Yuugure (JP 🇯🇵: 倕暮, CN 🇹🇌: 倕暮)
Ship ID No. 176 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 00:25:00
Acquisition Monthly Sign-in
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 30
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Madoka Asahina
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=8217405
Twitter https://twitter.com/CN_ALLENES
Weibo https://weibo.com/u/3818062182
Yuugure Description
Sixth ship of Hatsuharu class Destroyer— Yuugure
Maid-In-Training! Description
"I, Yuugure the maid, shall dedicate myself to Ariake, my sister, and you, Commander!"... Eek?! M-my skirt...!
Twilight Blossom Description
The Dragon Empery's New Year celebrations and new outfits are sure to lift everyone's spirits~ My sister will probably love this new dress as well. Commander, what do you think?
Evening Flower Description
I finished changing, Commander. This dress is very pretty, but... isn't it missing something up top?
倕暮改 Description
有明型駆逐艊、倕暮、改造完了したした。えぞぞ、これから私ず 有明姉さんのこず、よろしくお願いいたしたす。指揮官様
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 261 Reload 72
Firepower 11 Torpedo 92
Evasion 72 Anti-air 27
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 46 Luck 32
Hit 66 Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP 1350 Reload 171
Firepower 51 Torpedo 435
Evasion 187 Anti-air 126
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 169 Luck 32
Hit 171 Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP 1619 Reload 196
Firepower 59 Torpedo 478
Evasion 193 Anti-air 145
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 189 Luck 32
Hit 180 Speed 44.7
Armor Light
HP 1515 Reload 171
Firepower 51 Torpedo 475
Evasion 207 Anti-air 156
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 169 Luck 32
Hit 171 Speed 47.7
Armor Light
HP 1784 Reload 196
Firepower 59 Torpedo 518
Evasion 213 Anti-air 175
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 189 Luck 32
Hit 180 Speed 47.7
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 127mm Mounted Gun
2 Triple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: Hatsuharu-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 4 +1
Max LimitBreak 8
Lv.120 6 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Carrier Escort While this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG all Carriers in your fleet take by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
Air Raid Assistance While this ship is afloat: increases the DMG of all Carriers in your fleet by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Hatsuharu Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:25:00 JP CN EN
Light ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 初春级驱逐舰六番舰—倕暮 初春型駆逐艊六番艊・倕暮 Sixth ship of Hatsuharu class Destroyer— Yuugure
Biography 有明级驱逐舰二号舰倕暮。奜像埈倚人郜以䞺我和姐姐也是初春级䜆那是误解喔。和姐姐䞀同参䞎了南倪平掋诞倚战事技卫过第五航空战队和第四航空战队也受到了明石䞍少照顟。这䞀次  我想埅圚姐姐身蟹盎到最后 有明型駆逐艊二番艊の倕暮ず申したす。よく姉さんず䞀緒に初春型ず勘違いされたすが、それは誀りです。有明姉さんずは䞀緒に倪平掋で色んな戊闘に参加し、五航戊ず四航戊の護衛に぀きたした。それず、明石さんにもお䞖話になりたした。今床は有明姉さんのお偎にずっずいたいず思いたす。 Second ship of Ariake class Destroyer, Yuugure. A lot of people thinks that my sister and I are Hatsuharu class, but they are mistaken. My sister and I participated in many battles in the South Pacific. We helped protect the 4th and 5th Carrier Divisions. We were greatly taken care of by Akashi. This time...I will stay by my sister’s side until the very end.
Acquisition 有明级驱逐舰倕暮从今以后请倚倚指教指挥官倧人——初春?我是有明级哊唯独这点我是䞍䌚退让的 有明型駆逐艊倕暮ず申したす。よろしくお願いしたす、指揮官様ヌヌ初春型、ですか私は有明型ですこれだけは譲りたせんよ Ariake class Destroyer Yuugure. I am open to your guidance, Lord Commander—— Hatsuharu? No, please do remember I'm Ariake class. This is something I won't back down from!
Login 指挥官倧人悚蟛苊了 指揮官様、お疲れ様です Lord Commander, you’ve worked hard today.
Details 呐 究竟芁怎么做才胜再次见到姐姐呢 あの どうすれば有明姉さんにたた䌚えるのでしょうか  Umm... exactly what do I need to do, to be able to see my sister again?
Main 听诎只芁泡䞀壶茶任务就胜埈快完成咊是酒吗 お茶を淹れるず任務が早くできるず聞きたしたけど えお酒でしょうか Rumor has it that we would be able to finish our mission before the pot of tea that we brew got cold? Eh, is this wine?
Main 2 即䜿只有些埮的垌望只芁䞍断地尝试䞋去终究䌚有实现的䞀倩吧 垌望はどんなに小さくおも、やり続ければい぀かきっず叶いたす Even if there is only the slimmest of hope, as long as you persevere, one day you will make it a reality.
Main 3 飞鹰芁来吗她的県神䞍奜我有些担心   飛鷹姉さんも来るんですか姉さんはあたり目がよくなくお、私、ちょっず心配です  Is Hiyou coming? She has a mischievous look about her, I’m a little worried.
Touch 诶  诶嗯嗯我有圚听哊 ふぅ  はぁ  はい、聞いおいたすよ Eh... yes, I’m listening.
Touch (Special) 指挥官倧人䜠做什么 指揮官様、䜕をするんですか Lord Commander, what are you doing!
Mission 圚执行任务之前先沏䞀壶茶吧 任務をこなす前に、お茶でもしたせんか Let’s brew a pot of tea first before we start our mission.
Mission Complete 任务奖励的确讀也胜像完成任务这么迅速就奜了呢 任務報酬の確認も、任務をこなす時ず同じく早い方が良いず思いたすね It would be great if our rewards can be confirmed as soon as the mission is completed.
Mail 指挥官倧人这是茶点和最新的邮件 指揮官様、お菓子ず新しいメヌルをお持ちしたした Lord Commander, here is your tea, cake and the latest mail.
Return to Port  嗯有人回来了是姐姐吗 抱歉刚刚做了䞪梊   あ、どなたですか有明姉さんですか あぅ、すみたせん、今姉さんの倢を  ...Hmm? Is someone there? Sister, is that you? 
Sorry, I was dreaming just now...
Commission Complete 委托已经完成了指挥官倧人芁䞍芁再试着建造䞀次呢或讞这次  委蚗が完了したした。指揮官様、䞀床建造しおはいかがですかもしかしたら   The commission is now complete! Lord Commander, would you like to try and build a new ship? Perhaps this time...
Enhancement 劂果我胜曎快䞀点也讞比叡姐   私がもっず早ければ、比叡姉さんは  If only I could’ve been a little faster, perhaps Hiei sister...
Flagship 党员按照䜜战预案各就各䜍 䜜戊通り、配眮に぀いおください Everyone, follow the battle plan!
Victory  胜利了吗劂果姐姐胜看到就奜了    勝ちたしたか有明姉さんが芋おいればいいのに   ...Victory? If only my sister is able to see it...
Defeat 呜  又芁劳烊明石了   うぅ  明石さんにたた迷惑をかけおしたいたす   Hmm
 I have to bother Akashi again...
Skill 䞺了终有䞀日的重逢   姉さんずもう䞀床逢うために  For one day when we will eventually reunite...
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官倧人关于明倩的事项—嗯我想䞀次确讀完毕  指揮官様、明日の予定の確認ですが、できれば䞀床だけで  Lord Commander, regarding tomorrow’s task— yes, I wish to confirm it all at once...
Affinity (Stranger) 初春姐姐埅我埈枩柔就像对埅真正的効効䞀样  可是   初春姉さんは優しくお、私を本圓の効のように接しおくれたした でも私、やっぱり  Sister Hatsuharu treats me gently, as if I'm her real little sister... but...
Affinity (Friendly) 啊是指挥官倧人黑烟我䞍倪枅楚刚才我圚挑战炞可乐饌 あ、指揮官様煙 ですかよくわかりたせんけど、私、クレヌプを焌いおいたした。 Ahh, it’s the Lord Commander! Why do I have smoke covered all over me? I’m not sure, I was trying to make coke pancakes.
Affinity (Like) 啊是指挥官倧人诶、䞍并䞍是故意视而䞍见  抱歉我刚刚走神 あぅ えっず、指揮官様えわざず目を逞したのではないのですが すみたせん、少しがヌっずしおいたした。 Ahh, it’s the Lord Commander! Eh, no it’s not. I didn’t mean to disappear like that... sorry, my mind simply wandered...
Affinity (Love) 檐䞋凉风的吹拂廊䞭风铃的絮语郜仿䜛回到了和姐姐共床的那䞪炎倏  䞍过现圚坐我旁蟹的只有指挥官倧人呢 穏やかな颚に包たれる瞁偎、そしお颚鈎の音 有明姉さんず䞀緒のあの倏を思い出したすね。  今隣りにいるのは、指揮官様ですけど A cool breeze is blowing, the whispers of the wind chimes in the gallery. Feels like a return to summer times with my sister... but, only this time it’s the Lord Commander sitting beside me.
Pledge 指挥官倧人  圚姐姐来之前我可以暂䞔䟝靠䜠吗是吗  谢谢  我䌚努力将指挥官倧人视䞺共床䞀生之人的 有明姉さんがここに来るたで、指揮官様に頌っお いいですかはい ありがずうございたす Lord Commander... before my sister arrives, can I count on you? I can? Thank you... I will take care of the Commander and spend my entire life with you.
In battle with Hatsuharu, Wakaba, Hatsushimo, Ariake 若叶䞺了倧家我䌚努力的 みんなのために、がんばりたす  I'll do my best, I promise!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䞀介女仆倕暮歀刻起将生涯奉献给姐姐和指挥官倧人——呀啊裙、裙子被吹起来了 「メむドのナりグレ、この生呜、指揮官ず有明姉さんに捧げたすっ」――きゃっす、スカヌトがぁ "I, Yuugure the maid, shall dedicate myself to Ariake, my sister, and you, Commander!"... Eek?! M-my skirt...!
Acquisition 䞀介女仆倕暮歀刻起将生涯奉献给姐姐和指挥官倧人——呀啊裙、裙子被吹起来了 「メむドのナりグレ、この身、指揮官ず有明姉さんに捧げたすっ」――きゃっす、スカヌトがぁ "I, Yuugure the maid, shall dedicate myself to Ariake, my sister, and you, Commander!"... Eek?! M-my skirt...!
Login 欢迎回来指挥官倧人果汁已经准倇奜了文档  文档还圚敎理䞭  对䞍起   おかえりなさい指揮官様。ゞュヌスはこちらに眮きたした。資料  資料はただ敎理䞭です  ごめんなさい   Welcome back, Commander. I've left your juice over here. As for the resources... I'm still sorting them... I'm sorry...
Details 指挥官倧人我从莝尔法斯特小姐身䞊孊到了埈倚  劂果姐姐看到了现圚的我䌚䞍䌚倧吃䞀惊呢 指揮官様、ベルファストさんは色々教えおくださいたした  有明姉さんが今の私を芋たら、きっず驚いちゃう ですね Commander, Belfast taught me a lot about being a maid! ... But if Ariake saw me now, she'd probably be... shocked.
Main 爱䞁堡小姐也䞀盎埈热心地教我女仆的各项技艺  虜然最后郜教错了䜆我想孊习她的这仜热情䞎枩柔 ゚ディンバラさんも色々教えおくださいたした  結構間違っおたようでしたけど、優しい゚ディンバラさんには感謝ですね Edinburgh taught me a lot as well... She seemed to make a number of mistakes, but I still appreciate her kindness!
Main 3 䞉笠前蟈看到我后䞀脞倱萜地念叚”岂有歀理竟然䞍是倧正女仆“什么的  可我本来就䞍是倧正幎闎的啊   䞉笠倧先茩、私を芋た途端「けしからんタむショりの絊仕の子はこんなひらひらなスカヌトじゃなかったぞ」でも私、タむショり生たれではありたせんよ  As soon as Mikasa saw me, she yelled "Scandalous! Taisho-era servitors would never wear skirts this frilly!"... Even though I wasn't born in the Taisho-era...
Touch 呌  文档已经敎理完毕了接䞋来的工䜜是   ふぅ  資料の敎理、完了したした 次の仕事は   Phew... I'm done sorting the resources... Now for the next task...
Touch (Special)   指挥官倧人也请䞍芁这么无聊   指揮官様もこんなこずしないでくださいっ ... Commander, please don't do such things to me!
Mail 摩耶䞺我拍了照片诎可以随信寄给姐姐让她看看我现圚的暡样~ 私の写真を撮っおくれお有明姉さんに送るっお、摩耶さんが写真を撮っおくださいたした I asked Maya to take a picture of me and send it to Ariake, and she did!
Return to Port 欢迎回来我本来想把耳朵和尟巎猩回去䜆翔鹀诎这样曎可爱  䞍过“呌喵”之类的口癖倪矞耻了实圚诎䞍出   おかえりなさい。ミミずシッポは隠そうずしたしたけど、翔鶎さんはこっちのほうがカワむむっお  にゃ、「にゃんにゃん」なんお、恥ずかしくお蚀えたせんよ /// Welcome back. I was going to hide my tail and ears, but Shoukaku told me I look cuter this way... B-but saying "meow, meow~" is too embarrassing for me...
Victory 将、将胜利䞎荣耀献予悚我骄傲的䞻人——呜 这种台词果然还是诎䞍来  「しょ、勝利ず栄光はご、ご䞻人様に――」  うぅ やっぱり私、こういうセリフはちょっず   "T-this glorious victory i-is in my Master's name!" ... *Whimper*... I can't deliver lines like these...
Affinity (Friendly) 这是我甚从皇家孊来的方法烘焙的蛋糕这次绝对绝对是成功了的哊 ロむダル匏の焌き方で焌いたケヌキです今回はきっず成功䜜ですよ I baked a Royal Navy-style cake! I'm certain this time it'll be a hit!
Affinity (Love) 女仆的职莣是成䞺他人的枯湟  指挥官倧人现圚的我是䜠的枩柔枯湟吗 メむドは奉仕で人を癒やす職業です。  指揮官様、今の倕暮は指揮官様を癒やしおいたすか A maid's job is to provide service and relieve people. ... Commander, do you find my service to be relieving?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䞜煌的新幎和䞜煌的新服装哪䞀样郜让人心情愉快呢~姐姐也䞀定䌚喜欢这身衣服的。指挥官倧人悚觉埗劂䜕 新しい幎に新しい衣装、気分が晎れたすね。有明姉さんもきっずこの衣装を気に入っおくれたす。指揮官様はどう思いたすか  The Dragon Empery's New Year celebrations and new outfits are sure to lift everyone's spirits~ My sister will probably love this new dress as well. What do you think, Commander?
Acquisition 䞜煌的新幎和䞜煌的新服装哪䞀样郜让人心情愉快呢~姐姐也䞀定䌚喜欢这身衣服的。指挥官倧人悚觉埗劂䜕 新しい幎に新しい衣装、気分が晎れたすね。有明姉さんもきっずこの衣装を気に入っおくれたす。指揮官様はどう思いたすか  The Dragon Empery's New Year celebrations and new outfits are sure to lift everyone's spirits~ My sister will probably love this new dress as well. What do you think, Commander?
Login 欢迎回来指挥官倧人。按照䞜煌新幎的习俗我正准倇去给姐姐“拜幎” 悚也想䞀起去吗 おかえりなさい指揮官様。ええず、有明姉さんに東煌ずうこうの旧正月の挚拶をしようずしおいたずころですけど 指揮官様も䞀緒に行きたい ですか Welcome back, Commander. I'm about to go wish my sister a happy new year, as is customary in the Dragon Empery... Would you like to come with me?
Main 䞜煌的新幎 也吃幎糕吗或讞应该喜欢什么就吃什么吧。 東煌の旧正月も おもちを食べるのですかそれずも皆それぞれ奜きなものを食べるのですか  Do they eat New Year's rice cake in the Dragon Empery as well? Perhaps they just eat whatever they feel like eating.
Main 2 嗯来自指挥官倧人的红包请别忘记给姐姐也准倇䞀仜呢。 指揮官様からのお幎玉、ですかあっ、有明姉さんの分も忘れないでくださいね A red envelope from you? Please don't forget to give one to my sister as well.
Main 3 指挥官倧人新的䞀幎里我们的愿望郜䌚实现的 吧䞍䞀定䌚实现的。 指揮官様、今幎こそ皆の願いが叶うでしょうか ううん、きっず叶いたすよね Commander, our dreams will come true this year... right? N-no, I'm sure they will!
Touch 从䞜煌的倧家那里孊来的春节习俗埗跟姐姐分享䞀䞋才行呢 東煌の皆から孊んだ旧正月のしきたりは有明姉さんにも教えたすね I have to tell my sister about all the customs I learned from the Dragon Empery!
Mail 刚收到的信件垮悚攟圚这里了䌚是姐姐寄来的莺幎卡吗 メヌルはこちらに眮いおおきたした。有明姉さんからの幎賀状はありたすか I'll leave the mail that just arrived over here. I wonder if my sister sent me a greeting card?
Affinity (Love) 新幎的愿望 吗嗯  应该是垌望胜和姐姐还有指挥官倧人共同床过越来越倚䞪春节吧   My New Year's wish, huh? Um... if I had to say, it'd probably be to celebrate even more New Years with Commander and my sister...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官倧人我已经换奜瀌服了 虜然是挺奜看的䞍过 就是肩膀䞊面是䞍是皍埮有点空 指揮官様、パヌティヌの衣装に着替えたした。 この栌奜はキレむですけど 肩の蟺りがちょっずヒンダリしたす I finished changing, Commander. This dress is very pretty, but... isn't it missing something up top?
Acquisition 指挥官倧人我已经换奜瀌服了 虜然是挺奜看的䞍过 就是肩膀䞊面是䞍是皍埮有点空 指揮官様、パヌティヌの衣装に着替えたした。 この栌奜はキレむですけど 肩の蟺りがちょっずヒンダリしたす I finished changing, Commander. This dress is very pretty, but... isn't it missing something up top?
Login 听幎长的姐姐们诎倜晚的聚䌚是“倧人的䞖界”指、指挥官倧人我已经把工䜜做完了接䞋来是䞍是芁陪悚䞀道前埀“倧人的䞖界”里观摩了呢 パヌティヌは「倧人が楜しむ䞖界」だず聞いおいたす。し、指揮官様、倕暮、「倧人が楜しむ䞖界」たでご䞀緒できたすでしょうか  I've heard parties are "a world of fun for adults." C-Commander, could you accompany me to this "world of fun for adults"...?
Details 女孩子每换䞀套衣服郜䌚让倧家产生䞍同的印象吧芁是姐姐也倚穿䞊些新衣服该倚奜啊   女の子は服を着替えるず、違う印象になりたすよね有明姉さんにも、新しい服を䜜っお欲しいです   When a girl wears a different outfit, your impression of her changes, doesn't it? I hope they can make a different outfit for Ariake, too...
Main 盛攟的暱花随风飘散的场景总是让人觉埗特别矎䞜又有些寂寞呢 指挥官倧人䞍这么觉埗吗 颚に吹かれおフワフワする花びら、矎しいですけど、少しさびしい気持ちになりたすね 指揮官様もそう思いたせんか It's beautiful when flower petals flicker in the wind, but also a little sad, in a way... Do you know what I mean, Commander?
Main 2 宎䌚䞊我喝果汁就奜  嗯谢谢悚的照顟。 わ、わたしはゞュヌスでいいですっ  はい、ありがずうございたす I-I'm fine with just juice! ... Ah, thank you!
Main 3 有点想给姐姐垊点甜品回去了  诶䞍行吗   有明姉さんに甘いものを少し持っおいっおあげたくなりたすね  え、駄目でしょうか   I feel like maybe I should bring back some sweets for Ariake... Huh? Am I not allowed to...?
Touch 芁是胜借再成熟䞀点是䞍是就可以曎加从容地应对这类场合了呢   もう少し倧人になったら、こういう堎所でも䜙裕で振る舞えるようになりたすよね Once I've grown a little more, I'll be able to keep my composure even in places like these.
Touch (Headpat) 诶突然摞我的倎 玧匠还、还奜 倧抂 虜然圚倧家面前穿䞊这件衣服倚少有点䞍奜意思 捏衣角 急にどうしたのですか 緊匵しおるかっおた、ただ倧䞈倫です 倚分 皆の前でこの栌奜をするのはちょっず恥ずかしいですけどぉ   What's the matter...? "Am I nervous"? I-I'm fine... I think... It's just a bit embarrassing to show myself wearing these clothes to others...
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了宎䌚虜然马䞊芁匀始了䞍过可以先䌑息䞀䞋再去 芁䞍芁吃些点心呢 出撃お疲れ様です。パヌティヌがそろそろ始たりたすけど、少し䌑憩しお お菓子を食べおから向かっおもいいですよ Excellent work. I know the party is about to begin, but it's okay to rest a little... and have a snack before we head out.
Affinity (Love) 感谢指挥官倧人的今晚的陪䌎  胜、胜挜起我的手像倧人䞀样䌘雅地前行么 指揮官様、パヌティヌたで付き合っおいただきありがずうございたす。  ゆ、倕暮の手を取っお、倧人たちのように䞀緒に螊っおいただいおもいいでしょうか   Commander, thank you for keeping me company until the party... C-could you take my hand and join me for a dance, like you would with an adult...?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 庆兞的商店果然有埈倚有趣的纪念品呢~指挥官胜垮我䞀起挑䞋给有明姐姐的瀌物吗比劂 这䞪䞍倒翁怎么样 わぁヌ、露店にはやはり面癜いものが沢山眮いおありたすね。指揮官様、有明姉さんぞのプレれント遞び、付き合っおいただけたすかそうですね このだるたさんはいかがでしょうか Woah... These stalls have all sorts of amazing things~ Commander, will you help me pick a gift out for Ariake? Hm, let's see... How about this Daruma doll?
Acquisition 庆兞的商店果然有埈倚有趣的纪念品呢~指挥官胜垮我䞀起挑䞋给有明姐姐的瀌物吗比劂 这䞪䞍倒翁怎么样 わぁヌ、露店にはやはり面癜いものが沢山眮いおありたすね。指揮官様、有明姉さんぞのプレれント遞び、付き合っおいただけたすかそうですね このだるたさんはいかがでしょうか Woah... These stalls have all sorts of amazing things~ Commander, will you help me pick a gift out for Ariake? Hm, let's see... How about this Daruma doll?
Login 指挥官再来晚点这些商品就芁卖完了呢  指揮官様、急がないず売り切れおしたいたすよヌ Commander, if we don't hurry up, everything will be sold out.
Details 䞍知道有明姐姐䌚䞍䌚喜欢这䞪蟟摩套嚃  このだるたさん、有明姉さんが気に入っおくれるずよいのですが  I hope Ariake will like this Daruma doll...
Main 这䞪挺有趣的 啊那䞪奜像也䞍错 唔 指挥官觉埗哪䞪纪念品曎奜呢 これは面癜いですね あっでも、そっちの方がよさそうな うヌん、指揮官様はどちらがよいず思いたすか This looks pretty interesting, but so does this... Ah, but, which do you think is better, Commander?
Main 2 有明姐圚陪着癜露逛呢毕竟那孩子芁是没人看着的话  え、有明姉さんですか癜露ちゃんに付き添っおたすよ。だっおあの子、誰かがそばに぀いおあげないず でしょう Huh? Ariake? I'm currently looking after Shiratsuyu. After all, someone has to keep an eye on her, right?
Main 3 店里还有抜奖犏袋呢芁䞍芁让时雚来试试呢  犏袋抜遞䌚やるんですね 時雚ちゃんにやっおもらおうかな  A lucky bag lottery draw, huh? I wonder if Shigure is going to try her hand...
Touch 小心尟巎 我、我䌚泚意的 えっ、尻尟が き、気を付けたすっ Eh, my tail...? I, I'll be careful!
Touch (Special) 指挥官倧人这里有埈倚人圚看的 指揮官様、みんなが芋おたすよ Commander, everyone's looking at us!
Return to Port 指挥官芁䞍芁试试这䞪狐狞面具 嗯挺合适的呢~ 指揮官様、この狐のお面、詊しに぀けおみたせんか はい、ずおも䌌合っおたすよ Commander, want to try on this fox mask? ...Yes, it looks great on you~
Affinity (Love) 那䞪指挥官倧人祭兞䞊还有埈倚有意思的地方哊䞍介意的话 胜、胜䞍胜和倕暮䞀起 
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䞺了和指挥官倧人䞀起享受倧海特意换了身海蟹的装束。嗯有明姐姐诎诎起海蟹的装束就是芁方䟿行劚的可爱的而䞔也是让指挥官倧人喜欢的 对吗 指揮官様ず海を楜しむずいうこずで、倕暮、海蟺の栌奜に着替えたした。んヌ、有明姉さん曰く、海蟺の栌奜ずいえば動きやすくお、可愛くお指揮官様が気に入るような  違うんですか I was really looking forward to playing with you at the beach, Commander, so I changed into this swimsuit. Umm... Ariake told me that I had to choose something that was easy to move around in, and cute enough to make you lose your mind... Was she pulling my leg?
Acquisition 䞺了和指挥官倧人䞀起享受倧海特意换了身海蟹的装束。嗯有明姐姐诎诎起海蟹的装束就是芁方䟿行劚的可爱的而䞔也是让指挥官倧人喜欢的 对吗 指揮官様ず海を楜しむずいうこずで、倕暮、海蟺の栌奜に着替えたした。んヌ、有明姉さん曰く、海蟺の栌奜ずいえば動きやすくお、可愛くお指揮官様が気に入るような  違うんですか I was really looking forward to playing with you at the beach, Commander, so I changed into this swimsuit. Umm... Ariake told me that I had to choose something that was easy to move around in, and cute enough to make you lose your mind... Was she pulling my leg?
Login 从早䞊匀始就是奜倩气呢。可以枞泳也可以圚沙滩䞊晒日光济。 朝からいい倩気です。泳ぐのもよし、砂浜で日光济をするのもよし、ですね The weather has been great all day. It's perfect for swimming or sunbathing.
Details 指挥官倧人悚觉埗沙滩枞戏的经兞项目是什么 想问倕暮的想法吗那䞪我 我喜欢小孩子玩的那种  指揮官様、砂浜遊びの定番ずいえば䜕でしょう 倕暮の意芋を聞きたいのですかわ、わたしはその こどもっぜいのが  Commander, what do you think is the proper way to play on the beach? ...You want to hear my opinion instead? Um, I... I think I like the stuff the kids do...
Main 先做䞪䌞展运劚  奜沙滩排球䞋䞀䞪终于蜮到倕暮了。有明姐姐也圚看着我䌚努力的 ストレッチをしお  よしビヌチバレヌ、いよいよ次は倕暮の出番ですね。有明姉さんも芋おくれおいたすし、頑匵りたす First, do some stretching... Okay! It's finally time for my debut match of beach volleyball, right? Ariake is watching me too, so I've got to do my best!
Main 2 这身泳装虜然新朮䜆穿着让人有些害矞。指指挥官倧人䌚觉埗像若叶她们那样方䟿行劚的泳衣曎奜吗   オシャレな氎着ですけど、ちょっず恥ずかしいです。し、指揮官様は若葉たちのようにもっず動きやすいのが奜きですか  Wearing a fancy swimsuit like this is a little embarrassing for me. C-Commander, do you think something easier to move around in like what Wakaba is wearing would be better?
Main 3 堆沙堡比想象䞭的隟呢  高雄她们是怎么堆出来的呢   砂のお城䜜り、思っおいたより倧倉ですね 高雄さんたち、どうやっお䜜ったんでしょう  Making a sand castle is a lot harder than I expected... How did Takao and the others manage to build something like THAT...?
Touch 需芁我把果汁垊过来吗 フルヌツゞュヌスでも持っおきたしょうか Shall I bring you some fruit juice?
Touch (Special) 嗯  晒埗郜流汗了  呀指挥官倧人 んん 日差しで汗が ひゃぅ指揮官様 Mmgh... The sun's making me all sweaty... Hwaah?! Commander??
Return to Port 初春姐姐教我埀西瓜䞊撒䞀小把盐就胜匄出䞍同的风味。悚劂果䞍介意的话 奜吃是吗倪奜了 スむカに塩をひず぀たみかけるず違う颚味になるっお初春姉さんから教わりたした。よければ  矎味しいですかよかったです Hatsuharu taught me that adding a twang of salt to watermelon brings out a completely different flavor. If you'd like to give it a try... It's great, isn't it? I'm glad you liked it!
Victory 战斗结束了。是可以让有明姐姐她们骄傲的胜利 戊闘終了です。有明姉さんたちに誇れる勝利ですよ Battle complete. This is a victory that Ariake and the others can be proud of!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 有明级驱逐舰倕暮改造结束了。欞嘿嘿从今埀后我 还有姐姐再次麻烊指挥官倧人倚倚照顟了。 有明型駆逐艊、倕暮、改造完了したした。えぞぞ、これから私ず 有明姉さんのこず、よろしくお願いいたしたす。指揮官様 Ariake-class destroyer, Yuugure, has completed retrofitting. Ehehe, from now on... Ariake and I will be in your care once more, Commander.
Acquisition 有明级驱逐舰倕暮改造结束了。欞嘿嘿从今埀后我 还有姐姐再次麻烊指挥官倧人倚倚照顟了。 有明型駆逐艊、倕暮、改造完了したした。えぞぞ、これから私ず 有明姉さんのこず、よろしくお願いいたしたす。指揮官様 Ariake-class destroyer, Yuugure, has completed retrofitting. Ehehe, from now on... Ariake and I will be in your care once more, Commander.
Details 指挥官倧人请甚姐姐最喜欢这种茶点了䞍知道指挥官倧人意䞋劂䜕呢   指揮官様、どうぞ。ええず、茶菓子です有明姉さんの倧奜物ですけど、指揮官様のお口に合うかどうかはわからないです  Here you go, Commander. Um, your tea! It's Ariake's favorite kind, but I do not know if it will be to your liking or not...
Main 改造之后感觉长高了䞀点看着姐姐反而小了䞀圈的样子 唔  改造したらなんか背が䌞びおお、有明姉さんがちょっず小さく芋えおしたいたす うぅ  I feel like I've gotten a little taller after my retrofit... and it makes Ariake seem shorter in comparison... Ugh...
Main 2 小声初霜姐姐䜠这样做指挥官倧人䌚埈䞺隟的  没、没事什么事也没有 小声初霜姉さん、そんなこずしたら指揮官様が困っちゃいたすよ な、䜕でもありたせんっ (whispers) Hatsushimo, you'll trouble Commander if you do that! ...I-I wasn't saying anything!
Main 3 若叶姐姐指挥官倧人请甚。这是包了氎果銅的倧犏  诶诶䞍需芁倖面的皮吗   若葉姉さん、指揮官様、どうぞ。朚の実の入った倧犏です。 あ、あれ生地はいらないですか  Wakaba, Commander, I have some walnut daifuku for you. Um, huh...? You don't need the wrapping...?
Return to Port 指挥官倧人欢迎回来。埅我先䞺姐姐泡茶再准倇指挥官倧人的仜。请先皍息片刻。 指揮官様、おかえりなさい。有明姉さんの分を甚意したら次は指揮官様の分ですね。ちょっずだけお埅ち䞋さい Welcome back, Commander. I'm preparing tea for Ariake, so please wait a moment for me to bring you yours.
Commission Complete 委托已经完成了。指挥官倧人请将建造甚的资源奜奜傚倇起来哊。 委蚗が完了したした。指揮官様、建造のための資材は備蓄しおおいおくださいね A commission has been completed. Commander, please make sure to stockpile our resources for construction.
Enhancement 比叡姐这次䞀定䌚  比叡さん、今床はきっず  Hiei, this time... I swear...!
Victory 姐姐指挥官倧人我赢了嗯 真的真的赢了 有明姉さん、指揮官様、勝ちたしたうん 本圓に、勝ちたした Ariake, Commander, I did it! Mhm... I really won!
Affinity (Love) 枩柔的海风、和煊的阳光、海滩䞊浪朮声声  圚枯区的每䞀倩郜什人感到无比幞犏因䞺指挥官倧人和姐姐郜圚身蟹—— 優しい朮颚に枩かい日差し、砂浜に寄せおは返す波の音  この母枯での毎日が幞せです。だっお指揮官様ず有明姉さんも䞀緒にいたすから―― The gentle sea breeze, the warm sunlight, and the sound of waves upon the beach... Every day here at port is filled with happiness, because I can be together with both you and Ariake...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Details 终于见到有明姐姐了 之前烊恌着什么时候才胜见到有明姐姐的日子仿䜛是假的䞀样  ぀いさっき有明姉さんに䌚いたした どうすれば有明姉さんに䌚えるか悩んでいた日々は嘘みたいです I'm so glad we finally can be together, Ariake! All that time I spent worrying about when I'd be able to see you seems like a distant illusion now

Victory 有明姐姐䜠看到了吗 有明姉さん、芋おおくださいたした Ariake, did you see that?