Black Prince (JP 🇯🇵: ブラック・プリンス, CN 🇹🇌: 黑倪子)
Ship ID No. 408 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time 00:55:00
Acquisition Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 11
Torpedo 9
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
Voice actress Hisako Kanemoto
Black Prince Description
Err, you're... the Commander, yes? You don't know who I am? Ah, right, I've yet to introduce myself... I'm Black Prince of the Royal Navy... Will that suffice?
White Princess Description
Sorry to keep you waiting, Commander. Thank you very much for taking me on vacation. Standing in front of you like this... is a little embarrassing... Nevertheless, what do you think of... my swimsuit?
Fair Maid Spring Description
A "qipao," is it? So this legendary dress from the Dragon Empery... Putting it on and enjoying some nostalgic music, makes me... Ahhh... Commander, might we relax like this a bit longer...?
Firepower B
Torpedo D
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air A
HP 3221 Reload 156
Firepower 123 Torpedo 133
Evasion 73 Anti-air 336
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 131 Luck 58
Hit 151 Speed 32.25
Armor Light
HP 3608 Reload 179
Firepower 142 Torpedo 153
Evasion 98 Anti-air 377
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 148 Luck 58
Hit 169 Speed 32.25
Armor Light
HP 623 Reload 66
Firepower 26 Torpedo 28
Evasion 28 Anti-air 72
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 36 Luck 58
Hit 58 Speed 32.25
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 58
Hit Speed 32.25
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 58
Hit Speed 32.25
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 115%/120%/120%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/120%/130%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 135%/135%/135%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 134mm AA Gun
2 Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Light Cruiser: Dido-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 9 +1
Max LimitBreak 18
Lv.120 13 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Longbow of Woodstock When sortied with an Eagle Union ship: increases this ship's Main Gun Crit Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) and its FP and TRP by 8.0% (20.0%).
Smokescreen After the battle begins and 15.0% (30.0%) chance every 15s after that: deploys a smokescreen that increases Evasion Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) for all your ships in it. Does not stack with other smokescreen skills. Smokescreen lasts 5s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Dido Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:55:00 JP CN EN
Light ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 叞战女神级蜻巡掋舰-黑倪子舷号81 ええず、貎方は  指揮官よね私のこずを知らないあ、はい、そういえば自己玹介がただのようね ロむダルネむビヌ所属、ブラック・プリンス  これでいいかしら Bellona-class light cruiser – Black Prince.
Biography 我是黛朵级改进型  或者诎叞战女神级我记埗是这样的  诎起来以前我奜像去过埈倚地方。指挥官以后我也芁去埈远的地方执行任务吗 改ダむドヌ玚 ベロヌナ玚のほうが適切かな  ええ、そこそこ遠掋任務をこなしたカンレキを持っおいるわ。これからも遠い堎所での任務に参加するの I am a modified Dido-class... rather was it Bellona-class? ... Right then, you could say I'm quite well-travelled. Will you be sending me all over the world too?
Acquisition 那䞪悚是  指挥官吧悚䞍知道我吗啊对我还没有自我介绍呢 皇家所属黑倪子号  这样就可以了吧 ええず、貎方は  指揮官よね私のこずを知らないあ、はい、そういえば自己玹介がただのようね ロむダルネむビヌ所属、ブラック・プリンス  これでいいかしら Err, you're... the Commander, yes? You don't know who I am? Ah, right, I've yet to introduce myself... I'm Black Prince of the Royal Navy... Will that suffice?
Login 指挥官每倩郜䌚圚这䞪时候回来呢。 指揮官は 毎日このタむミングで垰っおくるわね Commander, back again same time as always, eh?
Details 是砎敌的长匓还是埡敌的盟牌  我䌚照着䜠的想法成䞺䜠的力量。 敵を穿぀クレシヌの匓矢、それずも䞻を守る忠矩の盟  私は貎方の思うがたた、貎方の力になる I am the Longbow of Crécy, and the Shield of the Realm... By your will, I am at your disposal.
Main 女仆啊虜然䞍是䞍过红茶和简单的料理我郜没问题的哊 メむド 私、違うけど 簡単な料理ず玅茶皋床なら倧䞈倫よ A Maid? Me? Certainly not... But I do know how to make some simple dishes, and I suppose I could bring you some tea.
Main 2 从这里胜看到倧海呢  指挥官喜欢倧海吗 ここでは海が芋えるのね。  指揮官、海が奜き I can see the water from here. Commander, do you like the ocean?
Main 3 指挥官是圚发呆吗芁䞍我也跟着指挥官发䞀䌚呆 指揮官、今がヌっずしおいるの私も 䞀緒にがヌっずしおいおもいい Commander, are you daydreaming? What say... I join you and we daydream together?
Touch 指挥官我身䞊有什么让䜠圚意的地方吗 指揮官、私の䜓 どこか気になる堎所でもある Commander? Something about my body caught your attention, did it?
Touch (Special) 指挥官埈喜欢这里的感觉吗 指揮官、この觊り心地 奜き Commander, does that feel nice to... touch?
Touch (Headpat)   呌     ふぅ  .........Phew...
Mission 指挥官我听诎任务䞍完成䌚䞊军事法庭  啊原来䞍䌚的吗 任務を攟眮するず軍事法廷に送られ  この皋床ならただ倧䞈倫 Dereliction of duty is grounds for court-martial... Maybe you should see to those missions?
Mission Complete 任务奖励我枅点了䞀䞋䞍知道有没有错   任務報酬を敎理したけど、これっお倧䞈倫かしら  I sorted through the mission rewards, but I'm not sure I did it right...
Mail 邮件䌚是什么内容呢指挥官的眢免乊  之类的 メヌル 内容はどう指揮官ぞの眷免もありえる  かしら Mail call? I wonder what it is? Could it be your dismissal?
Return to Port 指挥官顺利回枯蟛苊了。战斗还匀心吗 指揮官、垰還お疲れ様。戊闘 楜しかった Welcome back, Commander. Did you have a good fight?
Commission Complete 啊指挥官刚刚回来的是委托队的同䌎吗 あっ、指揮官、今のは委蚗から戻っおきたみんなかな Ah! Commander, I think the commission team is back.
Enhancement 指挥官我真的变埗曎区了吗 指揮官、私、もっず匷くなった Commander, have I really grown stronger?
Flagship 对埅敌人绝对䞍胜心慈手蜯   敵には、情けも手加枛も䞍芁  Show them neither mercy nor pity...
Victory 䞀䞪郜䞍剩党郚郜消灭了呢。 朚っ端埮塵 䞀隻残らず、尜く滅がした They're a fleet of smouldering hulks... Not a single one left afloat.
Defeat 蟓了  䞍这样子可䞍行   負けた  いいえ、このたたでは   I failed... No, it can't be...
Skill 党郚消灭。 党お、滅がす Wipe them out.
Low HP 我该继续战斗还是该撀退 戊い続けるそれずも撀退する Do I carry on? Or do I retreat?
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官䜠也是  我的敌人吗 指揮官、貎方も  敵 Commander, are you my... enemy?
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官芁我做些什么吗什么事郜可以的。 指揮官、私になにか任せおなんでもいいから Commander, do you have something for me? I'm sure I can handle it.
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官悚䞀盎圚笑哊是遇到了什么匀心的事情吗胜䞍胜也和我诎诎呢 指揮官、ずっず笑っおいるのはどうしおなにか楜しいこずでもあった私にも聞かせお Commander, why are you laughing? Did something funny happen? Won't you please tell me too?
Affinity (Like) 指挥官喜欢枩柔的人吗唔  我抱——这样子是䞍是比蟃枩柔呢 指揮官は優しい子が奜きなのね。ええず  んん  こうしお貎方に抱き぀いおいるず、私、もっず優しい子に芋えるのかな You like sweet girls, do you, Commander? Well... hrrmm... What if I were to hug you like this? Would that make me seem sweeter?
Affinity (Love) 我对指挥官来诎是非垞重芁的人吗那我应该怎么做才奜比劂诎对指挥官曎枩柔䞀点  之类的吗 私、指揮官にずっお倧切な人かしら じゃあ私、䜕をすればいい今よりもっず優しくしたほうがいい かな I'm very important to you, am I, Commander? ... Now what am I supposed to do with that? Treat you even sweeter than I do now?
Pledge 被人珍视着的这种非垞匀心非垞枩暖的感觉  这就是幞犏吗这样的话我还想芁曎倚的幞犏  指挥官可以吗 貎方に倧切にされるこの居心地の良さ、包たれおいるような枩もり  これが幞せずいうこずなら、指揮官、お願い 私を もっず、もっず幞せにしお   The way you treasure me gives me such warmth and solace... This is what true happiness is, isn't it? Commander, please, I beg you, let us share in even more happiness...
In battle with Nevada, Quincy, Erebus 我们是又圚䞀䞪队䌍了吗 たた同じチヌムね Once more, altogether then.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官久等了 感谢悚圚假期的邀请。圚假日像这样和指挥官面对面 皍埮有些䞍习惯呢 那䞪我的泳装 怎样 指揮官、お埅たせ。䌑暇に誘っおくれおありがずう。こうしお䌑みの日に貎方ず䌚うのは  少し慣れないけど ええず、この氎着 どう Sorry to keep you waiting, Commander. Thank you very much for taking me on vacation. Standing in front of you like this... is a little embarrassing... Nevertheless, what do you think of... my swimsuit?
Acquisition 指挥官久等了 感谢悚圚假期的邀请。圚假日像这样和指挥官面对面 皍埮有些䞍习惯呢 那䞪我的泳装 怎样 指揮官、お埅たせ。䌑暇に誘っおくれおありがずう。こうしお䌑みの日に貎方ず䌚うのは  少し慣れないけど ええず、この氎着 どう Sorry to keep you waiting, Commander. Thank you very much for taking me on vacation. Standing in front of you like this... is a little embarrassing... Nevertheless, what do you think of... my swimsuit?
Login 我还以䞺这身泳装䞍怎么星県没想到指挥官华䞀䞋子就扟到我了  あたり目立たない栌奜だず思っおいたのに、すぐ芋぀けおくれたのね I didn't think this swimsuit stood out, so I was surprised when you still found me right away...
Details 啊已经这䞪时闎了吗我准倇了䞀些简单的食物呢。指挥官让倧家过来䌑息䞀䞋怎样 あ もうこんな時間軜食の差し入れ、甚意しおおいたよ。指揮官、みんなを呌んできお少し䌑憩にしない Oh, is it that time already? I've prepared a few simple dishes. Commander, shall we invite the others to join us?
Main 海䞊是波涛汹涌的战场海滩华是安诊矎奜的乐园真是神奇呢。 激戊の海の果おにはこんなに平和な楜園が存圚するなんお  The sea is a tempestuous battlefield, and yet the beach is a relaxing Eden. What an incredible duality.
Main 2 沙滩排球听起来埈有趣我也胜试试看吗 ビヌチバレヌ面癜そうね。私も参加しおいい Beach volleyball? I've heard it's quite fun. Do you think I could give it a try?
Main 3 海滩䞊的沙子蜯蜯的细细的螩圚䞊面感觉埈舒服呢   きめ现かくすべすべな砂浜、歩くず柔らかくおいい気持ち   The sand is so soft, so fine. It feels so pleasant between my toes...
Touch 指挥官环了吗 指揮官、疲れた Are you tired, Commander?
Touch (Special) 指挥官倧家奜像郜圚这蟹呢。 指揮官、みんなが  こちらを芋おるよ Commander, the others are still here.
Mail 邮件该䞍䌚是假期芁提前结束了   メヌル䌑みはここたで、ずいうのはあるのでしょうか   It's the mail? Don't tell me our vacation is over already...
Return to Port 怎么了指挥官还圚想着假期前的事情吗 指揮官、どうしたのこの前のお仕事のこずただ考えおいる What's wrong, Commander? Are you still preoccupied with work?
Flagship 打扰指挥官假期的敌人䞀䞪也䞍胜攟过呢。 指揮官の䌑暇を邪魔する敵、䞀隻たりずも残らず   You dare disturb the Commander's vacation? You won't get away with that.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 据诎这是䞜煌䌠统的服饰奜像是叫“旗袍”来着䞍知䞺什么穿䞊这套华䞜的服装再听着怀旧的音乐就有种 指挥官我胜这样再䌑息䞀䌚吗 「チヌパオ」ずいう名の、東煌の䌝統ある衣装 麗しい衣装に、叀めかしい音楜、ええず、私 はぁあ 指揮官、このたたもう少し䌑憩しおもいい  A "qipao," is it? This legendary dress from the Dragon Empery... Putting it on and enjoying some nostalgic music, makes me... Ahhh... Commander, might we relax like this a bit longer...?
Acquisition 据诎这是䞜煌䌠统的服饰奜像是叫“旗袍”来着䞍知䞺什么穿䞊这套华䞜的服装再听着怀旧的音乐就有种 指挥官我胜这样再䌑息䞀䌚吗 「チヌパオ」ずいう名の、東煌の䌝統ある衣装 麗しい衣装に、叀めかしい音楜、ええず、私 はぁあ 指揮官、このたたもう少し䌑憩しおもいい  A "qipao," is it? So this legendary dress from the Dragon Empery... Putting it on and enjoying some nostalgic music, makes me... Ahhh... Commander, might we relax like this a bit longer...?
Login 欢迎回来指挥官。啊我想起来了这种时候应该诎“指挥官春节快乐”对吧 指揮官、おかえりなさい。ああ、思い出した。この栌奜だず、「旧正月おめでずう」のほうがいいよね Commander, welcome home. Ooh, I just realized. I should probably be saying "Happy Lunar New Year," shouldn't I?
Details 䞀盎坐着的话腿䌚有些酞。像这样子䌞展䞀䞋的话——嗯嗯感觉就䌚舒服倚了。 ずっずこのたただず足が疲れちゃうね。こう䌞ばしお――んヌっず スッキリできたかも Too much sitting wears out one's legs. Stretching out like this... Aahhh, yes, that's much better.
Main 指挥官 喜欢这种有点时代感的曲子吗 指揮官 ノスタルゞックな曲、奜き Commander... Do you enjoy such nostalgic music?
Main 2 唔唔春节我该做些什么奜呢圚这里䞀盎听着音乐奜像也䞍错   ふぅ 䌑日はどう過ごしたらいいのこのたたがんやりず、音楜のそばで はぁあ   Hah... How should I spend this holiday? I think listening to music like this is quite nice... Aahh...
Main 3 因䞺是节日所以暂时䞍工䜜䞍战斗也可以 这样的话䞺什么䞍把每倩郜变成节日呢 祝日は働かなくおも、戊わなくおもいいんだ 毎日を祝日にしないのは、どうしお It's a holiday. No need to move, no need to fight... Now why not make every day a holiday?
Touch 唔 指挥官也芁䞀起䌑息䞋吗 んっ 指揮官も、䞀緒に䌑むの Mmm... why not stretch out with me, Commander?
Touch (Special) 这也是节日的习俗之䞀吗 これも 祝日の颚習なの Is this... a festival custom?
Mail 邮件  是春节的祝犏吗指挥官挺受欢迎的啊。 メヌル  旧正月のお祝いのはがき指揮官、皆に奜かれおるね Mail call... Must be some festival greetings? You're quite popular, Commander.
Return to Port 厚房那里奜像非垞热闹是发生了什么奜事吗 キッチンのほうが隒がしいね。いいこず あった The kitchen sure seems busy. What's going on... in there?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 诎到宎䌚自然少䞍了銙槟吧嗯 我听诎庆祝甚的銙槟芁先这样摇䞀摇再打匀  哇指挥官小心 パヌティヌず蚀えばシャンパンだよねうん、こうしお力を入れおガンガン振っおから開けるず  っ指揮官、危ない You can't have a party without champagne, right? Now, if I remember right, you're meant to give it a good shake before popping the cork... Oh no! Look out, Commander!
Acquisition 诎到宎䌚自然少䞍了銙槟吧嗯 我听诎庆祝甚的銙槟芁先这样摇䞀摇再打匀  哇指挥官小心 パヌティヌず蚀えばシャンパンだよねうん、こうしお力を入れおガンガン振っおから開けるず  っ指揮官、危ない You can't have a party without champagne, right? Now, if I remember right, you're meant to give it a good shake before popping the cork... Oh no! Look out, Commander!
Login 指挥官需芁銙槟吗嗯 攟心吧这次我䌚泚意力道的。 指揮官 シャンパンでもどう倧䞈倫、今回は力加枛をちゃんず気を぀けるから Commander... Would you like some champagne? Don't worry, I know how much strength to put into it this time.
Details 那䞪之前䞍小心把指挥官匄湿的事情非垞抱歉 䞋次我䞀定䌚泚意的。 指揮官をシャンパンでびしょびしょにしおしたっおごめんなさい 次は気を぀けるから Um, sorry I got champagne all over you. I really feel bad about it... Next time, I'll be more careful.
Main 黛朵和倩狌星郜圚宎䌚里忙䞊忙䞋的呢 嗯 我也去垮垮忙奜了 ダむドヌずシリアスたち、忙しそう 私も手䌝っおいい Dido and Sirius seem to be busy with something... Should I go help out too?
Main 2 芁是每倩郜只有宎䌚而没有战斗 奜像也挺䞍错的。 毎日パヌティヌで戊うこずもなくなる日々  良さそうね If every day was a party and there was no fighting to be seen... that would be a pretty nice world.
Main 3 原来平时喝銙槟之前䞍甚先摇䞀摇啊  シャンパンはそこたで振らなくおもいいね そうなの  You're not supposed to shake the champagne bottle if you're trying to drink from it normally, huh... I see...
Touch 还芁再来䞀杯吗奜的这就给䜠倒䞊。 もう䞀杯うん、今お酌するね Want another glass? Mm, coming right up~
Touch (Special) 指挥官 隟道是喝醉了没事吧手埈热哊 指揮官 酔っおる倧䞈倫手が熱いよ Commander, are you drunk? What's the matter? Your hand's all hot.
Mission 忘记任务的惩眚 是喝䞀杯还是 䞀瓶 任務を忘れお飲たされるおしおきは 䞀杯それずも䞀本 What do you think the punishment for forgetting about your missions should be... One glass, or one bottle?
Mail 邮件䌚是宎䌚的邀请吗虜然我们已经圚宎䌚䞊了就是  メヌルパヌティヌぞのお誘い かしら私たち、もう宎䌚堎にいるのに Mail? Is it... a party invite? We're already at the party though...
Return to Port 指挥官又胜利了吗嗯那就再匀䞀瓶 唔䞍甚匀的那么频繁 勝利したのじゃあ、今もう䞀本開けお あっ、そこたでしなくおもいい Another victory? Mm, then another bottle is in order... Huh, what do you mean I don't need to pop so many?
Flagship 像泡沫䞀样消散吧 泡のように、䞀瞬で飛び散れ  Disappear, like a fleeting bubble...!
Victory 再匀䞀瓶庆祝胜利的銙槟劂䜕 勝利を祝うために䞀本開けたほうがいいの Shall I uncork a bottle to celebrate the victory?
Affinity (Love) 对埅非垞重芁的人 应该以枩柔接纳对方并䞔和对方同甘共苊 对吧嗯现圚正是和指挥官䞀同欢笑的时候吧。 倧切な人のためにすべきこずは 優しく包むように接しお、䞀緒に笑ったり泣いたりするこず だよねうん、今は貎方ず䞀緒に笑う時間よ The way to treat those important to you... is to cherish them, and share all your joys and sorrows with them, right? Mm, I'm glad to be sharing all my joy with you right now.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哊呀欢迎呀指挥官。想芁喝点什么吗 或者只是想扟䞪怅子坐坐䌑息䞋嗯 怎么样郜奜吧  あ いらっしゃいたせ、指揮官。ご泚文は もしかしお、ただ怅子に座っおリラックスしたいだけ どちらでも構わないわ Oh... Welcome, Commander. Can I take your order...? Or maybe, you just wanted to kick back and relax? ...Either way is fine with me.
Acquisition 哊呀欢迎呀指挥官。想芁喝点什么吗 或者只是想扟䞪怅子坐坐䌑息䞋嗯 怎么样郜奜吧  あ いらっしゃいたせ、指揮官。ご泚文は もしかしお、ただ怅子に座っおリラックスしたいだけ どちらでも構わないわ Oh... Welcome, Commander. Can I take your order...? Or maybe, you just wanted to kick back and relax? ...Either way is fine with me.
Login 之前拜托赫敏准倇了热茶。劂果觉埗疲倊就喝这䞪提提神吧。 ハヌマむオニヌに枩かいお茶を甚意しおもらったの。疲れたら、これを飲んで元気を出すずいいわ I had Hermione prepare some hot tea beforehand. Feel free to have some if you're feeling worn out.
Details 唔芁聊聊倩吗我䞍倪䌚准倇话题 顺其自然就奜 ええず、お喋りでもするんん 話題を考えるのは苊手だから、適圓 でいいかしら Um, want to talk about something? Uh... I'm not exactly a great conversation starter, but... Huh, just go with the flow?
Main 调制饮料吗是我䞍擅长的䞜西呢 我只䌚准倇现成的饮料。 ドリンク 䜜るのはちょっず苊手 有りものを持っおくるぐらいなら  You'd like me to mix a drink? ...I'm not sure I can do that... but I can serve pre-made stuff...
Main 2 陀了指挥官䜠偶尔也䌚有别的舰船同䌎过来䌑息。印象里奜像有几䞪特别胜喝的䞀口气就喝䞋去䞀敎杯呢。 指揮官以倖にも、艊船の仲間たちがたたに息抜きにやっおくるわ。䞭にはたくさん飲む子が䜕人かいお、すごい量でも䞀気に飲み干しおいたわね  You're not the only one who comes to unwind. Sometimes other shipgirls stop by, and if memory serves me properly, there are some real heavyweights who can down an entire mug like it's nothing...
Main 3 喝醉 是什么样的感觉迷迷糊糊倩旋地蜬就像 做梊䞀样吗 酔うのっお どういう感じがヌっずするくらくらしお目が回る たるで、倢でも芋おいるような  What's it like... to get sloshed? Do your eyes get all spinny? ...It's like, you're in a waking dream...?
Touch 指挥官想喝什么现成的䞜西的话我这就给䜠倒。 指揮官は䜕が飲みたい有りものならすぐ甚意できるけど  Want something to drink, Commander? I can only do the pre-made stuff though...
Touch (Special) 是䞍是叫黛朵她们过来照顟䞋䜠比蟃奜   酔っおいるダむドヌたちも呌んで芋おあげたほうがいい  Are you sloshed? Maybe you should get in touch with Dido and the others...?
Return to Port 指挥官芁䞍趎圚吧台䞊睡䞀䌚 指揮官、カりンタヌでうたた寝でもしおみる  Commander, why don't you put your head down on the counter and take a nap?