Hermione (JP 🇯🇵: ハヌマむオニヌ, CN 🇹🇌: 赫敏)
Ship IDNo. 463Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time00:55:00
AcquisitionEvent : Noctis Borealis
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressHiroko Taguchi
Dido-class light cruiser – Hermione (HMS Hermione.)
Pure White AngelDescription
My, what brings you here, Commander? Are you feeling unwell? That's no good... Why don't you come sit over here first? I'll start by taking your temperature...
Pure White HolidayDescription
Commander, I've brought the chair. If you don't want to get in the water, feel free to sit here. ...Hm, me? Of course, I will remain by your side.
HP647 Reload71
Firepower29 Torpedo32
Evasion28 Anti-air73
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW46 Luck58
HP2741 Reload136
Firepower81 Torpedo89
Evasion110 Anti-air267
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW114 Luck61
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun120%/125%/125%/140%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun130%/130%/130%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 134mm AA Gun
2Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Light Cruiser: Dido-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock10 +1
Max LimitBreak21
Lv.12016 +2
Bombarda GeminioEvery 15s after the start of the battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage; if there are no enemies within 30 units of this ship when this barrage procs: fires a separate Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage.Default Unlocked
Supporting RoleAt the start of the battle, if this ship is NOT in the frontmost position of the Vanguard: increases this ship's FP, TRP, AA, and RLD by 10.0% (20.0%) . Furthermore, if there are other Royal Navy ships in the same fleet: also increases this ship's DMG dealt by 3.5% (8.0%) .Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Hermione once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description黛朵级蜻巡掋舰—赫敏ダむドヌ玚軜巡掋艊・ハヌマむオニヌHMS HermioneDido-class light cruiser – Hermione (HMS Hermione.)
Biography我是皇家黛朵级的赫敏哊~舰历的话 参加过对俟斯麊的远击还对付过撒䞁的朜艇 陀歀之倖奜像也没有什么倪倌埗䞀提的了呢还想知道什么吗指挥官ロむダルネむビヌ所属、ダむドヌ玚のハヌマむオニヌです。カンレキは ビスマルク様の远撃戊や、サディアの朜氎艊ずの亀戊 これずいったものはありたせんね。指揮官様、䜕かご質問はありたすかI'm Hermione, a Dido-class ship belonging to the Royal Navy. In the past... I chased after Bismarck and participated in anti-submarine warfare in Sardegna... Besides that, there's nothing worth mentioning. Commander, do you have any questions?
Acquisition䜠奜呀我是黛朵级的赫敏是皇家女仆队的䞀员垌望我们胜借奜奜盞倄呢指挥官。こんにちは、メむド隊のハヌマむオニヌず申したす。これからよろしくお願いしたすね、指揮官様Good day. I am Hermione, from the Royal Maids. I'm delighted to make your acquaintance, Commander.
Login早䞊奜呀指挥官。有奜奜䌑息过了吗指揮官様、おはようございたす。よくお䌑みになれたしたかGood morning, Commander. Did you sleep well?
Details女仆长 莝尔法斯特小姐胜力埈区又有着坚定的意志 我埈憧憬呢芁是有䞀倩胜成䞺那样的存圚就奜了 メむド長さん ベルファストさんは䜕でもこなせお、心も匷くお ハヌマむオニヌ、ベルファストさんにすごく憧れおいるんです。い぀かあんな颚になれたらいいなあ I really admire the head of the Royal Maid, Miss Belfast... She can do anything and has a strong will to boot... I hope I can become like her one day.
Main甚県过床可䞍是什么奜事哊来先掗把脞粟神䞀䞋吧。匵り詰めすぎるのはよくありたせんよ顔でも掗っおリフレッシュしたせんかIt's not good to strain yourself by overworking. How about splashing some water on your face to refresh yourself?
Main 2嗯 最近这些食材的价栌奜像䞊涚了䞀些呢 指挥官接䞋来包含这些食材的菜䌚减少䞀些哊この食材、倀䞊がりしたしたね 指揮官様、今埌の献立ではこの玠材を䜿うものを控えめにしたすねIt seems like the price for this ingredient has gone up... Commander, from now on, we'll have fewer dishes that use this.
Main 3看着指挥官顺利解决䞀䞪䞪工䜜的样子䞍知䞺䜕连我郜变埗匀心起来了呢 真是䞍可思议。指揮官がお仕事をこなしおいる姿を芋おいるず、ハヌマむオニヌもいい気分になりたす なんででしょう Commander, watching you easily handle your work makes me feel happy... I wonder why?
Touch碳酞饮料唔真是没办法呢今倩只胜喝䞀瓶哊炭酞のお飲み物ですか しょうがありたせんね、今日は䞀本たでですよA fizzy drink? ...What am I going to do with you? I suppose you can have just one bottle, all right?
Touch (Special)做这种事还是芁泚意䞀䞋场合哊こういうこずは、シチュ゚ヌションに気を䜿っおいただいたほうがいいですよCommander, it's good to pay attention to the time and place when doing something like this, you know?
Mission指挥官任务䞍做的话只䌚越来越倚哊指揮官様、お仕事は片付けない限り増えおいくだけですよCommander, the more you don't deal with your work now, the more you'll have to deal with later.
Mission Complete哇任务奖励还䞍少呢指挥官真厉害~任務報酬、たくさんありたすね。指揮官様、おめでずうございたすThis mission's reward is quite sizeable. Congratulations, Commander!
Mail指挥官这是䜠的邮件吧我攟圚这里了哊。指揮官様ぞのメヌルでしょうか すみたせん、ここに眮いおおきたすねIs this mail for you, Commander...? I apologize. I'll leave it here.
Return to Port指挥官接䞋来犁止工䜜了哊䜠需芁先奜奜䌑息䞀䞋才行呢。指揮官様、しばらくお仕事犁止ですよしっかり䌑憩をずっおいただかないずCommander. For the time being, you're forbidden from doing more work, okay? You need to make sure to take a break from now and then.
Commission Complete指挥官手蟹的工䜜先攟䞀攟去迎接回来的委托组吧。指揮官様、執務宀での仕事はひずたず眮いおおいお、委蚗から戻っおきた皆様を出迎えに行きたしょうCommander, let's put our work on hold and go to greet the team that's just returned from commissions.
Enhancement咊我变区了吗あら、匷くなりたしたMy, have I gotten stronger?
Flagship发现敌人咯~敵、発芋したしたThe enemy's been detected~
Victory指挥官䞀定也䌚埈高兎吧~指揮官様もきっずお喜びになるでしょうI'm sure Commander will be elated~
Defeat哎呀呀倱莥了呢 あらら、倱敗しちゃった  Oh my, what a failure...
Skill胜呜䞭就奜了呢~圓たればいいですねI hope this hits~
Low HP有些倧意了呢 油断しちゃいたしたね It seems I let my guard down...
Affinity (Upset)指挥官 䞺什么这么顜固呢 指揮官様、どうしおそんなに頭が固いのでしょうか Commander, why are you so stubborn...
Affinity (Stranger)黛朵 埈害怕倱去䞻人呢她那么努力又那么胜干指挥官怎么可胜讚厌她呢 䞍过我诎了倚少次郜没甚 还是芁麻烊指挥官倚照顟她䞀些了呢。ダむドヌちゃんは 心配しすぎじゃないでしょうかあんなに努力しおいたすし、指揮官様に嫌われるなんおないず思いたすが 指揮官様、ダむドヌちゃんのこずをもっず芋おあげおくださいねDoesn't Dido worry a bit... too much? She works so hard, and I know you don't hate her, but... please, watch over her some more, Commander.
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官䜠今倩打算加班吗这样的话我皍后准倇䞀壶咖啡垊去办公宀吧。欞没关系䞍麻烊的。即䜿没有芁亀给我的工䜜只是圚䜠身蟹陪着䜠也奜呀~指揮官様、今日は残業なさるのですかでしたらコヌヒヌを持っおきたすね。  んヌ別に手間なんおほどではありたせんよ手䌝える仕事がなくおも偎にいるのがメむドですからCommander, are you working overtime today? Then I'll bring over some coffee. ...Um, it's not a bother, you know? After all, being by your side no matter what is a Royal Maid's duty.
Affinity (Like)指挥官芁是䞍介意的话把䜠的换掗衣服也亀给我来掗吧䞀起掗比蟃方䟿而䞔也想让䜠感受䞀䞋手掗的衣服呢~指揮官様、差し支えなければお掗濯のほうもハヌマむオニヌにたかせおいただけたすでしょうか。お掋服は䞀緒に掗濯したほうが手間かかりたせんし、指揮官様にメむド隊の手掗いはどんな感じか知っおいただきたくお♪Commander, if it doesn't bother you, would you mind leaving your laundry to me? Washing our clothes together saves time, but more than that, I want you to personally feel how great your clothes feel after being hand-washed by the Royal Maids♪
Affinity (Love)呌 房闎这样就算打扫完毕了接䞋来 啊䜠回来了呀那我就先匀始做饭吧请先做点别的什么事等䞀䞋吧~ふぅ 郚屋のお掃陀はこれでオッケヌ、ず。次は あ、おかえりなさいたせ。すぐお食事を甚意したすから、少しお埅ちくださいね、指揮官様Whew... I've finished cleaning the room. Next... Oh, welcome back. I'll prepare your meal right now, so please wait a moment, Commander.
Pledge垌望我氞远留圚身蟹可以哊照顟指挥官本来就是我的职莣呢。  欞隟道诎这是告癜吗  嗯我的回答䟝然是——yes哊。从今埀后也请倚倚指教了指挥官~ハヌマむオニヌにずっずそばにいおほしい、ですか もちろんです。指揮官様のお䞖話をするのはハヌマむオニヌのお仕事ですから。あっ、もしかしおこれは告癜ずいうものですか ええ、もちろんですよ。指揮官様、これからもよろしくお願いいたしたすねYou'd like for me to stay by your side, forever...? Of course, Commander. Taking care of you is my job, after all. Ah, would this be what's called a "confession"...? Yes, of course. Commander, I'll be in your care, from now, 'til the end of time.
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Dido黛朵䞍芁倪烊恌啊ダむドヌちゃん、悩み過ぎはよくありたせんよDido, it's not good to worry so much
In battle with Belfast我䌚奜奜向悚孊习的ベルファストさん、色々芋習わせおくださいMiss Belfast, please allow me to watch and learn!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哎呀指挥官䜠怎么来这里了隟道是身䜓䞍舒服吗来这蟹坐奜我先来给䜠测量䞀䞋䜓枩吧。あら、指揮官様、どうしおここに 具合が悪いのですか倧倉 こちらにおかけになっおくださいね。たず䜓枩を枬りたすから――My, what brings you here, Commander? Are you feeling unwell? That's no good... Why don't you come sit over here first? I'll start by taking your temperature...
Acquisition哎呀指挥官䜠怎么来这里了隟道是身䜓䞍舒服吗来这蟹坐奜我先来给䜠测量䞀䞋䜓枩吧。あら、指揮官様、どうしおここに 具合が悪いのですか倧倉 こちらにおかけになっおくださいね。たず䜓枩を枬りたすから――My, what brings you here, Commander? Are you feeling unwell? That's no good... Why don't you come sit over here first? I'll start by taking your temperature...
Login指挥官䜠怎么又来了啊是来 视察的吗ん指揮官様どうしおたたここに ええず、ご芖察 ですかHm? Commander, what brings you back here...? Umm, are you here to be... inspected?
Details就算是舰船也是䌚生病的呢 指挥官也芁泚意自己的身䜓哊艊船も病気になりたすから 指揮官様、お䜓は倧事になさっおくださいねCommander... Even ships can get sick. Please, make sure to take care of yourself, alright?
Main指挥官装病的话我可是䌚生气的哊もう指揮官様仮病はハヌマむオニヌでも怒りたすよGosh, Commander... If you pretend to be sick, even I'm going to get mad at you!
Main 2指挥官䜠䞍觉埗这件衣服皍埮有些小吗 唔唔我穿的皍埮有些䞍习惯呢 指揮官様、この衣装少しサむズが小さいず思いたせんか いえ ちょっず着こなせおいない気が  Commander, don't you think this dress is a bit too small for me...? Um... I just feel like it doesn't fit me...
Main 3指挥官平时䞍泚意䜜息健康是埈容易埗病的哊就算是我也䞍可胜每时每刻圚䜠身蟹呢指揮官様、ご自分でも普段から逊生に気を䜿わないず。ハヌマむオニヌは四六時䞭は偎にいおサポヌトしおあげられたせんからねCommander, please make sure that you pay attention to your own health. After all, I can't attend to you around the clock.
Touch指挥官来这蟹躺䞋吧我先䞺悚做䞀些检查指揮官様、こちらに暪になっおくださいね。健康蚺断をさせおいだきたすCommander, let me perform an examination on you. Please come here and lie down on your side.
Touch (Special)指挥官 想圓医生吗お医者さんごっこ ですかAre we... playing doctor?
Return to Port指挥官皍等䞀䌚哊我先给这孩子做䞪检查 指揮官様、ちょっず埅っおくださいね。今はこの子の怜査を  Commander, please wait there for a moment. I'm examining someone else right now...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官我把怅子拿过来了䜠劂果䞍䞋氎的话就坐圚这匠怅子䞊吧。欞我吗我圓然是陪圚䜠的身蟹了~指揮官様、怅子を持っおきたした。海に行かないのでしたらどうぞこれをお䜿いください。 んハヌマむオニヌはもちろんおそばにいたすよCommander, I've brought the chair. If you don't want to get in the water, feel free to sit here. ...Hm, me? Of course, I will remain by your side.
Acquisition指挥官我把怅子拿过来了䜠劂果䞍䞋氎的话就坐圚这匠怅子䞊吧。欞我吗我圓然是陪圚䜠的身蟹了~指揮官様、怅子を持っおきたした。海に行かないのでしたらどうぞこれをお䜿いください。 んハヌマむオニヌはもちろんおそばにいたすよCommander, I've brought the chair. If you don't want to get in the water, feel free to sit here. ...Hm, me? Of course, I will remain by your side.
Login今倩䞍甚考虑工䜜的事奜奜攟束吧指挥官。指揮官様、今日はお仕事の話はなしで、ゆっくりおく぀ろぎくださいねCommander, please leave work at the office, and relax to your heart's content today.
Details这件泳装其实是趁着打折的时候买的呢呵呵䜠胜喜欢真是倪奜了~この氎着は セヌルのずきに買ったものですね。気に入っおくださっお安心したした Actually... I bought this swimsuit back when it was on sale. I'm relieved that you like it...
Main海浪冲圚脚䞊的感觉真舒服呢指挥官也可以来试䞀䞋 欞奜倧的浪 呀啊波が気持ちいいです指揮官様もどうですか ん倧きな波が  きゃっThese waves feel so nice~ Why don't you dip your feet in too, Commander? ...Hm? A big wave is... Eek!
Main 2长时闎被阳光照射其实对身䜓䞍奜哊再玩䞀䌚就换䞪地方吧。日差しに晒されすぎるず䜓によくありたせんよあずちょっずしたら移動したせんかOverexposure to the sun isn't good for your skin. Why don't we move somewhere else in a little bit?
Main 3䜠芁睡䞀䌚儿吗没关系安心地睡吧我䌚圚合适的时候把䜠叫醒的。仮眠、ですか は、はい、どうぞゆっくりおく぀ろぎくださいね。䜕かがあったずきはそうですね ハヌマむオニヌがきちんず指揮官様を起こしたすからA nap? Y-yes! Please take your time and relax to your heart's content. If something happens, hm... don't worry, I'll make sure you wake up when that happens.
Touch倧海真挂亮呢 欞 我曎挂亮真是的我可䞍吃这䞀套哊指挥官。海、綺麗ですね んハヌマむオニヌのほうがキレむでは もう指揮官様、今のは流石にちょっずお叀いですよWow, the sea is so pretty~ ...Hmm? I'm even prettier than the sea...? Jeez, Commander... Don't get all sappy on me now.
Return to Port我䞺了今倩特意准倇了枅凉的饮料哊请喝吧~涌しくしおくれるお飲み物を準備しおおきたした。どうぞI've prepared a cool, refreshing drink for you. Please enjoy.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官欢迎来参加我的午后茶䌚~嗯这算是女仆工䜜之䜙的䞀点小小兎趣爱奜吧呵呵~指揮官様、アフタヌヌンティヌでもいかがですかふふ、メむドの仕事以倖の嗜みの䞀぀でもございたす。はい♪Would you care for some afternoon tea, Commander? Heehee~ This is one of my little hobbies when I'm not performing my maid duties.
Acquisition指挥官欢迎来参加我的午后茶䌚~嗯这算是女仆工䜜之䜙的䞀点小小兎趣爱奜吧呵呵~指揮官様、アフタヌヌンティヌでもいかがですかふふ、メむドの仕事以倖の嗜みの䞀぀でもございたす。はい♪Would you care for some afternoon tea, Commander? Heehee~ This is one of my little hobbies when I'm not performing my maid duties.
Login红茶已经准倇奜了~啊指挥官小心烫~玅茶を甚意したした。指揮官様、熱いのでお気を぀けくださいたせI've finished brewing the tea. Commander, do be careful, as it is very hot.
Details想着是指挥官䞀起享甚茶点就皍埮打扮了䞀䞋䌚䞍䌚䞍倪合适呢 指揮官様ずのアフタヌヌンティヌなので、少しフォヌマルな衣装に着替えさせおいただきたした。䌌合っおない でしょうか I changed into slightly more formal attire in preparation for us having afternoon tea together. Do you think... it doesn't suit me well...?
Main前阵子跟莝尔法斯特小姐也掚荐过的矎味又实惠点心䞍知道合䞍合指挥官的胃口呢~この間ベルファストさんず話しおたコスパのいいお菓子です。指揮官様のお口に合いたすでしょうかA while ago, Miss Belfast recommended these delicious and economical snacks. Commander, are they to your liking?
Main 2诎到“䌘雅”第䞀䞋想到的郜是光蟉小姐或是胡執小姐她们那样的呢  我也埈䌘雅呵呵谢谢~「優雅」ず蚀えば、フッド様やむラストリアス様のような 私もふふ、恐瞮ですThe first thing that comes to mind when one speaks of "elegance" must surely be Miss Illustrious or Miss Hood. Oh, you'd include me as well? Hehe, I'm honoured~
Main 3指挥官的眉倎终于舒展匀了呢 胜让指挥官攟束䞋来奜奜䌑息这䞪茶䌚也算匀埗有价倌了~指揮官様、ようやくリラックスできたしたね。アフタヌヌンティヌにお誘いした甲斐がありたしたCommander, I see you've finally managed to relax a bit. I suppose inviting you for afternoon tea turned out to be very fruitful after all~
Touch嗯还芁再来䞀杯吗红茶的话可以尜情地喝哊呵呵~玅茶のおかわり、ですかはい、どうぞ䜕でも仰っおくださいたせHm? You'd like another serving of tea? Sure, here you go~ Please let me know if there's anything you want~
Return to Port工䜜的事暂时攟䞀蟹来块矎味的蛋糕奜奜䌑息吧~お仕事を始める前に、矎味しいケヌキでもお召し䞊がりになっおごゆっくりなさっおくださいたせBefore you continue with your work, please enjoy a delicious slice of cake and unwind a little~
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Ship Description指挥官感觉身䜓怎么样呵呵比起癜倧耂这样的打扮是䞍是曎像是有那么䞀回事~具合はいかがですか、指揮官様ふふふ、癜衣ずもちょっず違いたすが、こちらのほうもなんずなくそれっぜく芋えるでしょうかHow are you feeling, Commander? Hehe, I'm not wearing my usual nurse's gown right now, but I suppose this isn't much different~
Acquisition指挥官感觉身䜓怎么样呵呵比起癜倧耂这样的打扮是䞍是曎像是有那么䞀回事~具合はいかがですか、指揮官様ふふふ、癜衣ずもちょっず違いたすが、こちらのほうもなんずなくそれっぜく芋えるでしょうかHow are you feeling, Commander? Hehe, I'm not wearing my usual nurse's gown right now, but I suppose this isn't much different~
Details女仆队的䌙䌎们准倇的这身䞜煌服装看起来怎么样垌望指挥官也胜喜欢~メむド隊の仲間たちが仕立おおくれた東煌颚の衣装、いかがでしょうか指揮官様が気に入っおくださるず嬉しいですMy fellow Royal Maids drew inspiration from the Dragon Empery's traditional attire when crafting these clothes. I do hope you like them.
Main虜诎良药苊口䜆是给指挥官的还是尜量甜䞀点奜了~良薬口に苊しずはいいたすけど、指揮官様にはできるだけ甘いのをお出ししたすねIt is often said that the best medicine is bitter, but I tried to make mine as sweet as possible to suit your tastes.
Main 2这䞪药材有什么效果呢 之后埗问问黛朵了。このハヌブはどういう効果があるのでしょう ダむドヌちゃんにあずで聞いおみたせんずI wonder what kinds of effects these herbs have... I should ask Dido later.
Main 3配方和玠材管理之类的我郜埈擅长哊。毕竟圚女仆队也做过埈倚类䌌的工䜜呢。レシピずか、玠材の管理が埗意です。メむド隊の䞭でもこういう仕事が䞀番倚いですからねI am quite proficient at following recipes and preparing ingredients. They're skills I often use as part of my work with the Royal Maids.
Touch是芁觊诊的意思吗 觊蚺 ですか Might you be... checking my pulse?
Touch (Special)指挥官  指揮官様  Commander...
Mail有新的来信呢。记埗之前买的材料是 新しいお手玙ですね。調達したした玠材は New mail has arrived. Did they procure the ingredients I asked for?
Return to Port闻闻药材的銙味对身䜓也是有奜倄的哊。指挥官先䌑息䞀䌚吧。ハヌブの銙りを嗅ぐのも健康にいいですよ。指揮官様、しばらくおく぀ろぎくださいねBreathing in these herbal fragrances is quite good for you. Commander, please feel free to relax.
Commission Complete委托的小䌙䌎们采了䞀些草药回来呢䞋次茶䌚芁䞍试试銙草茶奜了~委蚗組のみんながハヌブを採っおきたした今床のお茶䌚はハヌブティヌを提案したすねThe commission team has brought back some quality herbs! I propose that we have some herb tea to celebrate.
Affinity (Upset)胜治奜的药 䞀定有的指挥官还䞍是无可救药 攟心吧治す薬は ご安心ください指揮官様、きっずどこかにあるはずですThere has to be a cure for you out there somewhere... You're not beyond saving yet, I know it!
Affinity (Love)指挥官今倩身䜓感觉劂䜕呵呵虜然䞍胜给悚匀药䜆是医食同源做些悚喜欢吃的䞜西还是可以的尜管亀给我吧♪指揮官様、本日の具合はいかがですかお薬は出せたせんけど、医食同源なのでお気に入りの献立をお䜜りいたしたすね。お任せ䞋さい♪Commander, how are you feeling today? I won't be giving you any medicine, but since food and medicine have the same root, I'll make sure to prepare some nutritious meals that you're sure to enjoy. Please leave it to me~♪
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Ship Description指挥官那䞪  情人节快乐怎么样我这身打扮有没有给指挥官垊来䞀些纊䌚的感觉~指揮官様、あの ハッピヌバレンタむン今日のハヌマむオニヌのコヌデはいかがですかふふ、デヌトらしい雰囲気ちゃんずありたすよねCommander, umm... Happy Valentine's Day! What do you think of my outfit? Hehe, it's perfect for a date, isn't it?
Acquisition指挥官那䞪  情人节快乐怎么样我这身打扮有没有给指挥官垊来䞀些纊䌚的感觉~指揮官様、あの ハッピヌバレンタむン今日のハヌマむオニヌのコヌデはいかがですかふふ、デヌトらしい雰囲気ちゃんずありたすよねCommander, umm... Happy Valentine's Day! What do you think of my outfit? Hehe, it's perfect for a date, isn't it?
Login指挥官这蟹~  啊其实我也没有早到倚久哊——今倩就䞍芁考虑这些了䞀起享受节日吧~指揮官様、こっちです あ、私もいた着いたずころです。あれこれ堅苊しいものは今日は忘れお、䞀緒にバレンタむンを楜しみたしょうCommander, over here! Oh, it's okay. I just arrived, myself. Let's forget all the stuffy formalities and have a fun Valentine's together.
Main诎到今倩的话  果然还是巧克力吧指挥官喜欢什么样的口味  郜喜欢真是什人安心的狡猟答案呢~バレンタむンず蚀えば やはりチョコですよね。指揮官様はどんな味のチョコがお奜きですか なんでも、ですかふふ、ほっずしたしたけど、なんだか今の答え方はちょっずずるいですよね♪What do you think of when you hear Valentine's? Chocolate, of course. What chocolate do you like, Commander? All kinds? Heehee, that is a relief, but it makes things a little hard for me♪
Main 2  脞有些红倧抂是有点倪激劚了呢。毕竟是和指挥官圚纊䌚  情绪也䌚理所圓然的有些高涚呢。 顔が少し赀い、ですかええず、たぶん少しドキドキしおお だっお指揮官様ずのデヌトですもの、舞い䞊がっおしたうのも仕方ないような Am I blushing? Umm, I'm probably a little nervous... We're on a date, after all. How can you blame me for a bit of anxiety?
Main 3这几倩的瀌品商店䞀盎郜埈热闹呢指挥官其实明癜原因的吧  嘿嘿~䞍过䞀想到指挥官今倩郜圚和我纊䌚就感觉赚到了呢~この時期、ギフトラッピングするお店はどこも倧繁盛ですね。ふふふ、指揮官様はきっずそのワケをご存知でしょ 指揮官様ずデヌトしおいるこずを思うず、なんだかそういうずころも埗した気分になりたすねAt this time of year, shops that sell gift wrapping are busier than ever. Heehee, I'm sure you know why. ...Now that we're dating, maybe I have reason to go myself~
Touch给~情人节巧克力。  “就这么简单地送出来了䞍再挑挑时机么”才䞍是呢因䞺和指挥官圚䞀起的每䞀秒郜是最浪挫的时刻所以才䌚这样送出来呢~はい、バレンタむンチョコです。  「タむミングを狙わず普通に枡しおきた」違いたすよ指揮官様ず䞀緒にいる時間は党郚ロマンチックですから、あえお普通に枡したんですHere you go! Valentine's chocolate. ...You're surprised that I just gave it to you instead of picking the perfect moment? Please. Every moment with you is plenty romantic, so there was no need to.
Touch (Special)  今倩的话嗯可以䟋倖哊。 今日は  ふふふ、これも特別ですよToday... Heehee, well, it is a special day.
Return to Port指挥官蟛苊了~芁䞍芁去看场电圱或者去喝杯咖啡呢总之先扟䞪地方去攟束䞀䞋吧~指揮官様、お疲れ様です。映画でも行きたすそれずもカフェで䞀䌑みしたすずにかく、たずはゆっくりできる堎所を探したせんずThanks for all your hard work, Commander. Shall we see a movie? Rest a moment at a café? At the least, we should find somewhere we can take things slow.
Flagship打扰淑女的纊䌚可是埈没瀌貌的行䞺呢~レディのデヌトを邪魔するなんお――すごく非垞識ですよInterrupting a lady's date... How extremely senseless!
Skill瀌仪教育匀始了哊~マナヌをレクチャヌしたすSomeone needs a lecture on manners.
Affinity (Love)♪~指挥官和我䞀起纊䌚的心情劂䜕我的话可是十分满足的哊~嗯  虜然现圚再诎这种话有些任性䞍过芁是每倩郜胜和指挥官这样纊䌚就奜了呢~♪指揮官様、ハヌマむオニヌずのデヌトはいかがですかハヌマむオニヌは ええ、十分満足しおいたす。今曎こんなワガママなこずを蚀っおも仕方ありたせんけど、本圓は毎日こうしお愛しい指揮官様ずデヌトできたら ず思っちゃいたすね。ふふふ♪~ Commander, how did you enjoy our date? Me... Yes, I'm plenty satisfied. I hate to be selfish now, but part of me can't help but think... If only I could go on such lovely dates with you every day. Hahaha!
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Ship Description胜䞎悚携手走到这䞀步实圚是倪奜了。愿这矎奜的晚曊胜借䜜䞺我们䞀盎盞䌎的见证  指挥官我爱悚。指揮官様ず䞀緒にここたで来られお、本圓に嬉しいです。この矎しい朝焌けが、ずっず私たちを芋守っおくれたすように。 指揮官様、愛しおいたすI'm so happy to have come this far with you, Commander. May this gorgeous sunrise watch over us for all time... I love you, Commander.
Acquisition胜䞎悚携手走到这䞀步实圚是倪奜了。愿这矎奜的晚曊胜借䜜䞺我们䞀盎盞䌎的见证  指挥官我爱悚。指揮官様ず䞀緒にここたで来られお、本圓に嬉しいです。この矎しい朝焌けが、ずっず私たちを芋守っおくれたすように。 指揮官様、愛しおいたすI'm so happy to have come this far with you, Commander. May this gorgeous sunrise watch over us for all time... I love you, Commander.
Login指挥官悚看起来气色䞍错呢。有什么是我胜䞺悚做的吗指揮官様、顔色がよろしいようですね。ハヌマむオニヌに䜕かお手䌝いできるこずはありたすでしょうかCommander, you look well. Is there anything at all I can help you with?
Details我从未想过自己有䞀倩胜穿䞊这样的服装以这样的身仜面对指挥官。现圚的我真的非垞、非垞地幞犏呢  この衣装を身に着けお、こうしお指揮官様ず向き合う日が来るなんお思っおもいたせんでした。私、今本圓にずっおも、ずヌっおも幞せです  I never dreamed that I'd get to meet you as I wear this dress, Commander. I'm so, so very happy...
Main关心指挥官的健康关泚䞀人的生掻  总感觉奜像盞比以前变化䞍倧诎明我们䞀盎埈合拍呢指揮官様の健康に気を遣い、二人の生掻を倧切にする なんだか、以前ずあたり倉わっおいない気がしたすね。それっお぀たり、私ず指揮官様はずっず前から息が合っおいたっおこずですねCaring for your health, treasuring our life together... It doesn't feel like things have changed much, does it? I guess we've been the perfect team for a long time now.
Main 2听诎劂果倪照顟䞀䞪人的话䌚把他宠成废人  指挥官肯定䞍䌚变成这样的只是偶尔倚䟝赖䞋我应该没问题的吧  お䞖話をしすぎちゃうず、人をダメにしおしたうっお話を聞いたこずがありたす 指揮官様ならダメになったりしないはずですええず、だから たたには私に甘えおいただいおも倧䞈倫ですからね I've heard that spoiling people too much can make them lazy... But you'd never be lazy, Commander! Umm, so... It's okay to let me pamper you once in a while, okay?
Main 3指挥官想什么时候攟束郜可以哊。蜻束没有烊恌的指挥官时刻挂着笑容的指挥官才是我最想看到的指揮官様、楜にしたいずきはい぀でもそうなさっおくださいたせ。悩みもなくゆったりず、い぀も笑顔でいらっしゃる指揮官様の顔こそ、私が䞀番芋たいものですから♪Commander, take it easy whenever you want to. I like you most when you're smiling without a care in the world♪
Touch环了吗指挥官想芁赫敏的膝枕吗お疲れでしょうか指揮官様、ハヌマむオニヌの膝枕はいかがですかAre you tired? You may rest your head in my lap, Commander.
Touch (Special)我、我也可以向悚玢求枩暖吗  わ、私も、枩もりを求めおもいいのでしょうか  M-may I seek your warmth, too...?
Return to Port蟛苊了指挥官。芁泚意劳逞结合哊䞍然我䌚甚皍埮区硬䞀点的手段让指挥官䌑息的呵呵お疲れ様です、指揮官様。ワヌクラむフバランスを倧切にしおくださいねさもないず、ちょっず匷匕な方法でお䌑みいただいちゃうこずに  ふふふ♪Thank you for your hard work, Commander. Make sure to monitor your work-life balance. Otherwise, I may find a way to force you to rest... Hehehe♪
Affinity (Love)♪房闎打扫完毕接䞋来是 啊䜠回来了呀指挥官。我马䞊给䜠做饭皍埮等䞀䞋就奜~♪郚屋のお掃陀はよし、次は おかえりなさいたせ指揮官様。お食事を甚意したすから、ちょっずだけ埅っおいおくださいねHmhm~? The room's all cleaned, time for... Oh, welcome back, Commander. I'll prepare your meal right away, so please wait a bit longer~
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Login早䞊奜呀指挥官看䜠睡埗熟我就没叫醒䜠今倩也䞀起加油工䜜吧~おはようございたす指揮官様。ぐっすりお眠りになられおいたしたので起こしたせんでした、ふふふ。今日も䞀日頑匵りたしょうGood morning, Commander. Hehe, you were sleeping so soundly, I couldn't bear to wake you up. Let's do our best today~
Main指挥官请坐奜然后闭䞊県睛。我来给䜠做䞪皇家匏的脞郚按摩吧~指揮官様、こちらに暪になっおください。ふふふ、ロむダル匏のフェむスマッサヌゞをしお差し䞊げたすCommander, please come over here and lie on your side. I'll give you a wonderful Royal Navy-style massage~ Hehe.
Main 3像这样和指挥官䞀起解决掉䞀䞪䞪的工䜜真是让人感到无比匀心的事情呢~指揮官様ず䞀緒に仕事をこなしおいく感じ ずおも楜しいです。はい♪This feeling of doing work with you, by your side... It feels really great. Yep~♪
Touch碳酞饮料唔真是没办法呢今倩只胜再喝䞀瓶哊炭酞のお飲み物ですか しょうがありたせんね、あず䞀本だけですよA fizzy drink? ...I guess it can't be helped. Just one more, alright?
Touch (Special)真是的唯有圚这点䞊氞远孊䞍乖呢 もう、い぀たでも倉わらないんですから  Good grief, you never change...
Affinity (Love)♪房闎打扫完毕接䞋来是 啊䜠回来了呀指挥官。我马䞊给䜠做饭皍埮等䞀䞋就奜~♪郚屋のお掃陀はよし、次は おかえりなさいたせ指揮官様。お食事を甚意したすから、ちょっずだけ埅っおいおくださいねHmhm~♪ The room's all cleaned, time for... Oh, welcome back, Commander. I'll prepare your meal right away, so please wait a bit longer~