Hatsushimo (JP 🇯🇵: 初霜, CN 🇹🇼: 初霜)
Ship IDNo. 174Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time
AcquisitionLight ship Construction, 小型艦建造
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressNatsume Iwasa
Hatsushimo Description
Hatsuharu-class Destroyer, number 4 - Hatsushimo
Hatsushimo (Retrofit)Description
Hatsushimo's retrofitting is complete. You don't think I look all that different? Oh, Commander, you're still as simple as ever~ I've changed in tons of ways beyond what's just on the surface. Heheheh~
Perennial JoyDescription
Cheers, Commander~ C'mere, you've got to enjoy the party too! If you're thinking of doing something tactless like running off to go back to work, people are going to get upset with you~
HP286 Reload72
Firepower11 Torpedo92
Evasion71 Anti-air27
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW46 Luck51
HP1329 Reload138
Firepower29 Torpedo236
Evasion241 Anti-air102
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW115 Luck54
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1127mm Mounted Gun
2Triple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: Hatsuharu-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock4 +1
Max LimitBreak8
Lv.1206 +1
Double TorpedoWhen this ship fires its Torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a second wave of Torpedoes.
Flank DefenseWhile this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG your Main Fleet takes by 5.0% (15.0%) . Does not stack with the same skill.
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Hatsuharu Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description初春级驱逐舰四番舰—初霜初春型駆逐艦四番艦・初霜Hatsuharu-class Destroyer, number 4 - Hatsushimo
Biography初春型驱逐舰初霜,隶属第21驱逐队,参加过大大小小的各种战役,几乎都没有受伤~可惜,最后运气还是差了一点呢…初春型駆逐艦初霜、かつて第二十一駆逐隊所属で色んな戦闘に参加した。大した怪我はしてなかったけど、まあ最後だけちょっとな…I am Hatsushimo of the Hatsuharu-class destroyers. I fought in many battles alongside the 21st Destroyer Division. Although I didn't really sustain many injuries, in the end, you know how it went...
Acquisition哎呀,别露出一副害怕的表情的嘛,我又不会把你吃了。对了,我是初春型的初霜,以后还请多多关照呢,呵呵~あら、そう怯えなさんな。食べたりしないからさ~あたいは初春型の初霜、これからよろしくな~あははOh my, what's with that scared expression? I won't bite~ I am Hatsushimo of the Hatsuharu class. I hope we can get along, ahaha~
Login现在才想起来自己还有事情要做吗?まだやるべきことがあるって今更思い出した?Did you only just realize that you still have work to do?
Details很好,看来还记得来见我的时间呢~会いに来る時間は覚えてるんだ~Excellent. You seem to have remembered our appointment~
Main比起专心工作,指挥官更注重的果然还是提高和女孩子们的好感度吧~お仕事より、女の子の好感度が気になったりしていない?Are you more concerned with your popularity among the girls than with your actual work?
Main 2雪风?不得不承认,是她的运气更好一点……雪風?あの子はもっと運がいいって事を認めないとね……Yukikaze? I must admit, she is the luckier one...
Main 3嗯哼?你刚刚——该不会是在工作时间发呆吧?あら?今――仕事中なのにぼーっとしてない?Huh? Right now... could you not space out while we still have work to do?
Touch想摸我的尾巴?我可不知道会有什么后果呢~シッポを触りたいって?どうなっても知らないからね~You want to touch my tail? Well, I can't promise you what happens next~
Touch (Special)呵呵呵…指挥官,很有勇气呢…ふふふ、指揮官は勇気あるわね…Ehehe... Commander, such a brave soul...
Mission不是吧,你居然还有任务没完成?ええ~まだ完了していない任務があるの~?Eeeh? Not even kids would leave those missions unfinished~ How lame!
Mission Complete应该还没注意到奖励还没领吧?既然这样的话……報酬はまだ受け取っていないって気づいていないよね~ふふ、それなら……Looks like nobody has noticed that the task rewards haven't been collected yet... Hehe, in that case...
Mail有你的信呢。要我帮你拆开吗?嘻嘻,放心吧,不收你报酬的~メールよ。開封してやろうか?ふふ、大丈夫、金は取らないからさ♪There's mail for you. Shall I open it for you? Hehe, don't worry, I won't charge you a cent♪
Return to Port大家辛苦了呢……啊,别误会了,我可没说你~みんなお疲れ~……あら、誤解しないでーあんたには言ってないからさ~Good work, everyone... Huh, don't get me wrong, I didn't say you~
Commission Complete我已经迫不及待地想看到被你放了鸽子的姐妹们脸上冷漠的样子了呢~あんたにほったらかしにされた~委託に出てたみんなの顔はどんなものか、知りたくなっちゃってね~I can't wait to see the icy faces of the girls who you stood up~
Enhancement感觉…勉勉强强吧~そこそこだな~I suppose that will do~
Flagship赶快解决掉吧!ちゃっちゃと片付けなさいな!Let's hurry up and get this done!
Victorymvp?不过如此嘛~MVP?こんなものね~MVP? It's only fitting~
Defeat可恶……到时候有你们好看的……うぅ……今に見ていなさいな!Ugh... I'll show you!
Skill可不要小瞧了我呢~見くびっては困るな~I'm being underestimated, whatever shall I do~?
Low HP嘁…和预想的有点不一样啊……ちっ、思ってたのとちょっと違うのね……Tsk... things didn't quite go as planned...
Affinity (Upset)可惜…指挥官已经没有嘲弄的价值了呢~残念…指揮官はもうバカにする価値すらなくなっちゃったな~What a pity... You're not even worth making fun of anymore~
Affinity (Stranger)你该不会对我有意思了吧?省省吧,都是徒劳的~あたいに気があるの?ないない、そんなの無理に決まっているじゃない~You wouldn't happen to have feelings for me, would you? Save your breath, there's not a chance in hell~
Affinity (Friendly)啊,难道你是打算攻略我吗?放弃吧,没可能的~あら、まさかあたいを「攻略」するつもり?ありえないから諦めなさいな~Oh, so you plan to "capture" me? Give up already, it's no use~
Affinity (Like)看不出来你还挺顽固的啊……那我就勉为其难地给你一些奖励吧。这可是初霜大人的特别膝枕,满怀感激地躺在上面吧!見かけによらず頑固なやつめ……ふん、仕方ないからご褒美をやるわ。初霜サマの膝枕よ。さあ、ありがたーく横になってなさいなWhat a stubborn fellow... Fine, I suppose I can give you a little reward. Here, this is the great Hatsushimo's lap pillow. Enjoy it while you can.
Affinity (Love)好吧,我是彻底败给你了呢~我认输了,从今天起,赐予你和我约会的权利吧。喂,该不会你连和女孩子约会都不会吧?はいはい、あたいの負けね~いいわ、今日からあんたにデートする権利をやるわ。…な、なによ。まさかデートもできないの……?Fine, fine, it's my loss~ I'll allow you to date me from now on. ... Don't tell me you don't even know how to date...?
Pledge戒指?哼,是平时被我嘲弄多了,现在想要反捉弄我一次?可惜,我可不会轻易上你的当~…等等,你是认真的吗?这,这……剧本不应该是这样的啊?指輪?ふーん、普段散々バカにされてた仕返しってわけ?残念、あたいはそんなちゃちなイタズラには……ほ、本気?ちょ、ちょっと……話が違うじゃん……///A ring? Hmph, are you trying to get back at me for all those times I mocked you? Too bad, I won't fall for that... Eh, seriously? W-w-wait, this isn't how the script is supposed to go... *blushes*
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Wakaba若叶,在雾中要多加留意啊Wakaba, be extra attentive when it's foggy.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description初霜,改造完成。似乎也没什么变化?指挥官,看来你还嫩着啊,很多东西光从外表是看不出来的哦?呵呵~初霜、改造完了よ。そう大きく変わってないって?指揮官、あいかわらずウブなこと~表面だけ見てわからないこともいっぱいあるわよ?フフHatsushimo's retrofitting is complete. You don't think I look all that different? Oh, Commander, you're still as simple as ever~ I've changed in tons of ways beyond what's just on the surface. Heheheh~
Acquisition初霜,改造完成。似乎也没什么变化?指挥官,看来你还嫩着啊,很多东西光从外表是看不出来的哦?呵呵~初霜、改造完了よ。そう大きく変わってないって?指揮官、あいかわらずウブなこと~表面だけ見てわからないこともいっぱいあるわよ?フフHatsushimo's retrofitting is complete. You don't think I look all that different? Oh, Commander, you're still as simple as ever~ I've changed in tons of ways beyond what's just on the surface. Heheheh~
Login哦呀?今天倒是很准时嘛。あら、今日は時間通りに来てるわねOh, you're on time today.
Details~来到这个港区,又得到了改造…看来我的运气也不算太差呢,呼呼~この母港に着任できて、改造までさせてもらえるなんて…あたいにもツキが回ってきたようね、ふふふBeing able to come to this port, and now even receiving a retrofit... Looks like my luck's not too bad, hehe~
Main初春姐姐也变得不那么怕生了啊,看来真的给了姐姐不少照顾呢~初春のあの「たいじんきょうふしょう」?も、少し治っているようね。面倒見てくれたみたいじゃないHatsuharu doesn't seem to be as scared of strangers anymore. Heh, looks like you've been taking good care of her~
Main 2嗯?你在盯着女孩子的哪里看呀~?真是个糟糕的指挥官ふん、どこを見ているの?いけない指揮官ねHmm, what are you staring at? Naughty Commander~
Main 3盯——嗯?我是在监督你哦,指挥官~这么轻易地就被干扰到的话可不行呢~じ――あら、これでも秘書艦として指揮官を監督しているつもりよ?簡単に注意をそらさないようにしなさいな*staaaare*... Oh, I'm just carrying out my secretary duties of observing you, Commander~ Don't let your mind wander so easily~
Touch哎呀,你就这么惦记我的尾巴么?算了,勉为其难地给你摸一会好了~このシッポがそんなに気になる?なら、触らせてあげようか?ありがたく思いなさいなInterested in my tail? Well, I guess I'll let you touch it. You'd better be grateful~
Touch (Special)想亲身体会下我从外表看不出的变化吗,指挥官~?見た目で分からない変化も、体験してみたいのかしら?指揮官?Do you want to experience for yourself... the less visible parts of me that have changed? Commander~?
Return to Port辛苦了…虽然想这么说,但是,指挥官要做的事情还有很多的样子呢,要加油哦~お疲れ~…と言いたいところだけど、まだやるべきことがたくさんあるようね。ふふ、頑張りなさいなGood job~ But... there's still a lot of work left to do. Hehe, do your best~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官,干杯~你也要好好享受宴会才行,要是这时还把我们晾在一边想着工作什么的,这么不解风情的话,可是会被讨厌的哦~?指揮官、乾杯~!ほら、あなたもパーティーを楽しみなさいな。あたいたちを差し置いて仕事のことを考えるなんて、空気を読まないと嫌われるわよ?Cheers, Commander~ C'mere, you've got to enjoy the party too! If you're thinking of doing something tactless like running off to go back to work, people are going to get upset with you~
Acquisition指挥官,干杯~你也要好好享受宴会才行,要是这时还把我们晾在一边想着工作什么的,这么不解风情的话,可是会被讨厌的哦~?指揮官、乾杯~!ほら、あなたもパーティーを楽しみなさいな。あたいたちを差し置いて仕事のことを考えるなんて、空気を読まないと嫌われるわよ?Cheers, Commander~ C'mere, you've got to enjoy the party too! If you're thinking of doing something tactless like running off to go back to work, people are going to get upset with you~
Details指挥官,要多注意那些容易落单的同伴哦。霞之类的……嗯?那孩子没关系?……是我多虑了?指揮官、ぼっちになりやすい子には気を配ってやりなさいな。霞とか……ん?あの子は大丈夫?……あたいの勘違いだってこと?Commander, please be mindful of the girls who tend to get lonely easily. Like Kasumi, for example... Hmm? She's perfectly fine? ...Was I misunderstanding something?
Main原来如此,这就是雷所谓的“创作料理”吧!…完全摸不着头脑!盐湖城,你怎么看?なるほど、これが雷が言ってた「そうさくりょうり」ね!……わけがわからないわ!ソルトレイクシティ、あんたは?I see, I see. So this is one of Ikazuchi's "creative dishes!" ...I have no freakin' clue what this is! Hey, Salt Lake City, how about you?
Main 2北方联合那群人究竟在喝什么…貌似不能深究呢北方連合の子たち、何を飲んでいるのかしら…気にしちゃいけなそうねI wonder what that stuff is that the Northern Parliament girls are always drinking... Feels like something I shouldn't look too deeply into.
Main 3糖果俄罗斯轮盘?哼哼,我是不可能中招的哦お菓子のロシアンルーレット?ふふん、あたい、こういうのでハズレは引かないわよRussian Roulette with candy? Hmm, count me in. I don't lose at this kind of stuff.
Touch虽然不及若叶和长波,不过我还是多少有些自信的哦~对于尾巴,呵呵呵~若葉や長波のほどではないけど、自信があるわよ~シッポのことだけど?ふふふThough I don't quite stack up compared to Wakaba and Naganami, I've got plenty of confidence when it comes to the size~ of my tail, of course. Heehee~
Mission诶诶~居然还有任务没完成~?今天稍微放放也没关系吧~ええ~まだ完了していない任務があるの~?今日ぐらいはほどほどにしなさいなYeah, yeah~ Still have unfinished work~? Nothing wrong with saving it for another day~
Mission Complete注意到任务奖励还没领了吗?報酬をまだ受け取っていないって気づいた?You know that you still haven't picked up the rewards, right?
Return to Port大家辛苦了~今天指挥官也很努力了,好好放松一下吧,呵呵~みんなお疲れ~今日はあんたのことも労ってやるわ。ありがたく喜びなさいな。ふふふGood work, everyone~ You've also been working hard today, Commander. Accept my gratitude and be thankful! Hehe~