Ariake (JP 🇯🇵: 有明, CN 🇹🇼: 有明)
Ship ID No. 175 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Monthly Sign-in, 小型艦建造
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 30
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Karin Isobe
Ariake Description
Hatsuharu-class destroyer no. 5 - Ariake
Ariake Description
Hope everyone enjoys the oodles of balloons I made for this party! Yeah, I'm sure the little girls will love 'em!
Ariake (Retrofit) Description
Ah... So this is what it feels like to be retrofitted. I'll work harder for your sake, and for everyone in the 27th Destroyer Division~
Firepower D
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1477 Reload 171
Firepower 51 Torpedo 435
Evasion 186 Anti-air 126
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 169 Luck 34
Hit 171 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 1773 Reload 196
Firepower 59 Torpedo 478
Evasion 192 Anti-air 145
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 189 Luck 34
Hit 180 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 286 Reload 72
Firepower 11 Torpedo 92
Evasion 71 Anti-air 27
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 46 Luck 34
Hit 66 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 34
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 34
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 127mm Mounted Gun
2 Triple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: Hatsuharu-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 4 +1
Max LimitBreak 8
Lv.120 6 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Double Torpedo When this ship fires its Torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a second wave of Torpedoes.
Air Raid Assistance While this ship is afloat: increases the DMG of all Carriers in your fleet by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Hatsuharu Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 初春级驱逐舰五番舰—有明 初春型駆逐艦五番艦・有明 Hatsuharu-class destroyer no. 5 - Ariake
Biography 夕暮、白露、还有时雨…我们27驱的大家在大战期间一直都在一起。因为我最大,所以姑且算是姐姐呢…大家一起经历了许多哦,关系很好的~虽然最后只有时雨坚持了下来…不过也没办法,战争不是那么轻松的事呢 夕暮、白露、時雨と一緒に第二七駆逐隊所属だったよ~わたしが一番起工が早かったからまあアネキ分だったね。みんな一緒に戦っていたから仲もいいよ。最後は時雨ちゃんだけになっちゃったけど、まあ戦争だから仕方ないよね~ I formed the 27th DesDiv along with Yuugure, Shiratsuyu, and Shigure. Since I was the eldest, I suppose that made me the big sister... We got along well and worked hard throughout various campaigns, but in the end, Shigure was the only one left... Well, that's war for you~
Acquisition 我是初春型的有明,指挥官,你好哦……对了,想问一下,夕暮在这里吗?在的话,她……没有给你添麻烦吧? 初春型の有明だよ。指揮官おはようちゃん~あ、そうだ!夕暮はここにいるかな?いるなら……迷惑かけていないよね? I'm Ariake of the Hatsuharu class. Commander, pleased to meet you... Ah right, I just remembered! Is Yuugure posted here? If so, she hasn't been causing any trouble for you, has she?
Login 指挥官,休息得好吗?今天说不定有些忙哦 指揮官おつかれちゃん~今日はすこしいそがしくなるかもよ? Commander, did you sleep well? We might get a bit busy today~
Details 虽然有的时候也希望夕暮能自立一点,不过想想那样好像也…有点寂寞 夕暮のように自立したいな~。いや…それはそれでちょっと寂しいのかも? Though I sometimes wish Yuugure would be a little more independent, thinking about that... feels a bit lonely.
Main 指挥官,你知道吗,按照有明型来算的话,白露和时雨也能算我妹妹哦 指揮官知ってる?有明型として数えるなら、白露も時雨もわたしの妹なんだ Commander, did you know that Shiratsuyu and Shigure technically are my sisters, considering that they were Ariake-class?
Main 2 指挥官,不养成平时的良好习惯以后可是会吃亏的哦? 指揮官、普段はちゃんと生活習慣をよくしないとあとで損するよ? Commander, if you don't develop good lifestyle habits now, it'll come back to bite you in the rear later.
Main 3 指挥官,想要便当吗?我帮夕暮做的时候也给你做一个吧 指揮官?弁当食べる?夕暮の分を作る時に一緒に作ってあげるよ Commander, want a bento? I'll make your portion along with Yuugure's this evening.
Touch 来了来了,夕暮你不要扯我衣服……啊,下意识把指挥官当成夕暮了 もう夕暮ったら服引っ張らないで、今行くから……およよ?指揮官を夕暮と勘違いしちゃった? Jeez, Yuugure, don't pull on my... Wh-what? I mistook Commander for Yuugure?
Touch (Special) 指挥官,又不是小孩子了,这方面要注意一点哦 もう、指揮官は子供じゃないんだから、ちょっと注意したほうがいいよ? Jeez, Commander, you're not a child anymore, so please have some tact.
Mission 新任务啊,有没有输送之类的,那种我很擅长哦 新しい任務だよね。輸送任務とかないの?わたし、得意なんだから~ Looks like we've got new missions. Any transport operations? Those are my specialty~
Mission Complete 说起来,夕暮完成任务的时候经常来跟我邀功呢…… そういえば、夕暮は任務を完了した時、しょっちゅう報告しに来てくれたっけ…? Come to think about it, Yuugure always has to tell me whenever she finishes a mission...
Mail 指挥官,邮件我放在显眼的地方了,空下来记得看哦 指揮官、メールは目立つ所に置いておいたから、あとで読んでね Commander, I left your mail in a pretty visible place, so go take a look later.
Return to Port 指挥辛苦咯 指揮官、お疲れちゃん Good work, Commander.
Commission Complete 指挥官,在你发呆的期间,委托已经完成了哦 指揮官がぼーっとしている間に、委託はもう完了したよ? Commander, while you were spacing out, the commission has already finished~
Enhancement 对空能力是很重要的哦 対空は大事~ Take care of your anti-air~!
Flagship 大家注意空袭,小心作战 目を大きく見開いて、空襲には気をつけてね~ Everyone, be on the lookout for enemy airstrikes!
Victory MVP啊……我是觉得有帮上忙就好了啦 MVPか……お役に立てれば万々歳って思ってただけなんだけどなぁ~ MVP, huh? I'm satisifed as long as I was able to help~
Defeat 如果不是维修的话,我倒是不讨厌呆在船坞里呢…… 修理じゃなかったらドックに引きこもるのも嫌じゃないけどなー I wouldn't mind resting up in the docks if not for this whole getting beat up thing...
Skill 就是现在 今よ~ Now's our chance.
Low HP 情况…有些不妙呢 ちょっと…まずいかな…… Things are getting... a little messy...
Affinity (Upset) 当了指挥官也有反抗期这种东西吗? 指揮官にも反抗期ってやつがあるの? Do all commanders go through a rebellious phase?
Affinity (Stranger) 有明型?啊,那个啊,原本确实有那样的编制呢,不过后来改回去了,我倒是没什么所谓呢,夕暮那样……也是她的可爱之处吧 有明型?あ!あったねそういうの!でも元に戻されたんじゃなかったっけ?わたしは別にいいよ?夕暮は……まあ、 Ariake-class? Ah! There was something like that at some point but it was changed back later, not that I mind. What about Yuugure? Well...
Affinity (Friendly) 虽然夕暮有时候太粘人了,不过这正是所谓妹妹的可爱之处呢…指挥官,如果我也很黏你,你会觉得高兴吗? 夕暮は時々べったりすぎるけど、まあ妹の可愛さってあんなもんだよね。指揮官もべったりされたら嬉しくなるの? Although Yuugure is sometimes a bit clingy, that's part of what makes her cute. Hey Commander, if I was to cling to you, would you be happy?
Affinity (Like) 哎,作为姐姐照顾了夕暮和白露那么久,还有时雨那令人操心的性格…事到如今忽然要变成粘人的妹妹好像也有点难度呢… 夕暮と白露、あと時雨の世話をしてたからね……いまさらベッタリしてーって言われてもちょっと難しいかも…? Having taken care of Yuugure, Shiratsuyu, and sometimes even Shigure for such a long time, I can't just flip the switch so easily and become clingy and dependent myself...
Affinity (Love) 仔细想想…当指挥官的妹妹似乎是个不错的选择……指挥官你觉得呢?我可是超能干的持家型妹妹哦 うんうん、よくよく考えると指揮官の妹になるのもいいかも?指揮官的にはどう思う?わたし、家事力がすごい高いデキる妹になれるよ? Hmm, hmm. Yeah, it might not be a bad idea to become Commander's little sister. What do you think? My domestic skills are of the charts, you know?
Pledge 果然持家型妹妹还是有市场的呢…不过,总觉得还是有点害羞呢…嘻嘻,从今往后可以多依赖我一点哦,指挥官,妹妹姑且不论,持家方面我可是超有自信的 家事力の高いデキる妹はやっぱり需要があるよね…でもちょっと恥ずかしいかも♪…ふふ、これからはわたしをもっと頼っていいよ?妹としていいかは別として、家事力には結構自信があるからね~ See, super-domestic little sisters are in high demand right now! But... I will admit it's a little embarrassing~♪ Hehe... From now on, you can depend on me even more. I'm very confident in my skills~
In battle with Yuugure 好了好了,夕暮,要开战咯 よしよし、夕暮、戦闘開始よ Hush, hush, Yuugure. The battle's about to begin.
In battle with Shigure 时雨,你又在想什么恶作剧了吧? 時雨、またいたずらとか考えてたんでしょ Shigure, you look like you're up to no good again.
In battle with Shiratsuyu 白露,跟紧我 白露、ついてきて Shiratsuyu, follow me.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我准备了一些气球带到宴会上,希望到时候大家会喜欢~嗯嗯,重樱的小孩子看到一定会很开心的! みんなが好きそうなパーティーの風船、たくさん用意したよ。うん、これならきっと重桜の小さい子たちにも気に入ってもらえるよ! Hope everyone enjoys the oodles of balloons I made for this party! Yeah, I'm sure the little girls will love 'em!
Acquisition 我准备了一些气球带到宴会上,希望到时候大家会喜欢~嗯嗯,重樱的小孩子看到一定会很开心的! みんなが好きそうなパーティーの風船、たくさん用意したよ。うん、これならきっと重桜の小さい子たちにも気に入ってもらえるよ! Hope everyone enjoys the oodles of balloons I made for this party! Yeah, I'm sure the little girls will love 'em!
Login 指挥官,要不要也给你个气球?我有很多很漂亮的气球哦! 指揮官も風船お一つどう?まだまだたくさんあるよ Commander, want a balloon? I have all kinds here!
Details 究竟是谁跟夕暮灌输了“大人的世界”什么的奇怪观念…指挥官,不会是你吧? パーティーは「大人が楽しむ世界」って…うーん、誰が夕暮に教えたのかな……もしかして…指揮官? Parties are "a world of adult pleasures...?" Hmm, who's been putting weird ideas into Yuugure's head? ...Could it be you, Commander?
Main 夕暮,难得的宴会,再放开点享受也没关系哦?你的礼服很好看的,要有自信,喏~给你个气球~ 夕暮、せっかくのパーティーだからもうちょっと自信を持って?ドレス姿、すごく可愛いよ。ね?ほら~ Yuugure, it's not every day we get to attend a party like this, so you should show off your stuff! Besides, you look super cute in your dress. Right? See~?
Main 2 突然想到,要是给白露绑个特别显眼的气球的话,她应该就不会那么容易走丢了吧? 白露に風船をつけたら迷子にならなくなるよね?どこにいるかすぐ分かるって意味で If we tied a balloon to Shiratsuyu, she wouldn't get lost easily, right? After all, we'd be able to see it from anywhere.
Main 3 准备很多很多气球的话,是不是就能飞到天上去了呢?…初霜,不可以像这样骗小孩子们哦? 風船をたくさんつけたら空を自由に飛べるよ……初霜、小さい子にウソを教えちゃダメだよ? Who's been going around telling kids that you can fly if you tie a bunch of balloons together? ...Hatsushimo, can you stop giving them strange ideas?
Touch 咦,舞、舞伴吗?可以的话,有明非常乐意哦~ ダンスの相手?う、うん!有明でいいなら大丈夫よ You want to be my dance partner? Ah, um! Sure, if you're fine with that.
Touch (Special) 哇啊?!指挥官,你把有明的气球弄跑了…… わあ!?あ、指揮官、風船がどっか行っちゃった… Woah?! Ah, Commander, you made my balloon fly off...
Return to Port 嘿咻,我也休息一下好了 ふぅ、ちょっと休憩休憩っと… Phew... Time for a little break...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,那就按之前约定好的,在今晚让我尝试当一下粘人的妹妹吧。嘿嘿~请多多指教了哦,哥哥~ 約束通り、指揮官に甘えまくるデキる妹になるよ~うんうん、よろしくね、指揮官~ As promised, I'll now be your doting little sister~ Mmhmm, take good care of me, Commander~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊,这样就算改造完成了吧?希望以后能帮上指挥官和27驱的大家更多的忙呢。 あー、これで改造終了ってところかな。指揮官と第二七駆逐隊のみんなのためにもっと頑張らないとねー Ah... So this is what it feels like to be retrofitted. I'll work harder for your sake, and for everyone in the 27th Destroyer Division~
Acquisition 啊,这样就算改造完成了吧?希望以后能帮上指挥官和27驱的大家更多的忙呢。 あー、これで改造終了ってところかな。指揮官と第二七駆逐隊のみんなのためにもっと頑張らないとねー Ah... So this is what it feels like to be retrofitted. I'll work harder for your sake, and for everyone in the 27th Destroyer Division~
Login 今天也有得忙了呢。不过放心吧,我会在指挥官身边辅助的~ 今日も忙しいね。でも大丈夫、わたしも手伝うよ You seem pretty busy today too. But don't worry, I'll help you out~
Details 夕暮比以前自立了很多了,不过,遇到困难的时候,还是会拉着我的衣角求助呢 夕暮、前より強くなったね。もう服を引いて私に助けてーって言う子じゃなくなった Yuugure has come a long way. She's no longer the little girl constantly tugging at my sleeves asking for help.
Main 夕暮改造后的变化有些大呀。和她站在一起,我反而有些像妹妹了呢~ 夕暮ったらずいぶん大きくなったね。一緒に立っていると私のほうが妹に見えちゃうよ。えへへ Yuugure's all grown up now. When I stand next to her, you can't even tell who's the older sister anymore! Ehehe...
Main 2 要是照顾人的能力也和火力一起提升就好了…夕暮、时雨和白露,没法同时关照到她们三个人呀… 面倒見れる人数も火力と一緒に上がればいいな。夕暮だけでなく、第二七駆逐隊のみんなに初霜たち…さすがに手が回らないか… Wish I got as big an upgrade to my ability to take care of people as I did to my firepower. It's not just Yuugure, it's practically the entire 27th Destroyer Division... I just can't keep up with all of them.
Main 3 给,指挥官的便当,帮夕暮做的时候一起做好了~ はい、指揮官のお弁当だよ。夕暮の分と一緒に作ったんだ Here Commander, your lunchbox. I made a portion for Yuugure as well.
Touch 唔唔,指挥官,你怎么也像夕暮一样喜欢扯我衣角… もう、指揮官まで夕暮のように服を引っ張って~ Jeez, Commander, why are you tugging on my sleeve like Yuugure now?
Return to Port 辛苦咯~指挥官要来点茶吗? お疲れちゃん~お茶、どうぞ Good work~ Here's your tea~