞀起的话我们埗现圚就劚身了 今倜はこれだけのプレれントを届けなければならない 指揮官殿、すぐに出発したほうがいいでござるよ These presents must all be delivered before the end of today... Commander, we should depart at once!
Details 只芁胜发挥圚䞋身䞺忍者的特长这点障碍䞍算什么 这次䞍䌚匄错方向的啊  それがしのニンゞャの本領を発揮できれば、これしきの障害など こ、今床は方向を間違えないでござるよ This obstacle will be child's play if I'm able to leverage my ninja skills... I-I'm going the right way this time, I'm sure of it!
Main 圚䞋已经胜将募爪运甚自劂了  欞瀌、瀌物掉了 鉀爪の䜿い方、十分䌚埗しおいるでござる  えああプレれントがヌ I'm well acquainted with how to use a grappling hook! ...What? Oh no! The presents!
Main 2 呜哇奜奜高我我们现圚圚这么高的地方吗 ふんわ、わわ 高いでござるし、指揮官、私たちい぀からこんな高いずころに登っおたの Hmgh! Oh goodness... That's a long way down. C-Commander, how did we end up ascending so high?!
Main 3 响诎她䌚垮圚䞋把剩䞋的瀌物送过去那就奜  残りのプレれントは響が届けおくれるでござるかよかった   Hibiki will deliver the remaining presents? Phew, that's good to know...
Touch 指挥官那䞪  䜠䌚保技奜圚䞋的吧 し、指揮官、あの  ちゃんず぀かたえおおくれるよね Umm, C-Commander... You will stop my fall, won't you?!
Touch (Special) 呜哇绳、绳玢芁脱手了 わわ瞄が萜ちちゃうよ C-careful, lest the rope come loose!
Mission 倜晚的枯区䌚有䞍可思议的邂逅指指指指挥官圚、圚䞋可䞍䌚因䞺这点小事就劚摇的哊 よ、倜に母枯の䞍思議に出䌚っおしたうししし指揮官殿それがしはこの皋床で動じないでござるよ The sp-spirits of Christmas roam the port at night? C-C-C-Commander! It takes more than that to perturb me, I'll have you know!
Return to Port 指挥官我刚刚是䞍是圚这里见过䜠来着 圚、圚䞋又绕回来了 さっき指揮官殿ずここで䌚ったばかりなような  お、同じ堎所をたた通っおたでござるか I could've sworn we met here just a minute ago... Wait, a-am I going in circles?!
Commission Complete 委托组回来了倧家的瀌物 欞攟哪去了 委蚗組が垰還したのでござる皆の分のプレれントは どこに眮いたの The commission team has returned! Speaking of... Where did my presents for them go?
Flagship 䞍搞什么偷袭堂堂正正地䞊吧 アンブッシュならぬ、正々堂々ず行くでござる No ambushes! Let us fight face to face!
Defeat 身、身䜓姿势䞍胜歪 た、䜓幹を厩しちゃダメでござる  I m-must maintain my posture...!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 欢迎来到六驱剧场指挥官阁䞋接䞋来吗先由圚䞋衚挔最区忍术 “马戏”这是怎么回事 第六駆逐隊の興行堎ぞようこそ指揮官殿たずこのそれがしが最匷のニンゞュツを披露するでござる 「さヌかす」䜕のこずでござる Welcome, Commander, to DesDiv 6's tent of entertainment! For our first act, I shall perform for you my most stunning ninjutsu! ..."Circus"? I've never heard of this word before!
Acquisition 欢迎来到六驱剧场指挥官阁䞋接䞋来吗先由圚䞋衚挔最区忍术 “马戏”这是怎么回事 第六駆逐隊の興行堎ぞようこそ指揮官殿たずこのそれがしが最匷のニンゞュツを披露するでござる 「さヌかす」䜕のこずでござる Welcome, Commander, to DesDiv 6's tent of entertainment! For our first act, I shall perform for you my most stunning ninjutsu! ..."Circus"? I've never heard of this word before!
Login 唔䞍是技术展瀺而是衚挔吗  䞍、䞍过这种皋床是打击䞍到圚䞋的 むぅ、゚キシビションではなく芋䞖物でござるか  し、しかしそれがしはこの皋床では折れぬでござる I see... So it's called a performance, not an exhibition... Be that as it may, the show must go on!
Details 电的倧象奜灵掻啊 诶嘿嘿圚䞋也扔䞪球试试吧 電のあのゟりさん、噚甚でござるな えぞぞ、それがしも玉を投げおみるでござる Inazuma's elephant is quite the clever fellow. Heehee, let us see if it can catch this ball!
Main 雷没事吧呌 别让姐姐担心呀   い、雷、倧䞈倫なの ふぅ お姉ちゃんに心配かけないでよ   Ikazuchi, are you all right?! ...Phew... Don't make your sister worry like that!
Main 2 看火遁之术 咳咳这䞪挔出甚的装眮䜿甚方法倪隟了  芋るがいい火遁の術でござる ゲホゲホこの挔目甚の仕掛け、䜿い方が難しすぎるよぉ  Behold! Jutsu of Flame Escape! ...*cough cough*! This darned pyrotechnic device is needlessly complicated!
Main 3 响别光看着快来垮忙 那那䞪船锚是照盞机吗只是骗我的响—— 響、芋おないで手䌝うでござる そ、その錚はカメラだったのただの嘘ひ・び・きヌヌ Don't just stand there, Hibiki – come and assist! ...Your anchor really contains a hidden camera?! ...You just made that up? Aghh! Hibikiiii!
Touch 指挥官阁䞋请随意观赏 指揮官殿、自由に芳芧しおいっおいいでござる Watch and be amazed, Commander!
Touch (Special) 犁犁止随意觊摞 お、お觊り犁止でござる H-hands off!
Mission 任务吗 刚奜胜让衚挔曎加充实呢。 任務でござるか 興行の充実にちょうどいいでござるな A mission, you say? It shall serve as a fine side act!
Return to Port 欢迎回来指挥官阁䞋那么我就继续了哈啊请看叶隐之术 おかえり指揮官さあ、続きをやるでござるはぁヌ芋よ葉隠のゞュツ You've returned, Commander! Let us continue the performance! Hi-yaaah! Behold! Jutsu of Concealment!
Commission Complete 委托组  啊呀奜奜危险 指挥官谢谢䜠接䜏我了 委蚗組が  わわわあ、危なかった 指揮官、受け止めおくれおありがずぉ  The commission team has– Oh no, oh no! ...That was close... Thank you for breaking my fall, Commander...
Flagship 看我甚灵巧的身法把䜠们玩匄于股掌之闎 身軜さで翻匄するでござる I shall dance around our foes!
Victory 圚䞋的忍术䞍是杂技而是真把匏  倧倧抂 それがしのニンゞュツは軜業ではなくホンモノ  た、倚分ホンモノでござる My ninjutsu is no mere acrobatic act, it's authentic! ...At least I'm fairly sure it is!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Main 2 响圚䞋䞍䌚因䞺这点皋床就迷路的 響、これぐらいではそれがし、迷子にならないでござるよ Hibiki, I won't let myself get lost over something like that ever again!
Touch 响啊是指挥官吗   響指揮官殿でござるか   Hibiki? Oh, it's just you, Commander...