Ikazuchi (JP 🇯🇵: 雷, CN 🇹🇼: 雷)
Ship IDNo. 161Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavySakura EmpireBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionExplore Stage8-2
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressKazusa Aranami
Type III Akatsuki-class destroyer number three - Akatsuki.
Sakura TeaDescription
Ikazuchi, Ikazuchi has been transformed into tea! What should we do! Inazuma and Ikazuchi will get slurped up by the Commander!
Thunderous FestivalDescription
Inazuma and I have been to a lot of festivals together, but this would be the first time that I've gone with you, Commander. Isn't this totally like a date?
Dawn's ThunderDescription
I'm the fairy of thunder that shatters the night to herald the dawn! I see, I see! That is a good backstory! Commander, want to head to the party together?
HP282 Reload77
Firepower11 Torpedo95
Evasion72 Anti-air28
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW41 Luck52
HP1310 Reload149
Firepower30 Torpedo243
Evasion243 Anti-air105
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW103 Luck55
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1127mm Mounted Gun
2Triple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T5 Destroyer: Fubuki-Class Type III (Akatsuki)Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock4 +1
Max LimitBreak9
Lv.1207 +1
Destroyer Division 6: {namecode:13}When sortied with Akatsuki, Hibiki, or Inazuma: increases this ship's FP, TRP, and RLD by 5.0% (15.0%) . Effect does not stack.Default unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Akatsuki Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description特III型晓级驱逐舰三番舰—雷特Ⅲ型駆逐艦三番艦・雷Type III Akatsuki-class destroyer number three - Akatsuki.
Biography晓级驱逐舰雷……是也。虽然看起来不太像,但我可是重樱舰队中的老资格哦,大和什么的也要叫我……嘛,应该叫吧?那个!总之就是这样啦,以后也请多多支持雷的活跃,LIKE的那个按钮,也要多点几次哟!暁型駆逐艦の雷だよ。こう見えても重桜の艦隊では大先輩なんだからね。あの大和も私を……えっと、なんて呼ぶんだっけ?まあとにかくこんな感じで!これからも雷の活躍に期待してね!あとこの「イイネ」ってボタン?もドンドン押してみてね!I'm Ikazuchi, an Akatsuki-class destroyer. I may not look like it, but I'm a Sakura Empire veteran. Even Yamato calls me... um, what was I called again? Anyways, it was something like that! You can count on me to do my job! Also, see that LIKE button? Give it a good tap and make sure to subscribe to my channel!
Acquisition我是雷……一只不太会说话的舰船……指挥官以后应该也会与我不断地相逢吧私は雷。ちょっとだけ「くうきをよめない」かもね。……指揮官は多分これから、二人目以降の私にも出会っちゃうかな?I am Ikazuchi…I’m simply not very talkative...I think you’ll be seeing a lot more of me in the future, Commander.
Login原来如此,这就是所谓的上线吗?人类的词语还真深奥なるほどね!これが「ろぐいん」ね?人間の言葉は奥深いなぁI see! You just "logged in" didn't you? Human language sure is profound...
Details跪下拜雷大人的话,大抵什么愿望都能实现哦……没有效果?那个……嗯,一定是你的心不够虔诚!この雷様に「さんぱいきゅうはい」すれば、大体の願い事は叶えるわ!……効果なし?えっと……まだ十分願っていないからよ!If you bow deep and beg for it, I'll make your wishes basically come true! ... It didn't work? Um, well... that's because you haven't wished hard enough yet!
Main疾如岛风?难道岛风比我们雷电还要快吗?島風と同じぐらい早いって?島風って雷と電より早いってこと?Almost as fast as Shimakaze? So, the wind is faster than thunder and lighting?
Main 2原来如此,电酱拿下了太平洋战争的first blood なるほどね!電ちゃんがあの大戦の「ふぁーすとあたっく」を貰ったのね!I see! So Inazuma-chan landed the "First Strike" in the World War!
Main 3原来如此,我如果一直待在维修厂,也会成为不死鸟吧!唔……不死雷?なるほどね!雷も造船所にずっといれば、「ふしちょう」になるよね!うんうん……「ふぇにっくすさんだー」…?I see! So if I stay in the shipyard all the time I'll become a "Phoenix"! Yep, I'd be a... "Thunder Phoenix"...?
Touch原来如此,这是日常问候的礼仪啊なるほどね!これが普段の「あいさつ」だよね!I see! This is one of those ordinary "greeting" things, right?
Touch (Special)你刚才做了什么,雷可是全都知道的哟え、えっと……あれかな?指揮官がやったことの意味、雷はぜ、全部わかるから!な、なるほどね…Uh, umm... is this what I think it is? I know full well the meaning of w-what you did! I-I see...
Mission没有完成的任务?……听起来和没有完成的工作一样普遍呢任務が完了していない?……お仕事が完了していないのと同じぐらい大変かなYou haven't finished the mission? ... That sounds about as bad as not finishing your job.
Mission Complete什么嘛!秘书舰居然不能代领物资,上层在想些什么啊!なによ!「ひしょかん」なのに指揮官の代わりに資源を貰えないなんて!上の人は何考えてるの?Come on! I'm the commander's secretary, but I can't claim rewards on his behalf?! What are the people in charge thinking!
Mail原来如此,这……就是那个吧!拿着就可以进游乐园的那种东西!なるほどね!これって……あれね!持っていれば「れじゃーらんど」に入れるってやつね!I see! This is that... thingy! The thing you need to bring with you to be let into that one chocolate factory!
Return to Port这种时候就应该用美食和美酒犒劳心灵!诶,哪里来的?后宅里不是有很多吗こういう時こそ「びしゅかこう」!疲れた心にご褒美をあげなきゃね!あれ?どこから?寮舎にたくさんあるじゃない!Times like these call for fine wine and good food! Hard work shouldn't go unnoticed and all that! Hm? Where do we get it from? From the dorm! There's plenty of it there!
Commission Complete如果一直放着委托不管,会不会有利息呢完了した委託を放っておいたら、「りそく」とかつかないかな?If you let a completed commission just sit there, does it gain any "interest"?
Enhancement雷更想强化人气、爱和希望什么的啦!「ひょうかすう」とか、「イイネ」とか、「ホシイ」とかのほうを強化したい!I'd rather have my "ratings","likes",and "gimme" stats enhanced instead!
Flagship原来如此,总之摁下左上方的那个就KO了吧!なるほどね!とりあえず左上の「おーと」を押せばいいってことね!I see! So all we need to do is press that auto button in the top left and we'll be fine!
Victory原来如此,对雷大人来说是名副其实吧!诶,还是理所不容?なるほどね!これこそこの雷様に「みぶんそうおう」ってやつ!えっと、それとも「けっきふけい」なの…?I see! Now this is what you should expect of someone as "prestigious" as me! Er, or was it "pretentious"...?
Defeat原来如此,这种时候就应该找代打了吧!代打!要不然就让雷大人来操纵试试吧!なるほど…!こんな時こそ「ぷれいだいこう」に頼むべきね!「だいこう」!いっそのこと雷に任せてよ!I see...! Times like these you should P2GSOE2PTG4U! Pay to get someone else to play the game for you! Or you can just let me handle it instead!
Skill原来如此,我就是第六驱逐队的雷大人!?なるほど!これが姉妹の力ね!I see! This is the power that two sisters have!
Affinity (Upset)原来如此,从这里溜出去顺着洋流就能回到东京老家吗……なるほどね!このまま海に流されていればお家に帰れるってことね…… I see! This means that if I just let myself get washed away by the ocean then I can come back home...
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官,有不懂的事可以来问雷,再怎么说,雷作为舰船,烧过的油比你吃过的饭都多嘛指揮官、わからないことがあったら雷に聞いてね。何と言っても、この雷が使った燃料は指揮官の食べたお米よりずっと多いからね Commander, if there's ever anything you don't understand, just ask me. After all, I've used up more oil than you ever will in your life.
Affinity (Friendly)明天是雷酱的生日,指挥官有准备礼物吗?诶?没听说过?总之……那个项链好像很不错啊,当做礼物的话舰船一定会很高兴的!明日は雷の誕生日だよ。「ぷれぜんと」はもう用意した?え?そんなの聞いてない?えっと……あそこにペンダントあるよね!それを買って気になる子に渡せばきっと喜ぶよ!It's my birthday tomorrow. Have you gotten a gift for me yet? You didn't know it was my birthday? Ah, well... see that pendant over there? Buy it and give it to someone you like, I'm sure they'll be delighted!
Affinity (Like)指挥官!雷好像发现了一个发大财的机会!喏,这里写着“首付1W物资,发展两个下线的话,每月返还30%”什么的……下线是什么意思呀?指揮官!雷、なんかすごい儲け話を見つけたよ!えっとこれ、「資金1万を元手にダウンラインを二人増やすと、毎月30%儲かる」とかとか……「だうんらいん」ってなにかな…Commander! I found a sweet way to make a ton of money! Um, it says "if you invest 10,000 coins then I can recruit 2 more people for my startup, and you'll see a monthly 30% profit",stuff like that... But what's a "startup"...?
Affinity (Love)原来如此,现在我胸口中翻涌的,就是被称作爱的那种情感吗!嗯嗯,我明白的,这也就代表……!诶,脑袋好晕……世界在摇晃,这也是爱吗?なるほどね!今ドキドキしているのは「恋」ってことね!うん、わかるの。これって……!あ、あれ?あたまがちょっとふらふら……なんか世界が回ってるような…これも「恋」なの?I see! This thing making my heart race is called "love"! Alright, I understand. That means...! W-wha...? I feel so lightheaded... It feels like the world's spinning around me... Is this "love" too?
Pledge要在这里签字吗……诶,有点看不懂呐,电酱能帮我看一看吗?“签下字后,指挥官就是我一辈子的仆人了”?好的,我明白了!ここに名前を書くってことね……えっと、ちょっとわからない…電ちゃん、これってどういうこと?「サインしたら、指揮官はずっと雷のモノになる」?うん、わかった!Just gotta write my name here, right? ... Um, I don't think I get it... Inazuma-chan, care to explain this? ... "After you sign it, you'll belong to the commander forever"? Okay, got it!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Inazuma第六驱逐队……出击!第六駆逐隊……発進!Destroyer Division Six... depart!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description雷、雷变成了茶!?怎么办呀!电,雷要被指挥官吃掉了!い、雷がお菓子になっちゃった!?どうしよう!雷、指揮官に食べられちゃうよ!Ikazuchi, Ikazuchi has been transformed into tea! What should we do! Inazuma and Ikazuchi will get slurped up by the Commander!
Acquisition雷、雷变成了茶!?怎么办呀!电,雷要被指挥官吃掉了!い、雷がお菓子になっちゃった!?どうしよう!雷、指揮官に食べられちゃうよ!Ikazuchi, Ikazuchi has been transformed into tea! What should we do! Inazuma and Ikazuchi will get slurped up by the Commander!
Details如果一定要吃,希望指挥官能一口……不、不对!果、果然还是放雷一马比较好!雷を食べるなら、できたらひと口で……ち、違う!や、やっぱり雷を食べないで!If it's inevitable, then hopefully the Commander will only take a small bite…. no, wrong! It’s, it’s probably better if Ikazuchi can be spared just this one time!
Main雷、雷还有好多动画没有看,指挥官,请至少让雷看完这一季!拜托了! 夕張さんから借りてた「あにめ」、まだ見終わってないよ!?お願い指揮官、せめてこの「しーずん」が終わるまでは…!Ikazuchi, Ikazuchi still have a lot of anime to catch up on, Commander. At least let Ikazuchi finish the season she’s watching! Pretty please!
Main 2好、好香……雷都有点忍不住要吃掉自己了 いい匂い……雷も自分をたべたくなっちゃった… It smells so, so good… Ikazuchi just can’t take it anymore and wants to have a bite.
Main 3原来如此!在其他的世界中,雷会变成什么……呢?なるほどね!ほかの世界の雷はどうかな…… That being the case! What would Ikazuchi be like in another world… then?
Touch指、指挥官,雷要从盘子上掉下去啦,呜哇哇—し、指揮官!雷、落ちちゃうよ!あわわ!C-Commander, Ikazuchi is falling off from the plate, whoaaa—
Touch (Special)呼……原来如此!指挥官原来知道雷是雷啊……ふぅ……なるほどね!指揮官は雷だってわかるのよね!Ha… So it turns out that the Commander already knew Ikazuchi is Ikazuchi...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description雷虽然和电参加过不少次祭典,不过和指挥官一起参加还是第一次呢。简直像是“约会”一样呢!雷、いつもは電と一緒にお祭りに参加してるけど、指揮官と一緒のお祭りは初めてだね。なんだか「でーと」みたい!Inazuma and I have been to a lot of festivals together, but this would be the first time that I've gone with you, Commander. Isn't this totally like a date?
Main 2指挥官,吃章鱼烧吗?来,请吧!雷给电她们也拿点过去!
Main 3想要看看更“Galgame”的“Accident”吗?原来如此!
Touch (Special)虽然我摆出了害羞的姿势,不过我其实在生气哦?
Return to Port虽然指挥官多半是按了左上角在战斗,不过也是辛苦了呢
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description雷是活跃在晨曦的精灵哦!嗯,原来如此,这就是所谓的“设定”呢。指挥官,来和雷一起参加宴会吧!払暁(ふつぎょう)に舞う、妖精の雷!なるほどね!そういう「せってい」ね!指揮官、雷と一緒にパーティーに行こ?I'm the fairy of thunder that shatters the night to herald the dawn! I see, I see! That is a good backstory! Commander, want to head to the party together?
Acquisition雷是活跃在晨曦的精灵哦!嗯,原来如此,这就是所谓的“设定”呢。指挥官,来和雷一起参加宴会吧!払暁(ふつぎょう)に舞う、妖精の雷!なるほどね!そういう「せってい」ね!指揮官、雷と一緒にパーティーに行こ?I'm the fairy of thunder that shatters the night to herald the dawn! I see, I see! That is a good backstory! Commander, want to head to the party together?
Login指挥官终于“上线”了呢!是来参加宴会的嘛?指揮官が「ろぐいん」したね!パーティーに参加しない?Commander, finally decided to "log in," huh? Wanna join the party?
Details指挥官,请把电的礼服也买下来吧。这样雷和电合在一起就有一对完整的翅膀了哦!背中のこれは電のと合わせると、一対の羽になるんだよ!指揮官!Commander! If you get the Inazuma DLC, you'll have a full set of wings!
Main雷带了很多可口的草莓哦!指挥官,要吃一个吗?雷、美味しいイチゴをいっぱい用意した!指揮官、一つ食べてみない?I've brought a bunch of mouth-watering strawberries! Commander, wanna try one?
Main 2响姐姐好像找到迷路的晓姐姐了呢,原来如此,这就是所谓的“狭路相逢”吧!響、迷子になった暁ちゃんを見つけたようね…なるほどね!これは「てんてきがあいまみえる」ってことね!We thought Akatsuki had gotten lost again, but Hibiki seems to have bumped into her. I see, I see, so that's what we call a "random encounter!"
Main 3这个叭叭叭的孩子,其实有点吵…啊,不过指挥官好像并听不到呢。このトランペット饅頭、もしかしてちょっとうるさい?……指揮官、大丈夫?Don't you think this tooty manjuu is a bit annoying? ...You don't even see it, Commander?
Touch只有半边翅膀的雷,是无法飞翔的……虽然有一对翅膀也飞不了就是了呢!羽を片方しか持たない雷は飛べないよね…まあ、両方持ってても飛べないけど!How am I supposed to fly with only one wing? ...Well, even if I had two, it probably still wouldn't work out!
Return to Port“出击”刚回来要赶赴宴会,真不愧是指挥官呢!出撃から戻ってきた途端にパーティーなんて、さすが指揮官ね!Going straight from grinding EXP to grinding at the party, huh? I'd expect nothing less of you, Commander!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官!今天的雷是……原来如此,是女仆的设定呢。所以,这莫非就是指挥官的新喜好?指揮官、今日の雷は――なるほどね!これが「めいどぞくせい」ってやつね!指揮官の新しい趣味なの?Commander, I've worn what you asked me to– Oh, I see, I see. So this is what they call a "maid kink," right? Is that what you're into now, Commander?
Main 2将精心养护的花朵侍奉给我心爱的主人……这可是女仆雷修行出的“奥义”……话说奥义到底是什么东西呢?
Main 3主人要先洗澡?先吃饭?还是说……嗯?下半句?……原来如此,指挥官那么期待后面的事啊!那么就让我……咦?怎么跑了?
Touch (Special)啊呀!主人!这是不可以的~……原来如此,指挥官喜欢这种时代剧的桥段呢。
Mission Complete这些物资就算放着也不会生出利息,还是快点领走吧。
Return to Port主人,您受伤了吗?雷能帮你做点什么吗?……话虽如此,但是指挥官并不会在线上受伤呢。
Affinity (Love)作为女仆,雷必将全身心都奉献给主人。主人就是雷存在的意义,主人就是雷的唯一……怎么样?指挥官感动了吗?欸?太过火了?